Requesting to leave a scheduled shift five minutes or more before it is ...

Traditions Spirits Standard Operating Procedure Manual

Standard Operating Procedure: Attendance Policy

Location: ALL

Effective date: 11/7/13 Approval Date: 10/15/13

Revised Date:

I. PURPOSE: This document outlines the necessary requirements for attendance at Traditions Spirits.


A. For the purpose of this policy, the following term(s) shall have the definition(s) set out below, unless otherwise specified. 1. Excused Absences Include: a) Family Medical Leave b) Approved Leaves of Absence/Intermittent Leave c) Jury Duty d) Scheduled Annual Leave or Paid Time Off e) Military Duty f) Occupational Injury g) Bereavement h) Medical for Team member with doctor's note i) FMLA Approved - Medical for immediate family with doctor's note j) Early outs approved by management due to lack of work k) Other circumstances beyond the team member's control will be reviewed on a case by case basis by Human Resources. l) PTO: Paid Time Off, this is typically planned at least two-weeks in advance with management approval, but can also be used in cases of unexpected illness. It will not excuse the absence, if not approved in advance; this is for pay purposes only. 2. Late-In ? (Tardy) Clocking in more than 5 minutes after the start of a scheduled shift.

3. Early-out ? Requesting to leave a scheduled shift five minutes or more before it is scheduled to end. Leaving early without management's approval is considered job

abandonment. 4. Occurrences ? Late-In, Early-Out and Absences are counted as occurrences.

III. PROCEDURES: A. Team members have the following obligations to Traditions Spirits: 1. To be at work at least 15-minutes early. You will be required to be in uniform and ready for your shift at the time scheduled. 2. To attend to personal affairs and obligations outside of scheduled working hours. 3. To try and get a co-worker to cover the scheduled shift 4. To notify management as early as possible in the case of absence, but no later than two (2) hours before the start of the scheduled shift.

B. Notification Process: 1. When: The team member must contact the outlet at least two hours before their scheduled shift, when notifying their inability to work the shift.

SOP No: 45 Attendance Guidelines and Procedure 101513

Traditions Spirits Standard Operating Procedure Manual

2. Who: The team member will be provided with two phone numbers-one number to contact the outlet, directly, and one to contact the Manager. If the MOD is not available to take the call, the team member must leave a message at the outlet. E-mails and text messages are NOT acceptable.

C. Type Of Occurrence's:

1. Late-In Also known as "Tardy". Reporting to work more than five minutes after the

scheduled shift. This will count as ? of an occurrence. Reporting to work more than two hours late will be considered an unexcused absence. 2. Early-Out: Requesting to leave a scheduled shift five minutes or more before it is scheduled to end. This will count as ? of an occurrence. 3. Unexcused Absence: Notifying management of the inability to report to a scheduled shift, two hours or more before the beginning of that shift. This will count as one occurrence. 4. Improper Notification: Notifying management of the inability to report to a scheduled shift, LESS than two hours before the beginning of that shift. This will count as an additional ? of an occurrence. 5. Blackout Dates: Notifying management of the inability to report to a scheduled shift on a blackout date, two hours or more before the beginning of that shift. This will count as two occurrences. 6. Excused Absence: Notifying management of the inability to report to a scheduled shift, two hours or more before the beginning of that shift. Prior to the team member's next scheduled shift he/she will provide a doctor's note for an excused absence; it shall be accompanied with a receipt of service correlating with the doctor's note. Both forms of verification are required for the absence to be considered excused. 7. NCNS: (No Call, No Show) Failure to report to work for a scheduled shift or to notify management of absence within two-hours after the scheduled shift has begun. First occurrence will count as five occurrences and result in a three (3) day suspension. The second occurrence will result in termination, be considered job abandonment and the team member's voluntary resignation of employment. 8. Team members who are absent for three (3) or more consecutive days must provide documentation or a doctor's note releasing them in order to return to work.

I. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN (PIP) ? INTRODUCTORY PERIOD If a team member is within the ninety (90) day introductory period and four occurrences of unexcused absences, late-in or early outs will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including Termination. 1st written Warning will be given after the third occurrence notifying the team member the next unexcused absence, late-in or early out will result in Termination.

IV. EXCESSIVE ABSENTEEISM AND EXCESSIVE EXCUSED ABSENCES Due to the key role that each of our team members plays in the performance of their duties, it is necessary to address excessive absenteeism and excessive excused absences. Each team member is expected to work their scheduled shifts. When the department is understaffed it creates a hardship for fellow team members and affects the level of customer service. Therefore, each team member must understand that it is possible for a team member to compile a record of unexcused absences and/or excused absences (without exceeding limitations imposed on this procedure) which would reflect a pattern of unreliability and establish the fact the team member in not suited for continual employment with our organization. Additionally, other exceptions may be required due to extenuating circumstances. However, expectations will be limited to ensure consistent and fair treatment to each of our team members. Since these situations vary on a case by case basis, they will be handled in close coordination with the Human Resources Department. The appropriate corrective action will take place in partnership with the Department Manager and Human Resources to ensure consistency with application of this procedure.

SOP No: 45 Attendance Guidelines and Procedure 101513

Traditions Spirits Standard Operating Procedure Manual

I. ATTENDANCE DISCIPLINARY ACTION: If the team member has accumulated three or more occurrences within any six-month rolling period, the team member will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination as described below:

Occurrences 3 4 5 5

6 7 8 9


Disciplinary Action Verbal warning with counseling Verbal warning with counseling Written Verbal warning with counseling NCNS=Written warning with three day suspension without pay Written warning Written warning Personal Improvement Plan Final written warning with three day suspension without pay Termination of employment

V. REFERENCE(S): Traditions Spirits Standard Operation Procedure Attendance Log

SOP No: 45 Attendance Guidelines and Procedure 101513


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