BUNNELL/BONNELL NEWSLETTER___________ Edited by Carole (Guthrie) Bonnell

P 0 Box 4282 - Spanaway WA. 98338 Assisted by Ten (Beckwith) Bonnell

22717 41 AVE Ct E. Spanaway, WA 98387 (253) 847-2357

Published to Assist in Sharing Family Records, Research & Genealogy Vol. 12 # 4

$ 12.00 yr. Donation' 4 Quarterly Issues (Feb, May, Aug, Nov.) November 1998

FREE Queries to Subscribers



Editors Comments continued–part II

56 Queries & Answers to Queries #45-48 62 Issac Bunnell Estate 1836-by Charlotte Stewart

58 Vermont Legislature Honors Judge Bunnell 63 Salt Lake City LDS FHC Research

59 Direct Lines of Subscribers 64 Book on Bunnell/Bonnell at FHC Library

59 E-mail addresses of Subscribers 66-67 Allegany Co BY, Eastern WA state-Bunnells

61 Obituaries 68 Computer Research Info & Addresses

69-72 Member E-mail & home Address 72 Canadian Prof Studies Genealogists

Editors suggestion: Share your copy with your local Library or Historical Society, if they don’t receive it. You are welcome to make a copy of the paper–This is a Not For Profit paper to help gather family information–the more circulation the better. At this time, Jan 1997 forward, it is not copyrighted by me…

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! By the time you receive this issue, you will probably be recovering from that 'huge' dinner you had for Thanksgiving or resting from the 'mad' Thanksgiving weekend sales for Christimas. Where did this year go?

Here we are on the last issue of the year. It seems we just began. We're still learning with each issue. I am finding new and (sometimes frustratingly) different tasks my computer can do - besides erase my work...... I don't know now how I ever worked without one. My typewriter is gathering dust and I resent having to plug it in, type up a form for our business customers or resale certificate for our wholesalers. My bottle of' whiteout is drying up in it's little container for lack of use.

Our Holiday Wish to you is for everyone to gain at least two new relatives before the year ends. We hope your searches are successful ones and that it will bring you closer than ever to your family, immediate and passed on. Enjoy the Holidays and share your research with family and distant relatives. Read in this issue part of a letter to my sister in law and "be patient' for answers to your letters, sometimes you get lucky.

Let me also apoligize for this late issue. We came back from Salt Lake late Monday night to find my husband had been sick all week and I also had Thansgiving dinner preparations to do. Hopefully you were too busy this weekend to notice the newsletter wasn't there. Included in this issue is the last part of the 1836 Court Records of Isaac Bunnell begun in last issue from Charlotte Stewart, a few obituaries, more Direct Lines and some research from the November '98 trip to Salt Lake City. The last three pages contain subscribers addresses and e-mail addresses if you wish to remove that part from the newsletter.

ATTENTION! 1999 Newsletter Publishing Donation: $ 12.00 due by Jan 15 to insure uninterupted subscription. Make all checks payable to Carole Bonnell - PO Box 4282 - Spanaway, WA 98387. Thanks to those of you who have already renewed for 1999. First issue for 1999 will be mailed Feb. 25.

INDEX to Information received: Exchanging Information:

As I receive subscriptions, there are also letters or queries on different lines. As I find the same names, with the help of Teri Bonnell, sistcr-in-law, and good friend, who has offered to help me, we will try to alert others tracing the same names in the line and urge them to contact each other for exchanging information. Send in information you want shared or printed.

Descendancy Narrative of Isaac BUNNELL Loyalist-10 Pgs and

Descendancy Chart of Gershom Bunnell - 7 pages from Author of "Thunder Over New England" - Paul Bunnell

Bonnell/Bunnells from 1990 Telephone books of New Hampshire extracted by Clifton C Cilley

Article about Judge Vicki Bunnell with portrait and Award, 2 stories - from Clifton C Cilley

(Judge Vick-i) BunneM Award Winner, Jan Coriiss - from Clifton C Cilley

Crazy Al (Henry Bunnell) On the Trail–from Clifton Cilley–All Bunnell of NH certificate from Appalachian Mt club. Son of

Horation Nelson, Alva, Horatio, Seth, Jesse, Hezekiah, Hezekiah, Benj, Wm. & Ann Wilmot Bunnell–2 pg

The Frick Family Returns for a Visot–May 27, 1998–includes Evan Bunnell, dtr of Nelson & Enis Bunnell, desc. from Nelson, Orrin Nelson, Horation Nelson, Seth, Jesse, Hezekiah, Hezekiah, Benj. William & Ann Wilmot Bunnell–from Clifton Cilley

Research Gathered, INDEX; in each issue, so you can contact the newsletter, or the computer of the information. I would like to encourage subscribers to contact each other and share information. There is an enormous pile of gathered information in our files that did us little or no good, but may be a major breakthrough for someone else.

Sharing Research Information: We all have research we have collected over the years that didn't help us but may help others in their research. Claude Bunnell has a very large data base full of Bunnells of every spelling that he has coollected over the years and has used Proven Sources, such as Birth, Death and Marriage, etc. He has generously offered to answer queries and share his information. He asks that, if you would, send him proven sources you have collected of Birth, Death. Marriage, etc. to add to his research for sharing with the rest of us. Send queries to me. I will print them in the newsletter and forward them to him, if you haven’t already. He will send you (and me) a copy of his answer. But....please, the query is for all of us to try to answer and add to if we can. If I receive the answer in time, I'll print it with the query.

Corrections: August issue 1998 Vol 12, # 3, page 50 - Wm Austin says error in line 4 of letter from Richard B. Bunnell. "Nathaniel Bu(o)nnell was the great uncle of Solomon Bunnell (1), not his brother. Nathaniel was the younger son of the immigrant William, while Solomon was William"s great grandson." FYI: The material Richard sent in on the Intermarriages of Overfields & Bunnells, Harriet Adelia Overfield and Albert Funnell, William Overfield's Family Record, and Mrs. Rebecca Keeler Bunnell - Davis - Teacher, were written by Mary Harriet (Overfield) (France) Rice. She was born in 1837 and died in 1925. For many years she was the official historian of the Bunnell/Overfield Reunion of Wyoming County, PA."

"Her manuscript Overfield History was typed for the Troy Historical Society of Troy, OH, and for my own files. I enclose copies of the title pages and preface added by the Troy Society, as well as copies of the pages from which the above articles were taken. Note that I have included the second page of the article Overfield and Albert Bunnell which concludes the article."

"Through the generosity of Marian Biles, Green, NY, I was able to acquire a photocopy Rice compiled for the Bunnell Reunion I enclose a copy of the article she composed and read at the first Bunnell reunion in1905 on the Intermarriages of the Bunnells and Overfields. It goes on into the third generation. I thought you might like to see her beautiful handwriting." (it is a very beautiful, readable handwriting and will be in the next issue, editor)


Queries are FREE to subscribers. (10 cents a word, $4 minimum for non subse.) Keep them brief, they will be published as received and as room permits Claude Bunnell will be sent all queries to cheek in his database, but we want readers to also add to the answers here. Please feel free to write the addresses at the end of the query or the newsletter with your reply. Claude Bonnell, 408 23rd St., Ocean City, NJ 08226 (Summer Address CB#= in Claude’s Database.

Answer to previous queries.

44. August from Alan Vincent - printout sent him by William Austin back to Wm. Bunnell the immigrant, including every bit of infor. he had on them.


45. BEAL. BONNELL. BURNELL. KEEN(E). SMITH Searching for the parents of John Bonnell (1778 GA cl855 Lake City, FL) and his wife (name unknown). This John Bonnell (also spelled Bumell) had a son, John Bonnell, who Married Caroline Beal circa 1837/38. Their daughter, Celita (also spelled Seleta) was born 1 Nov 1850 in Colubia county, FL and died there 4 Feb 1934. Seleta Bonnell married Perry Owen Keen (1860-1928) and their daughter Judia Keen (1879-1979), wed James Gordon Keene 30 May 1897. their daughter, Eva Louise Keene (1905-1974)1 married my father, Charles Smith, 12 Feb 1933 in Putnam Co., FL, where I was bom 7 Aug 1943. I would appreciate any family information. 'Robbie' Robert L. Smith, PO Box 217. Lake Como, FL 32157. - (new subscriber)


Peter Bunnell, Jeremiah Bunnell, William Bunnell, Jonathan Bunnell, Samuel Bunnell & to be brothers & sister. In Mercer Co., Ky before 1790. A prospective father just may be William Bunnell Co, VA. (1790). Does anyone have any proof? John Grady, 4218 Oxfall Rd.. Spring. TX 77368.

47. Query Letter from William Austin

November 2, 1998 Letter to Carols from William R. Austin, past editor of Newsletter

Here is a puzzle for your readers. Perhaps someone can throw more light on it. If this suggestion turns out to be right, it changes several generations of the Bonnell line for quite a few people:

— In working up my material for the genealogy of William Bunnell's first five generations of descendants, I came to DAVID ELIAS BONNELL CB300147, son of David and Hannah (Thompson) Bonnell. In this case, as in all the others, my approach is to gather together every reference I can find. For David Elias that added up to some 30 or so references.

As I studied these, I noticed that every record made in his lifetime referred to him as David Bonnel or Bonnell, sometimes even Bunnel, but not once as David Elias Bonnell. This David had a son Elias, but it does not appear that he ever used Elias as part of his own name.

The earliest record I have that shows him as David Elias was sent to me in 1962 by Iva Bunnell Adams, Midway, UT, his great great granddaughter She based her information on family records and extensive research done by her aunt Rosetta (Bunnell) Halliday (1854-1921), with the help of professional genealogists.

Her Family Group Sheet for David Elias lists her sources in a code which I haven't been able to break. Can anyone explain these references and /or obtain copies of them for me?:

Family Records F UT M(or 11)38

F UtM 2b 43 Vol l p 162

N.J. Pub. B Vol 5 p 9 N.J. M.

2b N.J. 1 vol 37, p 385

Research in New Jersey

In any case, David's name has been placed in the records as David Elias, and it has been repeated that way many times, including several references to him that I made myself in the Bunnell/Bonnell Newsletter. See Vol. Ill, No. 2 p. 7, and vol. VIII, No. 3, p. 37.

Middle names are very rare at this period of our history. In fact, this is the only instance of a middle name in this family in the first five generations. There were a very few middle names in the next generation.

Unless some more definitive source turns up, I plan to drop Elias from this David's name in my work.

Then, as I proceeded, a more significant question came up. Based on David's gravestone in the Hilltop Cemetery, Mendham, NJ, which says he died at age 60 on 27 August 1800, his birthdate has been calculated as about 1739/40, and it usually appears that way. The one source that did not work backwords from death date to birth date was American Families of Historic Lineage - Long Island Edition, (updated, but probably published in the 1920's). This lists the birth of David Bonnel, son of David and Hannah (Thompson) Bonnel as "about 1848". Hannah died the following year. This account has no further reference to David, Jr., and no source is given for the information.

Then I remembered another David Bonnell CB300191, son of Isaac, born 24 February 1739 in Elizabethtown, NJ. This comes from the Bible record listing all of Isaac's children. See Newsletter Vol. V, No. 1, p. 6.1 can't find any other mention of this David. Certainly he could have died in infancy, but I wonder if maybe it was the other David, born about 1748, who died young, and this David, son of Isaac, who married Temperance Wade and ultimately died in Mendham in 1800.

There are too many pieces of this puzzle missing, but I find no contemporary record which makes one identification more likely than the other. I would be glad to correspond with anyone who wishes to dig deeper into this matter. All of the Descendants of David and Temperance (Wade) Bonnel would have a different lineage: :

William Bunnell Instead of William Bunnell

Nathaniel Bonnell Nathaniel Bonnell

Nathaniel Bonnell Joseph Bonnell

Isaac Bonnell David Bonnell

David (Elias ?) Bunnell David (Elias?) Bunnell (cont on next page)

Carole, if you can find room for all that in the Newsletter, it might stir up some helpful discussion. Right now I am leaning to the change but am reluctant to do so without more information. Sincerely, Bill, William RJ Austin


A Stephen Bunnell fought in the War of 1812. Who was he?

If only this were the rule, rather than the exception - read on

Part of a Letter to June (Pierce) Guthrie Dec 23,1994

Dear Julie;

Today I received a letter you mailed to Philip J (James) Garn at 1627 Emerson Ave. in Salt Lake City. That is my father, he died at age 83 in 1981. I am Philip C (Graham—like in Washington) Garn. The pedigree Charts you found in the LDS Gen. Lib. with Dad's name on them must have been old ones. etc. etc.

1 am amazed your letter reached me. It was mailed to my parents home at 1627 Emerson. The mail carrier who delivers that route has been there since dirt was young. He knew I lived in Arizona (1 moved here in 1983), bin he also knew that I owned a home just two streets away at 1666 Browning Ave. in Salt Lake City (he has forwarded Dad's mail to me at that address for some time after his death.) what he didn't know was that I became tired of being an absentee landlord and sold that house two years ago. Anyway, he forewarded your letter to me at my old address.

Even though that house is just two residential streets from my parent's home, and it only takes two minutes to walk from one to the other, the mail is on a different route and comes out of a different post office sub-station. Your letter went back into the black hole of the postal system and was delivered to the people who bought my old home They recognized my name and knew I grew up in that neighborhood, so it wasn't hard for them to find someone who knew me. Also, the realtor they bought my house through was a personal friend so they got his address and mailed your letter to him. That friend put your letter in a new envelope and mailed it to me here in Arizona. Ahhh, if it were only thai simple! I was traveling for over a month so I had the Tempe post office foreword my mail to me c/o another friend in California where I would receive it to pay bills and take care of business matters. Off your letter went to California, but it missed me there and was sent back to Arizona where I received it today. Simple huh?

I wish you luck in your research, at least as much luck as your letter had in reaching me.

Sincerely, Phil G Gam


By Karen Harrington (sent in by Clifton C Cilley)

The Vermont Legislature honored Vickie Bunnell on March 12 by adopting a resolution in her memory. The joint Senate and House of Representatives resolution was introduced by Canaan Rep. William Johnson, Guildhall Rep. Janice Peaslee, and Northfield Rep. Alan Weiss.

The resolution notes that Ms. Bunnell spent her childhood in Canaan and attended Canaan schools, and that she received her law degree with honors from the University ofPuget Sound in Tacoma, WA, before returning home to work with Attorney Phil Waystack in Colebrook. (NH) -

"She hung out her own shingle in Colebrook, quietly establishing a practice dedicated |to cases involving child custody, adoption, family abuse, sexual abuse, and victim's rights." The resolution reads, and goes on to note that Ms. Bunnell was appointed as the first woman associate judge to the Colebrook District Court by then Governor Steve Men-ill.

The resolution calls the loss of Ms. Bunnell "Immeasureable", and extends the General! Assembly's condolences to her family The Secretary of State was directed to send a copy of the resolution to her parents^ Earl & Irene (Roberts) Bunnell of Canaan. March 25,1998-News & Seminal, Colebrook,'NH



Direct Lines are submitted by subscribers. We, the publishers, do not confirm or deny the accuracy of those lines. They are to be used as 'clues, not confirmed sources' and you are encouraged to contact the submitter to make corrections, additions, or to acquire the source for this information. Please send a copy to the Newsletter for our files and for publishing. We will publish all corrections in the next issue of the Newsletter. This will be an ongoing effort - any additions or corrections on the lines already submitted & printed in previous newsletters will be published again, in 'FULL', in the next issue with the correction-addition. Put Names on ALL Pages!!

[pic]Direct Line Submitted by Charlotte Stewart, 106 Cambria Ave., Windber, PA 15963

Isaac BUNNELL & Catherine– George Allen BLAIR Frances Cynthia McCOLLUM

Samuel BUNNELL & 1) Lincoln Leroy BLAIR & Jean Margaret RUNNINGER

Isaac BUNNELL & Eleanor CANNON *Charlotte B. Blair & Robert Wilson STEWART

Eleanor BUNNELL & Daniel T. NICKLIN b. 1847

Direct Line Submitted by Mary Bonnell (Wm. Austin, Obit this issue from Guthrie Pratt, also)


Benjamin BUNNELL & Rebecca MALLORY Julius BUNNELL & Sarah A TRACEY

Hezekiah BUNNELL & Ruth PLUMB Lewis J BUNNELL & Marcia ---

Hezekiah BUNNELL & Esther BRISTOL William BUNNELL & Ethel V KINDLE

Nathaniel BUNNELL & Thankful SPENCER *Mary BUNNELL & ---VARGO

Nathaniel BUNNELL & ------ -------

Direct Line of Ruth Vanderslice – correction; by Wm Austin


Nathaniel BONNELL & Susannah WHITEHEAD Joanna BONNELL & Andrew/Henry LYTLE

Nathaniel BONNELL & Mary SEARING

Nathaniel BONNELL & Joanna MILLER

John BONNELL & Sarah CARTER *Ruth & Vanderslice


Wm. Austin: “3rd Nathaniel Bonnell wife Joanna Miller–not Sarah CARTER, who was the wife of his son John. Joanna, daughter of Mahlon and Sarah (Oliver) Bonnell, married Andrew (or Henry?) LYTLE, but I have no record of their children.”

this may have been editorial typing error. sorry)

People Listed Below; Please Submit Your Direct Line to the Bunnell/Bonnell Newsletter Beginning with your earliest Bonnell/Bunnell etc. and ending with yourself or your descendants: Carol Arnold, Jean C Bevis, Alien T. Bonnell, Mrs Bert M. Bonnell, Gayle F. Bonnell, George C. Bonnell, Marion E. Bonnell, Pat & Ken Bonnell, Ronald D Bonnell, Virginia & Gerald E Bonnell, W. L & Mary Bonnell, Jean Brewer, Phyllis G. Brunk, Chuck & Laura Bunnell, Ellsworth Bunnell, J. Richard Bunnell, James E. Bunnell, Jane Bunnell, Pat & Chas E. Bunnell, Paul J Bunnell, Ralph C. Bunnell, Richard Bunnell, Lyda Cloud, Jack P Dean, Geneva Draper, Ruthelle Finnerty, N. Lynn Gaines, Thomas Hill, Bette J. Jones, Karen Kiefel, William Koeber. Gwen Quickel,, Carolyn Rankin, Lorna Ray, Emma & John Ray, Mildred Roth, Becky Rutledge, Dorothy Scharwat, Althea Statum, Barbara Stratton, Shirley Stone, Marion Swinden, & David Wilson. (Your name on all pages. Please!) ***


William Austin has kindly offered to review each Direct Line you submit, with the information he has at hand, before they are published. You can send them directly to him with a request that he forward them to me, a soon as possible, for publication in the Newsletter. I understand his concern for accuracy. But, I do not have the resources or files, therefore, am not in a position to make the corrections on information sent me. (As William Austin did in previous issues. Unless it is something I have researched myself.) I can only print what is sent and hope it will be appreciated or challenged by other readers. Some are proven before submission to the paper, some are not. Before using this as FACT, check with compiler as to their sources. Send to Wm. R. Austin @ PO Box 62, Laceyville, PA. 18623-0062

The New National Enquirer - Nov. 24,1998 -from Teri Bonnell

Poor 1970's rocker of the group 'America' is said to have looked like he was trampled by a “Horse With No Name" when his wife found out he was having an affair and pushed him down a flight of stairs in a bloody divorce brawl. Dewey Bunnell, had eight stitches to close up the gash in his head. His wife Vivian was arrested and the couple are headed for divorce court. Vivian, his wife of 26 years, said the marriage was ending. The band "America" is having its first hit single in 16 years. Other hits were: "Ventura Highway", and "Sister Golden Hair" and " From a Moving Train.”


When sending in Obituaries, please include name of newspaper, date, page and column.

MARY BONNELL VARGO - Service for Tullio Towers resident will be Monday, (see direct line section)

Mary M. Bonnell Vargo, 84, a resident of Tullio Towers, 21 W. Ninth St., died Friday July 24, 1998, at Metro Health Center. She was born Nov. 16, 1913, in Erie, daughter of the late William and Ethel Kindle Bonnell. She is survived by a sister, Caroline Durst of Erie, and several nieces and nephews, (see sister's obit below)

Friends may call at Chester S. Schaal Funeral Home, 550 West 9th Str., Monday from 1 pm. until a service there at 2 pm. The Rev. Richard J. Schultz of St. Pauls's Lutheran Church will officiate.

Burial will be a Laurel Hill Cemetery. The Week Ender, Erie (PA) Times News, Sal. July 25, 1998.

Thank you Guthrie Pratt, Erie PA.


Member of Bethel Baptist Church. Dorothy A Bunell Guthrie, 73, died Monday Oct. 21, 1996, at Fairview Manor Nursing Home. She was bom in Erie (PA) July 7,1923, daughter of the late William & Ethel Kindle Bunell. She was a member of Bethel Baptist Church.

Mrs. Guthrie worked at American Sterillizer Co, until her retirement. She was preceded in death by her first Husband, Louis Waiter, a son, Louis Waiter, a brother, Carl Bunell, and a sister, Betty Eldred.

Survivors include a daughter, Dorothy Overmoyer of Fairview; three sons, Ronald Guthrie of St. Cloud, FL., George Guthrie and Howard Guthrie, both of Erie; two sisters, Mary Vargo and Carolyn Durst, both of Erie; 17 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Friends may call at the Chester S Schaal Funeral Home, 550 W. 9th Str. Erie (PA), today and Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and attend a funeral service there Thursday at 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. Bruce Sabados officiating.

Burial will be at Laurel HILL Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Bethel Baptist Church. 1781 W. 38th Str., Erie, PA 16508 Erie Daily Times. Erie. PA Tues. Oct 22. 1996 -from Guthrie Pratt


- Bedford- Lawrence E. Damon, 78, died Sept 26, 1998, at his residence after a brief illness. Born in Northumberland, Aug. 23, 1920, he was the son of Ernest & Phyllis (Bunnell) Damon. He had been a Bedford resident the past 25 years. Mr. Damon was a cabinet maker and worked many years at Hermsdorf Fixture Manufacturing Co.

He served in the Army during World War II. He was married to Gerturde A. (Ellen) Damon, who died last July. Family members include a brother, Kenneth Damon of Sterling Heights, MI., Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, Lambert Funeral Home - 1799 Elm St., Manchester, is in charge of arrangements. . Lawrence Damon desc, from Phyllis Bunnell, Philip E & Nellie E Jordan. Thomas W. Philip, Abel. Jesse, Hezekiah, Hezekiah, Benjamin, William and Ann (Wilmot) Bunnell.

Colebrook NH. Sept 1998 from Clifton Cilley (Sorry I missed your call last week)


Allenstown - Mrs. Thelma B. (Bonnell) Wright, 93, formerly of Hooksett and the Suncook Pond Apt. died Oct 29, 1998 at the Merimack County Nursing Home in Boscawen after a long illness.

The daughter of Harry & Flora (Abbott) Bonnell, Mrs. Wright was bom on April 17, 1905 in Somerville, Mass. she had lived in Chattanooga, Tenn., prior to moving to New Hampshire where she had lived in Hooksett for more than 25 years and then in Allentown since 1988.

At one time she had been employed by Mammoth Mills in Manchester. She was a member of and a volunteer at a Senior Citizens Center in Allenstown where she sold her handmade crafts, she was also a member of the Suncook United Methodist Church and its choir.

She was the widow of Rankin Wright, who died this year in May and to whom she had been married for 56 years. The family includes a son, Duncan MacLean of Largo, Fla., a daughter, Mariam Hays of Flintstone, GA.; six grandchildren: 10 great grandchildren; two sisters, Dorothy Smith of Leesburg, Fla., and Frances Fanning of Shaftsbury, Vt.; and nieces and nephews.

Services: Funeral services will be Saturday, Nov. 7 at 11 a.m. at the Suncook United Methodist Church in Pembroke. The Rev. Randall Scheri, pastor, will officiate. Friends and relatives may call prior to the service from 10 to 11 am. at the church. Following the burial in Head Cemetery, Hooksett, a reception to celebrate Mrs. Wright’s life will be held at the Suncook United Methodist Church.

Continued from Aug. 1998- Newsletter Vol 12 # 3 (last issue)

Record Book H, Common Pleas Court of Guernsey County Ohion - October Term 1836

copied and transcribed from the original - June 1998 by Charlotte Blair Stewart of Windsor. PA

Page 84

A. D. 1836 Robert Campbell, J.G. Morton, Richard Scott- -Filed viz.-Commission J.F. Morton, 3 days $3.11-Robert Campbell, 2 days -$ 2.00; Richard Scoot (Scott?), 2 days- $2.00 - Surveyor Otho Brashear 2|days -$ 4.00. Chainmen, Levi Carter 2 days $ 1.50, Sam'1 Miller, 2 days $ 1.50. Total $ 14.00 and the same being examined it is ordered that said proceedings and report be and the same an hereby approved and confirmed and therefore neither of the parties electing to take said estate at the valuation, thereof, as returned by said Commissioners. On motion of the petition of__. that said estate be sold at public auction by the sheriff of said county of Guernsey, according to the statute in such case made and provided and therefore on motion this cause was continued until the next term of court of Common Pleas at and in the court house of the county of Guernsey aforesaid to be held.

AND AFTERWARDS, to wit; on the 20th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and thirty six, following order of sale was issued to the sheriff to wit: the State of Ohio, Guernsey County Court or Common Pleas, July Term 1836 Petition, July 6th 1836 - On motion to the Court by Mr. Bell, counsel for the petitioners and upon producing the proceedings of the Sheriff and the report and proceedings of the Commissioners therein before appointed and the same being examined, it is ordered that said proceedings and report be made the same is hereby approved and confirmed and thereupon neither of the parties electing to take the said estate at the valuation thereof, as returned by said commissioner. On motion of the petitioners, it is ordered that said estate lying and being in said county of Guernsey, aforesaid, that is to say, the northwest quarter of section fourteen in township three, and Range one, of the unappropriated lands in the military district and containing one hundred and sixty acres more or less. Also the South west quarter of section fourteen in township three and Range one of the unappropriated lands in the military district excepting so much of the last named quarter section as is included in the town plat of the town of Winchester, which was laid off on the said quarter section and which town plat is supposed to contain about fifteen acres. The quarter section exclusive of said town plat being estimated to contain 145 acres, more or less. Also the lots numbered three, four, thirty-seven and thirty-eight in the Town of New Winchester, aforesaid, be sold at public auction by the sheriff of said county of Guernsey according to the statue in such case made and provided. Moses Sarcket, clerk of the court of common pleas for said county of Guernsey, etc. Hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the order of sale made in the above cause, at the term aforesaid, of said county. Seal. given under my hand and the seal of said court this 20th day of July A. D. 1836. Moses Sarcket, CLK.

AND AFTERWARDS, to wit: at the next term of the Court of Common

Pg. 85

Pleas aforesaid, continued and held at and in the court house of the county of Guernsey aforesaid on the 5th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. Now, motion to the Court by Mr. Bell counsel for the petitioners and upon producing the proceeding of the sheriff and the sale by him made in pursuance of a former order of the court, which proceedings was a follows to wit: "Sheriff Sale, by virtue of order to me directed made by the Court of Common pleas for the County of Guernsey in the State of Ohio at their July Term 1836". In the petition for partition, wherein Philo T. Bonnell, George W. Bonnell, Theodore M. Bonnell, Sarah Thomas, William Carlisle and James Spence, Jr. were demandants and Catharine Bonnell, widow of Isaac Bonnell, dec'd and the Samuel Bonnell, Jacob Shipman and Mary, his wife, John Bonnell, William Bonnell, John Dillon and Sarah his wife, John Wherry and Catharine his wife and Andrew F. Linn and Nancy his wife, were defendants. Shall sell at Public Auction at the door of the Court House in the Town of Cambridge in said Guernsey County of Saturday the 10 day of September, 1836 between the hours of 10 AM. and 4 P.M., the following real estate situated in said county of Guernsey-that is to say-The northwest quarter of section fourteen in township three, and Range one, of the unappropriated lands in the military district and containing 160 acres more or less. Also the South west quarter of section fourteen in township three and Range one of the unappropriated lands in the military district, excepting so much of the last named quarter section as is included in the town plat of the town of New Winchester, which was laid off on said quarter section and which town plat is supposed to contain about fifteen acres. The said quarter section exclusive of said town plat being estimated to contain 145 acres, more or less. Also the lots numbered 3,4, 37 and 38 in the Town of New Winchester aforesaid, subject to the dower of Catharine Bonnell, widow of Isaac Bonnell, deceased, as the same has been set off and assigned to her and including the remainder after the detemination of said dower estate; John Beymer, Sheriff, July 6, 1836. Received this writ August 4th 1836 and in pursuance of the command thereof and having caused public notice of the time and place of sale to be given for

at least 30 days before the day of sale by advertisement in the "Guernsey Times: a newspaper printed in the town of Cambridge, Guernsey county Ohio (a copy of which advertisement is hereto annexed). I did on the 10th day of September

1835 at the court house, in said Guernsey County, at public auction sell the tracts of land and town lots described in the within order and annexed advertisement, as follows-that is to say- The said North West quarter of section fourteen in township three and range one of the unappropriated lands in the military district containing 100 acres more or less to William Bonnell.


for the sum of sixteen hundred and thirty five dollars ($1635) for the South west quarter of section fourteen in township three and Range one of the unappropriated lands in the military district, excepting so much of the last named quarter section as is included in the town plat of the town New Winchester, which was laid off on the said quarter section and which town plat is supposed to contain about fifteen acres. The said quarter section exclusive of said town plat being estimated to contain 145 acres, more or less to the said William Bonnell for the sum of Seventeen hundred and sixty five dollars ($1765) which said two tracts of land were so sold subject to the down of Catharine Bonnell, widow of Isaac Bonnell deceased, as the same has been set off and assigned to her, and including the remainder after the determination of said dower estate, the said in lot number three in the town of New Winchester to the said William Bonnell, for the sum of seventeen dollars ($17). The said in lot number four in the said town of New Winchester, to the said William Bonnell for the sum of twenety one dollars and fifty cents ($21.50); The said in lot number thirty seven in the said town of New Winchester to John Fordyce for the sum of eight dollars ($8) and the said in lot number thirty eight in the said town of New Winchester to John Fordyce for the sum of six dollars and seventy-five cents ($6.75) said sum being in each case more than two third the appraised value and the highest and best bid made therefor. My fees $ 74.43 viz; Advertisement $ 5.37; Poundage $ 69.06- October 3rd

1836 John Beymer, Sheriff of the county of Guernsey in the state of Ohio." And the same being examined it is ordered that said proceedings and sale be and the same is hereby approved, confirmed and thereupon as appearing that the consideration money of said estate has not been paid by said purchasers into the hands of the sheriff, it is ordered that the sheriff on receiving payment of the consideration money or taking sufficient security therefore, to the satisfaction of the court execute and deliver to each of said purchasers, a deed in fee simple for the part of said estate so sold him, and it is further ordered that out of the same consideration money, the said sheriff pay the costs and expenses of this suit, amounting to One hundred and fourteen dollars and fourteen cents and that he distribute the residue of said money or securities between the said parties, according to their just rights and propositions.

Thanks Again. Charlotte B Stewart

SALT LAKE CITY–Information Gathered Nov 16-23, 1998

My sister in law, Julie (Pierce) Guthrie and I went to Salt Lake, leaving on a stormy Monday Nov. 16, from Sea-Tac Airport (Ten couldn't make this trip) We spent a great week there in beautiful weather (though we saw it only on the way to and from the Library.) The trip on the plane home was quite an experience. We left SLC with 40 miles per hour winds making the plane rock and roll half the way- On the way over Sea-Tac airport (Seattle Tacoma) my sister in law closed the window so she couldn't watch the plane shift and pitch as the wings seemed to flop up and down. We were delayed in landing due to 40 mile per hour winds here, also. We circled the airport and I was certain the plane was going to roll completely over. The wings looked as though they were going to hit the landing pavement as it pitched back and forth a very short distance from the ground! If you've ever been to an IMAX film of the Grand Canyon or at one of the Star Wars films in Las Vegas, with the seats moving as the film moved, you know what I'm talking about- I hate to fly, though I do a bit of it. And in my mind I know it is one of the fastest and safest ways to travel, but my body just won't listen. I get motion sick watching'a film of movement.

We were told the ground crew couldn't let us land for 15 more minutes after approaching Sea-Tac Airport. So we 'churned away' in the air above until we got the okay to land. Everyone got off the plane a bit sick to our stomachs from the turbulent movement of the plane and the anxiety of what could have happened. We were told that just before we came in, the power had gone out in the airport and it had been closed down. It was closed again shortly after we landed.

All Our trips to Salt Lake have always been memorable; One trip we took in August had temperatures of 105 degrees in Salt Lake. One plane’s tires melted into the pavement on the runway. Another trip in January found us in five feet of snow. We were kept up many nights by the "beeping' sound of backhoes and dump trucks working all night hauling away the snow from the city. In October 1996 we flew into Sea-Tac and were stalled off, finally landed under 'hush-hush' apprehension. We were ushered from the luggage and ground transportation to the second floor. We waited for Larry and ^Bob, mine and Teri's husbands to pick us up for two hours before security finally told us that a Van had been parked outside, the driver running from it and a bomb threat made to the airport. All ground transportation were stopped on the highway, half a mile from the airport.

Our poor husbands had to walk to the airport and carry our luggage (mine weighing a ton, full of newly purchased genealogy books) back to the Van half a mile back. The bomb was a hoax. I would say, we have the darndest luck, but a friend (who was in an RV park, lying on the floor of their motorhome when a gang came though shooting everything in sight) would say, "No. You have Good Luck, nothing happened to you." What a good outlook. And true, we have never been hurt. It has gotten to be a joke to see what will happen during or after each trip.

I also would like to apologize for the late issue. I forgot we would be in the middle of Thanksgiving preparations when I got back from Salt Lake. I came back to find my husband had been sick in bed with the flu and stomach infection all the time I was gone. (He is getting better). Poor guy. Ten couldn't make this trip, and missed all the excitement of the flight.

Below is some of information gathered on this last trip. There will be more next issue. I hope it helps some of you. Also included are some internet addresses for research. If you haven't experienced the internet or don’t have a computer, now is the time to consider it. The prices of computers have dropped in the past year. The amount of research on the internet compared to a year ago has grown to enormous proportions. There is something for just about any researcher, no matter how green or experienced you are. And please don't hesitate to jump on a computer. You can even rent one at an Office store or borrow one to surf the net at a public library just to 'surf the Internet'. I learned to use my computer doing genealogy. Now I can't live without it for my business and personal letters, invoicing, check register, mortgage programs, and especially geneaology.

There are also so many genealogy programs to purchase now it makes the choice harder than it ever was a few years ago. Each offers either more power, more speed, more categories or more space for notes and sources. Some are complicated and some are very easy. Most genealogy programs have a trial period, if you don't like it, send it back and try another. Be sure to read the guarantee before you purchase! These programs organize your work so much better than paper files.

I use my Microsoft Word to type up all the information I find in libraries, I can insert it into different Surnames and just go back and forth inserting information. That's something you cant do with a typewriter. You can type up one file, copy all or part, and print it into another file with a couple of clicks. Edit it, make it bigger, smaller, do some tricks with the many options on the toolbar. I, too, was one of the dinosaurs when it came to computers. I took some night classes at the vocational school - and learned very little. You have to take a day class that is longer than I wishpd to give to this. Our local High School offered what they called 'community service' classes, formerly only offered to s|taffand the transportation dept at the district. They were finally offered them to the community (who were paying for them), so it was only fair! They were from $2.00 to $25.00 for short or long courses. I learned more there than all the night classes put together -and for less money. Check into your local school district. They taught from scratch, as though you DIDN'T know how to turn one on! Most Vocational School night courses assume you have a computer and want to learn more. Most of the people in our class, (17 of 20) didn't know what the night class instructor was talking about. You are not just learning how to use a new 'tool' but also a 'new language'! Computer stores also offer classes. !

So, take a deep breath and jump in! The class I recently took in Salt Lake was filled with people from 40 to 80 yr olds. I was very surprised how knowledgeable these older people were with the computers and internet.

Also, don't be afraid to try out the computers at the Family History Centers at the LDS libraries. I know many of you hesitate, thinking you have to know something about a computer. You don't have to know a thing! You can't mess them up and they tell you exactly what keys to push and when. It is very easy and fast to look up |the library catalog, IGI or Personal Ancestral File Pedigree charts. But, beware: Always prove yourself whatever you extract from these pedigree charts, they are not always accurate, although they will give you some clues to search by. Enough chatter, onto the research!

Bonnell/Bunnell Books and Books on film in Salt Lake City, LDS Library

Book or Film Film it Author

220 Years of Stewarts, from the Cradle to the Grave 1597897 item # 2 film Irene (Hilda I Stewart) McKinney

Includes: Stewart, Hineline, DeLesky, Bunnell, Myers, Morrisey, Burden & relatives: Ireland, North Amer. & MN.

The Genealogy of the Wm Hill Family 1035685 item # 10 loaned for filming from Howard J Hill, FL 328 pgs - Wm Hill & Sarah Jourdain 1598-1882; Indexed: Barker, Bodine, Boslwick, Bunnell, Hamlin,

Morehouse, Ancestry & Descendants of Henry Brooks 1598084 item # 5 Thomas Esselstyn Brooks 1913-

Henry Brooks(s) b. 1632 England. America 1676 mar; Hannah Potter Bakeslcy CT. Indexed, Includes; Brooks, Bristol, Gaylord, Bunnell, Hotchkiss, Hughes

The Ancestors and Descendants of Havilah & Dorcas Gale Bunnell (New York)

0872857 #9 /824074 # 3 Adele Andrews 1909-

Genealogy 1600-1940 83 pgs. Indexed, (two filmings) Bunnell, Gillette, Smith, Stevens

Descendants of Thomas Bowles of MD, 1758-1978 1321093 item # 10 Ruth Maxine Burr Powell

87 leaves, Thomas Bowles immig in 1758 to Fred. Co., MD, mar; Eleanor Price. Indexed. Bunnell, Burr, Tallman

Peck Family Record, Male and Female Lines 6047327 Fiche filmed; SLC Geneal Soc. of Utah

Vol 1 #1, Vol 1 # 9 - 5 microfiches - periodical published by Rome, NY; Clarence D. Smith, Editor 1914-1918.

Geneal. data about Peck indiv. and fam. withen US. Henry Peck d. 1651 immig. from Engi to New Haven, CT. Bunnell, Bristol, dark, Coggeshall, Henry, Hotchkiss, Sperry and related families.

Dese. of Johan Snavely of Schaeffertown, Lebanon Co, PA 1763-1842

1307616 item # 69 Chester Chas. Snavely,

son of Isaac Snavely of Hanover Twp., Lebanon Co, PA. 1763-1982 Chesster C. Snavely and Wilma D Pugh, pub. 1985 - mar; Eliz. Long and lived Lebanon Co., Desc- lived PA, OH, IN, BL, LA, NE, WI, MN, elsewhere. Beatty, Bunnell, Common, Dooley, Pockert, Waters, Pugh, Prowant.

The Family of Douglass/Douglas of Garrallan in VA 1465999 item # 22 John Sergeant Wise 1846-1913

Wm. Douglas d. 1783, son of Hugh Douglas, immig. from Scot. to VA, mar; 2 x's desc. in Scotland, VA, NC etc.

Bewley, Binns, Douglass, Douglas, Bunnell, Cleary, Dixon, Hale, etc.

The Spring Family 1697363 item # 7 filmed by GEN Soc of Utah

Gen. of ancestors of Cornelius Milton Spring b. 1842 Edinburg, OH, son of Milton and Eunice Hall Spring & his w/Sarah Ann Eldredge. Hall, Eldredge, Bunnell, Spring, etc. ,

Book or Film Book # Author

Augustus Bunnell & Catherine E White 929.273B884mz Zoe Bunnell Magden

170 pg. indexed, Fam Hist. & gen. infor on desc. of Agustus Bunnell & Cath. Emeline White. AB b. 1819 NY, desc. of Benj Bunnell b. 1640 MA and Rebecca Mallory. Cath. b. 1828 NY. dtr of Ruluf White and Annis Gleason. desc. lived MI, OR, Engl, Ire, ID etc. Bunnell, White, Durand, Gleason, Mgden, Palmer.

Wilmot Family 1648-1987 929.273W688h Beverly Helberg Hull

Some desc. of Benj Wilmot and Ann (Ladd) Wilmot. 1132 pgs. contains Allen, Bonnell (Bunnell) Carpentar, Kent, Menasco, Steeves & related fam. 1641 New Haven Ct. Records for 1315 families. Family Histories and Direct lines.

William Bunnell and his Descendants 929.273B884d Ruth Cost Duncan (our own member)

452 pgs - Wm Bunnell 1630- Mass, Ct, New England, etc. Indexed, Includes; Bishop, Benham, Bonnell, Bunnell, Crane, Day, Grannis, Syre, Smith and related.

Thunder Over New England: Benjamin Bonnell, Loyalist 929.71B643 Paul Joseph Bunnell (our own member)

Includes; Bonnell, Bunnell, Bonnell, Benj. 1744-1828, US, New England, History and Revolution 1775-1783

The Schnure Family 929.273Alno.4991 Frederick Oscar Schnure 1920-

41 pgs manuscript additions and corrections. John Christian Schnure 1763-1827, immig 1781' fr Germany to PA. mar; Eliz Pontius. Md, NJ. NY, OH, MI, MO & etc. Schnure, Snure, Bunnell, Buoy, Doty, Gilbert, Kupferle, Wagner.

The Desc. of David Rusk, Sr.& Marg. Vance 929.273R897r Elizabeth Rusk

David Rusk 1769 mar; Margaret Vance 1771-1832 settled in Mont Co., IN, OH, desc. IN, MO, IL, KY & etc. Rusk, Ball, Bunnell, Heath. 2 vol. pub. 1989. both volumes bound together at SLC lib.

Desc. of Thomas Bowles of MD, 1758-1978 929.273B681 a (& filmed) Ruth Maxine Burr Powell

87 leaves, Thomas Bowles immig in 1758 to Fred. Co., MD, mar; Eleanor Price. Indexed. Bunnell, Burr, Tallman +

Burr-Bowies Genealogy 929.273B94pr Ruth Maxine Burr Powell

plates, genealogy tables about Ruth M. Burr 1911- who lived in Linden, MI. mar. Harold Frederic Powells. Ansc. Engi., Netherlands, Germany, CT, MA, RI, NJ, MI, MD, PA & etc Burr, Bowles, Baldwin, Bonnell, Bunnell, Fairbanks, Hill, Norton, Tallman, Wilbom & others

Bunnell and Allied Families 929.273B884mj Joan Murray England (our own member) Bunnell, Atwood, Baldwin, Barkeloo, (Van Borkeloo), Bordingh, Cortelyou, Decker, England, Haldron, Jackson, Jayne, Kenner, Kortright (Van Kortryk), Leonard, Mallory, Mills, Nicholls, Norton (George) Norton (John), Pels, Plumb, Preston (Wm.) Roosa. Wm Bunnell b. Engi. to N. Amer. with John Winthrop and the Puritan movement. Watertown, MA mar. Anne Wilnot. etc.

Note: Films can be borrowed through inter-library loans, books cannot. ****

Soon to be published, William Austin’s book–to include the first five generations of William Bunnell, the immigrant. He is hoping for the end of the year. he would appreciate members continuing to send him materials even though he is no longer publishing this newsletter.

History of Allegany County, NY–by John S Minard–974.78 - Histories of the Towns and County

pg 407 - Angelica, NY freeholders in 1808: John Bunnell

pg 467 - Amity, NY; William D Bunnell; son of George A and Weighty J (Royce) Bunnell Was born March 17, 1862 in Ward. George A Bunnell was born May 11, 1826, at Berkshire, Tioga Co. (NY). He settled in the west part of Alfred in June, 1849, (later part of Ward). He was elected collector at the first town meeting in Ward, and succeeded himself 3 times. He was supervisor several times. His principal business was farming, but he was a natural mechanic, and in 1886, 1887 and 1890 he bought timber in Allegany Co and framed barns in Wellsville and shipped them to NJ and there put them up. Mr Bunnell died May 6, 1895, leaving a wife, 3 daughters and his only son, William D. His daughters are Mrs. Reuben Austin, Mrs. Clara Collins & Mrs. Anna Morehouse, all of Ward. William D. Bunnell was married Dec. 24, 1882, to Alice, daughter of LW and Viana (Alles) Collins. (The Collins family have served in town offices in Ward.) Their children are Lulu E., George W., Eldyn L. & Mary A. Mr. Bunnell was a student of Alfred University. His business has been farming and auctioneering, and for several years he has represented the manufacturing house of Mast, Foos & Co., of Springfield, Ohio, in the sale of pumps and mills. Mr Bunnell was town clerk for 4 years, and in 1890, 1892, and 1893 was elected supervisor of Ward, the last year having but 3 votes cast against him. In March, 1894, he made his home in Amity.


pg 529 - Ward: George A. Bunnell; elected to the office of collector. Constable; GA Bunnell. - Mar 3, 1857

pg 535 - Ward: Supervisors: 1882, 1883 - George A Bunnell, 1890,92, 93 - W.D. Bunnell

pg 618 - Bums - First Presbyterian Church of Burns; organized in June 22, 1833. Early members: William McCray, Sutiria McCray, Harriet Bacon, Samuel & Jane McCray, William R Bunnell, Sarah H Bunnell, Gideon Osborn, Harriet Osborn, Mrs. Sarah Carter, Samuel Carter, Ebenezer Payne, Delight Payne, Louisa D Tilden, Newton S Carter, etc.


Hove’s 1897 Direc tory of Kansas City, MO. film #1,000,677 LDS FHC–Salt Lake City

Bonnell, Abbie Mrs. r. 14 St. Louis Ave. Bonnell, Caroline, widow M Cr 1639 B’way

Bonnell, Chas E.–bkpr b 622 W 7th Bonnell, Ellen, wid. Frank K r 220 W 14th

Bonnell, Harry, r 1638 B Way Bonnell, Jefferson, bartdr, Richard Bonnell R 1638 B’way

Bonnell, Richard, saloon 1435 Grand Av r 1638 B Wy

Records of Kansas City, Missouri 977.8411V28ra–Book A 3 Aug 1874-Jul 1889 Record of Deaths

pg 20 Bonnell, MC (w) 24 Oct 1879 American born 48 yrs married male

pg 31 Burnel, Patrick (w) 4 Mar 1885 US born 4 mo. sgl. male

Burnell, Iona (w) 29 Apr 1888 US born 9 yrs sgl female

Louisville, KY City Directory 1891–film #?

pg 179 Bonnell, Rosetta M wid. of Henry M. r 2628 Eddy

pg 220 Bunnell, Homer E receiver Lou, Ky co b. 1323 W. Jeff

Bunnell, Jacob J photographer, r 315 W Jeff

Bunnell, William H florist r 1328 W Jeff

Louisville, KY City Directory 1892–film #1,377,003

Bonnell, Josephine domestic @ 1901 26th

p 218 Bunnell, Home E receiver, Lou, KY Co. 1414 W Jefferson

Bunnell, Jacob J. Photographer r. 218 Guthrie Str

Bunnell, William H Nurseryman r L., SW cor 5th

Index to Naturalization Petitions in PA–1844-1898 #1,749,854

#159 Burnell, William W b. England declaration: 5 Oct 1847 date of pet: 6 Oct 1849

#1961 Burnell, William M b Scotland “ 1 Aug 1889 “ 30 Jan 1849

#1962 Burnell, George b Scotland “ 11 Jul 1889 “ 30 Jan 1849

An Illustrated History of Klickitat. Yakima and Kittitas Counties - with an outline of the Early History of the State of Washington, book # 979.75D38 - 1904 Interstate Publishing Co..

George M. Bunnell, a sheep man and a partner in the firm of Phillips, Aldrich & Bunnell, residing at Goldendale, in Klickitat County, Washington, was born in Clackamas County, Oregon, Nov. 13, 1864. Charles B. Bunnell, his father, a native of Illinois, crossed the Plains in 1851-2, and settled in Clackamas County, Oregon, there taking up land. He still resides on his ranch. (1904). He is of Scotch parentage, and his wife, Louise (Crow) Bunnell, was a native of Missouri. In 1849, when a small child, she came acros the Plains with her parents, and settled in Oregon, where she died in the year 1873.

George M grew to young manhood in Oregon, being educated there, and when fourteen years old learned the iron-molder's trade in the shops in East Portland. After working at that handicraft for several years, he took up dairying and ranching, following that line of work until he reached the age of twenty-eight. He first came to Klickitat county, Washington, in 1885, but returned after two years to Oregon, and for the several years following was back and forth between the two states, for a time locating on the Sound. He formed a partnership with his brother, James A Bunnell, in the spring of 1896, and the young men leased sheep from A. R. Thompson, a large sheep man of The Dales, Oregon, and ran them in Klickitat county for two years, feeding in the Sunnyside district.

At the expiration of four years, they dissolved partnership, and George went to Yakima County (WA) and took up land near Outlook. He spent some time in the improvement of this property. Thinking that he might do better somewhere else, he took a trip through Mexico, also looking for suitable location in the state of Texas and Arizona, but, not finding a place to his liking, he returned to Washington, and soon after bought a band of six hundred sheep. These he kept on CS Childers' place. A year ago (1903) his present partners bought into the business. Altogether the three men have about one thousand six hundred head of sheep, which they winter in the Sunnyside country.

His brother, James A Bunnell is still engaged in the stock business in Klickitat county, and two other brothers, John F and Charles F., are ranchers in the same county. A sister, Mrs. Rillie A Taylor, resided in Portland, Oregon and another sister, Mrs Manda Goetz, is living in Mexico. Mr Bunnell thinks the state of Washington a better sheep country than Oregon, judging by the parts of Oregon that he has visited, and states that he gets better grass, and the sheep shear more, when fed in this state, and that, outside of the John Day and Grande Ronde districts or Oregon, more sheep are run in Washington. He has property in dark County. In politics, he is a Republican, and an admirer of President Rosevelt.


Jefferson County. NY - Name of Citizens who assisted & conrib. towards the Publication of "History of Jefferson County". w/personal statistics. 974.757H28 - Name of Applicant & Residence

Philadelphia; Bunnell. Wm. farmer 7 Dairyman b. Lewis Co. NY s 1842 PO Add. Phil

Missouri Directory 1897 Kansas City #1.000.677

Bonnell, copy

Bunnell, Chas E. Bookkeeper - JA Norton & Sons r 622 W 7th

Bunnell, Watson A. driver r 404 E. 12th

BComputer Research Information

I have been on the internet a few times searching for ancestors long gone. There is an unbelievable amount of information you can get over the phone wires now, it's hard to get off the darned thing. And with more added daily.

At a FREE class in Family History Center in Salt Lake City last week on "Searching on the Internet" given by Alan Manns, it was stated that the National Archives will have all their Military, Nationalization, Immigration, and Federal Cenuses scanned and available over the internet in a few short years. You will be able to copy over the internet actual pages of these documents. It was mentioned that they already have available the pages of the Passengers Lists.....

Mr Manns also mentioned many free and valuable 'sites' for the genealogist. There are actually free researchers who live near libraries and offer assistance out ot the kindness of their hearts - everywhere, including other countries! Below are a list of some sites that might be of interest to you. From Salt Lake City, Family History Center, [November 1998

Language (protocal) Name of Computer Sub-directory i

\ \ \ !

/ / /

Tells comp.to look on internet Directory Filename

Tips given for research are: :

Use the 'Find' and 'Search' function of your web browser to quickly search a web page. i

Keep a research log of where you have been and when.

Read the periodicals produced by Genealogical Societies in your area of interest for new websites

Try the main Internet Service Providers (ISP's) such as American Online, CompuServe, Prodigy, etc., by using the free hours offered. You can then determine if you like their service. Note: Be sure to call or e-mail your cancellation if you don't like it or you will automatically be charged once your free trial is over.

If you need help, look for books to help you learn Internet. For example "Netting Your Ancestors" byCindy Howells or Genealogy Online for Dummies by Matt and April Helm.

Especially recommended sites are;

Cyndi's List - 90 categories, subject, land, adoption, etc. point to topic and press mouse - you will gain list on the internet. "Libraries, Archives and Museums", "Online Catalogs", "Surnames", "Loyalists"

Fuller & Gaunt - world Gen. list by state, surnames- Two addresses, one to subscribe and one to unsubscribe

Societies; Historical & Genealogical - on Cyndi's lists." Societies & Groups"

Roots Surname List; Type in surname to put name on list (free) Search: to contribute your name, add Name, Place and time of migration - give name & address for contact. Only surnames prior to 1900.

Mike Rice Help List - Free infor searched. Research for free, all over, other countries, arranged by Country or State. Click on email: type in infor and ask for help & send.

Genealogy Periodicals - "See Future of Online Gen." by Mark Howells - Journal of Online Genealogy - only online -1 yr.

National Archives: - Passenger Lists can download actual pages.

Library of Congress; surname list. Index,

Family Tree Maker: has all genealogy pages indexed. 60% of Gen. indexed from Internet. Click on underlined for Information to show. May not be accurate, check all net information for accuracy-

Internet Family Finder: on internet, have "Family Tree Makers" CD's only

Land Records: 13 Original States - look for first one to see when in area. Documents copied on line, very good service.

Homestead and Township & Range - neighbors. (Western States are now working on Land records for internet)

Personal Bookmarks: Chick on Alan Manns email to copy his home page addresses.

Mr Mann said that the internet now has more genealogies than the Joseph Smith Bldg of the LDS Library in Salt Lake City. (I've been there folks, the LDS FHL and JS Bldg. has more infor than I've seen anywhere - and the internet has more…) He also says to use Every Name in your ancestry. The LDS church is working on an Internet Service that may be up next year,

It was a very informative and interesting seminar. If you do go to Salt Lake City, the first day you will get a FREE introduction to the Library and it's holdings. Each day they offer one hour and more FREE classes to learn how to search for your family. The library, in case you don't know, is FREE to use. You need only take change (lots of it) to make copies of what your find in books, films and fiche. The copies of book pages on a copier at this time are 5 cents. The copies of films and fiche are 20 cents each. These films include many county, states and country birth, death, and other vital record indexes and CERTIFICATES, (these are the documents we are paying - in Pierce County $11 to $14 per!)


Alan Manns Genealogy page geocities.coni/Heartland/6266/bookmark.html

Bureau of Land Management (Eastern States) online records. glorecords.

Civil war Sources www,ucsc.edu/civil-war-letters/civil_war_sources.html

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet.

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Newsgroups and Mail Lists newsmail.html

Evenon Publishers

Fuller/Gaunt Genealogy Resources on the web. members.johnfl4246/internet.html

Genealogy SiteFinder links/index.html

Genealogy Library

GenServ Collection of GEDCOMs

Home page construction kit construc.html

Internet Family Finde ifflop.html

LaurenKnoblock's list of searchable databases users/sgl

Library of Congress Catalog lcweb.catalog/

Mike Rice Help List posom. corn/hi/

National Genealogical Society's NettGuide ~ngs/netguide/welcome.html

National Park's Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System itd.cwss/

Roots Surname List searches.cgi-bin/Genea/rsl

Social Security Death and 5 other Indexes. search/search-Frame.html

U.S. Telephone directories (current, searchable)

United Kingdom & Ireland genealogy

United Kingdom phone directory (current, searchable) search.html

E-Mail genealogy Questions to the Family History Library (they will not do research for you).FHL@

(Sorry if there are any typing errors in this list. Editor)






Canadian professor studies genealogists

Professor Ron Lambert of the Department of Sociology at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario has been studying genealogists. In a 1994 study of members of the Ontario Genealogical Society, he tried to find answers to questions such as “Who are Genealogists?”, “Why do they do what they do?”, and “How do they do it?” And the results of his study were quite interesting.

Out of the 1,348 respondents, representing nearly an 89 percent return on the survey, his study found that 27 percent of the membership were 70 years of age or older, 63 percent were women, and that nearly three-quarters of the members where married at the time of the survey. Over half the respondents gave their ethnic origin as either England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, followed by Germany or France.

And if you have ever wanted to know why people engage in the hobby of genealogy, Professor Lambert’s study says it is because they have a “desire to know their ancestors as people and to bequeath this knowledge to future generations. They see themselves as a bridge between the generations, and there is little evidence they are in genealogy because of a desire to find an illustrious ancestry or because they are nostalgic for the past.”

A list of the top thired of material used by researchers to conduct their research showed that they use census records, information from living relatives, obituaries, gravestones, newspaper articles, announcement and advertisement, cemetery transcriptions, church records, government vital records such as birth, marriages and death, old atlases and maps, old photographs, and other genealogists. The bottom three on the list were funeral home records, miscellaneous lists of names, and Social Security Records.

Professor Lambert states that what started as a sampling of members of the Ontario Genealogical Society has grown into a need to know more. Hence, he has a site on the Internet at httpl”watsarts.uwaterloo.ca/~rdlamber/genstudy.htm in which there are now ten more questions he would like answers to. “I continue to conduct interviews with genealogists,” he says, “as well as invite responses to questions at my website. I hope to conduct an update and modifications of the 1994 survey in the years 2000-2001. Ron Lambert is currently a professor and Chair of Sociology at the University of Waterloo by day and at night, is a genealogist tracing his ancestry in Scotland and the US. (From Eastside Genealogical Society Newsletter (WA) Jan 1998 Bulletin Board.)

HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Carole & Teri Bonnell


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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