Research Methods, Psych 211 Dr. Rosalyn SOURCES OF ...

Research Methods, Psych 211

Dr. Rosalyn M. King



Includes those occurrences that give us the illusion that a research idea has dropped out of the sky. These sources are nonsystematic in that we have not made any concerted effort to locate researchable ideas; they present themselves to us in a somewhat unpredictable manner. Among the major nonsystematic sources of research ideas are inspiration, serendipity, and everyday occurrences. Each is described below.

Inspiration. Some research ideas may appear to be the product of a blind flash of genius; in the twinkle of an eye an inspired research idea is born. Although such ideas just seem to appear, it is often the case that the researcher has been thinking bout this research area for some time. We see only the end product, the idea, not the thinking that preceded its appearance.

Serendipity. Serendipity refers to those situations where we look for one phenomenon but find another. SerendipitY often serves as an excellent source for research ideas.

Everyday Occu"ences. Frequently, our daily encounters provide some of the best possibilities for research.


Study and knowledge of a specific topic form the foundation for systematic sources of research ideas. Research ideas developed from systematic sources tend to be carefully organized and logically thought out. The results of past research, theories, and classroom lectures are the most common examples of systematic sources for research ideas.

Past Research. As you read the results of past research, you gradually form a picture of the knowledge that has been accumulated in a research area. You may find that there are contradictory reports in the literature; one research project supports the occurrence of a particular phenomenon, whereas other reports cast doubt on its validity. Perhaps your research project will be the one that isolates the variable(s) responsible for these discrepant findings!

Your review of past research may also discover that a particular experiment has been conducted only once and is in need of replication, or you may find that a particular project has been conducted numerous times and doesn't need replication but new research. In each case, review of the past research has prompted a research project.

One specific type of past research that can serve as an excellent source of research ideas


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Sources of Research Ideas

deserves special mention. The failure to replicate a previous finding creates an intriguing situation for the psychological detective~ What features of the initial research resulted in the occurrence of the phenomenon under investigation? What was different about the replication that caused the results to tum out to be different? Only continued research will answer these questions.

Theory. The two main functions of a theory are to organize data and guide further research. The guidance function of a theory provides an endless panorama of projects for researchers who take the time and trouble to master the theory and understand its implications.

Classroom Lectures. Many excellent research projects are the result ofa classroom lecture.. Your instructor describes research in an area that sparks your interest and ultimately this interest leads to the development and conduct ofa research project. Although lectures may not seem to be strictly nonsystematic or systematic sources of research ideas~ they are considered systematic because they often include an organized review ofthe relevant literature.

One lecture can contain a wealth of potential research ideas;it will pay rich dividends to pay close attention to lectures and keep careful notes when you see potential topics for research.

Source: Smith, Randolph A. & Stephen F. Davis. (1997). The Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to

Conducting Researcb in Psychology. New Jersey: Prentice-Hal}; .


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