Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering

Journal of Engineering ResearchISSN: ?2307-1877An International Refereed JournalMS Submitted: DD/MM/YYY First author: MS Title - Name and Address of the Corresponding AuthorPh No.E-mail:Dear Author,Thank you for submitting this paper to Journal of Engineering Research (JER). In order to fulfill all requirements of publication in JER, please sign the form below .Hope that you send to the JER more of your distinguished work in the future.Best regardsEditor’s name:--------Prof Prof. Ameer Al Haddad Editor in-ChiefCOPYRIGHT TRANSFERCopyright of the above article is hereby transferred to the Academic Publication Council (APC), effective when the article accepted for publication in the Journal of Engineering Research. However, authors reserve the following:1. All proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights.2. 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