
AP Psych - II. Research Methods, 8–10%Chapter 2, Selections from Textbook (AP Psychology Workbook)Name:Date:Period:NOTE to STUDENTS: This section is very important to the AP Psychology Exam. It is worth spending significant time studying this section.II. Research Methods, 8-10%Experimental, Correlational, and Clinical Research (p. 26)Statistics (p. 38, 45-50)1. Descriptive (p. 45-46)2. Inferential (p. 47)Ethics in Research (p. 47-50)II. Research Methods (8–10%)Psychology is an empirical discipline. Psychologists develop knowledge by doing research. Research provides guidance for psychologists who develop theories to explain behavior and who apply theories to solve problems in behavior.AP students in psychology should be able to do the following:Differentiate types of research with regard to purpose, strengths, and weaknesses.experimentscorrelational studiessurvey researchnaturalistic observationscase studiesDescribe how research design drives the reasonable conclusions that can be drawn (e.g., experiments are useful for determining cause and effect; the use of experimental controls reduces alternative explanations).Distinguish between random assignment of participants to conditions in experiments and random selection of participants, primarily in correlational studies and surveys.Distinguish between random assignment of participants to conditions in experiments and random selection of participants, primarily in correlational studies and surveys.Predict the validity of behavioral explanations based on the quality of research design (e.g., confounding variables limit confidence in research conclusions).Distinguish between the following:purpose of descriptive statistics purpose of inferential statisticsDiscuss the value of reliance on operational definitions and measurement in behavioral research.Identify how ethical issues inform and constrain research practices.Describe how ethical and legal guidelines (e.g., those provided by the American Psychological Association, federal regulations, and local institutional review boards) protect research participants and promote sound ethical practice.Identify the following additional key terms:hindsight biasapplied researchbasic researchhypothesisindependent variabledependent variabletheoryoperational definitionvalidityreliabilitysamplingsamplepopulationrepresentative samplerandom samplingstratified samplingexperiment (laboratory)experiment (field)confounding variables (participant and situation-relevant)random assignmentcontrolsgroup-matchingexperimenter biasdouble-blind proceduresingle-blind procedureresponse or participant biassocial desirabilityHawthorne effectplacebo methodcorrelations (explain both positive correlations and negative correlations)survey methodresponse ratenaturalistic observationcase study methoddescriptive statisticsfrequency distributionextreme scores of outliersz scorep valuenormal curecorrelation coefficientscatter plotline of best fit / regression lineinferential statisticssampling errorstatistical significanceInstitutional Review Board (IRB)coercioninformed consentanonymityconfidentialitydebriefingIdentify and use measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode).meanmedianmodeIdentify and use measures of variability.rangestandard deviationvarianceApply basic descriptive statistical concepts, including interpreting and constructing graphs and calculating simple descriptive statistics (e.g., measures of central tendency, standard deviation).Explain positive versus negative skew ................

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