Proposal Template

Plastics Science for a Cleaner FutureProposal templateGeneral instructions:Provide responses under INSERT YOUR TEXT using the suggested number of pages per section (as per the NSERC online system instructions), and without altering the template text or margins. Figures and tables are welcome.Research ProposalDescribe how the project will support the program and research objectives of Plastics science for a cleaner future and how the expected outcomes will benefit Canada.Explain how this research will fill knowledge gaps related to plastic pollution and its impacts and support the development of new policies, standards, methodologies, knowledge, processes or technologies.Outline the research objectives. Include a detailed work plan indicating the resources and activities needed to achieve the anticipated results.Indicate approximate timelines for the activities to lead to milestones and deliverables. You may use a Gantt chart, table or diagram.Describe the integration of equity, diversity and inclusion-related considerations in the research design and practices. INSERT YOUR TEXT RESPONDING TO THE ABOVE POINTS HERE RESEARCH TeamExplain how the knowledge, experience and achievements of each member of the research team provides the breadth and complementarity of expertise needed to accomplish the project objectives, highlighting interdisciplinarity where appropriate. Discuss the role of each individual and how their contributions will be integrated into the project.Explain how equity, diversity and inclusion have been considered in the research team composition.Describe the team’s or each applicant’s past track record of transferring research results to a user sector.Described how the project will be managed. INSERT YOUR TEXT RESPONDING TO THE ABOVE POINTS HERE Relevance to canadaDescribe the importance of the research results to Canada and how they will advance knowledge around plastic pollution and its impact on the environment.Describe the potential for generating new knowledge to support policy and decision-making related to plastic pollution and the objectives of the Canada-wide strategy on zero plastic waste.Describe how the research results will be exploited and will provide benefits to Canada and stakeholders. INSERT YOUR TEXT RESPONDING TO THE ABOVE POINTS HERE KNOWLEDGE MOBILIZATIONDescribe the knowledge mobilization plan. Explain how the research team will collaborate with knowledge users (e.g., government policy makers, stewardship councils, communities) to support knowledge mobilization, such as policy, and decision making on plastic pollution. Describe how the team will establish new, or grow existing, relationships with knowledge users.Explain the role of all knowledge users and the appropriateness of their expertise in the proposed research objectives.Describe the plans to reduce barriers to research activities and to fostering knowledge mobilization.Describe the project’s data management strategy, if applicable. INSERT YOUR TEXT RESPONDING TO THE ABOVE POINTS HERE Training PlanDescribe how the knowledge and experience gained by research trainees (undergraduates, graduates and postdoctoral fellows) will contribute to increasing research capacity in the field of plastic science.Describe any opportunities for enriched training experiences that will allow research trainees to develop relevant skills.Explain how equity, diversity and inclusion are considered in the training plan. INSERT YOUR TEXT RESPONDING TO THE ABOVE POINTS HERE ReferencesUse this section to provide a list of the most relevant literature references. Do not refer readers to websites for additional information on your proposal. Do not introduce hyperlinks in your list of references.These pages are not included in the page count. INSERT YOUR TEXT RESPONDING TO THE ABOVE POINTS HERE ................

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