English 11: Technology Research Paper

English 11: “Make a Change” Research Paper

We have begun to explore the idea of obsession with improving the world—its benefits and its drawbacks. Now is your chance to advocate for an essential change that could be made in the community, country, or world.

The completed project will be worth 100 points. All eight paragraphs must be included—in the order listed below.

GRADING RUBRIC—Research Paper:

MLA header ______ (2)

Specific, appropriate, engaging title ______ (2)

Introduction, including clear thesis ______ (7)

Background/factual information concerning your topic ______ (10)

(Current state of affairs)

Disadvantages/drawbacks of implementing this change ______ (10)

One clear advantage of implementing this change ______ (10)

Second clear advantage of implementing this change ______ (10)

Proposal: what is the plan to make this happen,

including costs and funding ______ (10)

Vision of YOUR future: What if this change was implemented? ______ (10)

Conclusion ______ (7)

Minimum of five sources ______ (5)

Perfect MLA formatting within the paper (parenthetical citations) ______ (5)

Perfect MLA formatting of Works Cited page ______ (7)

Perfect spelling/grammar ______ (5)

GRAND TOTAL (of 100) ___________


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