Big6™ Research Paper Organizer

Big6™ Research Paper Organizer

Big6 #1 Task Definition

Determine a purpose and need for information

In order for your paper to be more than a rewrite of the facts you find about your topic in print and online sources, or a summary of someone elses’s ideas, you need to develop an essential question ( ) for inquiry. If written correctly and thoughtfully, the essential question will ensure that you critically and creatively process the information you find.

Write your essential question here. You should have your draft of it approved by your teacher.

Teacher Signature______

What questions should you ask to support your essential question?

Find information here:

List the questions that you feel you need to answer at this time. You will most likely find interesting additional information as you use print and online resources.











Big6 #2 Information Seeking Strategies

Examine alternative approaches to acquiring information

List the best sources to find this information. (.org, .edu, .mil, .gov; as well as print sources)






Big6 #3 Location and Access

Locate sources and access the information within them

Where will I locate these sources?

___School Library

___Public or university Library

___Personal Library



If using an online reference service or a search engine like likely key words:

_____________________ _________________________

_____________________ _________________________

_____________________ _________________________

_____________________ _________________________

_____________________ _________________________

Big6 #4 Use of Information

Use a source to gain information

How will I record the information that I find?

___take notes using note cards

___take notes using notebook paper

___take notes using a word processor

___take notes using a database

___take notes using a data chart or other graphic organizer

___illustrate concepts

___using a tape recorder, video, or digital camera


How will I give credit to my sources?

___use the Quick Guide () or Writer’s Guide to MLA Dcoumentation () for citing other sources

Big6 #5 Synthesis

Integrated information from a variety of sources

How will I show my results?

___Type Written paper

How will I give credit to my sources in my final product?

___Type Written Bibliography



Ideas for project (task definition) completed by: ______MARCH__23____________________

Information searching (note taking) completed by: ______MARCH 31____________________

First draft due: ____APRIL 1, 2008_________________________

Completed paper due: _________APRIL 7, 2008___________________


Big6 #6 Evaluation

Before turning in my assignment, I need to check off all of these items

___my final paper is a thoughtful presentation of my essential question and represents my ideas and conclusions

___I have not represented others’ ideas as my own

___credit is given to my sources, written in standard citation format

___my work is word processed

___my work is complete and includes a title page

___my title page, paper, and citation information (bibliography) is included in a presentation folder

___I would be proud for anyone to read this paper


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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