Compare / Contrast (CC) Thesis Template

Compare / Contrast (CC) Thesis Template

When comparing (WHAT) in (WHERE/WHO) during (WHEN), there were many similarities and differences. One way in which they were similar was (HOW things were similar) because (why things were similar). One way in which they were different was that (HOW things were different) because (WHY things were different).

CC Essay Template

Paragraph 1: Thesis Statement

Paragraph 2: Discuss Similarities

Use sentence on similarities from thesis as topic sentence.

Support with appropriate historical evidence.

Paragraph 3: Discuss Differences

Use sentence on differences from thesis as topic sentence.

Support with appropriate historical evidence.

Paragraph 4: Restate Thesis ONLY IF YOU CAN IMPROVE IT!! (or have added to it)

Comparative Essay Tips:

• Has no single correct answer

• All the information and interpretation must come form your knowledge and understanding of world history

• Provide similarities as well as differences and make direct comparisons consistently between societies.

• Make a quick list of ideas that relate to the topic and how you will write about it. List similarities and differences.

• Create a table to list those differences and similarities. It is best to have the same number of differences and similarities for subject A as you have for subject B.

• Evaluate your notes and develop a thesis. Your thesis is a claim statement; that is, it indicates what you claim to be true, interesting or valuable about your subject.

• Organize your information in a logical way in an information outline. Number items in the order in which you expect to use them.

• Write your essay. Be sure as you go along that you are using examples to illustrate differences and similarities.

• Be sure your paper has an introduction, a body of support evidence, and an ending.

• Your introduction is one of the most important paragraphs in your essay. Make sure you state the topic AND your opinion. If you do not, the evaluator may be confused. However, you do NOT need to write, “In my opinion…” or “I believe…” in your opening paragraph.

• Although you can place your thesis statement anywhere in your essay, it is probably safest to put it in the first paragraph.

• Always proofread everything you write.

Source: Moran, Margaret & W. Frances Holder, AP Success World History Test Prep, 2002.

Question: Compare the social and academic life of 21st century ninth and tenth graders at Potomac Falls High School.

When comparing and contrasting the social and academic life of ninth and tenth graders at Potomac Falls High School in 2007, there are many similarities and differences.

The social life of ninth and tenth graders is similar in that both groups of students take part in extracurricular activities because they provide fun and diversion. The social life is different in that 10th grade students have more freedom. This is due to the fact that many begin to drive cars in the 10th grade.

The academic life of ninth of and tenth graders is similar in that all students are required to take basic core course in order to meet graduation requirements. Academic life differs in that the courses for 10th graders are more difficult. This is because students are getting closer to college age, and teachers want to better prepare 10th grade students for college work.

Within the period from 1450-1800, compare the processes (eg. Political, social, economic) of empire building in the Spanish Empire with the empire-building processes in ONE of the following: The Ottoman Empire OR The Russian Empire.

When comparing the political, social and economic processes of empire building in the Spanish and Ottoman Empires from 1450-1800, there are many similarities and differences. One way in which the empire-building processes are similar politically are that expansion of their empires was promoted and encouraged by the political leader because of a desire to increase personal power.

One way in which the empire-building processes are different politically are that in the Spanish Empire, the ruler used the services of independent ship captains to expand the empire, while the Ottomans used their military, because the Ottomans were geographically closer to their empire than the Spanish were.

One way in which the empire-building processes was similar socially was that in both cases religion was a driving force behind expansion because both societies wanted to convert other peoples. One way in which the empire-building processes were different socially was that expansion in the Ottoman Empire benefited the lower classes more so than did the Spanish conquests because the Ottomans shared their acquired wealth more evenly.

One way in which the empire-building processes was similar economically was that expansion resulted in the strengthening of the economies because of the increased wealth and bounty that was brought back. One way in which the empire-building processes were different were that the Spanish acquired more wealth from the conquered peoples than did the Ottomans because the Western Hemisphere was rich in gold and silver.


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