DUE Thursday, May 29, 2014


This is a persuasion paper. Your task is to develop a thesis or opinion regarding the issue you researched for your dossier and argue for this thesis in a 5-7page paper.  Your paper needs to have a brief history related to your topic as well as a well-developed argument using specific examples and evidence.  Imagine that you are writing for a person who knows little or nothing about your topic. 

Each student will create a thesis.  You need to include the history or background information necessary to prove your thesis.  Remember that a good thesis is specific, persuasive and arguable. Note that beyond a well-written paper (conventions, grammar, fluidity…) my assessment of your thesis/paper is largely based on a clear thesis and support.

Your thesis might answer a question such as:

• Do you support the government's policy in this situation?

• What factors are creating this issue or problem?

• Which group supports the best solution to this problem? What is their solution?

• Is the policy being used to address this problem effective?

• Is the policy being used to address this problem ethical?

• What makes this policy successful or unsuccessful?

• What alternative should be used?

• Do Americans have an accurate view of this problem?

• Should the United States, the United Nations or another Nation get involved in this situation? How?

• Should individuals get involved in this situation? How?

• How should we change the policy that is presently being applied to this situation?

• What were the effects of this policy?

• Are there important, unintended consequences of this policy that should make us reconsider it?

Papers must include

• A persuasive, specific, arguable thesis

• A good explanation of a current Global Issue

• Clear arguments to support the thesis

• Ample evidence to support these arguments

• 5-7 well written pages

• Completely correct spelling and grammar

• Parenthetical citations (In-text)

• A works cited using MLA format

• At least 5 scholarly, credible sources. An “A” paper will have more.

• Paper must be double-spaced, in 12 pt font, Times New Roman with conventional margins

See me if you have any questions. I will be happy to review your outline with you.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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