Analytical Essay for Lord of the Flies

Assignment: Write a research paper discussing a topic chosen by the student.


• Become proficient at the evaluation and use of sources

• Become proficient at proper MLA in-text citation

• Become proficient at proper MLA Works Cited format

• Develop and revise drafts

• Write in a form appropriate to the audience.


• Five Sources from the School's Database, MLA Format

• Five to seven (5 to 7) double-spaced pages (not counting your cover sheet or your Works Cited page), Tahoma 12 pt. font

• An additional Cover page.

• A Works Cited page in proper MLA format

• Proper MLA format for all in-text citations

• You must integrate quotations – minimum of five (5).

• You must quote from one (1) book to prove your points.

• You must quote from at least four (4) online sources with two (2) from the library’s database. You may not use Wikipedia as a source, but you may use their sources.

• You must provide a highlighted copy of all sources and notes used for the paper at each check point.

• NO first or second person (I, me, my, mine, we, our, you, your(s))

• NO contractions.

• All pages (except 1st) labeled with last name and page number in upper right hand corner.

• Word count on last page.

• All pieces turned at the end – topic, thesis statement, outline, highlighted notes, rough draft with clocking sheet, final draft with rubric (both paper and electronic).

Grading of the Thesis Statement:

• You MUST have a thesis statement that outlines your position as you will discuss it in the paper. This sentence MUST be the final sentence of your opening paragraph (your introduction). This is a Quiz grade.

Grading of the Graff template:

• You must have a completed Graff template for each of your sources with the source information attached – including all citation information. This is a Quiz grade.

Grading of Outline:

• You must have both a thesis statement and a formal outline two levels in specificity (main points and major sub-points). Each sub-point MUST have the quoted material you will use to support your point from the book and the other sources. This is a test grade.

Grading of the rough draft:

• You must have a completed, typed draft approved by the teacher prior to doing revision for your final copy. This draft must include MLA in-text citation and a Works Cited page. This is a test grade.

Grading of Final Copy – 3 test grades:

Content: 100% (Do you have a proper thesis? Do you adequately and logically support it in your paper? Does the proof you offer buttress your argument? Are your ideas your own and do they utilize rather than parrot your sources? Is there obvious evidence of revision from your draft?)

Grammar/Mechanics: 100% (Is your paper punctuated correctly? Have you used proper grammatical constructions? Have you used third person only? Have you avoided using contractions? Are your words spelled correctly?)

Form: 100% (Have you followed all the expectations listed for the paper. Do you use proper MLA in-text citation? Do you use proper MLA format for your Works cited page? Cover page? Page numbers according to requirements?)



• Begin by prewriting about the subject you have chosen. What is it?

• Next, carefully read all the sources you have chosen. How can the ideas in these confirm or challenge your ideas? Select passages you think you might use to support your ideas or passages that present ideas you would like to challenge.

• Finally, use your pre-writing to develop a proper thesis. A thesis has a subject and a predicate and for this assignment, outlines your argument as you will discuss it in your paper. Example: subject: divorce Thesis: Marriages often fail because of unrealistic expectations for relationships and misconceptions about the nature of love.

Developing your draft:

• Make your formal outline:

• Write your complete draft and type it up.

• Revise your draft for clarity of expression and effective argumentation.

• Edit you paper for grammar and mechanical errors.

• Retype your final copy and submit by the due date.

Topic is due Oct 21

Thesis statement due Oct 21

Graff templates due November 12

Outline is due

Rough Draft is due

Final Draft is due

Name __________________________________________ Period __________

The general argument made by __________________________________ in his/her work

(author’s name)

________________________________ is that _________________________________


More specifically, he/she argues that _________________________________________


___________________ writes* _____________________________________________

(author’s last name only)


In this passage, he/she is suggesting that _____________________________________


In conclusion, _________________’s belief is that _____________________________

(author’s last name only)


______________ is right/wrong because ____________________________________


More specifically, I believe that ___________________________________________


For example, ___________________________________________________________


Although __________________ might respond/counter that * _____________________

(author’s last name only)


I maintain that ___________________________________________________________


*Here you may use paraphrase, summary, or direct quotation. If a direct quotation is used, it may not exceed 6 words in length. The Graff Template is adapted from Gerald Graff, Clueless in Academe (New Haven: Yale UP, 2003), pp. 169,170) Reprinted in Teaching Nonfiction in AP English by Renee H. Shea and Lawrence Scanlon (Bedford/St. Martin’s: Boston, 2005), p. 199.

Clocking Sheet for IV Research Paper Writer __________________

Name of



__________ 1. Highlight in Yellow all words you think might be spelling errors.

__________ 2. Highlight in Orange all “To Be” verbs. (Replace half of these)

__________ 3. Highlight in Blue all punctuation errors or spaces where punctuation is MISSING.

__________ 4. Highlight in Green all capitalization errors.

__________ 5. Highlight in Purple all weak words- very, really, a little bit, at least, sort of, kind

of, a lot, etc. (Replace with better word choice)

__________ 6. Highlight in Pink the usage of: There/their/they’re, too/two/to, who/whom,

here/hear, piece/peace, where/wear, etc. (Make sure usage is correct)

__________ 7. Count the words in each sentence and note it. (Vary sentence length)

__________ 8. Circle the first word in each sentence. (Change the words if repetitious)

__________ 9. Put a square around all contractions. (can’t, don’t, etc.)

__________ 10. Underline 1st & 2nd person personal pronouns. (I, me, you, we, our, etc.)


__________ yes no 1. Has a cover page?

__________ yes no 2. Double spaced and easy to read font?

__________ yes no 3. Paper has name and page numbers on all pages (except the cover

sheet and the first page of the research paper). Upper right hand

corner of page.

__________ yes no 4. Paper has at least (5) in text citations that matches the works

cited page (Author Date method)?

__________ yes no 5. Paper has works cited (MLA Format)?

__________ yes no 6. Are quotes formatted correctly? Quotes or block.

__________ yes no 7. Word count on last page?

All papers must be typed and double-spaced (5 – 7 pages).

Use Tahoma (font size 12). NO PLAGIARISM. Research papers which have been borrowed (even partially) or purchased will be denied credit and/or burned.

I. MECHANICS: (5 points for each mistake) GRADE: ________

A. Compound, Complex, and Compound-complex sentences

B. Spelling I. Capitalization

C. Run on or fragments J. Commas

D. Subject-verb agreement K. Punctuation

E. Tense shifts L. Word division

F. Abbreviations M. Awkward construction

G. Contractions/apostrophe N. Slang/informal language

H. Transitions O. Pronoun-antecedent agreement

I. First person P. Paragraphs/spacing

II. CONTENT: (25 points for each category listed below) GRADE: ________

_______________ A. Introduction draws me in, and Conclusion leaves me wanting more.

_______________ B. Topic discussed thoroughly.

_______________ C. Body of paper contains properly woven quotations taken from the sources.

_______________ D. Information in final copy must reflect information presented in rough


III. MLA FORM: GRADE: ________

__________ A. Title page. 5 points

__________ B. Parenthetical citations follow MLA Format. 30 points

__________ C. Works Cited (list of sources) follows MLA Format. 30 points

__________ D. All pages (except 1st) labeled with last name and page number in upper right hand

corner. 5 points

__________ E. Word count printed on same page as conclusion. 5 points

__________ F. Paper turned in with all drafts, notes, etc. 25 points

Papers due April 18-19 by 4:00 P.M.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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