Biology Extra Credit Projects

Biology Extra Credit Projects


The following are extra credit projects that are being offered for science class. Each project listed will count as a 100 test grade at the end of the nine weeks. Each nine weeks the student may do a total of four projects. The student must make sure that they do not do two of the same type of project. Also students must not use the same projects each nine weeks. All projects requiring presentation in front of the class must have teacher approval before credit is given.

1. Each project counts as a 100 Test Grade

2. A student may not do more than one of the same type of project in a 9 week period

3. Final due dates for extra credit will be the Monday of the last week in a Nine Week period.





1. Write a song on a topic covered in class this year. Turn in the lyrics and sing it in front of the group.

2. Bring in a song and lyrics that has a message related to Biology. Play the song for the class and explain the song's message.




3. On a standard size piece of Poster Board design a colorful visual design representing some aspect of Biology. Must be colored and labeled





6. Create an informative poster or PowerPoint on a topic related to biology such as the work of a specific biologist, the types of microscopes, the types of cells, a disease, or another approved topic. Must list sources used and no copying and pasting. Plagiarizing will result in disciplinary action.




11. Design 10 word problems that incorporate biology into them. Type them up and include a separate answer key.





16. Create a power point presentation on a topic related to biology. Must include pictures and transitions.



Additional Extra Credit Possibilities 

A Sample of Scientists Who Have Changed the World:

Louis Pasteur

George Washington Carver

Marie Curie

Albert Einstein

Sir Isaac Newton

Anton Van Leuwenhoek

Sir Charles Darwin

Charles Richard Drew

Rachel Carson

James Watson and Francis Crick


17. What If?:

Write a story or create a series of pictures that portray what life might be like if one of these scientists and his or her discoveries had never existed. 3pg typed 12 pt Times New Roman double spaced

18. The Time of Your Life:

Develop a timeline for one of these scientists. Include dates of education, dates of discoveries, and dates of important events in his or her life. Add illustrations to the timeline.

Philatelic Fossils:

Identify the unofficial state fossil or research the most common fossil found in any of the Fifty States. Design a postage stamp showing the fossil. Use at least 8 ½ " X 11" paper.

Typed paper explaining the discovery of the fossil and/or other details and other information about the fossil. 2pg typed 12 pt Times New Roman double spaced

19. State Biology:

Identify the official state mammal, marine mammal, salt water mammal, freshwater fish, salt water fish, insect, reptile or bird of any of the 50 states. Design a postage stamp showing the animal or animals.

Use at least 8 ½ " X 11" paper.

Typed paper explaining importance of the animal, and/or details and other information about the animal. 2pg typed 12 pt Times New Roman double spaced

20. Hope for the Future:

Write a short story or essay telling how science might address one of the problems in the world today.

1. 3pg typed 12 pt Times New Roman double spaced

21. Group: 4 person limit

Create a video on how students at FHS can be more environmentally aware in their everyday lives. This video will be shown to all Biology Classes.

1. Must be serious, contain facts, and how students can help solve the problem…the 3R’s recycling, how to recycle, conservation, etc.



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