The Senior Research Project

The Senior Research Project-(2014-2015)

Task- What needs to be done?

The Senior Research Project requires that you investigate a global social issue. You must examine the problem, its root causes, how it affects society, etc. Additionally, you must examine at least two efforts (solutions) that have been implemented in an attempt to solve this global social problem. Lastly, construct two paragraphs on comparing how this issue is being handled in the United States. Are similar solutions being proposed and to what effect?

The Senior Research Project is broken down into multiple, cumulative parts. Each part must be submitted before the next piece can be accepted by your instructor.

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|1.) You will begin with the written presentation of your research in a Source/Literature Review. |

|2.) Once you have synthesized this information, you will create an outline of the paper you will ultimately write.|

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|3.) Next, you will actually write this 6-7 page paper, detailing the problem, at least two attempted solutions and|

|comparing it to our problems/solutions here in the United States. You must cite your research parenthetically and |

|include a MLA formatted Works Cited page. Use Noodle Tools. |

|4.) Lastly, you will share your paper via a 5-7 minute presentation via Prezi. |

Senior Research Project--Outline

Using an outline can help you organize your material and present the most cohesive argument. The act of creating an outline can also help you recognize and, thus, discard irrelevant information and identify and avoid the repetition of material. A working outline will help your teacher to see the construction of your argument before you actually write the paper and identify whether you are attempting to accomplish too much or have done too little in preparation.

You will be creating a Full Sentence Outline. This requires that you review the notes you have taken on your topic from all 6 (you may have more) sources.

• Brainstorm: List all the ideas that you want to include in your paper.

• Organize: Group related ideas together.

• Order: Arrange material in subsections from general to specific or from abstract to concrete

• Label: Create main and sub headings.

Your thesis statement should be the first thing listed under a centered title. Remember this is one declarative sentence that sums up your argument.

Roman numeral I can be your Background (explain why your issue is one and all of the necessary information to show the origin of the problem) Roman numeral II should be your Solutions (provide the two or three that you have researched).

Roman numeral III should be Comparison to the United States. You may omit this part if you have three solutions.

Information is presented in the following sequence

• Roman Numerals (I, II, III, )

o Capitalized Letters (A, B, C,)

▪ Arabic Numerals (1, 2,3)

▪ Lowercase Letters (a, b, c, )

PLEASE NOTE, if you have an "A" in your paper, you need to have a "B"; a "1" requires a "2," and so forth.

Putting your Final Paper Together

Each part of the paper needs to be completed and typed in 12 pt Times New Roman font. This project requires a lot of work on your part and will demonstrate how much you have learned.

The order of the paper is as follows:

Part 1--Title Page

Part 2--Outline and Thesis Statement- The word Outline is centered at the top of the page no bold, still 12 pt Times New Roman font.

Part 3--Body (a full 6-7 pages)- includes the introduction, body, and conclusion just like an essay but longer and with documentation

• Topic overview -> Attempted solutions -> Comparison to US-Conclusion

Last page --Works Cited- The words Works Cited centered at the top, again no bold and in 12 pt Times New Roman font

• Alphabetize the entries by author’s last name or first word in the entry

• If the citation extends to a second line it should be indented (it’s the opposite of a paragraph)

• Remember periods at the end of each entry

• Do NOT number the entries

Your Title Here

Your Name Here


Block ?/English IV



With your computer still set on double-space, hit enter 6 times.

Center your title on the page, remember to capitalize important words.

Do not underline, bold, or change the type


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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