Goal Statements for the School of Graduate Studies and ...

School of Graduate Studies Strategic Plan (Short Range: FY 06-08)

|Goal |Objectives |Strategies |Resources Needed |Completion Date|

|Increase graduate |Improve marketing of graduate programs. |Hire a marketing firm to develop a comprehensive graduate-level marketing plan. |$ to hire marketing |06/08 |

|enrollment. | |Expand budget-line to fund promotion of graduate programs. |firm and increase | |

| | |Expand presence on web search engines and use of web-based marketing. |budget | |

| |Increase number of students enrolled full-time. | | |12/06 |

| | |Identify graduate programs with potential and capacity for growth in full-time |$ to fund | |

| | |enrollments. |assistantships and | |

| | |Increase availability of graduate fellowships and assistantships to support full-time|fellowships |05/07 |

| |Increase number of international students enrolled. |graduate students. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Work with International Programs Office to establish short- and long-range plan for |None | |

| | |attracting international graduate students. | | |

| | |Increase non-resident fee remission authority and other forms of financial support | | |

| | |(graduate assistantships, fellowships, etc.) | | |

| | |Hold focus groups with current international graduate students to identify strategies| |06/08 |

| |Expand number of graduate programs. |for increasing international enrollments. | | |

| | |Explore establishing reciprocal partnerships with universities in other countries. |None | |

| | | | | |

| | |Explore creation of new graduate programs (e.g., M.S. in Health and Human | | |

| |Initiate review of current graduate programs assessing marketability |Performance). | |06/08 |

| |(and viability) of programs in short and long terms. |Increase the number of post-baccalaureate certificate programs. | | |

| | |Explore viability of interdisciplinary master’s degree. |$ to hire external | |

| | | |marketing firm | |

| | |Require programs to self-assess marketability and viability in context of current and| |12/07 |

| |Establish enrollment targets for each graduate program (with |evolving economies. | | |

| |incentives). |Hire external firm (marketing?) or consultant to assess appeal of current programs in| | |

| | |short and long term and offer recommendations for improvement. |None | |

| | | | | |

| | |Establish enrollment potential and capacity in each graduate program. | | |

| | |Collect data on enrollment trends in graduate programs, and examine trends evident in| | |

| | |SCH/Instructional FTE ratios. | | |

| | |Meet with academic deans to discuss enrollment target paradigm. | | |

|Improve quality of |Revisit, and redefine as necessary, what constitutes a |Survey current graduate students as to what they think should distinguish a graduate | |12/07 |

|the “graduate |“graduate-level” experience. |from an undergraduate experience. |None | |

|experience.” | |Lead LEARN Center sponsored “Campus Dialogues” for graduate faculty relative to what | | |

| | |should distinguish the graduate from the undergraduate experience. | | |

| | |Review Exit Survey of graduate students relevant to perceived importance and | | |

| | |accomplishment of global graduate learning outcomes. | | |

| | |Engage the Graduate Council in an extended review of the outcomes of items #1, #2, | | |

| | |and #3 and a review of the previous criteria for distinguishing a graduate experience| | |

| | |developed by the School of Graduate Studies in the early 1990s. | | |

| | |Make a program’s ability to provide a graduate-level experience a part of the | | |

| |Limit potential for “diluted” graduate experience in dual-level |criteria addressed in the graduate-level Audit and Review process. | | |

| |courses. | | |08/07 |

| | |Continue to reduce the number of dual-level courses in the graduate catalogue. |None | |

| |Re-establish role of scholarship in the “graduate experience.” |Determine presence of graduate-level criteria in syllabi used in dual-level courses. | | |

| | | |$ for Research Grants,|06/08 |

| | |Increase award size of Graduate Research Grants. |Faculty Awards, funds | |

| | |Develop reward system for graduate faculty collaborating with graduate students in |for Research Symposium| |

| | |conducting and presenting basic and/or applied research. | | |

| |Evaluate function of graduate assistantship and graduate fellowships |Develop and pilot a UW-W Graduate Research Symposium. | | |

| |in terms of contributing to the “graduate experience.” |Increase the number of graduate theses submitted each year and the number |None | |

| | |participating in graduate thesis competition. | |06/07 |

| | | | | |

| | |Develop and pilot a post-assistantship evaluation process, evaluating contributions | | |

| | |of experiences gleaned during the assistantship with global graduate-level learning | | |

| | |outcomes. | | |

| | |Examine potential of establishing graduate assistantships assigned exclusively to | | |

| | |assist faculty in preparation of proposals for extramural funding. | | |

| |Enroll higher caliber students. |Assess role of graduate fellowships in contributing to recipients experiencing an |$ for fellowships and |06/08 |

| |. |enhanced “graduate experience.” |assistantships | |

| | | | | |

| | |Establish baseline measure of academic quality of student enrolling in each graduate | | |

| | |program, and baseline measures for overall enrollment. | | |

| | |Establish availability of Graduate Dean Fellowships on a permanent basis | | |

| | |Secure increased GPR or PR support for graduate assistantships on a permanent basis. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Target invitations from the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies to UW-W | | |

| | |undergraduate students with cumulative GPA’s of 3.5 or higher. | | |

| | |Work with UW-W Honors Program to target and recruit students with interest in | | |

| | |graduate studies. | | |

|3. Expand and enhance|Improve support for part-time graduate students. |Evaluate provision of services to part-time students. | |06/08 |

|quality of support | |Adjust services for part-time students if justifiable in context of cost/benefit |None | |

|available to graduate| |analysis. | | |

|students. | |Evaluate perception of support provided by graduate programs. | | |

| | |Explore establishing graduate assistantships or scholarship awards to top-performing | | |

| | |part-time graduate students. | | |

| | |Evaluate quality of academic advising available to part-time graduate students. | | |

| | |Provide summary sheet of key School of Graduate Studies policies to all newly | | |

| | |enrolled part-time students. | | |

| | |Email students reminders of important upcoming deadlines and events (e.g., | |06/08 |

| | |applications for graduation, fee remissions, etc.) | | |

| |Improve support available to the full-time graduate students | | | |

| | |Establish availability of Graduate Dean Fellowships on a permanent basis. | | |

| | |Secure increased GPR or PR support for graduate assistantships on a permanent basis. |$ for fellowships, |12/07 |

| | | |assistantships, and | |

| | |Identify ways in which support provided by Career Services could be improved. |funding of GSO | |

| | |Infuse resources (and worthy leadership) into the Graduate Student Organization. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Improve orientation experience for new graduate students. |Review efficacy of the Graduate Orientation Event for graduate program coordinators | | |

| | |and attending students. |$ for development of | |

| | |Initiate preparation of an online graduate student orientation session. |online orientation | |

| | |Initiate preparation of a Graduate Student Handbook. |system | |

|4. Assess and improve|Increase presence of automation in daily activities of Graduate |Initiate conversion to Image Now (all digital transcript process) and pilot use with |$ for Image Now |12/06 |

|administrative |Office. |graduate program coordinators and other service providers on campus. |contract; $ for pilot | |

|efficiencies of | |Digitize all remaining forms and applications relevant to awards (e.g., graduate |of IntelliResponse | |

|Graduate Office. | |assistantships, fee remissions) and administrative actions (e.g, application for |Program | |

| | |graduation). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Explore efficacy of using IntelliResponse system (now used by undergraduate | | |

| |Review and modify graduate policies that are labor-intensive to |admissions) to address inquiries of prospective students. | |05/06 |

| |enforce, that do little to ensure quality or rigor of graduate | |None | |

| |programming. |Review and take revised transfer credit policy to Graduate Council. | | |

| | |Review and take revised contact minute policy to Graduate Council. | | |

| | |Review viability of revising individual studies credit limits. | | |

|5. Enhance support |Increase frequency of dialogues with graduate programs and graduate |Hold “Working Lunch Dialogues” with graduate program coordinators twice a semester |$ for lunches |05/06 |

|provided to graduate |faculty regarding graduate issues. |(similar to Chairs’ Council run by LEARN Center). | | |

|program coordinators.| | | | |

| |Support graduate programs involved in completing self-studies for |Coordinate the delivery of enrollment and assessment data to programs preparing an |$ for lunches |06/08 |

| |Audit and Review process. |Audit and Review Self-Study Report. | | |

| | |Schedule lunch meeting with program coordinators preparing Audit and Review | | |

| | |Self-Studies. | | |

| | |Assist graduate programs in staying in touch with alumni. | | |

| |Improve support for graduate program coordinators. | | | |

| | |Work with academic deans to explore establishing a summer stipend or establishing a |$ summer stipends for |06/08 |

| | |small pool of professional development dollars as rewards for functioning as graduate|graduate program | |

| | |program coordinators. |coordinators | |

| | |Explore ways in which responsibilities of high-load graduate coordinators could be | | |

| | |made easier through efforts of the School of Graduate Studies. | | |

|6. Enhance ethos of |Increase presence of graduate studies on and off campus. |Work with News and Public Affairs to publicize accomplishments of graduate students |None |06/06 |

|graduate studies on | |and graduate faculty. | | |

|campus and in the | |Cultivate partnerships with external organizations (e.g., CESA2, public schools, and | | |

|region. |Establish a campus award for graduate-level instruction. |other graduate schools). | | |

| | | |$ stipend for award |06/06 |

| | |Consult with Provost to determine viability of a graduate-level instructional award. |winner | |

| |Increase presence of graduate-level issues in LEARN Center |Establish criteria for evaluating graduate-level instruction. | | |

| |programming. | | | |

| | |LEARN Center to sponsor lunch hour workshops focusing on issues unique or common to |None |06/08 |

| | |graduate-level instruction. | | |

| | |Include readings relevant to graduate education as track for discussion in LEARN | | |

| | |Reading/Discussion Clubs. | | |

| |Establish greater graduate presence in the University’s promotional |Include a section in the First Year Program that overviews graduate programs and | | |

| |literature generally, and revised strategic plan specifically. |global graduate-learning outcomes. | | |

| | | |None |06/07 |

| | |Garner greater presence for graduate studies on the University’s webpage. | | |

| | |Garner graduate representation on Strategic Budget and Planning Committee. | | |

| | | | | |

|7. Explore |Pilot graduate program run on service-based, or credit outreach |1) Examine financial arrangements of service-based pricing graduate programs within | | |

|entrepreneurial |model. |the UW-System. | |06/08 |

|potential of graduate| |Identify programs conducive to participation in credit-outreach model, and pilot |None | |

|programming. | |revenue-sharing initiative with, at least, one graduate program. | | |

| | |Eliminate segregated fees assessed to credit outreach courses offered off-campus. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Initiate exploration of alternative delivery systems. |Identify programs conducive to offering one-year masters degree, and work to modify | | |

| | |graduate policy supporting such an initiative. |$ start-up costs of |06/08 |

| | |Provide financial incentives for programs to offer more significant portions of their|converting curriculum | |

| | |curriculum in online or hybrid formats (e.g., School Business Management). |to online | |

School of Graduate Studies Strategic Plan (Long Range: FY 09-13)

|Goal |Objectives |Strategies |Resources Needed |Completion Date |

|Review strategic | Review, and revise as necessary, School of Graduate Studies Mission |Assess accuracy and utility of mission statement in dialogues with graduate program |None |05/09 |

|purpose of graduate|Statement. |coordinators and Graduate Council. | | |

|programming. | |Assess utility of mission statement reviewing Audit and Review reports of the 13 | | |

| | |graduate programs during preceding decade. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Review, and revise as necessary, global learning outcomes for |Review Exit Survey data for previous decades—exploring concordance of global learning| |05/09 |

| |graduate education. |outcomes with students’ perceptions of importance and performance. |None | |

| | |Discuss revision of global learning outcomes with Graduate Council. | | |

|Evaluate all |Evaluate campus-wide graduate curriculum. |Hire external consultant to conduct comprehensive assessment of graduate | | |

|aspects of graduate| |curriculum—evaluating its alignment with global graduate learning outcomes, |$ for external |12/12 |

|operation. | |commitment to dealing with issues in diversity and inclusion, and its focus on |consultant/ | |

| | |research and scholarship. |evaluator | |

| | |Evaluate educational value of practicum experiences by program. | | |

| | |Evaluate education value of capstone experiences by program. | | |

| |Evaluate currency and efficacy of Graduate Constitution. | | | |

| | |Assess policy on graduate faculty status, revising and seeking approval of revisions |None |06/10 |

| | |through appropriate curricular channels as needed. | | |

| | |Conduct internal evaluation of size and function of Graduate Council—and reorganize | | |

| |Evaluate currency and efficacy of all graduate policies. |(with approval of vote of graduate faculty) as needed. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Re-examine efficiency of process relative to appealing for exceptions to graduate |None |12/10 |

| | |policy (i.e., Graduate Exceptions Committee). | | |

| | |Evaluate efficacy of requiring ECE evaluations of all international students. | | |

| | |Examine all viability and currency of graduate policies, ranging from policies on | | |

| | |admission through graduation. | | |

| | |Examine evolution in graduate capstone experiences and revise graduate policy to | | |

| |Evaluate operating efficiencies of office for School of Graduate |reflect such changes. | | |

| |Studies. | |None |06/13 |

| | |Examine potential of eliminating associate dean position and converting Program | | |

| | |Assistant IV position to Academic Staff. | | |

| | |Assess cost/benefit of merging graduate with undergraduate admissions. | | |

|3. Enhance (and |Review and enhance efforts to collect indirect academic data. |1) Review, and revise as necessary, the Graduate Exit Survey assessing student |$ cost of retaining | 12/10 |

|revise) academic | |perception of importance and accomplishment of global student learning outcomes. |Graduate Exit Survey | |

|assessment efforts.| |Conduct focus groups to assess accomplishments of student learning outcomes. |through Digital | |

| | |Develop systematic process for surveying alumni and alumni employers. |Measures | |

| | | | | |

| |Initiate program to begin collecting direct academic assessment data.|Hire working group of graduate faculty representative from each of the four colleges | | |

| | |to develop a graduate-level writing evaluation rubric. |$ stipends for |12/11 |

| | |Pilot implementation of writing evaluation rubric in graduate curriculum and use in |graduate faculty | |

| | |evaluation of theses (i.e., Graduate Thesis Competition). |working group | |

|Continue to enhance|Revisit, and redefine as necessary, what constitutes a | Re-engage the Graduate Council in an examination and dialogue about what constitutes| |12/09 |

|the quality of the |“graduate-level” experience. |a “true graduate experience” vis-à-vis an undergraduate experience. |None | |

|“graduate | |Continue to push the Audit and Review Process to be more responsive to evaluating the| | |

|experience.” | |presence of “graduate quality” indicators. | | |

| |Limit potential for “diluted” graduate experience in dual-level |Continue to reduce the number of dual-level courses in the graduate catalogue. |None |06/12 |

| |courses. |Continue to assess and push for the presence of graduate-level criteria in syllabi | | |

| | |used in dual-level courses. | | |

| |. | | | |

|5. Continue to |Improve support provided to resident students. |Work with Residence Life to improve housing options for full-time graduate students. |None |06/12 |

|enhance support | |Seek means to provide additional fiscal support to full-time graduate students. | | |

|provided to | |Increase availability of Career Services to part-time graduate students. | | |

|graduate students. | | | | |

| |Improve support provided to international students. |Work with Residence Life to optimize housing experience for international graduate | | |

| | |students (with families, where relevant). |$ for programming and |06/13 |

| | |Conduct comprehensive evaluation of the needs of international graduate students on |services for | |

| | |campus. |international students| |

| | |Explore viability of establishing/funding an international graduate student | | |

| | |organization. | | |

| | |Enhance academic support services for international graduate students. | | |

| | |Work with International Student Programs to identify ways to ease the cultural | | |

| | |assimilation of international graduate students. | | |

| | |Develop an online graduate orientation program developed exclusively for | | |

| | |international graduate students. | | |

| | |Explore opportunities of providing additional financial support to international | | |

| | |students. | | |

|6.Continue towards | Expand pilot initiative of launching self-sustaining graduate |Identify additional graduate programs capable and willing to enter risk/reward | |12/09 |

|entrepreneurial |programs. |scenarios—garnering additional program support (e.g., graduate assistantships, |$ potential start-up | |

|graduate culture. | |service and supplies) for engaging in service-based or credit outreach graduate |money for program | |

| | |programming. |moving to | |

| | |Expand pilot initiative to garner, at least, two more graduate programs into offering|self-supporting model | |

| | |master’s degrees using adjunct faculty in a credit outreach delivery system, or | | |

| | |regular faculty as part-of-load in service-based pricing mode. | | |

| | |Codify revenue sharing scheme with programs participating in the pilot project. | | |

| | |Expand marketing initiatives, using revenues generated by pilot programs. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Develop cohort graduate program offered through the College of |Investigate the viability of developing a generic master’s degree (e.g., M.A.T.) | |121/09 |

| |Education, run through credit outreach operations. |offered through the College of Education that could form the basis for a 30 credit |$ potential start-up | |

| | |master’s offered in surrounding communities. |money for program | |

| | |Identify a pool of adjunct instructors qualified to serve as instructors in the |moving to | |

| | |cohort program. |self-supporting model | |

| | |Design and pilot revenue-sharing plan with the College of Education to launch this | | |

| | |program. | | |

| | |Explore developing collaborative outreach relationship with cohort program offered by| | |

| | |UW-La Crosse. | | |

| | |Secure $ to fund start-up and marketing dollars. | | |


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