Sl. Name of the student


& Speciality

1. Ms. S.Jenifer Helen

Sathya, Com.Health Nsg.

2 Ms. Roniya T.K Com.Health Nursing

3 Ms. Annu Josey OBG Nsg.

4 Ms. Ginisa Elizabeth George OBG Nsg.

5 Ms. Lorraine Welna Rodrigues OBG Nsg.

6 Ms. Sonam Maclay OBG Nsg.

7 Ms.Therese Jose OBG Nsg.

8 Ms. Arisetty Radha OBG Nsg.

9 Ms. Rema Muktieh Psychiatric Nsg.

10 Mrs. Veena Mathew Psychiatric Nursing

11 Sunitha C.J(Sr.Stephia Mary) Psychiatric Nursing

12 Ms. Edwin Sweety G Child Health Nursing

13 Ms. Annette Reyana


A study to assess the factors contributing to noncompliance on dots regimen among tuberculosis patients at selected dots centre in Bengaluru A study to assess the quality of life and coping pattern of patient with pulmonary tuberculosis receiving dots therapy in selected dots centre, Bengaluru A study to assess the effectiveness of structured educational package regarding KMC on risk of postnatal depression among mothers of babies admitted in NICU in a selected hospital, Bangalore A descriptive study to assess the quality of life among gynaecologic oncology patients in a selected hospital, Bangalore with a view to develop an information booklet. A study to compare the maternal compliance of Cardiff count to 10 chart and DFMS chart among antenatal mothers in selected hospital, Bangalore by A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of foot massage Vs. hand massage on pain among post caesarean mothers in a selected hospital, Bangalore. A study to assess the effect of bath after 24 hours of birth on body temperature and skin flora among newborns admitted in a selected hospital, Bangalore A study to assess the quality of life among women with polycystic ovarian disease, attending gynaecology OPD at St.John's Medical College Hospital with a view to prepare a pamphlet A study to assess the effectivess of an interventional package on level of self-esteem among nursing students in St.John's College of Nursing, Bangalore A study to assess the barriers in seeking de-addiction treatment in patients with hazardous use of alcohol in a tertiary care centre in Bangalore with a view to develop an informational pamphlet. A study to assess the problematic use of mobile phone among pre-university college students in selected colleges, Bangalore with a view to develop an information pamphlet. A study to assess the effectiveness of art therapy on anxiety of children with chronic kidney diseases in a selected hospital, Bangalore A case control study to assess the risk factors of Bronchial


asthma in children in a selected hospital, Bangalore with a

Child Health Nursing

view to develop an information pamphlet

14 Mrs.Shemi K. Thomas A randomized control trial to compare feed tolerance

Child Health Nursing

among preterm neonates with pre-feed aspiration versus

abdominal birth measurement technique in a selected

hospital, Bangalore

15 Ms.Shweta Garadi

A study to assess the effectiveness of teaching module on

Child Health Nursing

knowledge related to pediatric oncological emergencies

among staff nurses in a selected hospital, Bangalore

16 Mrs. Jinty John

A study to assess the effectiveness of care protocol on


knowledge and practice of patients receiving radiation

therapy regarding symptom management in a selected

hospital, Bangalore

17 Ms. Josmi Jose Chully

A study to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of

Medical Surg. Nsg.

caregivers regarding care of patients with chronic liver

disease with a view to develop a video assisted teaching

package in a selected hospital, Bangalore

18 Ms. Lonia Xaviour

A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching


programme on knowledge regarding self care

management among patients receiving ART at the ART

centre in a selected hospital, Bangalore

19 Ms.Rufina Chettri

A study to assess the perceived image of nursing and


factors influencing them among the nursing students of

selected College in Bangalore

20 Ms.Philsy Mary Philip

A study to assess the professional values among registered


nurses in a selected hospital, Bangalore with a view to

develop a sensitization programme.

21 Ms. Jesly Joseph Mathew A study to assess the prevalence of symptoms of shift


work disorder among hospital staff and to develop a

module on its management in a selected hospital,


22 Ms.Lincy C.V

A study to asses the effectiveness of jacobson's


progressive muscle relaxation stress and coping among

care givers of chronically ill patients admitted in selected

hospital, Bengaluru

23 Mrs.Blessy P.

A study to assess the effectiveness of a planned teaching


programme on knowledge of caretakers regarding care of

elderly in a selected hospital, Bangalore

24 Ms.Dona Wilson

A study to assess the effect of hot water foot bath therapy


on the quality of sleep among elderly, staying in selected

old age home, Bangalore

25 Ms.Neeta Margreat P

A study to assess the effectiveness of a nursing care


protocol on practice of staff nurses regarding the care of

mechanically ventilated patients in the critical care unit of

a selected hospital, Bangalore


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