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Full Participation Free Resources to Support Each New Mexico Preschool ChildThis month’s issue focuses on inclusion, a priority that is integral tothe New Mexico Early Learning GuidelinesIssue No. 14 November 2017Fact Sheet of Research on Preschool Inclusion 6-page handout presents 11 evidence-based facts that support inclusive practices in the preschool. Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs This policy statement was developed to set a vision and provide recommendations to states, local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and others for increasing the inclusion of infants, toddlers, and preschool children with disabilities in high-quality early childhood programs. The document provides a concise summary of the status of, challenges to, and opportunities for inclusion.An Administrator’s Guide to Preschool Inclusion purpose of this guide is to address issues administrators deal with in creating and supporting inclusive preschool programs. It discusses barriers and roadblocks that may be encountered and practical strategies for addressing them. How Inclusion is Benefitting One Child Without Disabilities: Dillon’s Story This one-page article shares the perspectives of the family of a young child who is typically developing regarding the benefits they see accruing from their son’s participation in inclusive early childhood programs.New Mexico Early Childhood Guide for Inclusion Birth – 5 Guide supports the alliance among early care and education practitioners and administrators in working together to assist young children under the age of five in attaining their joint goal of positive developmental outcomes for children.Partnering with Families of Children with Special Needs for educators, this article provides readers with an understanding of the experience and processes that families go through upon learning their child has a disability, as well as basic information about IFSP and IEP services. It also explains several strategies for working with families with children with disabilities.CONNECT Module 1: Embedded Interventions Módulo 1: Intervenciones incorporadas The free resources, videos, and activities in these modules can support the use of embedded practices, an evidence-based practice that helps children participate in a variety of early learning opportunities and environments promoting high quality inclusion.Full Participation is a one-way resource listserv that is distributed monthly. Each issue features resources to support the learning and development of preschool age children, with emphasis on four dimensions of full participation: 1) family engagement; 2) inclusive practices for children with developmental delays and disabilities; 3) culture and language, including support of dual language learners; and 4) promoting social relationships. All resources are readily available and free. All or part of Full Participation may be freely shared or reproduced. Previous issues of Full Participation are posted at Highlighted resources are available in English and Spanish.Full Participation is compiled by Camille Catlett. Staff and contractual support are provided by the UNM Center for Disability and Development, supported by funds from the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge grant. ................

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