Approved on November 7, 2018



Minutes #7

October 31, 2018

217 Varner Hall


Present: S. Dykstra, L. Ostergaard, E. Shesko, R. Stewart, C. VanderKaay, D. Wendell

1. Committee approved Minutes #6, October 24, 2018.

2. Committee deferred the request from the Department of Art and Art History to add the following new courses:

DES 3375 Investigating Printmaking (4)

Introduction to printmaking techniques, terminology and medias. The students will be introduced to woodcuts, screen-printing, etching and lithography as an art form. Students will also learn to create designs suited for each printing method.

Prerequisites: ART 1002 and ART 1004.

DES 3910 Study Abroad in DES (4)

Specific topics and directed individual research in graphic design offered through International Education. Specific international program will be announced in the schedule of classes. 

Prerequisite(s): permission of director of International Education.

3. Committee approved the request from the ESL Institute to add the following new course:

ESL 1010 American Cultures and Language Exploration (4)

Introductory course to prepare students for academic success at an American university. Students will explore American campus culture, learn about a variety of student success services, and develop academic success strategies and skills to help navigate and prepare for general education courses.

4. Committee approved the request from the Department of English to add the following new course:

CIN 4910 Study Abroad (4)

Topics will vary from year to year, depending on the location. May be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.

5. Committee deferred the request from the Department of English to add the following new course:

CIN 3640 Design, Motion, Effects (4)

A range of digital motion graphics and visual effects projects, combined with the study of the principles of design that make them most effective. Prerequisite: CIN 2600 with a grade of © or better.

6. Committee deferred the request from the Department of History to add the following new courses:

HST 3122 The American Founding (4)

Examines the founding of the United States from independence through the Confederation era, the drafting and ratification of a new Constitution, and the adoption of the Bill of Rights. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

HST 3132 The Early U.S. Presidency (4)

Explores the creation, growth, and development of the early American presidency from 1789-1848. It focuses on both the evolution of the institution as well as on the individuals who held the office. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

HST 3805 China: The Middle Kingdom before 1700 (4)

Explores the foundation of Chinese civilization and the rise of the Chinese empire until the beginning of the Qing dynasty. Major topics include the ancient roots of Chinese civilization, Confucianism, Daoism, Chinese Buddhism, empire building from Qin to Han, Tang cosmopolitanism, Song-Yuan transformation, Ming-Qing expansion and stagnation, and gender relations. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

HST 4010 Biography and History (4)

A consideration of biography as a form of historical research, writing, and analysis. Addresses the historical development of the genre, the different approaches to writing biographies, and the methodological issues and problems inherent in the process. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

7. Committee deferred the request from the Liberal Studies Program to add the following program concentration:

Video Game Studies Concentration

Curriculum (28-36 credits)

Required core classes

• LBS 1100 – Video Game Design & Development 1 (4)

• LBS 2100 – Video Game Design & Development 2 (4) Prerequisite: LBS 1100 or LBS 1000

• 3 Foundational Classes in Video Game Fields

o Select one course from three of the following four areas (Studio Art/Graphic Design, Writing & Rhetoric, Computer Science, Music)

▪ Studio Art/Graphic Design (4 credits)

• ART 1002 – Foundations of Studio Art 2D

• ART 1003 – Foundations of Studio Art 3D

• ART 1004 – Foundations of Media Art

▪ Writing and Rhetoric (one required course)

• WRT 2070 – Introduction to Writing for Digital Media

• WRT 3073 – Digital Storytelling

• WRT 3074 – Rhetoric and Video Games

▪ Computer Science (4 credits)

• CIT 1220– Computer Animation

• CIT 1300 or 1310 – Introduction to Computer Programming

• Music (4 credits)

• MUS 1002 – Exploring Technology in Music

• MUS 1006 – Exploring Film Music

• MUS 2020 – Computer-based music composition

Recommended Elective Design and Development Relevant Courses:


o COM 3602 – Popular Media in the Age of Convergence

o JRN 3290 – Digital Storytelling for the Media: Diversity, Identity and Community

o COM 3607 – Rise of Electronic Media

o COM 2654/JRN 2654 – Audio Production

▪ Focus – Voice Acting: COM3650/JRN 3840

Computer Science

o CIT 1300 or 1310 –Introduction to Computer Programming

▪ Focus: CIT 2300 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

▪ CIT 3500 – Human Computer Interaction (includes user experience) (major standing required)


o CIN 1600 – Introduction to Filmmaking (CIN1150/ENG2610 prerequisite, major/minor standing)

o CW 2400 – Intro to Screen/TV writing (prereq. WRT160)

▪ Focus: ENG 387 – Screenwriting (prereq. CW2400 and CIN 1150/ENG2610)


o THA 2023 – Drawing and Rendering for the Theatre (THA 1024 prereq.)

▪ Focus: THA 3022 – Costume Design


o PSY 2350 – Social Psychology (PSY 1000 prereq.)

o PSY 3100 – Creativity & Innovation (PSY 1000 prerequisite)

o PSY 3160 – Cognitive Psychology (PSY 1000 & PSY 2500 prereq.)

Studio Art/Graphic Design

o ART 1002 – Foundations of Studio Art 2D

▪ Focus –Drawing: ART 2100, ART 3100, ART 3120

▪ Focus – Digital Illustration: DES 1130, DES2230, DES3330/ DES 3370

▪ Focus – Motion Graphics: DES 1130, DES 3350, DES 3360

o ART 1004 – Foundations of Media Art

▪ Focus: ART 3120, 3220, 3290

▪ Focus – Digital Illustration: DES 1130, DES2230, DES3330/ DES 3370

▪ Focus – Motion Graphics: DES 1130, DES 3350, DES 3360

Writing & Rhetoric

o WRT 3073 – Digital Storytelling

o WRT 3074 – Rhetoric and Video Games

8. Committee deferred the request from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to change the prerequisite(s) for the following course:

ACS 4550 Financial Mathematics (4)

Pre/Corequisites:  MTH 2554 (or MTH 254) with a grade of C (or 2.0) or higher and (FIN 3720 or FIN 3550) with a grade of C or higher

9. Committee approved the request from the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures to change the title for the following course:


JPN 3140 Advanced Japanese Grammar (4)


JPN 3140 Japanese Grammar and Reading (4)

10. Committee approved the request from the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures to change the description for the following course:

JPN 3180 Japanese Composition (4)

Practice in written composition. Techniques of textual analysis and exposition are introduced. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Prerequisite(s): JPN 2150. JPN 3140 strongly recommended.

JPN 4080 Advanced Japanese Conversation and Reading (4)

Practice in speaking at an advanced level in recent historical, social, business and cultural topics featured in newspapers, internet articles, magazines, books, TV programs and films. Prerequisite(s): JPN 3160, JPN 3180, JPN 3550 JPN 3150 or permission of instructor.

11. Committee deferred the request from the School of Music, Theatre and Dance to add the following new course:

THA 2024 Designer Computer Skills (2)

Introduction to graphics and computer drafting software that have become the industry standard for work in the performing arts. Includes architectural draftings, lighting plots and presentational renderings using Vectorworks and Photoshop, Introduces common programs such as AutoCAD, Sketch-Up and Illustrator.

Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): (THA 124 or THA 1024).

12. Committee deferred the request from the School of Music, Theatre and Dance to add the following new courses:

MUE 3042 Creative Jazz Ensemble (0-1)

Study and performance of traditional and progressive jazz repertoire Ensemble is designed for, but not limited to, music students who play instruments not typically found in a jazz ensemble. May be repeated for additional credit.

MUS 1076/2076/3076/4076 Applied Indian Raga (1-2)

Directed applied study in Indian Raga. May be repeated for additional credit. Fulfills applied study requirement for the world music minor.

13. Committee approved the request from the School of Music, Theatre and Dance to add the following new courses

MUS 4212 Music Theory Pedagogy (4)

A survey of teaching approaches and current research in the field of music theory pedagogy. Students will review current texts, software, and teaching styles appropriate to both high school and college levels. Students will design and implement pedagogical approaches through teaching demonstrations and curriculum development. Course does not fulfill the upper level theory elective requirement.

14. Committee deferred the request from the Department of Psychology to add the following new course:

PSY 2000 Success in the Psychology Major (2)

This course will provide students with the tools needed for success in the psychology major. More specifically, it will: (1) provide information about jobs in psychology-related careers and assist them in acquiring the skills necessary to obtain these jobs, (2) discuss the nature of graduate school and the graduate school application process, and (3) help them develop strategies to get the most out of their psychology classes. Topics include: developing psychology related skills, identifying careers with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, using career services, getting into graduate school, developing an individualized education plan, and finding ways to get involved.

15. Committee approved the request from the Department of Communication and Journalism to make

the following changes to catalog copy:

The Department of Communication and Journalism offers programs of study leading to the degree of three degrees including a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Journalism, or Public Relations and Strategic Communication with the opportunity to concentrate in several areas within each major. Courses are available in communication theory, interpersonal and organizational communication, media studies, rhetorical studies, critical/cultural studies, print and broadcast journalism, public relations, and advertising.


• Advertising Minor

• Communication Minor

• Communication, B.A.

• Communication, B.A. to M.A

• Digital Media Production Minor

• Interactive and Social Media Minor

• Journalism Minor

• Journalism, B.A.

• Organizational Communication Minor

• Public Relations and Strategic Communication, B.A.

• Public Relations Minor

• Relational Communication Minor

Communication Minor

Requirements for the liberal arts minor in communication…

2. At least 8 credits selected from the following:

• COM 2200 - Rhetoric and Public Culture (4)

• COM 2201 - Argumentation and Debate (4)

• COM 2202 - Persuasion and Social Change (4)

• COM 2600 - Media and Social Identity (4)

• COM 2650 - Introduction to Media Communication (4)

• COM 3000 - Relational Communication Theory (4)

• COM 3002 - Cultural Theory in Communication (4)

• COM 3200 - Persuasion (4)

• COM 3201 - Rhetorical Theory (4)

• COM 3300 - Multicultural Communication (4)

• COM 3301 - Race and Communication (4)

• COM 3400 - Relational Communication (4)

• COM 3401 - Communication in Organizations (4)

• COM 3402 - Communication in Leadership (4)

• COM 3403 - Interpersonal Conflict (4)

• COM 3405 - Gender Communication (4)

• COM 3407 – Women in Leadership (4)

• COM 3601 - Communication, Mobile Media, and the Internet (4)

• COM 3602 - Television Studies in the Digital Age (4)

• COM 3603 - Critical Approaches to Popular Music (4)

• COM 3606 - Media, Gender and Sexuality (4)

• COM 3607 - Rise of Electronic Media (4)

• COM 4200 - Rhetorical Criticism in Communication (4)

• COM 4203 - Women, Power, and Persuasion (4)

• COM 4300 - Hip-Hop, Race and the City (4)

• COM 4301 - Cultural Studies in Communication (4)

• COM 4400 - Advanced Relational Communication (4)

• COM 4401 - Family Communication (4)

• COM 4402 – Health Communication (4)

• COM 4403 - Advanced Nonverbal Communication (4)

• COM 4600 - Media Criticism (4)

• COM 4601 - Theory and Practice of Media Literacy Outreach (4)

• COM 4602 - Sexuality and Communication (4)…

Communication, B.A.

Requirements for the liberal arts major in communication, B.A. program…

3. One course from the Interpersonal group

• COM 3000 - Relational Communication Theory (4) (may satisfy the requirement either for theory or for the interpersonal group, but not both)

• COM 3400 - Relational Communication (4)

• COM 3401 - Communication in Organizations (4)

• COM 3402 - Communication in Leadership (4)

• COM 3403 - Interpersonal Conflict (4)

• COM 3404 - Nonverbal Communication (4)

• COM 3405 - Gender Communication (4)

• COM 3407 – Women in Leadership (4)

• COM 4400 - Advanced Relational Communication (4)

• COM 4401 - Family Communication (4)

• COM 4402 – Health Communication (4)

• COM 4403 - Advanced Nonverbal Communication (4)

• COM 4499 - The Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication (4)

• COM 4602 - Sexuality and Communication (4)…

Organizational Communication Minor

Requirements for the liberal arts minor in Organizational Communication

To earn a minor in organizational communication, students must complete a minimum of 20 credits in communication, distributed as follows:

1. Required core courses

• COM 2001 – Professional Communication (4)

• COM 3401 – Communication in Organizations (4)

2. A minimum of 12 additional credits in communication, 8 of which must be at the 3000-4000 level selected from: COM 2000, COM 2403, COM 3200, COM 3400, COM 3402, COM 3403, COM 3407, COM 4402


This minor is not available to communication majors.

Requirements for the liberal arts major in public relations and strategic communication, B.A.

The public relations and strategic communication major requires a minimum of 44 credits distributed as follows…

One COM elective selected from:

• COM 2001 - Professional Communication (4)

• COM 2403 - Group Dynamics and Communication (4)

• COM 3200 - Persuasion (4)

• COM 3300 - Multicultural Communication (4)

• COM 3400 - Relational Communication (4)

• COM 3401 - Communication in Organizations (4)

• COM 3601 - Communication, Mobile Media, and the Internet (4)

• COM 3602 - Television Studies in the Digital Age (4)

• COM 3900 - Special Topics in Communication (4) (if topic relates to PR)

• COM 4402 – Health Communication (4)

• COM 4950 – Special Topics in Communication (4)

16. Committee approved the request from the Department of Philosophy to make the following

changes to catalog copy:

Philosophy, B.A.

Requirements for the liberal arts major in philosophy, B.A. program…

3. At least two courses chosen from

• PHL 3120 - Philosophy of Law (4)

• PHL 3300 - Ethical Theory (4)

• PHL 3310 - Ethics, Language and Reality (4)

• PHL 3500 - Bioethics (4)

• PHL 3510 - Ethics in Business (4)

• PHL 3600 - Political Philosophy (4)

• PHL 3610 - Philosophy of International Relations: Law, War, and Peace (4)

• PHL 3620 - Global Justice (4)

• PHL 3630 - Philosophy of Crime, Policing and Punishment (4)

• PHL 3880 - Animal Minds and Morals (4)

4. At least two courses chosen from

• PHL 3100 - Philosophy of Gender (4)

• PHL 3210 - Twentieth Century British and American Philosophy (4)

• PHL 3150 - Philosophy of Religion (4)

• PHL 3700 - Philosophy of Science (4)

• PHL 3720 - Topics in the Philosophy of Science (4)

• PHL 3710 - Philosophy of Biology (4)

• PHL 3400 - Metaphysics (4)

• PHL 3410 - Theories of Knowledge (4)

• PHL 3420 - Theories of Truth (4)

• PHL 3800 - Philosophy of Mind (4)

• PHL 3810 - Consciousness and Persons (4)

• PHL 3820 - Mental Causation (4)

• PHL 3830 - Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence (4)

• PHL 4100 - Philosophy of Language (4)



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