Midwest Regional Chapter - Toxicology


Midwest Regional Chapter

Society of Toxicology

Fall 2009 Newsletter

The MRC/SOT Proudly Presents the Annual Fall Meeting scheduled for Friday, Nov. 20, 2009:

“New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Toxicology”

It is with great pleasure that we extend an invitation for you to join us for the upcoming Fall meeting of the Midwest Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology. This meeting will discuss new frontiers in cardiovascular toxicology.

~See inside for meeting details~

28th Annual MRC/SOT Fall Meeting

20 Nov. 2009

Covance Laboratories, Madison, Wisconsin

Plans for the 28th Annual Fall Meeting of the Midwest Regional Chapter of SOT are being finalized. The meeting will be held on Friday, Nov. 20 at Covance Laboratories, Madison Wisconsin. The theme for this year’s meeting is “New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Toxicology”. The Program Committee has lined up an outstanding panel of speakers to cover this emerging and important topic. A copy of the tentative program along with the Registration form and directions to the meeting site are attached.

For further information regarding the meeting, please contact the 2009 Program Chairman, Matthew Schroeder at Matthew.Schroeder@

The Awards Committee is also soliciting applications for the MRC Young Investigators Award and nominations for the Kenneth Dubois Career Award. Information regarding these awards and the application/nomination processes can be found on the MRC-SOT website.

28th Annual MRC/SOT

Fall Meeting

Nov. 20, 2009

Covance Laboratories, Madison, Wisconsin

“New Frontier in Cardiovascular Toxicology”

| | | |

| | | |

|Registration | |Lunch |

|9:00-9:35 AM | |12:-1:15 PM |

| | | |

|Welcome | |1:15-2:00 PM |

|9:35-9:45 AM | |“Human iPS Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes: Progress and Applications” |

|Walter Prozialeck, PhD | |Timothy Kamp, MD, PhD |

|Midwestern University | |University of Wisconsin |

|Matthew Schroeder | | |

|Covance Laboratories | |2:00-2:45 PM |

| | |“Contemporary Issues in Preclinical Cardiovascular Risk Assessment”|

|9:45-10:30 AM | |Brian Berridge, DVM, PhD, DACVP |

|“In vivo Assessment of Cardiovascular Function in Drug Development: | |GlaxoSmithKline |

|Dusty Sarazan, DVM, PhD | | |

|Covance | |2:45-3:00 PM |

| | |Concluding Remarks |

|10:30-11:15 AM | |Walter Prozialeck, PhD |

|“hERG (Kv11.1) K+ Channels and Their Trafficking within Cells“ | |Midwestern University |

|Craig January, PhD, | | |

|University of Wisconsin | | |

| | | |

|11:15-12:00 | | |

|“Sleep Apnea: Causes and Consequences” | | |

|Jerome Dempsey, PhD | | |

|University of Wisconsin | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Midwest SOT Fall Meeting

Hotel and Driving Directions


Crown Plaza Hotel

4402 East Washington Avenue

Madison, WI‎ - (877) 454-5025‎

Courtyard by Marriott

2502 Crossroads Dr.

Madison, WI‎ - (608) 661-8100‎

Comfort Inn

4822 E Washington Avenue

Madison, WI‎ - (608) 244-6265‎

Residence Inn

4862 Hayes Road

Madison, WI‎ - (608) 244-5047‎

Driving Directions

I-94 East or I-39/I-90 South

1) Exit onto WI-30 and travel West, 1.7 miles

2) Take the Stoughton Road/US-51 exit, 0.3 miles

3) Turn right at North Stoughton Road/US-51, 1.4 miles

4) Turn left at Kinsman Boulevard, 0.4 miles

5) Turn right into Covance, Parking lot is to the right

I-90/I-94 from the North side

1) Take the Madison Exit 135 A-B to merge

onto US-151 South, 2.3 miles

2) Turn Right at North Stoughton Road, 0.6 miles

3) Turn left at Kinsman Boulevard, 0.4 miles

4) Turn right into Covance, Parking lot is to the right

Covance Address

3301 Kinsman Boulevard

Madison, Wisconsin 53704

Please enter Covance’s front entrance (next to the flags) on the east side of the building. Once in the building proceed to your left where there will be individuals to check you in and lead you to the learning center where the meeting will be held.

|Fees |Hotel Rooms |

|Regular Member: $25 |Rooms are not being held for this conference |

|Non-Member: $50 | |

|Full-Time Students: $10 | |

Registration Form

Return the form below with payment by 10/31/09 to:

Molly Weiler, Ph.D., DABT

Covance Laboratories Inc.

Nonclinical Safety Assessment

Process Excellence, Mail Code 42

3301 Kinsman Blvd.

Madison, WI 53704

Phone: 608-242-2626

Registration will be permitted at the conference.

MRC/SOT 2009 Fall Meeting Registration Form

Name: ___________________________________ MRC-SOT Member _____ Yes _______No

Title/Position/Company __________________________________________________________

Phone Number _________________________ E-mail address ___________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________ State _____________ Zip _______________

*Make checks payable to MRC-SOT*

Fee Enclosed (please check):

Regular Member: $25 □

Non-Member: $50 □

Full-Time Student: $10 □

Is a receipt required for this registration? _____Yes _____ No

President’s Message,

Greetings. I hope you are all finding time to enjoy the beautiful Fall season that is upon us. I would also like to extend my personal invitation for each of you to attend the Annual Fall Meeting of the MRC-SOT, which will be held on Friday, November 20, 2009 at Covance Laboratories in scenic Madison, Wisconsin. Program Chairman, Matthew Schroeder, has organized a very interesting scientific session that focuses on the theme “New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Toxicology”. The program includes an outstanding panel of speakers who are recognized leaders in the field of cardiovascular toxicology. I sincerely hope that you will all be able to attend. The detailed program, registration materials, directions and lodging information for the meeting can be found elsewhere in this Newsletter. For planning purposes and security reasons, we are asking that registration materials be submitted before October 31.

Our 2009 Spring Meeting, that was held at the Marriott Lincolnshire Resort on May 1, was a huge success. About 100 people attended the meeting, which focused on the topic “Biomarkers of Toxic Injury and Therapeutic Responses”. I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all of the sponsors and individuals whose efforts contributed to the success of the meeting. Again, our organization owes a huge thanks to Robin Guy who, as in the past years, handled the negotiations for the meeting arrangements with the Marriott Lincolnshire. Robin devotes a considerable amount of her time each year to working with the Marriott Lincolnshire to insure that the spring meeting is a success. Robin, your efforts are greatly appreciated.

The Program Committee will soon begin planning the 2010 Spring Meeting that will be held in Lincolnshire on May 21. We encourage members to submit ideas for possible topics and speakers for the meeting. Also, members are encouraged to submit ideas for topics and possible venues for next year’s Fall Meeting. Hosting the fall meeting is a great opportunity to showcase your facilities and organization. Please feel free to contact anyone on the council with your questions or ideas.

Please encourage your colleagues to become members of chapter; one does not have to be a member of National SOT to become a member of our regional chapter. Membership and application materials are posted on our website.

Finally, our Nominating Committee, which will be headed by Past-President Peter Thomford, will be soliciting candidates to serve on the Executive Committee. Please consider running for office or serving on a committee. Our by-laws are posted on the web site and this is a great way to learn more about the duties of the officers and councilors. Since so much of the work of the Council and committees is conducted electronically, it has become much easier to participate.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on November 20th, in Madison.

Walt Prozialeck

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Victor A. Drill Award

Charles River Laboratories

General Support

Abbott Laboratories



Midwest BioResearch

Midwestern University

Department of Pharmacology

Reid Patterson Consulting

Robin Guy Consulting, LLC

Society of Toxicology

National Headquarters

WIL Research Laboratories

Special thanks to Covance for sponsoring our breakfast at the 2009 National Meeting in Baltimore

Also special thanks to Vicki Sears and Peter Lamar, from Midwestern University, for logistical support


The Midwest Regional Chapter is proud to recognize the efforts of toxicologists who work and study in the Midwest. Three annual awards are presented that highlight their achievements:

Kenneth P. DuBois Award

Presented to an active toxicologist from the Midwest region that has demonstrated outstanding contributions throughout his/her career. Candidates must have demonstrated a sustained and high level of achievement in the field. Written nominations are required.

Nominations due April 1, 2010

The 2009 Kenneth P. DuBois Award was presented to Barbara Struthers, of BJ Struthers, Ltd.

Victor A. Drill Award

Presented for the best student poster presentation at the annual spring meeting of the Chapter. The winner receives a paid trip (expenses reimbursed up to $1500) to the following year’s National SOT meeting. Abstracts due April 1, 2010

The 2009 first place poster Victor Drill Award was presented to Qing Liu who received a $1,500 grant for his poster entitled “Time and dose-dependent effects of dietary TCDD in Juvenile Rainbow Trout.”

The second place poster Victor Drill Award was presented to Sonya Bolker who received $100 for her poster entitled “Enrichment of broccoli and tomato with bioactive components: effects on bioactivity markers in vivo.”

Young Investigator Award

Presented for the best student research proposal. The winner receives $1500 to put towards their proposed research project and presents their results at the following year’s MRC/SOT Spring meeting.

Proposals due April 1, 2010

This award was presented to Erin Shanle for her research proposal on “The impact of BPA on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Therapy”. Erin is a graduate student in Molecular and Environmental Toxicology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

The Awards will be presented at the Annual Spring 2010 Meeting of the Chapter.

Information about the three awards, as well as application forms, are found on our website (memberservices/regionalchapter/midwest/). Any further questions may be directed to the Executive Committee.

Regional Chapter Graduate Committee (RG-GC)

Greetings Midwest Regional Chapter! My name is Ofek Bar-Ilan and I am the Regional Chapter/Special Interest Group Graduate Committee (RC/SIG-GC) representative for the Midwest Regional Chapter (MRC)-SOT. As an ad hoc committee of the national Society of Toxicology, the RC/SIG-GC was created to serve as a student liaison between the regional and national SOT chapters in order to encourage student involvement in SOT. If you are a student and have an active interest in toxicology, we encourage you to attend the next MRC-SOT meeting on Nov. 20, 2009 at Covance Laboratories, Madison Wisconsin. Even though you do not need to be a member of the Midwest Regional Chapter to attend the meeting there are several benefits to becoming a student member. Student members have access to several services provided by the MRC-SOT, are eligible for student travel awards such as the Victor A. Drill Award for best poster presentation and the Young Investigator Award for the most innovative research. You also benefit from networking with other scientists and potential employers at the regional meetings. Besides, membership dues are only $10! To become a member, you can either download an application form from our website (which does not require national membership) or designate your choice to join while paying national SOT dues. Please feel free to email me with any questions you have about regional and national SOT student awards and meetings or volunteer opportunities at the annual SOT meeting.

Hope to see you Nov. 20th!

Ofek Bar-Ilan

RC/SIG-GC Representative

SAC Chairperson-elect

Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Madison

777 Highland Ave

Madison, WI 53705

Phone: 608-262-4525

Email: barilan@wisc.edu


Annual elections are held to fill various vacant positions in the MRC/SOT executive committee. Nominations are accepted annually for vacant positions. For the 2009-2010 the following executive committee positions were filled: President-elect-Matthew Schroeder, Treasurer-Molly Weiler, Councilors-Lise Loberg and Susan Henwood


Walter Prozialeck

Midwestern University

Phone: 630-515-6385



Matthew Schroeder

Covance Laboratories

Phone: 608.310.8222


Chair: Program Committee

Past President

Peter J. Thomford, Ph.D, DABT.

Covance Laboratories

Telephone: 608.395-3683


Chair: Nominating/Awards Committee


Louette Rausch, M.S.

Akzo Nobel

Phone: (312) 544-7061


Chair: Newsletter/Communications/Membership Committee


Molly Weiler, Ph. D.

Covance Laboratories

Phone: (608) 242-2626



Jane Fagerland



Oliver Pelz

BP Corporation

Phone: (630) 420-3650 (630) 420-5375 oliver.pelz@organization:

Susan Henwood

Covance Laboratories

Phone: 608.241.7221


Lise Loberg

Abbott Laboratories

Phone: 847.937.5978


Regional Chapter Graduate Committee Representative

Ofek Bar-Ilan

Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Phone: 608-262-4525


The MRC-SOT newsletter is published biannually in both print and electronic formats as a service to the toxicology community of the Midwest. Contributions are welcome! Please address any questions, comments or contributions to Louette Rausch at the email address above. [pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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