Wind Turbine Design - NREL

Technische Universit?t M?nchen Wind Energy Institute

Wind Turbine Design

Origins of Systems Engineering and MDAO for Wind Energy Applications

Carlo L. Bottasso Technische Universit?t M?nchen, Germany

WESE Workshop, Pamplona, Spain, 2-3 October 2019

Design Optimization of Wind Turbines


Some technical reasons behind the falling prices of energy from wind

Multidisciplinarity and the need for MDAO

MDAO tools: architectures, methods, limits and gaps

Conclusions and outlook

Design Optimization of Wind Turbines

Design Trends

Higher tower higher wind speed because of vertical shear

Reducing specific power, i.e. size grows more than power rating

Data for onshore turbines 1MW

Larger swept area larger power capture

(Source: IEA Wind TCP Task 26)

Improved capacity factor lower CoE

Design Optimization of Wind Turbines









Since can not be drastically increased, the most effective way to decrease is to reduce specific power (or power loading)

Increasing A


More time spent in region III at full power, increased capacity factor

Design Optimization of Wind Turbines Weight (Cost)

Design Trends & Challenges

Larger machines can not be designed by simple upscaling of smaller ones, to avoid cubic law of growth: need for R&D and technological innovation

Grows as size3


(but AEP only as size2) innovation


(source: LM Wind Power)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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