Purdue University - Department of Statistics

R for Introductory StatisticsStep 1: Is your data in the right place?R uses “C:/Windows/system32” as its default location for data, (what R calls its “working directory”). It is not a good idea to place files and change folders inside this directory, so we want to change the working directory. For convenience, let’s set the working directory to be the desktop.The “>” shape is your command prompt. Also, you must include the parenthesis, even though you are not putting anything inside them.First, check your working directory.> getwd()[1] "C:/Windows/system32"To set your working directory to your desktop, use the command setwd().If you are using a Purdue computer, your “computername” will be the ID you used to login. For a personal computer, it will be the computer name. To find your computer name, right-click on a file on your desktop and select “properties”. It will be listed under “location”.> setwd(C:/Users/computername/Desktop)R is case-sensitive, so if the folder in your computer is capitalized, you must capitalize it in your command. In some cases, your computer might also display directory names with a “\” instead of the “/” shown here (i.e. C:\Users\computername\Desktop). Whatever your computer shows, use “/”. If R tells you it could not find the directory, re-check you spelling, capitalization, and your slashes. After you set your working directory, confirm it by re-using the getwd() command.Now is a good time to give you the most important time-saving tip. If you enter any command wrong, and R returns an error, you do not have to retype the whole command. On the empty command prompt, press the “up” arrow key. This will cycle up through the previous commands you have entered. Step 2: Loading Data#glasstemplight1110058021100568311005704210055052100530621005797310054683100575931005991011251090After you’ve set your desktop as the working directory, place your data file on the desktop. It must be in a .txt or .csv file. If you have an excel file, use the “save as” function, and re-save the .xls or .xlsx file as a .csv. (In doing this, Excel will say your file will lose some formatting, this is fine and you can click “yes”.) To read this file, use the command “read.table”.>dataset=read.table("wolf.csv",header=T,sep=',’)dataset is the title we wish to give our dataset in R. wolf.csv is the data file you have on the desktop. header=T means that the cell at the top of the column (for example, “glass”) is a label, not a data point. sep=’,’ tells R to look for commas as separators for data points. If you’re using a .csv file, this will be true. If you’re using a .txt file, make sure that the data is separated by a comma.You can also use the command read.csv(). Everything is the same as read.table(), but you can leave out the sep=’,’ command. Of course, make sure you are using a .csv file.> dataset1=read.csv(“wolf.csv”,header=T)Remember, R is always case-sensitive. If your file has a capital letter in the filename, that letter must be capitalized in the command. If the column title is capitalized, you will have to capitalize it every time you use it.Step 3: Formatting DataThis is the name of the variable you want R to read as a factor.In the previous step, we provided a partial dataset. In this dataset, “glass” and “temp” are factors, or numerical categorical variables. But R will always assume the data you provide is continuous. To make R read a variable as a factor, use the as.factor() command.> dataset$glass = as.factor(dataset$glass) This is the name of the variable you are creating. If you want to keep the original “glass” variable the same, you can change the name here to Fglass, as in dataset$Fglass.Step 4: Attaching DataIn the last step, we showed you how to format data with the as.factor() command. Every time we referenced a variable, or created a new one, we had to specify the dataset. This can become annoying, so to save time, you can attach data using the attach command.> attach(dataset)If we had done this before Step 3, we could have written the command:> glass = as.factor(glass)This will be time saving when your fitting models, and also simplifies your commands, making it easier to avoid mistakes. You can only attach one dataset at a time.Step 5: Means and T-testsIf you forget, at any time, the name of the variables in your dataset, you can use the names() command. > names(variable)If you haven’t attached your data set, you must specify the dataset.or> names(dataset$variable)To find the mean and standard deviation, use the mean() and sd() commands.>mean(variable)>sd(variable)This will test your variable (var1) against a mean you decide (X)T-tests can be performed in a few ways, but all use the t.test() command.> t.test(var1, mu=X)> t.test(var1, var2, var.equal=T)This is a two-variable T-test. When var.equal=T, the test assumes equal variance. When var.equal=F, the tes will assume unequal variances)> t.test(var1, var2, paired=T)This will test two variables as a paired testStep 6: Fitting ModelsIn R, we must fit a linear model before we can run ANOVA or run analysis on our residuals. We do this with the lm() command. > model = lm(light~glass+temp+glass:temper, data=dataset)This is the model name.DatasetInteraction TermFactorsResponse VariableThere are other ways to include interaction terms. With lm(light~glass*temp, data=dataset), the asterisk between the factors tells R to include both main effects and the interaction in the model. If we had three factors, lm(light~glass*temp*third, data=dataset), then the model would include all three main effects, all three 2nd order interaction terms, and the higher level interaction term.If we had three main factors, but we only wanted the main effects and the 2nd order interaction terms, we could write the model as lm(light~(glass+temp+third)^2, data=dataset).To offer another example, the following three models are identical.> model = lm(light~glass+temp+glass:temp, data=dataset)> model = lm(light~glass*temp, data=dataset)> model = lm(light~(glass+temp)^2, data=dataset) It might also be useful for you to make a graph of your interaction terms, which we can use the interaction.plot() command for.> interaction.plot(temp,glass,light, xlab= “Coating”, ylab= “Response Mean”, main= “Interaction Plot”, trace.label= “Temperature”)The trace.label() provides a label for the lines which connect the points in the interaction plot, (i.e. the difference temperatures used).Step 7: ANOVAUsing the above model, we can perform ANOVA with a rather simple command: anova(model). You must have previously constructed a model using the lm() command. > anova(model)Your output will look like:Analysis of Variance TableResponse: light Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) glass 2 150865 75432 206.37 3.886e-13 ***temper 2 1970335 985167 2695.26 <2.2e-16 ***glass:temper 4 290552 72638 198.73 1.254e-14 ***Residuals 18 6579 366Step 8: Type I and Type III Sum of SquaresThe output from Step 7 will show you the Type I Sum of Squares. As with other software, you must adjust the model to so that whichever term you wish to have unadjusted, (or on top) is the first term. Unlike with other software, getting Type III Sum of Squares is somewhat onerous. As you may know, the last term in the Type 1 SS table is equivalent to the Type III SS for that term. With R, you must re-do the model with the term for which you wish to get the Type III SS last. To save you a few steps, you can also use the aov() command to get ANOVA outputs. As you can see, the aov() command fits your linear model within the command line. This way, you do not have to refit a linear model with lm() to get all of your Type III SS.> summary(aov(y~var1+var2+var1:var2+var3))Here, you’re fitting a linear model, and the syntax rules we showed in Step 6 apply here. The aov() command returns a truncated ANOVA table, so here we use the summary() command to force a more complete table.This is the output from the names() command on your model. These are all variables created when you fit a model with lm(). Step 9: Testing AssumptionsThe names() command is also useful after you’ve fit a model.> names(model)# [1] “coefficients” “residuals” “effects” “rank”# [5] “fitted values” “assign” “gr” “dr.residual”# [9] “contrasts” “xlevels” “call” “terms” #[13]“model” We can use some of these variables to test assumptions about our model, like constant variance and normality of residuals. Here, the linear model we created with the lm() command acts as a data set, so you must reference the model when using a variable. You can also detach the dataset with detach() command, and then attach the model.This command partitions the window into quarters. You don’t have to partition it 2X2, but we’re going to show you four graphs. > detach(dataset)> attach(model)> par(mfrow=c(2,2))The command qqnorm() draws a normal QQ-plot of whatever variable you specify, while qqline() draws a line using the first and third quartile> qqnorm(model$residuals)> qqline(model$residuals)If you wish to plot the residuals against the fitted values (also called the predicted values), we have to use the plot() command.> plot(model$fitted.values, model$residuals, xlab= “Fitted Values”, ylab= “Residuals”, main= “Residual Plot vs. Fitted Values”)Using the plot command, which graphs scatter plots, you must specify the variable for the x-axis first, then the y-axis variable. xlab and ylab will label the x and y axes and main will supply a label for the entire graph. Leaving any of these portions out will not affect the graph, except that the label will be missing.We can also use plot() to graph the residuals against factors. To simplify these instructions, we’re going to assume you have not attached either the dataset or the model.> plot(dataset$factor1, model$residuals, xlab= “Factor: 1”, ylab “Residuals”, main “Residuals Plot vs. Factor 1”)> plot(dataset$factor2, model$residuals, xlab= “Factor: 2”, ylab “Residuals”, main “Residuals Plot vs. Factor 2”)After you’ve got these plots, repartition the screen so nothing weird happens in the display when you do further analysis.> par(mfrow=c(1,1))Step 10: Bartlett’s Test for Constant Variances and Tukey’s HSDTo do Bartlett’s Test, we can use the command bartlett.test(). Remember, at this point in this tutorial, we’re assuming you’ve already loaded your dataset. We will assume you have not attached anything. If your variables are factors, you must have also specified them as such with the as.factor() command.> bartlett.test(var1~var2, data=dataset)This will test variable 1 against variable 2. The output will be:# Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances##data: var1 by var2 #Bartlett's K-squared = 1.1508, df = 3, p-value = 0.7648We can do Tukey’s HSD comparison using the command tukeyhsd(aov()). > tukeyHSD(aov(y~var1*var2, dataset))$var1:var2This specifies that you want to test the interaction term between var1 and var2. To test a main effect, use $var1, and repeat the entire command line to test a different main effect.As before, you’re fitting a linear model, and the syntax we showed in Step 6 applies here. If you want to test an interaction term with Tukey’s HSD, make sure to include it here.Step 11: Randomized Complete and Balanced Incomplete Block DesignsR currently has no specialized functions for working with blocking designs. To work with RCBDs and BIBDs, you should construct your .csv or .txt table so that you have treatment and block as factors. You can then construct a linear model with the lm() command.> blockmodel = lm(y~treatment+block, data=dataset)Again, you must decide on the proper model to use here. R cannot decide for you what terms should be included in the model. > anova(blockmodel)This will return an output like the one below.#Analysis of Variance Table##Response: y# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) #trt 3 11.667 3.8889 5.9829 0.0414634 * #block 3 66.083 22.0278 33.8889 0.0009528 ***#Residuals 5 3.250 0.6500 Step 12: Split Plot and other Nested Data DesignsCoatingBarTemp. (?C)Sec. 1Sec. 2Sec. 3Sec. 4135013242360231433702431437041235360231463503142Using R to analyze split plot designs is a more complicated than the previous blocking designs. Let’s assume we have the following experimental model that we want to analyze. 6 metals bars are heated to one of three temperatures, with two bars for each temperature. After cooling, the bars are divided into four sections and each section is coated with one of four salt solutions. The electrical resistance of each section is then measured, with one measurement per section.Using this layout, each Bar is a whole plot, with the four sections each being a split-plot. Our model for this analysis is:Resistanceijk=WholeTi+Pij+Split(Ck+CTik+CPijk+error, where T=temp, C=coating, and P=plot.) To test this, we use the aov() command. >summary(aov(resistance~(temp+coating)^2+Error(plot/temp), data=dataset))This tells the model that the error term is the plot (bar) nested within the Temperature factor.Remember, this means the model includes the main effects and all 2nd order interaction terms. Refer to step 6 if you need to review the syntax for linear models.This is commonly labeled the “Between Plots” or the “Whole Plot” ANOVA. It shows the error term used for F tests is the model term “Plot”. This will provide you with the following output.summary(aov(resistance))#Error: plot# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)#temp 2 26519 13260 2.755 0.209This is the “Within Plots” or “Split Plot” ANOVA. Here the error term is the interaction effect of Plot*Coating.#Residuals 3 14440 4813 ##Error: Within# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) #coating 3 4289 1429.7 11.480 0.00198 **#temp:coating 6 3270 545.0 4.376 0.02407 * #Residuals 9 1121 124.5If you try to fit the model using a the lm() command followed by anova(), as below,>model=lm(resistance~(temp+coating)^2, data=dataset)>anova(model)You would receive the following output:#Response: res# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) #temp 2 26519.2 13259.6 10.2256 0.002557 **#coating 3 4289.1 1429.7 1.1026 0.386016 #temp:coating 6 3269.7 545.0 0.4203 0.851799 #Residuals 12 15560.5 1296.7As you can see, when we used a standard linear model, R assumed we were providing data for a balanced complete block design, or a complete factorial design.Addendum: There is a way to use the lm() command to do ANOVA with split-plot design, (and in the next step, nested models). It is more complicated than using the aov() command, however it returns a different ANOVA table which may be useful for educational purposes. We are using the same example as above.> model=lm(resistance~temp*coating + plot$in$temp + coating:plot$in$temp, dataset)> anova(model)Your output will look like:#Response: resistance# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)#temp 2 26519 13260 #coating 3 4289 1429.7 #temp:coating 6 3270 545 #temp:plot 3 14440 4813 #temp:coating:plot 9 1121 124.5 #Residuals 0 0.000The disadvantages of this method for analysis are obvious. Because it attempts to use the errors, (which are irretrievable) for the F-tests, none can be completed. We would argue that the syntax is rather more confusing as well. However, when compared with the output from using the aov() command, it is easy to see where different terms come from, (i.e. that “residuals” in the Between Section is actually the plot term nested within the temp term). The fact that nested terms, (plot within temp), are portrayed in R as interaction terms might also supply insight into the confounded nature of nested terms.Finally, other models which rely on nested data, (such as repeated measures experiments) use this same command line. The important addition for nested data is the inclusion of Error term in the aov() command line, which you will use to specify the between error term.Step 13: Fractional FactorialsConducting analysis of fractional factorial models with R uses syntax we’ve already learned, by fitting a linear model with lm() and evaluating that model with anova(). As with other steps, the first part of analyzing fractional factorials with R is making sure that your model is well constructed. With fractional factorials, that also means knowing your generator. The first step is labeling your factors. For example, let’s say we have a fractional factorial of 2(6-2) with resolution=IV, and we make our generators 123 and 234. If we used the labels in our dataset, which are complete words like “temperature”, the output for the ANOVA we’re about to do would be filled with text and confusing, so first let’s rename our factors. Remember to replace “factor1” with whatever your factor is named. Also, we’re assuming that the dataset has been attached.> A=factor1> B=factor2> C=factor3> D=factor4> E=A*B*C> F=B*C*D> rep=blockThen we fit our linear model with lm().> model= lm(y~(A+B+C+D+E+F)^6 + rep, dataset)Then we conduct our ANOVA analysis with the anova() command.> anova(model)And the output will look something like the following. #Analysis of Variance Table##Response: data2$Hangtime# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) #A 1 4.5942 4.5942 196.8658 1.020e-14 ***#B 1 0.2201 0.2201 9.4294 0.0045078 ** #C 1 27.2255 27.2255 1166.6322 < 2.2e-16 ***#D 1 6.3438 6.3438 271.8368 < 2.2e-16 ***#E 1 0.0276 0.0276 1.1806 0.2858819 #F 1 4.4105 4.4105 188.9920 1.738e-14 ***#rep 2 0.0732 0.0366 1.5690 0.2248739 #A:B 1 0.3942 0.3942 16.8926 0.0002819 ***#A:C 1 1.0063 1.0063 43.1208 2.895e-07 ***#A:D 1 1.1563 1.1563 49.5484 7.980e-08 ***#A:E 1 1.7442 1.7442 74.7411 1.210e-09 ***#A:F 1 0.1938 0.1938 8.3046 0.0072398 ** #B:D 1 0.0063 0.0063 0.2700 0.6071123 #B:F 1 0.2626 0.2626 11.2506 0.0021694 ** #A:B:D 1 0.6888 0.6888 29.5157 6.863e-06 ***#A:B:F 1 1.1876 1.1876 50.8875 6.185e-08 ***#Residuals 30 0.7001 0.0233 ................

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