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|Consolidated Environmental Assessment Report |

|December 2007 |

French Grant, FASEP n°34

DGTPE, Ministère de l’Economie des Finances et de l’Industrie, Paris, France



Bengbu Integrated Environment Improvement Project

R3A- Consolidated Environmental Assessment Report

This report has been published in collaboration with SOGREAH CHINA

|Objet de l'indice |Date |Indice |Rédaction |Validation |

| | | |Nom |Signature |Nom |Signature |

|Consolidated Environmental Assessment |14 October 2007 | |Huang Xiaodan | |Gary Moys | |

|Report (R3A) | | | | | | |

| | |a | | | | |

| | |b | | | | |

| | |c | | | | |

| | |d | | | | |

|Numéro de rapport(*): |Rig00006 |

|Numéro d'affaire: |A17978 |

|N° de contrat: |CIGZ 07287 |

|Domaine technique: |BV31 |

(*) This report is part of the environmental safeguard documents, which include three separate volumes:

- Consolidated Environmental Assessment Report (R3A)

- Environmental Assessment Summary (R3B), and

- Environmental Management Plan (R3C)


|27, rue de Vanves |

|92772 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT Cedex, France |

|Téléphone: 33(0)1.46 10 25 40 Télécopie: 33(0)1. 46 10 25 49 |

|e-mail: |






|Acronyms and Abbreviations 12 |

|1 Introduction 13 |

|1.1 BIEIP Project Background & Organization 13 |

|1.2 General Background for Consolidated EA 19 |

|1.3 Coverage of this Consolidated EA 21 |

|1.4 Layout of the Consolidated EA Report 22 |

|2 Institutional & Regulatory Framework 23 |

|2.1 Environmental Institutions and Roles 23 |

|2.2 Applicable Laws & Regulations 24 |

|2.3 Environmental Quality Standards 25 |

|2.4 World Bank Safeguards 27 |

|3 Environmental Policy Framework 28 |

|3.1 Main Environmental Issues and Strategies in Huai River Basin 28 |

|3.2 Relevant Plannings of Bengbu Municipality 29 |

|3.3 Project Conformity with the Master Plans 39 |

|4 Environmental Baseline Situation 43 |

|4.1 Topography 44 |

|4.2 Climate 44 |

|4.3 Hydrology 44 |

|4.4 Geology 47 |

|4.5 Soil and Vegetation 47 |

|4.6 Air 48 |

|4.7 Surface Water 51 |

|4.8 Groundwater 63 |

|4.9 Water Supply 65 |

|4.10 Water Pollution 67 |

|4.11 Noise 75 |

|4.12 Sediment Quality 81 |

|4.13 Solid Waste Management 89 |

|4.14 Ecological Environment 90 |

|4.15 Natural Disasters 90 |

|4.16 Social Environment 91 |

|4.17 Cultural Archaeology Resources 92 |

|5 Project Description 94 |

|5.1 Project Summary 94 |

|5.2 Description of Proposed Sub-Projects 97 |

|5.3 Analysis of Project Pollution Sources 104 |

|5.4 Environmental Sensitive Points 106 |

|6 Environmental Impact Analysis 117 |

|6.1 Impact Screening 117 |

|6.2 Project Benefits 117 |

|6.3 Environmental Impacts during Construction Period 125 |

|6.4 Environmental Impacts during Operation 134 |

|7 Mitigation Measures 196 |

|7.1 Mitigation Measures during Construction Period 196 |

|7.2 Mitigation Measures during Operation Period 210 |

|8 Alternative Analysis 219 |

|8.1 Zero-project Analysis 219 |

|8.2 Alternatives of Desilting Method for Longzi Lake 227 |

|8.3 Alternatives for Mohekou Project 228 |

|9 Information Disclosure and Public Consultation 239 |

|9.1 Information Disclosure 239 |

|9.2 Public Participation 243 |

|10 Summary of EMPs 267 |

|10.1 Environmental Administrative Authority and Duties 267 |

|10.2 Environmental Management Supervision Plan 270 |

|10.3 Environmental Monitoring Plan 271 |

|11 Resettlement and Social Impacts 281 |

|11.1 RAP 281 |

|11.2 Social Impacts 288 |

|12 Conclusions and Recommendations 296 |

|12.1 Conclusions 296 |

|12.2 Suggestions 311 |


|Table 1: Linkages between BIEIP and Anhui Water Environment Improvement Project 18 |

|Table 2: Summary of EA Documentations 20 |

|Table 3: New industrial parks 30 |

|Table 4: Bengbu Municipality Estimated Wastewater Amount(10,000 m3/d) 31 |

|Table 5: Planned Wastewater Drainage System 33 |

|Table 6: Planning of Storm Drainage Catchments in Bengbu Urban Area 34 |

|Table 7: Conformity of the Proposed Projects with Existing Master Plans 40 |

|Table 8: Composition of Water Systems in Bengbu 45 |

|Table 9: Air Quality Monitored Data of Bengbu Urban Area in 2005 48 |

|Table 10: Statistics of Comprehensive Pollution Indices for Key Pollutants at Monitoring Points in 2005 48 |

|Table 11: Statistics of Acidic Rain in Bengbu (2000-2005) 49 |

|Table 12: Air Quality Monitoring and Analysis around Tianhe in 2005 49 |

|Table 13: Results of Air Quality Assessment for Huaiyuan County 50 |

|Table 14: Air Quality Monitoring Results for Wuhe County 50 |

|Table 15: Results of Air Quality Assessment for Wuhe County 51 |

|Table 16: Water Quality Classification of Huai River within Bengbu (2000-2006) 52 |

|Table 17: 2006 Monthly Average Water Quality Monitoring Data of Huai River 54 |

|Table 18: Evaluation Results for the Annual Mean of Water Quality in the Bengbu Section of the Huai River in 2006 54 |

|Table 19: Routine Monitoring of Water Quality in Tianhe Lake in 2006 55 |

|Table 20: Evaluation Results of Water Quality in Tianhe Lake 55 |

|Table 21: Water Quality Monitoring Results of Longzi Lake 56 |

|Table 22: Evaluation Results of Water Quality in Longzi Lake 56 |

|Table 23: Ranking of Key Pollutants in the Longzi Lake 56 |

|Table 24: Evaluation of water quality in the Guo River 57 |

|Table 25: Evaluation Results of Water Quality in Guo River 57 |

|Table 26: Monitoring Results for the Guzhen Section of Hui River (2001-2005) 58 |

|Table 27: Evaluation Results of Water Quality in the Hui River 58 |

|Table 28: Water Quality Monitoring Results for Xiangjian Lake of Huaihongxin River 59 |

|Table 29: Evaluation Results of Water Quality in Huaihongxin River 59 |

|Table 30: Monitoring Results of Water Quality in Xijiagou Canal 61 |

|Table 31: Evaluation Results for the Water Quality of Xijiagou Canal 61 |

|Table 32: Water Quality Monitoring Results of Sanpu Great Ditch 61 |

|Table 33: Water Quality Evaluation Results of Sanpu Great Ditch 62 |

|Table 34: Water Quality Monitoring Results for the Ponds in Huaiyuan County 62 |

|Table 35: Evaluation Results for the Water Quality of the Ponds in Huaiyuan County 62 |

|Table 36: Monitoring of water quality in Zhanggong Mount Pond 63 |

|Table 37: Groundwater Quality in Bengbu Municipality 64 |

|Table 38: Groundwater Quality Monitoring Results for the Area around Longzi Lake 64 |

|Table 39: Evaluation of Groundwater Quality in Longzi Lake Area 64 |

|Table 40: Water Supply Composition of Bengbu Municipality in 2005 66 |

|Table 41: Water Quality of Major Centralized Drinking Water Source in Bengbu (Upstream of Bengbu Gate on Huai River) 67 |

|Table 42: Non-compliant months for water intake upstream of Bengbu Gate 67 |

|Table 43: Monitoring Data of Major Sewage Outfalls in Bengbu Urban Area in 2006 68 |

|Table 44: Statistics of Pollution Discharge by Key Industrial Polluters in Bengbu in 2006 70 |

|Table 45: Wastewater Discharge of the Industrial Polluters in the Project Area 74 |

|Table 46: Noise Monitoring Values of Urban Area in 2006 75 |

|Table 47: Monitored Data on Road Traffic Noise Pollution in 2006 in Bengbu 75 |

|Table 48: Noise Monitoring Results around Tianhe Lake 77 |

|Table 49: Noise Monitoring Results around Longzi Lake 77 |

|Table 50: Noise Monitoring Results for the Project-related Urban Area 78 |

|Table 51: Noise Monitoring Results of around Baligou and Xijiagou Canals 79 |

|Table 52: Noise Monitoring Results of Huaishang Dis. 79 |

|Table 53: Noise Monitoring Results of Guzhen County 79 |

|Table 54: Noise Monitoring Results of Huaiyuan 80 |

|Table 55: Noise Monitoring Results of Mohekou Industrial Park 81 |

|Table 56: Vertical Distribution of Sediment in Longzi Lake 82 |

|Table 57: Monitoring Results of Sediment in Longzi Lake 82 |

|Table 58: Additional Sediment Monitoring Results of Longzi Lake 83 |

|Table 59: Background Soil Characteristics in Chinese Provinces 84 |

|Table 60: Ecological Risk Factors and Indices of Heavy Metals in the Sediment of Longzi Lake 84 |

|Table 61: Sediment Monitoring Results of Baligou and Xijiagou Canals 85 |

|Table 62: Ecological Risk Factors and Indices of Heavy Metals in Baligou and Xijiagou 86 |

|Table 63: Sediment Monitoring Results of Guzhen Desilting Project 86 |

|Table 64: Evaluation of Sediment Ecological Risk 87 |

|Table 65: Sediment Monitoring Results of Haiyuan Desilting Project 87 |

|Table 66: Sediment Monitoring Results of Mohekou Industrial Park 88 |

|Table 67: Evaluation of Sediment Ecological Risk for Wuhe Project 88 |

|Table 68: Solid waste production and disposal in Bengbu (2000-2005) 89 |

|Table 69: Historical Flood Events in Bengbu 90 |

|Table 70: Summary of BIEIP sub-projects 94 |

|Table 71: Composition of Longzi Lake Flood Control and Environment Improvement Project 97 |

|Table 72: Composition of Urban (South of Huai River) Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project 98 |

|Table 73: Composition of Xijiagou & Baligou Environment Improvement Project 99 |

|Table 74: Composition of Huaishang Flood Control and Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project 100 |

|Table 75: Composition of Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project 101 |

|Table 76: Composition of Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project 102 |

|Table 77: Composition of Wuhe County Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project 103 |

|Table 78: Environment Sensitive Points of Tianhe PS 106 |

|Table 79: Environment Sensitive Points of Longzi Lake Project 107 |

|Table 80: Environment Sensitive Points of Urban (South of Huai River) project 108 |

|Table 81: Environment Sensitive Points of Xijiagou and Baligou Project 110 |

|Table 82: Environment Sensitive Points of Huaishang Project 111 |

|Table 83: Environment Sensitive Points of Guzhen Project 112 |

|Table 84: Environment Sensitive Points of Huaiyuan Project 113 |

|Table 85: Environment Sensitive Points of Wuhe Mohekou Project 115 |

|Table 86: List of Storm Drainage PSs to be Constructed and Reconstructed 118 |

|Table 87: Estimated Annual Pollutant Discharge for Bengbu Urban Area for 2010 120 |

|Table 88: Reduction of Total Pollutant Discharge by the WWTP for Mohekou Industrial Park 121 |

|Table 89: Summary of Major Environmental Benefits for Desilting Projects 121 |

|Table 90: Estimated Benefit from Water Supply by Mohekou WTP 125 |

|Table 91: Estimated Operational Benefits of Mohekou WWTP 125 |

|Table 92: Dust Generation by Vehicles at Different Speed and with Different Ground Surface Cleanness 127 |

|Table 93: TSP Monitoring Results Downwind of the construction site 127 |

|Table 94: Sub-project Area Impact by Flying Dust 128 |

|Table 95: Rating of Six-level Odor Intensity (by Japanese Environmental Hygiene Department) 128 |

|Table 96: Odor Intensity by Desilting (dry excavation in the dry pond) for the Nanpaozi of Mudanjiang 129 |

|Table 97: Sound Levels of Major Construction Machinery 130 |

|Table 98: Calculation of noise attenuation of major noise-making machinery in the construction period 130 |

|Table 99: Noise Attenuation of Major Noise-making Machinery during Construction |

|Unit: dB (A) 131 |

|Table 100: Statistics of Sewage Discharge from the Urban Sewage Discharge Outfalls 135 |

|Table 101: Estimated Collection Rate of Bengbu Municipal Sewage Network 136 |

|Table 102: Statistical Analysis of Water Quality at the Outfalls of Bengbu Urban Area in 2005 137 |

|Table 103: Reverse deduction estimate table of water quality of untreated sewage water of Bengbu City in 2005 139 |

|Table 104: Estimated table of yearly total emissions of the pollutants of 140 |

|Table 105: Statistical table of date of pollution discharge outlet and monitoring section of Bengbu City 142 |

|Table 106: Statistical table of drainage of Bengbu City’s sewage treatment plants 10000 m3/d 143 |

|Table 107: Summary statement of inlet and outlet water quality of the sewage treatment plants 146 |

|Table 108: List of prediction contents of water environment of Bengbu section of the Huai River in 2010 147 |

|Table 109: Summary statement of conditions of prediction and parameters 149 |

|Table 110: Prediction table of water quality of the sewage treatment plant under the operation period 150 |

|Table 111: Prediction results of water quality during normal operation period of the sewage treatment plant 160 |

|Table 112: Prediction results of accidental discharge water quality of the sewage treatment plant 162 |

|Table 113: Desilting wastewater composition of silt of the Sea of Grass 164 |

|Table 114: Nitrogen and phosphorus contents in the different desilting areas of the desilting project for the Sea of Grass, the Dianchi |

|River. 165 |

|Table 115: Prediction emission concentration of project engineering wastewater |

|Unit: mg/L 166 |

|Table 116: Prediction of wastewater pollution contribution to the water quality of Longzi Lake 166 |

|Table 117: Comparison situation of water quality before and after the implementation of the Chaohu River desilting project 169 |

|Table 118: Prediction results of Tianhe drainage pump station’s noise 172 |

|Table 119: Prediction results of the Longzi Lake drainage pump station’s noise 175 |

|Table 120: Prediction parameters table of typical sections’ noise 179 |

|Table 121: Noise prediction table of typical sections with different distances |

|Unit:dB (A) 179 |

|Table 122: Comparison of the Longzi Lake desilting sludge 180 |

|Table 123: Comparison of Baligou, Xijiagou sediment with the standard 182 |

|Table 124: Emissions of main solid wastes of sewage treatment plant 184 |

|Table 125: Statistical table of seasonal and yearly average temperature and wind speed of Bengbu City 187 |

|Table 126: Statistical results of wind direction and frequency in each month of the year 187 |

|Table 127: Statistical table of distribution frequency of Atmospheric stability 190 |

|Table 128: Rainfall Characteristics Table 190 |

|Table 129: Average wind speed, hour concentration prediction results of the downwind H2S with the different stabilities 192 |

|Table 130: Average wind speed, hour concentration prediction results of the downwind NH3 with the different stabilities 193 |

|Table 131: Calculating results of sanitation protection distance of sewage treatment plant 194 |

|Table 132: Desilted Sludge Disposal for Desilting Projects 201 |

|Table 133: Zero-project Analysis for Tianhe Flood Control Project 219 |

|Table 134: Zero-option Analysis for Longzi Lake Flood Control and Environment Improvement Project 220 |

|Table 135: Zero-project Analysis for Urban (South of Huai River) Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project 221 |

|Table 136: Zero-option Analysis for Xijiagou & Baligou Environment Improvement Project 222 |

|Table 137: Zero-project Analysis for Huaishang District flood control and Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project 223 |

|Table 138: Zero-project Analysis for Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project 224 |

|Table 139: Zero-project Analysis for Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project 225 |

|Table 140: Zero-project Analysis for Wuhe County Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project 226 |

|Table 141: Comparison for Desilting Methods 227 |

|Table 142: Comparison of Water Source Options for Mohekou WTP 229 |

|Table 143: Alternative Analysis of Water Intake Process 232 |

|Table 144: Alternative Analysis of WWTP Location 233 |

|Table 145: Alternative Comparison for the Outfall of the Mohekou WWTP 234 |

|Table 146: List of Contracted Industries in Mohekou Industrial Park 235 |

|Table 147: Influent Quality of the WWTPs in Shanghai and Nanking Chemical Industrial Parks 236 |

|Table 148: Alternative Analysis for the Biological Treatment Process of Mohekou WWTP 237 |

|Table 149: Alternative Analysis of Advanced Treatment Process 238 |

|Table 150: Comparison of CODcr Removal Rate between Tianjin Chemical Industrial Park and Mohekou Industrial Park 238 |

|Table 151: Summary of Information Disclosure for BIEIP 240 |

|Table 152: Summary of Public Opinions and the Feedback Results 249 |

|Table 153: Summary of Public Consultation Meeting Results for the Huaiyuan Project 251 |

|Table 154: Summary of Public Consultation Meeting Results for the Guzhen Project 253 |

|Table 155: Summary of Public Consultation Meeting Results for the Mohekou Project in the Wuhe County 255 |

|Table 156: Summary of Expert Consultation Results for BIEIP 257 |

|Table 157: Summary of Public Participation for BIEIP 261 |

|Table 158: Managerial Relationship between Administrative Authority and Project 267 |

|Table 159: Summary of BIEIP EMP 272 |


|Figure 1: Map of Huai River Basin 13 |

|Figure 2: Topographic Map of Huai River Basin and Its Relative Location Compared with Other Major Rivers in China 14 |

|Figure 3: Location of Bengbu in P.R. China 15 |

|Figure 4: Organization Chart of BIEIP 16 |

|Figure 5: Coverage of World Bank and Japanese loan-funded projects in Bengbu 17 |

|Figure 6: Overview of Bengbu Urban Wastewater and Storm Drainage Plan 32 |

|Figure 7: Aquatic Systems in Bengbu Municipality 46 |

|Figure 8: Variation of Water Quality Classification for Huai River (2004-2006) 53 |

|Figure 9: Water Intake & Water Quality Monitoring Cross-sections along Huai River 53 |

|Figure 10: Groundwater Distribution around Mohekou Industrial Park 65 |

|Figure 11: Distribution of Sewage Outfalls in Bengbu Urban Area 68 |

|Figure 12: Percentage of Sewage Flow for the Seven Urban Sewage Outfalls 69 |

|Figure 13: NH3-N Contribution of Seven Sewage Outfalls in the Urban Area 69 |

|Figure 14: COD Contribution of Seven Sewage Outfalls in the Urban Area 70 |

|Figure 15: Districts & Counties of Bengbu Municipality 92 |

|Figure 16: Project Overview 96 |

|Figure 17: Proposed Storm Drainage Pumping Stations in the urban area, Huaiyuan County and Wuhe County and their Catchments 117 |

|Figure 18: Proposed Storm Drainage Pumping Stations in Guzhen County and their Catchments 118 |

|Figure 19: Statistic Analysis of Sewage Discharge from Bengbu Urban Outfalls 136 |

|Figure 20: Statistical analysis chart of CODcr emissions of Bengbu City 138 |

|Figure 21: Statistical analysis chart of NH3-N emissions of Bengbu City pollution discharge outlets in 2005 138 |

|Figure 22: Statistical Chart of Sewage Discharge Amount in 2010 140 |

|Figure 23: Statistical Chart of Total Discharge Amount of CODcr in 2010 141 |

|Figure 24: Statistical Chart of Total Discharge Amount of NH3-N in 2010 141 |

|Figure 25: 2010 Urban Drainage Proposal C, D - Prediction Chart of CODcr Discharge Impact 152 |

|Figure 26: 2010 Urban Drainage Proposal C, D - Prediction Chart of CODcr Discharge Impact 153 |

|Figure 27: 2010 Urban Drainage Proposal A, B - Prediction Chart of NH3-N Discharge Impact 154 |

|Figure 28: 2010 Urban Drainage Proposal C, D - Prediction Chart of NH3-N Discharge Impact 155 |

|Figure 29: Prediction results of project engineering wastewater discharge on the water 167 |

|Figure 30: Annual wind direction rose diagram of Bengbu City 188 |

|Figure 31: Locations of Optional Water Sources for the Proposed Mohekou WTP 229 |

|Figure 32: Alternatives for the WTP Location 231 |

|Figure 33: Alternatives for Mohekou WWTP Location 233 |

|Figure 34: Online Public Notification of Project Information (Phase II) 241 |

|Figure 35: Information Disclosure at the Project Sites (Phase I) 242 |

|Figure 36: Information Disclosure about Public Consultation in Bengbu Daily (Phase II) 242 |

|Figure 37: Information Disclosure of EA reports (Phase III) 243 |

|Figure 38: Public Participation 244 |


|Annex 1 Maps & Drawings |

|Annex 2 Major Applicable Environmental Standards |

|Annex 3 Project Environmental Impact Screening Table |

|Annex 4 Sampling, Monitoring and Analysis Methods Adopted in the EA Activities |

|Annex 5 List of Relevant Meetings |

|Annex 6 References |

Acronyms and Abbreviations

|AWEIP |Anhui Water Environment Improvement Project |

|BDC |Bengbu Drainage Company |

|BIEIP |Bengbu Integrated Environment Improvement Project |

|BOT |build-operate-transfer |

|CB |Construction Bureau |

|CEA |Consolidated Environmental Assessment |

|COD |Chemical Oxygen Demand |

|DI |Design Institute |

|DRA |Design Review and Advisory (consultant BURGEAP) |

|DRC |Development and Reform Commission |

|EA |Environmental Assessment |

|EIA |Environmental Impact Assessment |

|EPB |Environmental Protection Bureau |

|FSR |Feasibility study report |

|GDP |Gross Domestic Product |

|HH |Household |

|HRWRC |Huai River Water Resource Commission |

|NCMDI |North China Municipal Design Institute |

|O&M |Operation and Maintenance |

|PIU |Project Implementation Unit |

|PMO |Project Management Office |

|PS |Pumping Station |

|PSP |Private Sector Participation |

|RAP |Resettlement Action Plan |

|SA |Social Assessment |

|SEPA |State Environment Protection Agency |

|SOE |State Owned Enterprise |

|TA |Technical assistance |

|WB |World Bank |

|WRB |Water Resources Bureau |

|WTP |Water treatment plant |

|WWTP |Waste Water Treatment Plant |

1. Introduction

1. BIEIP Project Background & Organization

1. Huai River Basin

The Huai River Basin is the third largest river basin of China covering 270,000 km2 of four provinces (Anhui, Henan, Jiangsu and Shandong). Its total population is 165million[1], and its population density is 611persons/km2, which is 4.8 times of the national level.

Due to its central location in China, Huai River Basin has a very developed transportation system, which consists of several key railways, Jinghang Canal, Huai River, inland rivers and highways extending in all directions. Featured by its typical agricultural economy, the basin is also strategically important for the whole country from an economic perspective. It produces 1/6 of the nation’s food and 1/4 of the national cash crops with only 1/12 of the national arable land area. However, the gross industrial output value, GDP and per-capita GDP of the basin are still lower than the national levels, that is, the basin still belongs to the economically undeveloped area in China.


Figure 1: Map of Huai River Basin


Figure 2: Topographic Map of Huai River Basin and Its Relative Location Compared with Other Major Rivers in China

The particular geographical and climatic conditions with the addition of the interference by human activities for decades have made the Huai River Basin very vulnerable to floods and droughts. Although a complicated flood control system consisting of reservoirs, flood storage and discharge projects, dykes, rivers and flood ways has been developed for the basin since the foundation of the P.R.C., it still suffers a lot from the floods once every three to five years. In addition, despite the great efforts put by the central and local governments since 1990’s, the water pollution remains a major concern for the basin due to the rapid industrial development and urbanization in this area.

2. Bengbu Municipality

Bengbu Municipality, located in the northeast of Anhui province, covers an area of 5952 km2 (4.27% of the provincial area) and a population of 3.49 million (5.36% of the province figure). Bengbu is the first municipality of Anhui Province, which is also one of the most important traffic hubs in East China and the biggest port city along Huai River. As an old industrial city, Bengbu is the processing /technology and commerce centre in Northern Anhui. The major industries in Bengbu include deep processing of agricultural products and fine chemicals, glass and glass products, special machinery manufacture and automobile parts. With the approval of the State Council, it is also one of the pilot cities in Middle China who benefit from the same national policies as applied to the revitalization of Old Industrial Base in Northeast China[2]. With the rapid economic development and urbanization, the current per capita GDP of Bengbu has reached 10000yuan. During the “Tenth-five-year” period, Bengbu Municipality has attracted 43million USD foreign investment and 13.5billion RMB domestic investment from out of Bengbu, mainly for the secondary and tertiary industries.

However, due to the insufficient industrial investment and irrational industrial structure, the gross industrial output of the city is 9.65billion Yuan, accounting for 5.26% of the total provincial gross industrial output and ranked No.9 in the province behind the municipalities such as Hefei, Wuhu, Ma’anshan and Anqing.

In addition, as an important city in the middle and lower reaches of Huai River Basin, Bengbu also suffers a lot from frequent floods, ecosystem deterioration and water pollution. Both its urban environment and water supply are endangered by the incompletion of urban sewage network and wastewater treatment facilities.


Figure 3: Location of Bengbu in P.R. China

3. BIEIP Project Organization

Under the Leadership of the Municipal Project Leading Group, the Bengbu Municipal World Bank Project Management Office (“the municipal PMO”) has been designated by the municipal government as its representative for the project coordination and management. Consequently, the municipal PMO is at the centre of the project management process. Requests for administrative and technical assistance funds originate with the municipal PMO. Requests for reimbursements of construction costs originate from the Implementing Agencies through the local PMOs for review and approval and then to Anhui Provincial Finance Bureau for review, approval and forwarding to the Bank.

The municipal PMO appoints technical assistance (TA) consultants for the project, selects the tendering companies, and upon recommendation of the technical assistance consultants, designates the construction supervision company. The local Project Offices may also designate local construction supervisors. Each project has its own project management office, which represents the project area or the county.

At municipal level the provincial Audit Bureau has delegated the audit responsibility to the Municipal Audit Bureau. At municipal level, several agencies are involved at various degrees of responsibilities: Municipal DRC, Municipal Finance Bureau, Construction Commission, Municipal EPB, and Municipal Water Resources Bureau (WRB).

The French Government provided a grant to the Bengbu Municipal Government for a technical assistance from the French consulting company BURGEAP, to assist the municipal government in project planning and design, and for the preparation of the technical, environmental and financial documentation to be presented to the WB for loan eligibility.


Figure 4: Organization Chart of BIEIP

4. Contributions of World Bank & Other Financing Agencies

Due to the important location in Huai River Basin, the Municipality of Bengbu has also benefited from some other on-going projects financed by World Bank and other financing agencies, including Huai River Pollution Control Project (P047345, World Bank), Huai River Basin Flood Management and Drainage Improvement Project (P098078, World Bank) and Anhui Water Environmental Improvement Project (AWEIP, Japanese loan).

Huai River Pollution Control Project was approved in March 2001 by World Bank, which mainly aims at the improvement of wastewater collection and treatment in a number of municipalities in Anhui and Shandong Provinces including Bengbu. Its investments in Bengbu includes the construction of 28.5km sewers, 70.4km interceptors, 1.5km pumping mains and 5 PSs, most of which are located in Bengbu urban area and Huaishang District. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2007.

Huai River Water Resources Commission started the preparation of another major flood management project for potential financing by the Bank in 2005, which is called Huai River Basin Flood Management & Drainage Improvement Project (P098078). The project aims at the increase of local agricultural productivity and farmers’ incomes by better protecting against floods, the properties and lives of many people living in predominantly rural areas of the Huai River Basin. This would be done through the provision of improved flood control and drainage works and strengthened institutional capability to effectively reduce the severity and impact of flooding and water logging in Anhui, Henan, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces. As an important city in the river basin, the involvement of Bengbu in this project would certainly improve the dialog between the municipality and the basin-wide administration.

The Anhui Water Environmental Improvement Project, financed by Japanese loan (JBIC), aims to reduce polluted water discharged into the Huai River and ensure a stable supply of safe drinking water to Bengbu City by developing its water supply and sewerage infrastructure. Specifically, the project consists of five sub-projects, i.e. Yangtaizi WWTP; 134.84km sewage network and PSs in Bengbu city; Guobei WWTP, 59.3km sewage network, WTP expansion, 100km water supply network and 110km drainage network in Huaiyuan County; 30km water supply network and 40km drainage network in Wuhe County and water supply & sewage system in Guzhen County. The loan agreement has been signed in May 2007 for the total investment of 1.11billion yuan.

The coverage of the above mentioned projects is shown in Figure 5 together with the locations of the proposed BIEIP components. It is shown that the three projects have covered the urban area and the three counties of Bengbu Municipality. However, the Huai River Pollution Control Project and the Anhui Water Environment Improvement Project mainly focus on the improvement of municipal infrastructure, such as sewers, sewage PSs, the WWTPs and the WTPs; while the proposed BIEIP will mainly focus on the improvement of local flood control and storm management facilities, such as storm PSs, drainage network and river de-silting.


Note: For AWEIP, there is no exact project location available. The red dots only stand for the rough project location.

Figure 5: Coverage of World Bank and Japanese loan-funded projects in Bengbu

In addition, the linkages between the World Bank financed BIEIP and the Japanese Loan funded Anhui Water Environment Improvement Project are analyzed in details in the following table.

Table 1: Linkages between BIEIP and Anhui Water Environment Improvement Project

|AWEIP |BIEIP |The linkage of BIEIP components with |

| | |AWEIP |

|Sub-project name |Related components |Sub-project name |Related components | |

|Yangtaizi WWTP |Yangtaizi WWTP |Urban Drainage |Storm network in the old|Some sewage network under BIEIP in the |

| | |System and Storm PSs|urban area, Gaoxin |old urban area, Jingfa District and |

| | | |District, Jingfa |Longzi Lake Dis. are connected to the |

| | | |District and Longzi Lake|proposed WWTP under AWEIP. |

| | | |Dis. | |

|Bengbu Municipal |East Shengli Rd. sewage PS| |Sewage and storm |The wastewater collected by the sewage |

|Drainage System | | |drainage network in |network under BIEIP in Longzi Dis. will |

|Project | | |Longzi Lake Dis. |be pumped by the PS under AWEIP to |

| | | | |Yangtaizi WWTP. |

| |Huangshan Rd. sewage PS | |Storm & sewage network |The wastewater collected by the sewage |

| | | |scattered in the Gaoxin |network under BIEIP in the southeast of |

| | | |District |Gaoxin District will be pumped by the PS |

| | | | |under AWEIP to the planned South City |

| | | | |WWTP. |

| |Huangshan sewage and storm| | |The sewage network along Bengxi Rd., |

| |drainage network | | |Youyi Rd., South Changzheng Rd. and South|

| | | | |Changqing Rd. under BIEIP is connected |

| | | | |with the sewer trunk under AWEIP. |

| |Storm drainage network |Huaishang Flood |Sewage network west of |AWEIP provides the storm drainage network|

| |covering the whole |Control & Integrated|North Daqing Rd. |and BIEIP provides the sewage network for|

| |planning area of Huaishang|Environment | |the same area. |

| |Dis. |Improvement Project | | |

| | | |Urban Road on the |AWEIP and BIEIP complement each other to |

| | | |northern bank of Huai |cover the infrastructure for the new |

| | | |River together with 21 |developed area along the northern dyke of|

| | | |smaller roads and their |Huai River. |

| | | |associated storm and | |

| | | |sewage network | |

| |Rehabilitation of five | |Wuxiaojie Storm PS, |The canal rehabilitation under AWEIP |

| |canals: Wangxiaogou, | |Expansion of Xiaobengbu |provides support to the PS projects under|

| |Xiaobengbu Wuxiaojie, | |PS, and Wangxiaogou PS |BIEIP. |

| |Wuxiaojie No.1 and | | | |

| |Wuxiaojie No.2 | | | |

|Water Supply and |Project location: the |Wuhe Flood Control |Mohekou Town |Two different areas of Wuhe County are |

|Drainage Network of|Southern New Urban Area of|and Ecological | |covered respectively by AWEIP and BIEIP. |

|Wuhe County |Wuhe County |Improvement Project | | |

|Guzhen Water Supply|Water Supply & Sewage |Guzhen Flood Control|Drainage Network of |Two different areas of Guzhen County are |

|& Sewage System |System for the Southern |& Ecological |Guzhen County |covered respectively by AWEIP and BIEIP. |

| |Industrial Park of the |Improvement Project | | |

| |County | | | |

| |Phase II of Guzhen No.2 | |Wastewater interception |The wastewater interception project under|

| |WTP | |project for the west of |BIEIP is just to prevent the direct |

| | | |Guzhen |wastewater discharge from the west of |

| | | | |Guzhen into Hui River to protect the |

| | | | |water quality of Hui River, the water |

| | | | |source of Guzhen No.2 WTP. |

|Huayuan Guobei |WTP for Guobei, the new |Huaiyuan Flood |Storm drainage network |The proposed storm PSs under BIEIP are |

|Water Environment |industrial park and the |Control & |and roads for the West |for the drainage network under BIEIP and |

|Project |food processing park |Environment |Food Processing Park |AWEIP. |

| | |Improvement Project | | |

| |Storm drainage network of | |Storm drainage network | |

| |the township | |and PSs for the township| |

| |Guobei WWTP (including the| |/ | |

| |wastewater reuse plant) | | | |

Note: The environmental impact assessment reports for all the sub-projects of the Anhui Water Environment Improvemental Project have been approved by Anhui Provincial EPB in September 2007.

2. General Background for Consolidated EA

1. Classification of Consolidated EA

In accordance with PRC National Regulations and the World Bank Operational Policy 4.01 related to Environmental Assessment, a “Category A - Consolidated EA” is to be prepared for the whole BIEIP Project including flood control, water resource management, wastewater and water supply components. This consolidated EA report will a comprehensive analysis of project targets, specific impacts of the sub-components with their mitigation measures and outlines the dominant socio-economic improvements to the welfare of communities. This report is complemented by:

i) Consolidated Resettlement Action Plan (RAP);

ii) Consolidated Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMP);

iii) EA Summary Report, and

iv) Individual EA Reports for each sub-project component.

2. Preparation of CEA

The Project technical and financial preparation carried out by Chinese local organizations has been supported by international assistance to BIEIP provided by Burgeap, the Design Review and Advisory Services (DRAS) Consultants to the BIEIP World Bank project management office who is responsible for the overall preparation and coordination of the project.

For the 8 sub-projects, Zhongnan Design Institute (Zhongnan) and Bengbu Municipal Survey & Design Institute were appointed by the project owner (BIEIP Municipal PMO) to carry out the feasibility studies and to produce Feasibility Study Reports (FSRs). For the environmental assessment documents, the PMO has appointed the North China Municipal Design Institute (NCMDI), a Class A certified EA institute based in Tianjin, to prepare all the individual EAs. NCMDI is also appointed to prepare the Chinese Consolidated EA for BIEIP as well as the Environmental Management Plans (one per sub-project).

In accordance with the Government Regulation “Environmental Impact Assessment Law” of September 2003, Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment Management for Construction Projects Loaned by International Finance Organisation” of June 21, 1993 and the World Bank Safeguards Operational Policy, the PMO has requested the DRA Consultants to assist in the preparation of the English consolidated EA, as well as to prepare the English versions of the EMP and of the EA Summary. Various assistances have been provided by DRA consultants since February 2007 to introduce the World Bank Safeguards requirements in the preparation of EA documentation, including the report framework for individual EMPs and consolidated EA.

The present Consolidated EA report is based on individual EA studies carried out for each sub-project of the BIEIP. It has been prepared by NCMDI with the assistance of the DRAS Consultant. According to Chinese regulations, the Anhui Provincial EPB is responsible for review and approval of the eight individual EA reports. The whole set of EA documentations are summarized in the table below.

Table 2: Summary of EA Documentations

|No |Name of the Document |Project Component Covered in Document |Date of the |Date of Disclosure |Disclosure Location |

| | | |Document | | |

|1 |EIA Report for Tianhe |Tianhe Storm Drainage PS: 55m3/s. |Aug. 8th, 2007 |Aug. 10th, 2007 |.cn |

| |Flood Control Project | | | | |

| | | | | |Bengbu Municipal |

| | | | |Aug. 12th, 2007 |Library |

|2 |EIA Report for Longzi Lake|Longzi Lake Storm Drainage PS: 40m3/s |Aug. 8th, 2007 |Aug. 10th, 2007 |.cn |

| |Flood Control and |Longzi Lake Desilting Project: About 2.2million m3; | | | |

| |Environment Improvement |Longzi Lake Slope Improvement Project. | | |Bengbu Municipal |

| |Project | | |Aug. 12th, 2007 |Library |

|3 |EIA Report for Urban |3 storm pumping stations and about 8.9km drainage |Aug. 8th, 2007 |Aug. 10th, 2007 |.cn |

| |(South of Huai River) |pipes in old urban area (including storm water and | | | |

| |Environmental |wastewater pipes); | | |Bengbu Municipal |

| |Infrastructure Improvement|About 38km storm drainage network and 17km road | |Aug. 12th, 2007 |Library |

| |Project |project in Jingfa District; | | | |

| | |About 16km storm drainage network, about 2.8km sewers| | | |

| | |and wastewater lifting pumping station in Gaoxin | | | |

| | |District; | | | |

| | |About 11km storm drainage network and 1.9km sewer and| | | |

| | |1.76km road project in Longzi Lake District | | | |

|4 |EIA Report for Xijiagou & |Desilting and slope improvement of Xijiagou Canal: |Aug. 8th, 2007 |Aug. 10th, 2007 |.cn |

| |Baligou Environment |5.56km; | | | |

| |Improvement Project |Desilting and slope improvement of Baligou Canal: | | |Bengbu Municipal |

| | |3.72km. | |Aug. 12th, 2007 |Library |

|5 |EIA Report for Huaishang |Wuxiaojie Storm Drainage PS and related projects: |Aug. 8th, 2007 |Aug. 10th, 2007 |.cn |

| |District Flood Control and|80.8m3/s; | | | |

| |Urban Environmental |Expansion of Xiaobengbu Storm Drainage PS: about | | |Bengbu Municipal |

| |Infrastructure Improvement|18.2m3/s; | |Aug. 12th, 2007 |Library |

| |Project |Desilting of Wangxiaogou Ditch: 3.6km new excavation | | | |

| | |and 5.5km expansion; | | | |

| | |Wangxiaogou Storm Drainage PS: 16.3 m3/s; | | | |

| | |Road project and supportive facilities: about 11.9km;| | | |

| | |Sewage transfer trunk from Guobei urban area to | | | |

| | |Huaishang District: 6.8km. | | | |

|6 |EIA Report for Guzhen |Drainage network: 9.19km; |Aug. 8th, 2007 |Aug. 10th, 2007 |.cn |

| |County Integrated |Embankment: 20,100m3; | | | |

| |Environment Improvement |Desilting works: 395,600 m3; | | |Guzhen County |

| |Project |Access road to the top of dyke; | |Aug. 12th, 2007 |Library |

| | |New culvert and gate: two gates and one connective | | | |

| | |culvert;; | | | |

| | |New construction and reconstruction of 5 storm | | | |

| | |drainage pumping stations; | | | |

| | |3 new bridges; | | | |

| | |Slope protection and greening project; | | | |

| | |Non-engineering measures, such as flood monitoring | | | |

| | |system. | | | |

|7 |EIA Report for Huaiyuan |Desilting and rehabilitation of flood drainage |Aug. 8th, 2007 |Aug. 10th, 2007 |.cn |

| |County Integrated |canals; | | | |

| |Environment Improvement |Drainage network: about 6km; | | |Huaiyuan County |

| |Project |2 storm Drainage PS; | |Aug. 12th, 2007 |Library |

| | |Roads and about 8km related storm drainage pipes. | | | |

|8 |EIA Report for Wuhe County|Sanpu Storm Drainage PS and related projects: 50 m3/s|Aug. 8th, 2007 |Aug. 10th, 2007 |.cn |

| |Mohekou Integrated |Water supply project: a 30,000m3/d WTP, 17km treated | | | |

| |Environment Improvement |water transmission pipe and about 20km water | | |Wuhe County Library |

| |Project |distribution network | |Aug. 12th, 2007 | |

| | |Wastewater treatment project: a 20,000m3/d WWTP, | | | |

| | |about 21km sewage network | | | |

| | |Storm drainage network: about 17km | | | |

| | |Road project: about 13km | | | |

|9 |Consolidated EIA (C) |All the eight sub-projects |Aug.8th, 2007 |Aug.10th, 2007 |Bengbu Daily |

| | | | | |(Newspaper) |

| | | | | |The libraries of |

| | | | | |Bengbu Municipality |

| | | | | |and three counties |

|10 |Consolidated EMP(C) |All the eight sub-projects |Aug.8th, 2007 |Aug.10th, 2007 |Bengbu Daily |

| | | | | |(Newspaper) |

| | | | | |The libraries of |

| | | | | |Bengbu Municipality |

| | | | | |and three counties |

|11 |Consolidated EIA (E) |All the eight sub-projects |Aug. 10th, 2007 |Aug. 12th, 2007 |World Bank InfoShop |

|12 |Consolidated EMP(E) |All the eight sub-projects |Aug. 10th, 2007 |Aug. 12th, 2007 |World Bank InfoShop |

|13 |EA summary (E) |All the eight sub-projects |Aug. 25th, 2007 | | |

3. Coverage of this Consolidated EA

The Consolidated EA is being prepared strictly in accordance with National and Provincial laws, codes and criteria relating to environmental protection. It satisfies the Chinese EA system, whilst at the same time gives full attention to the requirements of the World Bank’s environmental safeguards, and more precisely those of the Operational Policy 4.01 for EA.

The CEA is based on the collection and use of existing materials (secondary data) as well as data resulting from field investigations carried out during the preparation of Individual EAs for each sub-project. The CEA intends to provide a comprehensive and synthesized view of environmental implications resulting from the implementation of the 8 sub-projects.

4. Layout of the Consolidated EA Report

The following chapters of the CEA report present the detailed analyses conducted as part of the overall Environmental Assessment and follows closely the report format recommended in WB OP 4.01/Appendix B:

• Chapter 2 "Institutional and Regulatory Framework" discusses the policy, legal, institutional and administrative framework within which the EA has been conducted describing both the environmental requirements of the PRC and of the World Bank;

• Chapter 3 "Environmental Policy Framework" describes the key environmental issues observed at basin level and in the project area with on-going sector policies;

• Chapter 4 "Environmental Baseline Situation" describes the background environmental and social conditions (physical, biological and socio-economic conditions) within which the project components are developed, both on a regional scale and on a site specific level;

• Chapter 5 "Project Description" provides a summary technical presentation of the proposed subcomponents along with their implementation schedule and costs;

• Chapter 6 "Environmental Impacts Assessment" provides prediction and assessment of likely environmental, economic and social impacts, both positive and negative, for the proposed BIEIP project;

• Chapter 7 "Mitigation Measures" describes the recommended mitigation measures during project construction and operation;

• Chapter 8 "Alternatives Analysis" compares feasible alternatives to the proposed project components, including the “zero-project” scenario;

• Chapter 9 "Public Consultation & Information Disclosure" describes the activities and results of Public Consultation and information disclosure;

• Chapter 10 "Summary of EMPs" provides information on the Environmental Management Plans covering mitigation measures, monitoring and institutional strengthening as well as activities and budget developed for each concerned district/county;

• Chapter 11 "Resettlement and Social Impacts" summarizes the main conclusions of individual RAPs for BIEIP components and the consolidated social assessment report for BIEIP;

• Chapter 12 "Conclusions and Recommendations" provides major findings of the study, including short and long term benefit of the Project.

2. Institutional & Regulatory Framework

1. Environmental Institutions and Roles

The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA): Since March 1998, SEPA has become a ministerial-level authority directly under the State Council responsible for the environmental protection in China. SEPA is responsible for the drafting and interpretation of pertinent standards, laws and regulations and guidelines, as well as the supervision and inspection of their implementation. As stipulated by the “Provision for Management of Environmental Protection in Construction Projects”, since the year 2003, Classed reviews and approvals of construction project EIA documents have been exercised by the Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) at all levels.

For projects invested with budget funds from the central government and designated as budgetary investment projects, projects dedicated with special funds, nuclear projects, top-confidential projects and project of military industry, as well as cross-region or cross-river basins, the EIA documentation should be reviewed and approved by SEPA. For projects only requiring EIA reporting sheet and EI registration table, the EIA documentation will be reviewed and approved, under the authority of SEPA, by the EPB institutions of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities where the construction projects are to be implemented.

The Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau (Provincial EPB): The Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) is responsible for environmental planning, monitoring and regulation. The principal duties of the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau are to frame local legislation and standards, to supervise and administer the control of industrial pollution, to set tariffs for effluents, to study and monitor pollution and to plan for pollution control and environmental management. The EPB manage revolving loan funds (funded by a major portion of polluter fines for non-standard discharges).

The Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Municipal EPB): The main responsibilities of the municipal EPB include:

▪ Implementing the national and provincial policies, laws, rules and standards on environment protection;

▪ Making plans on municipal environment protection: participating in the establishment of municipal economic and social development middle-term and long-term plans; managing the work of municipal environmental statistic and information; publishing the report of municipal environment status;

▪ Environment protection of atmosphere, water body, soil in the city: supervising the prevention and treatment of polluters such as wastewater, waste gas, noise, solid wastes, poisonous chemical products, nuclear radiation, radiant products and motor vehicles; investigating and treating the environment pollution accidents and mitigating the pollution plumes;

▪ Approving the environmental impact assessment report of construction project; supervising the disposal of municipal pollution sources;

▪ Supervising and managing the construction and protection of municipal natural ecologic environment; supervising the protection of biodiversity, wild animals and plants and wetland;

▪ Communication and education on environment protection; popularizing the scientific and law knowledge of environment.

Bengbu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau exerts Leadership on the EPBs of the district/counties involved in BIEIP. According to the Chinese regulations, the individual EIAs for the sub-projects under BIEIP will be reviewed and approved by Anhui Provincial EPB and Bengbu Municipal EPB according to their different cost estimation.

2. Applicable Laws & Regulations

1. National Laws & Regulations

Since 2002, the EIA process in China is under the Environmental Impact Assessment Law (October 2002). Several other national laws and regulations provide a legal background for EIA:

▪ Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Dec. 1989;

▪ Law of Water Pollution Control of the People’s Republic of China, May 1996;

▪ Law of Air Pollution Control of the People’s Republic of China, April 2000;

▪ Law of Environmental Noise Pollution Control of the People’s Republic of China, Oct. 1996;

▪ Law of Water of the People’s Republic of China, Oct. 2002;

▪ Law of Cleaner Production Promotion of the People’s Republic of China, June 2002;

▪ Law of Water and Soil Conservation of the People’s Republic of China, June 1991;

▪ Law of Solid Waste Pollution Control of the People’s Republic of China, April 2005;

▪ Detailed Rules for Implementation of “Law of Water Pollution Control of the People’s Republic of China”, No. 284 order by the State Council, March 2003;

▪ Regulation of River Administration of the People’s Republic of China, June 1988;

▪ Related Regulations on the Management of Construction Project within River Administration Scope, April 1992;

▪ Regulation on the Environmental Protection Management of Construction Projects, State Council, 1986;

▪ Regulation on Pollution Prevention Administration for Drinking Water Source Protection Areas, SEPA, July 1989;

▪ Protection Program for National Ecological Environment, GUOFA[2000]No.38, State Council, Nov.2000;

▪ Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects, State Council, November 1998;

▪ Regulations on the Certificate for the EIA of Construction Projects (1989 SEPA);

▪ Categorized Checklist for Environmental Protection Management of Projects under Construction, [2003] File No. 14, SEPA;

▪ Comments on Further Strengthening of Environmental Protection Management of Projects, HUANFA [2001] File No. 19, SEPA;

▪ Notice to Strengthen the Ecological Protection of Wetland, HUANRAN[1994] No.184, SEPA, March 1997;

▪ Notice to Strengthening EIA Management of Projects Financed with Loans from International Financing Institutions, HUANJIAN [1993] File No. 324, SEPA;

▪ Notice on the Strengthening of Water Saving and Water Pollution Prevention for Urban Water Supply by the State Council, GUOFA[2000] No.36, Nov. 2000;

▪ Notice to Issuance of Total Pollutant Effluent/Emission Amount Control Plans in the 10th Five-year Plan Period, YUFUFA [2001] File No. 556;

▪ Notice on the Strengthening of EIAs for Development Zones, HUANFA [2002] File No. 174, SEPA;

▪ Notice on the Further Standardization of Environmental Impact Assessment, HUANFA[2002] No.88, July 2002, SEPA;

▪ Checklist of Hazardous Wastes;

▪ Methods for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Projects at Completion, [2001] File No. 13, SEPA;

▪ Technical Directives for Environmental Impact Assessment, General (HJ/T 2.1-93), SEPA;

▪ Technical Directives for Environmental Impact Assessment, Air Environment (HJ/T 2.2-93), SEPA;

▪ Technical Directives for Environmental Impact Assessment, Surface Water Environment (HJ/T 2.3-93), SEPA;

▪ Technical Directives for Environmental Impact Assessment, Noise Environment (HJ/T 2.4-1995), SEPA;

▪ Technical Directives for Environmental Impact Assessment, Non-pollution, Ecological Impacts (HJ/T 19-1997), SEPA;

▪ Technical Directives for Environmental Impact Assessment, Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects (HJ/T88-2003);

▪ Technical Directives for Environmental Risk Assessment for Construction Projects (HJ/T169-2004), SEPA;

▪ Decision of the State Council on Implementing Scientific Development Concept and Strengthening Environmental Protection, GUOFA[2005]No.39, Dec. 2005;

▪ Draft Regulation on Public Participation Methods for Environmental Impact Assessment; 18 March 2006, SEPA;

2. Local Regulations

There are also some local (Provincial & River Basin-wide) regulations applicable to the environmental impact assessment for BIEIP:

▪ Comments on the Implementation of “Decision of the State Council on Implementing Scientific Development Concept and Strengthening Environmental Protection” by Anhui Provincial Government;

▪ Environmental Rules for Urban Drinking Water Sources in Anhui Province

▪ Implementation Method for “Regulation of River Administration of the People’s Republic of China”, Oct. 1991;

▪ Rules on the Water Pollution Control of Huai River Basin in Anhui Province, Sep. 1993;

▪ Provisional Regulations on Water Pollution Control of Huai River Basin, No.183 order by the State Council, Aug.1995;

▪ Decision of Anhui Provincial Government on Practically Strengthening the Environmental Protection Work, WANZHENG (1997) No. 28, by Anhui Provincial Government;

▪ Rules on the Protection of Agricultural Ecological Environment in Anhui Province, Aug. 1999;

▪ Some Comments on Further Improving the Quality of Environmental Protection Assessment, HUANJIAN (2002) No.46, Anhui Provincial EPB, April 2002;

3. Environmental Quality Standards

All applicable standards are detailed in Appendix 2 of this report. Only references and general issues are provided in this section.

1. Surface Water Quality Classification and Standards

National standards for surface water quality are detailed in regulation GB3838-1983, successively revised in 1988 (GB3838-1988) and in 2002 (GB3838-2002). Surface water bodies are ranked into five quality classes according to their utilization purposes and subsequent protection objectives, as defined in a regional zone classification issued by the Municipal EPB:

▪ Class I is mainly applicable to spring water and to national nature reserves.

▪ Class II is mainly applicable to first class of protected areas for main sources of drinking water, for the protection areas of rare fish species, and for spawning grounds for fish and shrimp.

▪ Class III is mainly applicable to second class of protected areas for main sources of drinking water, and to protected areas for the common fish and for swimming areas.

▪ Class IV is mainly applicable to the water for industrial use and entertainment which has no direct contact with human body.

▪ Class V is mainly applicable to water bodies for agricultural use and landscape requirement.

Chemical criteria applicable to these 5 classes are detailed in Appendix 2.

2. Other Water Quality Standards

▪ Standard for drinking water is provided by regulation GJ3020-1993;

▪ Groundwater Quality Standards GB/T14848-1993.

3. Standards for Effluents from Industry and from WWTP

Key standards include:

▪ Comprehensive Standard for Wastewater Discharge (GB8978 – 1996);

▪ Quality of Sewage Water Discharged into Urban Sewers (CJ3082-1999);

▪ Standard for Pollutants Discharged from Urban and Town Sewage Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002);

▪ GB 4284-1984 is used as the control standard for pollutants in sludge for agricultural use.

4. Standards for Solid Waste Management

Key standards include:

▪ Urban Municipal Solid Waste Technical Standard 1989, Ministry of Construction;

▪ Ordinance of Urban Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management, adopted by the State Council, August 1992;

▪ The Technical Policies for Municipal Solid Waste Treatment and Pollution Prevention, promulgated by MOC, MST and SEPA, May 29, 2000.

5. Other Regulations & Standards

Several other standards related to air quality and noise should apply either during the construction or operation phases of BIEIP, including:

▪ Environmental Air Quality Standard (GB3095—1996) with regulation GB3095-96 for fluoride and standard for maximum concentration of chlorine from Industry Designing Sanitary Standards (TJ36-1979).

▪ Standards for the Protection of Crops (GB9173—88) set the maximum concentration of some air pollutants in order to preserve the safe consumption of crops.

▪ Class II standard of Urban Area Environmental Noise Standards GB3096-1995, which applies to residential, commercial and industrial mixed area.

▪ Urban Area Environmental Vibration Standards GB10070-88, which apply to mixed area and commercial centre area, day 75dB (A), night 72dB (A).

▪ Comprehensive Emission Standards of Air Pollutant (GB16297-1996) for exhaust gas;

▪ Limiting Values for Construction Area (GB12523—90) for noise from construction activities.

4. World Bank Safeguards

For any project processed with the participation of an International Funding Agency, in addition to the fulfillment of national requirements, the proponent must also satisfy the requirements of the funding organization. The World Bank requires environmental assessment (EA) of projects proposed for financing to ensure that they are designed in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner, and that the environmental and social policies of the WB are satisfied. These requirements are detailed in the following reference safeguards:

Environmental Issues Safeguards:

▪ Operational Policy 4.01, Environmental Assessment, January 1999 (including Annex A, B and C, dated January 1999)

▪ Operational Policy 4.04, Natural Habitats, June 2001

▪ Operational Policy 4.36, Forests, September 1993 (including Annex A, dated March 1993)

▪ Operational policy 4.09, Pest Management, December 1998

▪ Operational Policy 4.37, Safety of Dams, October 2001

Social & Political Issues Safeguards

▪ Operational Policy 4.12, Involuntary Resettlement, December 2001

▪ Operational Directive 4.20, Indigenous Peoples, September 1991

▪ Operational Policy 4.11, Cultural Property, August 1999

▪ Operational Policy 7.50, Projects on International Waterways, June 2001

▪ Operational Policy 7.60, Projects in Disputed Areas, June 2001

▪ Bank Policy 15.50, related to Information Disclosure

For the present BIEIP project, the following safeguards will be triggered:

▪ Operational Policy 4.01, Environmental Assessment

▪ Operational Policy 4.12, Involuntary Resettlement,

▪ Bank Policy 15.50, related to Information Disclosure.

3. Environmental Policy Framework

1. Main Environmental Issues and Strategies in Huai River Basin

1. Water Pollution

The water pollution of Huai River Basin started in the late 1970’s and exacerbated in 1980’s. The large-scale water pollution accidents took place more and more frequently in Huai River Basin in recent decades, respectively in 1989, 1992, 1994 and 1995.Thereafter, relevant pollution control strategies and policies have been successively issued by the State Council and local governments to alleviate the conditions, such as the “Provisional Regulations on Water Pollution Control of Huai River Basin” (Aug. 8th 1995, the first river basin water pollution control regulation in China), the “Water Pollution Control Plan and the Ninth-five-year plan of Huai River Basin” (Jun. 29th 1996) and the “Tenth-five-year Plan for Water Pollution Control of Huai River Basin”. The water pollution targets for the whole Huai River Basin are divided into two phases: the first is to make the discharge from all the industrial polluters in the basin up to standard and to reduce the COD discharge from 1.5million tons of 1993 to 890,000 tons by the end of 1997; and the second is to construct 52 municipal WWTPs for the whole basin and to further reduce the COD discharge to 368,000 tons so as to improve the water quality of the main stream of Huai River, upstream of Yi River and key drinking water sources up to the Class III standard and that of other rivers up to the Class IV standard.

With the great efforts put in Huai River Basin (including the compulsory shutdown of hundreds of heavily polluting small industries and the administration over the key industrial polluters in the basin), significant accomplishments have been made over the last 12 years. Especially during the “Ninth-five-year” period (1996-2000), the key pollutant, COD discharge, has dropped from the 1.5million tons of 1995 to 1.167million tons of 1998 and 0.94million tons of 2000 (respectively by 22.2% and 36.9%); in 2000, the water quality compliant rate at the provincial boundary has increased by 8.8% compared with the 1995 level; and there is significant decrease of major water pollution accidents in the basin.

However, after 2001, with the completion of the first phase Huai River pollution control action, the pollutant discharge into the river increased again in recent years. In 2003, the COD discharged into the river was up to 1.23million tons, 30% beyond the 2000 level. The water quality compliant rate at the provincial boundary showed a gradually decreasing trend, from the 29.1% of 2000 to the 25.8% of 2001 and the 24.6% of 2002. Even with the dilution of the biggest flood in 50 years, the overall water quality compliant rate of 2003 was only 38.4%. 82 of the key controlled cross sections are classified as Class V or worse than Class V, and about 82% of the cross sections haven’t reached the predefined target.

The existing problems mainly include:

1. The incompliant pollution discharge by key industrial polluters remains the major cause for the pollution exacerbation. By the end of 2003, only 51.7% of the industrial outfalls could meet the discharge requirements. And the industrial pollution contributes to about 70% of the total COD discharge in the river basin.

2. The construction of many planned municipal WWTPs is behind schedule, and the normal operation of constructed WWTPs could not be ensured.

3. The agricultural non-point pollution hasn’t been effectively controlled, so that the NH3-N concentration is far beyond the standard requirement.

4. The ecological water use has been seriously taken into consideration in the exploitation and allocation of water resource. Therefore, during the dry season, some rivers are dried up, and the self-purification capacity of the water bodies will be affected.

In view of the above mentioned problems, in Oct. 2005, SEPA has issued the new water pollution control targets for Huai River Basin with the focus on the control and treatment of industrial and domestic wastewater from the urban area. The targets are further divided into three phases: a) By the end of 2005, the completion and operation rate of key pollution control projects should be no lower than 60%; b) By the end of 2007, 90% of the key pollution control projects should be put into operation, and the treatment rate of domestic wastewater from the municipalities in Shandong, Jiangsu Provinces, etc. should at least reach 70%; c) By the end of 2010, the water quality of the main stream of Huai River should reach the Class III target, and the water quality of the major tributaries of Huai River should meet the Class IV or Class V requirements.

2. Water Scarcity

Due to the spatio-temporal imbalance of water resource distribution, the Huai River Basin is an area facing the problem of severe water shortage with the per-capita water resource amount of 488m3, which is lower than 1/4 of the nationally average level.

According to the “Water Resource Development ’Ninth-five-year’ plan for the Huai River Plan”, with the construction of proposed water supply projects, by 2000 for the normal year, the water supply of the Huai River Basin is basically sufficient; However, for the moderately dry year, there is still a gap of 8.38billion m3 water demand in the Huai River Basin, which means 10% water deficiency rate; and for the very dry year, the gap of water demand would be 24.27billion m3, which means 26% water demand deficiency. In 95% of the very dry years, the guarantee rate of agricultural irrigation water supply would not be reached. In such years, the adopted strategies are to minimize the agricultural water use, to save other water uses, and to properly increase he groundwater use for the area north of the Huai River (Wangjiaba~Bengbu) and the area west of the Nansi Lake.

In addition to the optimization of water resource management in the basin, the cross-basin water transfer is a possible solution to mitigate the water supply shortage of the Huai River Basin in view of its vicinity to the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. By 2010, it is expected that the water shortage of the Huai River Basin would still be of water resource type. However, the construction of the eastern and middle sections of “South-north water transfer project” and the cross-basin water transfer project of Anhui Province will significantly alleviate the water shortage in Huai River Basin, so that in the normal year, the water supply will be generally sufficient. At the same time, the area north of the Huai River upstream of Wangjiaba, the area between Wangjiaba and Bengbu, and the eastern area of Nansi Lake will remain a water deficiency rate beyond 20%. For these areas, it is proposed to strictly control the development of the industries with high water consumption, promote the water conservancy, and properly increase the cross-basin water transfer and the utilization of sea water.

2. Relevant Plannings of Bengbu Municipality

1. Bengbu Municipal Urban Short-term Construction Plan

This short-term plan is prepared for the Bengbu urban area, the Tushan Mount Scenic Area and part of the Mohekou Industrial Park, covering a total area of 680km2 by 2010.

1. General Objectives

The following objectives are expected to be achieved by 2010:

• Construct 140km new roads, and the per-capita road area reaches 10.2m2;

• The per-capita public greening area is about 7m2, and the greening coverage rate of the constructed area reaches 30.3%;

• The urban water supply capacity is up to 560000m3/d, the per-capita water consumption is 220l/d, and the coverage rate of water supply service is beyond 99%;

• The urban centralized wastewater treatment capacity reaches 275000m3/d, the centralized wastewater treatment rate is 73.3% and the harmless treatment rate of solid waste reaches 90%;

• The water quality compliant rate of rivers and lakes is over 70%, and the water quality compliant rate of urban water supply source is beyond 95%;

• The flood control capability of the North Huai River dyke and the urban area is up to the one in 100 years standard.

2. Relocation of Industries and Construction of Industrial Parks

In order to adapt to the overall development master plan, it is planned to gradually move some existing polluting industries from the old urban area and the suburban area into the new industrial parks.

• Movement and relocation of industries

The existing industries planned to be moved and relocated include Anhui Global Pharmaceutical Company, People Printing Plant, Bengbu Tiancheng Co. Ltd., the cement plant, the cement product plant, Chemical Mechanical Manufacture Company, Longhua Machines Plant, the glass plant, Xinfeng Flour Plant, the electronic optical material plant, Bayi Chemical Co. Ltd., Hailuo Cement Company, Xinmin Glass Co. Ltd., etc.

• Newly increased industrial land use

The new industrial parks are showed in the following table.

Table 3: New industrial parks

|No. |Name |Area (ha) |Location |Major Industries Involved |

|1 |West City Industrial Park & Gaoxin |546 | |automobile parts, electronic information, |

| |District | | |biochemical and new materials |

|2 |Bengbu Industrial Park |451 |Huaishang District |mechanical manufacture, automobile fittings, |

| | | | |textile & garments, and food processing |

|3 |Longzi Lake Glass Industrial Park & |158 | |glass and glass further processing, cement industry|

| |Changhuai Industrial Park | | |and metallurgy industry |

|4 |Jiangqiao Logistics Processing Zone |115 |Bengshan District and |electronic information and urban industries |

| | | |Xincheng District | |

3. Environmental Protection Plan

• Water— By 2010, the water quality of the main Huai River should reach the standard of Class III or above, and the water quality of the tributaries should reach the standard of Class IV or above. The treatment rate of industrial wastewater should be 100% and the treatment rate of domestic wastewater should reach 73%;

• Air— The air pollution index for the urban area should be controlled within the Class II ambient air standard, the yearly average of TSP in the air should be no more than 0.2mg/m3, the yearly average of SO2 concentration should be within 0.02mg/m3, and the yearly average of NO2 should be lower than 0.025mg/m3. The treatment rate of industrial waste gas should be 100%, and the treatment rate of vehicle exhaust gas should be 80%;

• Noise— The ambient noise of the urban area should be controlled within 56dB, the noise of the urban traffic trunks should be within 68dB, and the compliant rate of the ambient noise in the urban area should reach 50%;

• Solid waste— Almost all the solid waste should be collected and sorted, the harmless treatment rate of solid waste should reach 90%; The night soil treatment should be integrated into the urban wastewater treatment system. 100% of the urban domestic solid waste should be containerized for collection. The treatment of hazardous waste should be strengthened, and Zero-discharge of hazardous waste should be ensured.

2. Bengbu Municipal Wastewater & Storm Drainage Master Plan

As an old industrial city, the drainage system of Bengbu Municipality is constructed and connected by catchments and by phase.

1. Bengbu Municipal Wastewater Drainage Master Plan

According to the wastewater drainage master plan, it is projected that the wastewater generation of Bengbu Municipality will respectively reach 494,100m3/d and 728,300m3/d by 2010 and 2020.

Table 4: Bengbu Municipality Estimated Wastewater Amount(10,000 m3/d)

| Item |Current Situation |2010 |2020 |

| |South of Huai|North of Huai River |Total |South of Huai |North of Huai |Total |

| |River | | |River |River | |

|Xijiagou Wastewater|Mixture of |East of Heihushan Rd.; |2025 |Xijiagou WWTP |Phase 1: |Xijiagou Canal|

|Catchment |Combined & |west of Laohu | |(No.1 WWTP, in |100,000; |and then Huai |

| |Separate |Mountain-Hangxing | |operation) |Phase 2: |River |

| |systems |Road-Fenyong | | |100,000 | |

| | |Street-Shengping Street; | | | | |

| | |north of Yanshan Rd.; | | | | |

| | |south of Huai River | | | | |

|Yangtaizi |Mixture of |East of Laohu |4251 |Yangtaizi WWTP |Phase 1: |Baojiagou |

|Wastewater |Combined & |Mount-Hangxing Rd-Fenyong| |(No.2 WWTP, in |100,000; |Canal and then|

|Catchment |Separate |St-Shengping St; west of | |design) |Phase 2: |Huai River |

| |systems |Longzi Lake, South of | | |100,000 | |

| | |Huai River and North of | | | | |

| | |No.5 Huochang Rd | | | | |

| | |East of Longzi Lake, west| | | | |

| | |of Zhuizi Mount | | | | |

|South City |Separate |Baligou Subcatchment, |2482 |South City WWTP |155000 |Huai River |

|Wastewater |system |West Yanshan | |(No.4 WWTP, under | | |

|Catchment | |Subcatchment, and East | |planning, to be | | |

| | |Yanshan Subcatchment | |completed by 2012)| | |

|Huaishang |Separate |The whole Huaishang |1950 |Huaishang WWTP |Phase 1: |Huai River |

|Wastewater |system |District including | |(No.3 WWTP, under |25000; | |

|Catchment | |Xiaobengbu area, | |construction, |Phase 2: | |

| | |Wuxiaojie area, the | |Phase 1 to be |50000; | |

| | |middle area and North | |completed by |Phase 3: 80000| |

| | |River Industrial Park | |Jun.2008) | | |

2. Bengbu Municipal Storm Drainage Master Plan

Bengbu urban area is divided into six storm drainage areas according to the receiving water body and the drainage approach, which include the South River Pumping-drainage Area, Longzi Lake Drainage Area, Xijiagou Drainage Area, Baligou Drainage Area, Baojiagou Drainage Area and North River Drainage Area. These drainage areas are further divided into 27 drainage systems in urban planning area according to the topographic characters. The total area of storm water catchments included in the urban drainage system is up to 175km2, and the accumulated design flow is 775m3/s. The storm water excluded in the urban drainage system is discharged along the existing ditches and canals. See Table 6 for details.

Table 6: Planning of Storm Drainage Catchments in Bengbu Urban Area

|No. |Name of |Catchment Area (km2) |Accumulated Design |Drainage Approach|Receiving Water Body|

| |Drainage Area | |Flow(m3/s) | | |

| | |Total Area |Planned Area | | | |

|1 |South River Pumping- |20.9 |20.9 |119.12 |Pumped in the |Huai River, Xijiagou|

| |drainage Area | | | |flooding season |Canal |

|2 |Longzi Lake Drainage Area|140 |48.76 |256.5 |Free Flow |Longzi Lake |

|3 |Xijiagou Drainage Area |49.6 |24.49 |132.5 |Free Flow |Xijiagou Canal |

|4 |Baligou Drainage Area |23 |11.24 |81.6 |Free Flow |Baligou Canal |

|5 |Baojiagou Drainage Area |35.4 |12.26 |54.6 |Free Flow |Baojiagou Ditch |

|6 |North River Drainage Area|45.7 |25.74 |130.4 |Pumped in the |Huai River |

| | | | | |flooding season | |

3. Bengbu Municipal “Eleventh-five-year” Environmental Protection Objectives

The Bengbu Eleventh-five-year Environmental Protection Master Plan is prepared for 2010. The whole Bengbu Municipality is covered by this plan. The major task of the “Eleventh-five-year” environmental protection is to control the deterioration of water environment and to further reduce the total pollutant discharge of industrial wastewater, domestic wastewater and agricultural non-point pollution. The detailed targets are summarized as follows:

• Water

- Ensure the up-to-standard water quality of drinking water sources: Strengthen the construction of drinking water source conservation areas, such as the area for the No.3 WTP, and improve the water quality compliant rate of the centralized drinking water sources above 95%;

- Accelerate the construction of wastewater treatment facilities – By 2010, the newly increased wastewater treatment capacity should reach 290,000m3/d, which will made the overall treatment capacity up to 545,000m3/d and the treatment rate up to 70%.The sewage from the new planned area should be collected and transferred to the WWTP. And the treated effluent of the WWTPs should comply with the Class 1A standard before discharging into the Class III surface water bodies (according to the classification of GB3838-2002). The water quality of the main Huai River should at least meet the Class III standard while the primary tributaries should at least meet the Class IV standard;

- Strengthen the control of industrial polluters—Implement strict inspection and administration regulation over the polluting industries, such as chemical, brewery, textile & dyeing, tannery, plating, paper-making and food processing; Implement the overall on-line monitoring system for the new urban WWTPs, solid waste incinerators and key industrial polluters to effectively prevent the secrete discharge; Implement the mass load control system for pollutant discharge, the pollutant discharge permission system and the reduction plan for the total discharge of major pollutants;

- Control the pollution from the poultry and stockbreeding industries;

- Comprehensively control the agricultural non-point pollution by strictly control the use of pesticides and fertilizers.

• Air

- Strengthen the treatment of industrial pollution to realize the up-to-standard emission of polluting sources;

- Strengthen the administrative control over the exhaust gas emission of vehicles;

- Focus on the control over the domestic polluting sources and the flying dust from traffic and construction activities.

• Noise

- Control the regional environmental noise to improve the coverage rate of noise up-to-standard area up to 60% as soon as possible;

- Control the traffic noise—Control the average value of the noise from the traffic trunks within 70dB;

- Control the noise of construction activities;

- Take proper measure to cope with the fixed noise sources.

• Solid waste

- Accelerate the construction of solid waste treatment & disposal projects—six new solid waste treatment plants (sites) and one medical waste disposal centre are planned for the horizon of 2010. By 2010, it is expected that the harmless treatment rate of the domestic solid waste in Bengbu Municipality will reach 60%, and the centralized treatment rate of hazardous waste will reach 100%;

- Strengthen the comprehensive recycling and utilization of solid waste—By 2010, the comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid waste should reach 85%;

- Strengthen the management of hazardous waste— A 5t/d medical waste disposal centre will be constructed. By 2010, there should be no discharge of hazardous waste;

- Complete the collection and transportation system for construction waste and solid waste from water bodies.

• Ecological Environment

- Enhance the ecological construction—By 2010, improve the forest coverage rate in the municipality to 18% and the greening rate of constructed area to 40%, and increase the per-capita public greening area in the urban area up to 9m2;

- Well protect the ecological functional zones—By 2010, the area of land natural conservation zones reaches 12% of the total area;

- Implement compulsory protection for resource development.

• Circular Economy

- Construct ecological industrial parks— Focus on the construction of 9 ecological industrial parks. By 2007 the small- and middle-scale polluting industries should be relocated, and by 2010 all the polluting industries should be moved into the industrial parks;

- Develop the ecological agricultural parks;

- Construct the resource circular economy by establishing the recycling and reuse system for urban domestic solid waste, special used materials and urban treated wastewater together with the regional industrial hazardous waste incineration centre, the used batteries and fluorescent lamp tube disposal centre, the medical waste disposal centre, etc;

In order to achieve all the above targets by 2010, totally 80 environmental protection projects have also been identified in the master plan, such as:

- Drinking water source pollution control project for three counties;

- Wetland ecological environmental construction project for the groundwater conservation area in Huaishang District;

- Water quality protection project for Qian River as strategic urban water supply source;

- Longzi Lake integrated rehabilitation project

- Zhangongshan Pond integrated rehabilitation project

- Wastewater treatment projects for some key polluter of Bengbu Municipality;

- Relocation of some key polluters of Bengbu;

- Wastewater treatment plants for Bengbu urban area and three counties;

- Bengbu domestic sanitary solid waste landfill site (Phase I & II);

- Solid waste disposal site for Huaishang District and three counties

- Medical solid waste disposal centre of Bengbu Municipality;

- Sludge disposal project of Bengbu wastewater treatment plants;

- Flood control and ecological environment improvement project for the southern and northern banks of Huai River;

- Environmental monitoring capability building;

- Construction of Bengbu Environmental Information System; etc.

- Many of these projects are being implemented with the government investment. And some of them will be included in BIEIP using the World Bank financing, which include:

- Longzi Lake integrated rehabilitation project;

- Flood control and ecological environment improvement project for the northern banks of Huai River;

- Environmental monitoring capability building; etc.

4. Bengbu Municipality Eleventh-five-year Plan for Water Resource Development

1. General Objectives

• Complete the flood control & storm drainage system --The treatment of such primary mainstream & tributary as Huai river, Guo river, Beifei river & Xie river should be enhance to improve the integrated flood control & storm drainage ability. Meanwhile, to improve the storm drainage capacity and reinforce the flood control & anti- drought emergency system, flood control pumping station in each depression of the five tributaries as Tianhe, Longzi river, Qian river ,Xie river & downstream Beifei River should be considered, while the flood control pumping station improvement projects of Beifei River dike ,Jingshan Lake & Mohekou depression as well as storm drainage ditch treatment projects also need to be implemented

• Establish the secure and reliable water supply security system -----Focusing on the current water resources and making full use of the potentiality of water saving and floods to ensure urban water supply safety, then carrying on the construction to protect urban drink water sources like Tianhe Lake and Qian River. Finally, the water resource distribution ability should also be enhanced to improve the rural drink water quality by carrying on drink water safety project in rural area.

• Establish sustainable and effective water environmental protection system ------Sticking to combining the engineering measures with non-engineering measures to tap, utilize and protect water resources. Also the soil and water conservation should be activated and the wet land should be taped and protected intentionally, reasonably and step by step.

• Establish stable water resource development system in rural area ------To guarantee the agricultural development, stable society and income rise in rural area, the farmland and water resources construction should be continuously strengthened and the drainage situation should be improved.

• Establish normalized and effective water management and service system ------The water information collection system and decision-making assistant system should be set up to further improve the emergency schema for flood control and anti-drought.

2. Targets of Water Resource Development

• Flood control and storm drainage ------By 2010, the flood control standard for protection area like Huaibei dike and Bengbu urban area will reach 1-in-100 year flood while the flood control standard of major tributaries like Hui river. Xie River, Qian River, Tuo River, downstream Beifei River etc will almost rise to 1-in-20 year flood thus the flood control standard for Bengbu city, Huaiyuan county, Guzhen county and Wuhe county will fundamentally meet the national requirement. Besides the flood disaster warning system ought to be established and the depression storm drainage projects in key region should be built based on 1-in-10 years flood to fully upgrade the drainage capacity.

• Drink water safety----The water sources protection project in urban area will be radically finished in 2010.

• Country water resources ----During the “the eleventh-five-year plan”, the irrigative land equipping, water-saving rehabilitation and farming land storm drainage system construction will be activated and the surface and ground water will be attributed scientifically and rationally. By 2010, the new drainage area will be 500,000 mu while the improved will be 500,000mu.The standard reclaimed farmland reclaim will attain to 800,000mu with common storm drainage standard of 1 in 5 ~10years flood. By 2020, the reclaimed farmland reclaim will be 2 million mu with a drainage standard of 1 in 10years flood.

• Water resources protection and ecological treatment ------By 2010, the water quality up-to-standard rate for the primary rivers and lakes will get to above 70% and the water sources for urban area will go up to above 95%.The treatment projects for Longzi lake and Xijiagou should be launched to ensure the water quality of Longzi lake and Zhanggongshan pond basically meet the water requirement for landscape. By 2020, the water quality up-to-standard rate for the primary rivers and lakes will reach above 90% and the water sources for urban area will go to above 98%.

5. Construction Plan of Bengbu Ecological City

In order to construct Bengbu Municipality into an ecological city, the following targets have been developed respectively of the short term (2010), intermediate term (2015) and long term (2020) horizons.

• Water

- Short term: By 2010, the up-to-standard rate in water functional region will be 75%, industrial wastewater treatment rate will be 98%,sewage treatment rate will be 70%。

- Intermediate term: By 2015, the up-to-standard rate in water functional region will be 90%; industrial wastewater treatment rate will be 99%,sewage treatment rate will be 80%。

- Long term: By 2020, the up-to-standard rate in water functional region will be 100%, industrial wastewater treatment rate will be 100%,sewage treatment rate will be 90%.

• Air

- Short term: By 2010, the urban air environment should be maintained at the same level in 2005 and all the functional regions should meet the air standard.

- Intermediate term: By 2015, the urban air environment quality can be expected at the favorable level with an industrial exhaust treatment rate of 100%.

- Long term: By 2020, the urban air quality can be expected to be upgraded based on the favorable level with an industrial exhaust treatment rate of 100%.

• Solid waste

- Short term: By 2010, the integrated utilization rate of urban industrial solid waste will be up to 85% compared with domestic waste harmless dispose of 100%, and utilization of more than 10%.

- Intermediate term: By 2015, the integrated utilization rate of urban industrial solid waste will be up to 100% compared with domestic waste harmless dispose of 100%, classified collection of more than 30% and utilization of more than 15%.

- Long term: By 2020, the integrated utilization rate of urban industrial solid waste will be up to 100% compared with domestic waste harmless dispose of 100%, classified collection of more than 60% and utilization of more than 20%.

3. Project Conformity with the Master Plans

The content of the Bengbu integrated environmental treatment project financed by the World Bank loan is determined in line with the overall development plan of Bengbu city, water conservancy development plan and the environmental protection goal in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period. The conformity for the project contents with the master plans of Bengbu Municipality is shown in the following table.

Table 7: Conformity of the Proposed Projects with Existing Master Plans

|No. |Name of |Planned Objectives |Related Sub-projects |Contents of Proposed Projects |

| |Plans | | | |

|1 |Bengbu Urban |1)Urban construction goal — by 2010, 140km of new road |Sub-project 3 — Urban environmental infrastructure improvment|Road building in the Jingfa District |

| |Short-term |will be built with per-capita road area of 10.2m2 |Sub-project 5 — Flood management and storm drainage and |Construction of riverside road and its branch road in |

| |Construction | |infrastructure improvement in Huaishang district |Huaishang District |

| |Plan | |Sub-project 7 — Integrated environmental treatment in |Road building in Chengguan town of Huaiyuan county |

| | | |Huaiyuan county | |

| | |2)Safeguard goal of water resources — to set up the |Sub-project 1 — Tianhe flood control project |Construction of Tianhe storm drainage station |

| | |water security system, increase the bearing capacity of |Sub-project 2 — Longzi Lake flood management and storm |Desilting works of Longzi Lake |

| | |water environment and improve storm drainage of Tianhe |drainage and environmental improvement | |

| | |Lake and water environment of Longzi Lake | | |

| | |3) Key environmental improvement area — Xijiagou |Sub-project 4 — Xijiagou and Baligou environmental treatment |Xijiagou desilting and revetment greening project |

| | |— Zhanggongshan Pond—Yinghe neighboring area | | |

| | |4)Industry relocation and park construction — new |Sub-project 8 — Integrated environmental treatment in Mohekou|Construction of infrastructure, sewage pipe network and|

| | |industrial land and newly-built industrial park; |of Wuhe county |treatment plant in Mohekou Industry Zone |

| | |construction of industrial park and district and | | |

| | |centralized sewage treatment | | |

|2 |11th-Five-Year Plan |1)Urban flood prevention — construction of storm |Sub-project 3 — Urban environmental infrastructure improvment|Wuxiaojie storm drainage PS |

| |for Water |drainage PS (reconstruction of Xinchuantang, Nanshijia and|Sub-project 5 — Flood management and storm drainage & |Xinchuantang storm drainage PS |

| |Conservancy |Wuxiaojie PSs) |infrastructure improvement in Huaishang district |Nanshijia storm drainage PS |

| |Development | | | |

| | |2)Internal ditch treatment project for Baligou, Xijiagou,|Sub-project 2 — Longzi Lake flood management and storm |Desilting of Baligou |

| | |Longzi Lake and lower reaches of Beifei river |drainage and environmental improvement |Desilting of Xijiagou |

| | | |Sub-project 4 — Xijiagou and Baligou environmental treatment |Desilting of Longzi Lake |

| | | |Sub-project 8 — Integrated environmental treatment in Mohekou|Desilting of Sanpu canal |

| | | |of Wuhe county | |

| | |3)Promoting urban flood management project construction |Sub-project 6 — Integrated environmental treatment in |Desilting of ditches and canals and construction of |

| | |in Huaiyuan, Guzhen and Wuhe counties |Guzhen county |storm drainage PS in Guzhen |

| | | |Sub-project 7 — Integrated environmental treatment in |Desilting of flood ditches and construction of storm |

| | | |Huaiyuan county |drainage PS in Huaiyuan |

| | | |Sub-project 8 — Integrated environmental treatment in Mohekou|Construction of storm drainage PS in Sanpu of Wuhe |

| | | |of Wuhe county |county |

| | |4)Conservation of water resources and water environmental|Sub-project 2 — Longzi Lake flood management and storm |Implementation of Longzi Lake and Xijiagou integrated |

| | |treatment |drainage and environmental improvement |treatment project and improvement of urban water |

| | | |Sub-project 4 — Xijiagou and Baligou environmental treatment |environment |

| | |5)Key water conservancy project in the 11th Five-year |Sub-project 1 — Tianhe flood management and storm drainage |Tianhe storm drainage station |

| | |Plan period — Construction of Tianhe and Longzi Lake |Sub-project 2 — Longzi Lake flood management and storm |Longzi Lake storm drainage station |

| | |storm drainage stations to upgrade the flood management |drainage and environmental improvement | |

| | |standard in Tianhe depression to once in 20 years and the | | |

| | |storm drainage standard to once in ten years. , | | |

|3 |Environmental |To speed up construction of sewage treatment facilities — |Sub-project 3 — Urban environmental infrastructure improvment|Urban sewage collection pipe network project |

| |Protection Plan for |fresh sewage discharged in the planned area should be |Sub-project 6 — Integrated environmental treatment in |Construction of sewage closure pipelines in each part |

| |Bengbu Municipality |collected and directed to the sewage treatment plant. |Guzhen county | |

| |for the | | | |

| |11th-five-year period| | | |

| | |By 2010, 70% of domestic sewage in Bengbu will be brought |Sub-project 8 — Integrated environmental treatment in Mohekou|Sewage treatment plant project in Mohekou Industry Zone|

| | |under centralized treatment; the discharge from the sewage|of Wuhe county | |

| | |treatment plant should reach the standard for A, Class I | | |

| | |before being discharged into the functional surface water | | |

| | |body of Class III. | | |

| | |Intensify control over industrial pollution source and |Sub-project 8 — Integrated environmental treatment in Mohekou|Construction of environmental infrastructure in |

| | |build up eco-industrial park — advance the construction of|of Wuhe county |Mohekou Industry Zone |

| | |specialized environmental protection park in the pattern | | |

| | |of industry park and district construction, centralized | | |

| | |sewage treatment and control of the source in combination | | |

| | |with industrial restructuring and all the enterprises are | | |

| | |required to settle in the Park by 2010. | | |

| | |Devote more efforts to eco-improvement — build more |Sub-project 2 — Longzi Lake flood management and storm |Longzi Lake slope greening project |

| | |riverside greening belts and forge a urban green |drainage and environmental improvement |Tree and grass planting around the riverside road |

| | |passageway |Sub-project 5 — Flood management and storm drainage & |Grass revetment on the left dyke of Hui River |

| | | |infrastructure improvement in Huaishang district | |

| | | |Sub-project 6 — Integrated environmental treatment in | |

| | | |Guzhen county | |

4. Environmental Baseline Situation

In order to get a full understanding of the current environmental quality in the project areas, the following baseline analysis is carried out on the basis of the existing information, the available routine monitoring data and the results from the specific monitoring activities targeted at the proposed project areas, as listed below.

- Collection of the following monitoring data

• Air: 1) the 2005 and 2006 routine air monitoring data of the Bengbu urban area for the urban (south of Huai River) project; 2) the historical monitoring data for the area near the Huaishang, Guzhen, Huaiyuan and Wuhe projects sites due to the lack of routine air monitoring point;

• Water: 1) the 2005 and 2006 water monitoring data of the routine monitoring cross-sections (Bengbu Gate, Xintieqiao Bridge and Mohekou) for the Bengbu section of the Huai River for the urban (south of Huai River) project; 2) the routine water monitoring data of the Huai River tributaries including Hui River, Guo River and Huaihongxin River for the Guzhen, Huaiyuan and Wuhe projects; 3) the 2005 and 2006 surface water monitoring data for the Bengbu urban area, such as Tianhe Lake, Longzi Lake, Xijiagou Canal, Zhanggongshan Pond and Sanpu Great Ditch, supplemented by the historical monitoring data, the 2005 and 2006 water quality monitoring data for the centralized wastewater outfalls of Bengbu urban area; the wastewater quality monitoring data of the key industrial polluters in Bengbu Municipality as the background information;

• Noise: 1) the 2006 noise monitoring data for the Bengbu urban area; 2) the 2006 road traffic noise monitoring and statistic data for the Bengbu urban area;

• Other data: 1) the 2006 historical monitoring data for the sediment of Longzi Lake provided by the Municipal EPB; 2) Reference of Anhui Province soil environmental background value; 3) the historical groundwater monitoring data for the Longzi Lake area provided by the Municipal EPB.

- Special Monitoring Work

• Noise: Special noise monitoring work has been carried out specifically for the eight sub-projects around the project sites, especially at the sensitive points around the proposed PSs and the construction activities;

• Sediment: The sediment monitoring mainly targets at the canals and ponds to be desilted in BIEIP. The sampling points are selected based on the following principles: 1) The canals and ditches with large desilting quantities should be selected for sampling, such as Longzi Lake, Baligou Canal, Sanpu Great Ditch in Wuhe County, and Camel Ridge Pond in Huaiyuan County; 2) The badly polluted canals and ditches in BIEIP desilting projects should be selected for sampling, such as the Ying River Section of Xijiagou Canal, Niushi Alley Pond of Chengguan Township in Guzhen County; 3) Sampling points should be located in the sections receiving the discharge of centralized industial wastewater outfalls, such as the confluent of Mochongyin River and Sanpu Great Ditch in Wuhe County; 4) For the desilting projects for several ponds in the same catchment, on principle one point should be selected for the baseline monitoring, such as the flood discharge ditch in Huaiyuan County, the upstream section of Mochongyin River in Wuhe County, the upstream section of Sanpu Great Ditch and the No.2 ditch in Huaishang District.

The detailed monitoring and sampling points are shown in the maps of Annex 1.

1. Topography

The majority of Bengbu Municipality is occupied by plains with relatively centralized hills and many interlaced inland rivers, canals and lakes. The area to the north of Huai River is mostly plain, accounting for about 86% of the whole municipality. To the south of Huai River, there is mainly incontinuous hilly area with some lakes, which accounts for about 9% of the whole municipality. And the water surface accounts for 8% of the whole municipality, including the rivers like Huai River, Guo River, Huaihongxin River and the lakes like Sifang Lake, Tuo Lake and Xiangjian Lake.

2. Climate

Bengbu is at the northern edge of North Subtropical Zone and in the humid region of subtropical monsoon climate. As located on the boundary of warm temperate zone and subtropical zone, the area is climatically characterized by long winter and summer, short spring and autumn, concentrated rainfall during the wet season, abundant illumination, rich heat, and long frostless period. In winter, the area is controlled by Siberian High Pressure and dominated by the north-west wind, the climate is dry with little rainfall; however, in summer, the area is influenced by Pacific Subtropical High Pressure and dominated by the south-east wind, the climate is hot and humid with concentrated rainfall.

The frequent confrontation of inter-annual cold and warm air mass activities results in the concentrated rainfall. The annual average precipitation is 905.4mm, and the average frostless period is 217 days. The dominant wind direction in Bengbu for a year is east, NE for the first season, E for the second season, EN for the third season and EN for the forth season. The calm wind frequency for a whole year is 6%, the average wind speed for years is 2.5m/s, and the average wind speed in the flooding season from June to September is 2.3m/s. The maximum wind speed is in June, which is 3.0m/s by average, and the minimum wind speed is in January and August, which is 2.1m/s by average.

3. Hydrology

In Bengbu Municipality, there lie many rivers and lakes (as shown in Figure 7), which respectively belong to Huai River water system and Huaihongxin River water system as presented below.

Table 8: Composition of Water Systems in Bengbu

|Name of Water |Catchment Area |Names of Key Rivers |Names of Key Lakes |Name of Key Low-lying |

|System |(km2) | | |Areas |

|Main stream of |2120 |Huai River |Qianhewa Lake, Tianhewa |Tangyu Lake, Jingshan |

|Huai River | |To the left of Huai River: Nihei River, |Lake and Longzi Lake |Lake, Kongjin Lake, |

| | |Qianhuaixin River, Qian River, Guo River;| |Fangqiu Lake, Xiangfu |

| | |To the right of Huai River: Dushan River,| |Section, Linbei Section,|

| | |Tianhe, Baligou Canal, Xijiagou Canal and| |Sanchong Lake, Sanpu |

| | |Longzi River | |Lake, Huayuan Lake |

|Huaihongxin River|3832 |Huaihongxin River, Middle-stream and |Sifang Lake, Xiehewa |Huajiagoul, Liancheng, |

| | |downstream of Beifei River, Xie River, |Lake, Xiangjian Lake, |Jiuwan, Heinigou, |

| | |Baohui River and Tuo River |Zhangjia Lake, Tuo Lake,|Malagou, Longtan Lake |

| | | |Tianjing Lake, Diaoyutai| |

| | | |Lake, Sancha River | |

The average runoff depth in Bengbu Municipality is 246.4mm, and the corresponding runoff quantity is 1.5billion m3. The average flow of Huai River is 841m3/s with the annual passing runoff quantity of 26.5billion m3. More than 60 rivers and lakes cover a water surface area around 400km2 with the water storage of 769million m3. The section of Huai River within Bengbu Municipality is 147km with the width between 600-800m and the bottom elevation around 8m (Yellow River elevation system). Bengbu section is in the lower section of the middle-stream Huai River, which is featured by its smallest riverbed elevation difference, only 5% of the total difference of the river. However, 90% of the riverbed elevation difference is concentrated in the upper stream section. The significant difference has resulted in the frequent floods in the middle stream due to large amounts of flood discharge from upstream during the flooding season every year.

The catchment area controlled by the Bengbu Section of Huai River main stream (Upstream of Bengbu Gate) is 121,000km2, accounting for 64.7% of the total catchment of Huai River. The measurement by Bengbu Hydrology Station shows that the average annual flow here is 26.7billion m3 with the maximum of 63.7billion m3 (in the year of 1954) and the minimum of 2.7billion m3 (in 1978). The highest flood level of typical flooding years happened in 1954, which is 22.18m, while the lowest flood level of Huai River Bengbu Section is 10.36m (December 1966). On a yearly basis, the highest water level normally happens in July, which is 15.52m by average; and the lowest water level happens in January, which is 12.77m by average.


Figure 7: Aquatic Systems in Bengbu Municipality

4. With the completion of the Bengbu Gate, the hydrological characteristics upstream and downstream of the gate have dramatically changed. The upstream water level is normally between 17-18m, while the normal downstream water level is around 13m, which means there is about 4-5m water head difference. Therefore, the regulation of Bengbu Gate has made the flow of Huai River in this section change from smooth flow to stagnant flow. The upstream stagnant section becomes the surface water recharging the groundwater throughout the year, while the downstream section is recharged by the groundwater.

5. Geology

Bengbu is in the North China Strata Region, where Lower Proterozoic Wuhe Group Xigu Stratum and Neo-archean Quaternary are growing. Tectonic unit belongs to Sino-Korean Paroplatform, its scale includes Huai River basin and Jianghuai Area. It is only a south-eastern corner of the platform and belongs to the Grade I structural unit. The unit is divided into several secondary units, in which Bengbu is on the Bengbu platform arch of the Grade III unit. The stratum is the Huai River division of North China Strata Region, in which the Middle and Late Paleozoic Stratums are missing. Strata before Early Paleozoic are mainly composed of the metamophic rock and marine strata, and the Strata of Mesozoic Era and Cenozoic Era are mainly composed of terrestrial strata and volcanic rock.

6. Soil and Vegetation

There are many types of soil in the municipality. The classification system of the “5 categories taxonomy” is used: soil order, soil great group, soil subgroup, soil genus and soil species. In the whole city, there are 5 soil orders, 8 soil great groups, 13 soil subgroups, 31 soil genuses and 62 soil species. Bengbu is in the transitional area between North Subtropical Zone and South Warm Temperate Zone, across two bioclimatic zones. The topography and geomorphology is complex, so the soil types and distribution are transitional. There is no high mountainous area in the city, so there is no evident rule of vertical spectrum mountainous soil distribution. Although the transitional soil characteristic isn’t evident, the various soil distribution characteristics under corresponding topography and field quality conditions are still clear, so the regional distribution has various forms.

Tu Mountain, Jing Mountain, Laohu Mountain, Yan Mountain, Cao Mountain, Zhuizi Mountain, East and West Lu Mountain and Dagong Mountain are acid crystalline rock hills, which form the soil area with yellow-brown soil and Aluminosilisic skeletal soil; Dahong Mountain, Minglong Mountain, Dajin Mountain and Dafei Mountain are carbonate hills, mainly the brown limestone soil; Flood area along Huai River, Guo River, Xie River, Hui River and middle and down streams of Beifei River are distributed with fluvo-aquic soil; low-lying plain in Huaibei and Tianhe Lake area are Shajiang black soil areas. The soil distribution rule from south to north is: yellow-brown soil-fluvo-aquic soil-Shajiang black soil.

Bengbu is in the transition zone of deciduous broad-leaved forests in warm temperate zone, deciduous broad-leaved forests in north subtropical zone and evergreen broad-leaved forests, the main vegetation is deciduous broad-leaved forests in warm temperate zone. The native natural vegetation has disappeared because of the historical changes, but the typical north and south trees are distributed in this area. The vegetation can be divided into following types according to the natural vegetation and artificial vegetation: secondary forest shrub, ancient scattered trees, artificial forest, protection forest and surrounding scattered trees, fruit trees, mulberry trees, underbrush, fireweeds, marsh and aquatic vegetation.

The artificial forest is monotonous, there are more pure forests and less mixed forests, usually it’s the mixture of black pines, masson pines and locust trees, sawtooth oaks. The protection forest is along Huai River embankment, poplar trees, Chinese parasol trees, deodar cedars and Chinese locust trees are planted at 2 sides of the urban roads, the greening of suburban roads is poplar trees, willows, paulownia and locust trees. Suburban gardening farms and fruit forests villages have economic forests such as apple trees, pear trees, grapes and pomegranates. There are 415 tree species in the whole city, belonging to 56 families, 102 genuses. There are 140 species of common arbors, 70 species of common bushes and 10 species of vine plants.

7. Air

1. Urban Area

1. Analysis Routine Monitoring Data

The analysis of the current air quality in Bengbu urban area is based on the routine monitoring results of air quality provided by the municipal environmental monitoring station. In Bengbu city, there are three routine monitoring points for air quality at the Worker’s Sanatorium, the Department Store Building and the No.2 WTP, which respectively represent the air quality of cultural & educational area, mixed business & residential area and industrial area. The assessment in the report is based on the monitoring data from the 2005 Bengbu Municipal Environmental Quality Report as listed below.

Table 9: Air Quality Monitored Data of Bengbu Urban Area in 2005

Unit: mg/m3

|Mornitoring Point |Worker‘s Sanatorium|Department Store |No.2 WTP |Average for the |

|Mornitoring Item | | | |City |

|SO2 |Range of monitored values |0.022~0.045 |0.013~0.029 |0.027~0.062 |0.023~0.042 |

| |Incompliant rate % |0 |0 |0 |0 |

| |Annual mean |0.034 |0.021 |0.047 |0.034 |

|NO2 |Range of monitored values |0.029~0.043 |0.029~0.061 |0.043~0.062 |0.036~0.052 |

| |Incompliant rate % |0 |0 |0 |0 |

| |Annual mean |0.036 |0.040 |0.052 |0.043 |

|PM10 |Range of monitored values |0.054~0.082 |0.052~0.067 |0.058~0.089 |0.055~0.079 |

| |Incompliant rate % |1.6 |0.6 |2.8 |1.6 |

Table 10: Statistics of Comprehensive Pollution Indices for Key Pollutants at Monitoring Points in 2005

| Monitoring |Worker‘s Sanatorium |Department Store |No.2 Water Works |

|Point | | | |

|Item | | | |

| |Pollution Load |Pollution Load |Pollution Load |Pollution Load |Pollution Load |Pollution Load |

| |Sub-index |Coefficient |Sub-index |Coefficient |Sub-index |Coefficient |

|SO2 |0.57 |0.33 |0.35 |0.24 |0.78 |0.36 |

|NO2 |0.45 |0.26 |0.50 |0.34 |0.62 |0.28 |

|PM10 |0.69 |0.40 |0.62 |0.42 |0.79 |0.36 |

|Comprehensive |1.71 | |1.47 | |2.19 | |

|Pollution Index | | | | | | |

It can be seen from the above tables that compared with the Class II standard regulated by the Ambient Air Quality Standard, only the indicator of PM10 shows some incompliance. This is especially the case for the fourth season in a year, which is somewhat related to the dust precipitation intensity and heating by coal firing in winter in Bengbu area. Although not reflected by the above tables, the concentration of NO2 also exceeded the standard to a less extent throughout a year, which indicates the increasing pollution of traffic emission. That means it is necessary to strengthen the pollution control management over the traffic flow and the vehicle exhaust gas.

Although Bengbu is not within the controlled area for acidic rain, the situation is getting worse in view of increasing frequency and decreasing pH value of acidic rain taking place in this area (as shown in Table 11).

Table 11: Statistics of Acidic Rain in Bengbu (2000-2005)

|Year |Occurrence frequency (%) |pH range |Average pH value |

|2000 |6.0 |4.91~7.60 |6.16 |

|2001 |5.0 |4.85~8.30 |6.14 |

|2002 |15.4 |4.28~7.53 |5.46 |

|2003 |17.8 |4.23~7.83 |6.29 |

|2004 |17.9 |3.42~7.91 |6.21 |

|2005 |59.5 |3.46~7.74 |5.39 |

2. Tianhe Area

For the area around Tianhe, there are two routine air quality monitoring points, one is near Laoguanxu at Heihu Mount and the other is in the Tianhe Fishery. The indicators include TSP, PM10, SO2 and NO2. The monitoring results and corresponding analysis (based on the method of single-factor index as presented in Annex 4) are shown in the following table.

Table 12: Air Quality Monitoring and Analysis around Tianhe in 2005


|Item |Laoguanxu at Heihu Mount |Tianhe Fishery |(GB3095-1996) |

| | | |Class II |

| | | |Daily Mean |

| |Range of monitored |Daily mean |Single |Range of monitored |Daily mean |Single Factor| |

| |value | |Factor Index|value | |Index Pi | |

| | | |Pi | | | | |

|SO2 |0.005~0.095 |0.017 |0.11 |0.005~0.054 |0.010 |0.07 |0.15 |

|NO2 |0.005~0.098 |0.035 |0.29 |0.011~0.094 |0.043 |0.36 |0.12 |

|PM10 |0.044~0.217 |0.121 |0.81 |0.034~0.087 |0.053 |0.35 |0.15 |

|TSP |0.099~0.404 |0.241 |0.80 |0.069~0.122 |0.081 |0.27 |0.30 |

It can be seen from the above statistics that air quality around Tianhe area and its northern hilly land is good and compliant with the Class II standard of the Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996). Among others, the air quality around Tianhe is better than that around Heihu Mount area, which mainly benefits from the dust falling effects in the Tianhe water area; The key air pollutants around Heihu Mount are PM10 and TSP indicating the air quality in the area is affected by the flying dust seriously, which is closely related to the rock exposure, vegetation sparseness and soil erosion due to quarrying activities in the Heihu Mount.

2. Three Counties

As no routine air monitoring points is available in the three counties of Guzhen, Huaiyuan and Wuhe, the historical monitored data provided by the local EPBs are used in the environmental assessment.

1. Huaiyuan County

The evaluation of the current air quality in Huaiyuan County is based on the historical moni monitored data provided by Huaiyuan County EPB. The sampling point is in the new county government yard. The monitored indicators include TSP, SO2 and NO2, and the results of monitoring and analysis are listed in the following Table 13.

Table 13: Results of Air Quality Assessment for Huaiyuan County

| |TSP( mg/m3) |SO2( mg/m3) |NO2( mg/m3) |

|Monitoring Data (Daily Mean) |0.169 |0.005 |0.017 |

|Central Urban Area (Class II Area) Ii |0.56 |0.33 |0.14 |

|Food Processing Park (Class III Area) Ii |0.34 |0.02 |0.14 |

|Jingshan Area (Class I Area) Ii |1.4 |0.1 |0.21 |

From the monitoring data above it can be seen that the TSP, SO2 and NO2 concentrations in the central urban area and the Food Processing Park of Huaiyuan in 2004 has reached the control requirements for the functional zones; The SO2 and NO2 concentrations of Jingshan Area are compliant with the requirements of functional zones, but the TSP concentration could not meet the requirement, which is related to the rock exposure and soil erosion due to the destroy of ground surface vegetation by mountain exploitation activities in Jingshan Area.

2. Wuhe County

The evaluation of the current air quality in Wuhe County is based on the historical moni monitored data provided by Bengbu Municipal EPB for the year of 2006. There are totally three air sampling points around the project site. The indicators of TSP, SO2 and NO2 are monitored over the continuous five days from June 26th to 30th, 2006, and the monitoring and analysis results are respectively shown in the following Table 14 and Table 15.

Table 14: Air Quality Monitoring Results for Wuhe County

|Sampling Point |Date |SO2 |NO2 |TSP |

|1# Beside the Sanpu Great|Jun.26 |0.009 |0.006 |0.042 |

|Canal and the highway | | | | |

| |Jun.27 |<0.005 |0.022 |0.046 |

| |Jun.28 |0.006 |0.009 |0.177 |

| |Jun.29 |<0.005 |0.009 |0.084 |

| |Jun.30 |<0.005 |0.068 |0.212 |

| |Mean |0.005 |0.023 |0.112 |

|2# Xiaolizhuang |Jun.26 |<0.005 |0.010 |0.022 |

| |Jun.27 |<0.005 |0.010 |0.100 |

| |Jun.28 |<0.005 |0.014 |0.140 |

| |Jun.29 |<0.005 |0.014 |0.361 |

| |Jun.30 |<0.005 |0.027 |0.079 |

| |Mean |<0.005 |0.015 |0.140 |

|3# Zhujia |Jun.26 |<0.005 |0.029 |0.066 |

| |Jun.27 |0.029 |0.010 |0.170 |

| |Jun.28 |<0.005 |0.035 |0.110 |

| |Jun.29 |<0.005 |0.026 |0.102 |

| |Jun.30 |<0.005 |<0.003 |0.095 |

| |Mean |0.009 |0.020 |0.109 |

Table 15: Results of Air Quality Assessment for Wuhe County

|Sampling Point |Date |Assessment Index Ii (SO2)|Assessment Index Ii (NO2)|Assessment Index Ii (TSP)|

|1# Beside the |Jun.26 |0.06 |0.05 |0.14 |

|Sanpu Great Canal | | | | |

|and the highway | | | | |

| |Jun.27 |0.03 |0.18 |0.15 |

| |Jun.28 |0.04 |0.08 |0.59 |

| |Jun.29 |0.03 |0.08 |0.28 |

| |Jun.30 |0.03 |0.57 |0.71 |

|2# Xiaolizhuang |Jun.26 |0.03 |0.08 |0.07 |

| |Jun.27 |0.03 |0.08 |0.33 |

| |Jun.28 |0.03 |0.12 |0.47 |

| |Jun.29 |0.03 |0.12 |1.20 |

| |Jun.30 |0.03 |0.23 |0.26 |

|3# Zhujia |Jun.26 |0.03 |0.24 |0.22 |

| |Jun.27 |0.19 |0.08 |0.57 |

| |Jun.28 |0.03 |0.29 |0.37 |

| |Jun.29 |0.03 |0.22 |0.34 |

| |Jun.30 |0.03 |0.03 |0.32 |

It can be seen from the above tables that except for TSP that exceeded the standard once on June 29 at 2# point, all the assessment factors of pollutants at the monitoring points are within 1. Generally it is considered that the current air quality of Guzhen urban area complies with the Class II standard of GB3095-1996.

8. Surface Water

The assessment of surface water quality for the BIEIP-related rivers and lakes in the report is based on the following monitoring data:

- For lakes and rivers with functions of water body, the routine monitored data provided by the municipal and county EPBs are used;

- For the watercourses and water bodies without routine monitoring data, the historical monitoring data provided by the municipal and county EPBs are used;

- For the ditches and canals with neither routine monitoring data nor historical monitoring information, some special monitoring work has been carried out in accordance with the actual requirements.

1. Huai River

As is known, Huai River is one of the most polluted rivers in China, and despite considerable government efforts (including participation of the World Bank on the Huai River Pollution Control Project), it has proven to be one of the most difficult to clean up. According to the historic monitoring results[3], although the government has made significant investments on the pollution control of Huai River, the water quality of Huai River for Bengbu section does not meet the Class III water quality target[4] in the last seven years. This is especially during the dry season from January to March (shown in Figure 8) when the flow rate of Huai River is low and insufficient to dilute the incoming pollution.

Table 16: Water Quality Classification of Huai River within Bengbu (2000-2006)

|River name |Water quality target |2000 |2001 |

|pH |0.36 |0.36 |0.36 |

|DO |0.59 |0.77 |0.74 |

|CODMn |0.66 |0.69 |0.69 |

|BOD5 |0.62 |0.71 |0.72 |

|NH3-N |0.91 |1.05 |1.05 |

|Petroleum |0.20 |0.20 |0.20 |

|Volatile phenols |0.20 |0.30 |0.26 |

|COD |0.91 |0.98 |0.93 |

|Fecal coliform |0.54 |10.03 |9.77 |

|TP |0.70 |0.79 |0.82 |

|TN |2.15 |2.61 |2.40 |

It can be seen from the above table that in 2006 the TN concentration for Bengbu section of the Huai River exceeded the standard by 1.15~1.61 times. The fecal coliform at Xintieqiao and Mohekou sections exceeded the standard by 8.77~9.03 times. The NH3-N concentration for the Xintieqiao and Mohekou sections exceeded the standard slightly by 0.05 time. The annual mean of other indicators can meet the Class III requirements according to the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002).

2. Tianhe Lake

The routine monitoring data for the water quality of the Tianhe Lake in 2006 provided by Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station are shown in the table below.

Table 19: Routine Monitoring of Water Quality in Tianhe Lake in 2006

Unit:mg/L (except pH)

|Indicator |pH |DO |CODMn |BOD5 |

|Ranking |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Multiples beyond the standard |3.2~7.6 |0.44~2.63 |0.33~0.64 |0.22~0.62 |

|limits | | | | |

|Pollution Contribution Rate |32.35% |17.9% |15.53% |8.01% |

As shown above, the major problem for the lake lies in the high nutrient salt content and the eutrophication of the water body. And according to the pollution distribution over the lake, the pollution contribution rates for the south, middle and north of Longzi Lake are respectively 38.23%, 32.06% and 29.71%, which also shows that the pollution in the lake increases from the north to the south.

3. Guo River

Guo River is related to the project of Huai Yuan County. The water quality monitoring data for the Huaiyuan section of Guo River by Huaiyuan County EPB is shown in the table below.

Table 24: Evaluation of water quality in the Guo River

Unit:mg/L (except pH)

|Sampling Point |Sampled date |DO |pH |CODMn |NH3-N |CODCr |

|No.3 Guo River |2006.2.18 |11.0 |8.30 |8.40 |9.97 |/ |

|Bridge | | | | | | |

| |2006.3.6 |/ |8.50 |11.34 |17.86 |/ |

| |2005.12.8 |/ |/ |/ |3.61 |7.00 |

| |2005.12.7 |/ |/ |/ |2.71 |6.57 |

| |2005.10.9 |7.2 |7.98 |/ |1.10 |5.9 |

|Mean |9.1 |8.26 |9.87 |7.05 |6.49 |

|Standard for Class IV in |≥3 |6~9 |≤10 |≤1.5 |≤30 |

|GB3838-2002 | | | | | |

Evaluated with the single standard index formula and based on the mean value listed above, the results are shown in the following table.

Table 25: Evaluation Results of Water Quality in Guo River

|Sampled site |DO |pH |CODMn |NH3-N |CODCr |

|No.3 Guo River |0.16 |0.63 |0.987 |4.7 |0.16 |

|Bridge | | | | | |

Calculation shows that the standard indices of DO, pH and CODMn are lower than 1, indicating that all these water quality indicators are compliant with the Class IV requirements of in the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002). The standard index of NH3-N is over 1, indicating the water quality indicator has exceeded the standard and can no longer meet the requirements for use.

4. Hui River

Hui River runs through the Guzhen County, which is the location of one sub-project. As required by the functional zoning of water environment, the Guzhen section of Hui River shall follow the Class IV standard of the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002). The monitoring data of 2001-2005 is listed in the following table.

Table 26: Monitoring Results for the Guzhen Section of Hui River (2001-2005)

Unit:mg/L (except pH)

|Year |Item |

| |pH |DO |CODMn |NH3-N |COD |

|2005.3.24 |8.70 |10.26 |4.08 |0.450 |13.1 |

|2005.11.20 |8.52 |9.75 |4.23 |0.426 |12.4 |

|2006.2.26 |8.46 |11.60 |3.86 |0.532 |10.6 |

|2006.11.9 |8.18 |8.05 |4.31 |0.245 |— |

|Class III, GB3838-2002 |6~9 |≥5 |≤6 |≤1 |≤20 |

Based on the annual means of Hui River water quality listed in Table 28 and the single standard index formula, the water quality of the Huaihongxin River is evaluated as follows.

Table 29: Evaluation Results of Water Quality in Huaihongxin River

|Date |pH |DO |CODMn |NH3-N |COD |

|2005.3.24 |0.85 |0.05 |0.68 |0.45 |0.66 |

|2005.11.20 |0.76 |0.14 |0.71 |0.43 |0.62 |

|2006.2.26 |0.73 |0.20 |0.64 |0.53 |0.53 |

|2006.11.9 |0.59 |0.45 |0.72 |0.25 |— |

From the above table, it can be seen that the water quality of the Xiangjian Lake is relatively good and compliant with the Class III requirements of the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002).

5. Canals and Ditches in Urban Area

1. Xijiagou Canal

According to the monitoring data provided by the municipal environment monitoring station, as one of the sub-project in the BIEIP, the concentrations of major pollutants at the outlet of Xijiagou Canal to the Huai River in 2006 are far beyond the Class V standard throughout the year, as shown in the Table 30.

Table 30: Monitoring Results of Water Quality in Xijiagou Canal

Unit: mg/L (except pH)

| |Jan |Feb. |

|0.19 |4.10 |3.29 |

Among others, the COD and NH3-N were the key pollutants, exceeding the Class V water quality standard by about 8 times. Clearly, the water of Xijiagou Canal has been badly polluted and requires urgent improvement.

2. Sanpu Great Ditch

Sanpu Great Ditch lies in the Wuhe County, which is proposed to be de-silted in the BIEIP. Two water quality cross-sections were monitored for the Sanpu Great Ditch according to the historic monitoring data provided by the municipal EPB, which are respectively (1) 500 m upstream of the outlet of Sanpu Great Ditch to the Huai River and (2) before the outfall of the Sanpu Great Ditch into the Huai River. The monitoring was done on June 15 and 16 (once per day), and the results are shown in the table below.

Table 32: Water Quality Monitoring Results of Sanpu Great Ditch

Unit: mg/L (except pH)

| Mornitoring Item |Date |pH |COD |NH3-N |CODMn |BOD5 |Water temperature|

|Monitoring | | | | | | | |

|Point | | | | | | | |

| |2006.6.16 |7.36 |12.1 |0.164 |3.81 |2.28 |22.7 |

|(2) |2006.6.15 |7.61 |24.4 |0.278 |7.96 |5.88 |23.2 |

| |2006.6.16 |7.56 |23.2 |0.279 |7.91 |5.72 |23.6 |

|Class Ⅲ, GB3838-2002 |6~9 |≤20 |≤1.0 |≤6 |≤4 | |

Evaluated with the single standard index formula and based on the mean value listed above, the results are shown in the following Table 33.

Table 33: Water Quality Evaluation Results of Sanpu Great Ditch

| Mornitoring Item |pH |COD |NH3-N |CODMn |BOD5 |

|Monitoring Point | | | | | |

|(1) |0.175 |0.61 |0.165 |0.63 |0.57 |

|(2) |0.295 |1.19 |0.28 |1.325 |1.45 |

By analysis, the water quality of both cross-sections on the Sanpu Great Ditch is compliant with the Class V standard of the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002). The water quality of the cross-section (1) is much better than that of the cross-section (2), which mainly results from the discharge through many industrial and domestic wastewater outfalls downstream of the Sanpu Great Ditch

3. Ponds in Huaiyuan County

As some ponds in Huaiyuan County are involved in the BIEIP for their de-silting without any historical monitoring data, the national EA consultants, NCMDI, has committed Bengbu Municipal Environment Monitoring Station to monitor the water quality of the pond east of West Ring Road in Huaiyuan County on March 5, 2007, and the results are shown in the table below.

Table 34: Water Quality Monitoring Results for the Ponds in Huaiyuan County

Unit: mg/L (except pH and Fecal coliform)

|Date |Detection items |

| |pH |DO |CODMn |BOD |NH3-N |TP |Petroleum |

|0.74 |0.29 |0.765 |0.142 |0.594 |2 |/ |/ |

According to the analysis, only the TP value is beyond the standard requirements for the Class III water.

4. Zhanggongshan Pond

Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station has provide the water quality monitoring data for the south, middle and north of Zhanggongshan pond from the samples of April 6 and October 20 2006, and the results are shown in the following table.

Table 36: Monitoring of water quality in Zhanggong Mount Pond

Unit: mg/L (except pH and Fecal Coliform)

|Indicator |South |Middle |North |

| |Monitoring Data|Single-factor |Monitoring Data |Single-factor Index |Monitoring Data |Single-factor Index |

| | |Index | | | | |

|pH |8.13 |0.56 |8.27 |0.64 |8.115 |0.56 |

|DO |2.7 |1.9 |2.88 |1.36 |2.9 |1.3 |

|CODMn |19.135 |1.91 |11.295 |1.13 |11.12 |1.11 |

|BOD5 |7.035 |1.17 |5.02 |0.84 |4.965 |0.83 |

|NH3-N |12.5675 |8.38 |10.034 |6.69 |7.4505 |4.97 |

|Hg |0.000005 |0.005 |0.000005 |0.005 |0.000005 |0.005 |

|Petroleum |0.03 |0.06 |0.035 |0.07 |0.04 |0.08 |

|TP |1.19 |3.97 |1.2 |4.0 |1.14 |3.8 |

|TN |15.255 |10.2 |12.87 |8.58 |11.575 |7.72 |

|Cd |0.0025 |0.5 |0.0025 |0.5 |0.0025 |0.5 |

|Fecal coliform |240000 |12 |123950 |6.20 |122450 |6.12 |

|(pc/l) | | | | | | |

From the above table it is clear that the concentrations of NH3-N, TP, TN and fecal coliform in Zhanggongshan Pond are all greatly beyond the Class V standard requirements, which mainly results from the random discharge of untreated domestic wastewater into the pond.

9. Groundwater

1. General

The groundwater resource of Bengbu Municipality mainly exists in the area to the north of the Huai River. The groundwater yield is 198,000m3/a·km2. According to the survey results, the exploitable groundwater is concentrated in the fine sand or middle fine sand layers whose buried depth is more than 20m, especially in ancient river course area. The groundwater which can be explored in the future is in Caolaoji.

The groundwater resources are deficient in the area south of Huai River, where the groundwater is mainly stored in the apertures of weathered bedrock and tectonic cracks. The groundwater yield is less than 50,000m3/a·km2. The water richness of groundwater is poor and it isn’t well distributed, so the centralized exploitation is inappropriate.

Since the shallow groundwater is directly recharged by the rainfall and seasonally the local surface water, the groundwater quality is badly polluted by human activities in Xiaobengbu, Wuxiaojie and the area north of Changhuai Town, especially near the pollution discharging and receiving water bodies (canals, ponds, ditches and pools). Monitoring work undertaken by the municipal EPB for the whole municipality has shown that the groundwater quality is around Class IV from 2000 to 2005 and could not meet the Class III target of the Groundwater Quality Standard (GB/T14848-93), as shown in the following table.

Table 37: Groundwater Quality in Bengbu Municipality

| |2000 |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |

|Water Quality |IV |IV |IV |IV |III-IV |

|Classification | | | | | |

|Non-compliant Parameters |Coliform, NO2-N, NH3-N, |Coliform, NH3-N, NO2-N, |NH3-N, NO2-N |Total Hardness, NH3-N |/ |

| |As |As | | | |

2. Groundwater around Longzi Lake

The monitoring data for the groundwater around the Longzi Lake in Xilushan, Xiaozhujia, Jinjiagang and Shangying Village are shown in the following Table 38, which is provided by the Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station.

Table 38: Groundwater Quality Monitoring Results for the Area around Longzi Lake

|Site |Monitoring Parameter(mg/L) |

| |NH3-N |

| |

| |Municipal WTP |Industrial |Agricultural Irrigation |Other Self-supply |

| | |Self-supply |Stations | |

|Quantity |108 |64 |44 |22 |

|(million m3) | | | |(19 from groundwater) |

|Percentage (%) |45.4 |26.9 |18.5 |9.6 |

|In terms of water supply sources: |

| |Surface Water |Groundwater |

|Quantity |199 |34 |

|(million m3) | | |

|Percentage (%) |83.6 |14.3 |

Note: In the 199 surface water supply, there is 147million m3 (62%) from upstream of the Bengbu Gate.

The above Table 40 shows the composition of water supply in Bengbu Municipality in 2005. According to the survey, there are about 50 self-supplied industries in Bengbu withdrawing water mainly from the Huai River, groundwater and some from the Longzi Lake. According to the analysis of the actual water supply data in Bengbu over recent years, the proportion of the industrial water demand is decreasing while and that of the domestic water is increasing. Currently about 284.8km of distribution network has been laid in the urban area.

However, the water quality at the water intake has been deteriorating since 1980’s with the occurrence of several water pollution accidents respectively in 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2004. Especially during the dry season, the water quality of Huai River is too poor to meet the water supply requirements (generally considered to be Class III), due to the lack of dilution by sufficient flow. According to the water quality monthly reports of urban centralized drinking water sources in Anhui Province[5] (Jan.2006 to Feb. 2007), there are six non-compliant records for the water intake upstream of Bengbu Gate, mostly during January to March with NH3-N as the key pollutant (See Table 41 below). At this stage, the impact of these incidents on tap water quality is unavailable.

Table 41: Water Quality of Major Centralized Drinking Water Source in Bengbu (Upstream of Bengbu Gate on Huai River)

| |2000 |2001 |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |

|Water quality |Class IV |Class III-IV |N/A |N/A |N/A |Class III-IV |

|classification | | | | | | |

|Standard-compliant |94.91% |95.24% |91.88% |93.59% |91.02% |94.23% |

|rate | | | | | | |

|Key pollutants |BOD, NH3-N |Non-ion NH3 |NH3-N |DO, NH3-N |NH3-N |CODMn, NH3-N |

Table 42: Non-compliant months for water intake upstream of Bengbu Gate

|Non-compliant Month |Key pollutants |

|January 2006 |NH3-N (1.38 times beyond standard) |

|February. 2006 |NH3-N (1.19 times beyond standard) |

|March 2006 |NH3-N (1.49 times beyond standard) |

|July 2006 |DO (0.94 time beyond standard) |

|January 2006 |NH3-N (1.36 times beyond standard) & Mn (0.54 time beyond standard) |

|February 2006 |NH3-N (1.67 times beyond standard) & Mn (0.35 time beyond standard) |

In view to the possible shortage of water supply due to the pollution in dry season every year, Tianhe was developed as the emergency water supply source for Bengbu urban area in 1996.

10. Water Pollution

1. Major Sewage Outfalls of the Urban Area

The wastewater from the urban area of Bengbu Municipality is discharged into the Huai River mainly through seven existing sewage outfalls as shown in Figure 11. The wastewater collected by the seven outfalls accounts for 70% of the total wastewater from the Bengbu urban area, whose detailed distribution is shown in the following Table 43.


Figure 11: Distribution of Sewage Outfalls in Bengbu Urban Area

Table 43: Monitoring Data of Major Sewage Outfalls in Bengbu Urban Area in 2006

|No. | Name of Sewage Outfall |Flow | Monitoring Value |NH3-N mg/L |CODcr mg/L |

| | |m3/s | | | |

|W1 | Baligou |0.2-~1.46 |Range |17.4~38.4 |120~469 |

| | |0.52 | Annual Mean |25.8 |317 |

|W2 | Xijiagou |0.3~1.86 |Range |1.70~18.8 |34~224 |

| | |1.37 | Annual Mean |10.0 |110 |

|W3 |No. 3 Dock |0.04~0.17 |Range |26.6~70.9 |117~339 |

| | |0.11 | Annual Mean |45.5 |207 |

|W4 |No.1 Dock |0.09~0.13 |Range |24.1~58.2 |120~464 |

| | |0.10 | Annual Mean |41.9 |240 |

|W5 |Jiaotong Rd. |0.18~0.40 |Range |23.0~61.1 |117~494 |

| | |0.28 | Annual Mean |40.8 |290 |

|W6 |Longzihe |0.29~0.65 |Range |20.6~56.4 |123~214 |

| | |0.48 |Annual Mean |36.0 |160 |

|W7 |Baojiagou |— |Range |1.21~49.6 |25~717 |

| | |0.032 | Annual Mean |23.3 |300 |

| Total |2.892 | Weighted Mean |34.5 |187 |

According to the above table, in terms of sewage volume, the top four outfalls in sequence are Xiajiagou, Baligou, Longzihe and Jiaotong Rd. The major pollutants are ammonia nitrogen and COD respectively with the ranges of 10~45.5mg/L and 110~317mg/L.


Figure 12: Percentage of Sewage Flow for the Seven Urban Sewage Outfalls

As shown in Figure 12, the Xiajiagou outfall is ranked No.1 (accounting for 47% of the total amount) in terms of wastewater flow rate. However, because there is 100,000m3/d (1.16m3/s) treated wastewater in the sewage discharge from Xijiagou Outfall, the pollutant concentrations are the lowest among all the seven output (as shown in Table 43), its NH3-N and COD contributions are only 21% and 28%, which shows that the effective treatment of wastewater could greatly reduce the pollutant discharge into the Huai River.


Figure 13: NH3-N Contribution of Seven Sewage Outfalls in the Urban Area


Figure 14: COD Contribution of Seven Sewage Outfalls in the Urban Area

Of the seven outlets, Baligou outfall has the highest concentration and the biggest contribution of COD, which is closely related to the large amount of industries in the Baligou catchment and the consequent heavy pollution. Therefore, it is of great importance to improve the sewage treatment of the industrial polluters in Baligou area.

The outfalls of No.3 Dock, No.1 Dock and Jiaotong Rd. have the highest NH3-N concentration due to their locations in the old urban area and the high proportion of collected domestic wastewater. The Longzi Lake outfall contributes the most to the NH3-N discharge, as the wastewater it collects is mainly the concentrated residential area west of the Longzi Lake and the domestic and agricultural production wastewater from the villages east of the lake. With further development and construction of this area, the wastewater quantity and the pollutant discharge will inevitably keep increasing, and it is necessary to complete the corresponding sewage treatment system.

It is also noticeable that although the Baojiagou outfall has a small wastewater quantity, but the concentrations of COD and ammonia nitrogen is not low, respectively 300mg/L and 23.3mg/L. The wastewater collection system for the Baojiagou Catchment has not yet been completed, and the wastewater has not been collected effectively. However, since the area is close to the Longzi Lake, with the development of Longzi Lake scenery area, the wastewater generation of this area will increase inevitably. The construction of the sewage collection and treatment system should be closely linked up with the regional development to avoid the pollution to the downstream section of the Huai River in Bengbu urban area.

2. Key Industrial Polluters

The key industrial polluters of Bengbu Municipality are mainly distributed in the area south of the Huai River and the Bengbu Industrial Park in the west of Huaishang District (north of the Huai River). According to the list of key polluters of 2006 provided by Bengbu Municipal EPB, there are totally 33 industrial key polluters, 13 in the urban area and 20 in the three suburban counties. Their total pollutant discharge accounts for 90% of the total industrial discharge from the industries in the municipality. The details are shown in the following table.

Table 44: Statistics of Pollution Discharge by Key Industrial Polluters in Bengbu in 2006

|No. |Name of Industry |Located |Wastewater |Discharge |Pollutant Concentration|

| | |District |Discharge |t/y |mg/l |

| | | |10,000 t/y | | |

| | | |

|Huaishang District |50.7~66.7 |53.4 |

|GAOXIN DISTRICT |50.2~71.7 |57.7 |

|Longzi Lake District |43.6~68.3 |55.4 |

|Yuhui District |51.3~67.1 |58.0 |

|Bengshan District |50.7~67.3 |60.5 |

Clearly the mean of the noise pollution in Bengbu can basically meet the Class II acoustic environment quality standard, but the existing noise level is obviously beyond the standard requirement, especially on both sides of the roads. The acoustic environment quality of Huaishang District and Longzi Lake District is better; however, as the old urban area, Bengshan District is crowded with narrow roads and busy traffic, and the noise level of this district is far beyond the standard. There is big difference for the noise level in the GAOXIN DISTRICT, low for the unconstructed area and far beyond the standard for the trunk roads.

1. Urban Roads

Below are the monitoring results of traffic noise for the major roads in the Bengbu urban area.

Table 47: Monitored Data on Road Traffic Noise Pollution in 2006 in Bengbu

Unit: dB(A)

|No. |Road Name |Section Length m |Road Width m |Traffic Volume vehicle/h|Noise Level, dB(A) |

|1 |Jiefang 2 Rd. |1800 |28 |983 |71.9 |

|2 |Huai Rd. |4420 |28 |1441 |71.3 |

|3 |Zhihuai Rd. |4400 |33 |1252 |70.2 |

|4 |Gongnong Rd. |5120 |30 |1606 |69.3 |

|5 |Chaoyang Rd. |6512 |45 |1203 |69.2 |

|6 |Fengyang Rd. |5270 |33 |1154 |68.9 |

|7 |Tushan Rd. |9540 |45 |1132 |68.3 |

|8 |Jiefang Rd. |8405 |42 |812 |67.9 |

|9 |Shengli Rd. |21890 |40 |1026 |66.8 |

|10 |Hanghua Rd. |1000 |25 |309 |66.2 |

|11 |Yanshan Rd. |8550 |45 |428 |66.0 |

|12 |Hongye Rd. |2840 |30 |583 |65.9 |

|13 |Donghai Ave. |21270 |58 |964 |65.8 |

|14 |Yan’an Rd. |6382 |35 |1249 |65.5 |

|15 |Huaguang Ave. |3700 |50 |724 |65.4 |

|16 |Daqing Rd. |4976 |45 |902 |61.3 |

From the above data, the roads in the old urban area, such as No.2 Jiefang Rd., Huai Rd., Zhihuai Rd., Gongnong Rd., Chaoyang Rd., Fengyang Rd. and Tushan Rd, have serious noise problem. The newly-built roads including Donghai Ave., Huaguang Ave., Daqing Rd. and Yanshan Rd. with broad planning red line(over 45m wide)have low-level noise pollution due to light traffic. Among the roads with the planning red line over 45m wide, only Tushan Rd. and Chaoyang Rd. go through the main urban area with heavy traffic and have a relatively-high noise level. Therefore, the traffic noise is closely related to the traffic volume.

3. Special Monitoring for Sub-projects

As the proposed BIEIP covers both the urban area and the three counties, in order to get a full understanding of the current acoustic environmental quality, some special monitoring work has been carried out for the sub-project areas on the local acoustic environment.

1. Tianhe

In February 2007, the Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station was commissioned to monitor the noise level of six points around the Tianhe Lake. The monitoring results are shown in the following table.

Table 48: Noise Monitoring Results around Tianhe Lake

Unit: dB(A)

|Item |1# |2# |3# |4# |5# |6# |

| |On Tianhe Gate |Tianhe Fishery |Qingji Irrigation |Fengdong |Gaogengqian |Shixiang Village |

| |Bridge |North of Tianhe |PS East of Tianhe |Irrigation PS West|Village Irrigation|north of Heihu |

| | | | |of Tianhe |PS South of Tianhe|Mount. |

|Daytime |38.4 |40.1 |39.5 |40.9 |40.9 |44.7 |

|Night |36.6 |37.4 |36.7 |37.6 |36.6 |39.8 |

|Class I |Daytime 55, Night 45 |

|Standard | |

The noise around the Tianhe Lake and the Heihu Mount is good, compliant with the Class I standard of the Environmental Noise Standard for Urban Area.

2. Longzi Lake

In February 2007, the Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station was commissioned to monitor the noise level of four points around the Longzi Lake. The monitoring results are shown in the following table.

Table 49: Noise Monitoring Results around Longzi Lake

Unit: dB(A)

|Site |1# |2# |3# |4# |Class I (GB3096-1993)|

| |Xingfu Village North|Zhangjiatian Village|Xuqiao Village South|Workers’ Sanitarium | |

| |of Longzi Lake |East of Longzi Lake |of Longzi Lake |West of Longzi Lake | |

|Daytime |59.4 |47.5 |38.5 |49.7 |55 |

|Night |44.4 |35.6 |31.5 |37.0 |45 |

The noise level of the monitoring points are compliant with the Class I standard except the point in the Xingfu Village, which is mainly due to the noise made by the construction machinery at the entrance to the Xingfu Village as a large-scale construction project is just ongoing there.

3. Urban Area

On Jan. 30th and 31st 2007, Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station monitored the noise for the relevant project areas. The monitoring results are shown in the table below.

Table 50: Noise Monitoring Results for the Project-related Urban Area

Unit: dB(A)

|Monitoring Point |Monitoring Results |GB3096-1993 Standard |

| |Daytime |Night |Daytime |Night |

|1# Centre of Longzi Lake Industrial Park (Longjin Rd.) |45.4 |47.8 |Class 3, 65 |Class 3, 55 |

|2# Crossing of Lilou Rd. and Donghai Ave. |60.7 |54.0 | | |

|3# Dingmiao Village |50.1 |49.7 | | |

|4# Centre of Gaoxin District (Crossing of Huangshan Rd.and Daqing Rd.) |57.9 |51.3 | | |

|5# Crossing of Huangshan Rd. and Ying River |60.4 |52.9 | | |

|6# Xiaohuangshan Village |63.7 |52.4 | | |

|7# Crossing of East Shengli Rd. and Zhuizishan Rd. |62.0 |52.8 |Class 4, 70 |Class 4, 55 |

|8# Crossing of Nanhu Rd. and Xuehua Rd. |59.9 |54.9 | | |

|9# Crossing of No.2 Hongqi Rd. and West Surrounding Dyke |63.5 |53.1 | | |

|10# Crossing of Changzheng Rd. and Changle Rd. |65.7 |55.7 | | |

|11# Crossing of Daqing Rd. and Baligou Canal |65.8 |55.3 | | |

|12# Yinghu Rd. Storm Drainage PS |55.6 |51.3 | | |

|13# Zhihuai Rd. Storm Drainage PS |58.7 |52.5 | | |

|14# Nanshijia Storm Drainage PS |58.0 |54.5 | | |

|15# Xinchuantang Storm Drainage PS |60.0 |52.0 | | |

From the monitoring results it could be seen that the noise in the project-related areas could meet the standard requirements.

4. Xijiagou and Baligou

On January 31, 2007, Bengbu municipal Environmental Monitoring Station monitored the noise level at two points near Baligou and Xijiagou canals. The results are shown in the table below.

Table 51: Noise Monitoring Results of around Baligou and Xijiagou Canals

|Monitoring Point |Results Leq[dB(A)] |Class II (GB3096-1993) |

| |Daytime |Night |Daytime |Night time |

|1# Crossing of No.2 Daqing Rd. and |65.8 |55.3 |60 |50 |

|Baligou Canal | | | | |

|2# Huangshan Rd. and Xijiagou Canal |60.4 |52.9 | | |

As the monitoring points are close to the urban trunk road and impacted greatly by the passing vehicles, the noise levels around the project site are beyond the standard requirements to different extent.

5. Huaishang District

On Jan. 30, 2007, the Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station monitored the noise level at three points around the project area. The results are shown in the table below.

Table 52: Noise Monitoring Results of Huaishang Dis.

|Monitoring Point |Results Leq[dB(A)] |Applied Standard |

| |Daytime |Night | |

|(1) Intersection between the planned Daqing Rd. North and Huaibei |46.0 |41.9 |Class II, GB3096-93: |

|Land (Qijiadu Village) | | |Daytime 60dB(A) |

| | | |Night 50dB(A) |

|(2) Big ditch of 40 m (south of Xiaobengbu Storm Drainage Station |45.5 |42.6 | |

|near Huaibei Dyke) | | | |

|(3) Intersection between Wuxiaojie drainage and irrigation canal and|45.6 |41.4 | |

|Huaibei Land. | | | |

It is shown that the noise levels for all the monitoring points are compliant with the Class II standard of the Environmental Noise Standard for Urban Area (GB3096-93).

6. Guzhen County

For Guzhen sub-project, on Feb.1-2 and Feb.14-15, 2007, the noise levels are monitored at seven points. The results are shown in the table below.

Table 53: Noise Monitoring Results of Guzhen County

Unit:Leq dB(A)

|Monitoring Point |Daytime |Night |

|Site of south station in Guzhen county (intersection between the Lao Street |54.0 |51.6 |

|and Huihe Dyke) | | |

|In Xiaoloucun of Guzhen |45.2 |41.1 |

|In Qizhuang of Guzhen |42.6 |42.1 |

|No. 1 Middle School East in Guzhen county |47.2 |47.2 |

|No. 1 Middle School West in Guzhen county |43.8 |43.1 |

|Niushixiang Center in Guzhen county |54.4 |51.0 |

|Near the Furniture Factory about 10 meters along the river embankment on the |52.9 |38.5 |

|east side of Guxi Storm Drainage Station in Guzhen county. | | |

|GB 3096-93 (Class II) |60 |50 |

It is shown in the above table that the noise levels of all the monitoring points are compliant with the Class II standard of Environmental Noise Standard for Urban Area (GB 3096-93), except the night noise level at the point of Nieshixiang Centre. As neither industries nor ongoing projects with high noise level exist near Niushixiang, the incompliant noise might be due to instantaneous noise by the residents. The quality of the local acoustic environment is generally good.

7. Huaiyuan County

The Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station conducted the noise monitoring at the four points in Huaiyuan County on February 1, 2007. The monitoring results are shown in the following table.

Table 54: Noise Monitoring Results of Huaiyuan

|Monitoring Site |Applied Standard |Results |Standard Limits |

| | |Daytime |Night |Daytime |Night |

|1# Site of Lizuizi PS |Standard for Class |58.2 |48.1 |60 |50 |

| |II | | | | |

|2# Intersection between Yuwang Rd. East and |Standard for Class |76.2 |62.5 |60 |50 |

|Wenchang Rd. |II | | | | |

|3# Site of Laoximen PS |Standard for Class |47.1 |45.5 |65 |55 |

| |III | | | | |

|4# About 40m to the east of Huancheng Rd.West |Standard for Class |58.2 |48.5 |65 |55 |

|and 100m to the south of Yuwang Rd. West. |III | | | | |

It can be found from the above table that the background noise level at the 1# point is compliant with the Class II standard in the Environmental Noise Standard for Urban Area (GB3096-93); the background noise level at the 3# and 4# points are compliant with the Class III standard; however, the noise level at the 2# point is beyond the Class II standard because it is located at the crossing of the urban trunk roads and greatly influence by the busy traffic.

8. Wuhe Mohekou

On Jan. 30, 2007, the Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station monitored the noise level at the four points within the Mohekou Industrial Park. The monitoring results are shown in the table below.

Table 55: Noise Monitoring Results of Mohekou Industrial Park

|Monitoring Point |Monitoring Results Leq[dB(A)] |Applied Standard |

| |Daytime |Night | |

|(1) Wuhe Sanpu Middle School |44.9 |41.8 |Class II, GB3096-93: Daytime, 60dB(A), Night, |

| | | |50dB(A) |

|(2) Wuhe Mohekou Middle School |47.4 |39.4 | |

|(3) Wuhe Sanpu Canal Storm Drainage |45.4 |41.6 | |

|PS | | | |

|(4) Open space on the industrial |46.1 |38.1 |Class III, GB3096-93: Daytime, 65dB(A),Night, |

|avenue in Wuhe Industry Zone | | |55dB(A) |

Based on the above table, it can be seen that the noise levels at all the monitoring points are compliant with the corresponding requirements of the Environmental Noise Standard for Urban Area (GB3096-93).

11. Sediment Quality

As the BIEIP include several de-silting projects for the lakes, ponds and canals, and there is no routine monitoring data available for the sediment and soil in Bengbu city, some special monitoring work has been carried out extensively in the urban area and the suburban counties of Bengbu for the better understanding of existing situation.

1. Longzi Lake

The sediment of Longzi Lake mainly comes from the surrounding soil erosion and the urban pollution discharge. The north of Longzi Lake was desilted in 2005, which leaves some historical background monitoring data on the sediment of the Longzi Lake. On this basis some monitoring points are added to for the Longzi Lake sub-project.

According to the survey, the sediment in the Longzi Lake de-silted area can be divided into three layers, the contaminated layer (A), the transitional layer (B) and the normal lake sedimentary layer (C). The features of each layer are shown in the table below. Horizontally the contaminated layer in the south Lake is much thicker than that in the north lake.

Table 56: Vertical Distribution of Sediment in Longzi Lake

|De-silted |Layer |Description |

|Area | | |

|South Lake |(A) |0.10~1.1m thick, 0.5m on average, surface elevation of the sediment is 15.0~15.6m, black and grey-black, |

|Area | |fluid~soft plastic, a lot of organic matter mixed with bush and tree and clam shell on the top of silt and|

| | |silt clay, sand grain in some part. |

| |(B) |0.00~1.60m thick, 0.8m on average, mud surface top elevation of 14.6~15.2m, grey-black and grey, soft |

| | |plastic~plastic, few organic matter mixed with sand and clam shell in part. |

| |(C) |Lake sedimentary clay, yellow~brown-yellow, soft plastic on top and turning plastic downward, mixed with |

| | |sand, small stone and crushed stone. |

|North Lake |(A) |0.30~1.50m thick, 0.8m on average, mud surface top elevation of 14.4~15.4m, black and grey-black, |

|Area | |fluid~soft plastic, a lot of organic matter mixed with rotten bush and tree and clam shell on the top of |

| | |silt and silt clay, sand grain in part. |

| |(B) |0.4~2.7m thick, 1m on average, mud surface top elevation of 14.0~15.0m, grey-black and grey, soft |

| | |plastic~plastic, silt clay bottom layer, few organic matter mixed with sand and clam shell in part. |

| |(C) |Lake sedimentary clay, yellow~brown-yellow, soft plastic on top and turn plastic downward, mixed with |

| | |sand, small stone and crushed stone. |

1. Historical Monitoring Data

The table below shows the routine monitoring results of sediment in the north and south areas of the Longzi Lake.

Table 57: Monitoring Results of Sediment in Longzi Lake

Unit: mg/kg (organic matter, %)

| |South Lake Area |North Lake Area |Class III (GB15618-1995) |

| |Layer A |Layer B |Layer C |Layer A |Layer B |Layer C | |

|Cu |24.66 |16.64 |18.90 |34.16 |19.42 |22.48 |400 |

|Pb |194.1 |20.45 |24.01 |100.10 |17.57 |22.97 |500 |

|Zn |113.8 |46.41 |51.43 |153.0 |51.52 |57.54 |500 |

|Cr |304.94 |40.63 |48.66 |388.44 |40.90 |57.98 |400 (paddy field), |

| | | | | | | |300 (dry land) |

|As |17.55 |4.99 |5.71 |17.64 |3.66 |5.20 |30 (paddy field), |

| | | | | | | |40 (dry land) |

|Cd |0.43 |0.13 |0.15 |0.42 |0.11 |0.13 |1.0 |

|Ni |51.4 |24.1 |26.6 |79.6 |20.56 |20.50 |200 |

|THg |0.05 |0.02 |0.02 |0.21 |0.02 |0.02 |1.5 |

|TN |— |101.53 |115.74 |— |87.78 |109.64 |— |

|TP |— |0.02 |0.02 |— |0.03 |0.03 |— |

|Sulfide |32.6 |0.04 |0.04 |40.3 |0.06 |0.06 |— |

|(in S) | | | | | | | |

|Organic matter |2.49 |0.94 |0.89 |3.42 |0.93 |0.99 |— |

Vertically, the concentrations of heavy metals and nutrients decrease progressively from Layer A to layer B with some increase from Layer B to Layer C. Generally Layer A contains much more pollutants than the other two layers mainly because of the external pollution, and the Layer B and Layer C are chiefly polluted by the inherent sedimentation in the soil.

2. Additional Monitoring

An integrated evaluation of the current sediment quality is done according to the monitoring and analysis results for the sediment of the contaminated layer (A) in Longzi Lake area in 2006 provided by the Bengbu Municipal EPB.

Table 58: Additional Sediment Monitoring Results of Longzi Lake

Unit: mg/kg (organic matter, %)

| |Hg |As |Cr |Cu |Zn |Ni |Pb |

|Anhui Province |0.029 |0.083 |8.5 |26.0 |20.2 |67.0 |56.3 |

|Liaoning Province |0.032 |0.084 |8.6 |20.7 |18.5 |54.4 |59.1 |

|Guangdong Province |0.056 |0.04 |7.1 |28.9 |11.4 |34.8 |35.8 |

|Shannxi Province |0.021 |0.089 |10.8 |20.5 |19.5 |62.0 |65.8 |

|Shandong Province |0.016 |0.079 |8.7 |24.3 |21.7 |65.2 |61.9 |

|Henan Province |0.03 |0.074 |10.6 |19.1 |19.0 |62.9 |57.3 |

|North Lake of Longzi|0.01 |0.45 |15.91 |104.6 |40.13 |350.33 |178.67 |

|Lake | | | | | | | |

|South Lake of Longzi|0.04 |0.35 |16.4 |119.8 |19.02 |186.8 |65.58 |

|Lake | | | | | | | |

The table below shows the calculation results of the ecological risk factors and the indices for the sediment in Longzi Lake.

Table 60: Ecological Risk Factors and Indices of Heavy Metals in the Sediment of Longzi Lake

|Area |Eif |RI |

| |Hg |Cd |As |Pb |Cu |Cr |Zn |

|1# Bridge at the crossing of|2.04 |10.36 |35.5 |0.064 |34.6 |1.88 |75.111 |

|Baligou Canal and Donghai | | | | | | | |

|Ave. | | | | | | | |

|2# Bridge at the crossing of|7.01 |13.06 |42.5 |0.085 |60.4 |3.22 |59.796 |

|Xijiagou Canal and Yangshan | | | | | | | |

|Rd. | | | | | | | |

|Class III standard |— |30 (paddy field) |500 |1.5 |400 (paddy field) |— |— |

|(GB15618-1995) | |40 (dry land) | | |300 (dry land) | | |

|Background Value in Anhui |— |8.5 |26.0 |0.029 |67.0 |— |— |

|province | | | | | | | |

It is known as above that all the indicators of the sediment in Baligou and Xijiagou canals are compliant with the Class III standard of the Soil Environmental Quality (GB15618-1995), indicating the sediment is not hazardous for the plants and the environment. However, compared with, all the indicators are beyond the background soil value of Anhui province except the Cr content.

In terms of the soil fertility, the sediment in Xijiagou Canal is more than two times compared with the moderate and superior fertility, while the sediment in Baligou Canal is close to the moderate fertility.

The table below shows the calculation results of ecological risk factors and the indices of de-silted sediment.

Table 62: Ecological Risk Factors and Indices of Heavy Metals in Baligou and Xijiagou

|Monitoring Point |Eif |RI |

| |As |Pb |Hg |Cr | |

|1# (Baligou) |12.2 |6.85 |88.4 |1.04 |108.49 |

|2# (Xijiagou) |15.4 |8.15 |117.2 |1.8 |142.55 |

It is known from the above table that the key pollutant in the sediment of Baligou and Xijiagou canals is Hg, which makes it ecologically hazardous.

2. Guzhen County

Sediment monitoring results for Guzhen desilting project are shown in the following table.

Table 63: Sediment Monitoring Results of Guzhen Desilting Project

Unit: mg/kg (Organic matter, %)

|Monitoring Point |Organic |As |Pb |Hg |Cr |P |N |

| |Matter | | | | | | |

|1# Pond on the north side of |9.78 |22.32 |87.1 |0.108 |78.0 |8.10 |80.588 |

|Neilu bridge, | | | | | | | |

|Niushixiang,Chengguan town | | | | | | | |

|2# West of EW ditch in No.1 |16.82 |15.75 |109.2 |0.152 |90.3 |394.67 |158.125 |

|Middle School | | | | | | | |

|3# Near Wangsiweizi of the |5.10 |6.96 |30.0 |0.022 |80.0 |71.75 |25.991 |

|boundary ditch | | | | | | | |

|Class III, GB 15618-1995 |- |≤30 |≤500 |≤1.5 |≤400 |- |- |

|Soil background value of Anhui |- |8.5 |26.0 |0.029 |67.0 |- |- |

|province | | | | | | | |

The above table shows that the sediment quality at all the points is compliant with the Class III standard of the Soil Environmental Quality for Class III (GB 15618-1995). Compared with the soil background value of Anhui province, only the Cr content is below the provincial average level. The following table shows the calculation results of the ecological risk factors and the indices of sediment.

Table 64: Evaluation of Sediment Ecological Risk

| Monitoring Point |Eif |RI |

| |As |Pb |Hg |Cr | |

|1# |26.3 |

| |Organic matter,|As |Pb |Hg |Cr |P |N |

| |% | | | | | | |

|Center of Camel |1.91 |6.042 |38.6 |0.032 |55.0 |4.00 |26.355 |

|Ridge Pond | | | | | | | |

|10m behind the |0.67 |4.042 |29.1 |0.138 |46.1 |3.86 |23.558 |

|crossing of | | | | | | | |

|Jinshanlu flood | | | | | | | |

|discharge ditch and | | | | | | | |

|Guimenguan flood | | | | | | | |

|discharge ditch | | | | | | | |

|Standard value | |30 (paddy field) |500 |1.5 |400 (paddy field) | | |

| | |40 (dry land) | | |300 (dry land) | | |

It is known that the concentrations of As, Pb, Hg and Cr are compliant with the Class III standard of the Soil Environmental Quality Standard (GB15618-1995).

3. Mohekou in Wuhe County project

On January 30, 2007, the Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station monitored and analyzed the sediment at two points for Wuhe sub-project. The results are shown in the following table.

Table 66: Sediment Monitoring Results of Mohekou Industrial Park

Unit:mg/kg (organic matter, %)

| Sampling Point |Monitoring Parameter |

| |Organic matter|As |Pb |Hg |Cr |P |N |

|Ⅰ Mochongyin River: near the |3.51 |14.49 |34.8 |0.049 |94.4 |2.89 |49.306 |

|expressway | | | | | | | |

|Ⅱ Sanpu canal:intersection of |2.36 |15.64 |34.9 |0.108 |90.1 |2.44 |37.539 |

|the Park avenue and Sanpu canal | | | | | | | |

|Ⅲ About 200m downstream of the |0.83 |15.42 |79.7 |0.022 |80.0 |71.75 |25.991 |

|intersection of Sanpu canal and | | | | | | | |

|Mochongyin River | | | | | | | |

|Standard for Control of |— |75 |1000 |15 |1000 |— |— |

|Pollutants in Sludge for | | | | | | | |

|Agricultural use (GB4284-84) | | | | | | | |

|Class III, Standard of Soil |— |Paddy field|≤500 |≤1.5 |Paddy field |— |— |

|Environmental Quality | |≤30 | | |≤400 | | |

|(GB15618-1995) | | | | | | | |

From the above table it is known that the sediment in Sanpu Canal and Mochongyin River is compliant with the Class III standard for the soil environmental quality and the Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludge from Agricultural Use(GB4284-84), indicating the soil is generally not hazardous. The table below shows the calculation results of the ecological risk factors and the indices of the sediment.

Table 67: Evaluation of Sediment Ecological Risk for Wuhe Project

|Site |Eif |RI |

| |As |Pb |Hg |Cr | |

|1# (Mochongyin River) |17.0 |6.7 |67.6 |2.8 |94.1 |

|2# (Sanpu Canal) |31.4 |9.0 |251.7 |3.8 |295.8 |

It is known from the above table that the key pollutant in the sediment is Hg, which has high ecological hazard. The existing industries in Mohekou town are mainly distributed in the town area dispersedly, which include grain processing, resin, construction materials and battery manufacture. The high Hg content in the river course sediment in this area may result from the sewage discharged by the nearby industries.

12. Solid Waste Management

In 2005, the total domestic solid waste production of the municipality was 270,000t/y, all was dumped without any treatment due to the absence of proper facilities. The annual industrial solid waste production in 2005 was 647,600t, in which 569,800t (87.98%) was reutilized, and 4100t was properly disposed. According to the master plan, the hazardous waste would be properly disposed and reutilized, however DRA Consultant have no information on the way this done. According to the solid waste production from 2000 to 2006 shown in Table 68, both domestic and industrial solid waste shows an increasing trend, especially the industrial solid waste, which has increased by 80% from 2000 to 2005.

Table 68: Solid waste production and disposal in Bengbu (2000-2005)

|Year |2000 |2001 |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |2006 |

|Production of domestic waste (1000t) |174 |226 |240 |240 |260 |270 |382 |

|Treated quantity of domestic solid waste (1000t) |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |213 |

|Treatment rate of domestic solid waste (%) |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |55.8 |

|Production of industrial solid waste (1000t) |358.3 |400.9 |428.0 |428.0 |421.7 |647.6 |NA |

|Reutilized quantity of industrial solid waste (1000t) |287.5 |360.4 |316.2 |316.2 |349.4 |569.8 |NA |

|Reutilization rate of industrial solid waste (%) |80.24 |89.89 |74.19 |73.87 |82.85 |87.98 |NA |

|Treated quantity of industrial solid waste (t) |1400 |500 |2500 |2500 |2600 |4100 |NA |

|Production of hazardous waste (t) |1400 |1600 |2500 |2500 |2600 |3600 |NA |

In March 2006, the Phase I of Bengbu Domestic Solid Waste Sanitary landfill site was completed and immediately put into operation to meet the urgent demand. The current treatment capacity of the landfill site has reached 600t/d, which could dispose most of the domestic solid waste from Bengbu urban area, which is around 650t/d based on the 2006 data. However, according to the site visit, the existing landfill site is not yet up to standard due to the absence of proper impermeable layer and leachate treatment system. Additionally the current production of domestic solid waste now already seems beyond the original expectation, which means the 16 years’ design service life will be probably shortened by the unexpected increase of solid waste. The whole project is expected to be completed by 2008 with the treatment capacity of 1000t/d. And besides the disposal of the garbage from Bengbu urban area, the site is also proposed to be used for the disposal of some contaminated surface sediment to be desilted and the sewage sludge generated during the operation of proposed MIZ WWTP under BIEIP, which will be detailed later.

13. Ecological Environment

Ecological resources in Bengbu include aquatic and terrestrial ecological resources. Aquatic ecological resources are mainly in the rivers and lakes in Bengbu. The fishes include crucian carps, silver carps, carps and other fishes with low economic value. Aquatic plants include reeds, water hyacinths, Waternut Spikesedges, water caltrops, arrowheads of Qian River and stratospheres.

Terrestrial ecological system includes the terrestrial vegetation and animal resources. The occasionally seen wide animals include hares, phasianus colchicuses, wide chickens, white storks, badgers, hedgehogs, prionailurus bengalensises, owls, golden eagles, swans, bats, mice, snakes, frogs, toads, lizards, geckos, wild geese, magpies, crows, sparrows, mallards, culvers, heron, woodpeckers and cormorants, etc.

14. Natural Disasters

1. Floods and Droughts

Floods and droughts are the major natural disasters for Bengbu Municipality, especially the floods. Due to its location close to the Huai River, the city is badly impacted by the frequent floods even with the improving flood control facilities. The serious flooding years include 1950, 1954, 1956, 1965, 1972, 1982, 1991, 2003 and 2005.

Table 69: Historical Flood Events in Bengbu

|Year |Rainfall (mm) |Peak Flow |Maximum Flood Level (m)|Resultant Losses |

| | |(m3/s) | | |

|1950 |523 |8400 |21.15 |Most of the urban area was flooded, and |

| |(Jun. 26th ~ Jul. 20th) | | |85,000 people were affected. |

|1954 |487.7 (July) |11,600 |22.18 |The biggest flood on record since the |

| | | | |foundation of the P. R.C.; over 80% of the |

| | | | |suburban area was flooded. |

|1956 |613 |/ |20.9 |Most of the suburban low-lying area was |

| |(Jun.2nd ~ Jul. 1st) | | |flooded due to the internal waterlogging. |

|1991 |713 |7840 |21.98 |Over 50% of the urban trunk roads were |

| |(June & July) | | |flooded by at most 48 hours with the deepest |

| | | | |flooded depth of 80cm. The Benghuai Highway |

| | | | |was flooded by 2m for up to 40 days. The |

| | | | |economic loss for the urban area was about |

| | | | |110million RMB, including 60million RMB |

| | | | |direct loss and 50million RMB indirect loss. |

|2003 |/ |8490 |22.05 |It resulted in the economic loss of |

| | | | |420million RMB for the urban area, especially|

| | | | |the west part of the city where there are |

| | | | |many industries and residents. It took the 7 |

| | | | |urban storm drainage PSs 120 days to drain |

| | | | |the 54million m3 accumulated water. |

|2005 |Over 300mm for 30 town |/ |/ |29 bridges and 34 culverts were damaged, and |

| | | | |the direct economic loss was up to |

| | | | |35.1million RMB. |

At the same time, as a part of the Huai River Basin, the city also suffers a lot from the frequent droughts, which happen once every four years by average (e.g., 1959, 1961, 1962, 1966, 1976, 1978, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1994 and 1997) and have resulted in huge economic loss due to the agricultural impacts.

2. Other Disasters

The geological hazards in Bengbu Municipality happen mainly in the areas along Huai River, including the break on banks of rivers and lakes and seepage in dykes and embankments; the activities of geological hazards in North China Plain are light. Slow variation geological hazards are the main hazards.

The main geological hazards in flood season are collapse, landslide, seepage, embankment break, which happen on the embankments of main course and branches of Huai River. The landslide and collapse are mainly along the railway, where the embankment is high. The main geological hazards in non-flood season are special rock and soil hazards, collapse of dangerous rocks in quarries. The special rock and soil hazards happen mostly in the areas along Huai River, including oozy soft clay, expansive soil and liquefaction of sandy soil, the basement composed by this kind of rock and soil will make dangers to buildings, hydraulic engineering, railway and road engineering.

15. Social Environment

Bengbu has four districts (Longzi Lake, Bangshan, Yuhui and Huaishang), three counties (Guzhen, Huaiyuan and Wuhe) and two development zones (Gaoxin District and Jingfa District) under its administration, as shown in the figure below. By the end of 2005, the total population of Bengbu municipality was almost 3.5million with the growth rate of 6.55 ‰, including 920,800 (26.4%) non-agricultural population.


Figure 15: Districts & Counties of Bengbu Municipality

Bengbu Municipality is the key industrial city as well as the commercial centre and the transportation hub in the North of Anhui province. With the construction and development for many years, the economy of Bengbu has been remarkably improved. At present, an industrial system includes such trades as machine, textile, light industry, chemistry, medical, electronics, construction material etc has been formed with the processing as its leading industries. Meanwhile, three dominated industries as biological & fine industry, glass processing & advanced processing, special machine & vehicle accessories have been initially established as well.

The high-tech zone and industrial parks at all levels has been elementarily developed to offer favorable investment and business environment. Meanwhile a lot of big companies and important products have come into being, for example, Anhui Fengyuan Group, Bayi Chemistry Group, Huaguang Glass Group, Bengbu Tobacco Company are considered as the key companies even at the state level while the predominant products as plate glass, die-casting machine, filter, corduroy ,beer, glassware, tobacco are nationally first –class with their yield and quality, moreover, the chemistry products like citric acid are taking the leading part both in output and quality in Asia. All in all, currently fine industry, glass advanced processing, vehicle accessories are three dominated industries for Bengbu with 5 companies registered in the stock market especially for Fengyuan Group which is now ranked the 1st in Asia and 3rd all over the would for citric acid production.

16. Cultural Archaeology Resources

As early as the New Stone Age, Bengbu was already the centre for Huaiyishi Phratry activities. And historically it is also a place of high strategic importance for military purpose. There are many cultural relics left behind including ancient relics, graves, architectures, sculptures as well as modern classical architectures and monuments. The currently discovered provincial-level cultural relics in Bengbu include the Tanghe Grave of Ming Dynasty in Longzi Lake District, Shuangdun Relics of the New Stone Age in Huaishang District, Songjiaweizi Relics for the river-crossing revolutionary war in the Yanshan village of Bengshan District, Yuwang Palace of the Tang-Qing Dynasty and Chang-family Grave of Ming dynasty in Huaiyuan County; Old Church of Qing dynasty in Huaiyuan County; Gaixia Relics and Guyang City Relics of Han Dynasty in Guzhen County, and Mohekou Toll-gate of Qing dynasty and Huamingtang Yang Grave of Ming Dynasty in Wuhe County.

However, all the above cultural relics are not within the project areas of the proposed BIEIP. And they will not be affected by the project construction and operation.

5. Project Description

1. Project Summary

Bengbu Integrated Environment Improvement Project (BIEIP) consists of eight sub-projects, which are summarized in the following table and figure.

Table 70: Summary of BIEIP sub-projects

|Component |No. |Name of Sub-project |Project Composition |Cost* Estimation|

| | | | |(million Yuan) |

|Integrated Water |1 |Tianhe flood control project |Tianhe stormwater PS |58.39 |

|Resource Management| | | | |

| |2 |Longzi Lake flood control and |Longzi Lake stormwater PS |136.82 |

| | |environment improvement project | | |

| | | |Slope improvement and desilting of Longzi Lake | |

|Urban Environmental|3 |Urban (south of Huai River) |Stormwater PSs and drainage network (including |427.19 |

|Infrastructure | |environmental infrastructure |storm water and sewage pipes) in old city | |

|Improvement | |improvement Project | | |

| | | |Storm water, wastewater and road projects in | |

| | | |Jingfa District | |

| | | |Storm water projects, wastewater projects and | |

| | | |wastewater lift PS in High-tech Zone | |

| | | |Storm water, wastewater and road projects in | |

| | | |Longzi Lake District | |

| |4 |Xijiagou & Baligou environment |Improvement of Xijiagou Canal |93.85 |

| | |improvement project | | |

| | | |Improvement of Baligou Canal | |

| |5 |Huaishang District flood control|Wuxiaojie stormwater PS and related projects |279.86 |

| | |and urban environmental | | |

| | |infrastructure improvement | | |

| | |project | | |

| | | |Expansion of Xiaobengbu Station | |

| | | |Wangxiaogou ditch | |

| | | |Wangxiaogou PS | |

| | | |Road project | |

| | | |Sewage main pipe from Guobei urban area to | |

| | | |Huaishang | |

|Sub-Urban |6 |Guzhen County integrated |Sewage pipes |88.38 |

|Environmental | |environment improvement project | | |

|Infrastructure | | | | |

|Improvement | | | | |

| | | |Embankment | |

| | | |Desilting works | |

| | | |Access roads to the top of dyke | |

| | | |New culvert and gate | |

| | | |Newly constructed and reconstructed PSs | |

| | | |New bridges | |

| | | |Slope protection and greening works | |

| | | |Non-engineering measures | |

| |7 |Huaiyuan County integrated |Flood drainage canal |131.77 |

| | |environment improvement project | | |

| | | |Storm drainage network | |

| | | |Stormwater PS | |

| | | |Road and related storm water pipes | |

| |8 |Wuhe County Mohekou integrated |Sanpu stormwater PS and related projects |272.50 |

| | |environment improvement project | | |

| | | |Water supply | |

| | | |Wastewater treatment | |

| | | |Storm water and wastewater pipes | |

| | | |Road project | |

|Total | | | |1488.76 |

*Note: The cost here refers to the totally cost, covering the civil works, equipments and installation, land acquisition and resettlement, other cost, contingency and loan interest during construction period.


Figure 16: Project Overview

2. Description of Proposed Sub-Projects

1. Tianhe Flood Control Project

- Project objective: Improve the local flood control capacity and protect the surrounding farmland from floods with the construction of Tianhe PS;

- Project Location: in Qinji Township of Yuhui District, south of Tianhe Gate;

- Design criteria for flood control: 1:100 years for the Huai River side and 1:20 years for the inner side of Tianhe Lake;

- Project Capacity: 55m3/s with the installed capacity of 4000kw;

- The construction of the Tianhe Storm Drainage PS is to be implemented together with the reconstruction of the Tianhe Gate.

2. Longzi Lake Flood Control and Environment Improvement Project

Longzi Lake is the primary tributary in the east of Bengbu urban area, where is the newly developed urban area for the municipality. The lake has long suffered from the soil erosion, silting and flooding problems. The thick polluted sediment in the lake also results in the deterioration of overall water quality and eutrophication of the lake. Therefore, under BIEIP, the components of Longzi Lake PS, desilting and side slop improvement have been proposed to improve the overall environment of Longzi Lake.

Table 71: Composition of Longzi Lake Flood Control and Environment Improvement Project

|Project Component |Project Contents |Cost Estimate |

| | |(million Yuan) |

|Longzi Lake pumping station |Design flow rate: 40m3/s Installation capacity: 4000kw |34.31 |

|Desilting of the south Longzi Lake |Desilting area: 3,449,000m2 |40.06 |

| |Desilting engineering quantity: 2.2028 million m3. | |

|Side slope improvement |Total length of natural slope: 326550km |20.06 |

| |Length of ecological embankment: 2644km | |

| |Length of hard engineering embankment: 2100m | |

3. Urban (South of Huai River) Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

The urban subproject mainly aims at the improvement of existing sewage and storm drainage systems in the old urban area and the construction of new infrastructure for the new urban areas including Gaoxin District, Longzi Lake District and Jingfa District in order to provide sufficient protection for the city against floods and improve the local environment. The detailed composition of the project is shown in the table below.

Table 72: Composition of Urban (South of Huai River) Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

|Project |Project Contents |Cost Estimate |

|Component | |(million Yuan) |

|Sewerage |Old city: Zhuizishan Road sewerage pipe D400, 983m, including Yinghu Road sewerage |30.45 |

|system |pumping station | |

| |Gaoxin District: sewerage pipe D300-D1200, 19km | |

| |Jingfa District: sewerage pipe D300-D800, 33km | |

| |Longzi Lake District: sewerage pipe at east of Zhuizi Mountain, D300-D800, 12km | |

|Storm water |Old city: storm water pipe D800-D2000, 8km, including 3 pumping stations: |106.35 |

|system |Xinchuantang, Nanshijia and Zhihui Road | |

| |Gaoxin District: storm water pipe D600-D1800, 19km | |

| |Jingfa District: storm water pipe D400-D2200, 38km | |

| |Longzi Lake District: storm water pipe D600-D1800, 13km | |

|Roads |Jingfa District: 30-40m wide for urban trunk road, 30m wide for secondary trunk road |88.95 |

| |and 20m wide branch road, total area: 605964m2 | |

| |Longzi Lake District: Lilou Road, width: 50m, length: 1761.41m | |

4. Xijiagou & Baligou Environment Improvement Project

As the canals connecting with Huai River within Bengbu Municipality, Both Xijiagou and Baligou suffer from the silting problem, especially for their upstream sections, which has badly impacted their storm drainage capacity during the flooding season. Their current storm drainage capacities are both below 1:3years, which has brought enormous loss to the surrounding residents and industries. In order to improve the situation, the following components are proposed under this subproject.

Table 73: Composition of Xijiagou & Baligou Environment Improvement Project

|Project Component |Project Contents |Cost Estimate |

| | |(million Yuan) |

|Xijiagou project |Connection canal of right|Along south outer ring line |25.13 |

| |branches | | |

| |Desilting, slope |Desilting of river course at south of Xingzhong Road | |

| |improvement |Length of desilting: 5.2km, | |

| |Rubber dam |At Xingzhong Road | |

| |Bridge |At Xingzhong Road | |

|Baligou project |Desilting |Desilting from Jiangqiao Road to Huangshan Road |14.62 |

| | |Total length of desilting: 3719m | |

| | | | |

| |Flood control |Low-lying land at 2 sides of Baligou at south of Tushan | |

| | |Road | |

| | |Road at top of dyke and greening | |

| |Rubber dam |At Xingzhong Road | |

5. Huaishang District Flood Control and Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

Huaishang District is a recently developed urban district of Bengbu Municipality located to the north of Huai River. The proposed project is to complete the environmental infrasture of the district covering the aspects of flood control, transportation and wastewater, as detailed in the following table.

Table 74: Composition of Huaishang Flood Control and Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

|Project Component |Project Contents |Cost Estimate |

| | |(million Yuan) |

|Pumping Stations |Wuxiaojie Pumping Station and |Design flow rate: 80m3/s, |65.72 |

| |the related projects | | |

| |Xiaobengbu Pumping Station |Current flow rate: 17.1m3/s |7.23 |

| | |Flow rate after expansion: 18.19m3/s | |

| |Wangxiaogou Pumping Station |Newly built, flow rate: 16.3m3/s |7.99 |

| |Ditch of Wangxiaogou Pumping |Newly excavat 3.6km ditch, desilting 5.5km ditch |21.63 |

| |Station | | |

|Road and bridge |Binhe Road (Wuxiaojie-North |Length: 10023m, width: 28m |64.31 |

| |Daqing Road) | | |

| |North Daqing Road (Branch) |Length: 500m, width: 45m | |

| |Wuzhong Road (Branch) |Length: 495m, width:40m | |

| |Houlou Road ( Branch) |Length:440m, width: 30m | |

| |East Zhengfu Road (Branch) |Length:440m, width: 40m | |

|Sewage main pipe from Guobei urban area to Huaishang|DN600, length: 6810m |9.55 |

6. Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

Guzhen County is currently very vulnerable to internal logging and floods due to its incomplete and low-capacity flood control system. In addition, the existing combined sewage system in its urban area still brings a lot of pollution to Huai River. Under BIEIP, the following components are proposed to upgrade the environmental infrastructure of the county.

Table 75: Composition of Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

|Project Component |Project Contents |Cost Estimate |

| | |(million Yuan) |

|Flood control and |Dyke construction |Construct and reinforce 3.4km dyke |0.11 |

|storm drainage | | | |

| |Desilting |Length: 28.17km |2.97 |

| |Road at top of dyke |Left dyke of Hui River: length: 8.7km, width: 6m, area: |10.26 |

| | |52200m2 | |

| | |Right dyke of Sanba River: length: 0.8km, width: 6m, area: | |

| | |4800m2 | |

| |Culvert and gate |Construction (expansion, reconstruction) of 3 culverts and |1.16 |

| | |gates | |

| |Pumping station |Construction (expansion, reconstruction) of 5 pumping |15.24 |

| | |station: Guxi, Xiwei, Dalou, Xiaolou, Zhennan | |

| |Bridge |Construction of 3 new bridges: Linggu, Shiliwan, Wugu |0.78 |

| |Slope protection and |Left dyke of Hui River, Sanba River and other small ditches |5.78 |

| |greening |and ponds | |

| |Non-engineering |Flood control system |2.85 |

| |measure | | |

|Urban sewerage |Drainage pipe |Construction (recontruction) of 9190m sewerage drainage pipe|14.45 |

|network | | | |

7. Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

The project components proposed for Huaiyuan under BIEIP mainly cover the improvement of flood control system for the old urban area and the drainage & transportation system for the newly developed urban area, as detailed below.

Table 76: Composition of Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

|Project Component |Project Contents |Cost Estimate |

| | |(million Yuan) |

|Drainage network |Improvement of Lizuizi, Langanqiao and Xinzhuangzi drainage networks |21.61 |

| |Total length: 6115m | |

|Flood drainage canal |Desilting of mountain ponds: 14724m2, desilting quantity: 22600m3, slope protection: 1570m2,|29.54 |

| |earth quantity for hightening over-flow dam: 1070m3, vegetation restoration: 1000m2 | |

| |Improvement of flood drainage canal: 1680m | |

|Pumping stations |New Lizuizi pumping |Design flow rate: 3.76m3/s |6.97 |

| |station | | |

| |Expansion of Xinzhuang |Design flow rate: 13.57m3/s | |

| |zi pumping station | | |

|Road |Construction of Fuqian Avenue, Jiankang Road, Weiyi Road, Wei’er Road, Weisan Road, Weisi |33.66 |

| |Road, Changsheng Road | |

| |Total length: 7590m, total area: 219500m2, length of storm water pipes: 8224m | |

8. Wuhe County Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project

The proposed Wuhe subproject mainly focuses on the newly developed Mohekou Industrial Zone (MIZ) and Mohekou Township by improving local flood control capacity and providing necessary environmental infrastructure in order to facilitate the future development of the industrial park and guarantee the health & safety of local residents. The detailed components are presented as follows:

Table 77: Composition of Wuhe County Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project

|Project Component |Project Contents |Cost Estimate |

| | |(million Yuan) |

|Sanpu pumping station, |Wuxiaojie Pumping Station and|Design flow rate: 50m3/s, total installed |44.32 |

|desilting of the big |related projects |capacity : 6250KW | |

|canal and the necessary | | | |

|buildings | | | |

| |Desilting of the big canal |Desilting of Sanpu big canal and Mochongyin | |

| |and the necessary buildings |River and necessary buildings. | |

|Storm drainage system |Storm drainage pipes in |Drainage pipes: |32.64 |

| |Mohekou |D600:300m, d800: 855m, d1000: 1430ml, d1200: | |

| | |4085m, d1350: 3380m, d1500: 720m, d1600: | |

| | |1375m, d1800: 2060m | |

| | |Box culverts: | |

| | |2400X1800: 885m | |

| | |2800X2000: 920m | |

| | |3200X2000: 920m | |

| | |3500X2000: 490m | |

|Surface water treatment |plant site |Short-term capacity: 30,000 t/d, long-term |52.84 |

|plant | |capacity: 100,000 t/.d. | |

| | |With necessary civil works | |

| |Water supply network |Water supply main pipe along Hanmo Road and | |

| | |Wubeng Road. DN200: 6783m; DN300: 4918m; | |

| | |DN400: 3392m; DN500: 526m; DN600: 1514m; | |

| | |DN700: 2364m; DN800: 773m | |

| | |2 d700 PCCP, each one is 17km. | |

|Wastewater treatment |plant site |Short-term capacity: 20,000 t/d, long-term |81.76 |

|Plant | |capacity: 60,000 t/.d. | |

| | |With necessary civil works | |

| |Drainage network |DN300: 7920m; DN400: 1625m; DN500: 1615m; | |

| | |DN600: 3935m; DN800: 595m; DN1000: 3750m; | |

| | |DN1100: 1720m; DN1500: 70m. | |

|Road in Mohekou Town and |West Yinhe Road |1254m×24m |16.49 |

|Industrial Park | | | |

| |Hongmiao Road |3122×12m | |

| |Jingyi Road |1150×24m | |

| |Zhongxin Road |1372×7m | |

| |Yimin Road |1481×7m | |

| |South Yinhe Road |1510×7m | |

3. Analysis of Project Pollution Sources

1. Construction Period

The factors that affect water environment are the wastewater from construction works, seepage water from the foundation pit and desilting, and domestic water from construction workers.

The main elements that influence the atmospheric environment comprise floating dust, waste gas from fuel and odor from the sediment stack yard. The influence distance of the construction stackyard is 150m while that of road and floating dust is 35~40m. The odour emitted in pond desilting and transport of sediment will exert a great effect upon the environment. In this project desilting and excavation of ditches and ponds will give off a strong odour; it will reach an intensity of Class II beyond 30 m with a slight odor, lower than the limit level of odor intensity (Class 2.5-3.5)and largely odorless beyond 50 m.

The effect on the acoustic environment is exerted by the construction machinery and vehicles to and fro. If the outgoing noise at the boundary of construction site meets the standard of Noise Limits for Construction Site, the diurnal average noise influence distance during the construction period is 100m, but it will reach 350m in the pile driving stage.

The contaminated silt cleaned from the surface is carried to the sanitary landfill and filled there and the intermediate and bottom layer of the dredged silt can be utilized for afforestation and depression treatment. Before reutilization the sediment should undergo soil environmental and quality monitoring section by section. The building waste should be removed in time and the construction site should be cleaned when work is over. Stacking in situ is strictly prohibited.

The effect upon ecological environment is revealed in such aspects as land acquisition, soil erosion and influence on living things.

2. Operation Period

1. WTP Project

In the operation period the main pollution source comprises solid wastes (including sludge and domestic garbage), noise from the pump house and domestic sewage in the factory area.

The main pollutants in the domestic sewage in the water purification plant include SS, BOD5, NH3-N, phosphate, COD and animal and plant oil.

The desilted sewage produced in the sedimentation tank and back-flushing sewage produced in the back-flushing filter are discharged into the newly-built sludge concentration tank in the factory area completely (moisture content of 99%) and the condensed sludge (moisture content of 97%) will be turned into sludge cake after dewatering through the press filter in the dewaterer room (moisture content of 80%) before shipment while the supernatant of the sludge and the filtrate in the dewaterer room are returned to the absorption well for mixed treatment with the source water.

In the normal operation of the water purification plant no waste gas will be produced and only in abnormal condition will the chlorine cylinder leak.

In the water purification plant mechanical noise will come from the blower room and pump house respectively. The noise source level is 80~90 dB(A).

Solid waste mainly includes domestic garbage from workers and staff, production sludge and packing materials for dosing.

2. WWTP Project

During the operation period of the sewage treatment plant the main pollution source comprises solid wastes (including residual sludge, grille slags and sand), noise, domestic sewage in the factory area and odor.

Wastewater includes tail water discharged from the sewage treatment plant and domestic water in the factory area. The latter is directly discharged into the admission PS.

The odor emission facilities in the sewage treatment plant mainly cover the grille, admission PS, sand tank, bio-reaction tank, sludge concentration tank and sludge dewaterer room. In most cases unorganized emission is adopted. The characteristic odorous pollutants are H2S and NH3.

The major noise source in the sewage treatment plant is the mechanical power-operated equipment like pumps and blowers.

Of the solid waste, coarse grid slag, fine grille slag and sand are produced in a small quantity and the major solid waste is the sludge cake, which is made of residual sludge discharged from the secondary settling tank after concentrating and dewatering.

However, since the WWTP in BIEIP is proposed for an industrial park, the special characteristics of the pollutants will be taken into consideration in the EA.

3. Roads

After the roads in the Industry Park are open to traffic, the main pollution comes from the tail gas emitted from cars, noise made by the vehicles to and fro and pollution caused by storm runoff on the road surface.

After the road is built, the main atmospheric pollutant is tail gas from cars, which is mainly composed of hydrocarbons, NOx and CO. The spread of pollutants produced by the tail gas in the air will affect the atmospheric environment along the road. Its scope of influence is also related to the wind velocity, direction, air pressure and stability in the area apart from the traffic volume.

The effect of traffic noise is featured by linear pollution, continuity and phase and its scope of influence is related to traffic volume, current noise conditions and the standards of diurnal and nocturnal sound environment.

The pollutant concentration and discharge volume in the road storm water have something to do with the flow and type of motor vehicles in travel, rainfall intensity, cycle, road quality and fuel property, which is difficult to estimate as a rule. By analogy it is known that the pollutant concentration in the road storm water will experience a change from high to low value and will be decreased progressively after reaching the maximum value in 0~15 minutes and incline to be steady one hour after the rainfall.

4. Storm Drainage PSs

In this project the solid waste is divided into two parts, namely, production waste and domestic garbage from workers and staff. In the operation of storm drainage station a given quantity of waste residue will be generated as pollutant grille and cleaning device are mounted at the admission inlet to intercept leaves, branches, waterweeds, fiber, rubber, plastics and other solid floatage in the current.

4. Environmental Sensitive Points

The environmental sensitive points and protection targets have been identified for each sub-project. The results are shown in the following sections. And the corresponding maps are included in the Annex 1 Maps and Drawings.

1. Tianhe Flood Control Project

Due to the remote location of the proposed PS, there are only two environmental sensitive point identified as below.

Table 78: Environment Sensitive Points of Tianhe PS

|Project Type |Project Component |Sensitive Point |Location and |Impacted |Impact Factor |

| | | |Distance (m) |Population | |

|Storm Drainage PS |Tianhe Gate PS |Qianying Village |South, 500m |400 |Noise |

| | |Tianhe Lake |South, 0m |/ |Water environment, |

| | | | | |eco-environment |

2. Longzi Lake Flood Control and Environment Improvement Project

Table 79: Environment Sensitive Points of Longzi Lake Project

|No. |Sensitive points |Type |Location |Distance to the |Environmental |Impacted Inhabitants |

| | | | |bank (m) |Factors | |

|1 |Xingfu Village |Residential |East of Zhenjiadu |70 |Air, noise and |About 200 people |

| | |Area |Gate | |traffic | |

|2 |Shannan Village |Residential |East bank for the |100 |Air, noise and |About 30 people of the 1000 |

| | |Area |north lake of Longzi | |traffic |village population |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|3 |Yuye Estate |Residential |East bank for the |100 |Air, noise and |Resettlement will be finished in |

| | |Area |south lake of Longzi | |traffic |the first half of 2008. |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|4 |Zhangtianjia |Residential |East bank for the |100 |Air, noise and | |

| | |Area |south lake of Longzi | |traffic | |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|5 |Xiaolujia |Residential |East bank for the |100 |Air, noise and |More than 800 people for the |

| | |Area |south lake of Longzi | |traffic |whole village |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|6 |Dalujia |Residential |South bank for the |50 |Air, noise and |More than 1000 people for the |

| | |Area |south lake of Longzi | |traffic |whole village |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|7 |Xiaozhangjia |Residential |South bank for the |100 |Air, noise and |About 400 people for the whole |

| | |Area |south lake of Longzi | |traffic |village |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|8 |Xuqiao Village |Residential |South bank for the |80 |Air, noise and |About 1200 people for the whole |

| | |Area |south lake of Longzi | |traffic |village |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|9 |Xuqiao Elementary |School |South bank for the |100 |Air, noise and |About 200-300 people |

| |School | |south lake of Longzi | |traffic | |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|10 |Qiuqiao Village |Residential |West bank for the |200 |Air, noise and |About 1500 people for the whole |

| | |Area |south lake of Longzi | |traffic |village |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|11 |Jinyeyuan |Residential |West bank for the |100 |Air and noise |Constructed, currently no |

| |Residential Area |Area |south lake of Longzi | | |inhabitant |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|12 |Lingjiaba |Residential |West bank for the |50 |Air, noise and |Resettlement will be finished in |

| | |Area |south lake of Longzi | |traffic |the first half of 2008 |

| | | |Lake | | | |

|13 |Workers’ sanatorium|Sanatorium |West bank for the |20 |Air and noise |150 beds, more than 60 staffs |

| | | |south lake of Longzi | | | |

| | | |Lake | | | |

3. Urban (South of Huai River) Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

Table 80: Environment Sensitive Points of Urban (South of Huai River) project

|Project |Project Component |Sensitive Points |Impacted |Direction |Distance |Impact Factors |

| | | |Population | | | |

| | | |Estimation | | | |

|Network |West Shengli Rd. |Tiandiren Garden |250 |South |10 m |Noise and dust |

|project of | | | | | |during the |

|old urban area| | | | | |construction |

| | | | | | |period |

| |Zhucheng Rd. |Chengjian Apartment |80 | |10 m | |

| |West Shengli Rd., |Buildings No.65, No.66, No.77, No.88, |700 |Both sides of|10m | |

| |Nanshan Rd. |No.119, No.133, No.168 | |the road | | |

| | |Railway Gongwuduan Compound |60 |North |10 m | |

| | |Guwan Residential Area |90 |South |10 m | |

| |Nanshan Rd., |Building No.31 |90 |North |10 m | |

| |Zhongrong St. | | | | | |

| | |Multi-building of Bengbu Vacational |250 |East |10 m | |

| | |Education Center | | | | |

| | |Jianguo Rd. Residential Area |250 |West, north |10 m | |

| |East Shengli Rd. |Sunying Village |400 |North |20 m | |

| | |Sunying Elementary School |500 |South |50 m | |

| |Hongqier Rd. |Sijiyangguang Garden |50 |South |10m | |

| | |Gongnong Garden |800 |North |10m | |

| |Hongqier Rd., Yongye |Building No.260 |140 |South |10m |Noise and dust |

| |Rd. | | | | |during the |

| | | | | | |construction |

| | | | | | |period |

| | |Bengbu No.35 Middle School |400 |North |50m | |

| | |Xinfeng Residential Area |900 |North |20m | |

| | |Hongqili Residential Area |250 |South |20m | |

| | |Dabanlou Residential Area |150 |East |10m | |

| | |Bengbu Railway No.3 Elementary School |400 |East |50m | |

| |Yongye Rd., |Kindergarten of Bengbu Railway No.3 |100 |East |50m | |

| |Changzheng Rd. |Elementary School | | | | |

| | |Hongye No.1 Village |100 |West |20m | |

| | |Shenxu Village |80 |East |10m | |

| | |Zhanggongshan Estate |100 |West |20m | |

| | |Changqing Residential Area |250 |East |20m | |

| |Changzheng Rd., |Daqing St. Residential Area |200 |East |20m | |

| |Daqinger Rd. | | | | | |

| | |Dormitory of Machine tool factory |50 |South |20m | |

| | |Bali Estate |60 |South |10m | |

| |North Changqing Rd., |Daqing Estate |360 |East |10m | |

| |Nanhu Rd. | | | | | |

| | |Xiaoxingzhuang Yandun Village |200 |2 sides |close | |

| |North Changqing Rd. |Xuehua Rd. North Residential Area |70 |West |20m | |

| |Nanhu Rd., East |Shangtie Nanhu Residential Area |100 |East |20m | |

| |Shengli Rd., Baota | | | | | |

| |Rd. | | | | | |

| | |312 Geological Prospecting Team |60 |East |20m | |

| | |Residential Area | | | | |

| | |Sunying Village, Dingmiao Village, |600 | |At least 5m | |

| | |Chaoyang Village | | | | |

| | |312 Geological Prospecting Team |60 | | | |

| | |Residential Area | | | | |

|Network in |Guxin Rd. |Sunying Village, Dingmiao Village, |600 |Both sides of|5m-20m |Noise and dust |

|Longzi Lake | |Chaoyang Village | |the road | |during the |

|District | | | | | |construction |

| | | | | | |period |

| |Xiyan Rd. | | | | | |

| |Shiwu Rd. | | | | | |

| |Donghai Avenue | | | | | |

| |Lilou Rd. | | | | | |

| |Waihuan Rd. |Huangshan Village, Qinji Town, |1000 | | | |

| | |Dongzhou Village | | | | |

| |Longjin Rd. | | | | | |

| |Longshan Rd. | | | | | |

| |South outer Ring Rd. | | | | | |

| |Jiangqiao Rd. | | | | | |

|Network in the|Weier Rd. |Huangshan Village, Qinji Town, |1000 |South |20m-40m |Noise and dust in|

|Gaoxin | |Dongzhou Village | |West | |the construction |

|District | |Some inhabitants of water treatment | | | |period |

| | |plant | | | | |

| |Huangshan Ave. | | | | | |

| |Xingji Rd. | | | | | |

| |Yanshan Rd. | | | | | |

| |Qinji Rd. | | | | | |

| |Yuhui Rd. | | | | | |

| |Jianghuai Rd. | | | | | |

| |Tianhe Rd. | | | | | |

| |Daqing Rd. | | | | | |

| |Jiahe Rd. | | | | | |

| |South Changqing Rd. | | | | | |

| |South Changzheng Rd. | | | | | |

| |Youyi Rd. | | | | | |

| |Bengxi Rd. | | | | | |

| |Xinchuantang PS | | | | | |

| |Bengxi Rd. | | | | | |

|PS |Zhihuai Rd. PS |Residential buildings |50 |East |30m |Noise and dust |

| |Yinghu Rd. PS | | | | |during the |

| | | | | | |construction |

| | | | | | |period |

| | | | | | |Noise during the |

| | | | | | |operation period |

| | |Jiancha Estate |100 |East |10m | |

| |Zhihuai Rd. PS |No.2 Hospital of Bengbu Medicine |300 |North |100m | |

| | |University | | | | |

| |Nanshijia PS |Xinying Rest House |20 |West |20m | |

| | |Scattered residential buildings |50 |North |20m | |

4. Xijiagou & Baligou Environment Improvement Project

Table 81: Environment Sensitive Points of Xijiagou and Baligou Project

|Area |No. |Sensitive Points |Location |Distance |Environment Factors|Remarks |

|Xijiagou |1 |The PLA Auto |Xijiagou Canal goes |— |Air, noise and | |

|Canal | |Management Institute |through this institute. | |traffic | |

| |2 |Bengbu Navy Petty |At west of Xijiagou |100m |Air and noise |Only one 3-floor building |

| | |Officer School |Yanshan Road Bridge | | |and one 2-floor building |

| | | | | | |face to the canal |

| |3 |Yinghe Bridge |At east of Xijiagou |30m |Air, noise and |Only one residential |

| | |Elementary School |Yanshan Road Bridge | |traffic |building facing the canal.|

| |4 |Jinxu Village |At east of Xijiagou |5m |Air, noise and | |

| | | |Yanshan Road Bridge | |traffic | |

| |5 |Tangjiahu Village |At south of Xijiagou |100m |Air, noise and | |

| | | |Yanshan Road Bridge | |traffic | |

5. Huaishang District Flood Control and Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

Table 82: Environment Sensitive Points of Huaishang Project

|No. |Sensitive points |Impacted |Location |Impact factors |

| | |Population | | |

| | | | |Construction |Operation period |

| | | | |period | |

|1 |Shanxiang Village |280 |Within 30m north of |Noise and dust |Exhaust of |

| | | |Binghe Road | |vehicles |

| | | | | |Traffic noise |

|2 |Lutai Village |320 | | | |

|3 |Houlou Village |320 | | | |

|4 |Xiaobengbu Village |180 | | | |

|5 |Chentai Village |380 | | | |

|6 |Gaoan Village |280 | | | |

|7 |Zhaosong Village |300 | | | |

|8 |Wuan Village |330 | | | |

|9 |Fanggou Village |640 | | | |

|10 |Shaoying Village |240 | | | |

|11 |Mazuizi Village |100 | | | |

|12 |Zhengjiadu Village |350 | | | |

|13 |Wuxiaojie Village |250 | | | |

6. Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

Table 83: Environment Sensitive Points of Guzhen Project

|Component |Project Contents |Sensitive points |Impacted |Location |Distance |Impact Factors |

| | | |Population | | | |

|Desilting |Daoban Canal |County crematorium |30 |South |8 m |Noise and dust during the |

| | | | | | |construction period |

| |South City Drainage |Scattered |100 |South |30 m | |

| |Canal |residential | | | | |

| | |buildings | | | | |

| |East and west canals of|Guzhen No.1 Middle |5200 |East, west |close | |

| |No.1 Middle School |School | | | | |

| |East and west canals of|Scattered |1000 |South, north |At least 10 m| |

| |Party School |residential | | | | |

| | |buildings | | | | |

| |Wangnan Canal |Armed Police |500 |North |5 m | |

| | |Elementary School | | | | |

| |Xubei Canal |Farmers’ houses |100 |South, north |15 m | |

|Road at top of |Left dyke of Hui River |Houses of Mengzhuang|30 |West |50 m |Noise and dust during the |

|the dyke | |Village | | | |construction period |

|Pumping station |Renovation and |Small furniture |20 |East |10 m |Noise and dust during the |

| |reconstruction |factory | | | |construction period |

| |Guxi Pumping Station | | | | |Noise during the operation |

| | | | | | |period |

| |New South City Pumping |Residential |100 |South, north |30 m |Noise and dust during the |

| |Station |buildings | | | |construction period |

| | | | | | |Noise during the operation |

| | | | | | |period |

|Urban wastewater |New sewer for Daying |Party School |100 |North |7m |Noise and dust in the |

|network |Road | | | | |construction period |

| | |6 residential |400 |South |7m | |

| | |buildings | | | | |

| |New drainage pipes for |Guzhen No.2 Middle |6000 |West |6m | |

| |Shengli Road and |School | | | | |

| |Miaogang Road | | | | | |

| | |Guzhen No.2 |1500 |West |6m | |

| | |Elementary School | | | | |

| | |3 residential |200 |East, west |6 m | |

| | |buildings | | | | |

| |Trunk sewer for Guyang |Huaying Senior High |550 |North |10 m | |

| |Road |School | | | | |

| | |Fengze Garden |200 |North |10 m | |

| | |Residential Area | | | | |

| | |Guzhen County | |North | | |

| | |People’s Hospital | | | | |

| | |Guzhen County | |South |10 m | |

| | |Chinese Traditional | | | | |

| | |Medicine Hospital | | | | |

| | |Shiyan Middle School|2850 |South |10 m | |

| | |Mingren Garden | |North |10 m | |

| | |Residential Area | | | | |

| |Sewage main pipe from |Wafang Village | |Both sides |50~100 m | |

| |Sanba River to WWTP | | | | | |

| |Improvement of canal |Inhabitants near the|10000 |- |close |Noise, dust and odor in the |

| |and pond and |Chengguan Town | | | |construction period |

| |reconstruction of pipes|canal culvert | | | | |

| |and culverts near the | | | | | |

| |old street | | | | | |

| | |Guzhen No.2 Middle |5000 |East, west |close | |

| | |School | | | | |

7. Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

Table 84: Environment Sensitive Points of Huaiyuan Project

|Project |Sensitive points |Impacted |Location |Impact Factors |

| | |Population | | |

| | | | |Construction |Operation |

| | | | |period |period |

|Road and network |Pangying Village |600 |In 100m of south and north |Noise and dust in |Traffic noise |

|project for | | |sides of Jiangkang Road |the construction |Exhaust of |

|Chengguan Town Food | | |In 100m of east and west sides |period |vehicles |

|Processing Park | | |of Changsheng Road | | |

| |Fanyingzi Village |250 |40m south of Weiyi Road, 65m at| | |

| | | |east of Zhongsheng Road | | |

| |Huangyingcun Village |220 |70m at east of Changsheng Road,| | |

| | | |100m at south of Weiyi Road | | |

| |Tangyingzi Village |200 |85m at north of Weier Road, | | |

| | | |beside Changsheng Road | | |

| |Meiying Village |2000 |130m at south of Weier Road, | | |

| | | |130m at west of Changsheng Road| | |

|Desilting of |Longtou Village |1500 |Within 200m around Tuoluoling |Noise and dust |Nothing |

|Luotuoling Pond | | |Pond | | |

|Desilting of pond of|Residential buildings |120 |Within 200m north of the pond | | |

|Chinese Traditional |of Chinese Traditional| | | | |

|Medicine Hospital |Medicine Hospital | | | | |

|Desilting of flood |20 households |130 |Within 200m on both sides of | | |

|drainage canal at | | |the draiange canal | | |

|foot at west of Jing| | | | | |

|Mountain | | | | | |

|Improvement of |No.4 Middle School |190 |In 200m at south of Jiangkang |Noise and dust | |

|networks of WWTP | | |Road network | | |

| |Inhabitants of |1700 |Both sides of the street | | |

| |Yongping Street | | | | |

| |Inhabitants at 2 sides|2100 |Both sides of Jinshan Road | | |

| |of Jinshan Road (at | |flood drainage canal | | |

| |south of No.1 Middle | | | | |

| |School) | | | | |

| |No.1 Middle School |500 |Both sides of Jinshan Road | | |

| | | |flood drainage canal | | |

| |Party School |52 |East section of Yuwang Road | | |

|New Lizuizi PS |Scattered households |30 |Within 100m west of the PS |Noise and dust |Noise |

| |nearby | | | | |

|Expansion of |Scattered households |80 |In 100m at south-west of |Noise and dust |Noise |

|Xinzhuangzi PS |nearby | |pumping station | | |

8. Wuhe County Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project

Table 85: Environment Sensitive Points of Wuhe Mohekou Project

|No. |Sensitive Points |Distance |Impact Factors |Remarks |

| | | |Construction |Operation Period| |

| | | |Period | | |

|1 |Sanpu Village |Both sides of Wubeng |Noise and dust |Vehicle exhaust |About 3000 people will be |

| | |Road | |and noise |impacted by the desilting, |

| | | | | |network and road projects. |

|2 |Sanpu Elementary |100 north of Wubeng |Noise and dust |Vehicle exhaust |1620 teachers and students will |

| |School |Road | |and noise |be impacted by the road project. |

|3 |Tuanjie Hope |50m north-west of |Noise and dust |- |289 teachers and students will be|

| |Elementary School |crossing of Hanmo | | |impacted by the network project. |

| | |Road and Wubeng Road | | | |

|4 |Anzikou Village |Both sides of intake |Noise and dust |- |Impacted by the network project |

| |Yuanji Village |pipe of Huaihongxin | | | |

| | |River and Xiangjian | | | |

| | |Lake | | | |

|5 |Xiaoshijia Village |100m at south-east of|Noise and dust |Vehicle exhaust |200 people of Xiaoshijia Village |

| |Lijiawa Village |crossing of Hanmo | |and noise |and 200 people of Lijiawa Village|

| | |Road and Wubeng Road | | |will be impacted by the road |

| | | | | |project. |

|6 |Management Commission |20m east of Hanmo |Noise and dust |Vehicle exhaust |About 35 people in the senior |

| |of Senior Citizen Home|Road | |and noise |citizen home will be impacted by |

| | | | | |the road project. |

|7 |Mohekou Gongjian |20m east of Hanmo |Noise and dust |Vehicle exhaust |Design quantity of beds is for 50|

| |Hospital |Road | |and noise |people. Impacted by the road |

| | | | | |project. |

|8 |Mohekou PS Courtyard |10m east of Mohekou |Noise and dust |Noise |About 50 employees and their |

| | |PS | | |relatives will be impacted by the|

| | | | | |desilting and pumping station |

| | | | | |project. |

|9 |Mohekou Middle School |100m at west of Sanpu|Noise and dust |- |1260 teachers and students will |

| | |Big Canal | | |be impacted by the desilting and |

| | | | | |pumping station project. |

|10 |Mohekou Town |At west of Sanpu Big |Noise and dust |— |About 3000 people in the whole |

| | |Canal | | |town |

6. Environmental Impact Analysis

1. Impact Screening

Impact screening for the construction and operation periods of the BIEIP sub-projects is attached to this report in the Annex 3.

2. Project Benefits

1. Environmental Benefits

1. Storm Drainage PSs

Of the eight sub-projects financed by the World Bank loan, there includes the construction, reconstruction or expansion of 16 storm drainage PSs, which are distributed all over the Bengbu urban area and its three suburban counties. Among others, there are five located to the south of the Huai River and eleven to the north of the Huai River as shown in the following figures and the Table 87.


Figure 17: Proposed Storm Drainage Pumping Stations in the urban area, Huaiyuan County and Wuhe County and their Catchments


Figure 18: Proposed Storm Drainage Pumping Stations in Guzhen County and their Catchments

Table 86: List of Storm Drainage PSs to be Constructed and Reconstructed

|No. |PS Name |Location |Service area |

|1 |Xinchuantang Storm Drainage PS |Urban Area |South of Huai River, east of Xijiagou Canal |

|2 |Zhihuailu Storm Drainage PS | | |

|3 |Nanshijia Storm Drainage PS | | |

|4 |Tianhe Storm Drainage PS |Yuhui District |South of Huai River, west of Baligou Canal |

|5 |Longzi Lake Storm Drainage PS |Longzi Lake |South of Huai River, the catchments east and west |

| | |District |of Longzi Lake |

|6 |Beifeihe (Wuxiaojie) Storm Drainage PS |Huaishang District|North of Huai River, the catchment south of Beifei|

| | | |River in Huaishang District |

|7 |Xiaobengbu Storm Drainage PS | | |

|8 |Wangxiaogou Storm Drainage PS | | |

|9 |Sanpuhu Storm Drainage PS |Mohekou of Wuhe |Mohekou Town and Sanpu Lake Area north of Huai |

| | |County |River |

|10 |Lizuizi Storm Drainage PS |Huaiyuan County |Chengguan town and the adjacent area of Huaiyuan |

| | | |County north and west of Huai River |

|11 |Xinzhuangzi Storm Drainage PS | | |

|12 |Guxi Storm Drainage PS |Guzhen Chengguan |Chengguan town and the adjacent area east of Huihe|

| | |Town, Southwest |River |

| | |suburbs | |

|13 |Xiwei Storm Drainage PS | | |

|14 |Dalou Storm Drainage PS | | |

|15 |Xiaolou Storm Drainage PS | | |

|16 |Chengnan Storm Drainage PS | | |

According to the distribution of storm drainage PSs in this BIEIP, it is evident that with the construction of the 16 storm drainage PSs, the flood drainage capacity for the Bengbu urban area, the township of Guzhen and Huaiyuan County and the Mohekou area of Wuhe County will be greatly improved.

2. Sewage Network Improvement

Currently the only WWTP under operation in Bengbu Municipality, the No.1 WWTP, is just treating 130,000~140,000m3/d wastewater, still far beyond its 200,000m3/d treatment capacity. Although investing on the scattered sewage pipelines, the proposed Urban (south of Huai River) environmental infrastructure improvement Project intends to link up the disconnected existing sewage pipelines and complete the sewage system for the No.1 WWTP catchment, thereby to significantly improve the sewage connection and treatment rate. Especially the proposed pipelines in the Jingfa District and the Gaoxin District will directly increase the sewage collection quantity of the No. 1 WWTP (Xijiagou). For example, the construction of the Zhihuai Rd. sewage lifting PS and the corresponding network in its catchment could directly increase the collection of urban wastewater by 30,000m3/d, all of which will be transmitted to the No.1 WWTP to alleviate the current insufficiency of wastewater collection.

As a whole, the completion of the BIEIP could increase almost 50,000m3/d wastewater for the No.1 WWTP, which could increase the operating load of the WWTP up to 180,000~190000 m3/d and basically realize the full-loaded operation of the No.1 WWTP, so as to significantly reduce the total pollutant discharge into the Huai River. By calculation, the actual reduction of pollutants due to the increase of collected wastewater is projected as follows: CODcr 3650t/y. and NH3-N 730t/y, which also shows the significant environmental benefits of the urban sewage network improvement project.

Also the wastewater and storm drainage network improvement in Guzhen, Huaiyuan and Wuhe will provide the support to the normal operation of local WWTPs, improve the water quality of local rivers by wastewater interception, such as the Sanba River in Guzhen County, and also improve the local flood control capacity.

3. Total Pollutant Discharge Control by Urban Drainage Project

The construction of the urban drainage system will improve the sewage collection rate. Together with the construction of the WWTPs, the urban sewage treatment rate will be correspondingly improved. By 2010 three WWTPs are planned to be completed in the urban area of Bengbu Municipality, which are respectively the No.1 WWTP (Xijiagou), the No.2 WWTP (Yangtaizi) and the No.3 WWTP (Huaishang). Therefore, for the estimation of the total pollutant discharge for the Bengbu urban area, three scenarios have been analyzed: a) Only the existing 100,000m3/d treatment capacity of the No.1 WWTP under operation; b) The Phase 2 of the No.1 WWTP has been put into operation, which increases the total wastewater treatment capacity of the city to 200,000m3/d; c) The Phase I of the No.2 WWTP (100,000m3/d) and the No.3 WWTP (25,000m3/d) completed, which increases the total wastewater treatment capacity of the city to 325,000m3/d. The indirect environmental benefits of the network construction will be realized with the completion and operation of the supportive WWTPs.

Table 87: Estimated Annual Pollutant Discharge for Bengbu Urban Area for 2010

|Planning Horizon |Scenario |Total Wastewater Discharge |Treated Wastewater |

| | |m3/d |m3/d |

| | |Concentration |Discharge |Concentration |Discharge |

| | |mg/l |t/y |mg/l |t/y |

|Scenario A |30000 |100 |1095 |15 |164.25 |

|Scenario B |30000 |50 |547.5 |5 |54.75 |

|Reduction Percentage for the |/ |/ |50% |/ |66.7% |

|total volume, % | | | | | |

It is clear that for Mohekou Industrial Park, the centralized treatment of industrial wastewater to the Class 1A standard of the Pollutant Discharge Standard for urban WWTPs will cut off the COD discharge by 50% and the NH3-N discharge by 66.7%.

4. Desilting Projects in BIEIP

There are many desilting projects included in the BIEIP covering the urban area and the three counties, as shown in the following figure. And the environmental benefits of these projects are summarized in the Table 89.

Table 89: Summary of Major Environmental Benefits for Desilting Projects

|Project Name |Water Quality |Local Ecological |Increase of Storm |Landscape Benefit |

| |Improvement |Improvement |Drainage Capacity | |

|Longzi Lake Desilting |√ |√ |X |√ |

|Desilting of Xijiagou and Baligou |√ |√ |√ |√ |

|Canals | | | | |

|Desilting of Ditches and Canals in |X |X |√ |X |

|Huaishang Dis. | | | | |

|Desilting of Flood Discharge Ditch in |√ |X |√ |X |

|Guzhen County | | | | |

|Desilting of Flood Discharge Ditch in |X |X |√ |X |

|Huaiyuan County | | | | |

|Desilting of Sanpu Great Ditch in Wuhe|X |X |√ |X |

|County | | | | |

Especially for the Longzi Lake, with the sewage interception around Longzi Lake and the construction of the WWTP, the nutrient salts in the lake sediment will become the primary water pollution source and the dominant factor for the lake eutrophication. The construction of this project can a) increase the storage capacity of the lake by 1.15million m3, b) eliminate the non-point pollution by the contaminated sediment of Longzi Lake, and improve the water quality and the self-purification capacity of the lake, c) improve the aquatic environment and promote the growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms by removing the toxic and hazardous substances originally existing in the sediment. The desilting of Longzi Lake, together with the bank greening, the ecological environment around the project site will be improved significantly. Moreover, for the east and west banks of Longzi Lake, the landscape with the lakeside characteristics will provide a relaxing place for Bengbu citizens and upgrade the overall image of the city.

As the primary tributaries of the Huai River, the Xijiagou and Baligou canals have been badly polluted by the surrounding industries and the wastewater from the nearby farmland. The desilting project, together with the improvement of the urban sewage treatment systems and the sewage interceptors along the canals, will dramatically decrease the pollutants discharged into the canals, improve the local water and ecological environment quality and consequently the water quality of the Huai River.

The desilting projects in Huaishang District, Guzhen County, Huaiyuan County and Wuhe County mainly aim at the increase of the local drainage capacity and complete the flood control system.

5. Greening Projects for Longzi Lake and Xijiagou & Baligou Canals

The greening projects in the BIEIP mainly refer to the slope greening of the Longzi Lake and the Xijaigou and Baligou Canals. Their ecological benefits are manifested in the following aspects:

- Beautify the local landscape;

- Abate the soil erosion due to the earth exposure and the side slope collapse;

- For the Longzi Lake, the slope greening will increase the green area around the lake, which will provide a good habitat for the growth and restoration of lakeside biological communities so as to increase the local community biomass and improve the biodiversity;

- For the Longzi Lake, the vegetation around the lake will prevent the surface runoff from the surrounding farmland and thus decrease the pollutants in the agricultural wastewater discharged into the Lake.

2. Social Benefits

1. Water Resource Project

The water resource projects in BIEIP mainly refer to the construction of storm drainage PSs and the desilting of ditches and canals in different catchments, which will effectively raise the flood control criteria and the flood control water levels of their service areas to effectively protect the safety of the Bengbu urban area and the agricultural production of the neighboring suburban counties. The residents, industries, villages and farmland within the catchments will no longer suffer from the frequent floods, so as to protect the safety of local people & properties, the industrial & agricultural development and the economic benefits for the project area to some extent.

In addition, the desilting projects could also provide an entertainment site for the Bengbu citizens and upgrade the scenery image of the whole city, especially for the Longzi Lake.

2. Drainage System Projects

The construction of the urban drainage system will:

- Provide the good municipal infrastructure and strengthen the local investment attraction for the development of new urban area, including the Gaoxin District, the Longzi Lake District and the south city area;

- Promote the formation of the four sewage systems for the Bengbu urban area in order to reach the planning targets and realize the environmental benefits of the wastewater treatment projects.

Also the drainage network improvement in Guzhen, Huaiyuan and Wuhe will complete the local infrastructure construction to promote the local investment attraction, especially for the Mohekou Industrial Park.

3. Construction of Mohekou Industrial Park

As the provincial-level development area, the Mohekou Industrial Park in Wuhe County is planned to become an important industrial base for fine chemicals and a modern eco-industrial park in Anhui Province. However, since it is located in the Sanpu Lake low-lying area without sufficient flood control and infrastructure facilities, the park suffers a lot from the frequent floods and the park development is therefore constrained.

The BIEIP will construct the wastewater and storm drainage network, a WTP and a WWTP for Mohekou Industrial Park. The project completion, together with the construction of the Sanpu Lake PS, will greatly improve the local flood control and storm drainage capacity, effectively protect the construction and development of the park, and significantly improve the investment attraction capability and hardware foundation of the park.

The proposed WTP and WWTP will not only serve the industries in the park, but also the residents of the Mohekou Township therefore to promote the sustainable development of the whole area.

4. Road Project

The road projects in the Jingfa District, Huaishang District, Mohekou Industrial Park, Huaiyuan and Guzhen will improve the infrastructure level of the project areas, facilitate the local transportation both for residents and good supplies, beautify the urban landscape, upgrade the overall image of the urban area and promote the investment attraction and the park development.

3. Economic Benefits

The economic benefits of the proposed BIEIP are mainly reflected by the consequent reduction of economic loss from flooding, the increase of land value with the environmental improvement, and the increase of collected tariff revenue due to the expansion of sewage network coverage and the construction of MIZ WTP and WWTP. In the following paragraphs, the economic benefits resulted from the construction of Tianhe storm PS, MIZ WTP and WWTP are analyzed as the examples.

1. Disaster-reducing Benefits of Tianhe Storm Drainage PS

For Tianhe Storm PS, the economic benefits of the project are mainly exhibited in the resultant reduction of economic loss during future floods. With the completion of Tianhe PS, 15000mu of farmland and 35 villages will be protected against flooding in 1:20years flood. According to the preliminary economic analysis, the yearly indirect economic benefits from the decrease of flooded area will amount to at least 10million yuan, accounting for 14.9% of the project investment. In other words, the investment can be recovered in seven flooding years.

2. Economic Benefits of Mohekou WTP

The proposed Mohekou WTP will supply both the residents in Mohekou Township and the industries in the MIZ. According to the master plan for 2010, Mohekou Township will have a population of 35000 with the domestic water demand of 14600m3/d and the industrial water demand of 21400 t/d; Based on the current price of tap water (1.35yuan/t for industrial water and 1.1yuan/t for drinking water), the estimated benefit after of the project after the deduction of payable water resource fee will amount to 13.568 million yuan/y, accounting for 21% of the investment. In other words, the collection of five years’ water tariff after the project completion will be equal to the construction investment.

Table 90: Estimated Benefit from Water Supply by Mohekou WTP

|Type of water |Consumption |Price |Total Charges for Water Supply,|

| |m3/d |yuan/ m3 |million yuan/y |

|Industrial water |21400 |1.35 |10.55 |

|Domestic water |4600 |1.1 |1.85 |

|Other purpose |4000 |1.25* |1.825 |

|Total |30000 | |14.225 |

|Water resources charge |30000 |0.06 |0.66 |

* Average price

3. Economic Benefits of Mohekou WWTP

The proposed Mohekou WWTP will serve both the industries in MIZ and the residents in Mohekou Township. On the basis of the water demand projection and the wastewater coefficient of 0.85, the sewage treatment quantity is estimated to reach 22100m3/d. Based on the current WWTP tariff (0.7yuan/m3 for industrial wastewater and 0.6 yuan/ m3 for domestic sewage), the economic benefits of Mohekou WWTP will come to 7.235million yuan/y, accounting for 5.9% of the investment. After deducting the O&M cost, the annual benefit will come to 1.535million yuan, indicating the economic benefit is very low, which can only maintain its normal operation as its environmental and social benefits are dominant.

Table 91: Estimated Operational Benefits of Mohekou WWTP

|Type of water |Consumption |Price |Total Charges for Water supply,|

| |m3/d |yuan/m3 |million yuan/y |

|Industrial wastewater |18200 |0.7 |4.65 |

|Domestic sewage |3400 |0.6 |0.745 |

|Other wastewater |8400 |0.6 |1.84 |

|Total |30000 |/ |7.235 |

|Operating cost of Sewage Plant |30000 |0.52 |5.70 |

3. Environmental Impacts during Construction Period

The construction period of the proposed BIEIP is estimated to be as long as 30~48 months, and there are many residential areas (environmentally sensitive points) around the project sites, especially for the urban drainage network projects. According to the project characteristics, the major potential impacts during construction period may cover the aspects of air, noise, water, soil, road traffic, ecology and land use, which are detailed in the following sections.

1. Impacts on Air Quality

During the project construction, the air pollution sources mainly include flying dust, odor, and exhaust gas from fuel combustion

1. Impacts by Flying Dust

The flying dust during the construction is mainly generated from:

- Mixing of concrete on site, stacking of bulk powder materials and the ground exposure during construction;

- Transportation by vehicles and construction machineries;

- Drifting, scattering and flying of the earth loaded in vehicles and bulk construction materials during the transportation, loading and unloading;

- Temporary sand and stone stacking along the road side, road surface clearing during the construction.

Generally the flying dust from transportation and at the construction sites is the major air pollution source during construction, as analyzed below.

- Flying dust from transportation

The flying dust from transportation is mainly concentrated in the access roads and the major roads for transportation in the project sites, which accounts for over 60% of the total flying dust. The dust quantity can be calculated according to the following empirical formula for the completely dry weather:


Where Q——dust from running vehicles, kg/km•vehicle;

V—— speed, km/hr;

W—— load, t;

P——dust volume on the road surface, kg/m2。

Table 92 shows the dust quantity of a 10t truck that passes through a 1km long road with different cleanness levels and at different speed. Therefore, for the road of the same cleanness level, the faster the vehicle is, the more dust quantity it generates; however, at the same speed, the dirtier the road is, the more dust quantity it generates. Therefore setting the speed limit and keeping the road clean is the effective means to reduce the dust from transportation.

Table 92: Dust Generation by Vehicles at Different Speed and with Different Ground Surface Cleanness

Unit: kg/vehicle•km

|P |0.1(kg/m2) |0.2(kg/m2) |0.3(kg/m2) |0.4(kg/m2) |0.5(kg/m2) |1.0(kg/m2) |

|Speed | | | | | | |

|5(km/h) |0.051056 |0.085865 |0.116382 |0.144408 |0.170715 |0.287108 |

|10(km/h) |0.102112 |0.171731 |0.232764 |0.288815 |0.341431 |0.574216 |

|15(km/h) |0.153167 |0.257596 |0.349146 |0.433223 |0.512146 |0.861323 |

|25(km/h) |0.255279 |0.429326 |0.58191 |0.722038 |0.853577 |1.435539 |

The dust generated at the construction sites is mainly from the open dump site and the site exposure. The quantity in the dry and windy weather could be calculated according to the empirical formula below:


Where Q—— dusting quantity, kg/t•y;

V50——wind velocity at 50 m from the ground ,m/s;

V0——wind velocity for dusting, m/s;

W——moisture content of dust particle, %.

V0 depends on the particle size and moisture content. By analogy, the impacted scope of the flying dust during the construction as follows (at the wind velocity of 2.4m/s).

Table 93: TSP Monitoring Results Downwind of the construction site


|Distance |20m |50m |100m |150m |200m |250m |

|Concentration |1.503 |0.922 |0.602 |0.591 |0.512 |0.406 |

It is shown that the TSP concentration 50m downwind of the construction site is lower than the controlled concentration limit (1.0mg/m3) for fugitive emission regulated by the Comprehensive Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996). The dust intensity at the construction site is related with many factors including site conditions, construction method, construction equipments, construction season, meteorological conditions and soil characteristics of the construction sites.

The BIEIP covers a wide area, and most of the project sites are distributed linearly with numerous residential areas around, which are susceptible to the impacts of flying dust, as detailed in the table below. However, the impact is temporary and will diminish with the project completion.

Table 94: Sub-project Area Impact by Flying Dust

|Sub-project No. |Name of Sub-project |Impacted Area |

|1 |Tianhe flood control project |No.206 State Highway |

|2 |Longzi Lake flood control and environment |Xingfu Village, 70m east of the PS project site |

| |improvement project | |

|3 |Urban (south of Huai River) environmental |Residential area around the project site |

| |infrastructure improvement Project | |

|4 |Xijiagou & Baligou environment improvement |PLA Automobile Management Institute, Bengbu Navy Official |

| |project |School, Yinghe Bridge Primary School, Zhengying Village |

|5 |Huaishang District flood control and urban |Residential area around the project site |

| |environmental infrastructure improvement | |

| |project | |

|6 |Guzhen County integrated environment |Both sides of the project side with dense population |

| |improvement project | |

|7 |Huaiyuan County integrated environment |Residential area around the project site |

| |improvement project | |

|8 |Wuhe County Mohekou integrated environment |Sanpu Village, Anzikou, Yuanji Village |

| |improvement project | |

2. Odor

The BIEIP involves many desilting projects for canals and ponds. The odor given off during the desilting and the sediment transportation will impact on the surrounding environment.

The odor impacts by this project are analyzed by analogy method on the basis of the Japanese odor intensity six-level rating method, as presented in the Table 95 below. The level 2.5 is regarded as the limit, beyond which it is considered that there is odor pollution and mitigation measures should be taken.

Table 95: Rating of Six-level Odor Intensity

(by Japanese Environmental Hygiene Department)

|Odor intensity |Description of sensation intensity |Odor intensity |Description of sensation intensity |

|0 |Odorless |3 |Obvious odor |

|1 |Slight odor ( sensitivity threshold) |4 |Odor |

|2 |Able to distinguish the type of odor ( cognitive |5 |Strong odor |

| |threshold) | | |

Two cases have been used for analogy here, Mudanjiang Nanpaozi Desilting Project (Dry excavation in summer) and Nanning South Lake Rehabilitation Project (Wet desilting). For the Mudanjiang case, the rating of odor intensity is shown in the table below. However, for the Nanning case, the odor only could be smelt at the lakeside, and it is basically odorless beyond 50m.

Table 96: Odor Intensity by Desilting (dry excavation in the dry pond) for the Nanpaozi of Mudanjiang

|Distance from the Shore |Rating |

|Lakeside |3 |

|30m |2 |

|80m |1 |

|Beyond 100m |0 |

Therefore, it is concluded that in the desilting projects of the BIEIP, there will be evident odor at the sides of the desilted ditches; the area beyond 30m is rated as Level 2, lower than the odor intensity limit; for the area beyond 50m, it is almost odorless.

In this project some desilting sites are close to the residential areas, such as the pond desilting in the Niushixiang of Guzhen County, Sanpudagou Great Ditch in Mohekou of Wuhe County and the Mochongyin River. And some residential areas are within 30m from the ditches and ponds to be desilted. Some residents even live beside the ditches and ponds, and will be evitably impacted. However, this kind of impact is temporary and will diminish with the project completion.

3. Exhaust Gas and Smoke & Dust Pollution

In the construction of dykes and flood-top roads, there will be large numbers of transportation vehicles and construction machinery joining in the construction, which will generate exhaust gas including HC, CO and NOx. And in the road projects, the melting and paving of asphalt will produce the hazardous gases such as THC and Bap. However the asphalt is proposed to be mixed in the professional agitation plant to reduce the hazardous gas generation during the asphalt melting. The generation of smoke and dust during the asphalt paving is very little. And the emission of the waste gases like NO2 and CO from the construction machinery is little without major impacts on the surrounding environment.

2. Noise Impacts

The construction noise mainly comes from the construction machinery and the transportation vehicles, whose level depends on the construction phase, the specific sites and the different types of operations, as detailed below.

Table 97: Sound Levels of Major Construction Machinery

|Construction Activities |Major Noise Source |Sound Level |

|Earthwork |Excavators, bull-dozers, loaders and submerged pumps |85~108 |

|Foundation Treatment |Pilers, drillers and caterpillar tractors |96~109 |

|Concrete Works |Cable hoists, concrete mixers, cranes, concrete delivery pumps and |95~110 |

| |concrete poker vibrators | |

|Bridge & Road Projects |Bull-dozers, road rollers, cable hoists and concrete spreaders |85~100 |

Note: In the above table, the piling of the road & bridge projects is included in the foundation treatment.

As analyzed above, a lot of mechanical equipments will become the major noise source during the construction with the single-unit noise level between 85-110 dB(A). For open construction, the formular below could be used to calculate the noise attenuation with the distance increase:


In which

L1 and L2 – Noise level, dB(A) respectively r1 and r2 away from the source;

r1 and r2 – Distance from the noise sources, m.

In the calculation, r1 is taken as 1m

And the calculation results are shown in the following Table 98.

Table 98: Calculation of noise attenuation of major noise-making machinery in the construction period

Unit: dB(A)

|Type of job |Max. Sound |Distance from the Construction Machinery (m) |

| |Level | |

| | |1 |10 |

| | | |

| |Sewage Discharge |Percentage in the Total |Sewage Discharge |Percentage in the Total |

| |10000m3/y |Sewage Discharge of the |10000m3/y |Sewage Discharge of the |

| | |City | |City |

|Baligou |1228 |11.5% |1649 |18.3% |

|Xijiagou |5080 |47.0% |4316 |47.8% |

|No.3 Dock |672 |6.2% |336 |3.7% |

|No.1 Dock |669 |6.2% |325 |3.6% |

|Jiaotong Road |1185 |11.2% |870 |9.7% |

|Longzi Lake |1840 |17.0% |1510 |16.7% |

|Baojiagou |100 |0.9% |21 |0.2% |

|Total |10744 |100% |9027 |100% |

From the above data, we can see that, among the seven major urban pollution discharge outlets, the pollution discharge volume of Xijiagou is the largest, which accounted for more than 47% of the urban total discharge amount, and followed by Baligou, the Longzi Lake, Jiaotong Road, No.3 Dock, No.1 Dock and Baljiagou. We can also see that, the sewage of Bengbu City can be divided by the Xijiagou, the sewage amount of the west area of Xijiagou is larger, which accounted for more than 60% of the total amount, nearly 154,000m3/d; while the sewage of the east area of Xijiagou is less than 40% of the total, amounting to 104,000 m3 /d. The total amount of sewage collected by the urban sewage outfalls is about 258,000m3/d.


Figure 19: Statistic Analysis of Sewage Discharge from Bengbu Urban Outfalls

According to the 2005 statistic data, in Bengbu city, the sewage treatment capacity is 25.55 million m3, the industrial wastewater treatment capacity is 16.89 million tons and the total amount of sewage collection and treatment is 42.44 million tons/year. The concentrated sewage treatment rate is about 30%, so the total sewage amount of Bengbu City in 2005 is about 141.47 million tons / year, the ratio of the living wastewater to the industrial wastewater is 3:2.

Seen from the current distribution of Bengbu City drainage system, the sewage entering the 7 pollution discharge outlets is basically collected by the pipe network. Only the east side of Baligou, east bank of the Longzi Lake and Baojiagou area haven’t formed the pipe network, so the sewage access network rate of the pollution discharge outlets of Baligou and the Longzi Lake takes by 50%, and exclude the sewage of Baojiahou. Accordingly, estimate the actual collection rate of Bengbu City sewage pipe network. Table 101 is the estimated results of sewage collection rate.

Table 101: Estimated Collection Rate of Bengbu Municipal Sewage Network

|Pollution Discharge Outfall |Baligou |Xijiagou |No.3 Dock |No.1 Dock |Jiaotong Road |Longzi Lake|

|Sewage Connection Rate |50% |100% |100% |100% |100% |50% |

|Actual Connected Sewage Quantity |614 |5080 |672 |669 |1185 |1840 |

|10000m3/d | | | | | | |

|Total Connected Sewage Quantity |10060 |

|10000m3/d | |

|Total Municipal Sewage in 2005 |14147 |

|Current Sewage Collection Rate |70% |

From the estimated data in the table: the current sewage collection rate of Bengbu City is about 70%, the sewage treatment rate is around 30%, which is close to the average treatment rate 33% of the wastewater in the Huai River. It is far below the requirement in the plan of reaching 70% of the concentrated sewage treatment rate till 2010.So it is very important to perfect the construction of sewage closure pipe network and speed up the construction of sewage treatment works.

- Water quality analysis of urban sewage

According to 2005 statistics data of the total amount of pollutants with chemical oxygen demand and NH3-N index, nearly 100,000 tons of the sewage achieved GB18918-2002 Class I A standard (CODcr 50mg/L, NH3-N 5mg/L) after the treatment of Xijiagou sewage treatment plant, and then discharged into the Huai River, estimate the water quality of the remaining untreated sewage as the current average concentration of Bengbu City untreated sewage. Figure 20, Figure 21 and Figure 22 are the statistical analysis charts of sewage and pollutants discharge of 7 pollution discharge outlets.

Table 102: Statistical Analysis of Water Quality at the Outfalls of Bengbu Urban Area in 2005

|No. |Name of Pollution Discharge Outfall |Wastewater Quantity |CODcr mg/L |NH3-N mg/L |

| | |10000m3/y | | |

|1 |Baligou |1228 |255 |29.0 |

|2 |Xijiahou |5080 |132 |29.9 |

|3 |No.3 Dock |672 |184 |44.9 |

|4 |No.1 Dock |669 |244 |34.8 |

|5 |Jiaotong Road |1185 |256 |42.8 |

|6 |Longzi Lake |1840 |225 |41.8 |

|7 |Baojiagou |100 |236 |28.7 |

|Weighted Mean |10774 |187 |34.5 |

|Estimation of Total Pollution Discharge in 2005 |10774 |15147 |2640 |

|Statistical Value of total Pollution Discharge in |10774 |20115 |3713 |

|2005 | | | |

|Deviation ratio | |1.35 |1.41 |

|(Statistical value/Estimated value) | | | |

Note: *Estimated value: 100,000 tons/day of the sewage in the total sewage of 2005 is treated effectively and achieved Class I A standard, estimate the COD, NH3-N emissions of the remaining sewage by the weighted average of the seven pollution discharge outlets.


Figure 20: Statistical analysis chart of CODcr emissions of Bengbu City


Figure 21: Statistical analysis chart of NH3-N emissions of Bengbu City pollution discharge outlets in 2005

From Table 102, we can see that, if estimate the pollution discharge volume by the weighted average of the urban seven pollution discharge outlets, the value is markedly lower than the actual emissions of the pollutants, so we need to make some adjustments of the weighted average value to make it close to the actual discharge concentration of the sewage.

Meanwhile, this environmental evaluation uses reverse deduction method to estimate the water quality of the untreated sewage, the specific methods are: based on the sewage discharge volume, emissions of the pollutants of seven major pollution discharge outlets of Bengbu City in 2005, there is 100,000 tons of sewage can achieve Class I A standard after the treatment of sewage treatment plant, estimate the emissions of the pollutants of these discharge sewage which already achieved the standard. Take the remaining emissions of pollutants as the untreated sewage emissions, then reverse deduct the water quality of the untreated sewage water. Estimated results are shown in Table 103.

Table 103: Reverse deduction estimate table of water quality of untreated sewage water of Bengbu City in 2005

|Project |Wastewater Discharge|COD |NH3-N |

| |Volume | | |

| |10000 t/a | | |

| | |Concentration mg/L |Discharge amount|Concentration mg/L |Discharge amount|

|Statistical value |10774 | |2.0115 | |0.3713 |

|of total amount | | | | | |

|Treated Sewage Up |3650 |50 |0.1825 |5 |0.01825 |

|to Standard | | | | | |

|Untreated Sewage |7124 |257 |1.829 |50 |0.35305 |

From the data in the table, we can see that, if want to match the actual emissions of pollutants, the water quality of the untreated sewage water shall be CODcr of 257mg / L and NH3-N of 50 mg/L. Analysis of the estimated data in table 5 and table 6 and take into the full consideration of the fluctuation scope of the water quality of seven pollution discharge outlets, this environmental evaluation final confirms: Among the sewage discharged from the seven pollution discharge outlets of Bengbu City, the water quality of the untreated sewage water is CODcr of 250mg/L and NH3-N of 45gm/L.

In the following analysis of the total pollutants and the prediction of water-environmental impact, we will use such value as the average water quality of the untreated sewage.

- Total amount control analysis of urban sewage

According to the development planning and drainage plan of Bengbu City, till 2010, Bengbu City's sewage collection system will form the basic network and the total amount of the sewage will be 494,100 m3/d.After the completion of urban drainage projects, if without the newly construction of sewage treatment plants for matching, with the increase of the sewage amount and the concentrated pollution discharge outlets, it may Pb to the pollution discharged into the Huai River much higher than the total amount of discharge sewage in 2005 and cause the adverse impact to the Huai River. The environmental evaluation will analyze the changes of the total amount of Bengbu City’s discharge sewage according to the different levels of sewage treatment. And the prediction evaluation of the water-environmental impact of Bengbu section of the Huai River.

The total amount control analysis will estimate the recent planning sewage amount in 2010 by the different sewage treatment capacity.

(1) Based on the current sewage treatment capacity, that is only maintain the treatment capacity of 100,000 tons/day of Xijiagou sewage treatment plant, and the water quality of untreated sewage takes the average value of current water quality, then estimate the total amount of the pollutants discharged into the Huai River.

(2) Suppose there will be Xijiagou sewage treatment plant only to treat the sewage at full capacity in 2010, with the treatment capacity up to 200,000 tons /day of the design scale, then estimate the total amount of the pollutants discharged into the Huai River.

(3) Suppose Xijiagou sewage treatment plant, the Yangtaizi sewage treatment plant and the Hebei sewage treatment plant all completed and put into operation according to plan, then estimate the total emissions of the pollutants.

The yearly different sewage treatment capacity and the estimated results of total emissions of the pollutants of Bengbu City planning are shown in Table 104, Figure 22, Figure 23 and Figure 24.

Table 104: Estimated table of yearly total emissions of the pollutants of

Bengbu City Planning

|Evaluation |Total emissions of |Treated sewage |Untreated |Change of total amount |Change of total amount |

|period |the pollutants |volume |volume | | |

| |10000 t/a |10000 t/a |10000 t/a | | |

| | | | |COD |Increase or decrease|NH3-N |Increase or |

| | | | | |% | |decrease % |

|Current state |29.5 |10 |19.5 |20115 | |3713 | |

|of 2005 | | | | | | | |

|2010 |A |49.4 |10 |39.4 |37778 |+87.8% |

|S1 |Section of Bengbu Gate |0 |Scope of the Monitoring |85.2~2940 |2.6~4.3 |9.2~16.2 |

| | | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |187.68 (dry)|3.3 (dry) |16.2 (dry) |

|W1 |Baligou pollution discharge|3.6/3.6 |Scope of the Monitoring |0.2-~1.46 |17.4~38.4 |120~469 |

| |outlet | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |0.52 |25.8 |317 |

|W2 |Xijiagou pollution |6.4/2.8 |Scope of the Monitoring |0.3~1.86 |1.70~18.8 |34~224 |

| |discharge outlet | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |1.37 |10.0 |110 |

|W3 |No.3 Dock pollution |8.4/2 |Scope of the Monitoring |0.04~0.17 |26.6~70.9 |117~339 |

| |discharge outlet | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |0.11 |45.5 |207 |

|W4 |No.1 Dock pollution |9.4/1 |Scope of the Monitoring |0.09~0.13 |24.1~58.2 |120~464 |

| |discharge outlet | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |0.10 |41.9 |240 |

|W5 |Jiaotong Road pollution |12/2.6 |Scope of the Monitoring |0.18~0.40 |23.0~61.1 |117~494 |

| |discharge outlet | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |0.28 |40.8 |290 |

|W6 |Longzi pollution discharge |15.5/3.5 |Scope of the Monitoring |0.29~0.65 |20.6~56.4 |123~214 |

| |outlet | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |0.48 |36.0 |160 |

|S2 |New railway bridge section |17/1.5 |Scope of the Monitoring | |0.08~2.96 |11.7~21.0 |

| | | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value | |1.05 |16.0 |

|W7 |Baojiagou pollution |26.5/9.5 |Scope of the Monitoring | |1.21~49.6 |25~717 |

| |discharge outlet | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |0.032 |23.3 |300 |

|S3 |Mohekou section |30.5/4 |Scope of the Monitoring | |0.21~2.48 |10.7~21.5 |

| | | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value | |1.05 |14.5 |

|W8 |Pollution discharge outlet |32/1.5 |Scope of the Monitoring | | | |

| |of Mohekou Park | |value | | | |

| | | |Average value |0.35 |5 |50 |

| | | | | |(entering30) |(entering450) |

According to the drainage planning of Bengbu City, after the completion of this project, the recent sewage closure projects of Bengbu City in 2010 will be basically completed then, the sewage will be concentrated treated by Xijiagou sewage treatment plant, Yangtaizi sewage treatment plant and Hebei sewage treatment plant. The situation of sewage treatment system of Bengbu City in 2010 is shown in Table 106.

Table 106: Statistical table of drainage of Bengbu City’s sewage treatment plants 10000 m3/d

|Name of sewage treatment plant |Xijiahou |Yangtaizi |Hebei (Huaibei) |Mohekou Park |Total |

|Current state of 2005 |10 |— |— |— |14 |

|Planning of 2010 |20 |10 |2.5 |3 |35.5 |

|Location of pollution discharge |6.4km |16km |6km |32 | |

|outlet | | | | | |

|(below the Bengbu Gate) | | | | | |

|Outlet water quality |Implementation of GB18918-2002 Class I A standard: CODcr 50mg/L NH3-N 5mg/L |

This environmental evaluation conducts the impact analysis of the water quality of Bengbu section of the Huai River (Section of Bengbu Gate-------Mohekou Section) and the prediction indexes are CODcr and NH3-N.

① Simulation of the pollution discharge section of the Huai River

According to the technical guidelines of environmental evaluation, the annual average flow of Bengbu section of the Huai River is more than 150 m3/s, which is the large river and can be simplified as the rectangular straight river.

② Simplify the pollution sources. Based on the evaluation level and the actual situation of Bengbu section of the Huai River, simplify the pollution sources as the consecutive constant emission point sources. The main sources of this system are: Xijiagou sewage treatment plant, Yangtaizi sewage treatment plant, Hebei sewage treatment plant and the sewage treatment plan of Mohekou Park, the upstream inflow of Bengbu Gate is also considered to be one influent pollution source of this system.

- Choice of mathematical model

This evaluation uses meandering river steady-state mixed cumulative flow model, predict and evaluate the impact degree and scope of the project’s sewage to the water body of downstream.

Non-persistent pollutants:

[pic] q=huy


Of which:x—The distance between the prediction point and the discharge point, m;

y--Horizontal distance between the prediction point and the discharge point, m;

K1--Degradation coefficient of the pollutants in the river, 1/d;

c--Concentration of the pollutants at the prediction point(x,y), mg/l;

a—The distance between the sewage discharge outlet and the riverbank0≤a≤B), m.

cp--Concentration of the pollutants in the sewage, mg/l;

Qp—Sewage flow, m3/s;

ch—Concentration of the pollutants in the river upstream (background concentration), mg/l;

h--Average depth of the river, m;

My—Horizontal mixed (diffusion) coefficient of the river, m2/s;

u—Flow speed of the river, m/s;

Qh—Flow rate of the river, m3/s;

According to the provisions of NJ/T2.3-93,the horizontal mixed coefficient My is calculated by Taylor method:


Of which: h--Average water depth, m;

g-- Acceleration of gravity,m/s2;

I—Hydraulic gradient, m/m;

B—River width, m.

The estimated value of parameter K1 is determined by two-point method:


Of which: ΔX—Section distance of up-down stream, m;

C1, C2—Concentration of the pollutants of the up-down stream water body, mg/L;

u—Flow speed of the river, m/s;

• λ Evaluation scope, period and contents of the projection

The evaluation scope of surface water-environmental impact is the Bengbu section of the Huai River, and within the downstream 1500 of pollution discharge outlet of sewage treatment plant in Mohekou Fine Chemical Industrial Park (Sanpu River drainage pump station) with the distance of 32km.

• λ The contents of prediction include:

① Simulation of the current water quality to determine the parameters of water quality;

② Predict the water quality under the normal operation after the completion of the sewage treatment plants and evaluate the conditions of the water quality;

③ Predict the water quality of the accidental discharge of the sewage treatment plants and risk analysis the degree of the effects.

- Parameter determination of the Huai River water system simulation

Because the flow of the Huai River changes greatly in the different years and seasons and affected by various upstream lock gates and other gates substantially. The environmental evaluation is intend to use the average flow 187.68m3/s of the Huai River during the drought period in the recent ten years, suppose there is no other influents, just has different pollution discharge outlets, then predict the impact of pollution discharge to the water environment of the Huai River.

Based on the monitoring data of the routine monitoring sections of Bengbu in 2005, according to the current pollution discharge volume and the concentrations of pollutants of the seven pollution discharge outlets, as well as the locations of pollution discharge outlets, we can calculate the attenuation coefficient KCOD=0.12d-1, KNH3-N=0.08d-1 by using formula (1), formula (2) and the parameters.

- Prediction of water quality of Bengbu section of the Huai River

① Prediction of the water quality of the sewage treatment plants under the normal operation

Till 2010, the total amount of Bengbu City’s sewage is about 494,000 m3/d, the total sewage treatment capacity of three urban sewage treatment plants and one Park’s sewage treatment plant is about 355,000m3/d, that is the urban sewage treatment rate shall reach 72% after the completion of the sewage treatment plants, which is in line with the requirements of 70% sewage collection treatment rate of the 2010 drainage planning. Summary of the inlet and outlet water quality of the four sewage treatment plants is shown in Table 107.

Table 107: Summary statement of inlet and outlet water quality of the sewage treatment plants

|Name of sewage |Inlet water quality |Outlet water quality |Water quality of |Water quality of untreated |

|treatment plant | |Class I A standard |accidental discharge |Sewage |

| | | |(By 30% of the treatment |(Sewage system of the south|

| | | |rate) |of the City) |

| |CODcr |NH3-N |

|A |Suppose the four sewage treatment plants all discharge up to standard|Four pollution discharge outlets |

| |The remaining sewage will be discharged into the Huai River through |(Xijiagou, the Longzi Lake, Small |

| |Xijiagou |Bengbu Station, the Sanpu River |

| | |drainage station) |

|B |Suppose the three urban sewage treatment plants all discharge up to | |

| |standard | |

| |Accidental discharge of Mohekou Park | |

|C |All the sewage treatment plants discharge with the failure to meet the| |

| |standard | |

|D |Completion of sewage treatment plant in the south of the City (155,000 | |

| |t/d) | |

| |Discharge all the sewage up to the standard | |

Specific conditions of the prediction for each proposal and the parameters selection are shown in Table 109.

Prediction parameters selection: The flow of upstream inflow of Bengbu Gate uses the average flow of 187.68 m3/s during the drought period of many years, the average flow speed is 0.11m/s; The background concentration of the pollutants uses the on-line monitoring average concentration CODcr for 16.2mg/L and NH3-N for 3.3mg/L during the drought period of Bengbu Gate section of the Huai River.

Table 109: Summary statement of conditions of prediction and parameters

|Proposal |Name of pollution |Name of sewage |Location of pollution |Water amount |Water quality mg/L |

| |discharge outlet |treatment plant |discharge outlet |10000 m3/d | |

| | | |(From section of Bengbu | | |

| | | |Gate) | | |

| | | | | |COD |NH3-N |

|Proposal A |Xijiahou |Xijiahou |6km |20 |50 |5 |

| | |Untreated Sewage outlet| |13.9 |250 |45 |

| |Small Bengbu Station |Huaishang Hebei |6km |2.5 |50 |5 |

| |Longzi Lake |Yangtaizi |15.5 |10 |50 |5 |

| |Sanpu River pump |Mohekou Park |32 |3 |50 |5 |

| |station | | | | | |

|Proposal B |Xijiahou |Xijiahou |6km |20 |50 |5 |

| | |Untreated Sewage outlet| |13.9 |250 |45 |

| |Small Bengbu Station |Huaishang Hebei |6km |2.5 |50 |5 |

| |Longzi Lake |Yangtaizi |15.5 |10 |50 |5 |

| |Sanpu River pump |Mohekou Park |32 |3 |315 |21 |

| |station | | | | | |

|Proposal C |Xijiahou |Xijiahou |6km |20 |245 |28 |

| | |Untreated Sewage outlet| |13.9 |250 |45 |

| |Small Bengbu Station |Huaishang Hebei |6km |2.5 |280 |24.5 |

| |Longzi Lake |Yangtaizi |15.5 |10 |224 |24.5 |

| |Sanpu River pump |Mohekou Park |32 |3 |315 |21 |

| |station | | | | | |

|Proposal D |Xijiahou |Xijiahou |6km |33.9 |50 |5 |

| | |South of city | | | | |

| |Small Bengbu Station |Huaishang Hebei |6km |2.5 |50 |5 |

| |Longzi Lake |Yangtaizi |15.5 |10 |50 |5 |

| |Sanpu River pump |Mohekou Park |32 |3 |50 |5 |

| |station | | | | | |

This environmental evaluation conducts the prediction and analysis of water-environmental impact of Bengbu section of the Huai River according to the above four different drainage proposals, the prediction results are shown in Table 110, Figure 25, Figure 26 and Figure 27.

Table 110: Prediction table of water quality of the sewage treatment plant under the operation period

|Prediction section |Proposal A |Proposal B |Proposal C |Proposal D |

| |CODcr |

|New railway bridge section |28.13 |

From the data in Table 110 and Figure 25, Figure 26, Figure 27 and Figure 28, we can see that, the change trend of the concentration of pollutants in each evaluation section is: The water quality of new railway bridge section is in the rapid decline compared with the section of Bengbu Gate; the water quality of the downstream of Mohekou section is slightly better than in new railway bridge section, but still has some pollution compared with the water quality of the upstream inflow. For the prediction value of Mohekou section, the results of proposal A is clearly better than proposal B, which reflects the water quality of the sewage of Mohekou Park having the greater impact to the water quality of the Huai River.

The main difference between the proposal A and proposal B is that the water quality of downstream 3.5km of Mohekou section (downstream 2km of pollution discharge outlet of Mohekou Park) is close to the water quality of upstream inflow of Bengbu Gate basically. It indicates that once the sewage treatment plant can effectively play its sewage treatment capacity to ensure the tail water of the sewage treatment plant discharge up to the standard, then it will have little environmental impact to the downstream of Bengbu section of the Huai River.

The prediction results of proposal C show that, if the sewage treatment plants can not discharge the tail water up to the standard, the COD and NH3-N of new railway bridge section will over the standard of Class III water body; the prediction results of Mohekou section show that, through the attenuation of nearly 30km of Bengbu section, the NH3-N concentration in the sewage is still over the standard, which indicates the water quality of sewage discharged from Bengbu to the Huai River has the greater impact to Bengbu section of the Huai River and its downstream and it has the great significance for whether the water quality of the downstream of the Huai River can maintain the function of Class III water body.


Figure 25: 2010 Urban Drainage Proposal C, D - Prediction Chart of CODcr Discharge Impact



Figure 26: 2010 Urban Drainage Proposal C, D - Prediction Chart of CODcr Discharge Impact



Figure 27: 2010 Urban Drainage Proposal A, B - Prediction Chart of NH3-N Discharge Impact



Figure 28: 2010 Urban Drainage Proposal C, D - Prediction Chart of NH3-N Discharge Impact

Through the water quality prediction, this environmental evaluation put forward the following suggestions:

(1) Bengbu shall actively operate the supporting construction of the sewerage treatment projects and need to accelerate the pace of development; the urban infrastructure construction, especially the construction of the sewage pipe network and sewage treatment plants project shall be coherent with the development of the Bengbu new district. To ensure the Bengbu section of the Huai River maintains the function of Class III water body basically, the new construction and expansion of the sewage treatment plants is imperative.

Meanwhile, monitor and predict the serious situation of NH3-N index exceeding the standard of the water quality, as well as the treatment requirement for the NH3-N of 5mg/L in the Class I A standard for the urban sewage treatment plants, we suggest the sewage treatment plants shall take into the enough consideration of the NH3-N removal efficiency when choosing the sewage treatment process. Treatment process must have strong capacity to remove the phosphorus and nitrogen.

(2) In order to minimize the pollution load to the downstream Bengbu of the Huai River, we shall in particular, strengthen the monitoring works for the sewage treatment discharge up to the standard of Mohekou Park. Especially the industrial and mining enterprises within the Park must do the pretreatment discharge up to the standard, from one hand, we shall avoid the industrial enterprises in the park to discharge the sewage into the Huai River directly; from the other hand, we shall prevent the pretreatment of the enterprises over the standard, further Pbs to the pollution load of the sewage entering the sewage treatment plant is too large for the normal operation, then a large amount of industrial wastewater will collection discharge with failure to meet the standard, which will cause the serious environmental pollution to the water environment of the Huai River. Thus, the emissions of industrial wastewater with the failure to meet the standard of Mohekou Park become the potential risk for the downstream water environment of the Huai River.

1. Water-environmental impact analysis of Mohekou sewage treatment plant

- Water-environmental impact analysis during the normal operation period

(1) Investigation on Current Situation of Regional Surface Water

For the sewage treatment plant of Mohekou industrial Park and the supplementary pipe network project are still in the planning, the generated sewage of the enterprises within the Park and some living sewage of Mohekou town are discharged into the Huai River through Sanpu big ditch. Sanpu big ditch and the bypass channel of the Mochongyin River are two artificial irrigation ditches, the gates to the Huai River are basically closed except the flood discharge.

(2) The main contents of the prediction

After the completion of the sewage treatment plant, the enterprises sewage within the Park and the living sewage of the town will not be discharged into Sanpu big ditch directly any more; after the treatment, the sewage will achieve Class 1 A standard, then is discharged into the bypass channel of the Mochongyin River and flows southward to the Huai River.

This evaluation mainly predicts the impact of the water quality of the Huai River after the completion of the projects, forecasts the contribution value of the concentration of the of the pollutants in the river because of the sewage discharge of the sewage treatment plant, as well as the distribution of the concentration of pollutants in the river.

(3) Predictive factor and model

• λ Predictive factor

The predictive factor of water-environmental impact is COD.

• λ Predictive model

This evaluation uses meandering river steady-state mixed cumulative flow model, predict and evaluate the impact degree and scope of the project’s sewage to the water body of downstream.

Non-persistent pollutants:

[pic] q=huy


Of which:x—The distance between the prediction point and the discharge point, m;

y--Horizontal distance between the prediction point and the discharge point, m;

K1--Degradation coefficient of the pollutants in the river, 1/d;

c--Concentration of the pollutants at the prediction point(x,y), mg/l;

a—The distance between the sewage discharge outlet and the riverbank0≤a≤B),m.

cp--Concentration of the pollutants in the sewage, mg/l;

Qp—Sewage flow, m3/s;

ch—Concentration of the pollutants in the river upstream (background concentration), mg/l;

h--Average depth of the river, m;

My—Horizontal mixed (diffusion) coefficient of the river, m2/s;

u—Flow speed of the river, m/s;

Qh—Flow rate of the river, m3/s;

According to the provisions of NJ/T2.3-93, the horizontal mixed coefficient My is calculated by Taylor method:


Of which: h--Average depth, m;

g-- Acceleration of gravity,m/s2;

I—Hydraulic gradient, m/m;

B—River width, m.

The estimated value of parameter K1 is determined by two-point method:


Of which: ΔX—Section distance of up-and down-stream, m;

C1, C2—Concentration of the pollutants of the up-down stream water body, mg/L;

u—Flow speed of the river, m/s;

According to the statistics of Hydrologic Data in the calendar years of Bengbu section of the Huai River, the average flow of the Huai River during the drought period in the recent ten years is 187.68 m3/s, during the gate close period, Bengbu section of the Huai River just has the discharge of 12.5 m3/s under the gate open. Considering the gate close during the drought period of Bengbu Gate of the Huai River, we can get the relationship of the flow speed and the flow:


• λ Parameter Selection

The specific hydrological parameters are as follows: Uclose=0.009m/s; Qclose=12.5 m3/s; h=3.0m;B=300m; I=2.9*10-5;K=0.16L/d (Select the water capacity of Bengbu City to check the experience value of the research result, and use two-point method to check the routine monitoring data of the sections of the Huai River); My=0.062m/s; Ch=12.2mg/L (Monitor the maximum COD of the current situation).The treatment scale of the sewage treatment plant is 30,000 m3/d, during the normal discharge of the sewage: Qp=8.33 m3/s;Cp=50mg/L.

• λ Prediction Result

Integrate the prediction parameters into the formula to calculate the COD prediction result of each monitoring section after the completion of the projects. Prediction results are shown in Table 111.

Table 111: Prediction results of water quality during normal operation period of the sewage treatment plant

Unit: mg/L

|C(mg/m3) |30m |60m |90m |120m |150m |

|y | | | | | |

|x | | | | | |

|T-N |First time |6.39 |0.855 |0.77 |1.2 |

|mg/L | | | | | |

| |Second time |8.31 |1.76 |10.2 |1.8 |

|T-P |First time |0.845 |0.043 |0.043 |0.071 |

|mg/L | | | | | |

| |Second time |1.21 |0.100 |0.044 |0.099 |

From the date in the table, we can see that, the two monitoring N and P contents can be different by 10-20 times. For the reasons, besides the differences of the pollutant content in the sediment, the “screen role” to the Sediment of the different desilting operation conditions and the working conditions of the stack fields is also the one of the reasons.

This evaluation conducts the prediction (determine the total nitrogen as per the NH3-N index) of the normal discharge of the wastewater according to the Class I emission standard of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996).During the later period, it may cause the abnormal emissions of the project engineering wastewater because of the short stay time, storm runoff and other factors. In the Dianchi River desilting project, the maximum concentration SS of the wastewater discharge is 380mg/L, TN is 38.76mg/L and TP is 4.60mg/L.The prediction of this environmental evaluation under the abnormal emissions takes the reference of the highest emission concentration of the wastewater of the Dianchi River desilting operation for calculation.

Table 115: Prediction emission concentration of project engineering wastewater

Unit: mg/L

| |Total nitrogen |Total phosphorus |

|Normal emission |15 |0.5 |

|Abnormal emission |38.76 |4.6 |

• λ Prediction Result

Through the calculation of the prediction model, the impact results of the wastewater emission to the water quality of the Longzi Lake are shown in Table 116.

Table 116: Prediction of wastewater pollution contribution to the water quality of Longzi Lake

Unit: mg/L

|Normal emission |Distance from the |TP |TN |

| |outlet | | |

| | |Predicted |Contributed |Predicted |Contributed |

| | |concentration |concentration |concentration |concentration |

| |100 |0.70 |0.45 |14.5 |13.06 |

| |200 |0.57 |0.32 |10.0 |8.56 |

| |400 |0.34 |0.09 |3.02 |1.58 |

| |500 |0.28 |0.03 |1.89 |0.45 |

| |600 |0.26 |0.01 |1.54 |0.1 |

| |800 |0.25 |0 |1.44 |0 |

|Abnormal emission|100 |4.37 |4.12 |35.1 |33.66 |

| |200 |3.21 |2.96 |23.5 |22.06 |

| |400 |1.04 |0.79 |5.53 |4.09 |

| |500 |0.54 |0.29 |2.60 |1.16 |

| |600 |0.34 |0.09 |1.69 |0.25 |

| |800 |0.254 |0.04 |1.44 |0 |

From the above prediction results, we can come to the following conclusions:

1. Within 400m distance from the outlet of project engineering wastewater, the regional concentration of the pollutants in water is decrease rapidly with the increase of the distance; TN and TP concentrations in the water body are close to the background concentrations at the 600m from the outlet of project engineering wastewater.

2. The impact scope of TP and TN to the water quality of the Longzi Lake is about 600m.

Under the normal wastewater emissions of the stack field, the contribution values of the concentration of TP and TN at the 450m from the outlet of project engineering wastewater are lower than the standard values of Class Ⅲ water quality of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water. Under the abnormal emissions, when TN is at about 550m from the outlet of project engineering wastewater and TP is at about 800m from the outlet of project engineering wastewater, the both contribution values of the concentration are lower than the relating provisions of Class Ⅲ water quality standard of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water.


Figure 29: Prediction results of project engineering wastewater discharge on the water

- Longzi Lake water-environmental impact analysis of slurry transportation pipeline accident

As the span between the Longzi desilting spot and stack field is larger, so the slurry transportation pipeline of the project is also longer; Because affected by many factors such as the slurry transportation pipeline enduring the uneven pressure, pipeline quality, existing problems during the pipeline construction, it is possible to happen the pipeline rupture or leaking phenomenon which results in the slurry leakage. Once the pipeline is rupture, the slurry will infuse into the River again, which will have a certain degree of the impact to the water quality of the Longzi Lake. We shall inspect the slurry transportation pipelines regularly during the construction period, in order to avoid the pipeline rupture.

- Secondary pollution analysis of desilting project

Sediment desilting is one of the important measures to manage the internal pollution of the River. However, the sediment desilting is a massive man-made interference, the desilting works will promote the emissions of nutrient salts, heavy metals and other pollutants, so as to have some negative impacts to the environmental quality of the water body.

According to the comparative study of the water quality before and after the desilting in the Taihu Lake in Water Quality Risk Assessment for Sediment Desilting Operations in the Taihu Lake (compiled by Liu Aiju, Kong Fanxiang, Wang Dong), during the desilting operation period and the short time after the end of desilting, the total suspended solids, toxic metal ions and the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrient salts in the water body increase, while the water transparency is lower down. The main reason is the desilting works making the surface sediment to resuspend, thus promoting the release of the nitrogen, phosphorus etc. nutrient salts and the toxic heavy metals in the sediment. Such environmental impact will go on for some time, after 2 months of the end of the desilting project, the contents of the suspended solids, heavy metal pollution levels and the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus etc. nutrient salts begin to decrease, which shows that, after the desilting, the suspended solids and absorbed nutrient salts, heavy metals ions in the water body can happen the quickly sedimentation. But compared with the situation before the desilting, the water-environmental quality of the inner River after nine months of the desilting is lower than the level before the desilting. After one year of the desilting, the water quality is increased and all the indicators are lower than the level before the desilting. This indicates the sediment desilting can improve and upgrade the water quality of the River.

- Analogy analysis of water-environmental improvement after the desilting of the Longzi Lake

The pollution sources for water eutrophication can be divided into the outer sources and the inner sources. The River sediment is an important nutrient reservoir for the River, after the decrease of the influent nutrient salts load or complete interception, the nutrient salts in the sediment will be released gradually and become the dominant factors for the River eutrophication.

At present, the Longzi Lake has completed the closure, Yangtaizi sewage treatment plan is under the construction, which is expected to complete and put into use till the end of 2007.Therefore, the sediment of the Longzi Lake becomes the main factor to impact the water quality of the Longzi Lake. There are more villages around the South River, the living sewage of the villagers has been discharged into the Longzi Lake directly without any treatment, the South River mainly collects the farmland runoff, living sewage of the neighboring residents and the influents from the South mountains, so the eutrophication level of the South River sediment is higher and it is special important to remove the South sediment with eutrophication. The South River’s area accounts for nearly 50% of the total area of the Longzi Lake, the desilting for the polluted sediment of the South River is equivalent to remove a huge surface pollution source. Furthermore, it can also increase the storage capacity and the self-purification capacity of the River. The following table is the comparison of the water quality before and after the implementation of the Chaohu River desilting project.

Table 117: Comparison situation of water quality before and after the implementation of the Chaohu River desilting project

Unit: mg/L

| Year |Water intake of first water treatment plant |Inner River district of Xibakou |

|Project | | |

| |1998 |1999 |2000 |2000 |2001 |

| |

From the prediction results in the table, we can see that: The influential distance of the Tianhe drainage pump station running noise is 224m at nighttime and 71m at daytime; the influential value at 80m from the pump station is 54 dB (A), which meets the daytime sound environmental standard, but exceeding the standard at nighttime.

The main sensitive points of the surrounding environment during the operation of the Tianhe drainage pump station are the Xuying Country at 500m southeast and the Production & living Management Area of Tianhe drainage pump station (located at nearly 80m northeast of the main pump house), which indicates the operation of the Tianhe drainage pump station will not cause the noise impact to the Xuying Country’s environment, but will make some noises to the workers of the living management area during the nighttime. But Tianhe drainage pump station will only be used during the flood season, the noise pollution is a short-term, temporary influence, with the little impact to the employees of the Drainage Pump Station.

2. Longzi Lake drainage pump station

After the completion of the Longzi Lake drainage pump station, the noise mainly comes from the running noise of the pump motor and the air compressor system, wherein the noise source intensity of single pump unit is 75-85dB (A) generally; the main device of the air compressing system in the main pump house is the air compressor, whose noise source intensity is 85-95 dB(A), while the indoor reverberation noise is 90-100dB (A).

There are five water pump units in the Longzi Lake drainage pump station, calculate by five pumps at most at the same time and use the sound source superposition formula to calculate the source intensity.


Of which: LPtotal——Sound pressure level at one sound receptive point, dB(A);

Lpi——Sound pressure level at i sound source to the sound receptive point, dB(A);

n——Total number of the sound sources.

When five pumps running together, the noise source intensity is 92 dB (A), the noise impact of the pumps and the air compressor running will use the point source attenuation formula to predict:


Of which: LA(r)——A sound pressure at r point from the sound source, dB(A);

LA(ro)——A sound pressure at ro point from the sound source, dB(A);

r, ro——Distance, m.

Wherein the noise of the main pump house use the noise prediction model:


Of which: LP —Generated sound pressure level of the point sound source at the prediction point;

LA —Sound pressure level at the reference location R;

△L—The caused attenuation by various factors, at the semi-free space of the sound source, △L is 8;

Usually, the sound isolation of the equipment station is 15~25 dB(A), this environmental evaluation predict the attenuation is 20 dB (A). The prediction results of the pump station running noise impact are shown in the following Table 119:

Table 119: Prediction results of the Longzi Lake drainage pump station’s noise

|Noise source |Source intensity |Influential distance(m) |Influential |Background value dB(A) |Superposition value dB(A) |

| |dB(A) | |value at 70m | | |

| | | |from the pump | | |

| | | |station | | |

| |

From the prediction results in the table, we can see that: If not consider the environmental background noise, the influential distance of the Longzi Lake drainage pump station running noise is 71m at daytime and 224m at nighttime. The influential value of the water pump units to the Xingfu Country is 55.1 dB(A) and the influential value of the main pump house is 43.1 dB (A).Because the background noise of Xingfu Country is higher, so the noise after the superposition of the running noise of the Longzi Lake drainage pump station and its background noise is over the standard.

From the above results, the operation of the pump station will cause the adverse impact to the sound environment of Xingfu Country. However, the pump station will only be used during the flood drainage, so its impact to the surrounding sound environment is short-term. In addition, this project is under the most adverse circumstance of five pumps running at the same time, therefore, in the actual operating circumstances, the influence extent and scope will be less than the prediction results of this report.

3. Noise prediction of Huaishang Binhe Ave.

- Prediction parameters

The proportional allocation of the road large, medium and small vehicles is 8%, 30% and 62% respectively, while the traffic volume ratio of the daytime to the nighttime is 0.75: 0.25.The road prediction parameters are shown in Table 120.

- Prediction model

Use the road noise prediction model of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to predict the road traffic noise.

Divide the road vehicles as the vehicle classification (such as, large, medium and small cars), then calculate the hour equivalent sound pressure of a certain type of vehicle.


Of which:

Leq(h)i--Hour equivalent sound pressure of the i vehicle, dB(A);

--The average radiation sound pressure of the reference energy of the i vehicle, dB(A);

Ni—The traffic flow passing a certain prediction point of the i vehicle within the designated time T (1h);

D0—The distance to the reference position of measuring the radiation sound pressure of the vehicle, D0=15m;

D—The vertical distance from the center lane to the prediction point, m;

Si—Average speed of the i vehicle, km/h;

T—Time for calculation the equivalent sound pressure, 1h;

a--Ground cover coefficient, which depends on the ground conditions at the site, a=0 or a=0.5;

Φa--Correction function on behalf of the section of the road with the limited length, wherein theΨ1, Ψ2 are the opening angles (rad) at the both ends of the section of the road with the limited length, see attachment B1;

ΔS—Attenuation value which caused by the shelters, dB(A);

Of which:



The equivalent sound pressure of the mixed traffic flow pattern is obtained by the superposition of the equivalent sound pressures of the various traffic. If divide the traffic flow into the large, medium and small cars, then the equivalent sound pressure of the total traffic flow is:


- Prediction Results

Prediction results are shown in Table 120.

Within 50m area on both sides of the road, implement Class IV standard of “Standard of environmental noise of urban area” (Daytime 70dB(A)and nighttime 55 dB(A)), from the prediction results, we can see that:

Table 120: Prediction parameters table of typical sections’ noise

|Section |Road |Distance to |Traffic flow (vehicle/day) |Prediction |

| |parameter |prediction | |period |

| | |position | | |

| | |(from the | | |

| | |center lane) | | |

| | | |

| | |20m |30m |40m |

|Cu |19.02 |40.13 |400 |500 |

|Pb |119.80 |104.60 |500 |1000 |

|Zn |65.58 |178.67 |500 |1000 |

|Cr |186.80 |350.33 |300 (Dry land) |1000 |

| | | |400 (Paddy field) | |

|As |16.40 |15.91 |40 (Dry land) |75 |

| | | |30 (Paddy field) | |

|Cd |0.35 |0.45 |1.0 |20 |

|THg |0.04 |0.01 |1.5 |15 |

As the soil of the stack field will be covered by the desilting sediment, the use patter of the soil will be changed completely. The bottom of the stack field is the clay layer with the poor penetration, the enclosure soil will carry out the anti-seepage treatment by the geomembrane, and therefore the original soil will not be affected. After the completion of the stack field transportation and spread, we will plant trees or create the landscapes according to the actual situation; the surface soil is the desilting sediment, whose soil feature value will be decided by the sediment.

Because the land use pattern has been changed, the original farm or fish ponds will be transformed into the landscape green spaces, not as the agricultural productive land, so it will not cause the harm to the human health.

4. Analysis of disposal way of Xijiagou desilting sludge

Xijiagou desilting project has Baligou and Xijiagou such two desilting rivers, with a total length of 11km. Wherein, upstream river at the south of Yanshan Road, Xijiagou is 6.2km, while the river at the south of Tushan road, Baligou is 4.8km.The excavation along the project is 437,600 m2 in total and the fill is 170,000 m2. Of which, the excavation of Xijiagou project is 375,100 m2 and the excavation of Baligou project is 52,500 m2. Baligou project includes the flood control construction, it shall fill up the beach land to 23.5m of the designed height, thus the fill is about 170,000 m2.

The generated sludge of Xijiagou desilting river will be placed nearby. Wherein, the sludge since Yanshan Road to the Southern wall of Naval Academy will be abandoned at the eastern coast and the rest will be placed on both sides of the ditch. The designed height of the mounded soil is 2.0m, the slope is 1:3, the width of the mounded soil will depend on the soil amount of the section, leave the beach land with 10m width between the mounded soil and the mouth of the ditch. The sludge of Baligou project will be placed nearby and used as the fill for flood control project.

- Environmental impact analysis of sludge disposal

Some houses of the surrounding residents are close to the river at the Yinhe Bridge, Yanshan Road, Xijiagou, therefore the desilting project will have some impact on the residents living nearby. The water content of the desilting sludge is high, if placed at the shore, it will have the leachate, especially on the rainy days, the leachate may be washed into the river, thus affect the water quality of the water body. If the muddy water is washed into the urban roads, it will also affect the sanitation of the surrounding roads. The placed sludge at the shore, after the dry, the sludge is apt to generate the dusts through the vehicles driving. Because of the numerous emissions of the living sewage and industrial wastewater in the river, as well as the piled living garbage, the stack field for desilting sludge will have the foul smell, especially in the summer, which mainly dues to the rot of the living garbage.

- Analysis of the sludge disposal method

The desilting sludge shall be internal used of this project, to keep the earthwork balance, so as to reduce the volume of sludge dump and outer transportation, further to mitigate the adverse environmental impact of the desilting sludge.

The residents and the enterprises at the both shores of Xijiagou set the pollution discharge outlet privately, the living sewage was discharged into the river without any treatment, as well as the piled garbage along the both shores, which seriously affect the surrounding environment of Xijiagou. At present, there is serious sediment in the river, the surface sludge has the higher nutrient content which affected by the discharge of the surrounding production wastewater, living sewage and the dump of the living garbage. Compared with the background values of Anhui Province, the Hg content in the sediment of Xijiagou and Baligou is 2.2~2.9 times of the soil background value of Anhui Province, which mainly because of the discharge of the production wastewater, if the disposal is not proper, then it may cause the ecological harm to the local aquatic ecosystem.

- Sludge Dumping

According to the monitoring results of Baligou and Xijiagou sediment, the monitoring sediment meets the requirements of Class III of Soil Environmental Quality (GB15618-1995), which can be heaped up nearby, after the drying, we can plant trees above them. However, in order to avoid the heavy metal materials affecting local groundwater environment during the place of the sediments, we shall place the anti-seepage membrane below the stack field before the place of the sludge. As the surface sediment contains higher organic matters, the foul smell impact is more obvious. If want to heap up the sludge along the shore, we shall take effective measures to control foul smell pollution.

• υ Used as farmland and forest land

Table 122 compares the monitoring sediment of Baligou and Xijiagou with the Class III standard of Soil Environmental Quality (GB15618-1995) and Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludge from Agricultural Use (GB4284-84).From the table, we can see that, the monitoring sediment of Baligou and Xijiagou both meet the requirements of Class III standard of "Soil Environmental Quality" (GB15618-1995) and Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludge from Agricultural Use (GB4284-84), which shows that the desilting sludge is up to the requirement of protecting the production of farming & forestry and the normal growth of plants, as well as no harm or pollution to the plants and the environment basically. From the monitoring results of Baligou and Xijiagou sediment, we found that the organic matter content of the two rivers is relatively high with better soil fertility. Therefore, the project may consider placing the desilting sludge along the spot and using the sludge as the farmland, forest land and fill. The environmental evaluation suggests using the generated sludge of Baligou desilting as the soil for green belt along Baligou.

Table 123: Comparison of Baligou, Xijiagou sediment with the standard

Unit: mg/kg

|Monitoring point |Organic matter |Arsenic |Pb |Hg |Chromium |Total phosphorus |Total |

| |(%) | | | | | |nitrogen |

|1# (Baligou) |2.04 |10.36 |35.5 |0.064 |34.6 |1.88 |75.111 |

|2# (Xijiagou) |7.01 |13.06 |42.5 |0.085 |60.4 |3.22 |59.796 |

|(GB15618-1995) |— |30 (Paddy |500 |1.5 |400 (Paddy field)|— |— |

|Class III standard | |field) | | |300 (Dry land ) | | |

| | |40 (Dry land )| | | | | |

|GB4284-84 |— |75 |1000 |15 |1000 |— |— |

• υ Used as fill

The flood control project of Baligou needs the fill for about 170,000 m2. Xijiagou desilting will generate the excavation of nearly 375,000 m2, we can consider using the better sludge at the lower as the fill for flood control project of Baligou. But before using the Xijiagou desilting sludge as the fill for flood control project of Baligou, we shall inspect the soil quality, to ensure the soil quality meet the requirement of the project.

• υ Transport to refuse landfill

As some districts of Xijiagou, the surface has the mixture of the living garbage and construction wastes, so it can not be used as the fill or agricultural soil. Moreover, the surface sediment has higher organic matter content, which will have a more obvious foul smell, therefore it is unsuitable to place along the shore and need to transport to the refuse landfill for sanitary landfill.

The Sanitary Landfill of Bengbu City located in the southern slope of Laoshaoxi, that is 1.5km northeast of the east of Lilou country, with a distance of 13km from the City’s center. Its engineering design scale is 800t / d, with the total capacity of 4 million m3. The Sanitary Landfill uses the new technology of "quasi-aerobic landfill", that is after the transportation of the garbage, it will conduct the earth covering and rolling. Till the landfill to the designed height, it will conduct the medium-term covering and closure. We shall plant the grass or shallow-rooted plants on the final coverage soil. The garbage leachate uses the anaerobic lagoon treatment process. After the anaerobic lagoon treatment and the leachate achieved the Class III standard of Standard for Pollution Control on the Landfill Site for Domestic Waste (GB16889-1997), transport it to the First Sewage treatment plant of Bengbu City for centralized treatment.

The Sanitary Landfill of Bengbu City was completed at the end of September, 2004, with the service life of 16 years. According to the disposal scale of the refuse landfill, it can receive part of the generated desilting sludge which contains the living garbage and the construction wastes.

To avoid generate the leachate during the transportation of the desilting sludge to sanitary landfill, and have the adverse environmental impact along the way, the desilting sludge shall be natural dried before the transportation to the landfill.

- Conclusion

Summarizing the above analysis, as the surface sludge of Xijiagou is affected greatly by the discharge of the living garbage, construction wastes and living sewage, this report recommend that, the surface sludge of Xijiagou which doped with the living garbage and construction wastes is not suitable for place on spot or reuse, which shall be sent to the Sanitary landfill for sanitary landfill. Lower soil is better, the desilting soil which meets the requirements of the fill can be used as the fill for flood control project of Baligou. The remaining part can be placed at both sides of the ditch, we shall place the anti-seepage membrane below the stack field before the place of the sludge, after the completion of the deposition, plant the vegetation to reduce soil erosion on the above of the desilting yard.

5. Analysis of sludge disposal of Mohekou sewage treatment plant

The main solid wastes of sewage treatment plant are composed of grille residual, grit chamber sediment, dewatering sludge and the living garbage of the workers, under certain temperature and humidity, especially in the hot weather, these substances are apt to decay and stink by the microbial function, wherein the dewatering sludge has the largest impact on the surrounding environment, whose main characteristics are:

① High water content (≤80%),easy to lose;

② Fine particles and poor water permeability;

③ Easy to become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and thus become the spread source of the diseases;

④ Easy to generate the leachate, once the water pollutants enter into the water body, they will pollute the surface water and groundwater.

The generated volume of the solid wastes of the proposed project during the operation period is shown in Table 124.

Table 124: Emissions of main solid wastes of sewage treatment plant

|Name of project |Type of solid waste |Discharge amount |Water content |

|Sewage treatment plant |Grille residual |1.8m3/d |85~90% |

| |Grit chamber sediment |0.9m3/d |60% |

| | Residual sludge |14.3m3/d |75% |

| |Living garbage |30kg/d |— |

1. Environmental impact of the sludge dewatering

Generally, it need to concentrate before the sludge dewatering, the concentrated tank often emit the foul smell, especially in the hot summer, there is often floating sludge on the pool surface, which is very easy to breed the mosquitoes.

After the concentration, during the sludge dewatering, the dewatering room will emit the foul smell; if there is any leakage during the operation of the sludge dewatering, it will cause the environmental pollution.

2. Environmental impact of the sludge dump process

The dewatering sludge shall be clean and transported in time, for the sludge which can not be timely removal, it shall have the temporary storage place. The dewatering sludge will form the muddy when meet with the water, with the good mobility and easy to lose; by the rainwater washing, the leachate will contain lots of pollutants to pollute the ground surface and groundwater bodies. Therefore, the dewatering sludge can not be placed at ease, we shall set up the temporary stack field after the special treatment and have the anti-seepage layer, as well as adding the awning; In addition, the dewatering sludge is not completely stable, so the long-term storage of the sludge will have the anaerobic digestion. The generated stench of H2S and other materials will affect the air quality; the dump place of dewatering sludge is also a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which have the adverse impact to the sanitation. Given the above reasons, the dewatering sludge shall be timely removed, avoid piling up in the factory.

3. Environmental impact of the sludge transportation

Despite the sludge has been treated within the factory at varying degree, but the sludge still have some harmful pollutants. The sludge of the sewage treatment plants of this project just through the concentration and dewatering treatments, which can not achieve the requirements of stable and harmless, the sludge contains large amounts of the corruptive organic matters and other pathogenic microbes, such as Escherichia coli, eggs of ascarid. Therefore, the environmental problems during the transportation of sludge are very important.

Currently, the main transportation of sludge is the vehicle-transporting. If the vehicle body and the wheels contaminated by the sludge during the loading and unloading process, or the closeness function of the vehicle don’t work, then the vehicle will leak the sludge around the sewage treatment plant or along the road, which will create the pollution to the road. The transport mode of the sludge shall stop the phenomenon of cross-flow of muddy water and the foul smell. Sewage treatment plant shall use the closed special vehicles, which can prevent the leakage of water, the leakage of soil and its disturbance. Meanwhile, the sludge transportation time shall be strictly controlled, avoid the peak traffic times as far as possible. In short, the transportation of sludge is a problem that can not be ignored, it must be taken seriously.

4. Disposal method of the sewage treatment plant’s sludge

The sludge is a product during the sewage treatment process, it is an important component of the sewage treatment, the aim of the sludge treatment it to reduce the water content of the sludge and sludge volume, so as to achieve a stable state, and create the conditions for further disposal and comprehensive utilization, the general process is "concentration- dewatering -disposal" or "concentration –digestion –dewatering -disposal."

According to the feasibility study of the project, due to the sewage treatment process of this project uses the biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal process, the sludge age is longer, the sludge state is more stable, can not carry out the nitrification treatment, but if use the nitrification treatment, we shall increase a series of structures and equipments of the digestion pool, heating, mixing and marsh gas handling etc., at the same time, it need to increase the investment, for the land area of the sewage treatment plant in the park is limited, so it can not construct the nitrification treatment system for the sludge.

According to the analogy information, the sludge component of the sewage treatment plant has some relationship with the water quality of the treated sewage. For the sewage treatment plant which mainly treats the industrial wastewaters, the components of its residual sludge will have higher content of the heavy metals, which is far beyond the standard of agricultural sludge; therefore, this environmental evaluation recommends not to use the sludge as the farmland fertilizer, but to conduct the safe landfill disposal.

5. Disposal of the grille residual and sediment

The grille residual and grit chamber sediment are both the garbage of the sewage treatment plant, must be collected, stored and transported properly. Recommend to be transported to the refuse landfill together with the living garbage. The specific storage, packaging and transportation etc. must be in accordance with the relating provisions strictly. Although its generated volume is not big, but if ignore it, it will cause harm to the environment. The light waste plastic bags and other packaging will wind waft around the sewage treatment plant; the sediment or the floating sediment must be removed timely, otherwise they will stink, decay and breed the mosquitoes.

6. Environmental impact of disposal of living garbage

The proposed sewage treatment plant will generate less living garbage, it can be cleaned and transported along with the grille residual and grit chamber sediment, no need to treat alone. But the clean and transport must be timely, otherwise, the long-term storage will make the garbage dump become the breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which also have the adverse impact to the plant sanitation. The clean and transport process shall also be in line with the health and safety procedures strictly, avoid spill and disturbance along the road, thus cause the pollution on the environment.

7. Summary of refuse landfill

The Sanitary Landfill of Bengbu City located in the southern slope of Laoshaoxi, that is 1.5km northeast of the east of Lilou country, with a distance of 13km from the City’s center. Its engineering design scale is 800t / d, with the total capacity of 4 million m3. The Sanitary Landfill uses the new technology of "quasi-aerobic landfill", that is after the transportation of the garbage, it will conduct the earth covering and rolling. Till the landfill to the designed height, it will conduct the medium-term covering and closure. We shall plant the grass or shallow-rooted plants on the final coverage soil. The garbage leachate uses the anaerobic lagoon treatment process. After the anaerobic lagoon treatment and the leachate met the standard of “Standard for Pollution Control on the Landfill Site for Domestic Waste” (GB16889-1997), transport it to the First Sewage treatment plant of Bengbu City for centralized treatment.

The Sanitary Landfill of Bengbu City was completed at the end of September, 2004, with the service life of 16 years. According to the disposal scale of the refuse landfill, it can receive the generated desilting sludge of this project.

3. Atmospheric Environmental Impact Analysis

1. Project of sewage treatment plant

- Meteorological characteristics of pollution

(1) Temperature, wind direction and wind speed

The evaluated district locates in the transition zone of the subtropical zone and warm temperate zone, with the four distinct seasons and a mild climate, the average annual temperature is 15.6℃; The statistical results of the meteorological information in the recent five years show that, the yearly dominant wind direction of Bengbu City is east-northeast (ENE), with the frequency of 11%, the secondly dominant wind direction is northeast (NE) and east (E), with the frequency of 8%.Due to the impact of the seasonal weather, the wind direction and frequency present the different characteristics during the different season; the average annual wind speed is 2.73m/s, for the average wind speed in each season, the wind speed in Spring is the maximum, while in Autumn is the minimum. The yearly and seasonal average temperature and wind speed are shown in Table 125, the statistical results of annual wind direction are shown in Table 126, the annual wind direction rose diagram is shown in Figure 30.

Table 125: Statistical table of seasonal and yearly average temperature and wind speed of Bengbu City

|Season |Winter |Spring |Summer |Autumn |Whole year |

|Average temperature (℃) |1.31 |15.6 |28.2 |16.7 |15.6 |

|Average wind speed (m/s) |2.76 |2.61 |2.57 |2.69 |2.73 |

Table 126: Statistical results of wind direction and frequency in each month of the year

|Month |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

|Wind direction | | | | | | |

|Spring |0.2 |3.2 |6.9 |48.4 |19.1 |22.2 |

|Summer |0.3 |2.8 |8.5 |58.3 |14.4 |15.7 |

|Autumn |0.5 |3.0 |8.2 |58.7 |17.3 |12.3 |

|Winter |2.6 |9.2 |8.2 |50.5 |15.5 |14.2 |

|Whole year |0.9 |4.6 |7.9 |54.0 |16.1 |16.1 |


The regional average rainfall information of many years is shown in Table 128.

Table 128: Rainfall Characteristics Table

|Month |1 |

|H2S |155 |

|NH3 |44 |

Around the sewage treatment plant is the open space, within the distance of 200m, there is no environmental protection target. But at the south of sewage treatment plant is the Bang-Ning highway, although the distance between the sewage treatment plant and the buildings emitting the orders meet the requirements of ”Quality Standard for Construction of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Engineering”, but in order to reduce the impact, we shall construct the green protective buffer belt around the plant (the width is better to be10m, for the green protective buffer belt at the south of the factory boundary shall be appropriately widened and densified), and we shall plant the flowers and trees within the factory to block the diffusion passes of odor pollutants. In addition, the sewage treatment plant should adjust the layout of the factory appropriately, place the buildings which emitting the odor at one side far from the road and arrange the office within the sewage treatment plant at the upwind.

7. Mitigation Measures

1. Mitigation Measures during Construction Period

1. Mitigation Measures against Air Pollution

The air pollutants of this project produced during the construction period mainly include odor, flying dust and exhaust gas from machinery and vehicles.

- Mitigation Measures against Odor

The following mitigation measures will be taken during the construction period against the odor from the desilting projects and the possible improper disposal of solid waste;

1) The desilting projects are to be implemented by phase in the dry season after the completion of wastewater interception project on along the river banks, and the summer will be avoided for the project implementation;

2) The sediment and garbage from desilting should be transported outwards for proper disposal as soon as possible, and it is not allowed to dump the silt at the environmentally sensitive points within 30cm around the project site;

3) The hermetically sealed tank car should be used for the transportation to prevent the possible impacts on the nearby residents. The silt and garbage unable to be transported immediately should be packed in straw bags for storage;

4) More attention should be paid to the personal protection of construction workers, inspection and the preparation of first-aid measures.

- Mitigation Measures against Flying Dust

1) To prevent the flying dust during transportation, the management should be strengthened during the construction by the following measures:

✓ Load & unload the construction materials with care;

✓ Install the wheel cleaning equipments at the exits of the construction site;

✓ Appoint someone responsible for cleaning the wheels and the site entry & exit;

✓ Strictly prohibit to drive on road if the wheels are with clay;

✓ The vehicles easy to generate flying dust, such as the trunks carrying lime, sand & gravel, cement and pulverized fuel ash (PFA), should be covered with paulin;

✓ The vehicles should not be overloaded to prevent scattering and losing during transportation;

✓ The driving routes and timing should be well planned to avoid the sensitive areas, such as the populated area, the transportation centre and the residential area;

✓ The road should be immediately cleaned if the mud is scattered on the road during transportation;

✓ For the road section with high environmental requirements, the transportation should be done at night according to the actual conditions;

2) To prevent the flying dust in the construction sites, frequent water sprinkling and cleaning are the very effective measures. It is shown by relevant survey that about 60% of the flying dust at the construction site comes from the transportation vehicles. Generally, 4-5 times of water sprinkling per day could reduce the scope impacted by the flying dust from 100m to 20-50m. And If water is sprinkled after the cleaning work, the dust control efficiency can reach over 90%. Therefore, the following measures should be taken at the construction sites:

✓ Ground treatment: Harden the ground of the construction site. Use the concrete ground if possible;

✓ Material handling and storage: Prepare special warehouse for the construction materials like cement. Keep the material packages intact as far as possible during the transportation, loading and unloading process, and clean the scattered cement in time;

✓ Water sprinkling and site cleaning: The special person should be appointed for the water sprinkling and site cleaning work (at least twice per day). One sprinkler is required for the construction site of each sub-project. When the construction site is near the environmentally sensitive points, the sprinkling frequency and intensity should be increased;

✓ Cement mixing: The plant-mixed cement and close transportation vehicles should be used for the construction, especially for the sites with many environmental sensitive points. As for the temporary and small-scale cement mixing sites, their location should be far away from the residential area as far as possible;

✓ Solid waste dumping: Do not open dump the lime and sandy soil as far as possible. Timely transport the spoil and construction waste to the disposal site designated by the municipal administrative departments; Use the dump sites far away from the water bodies with the established water sprinkling and cleaning system to increase the surface water content. Strengthen the management of earth fill dump sites by surface compacting, periodical water sprinkling and coverage;

✓ Vegetation rehabilitation: The vegetation should be immediately rehabilitated after the temporary land use to prevent soil erosion;

✓ For the urban sewage network projects and the wastewater interceptor: Set up the shield around the construction site if there is any environmentally sensitive target within 200m, such as the Wuhe project;

✓ For the desilting projects: The desilted sediment should be compacted in time when being dumped along the banks for drying. And the vegetation should be rehabilitated to prevent the secondary flying dust pollution from dried-up silt. The garbage from desilting should be timely transported to the landfill site to minimize the storage time on the site; and during the transportation, the garbage should be covered to prevent from falling all the way. For the desilting projects in Huaiyuan, the desilted sediment should be used for the embankment and vegetation rehabilitation as far as possible.

- Vehicle Exhaust Gas

1) Reducing the air pollutants in the vehicle exhaust gas is the fundamental way to alleviate the air pollution. The detailed measures may include: use qualified lead-free gasoline for the transportation vehicles and construction machinery, but forbid to use inferior oil; Strengthen the daily maintenance and regular inspection of the fuel-burning machinery and equipments; Operate the engines only when they are in good conditions; at the same time, the tail gas emission purifier should be installed to meet the emission standard;

2) Reinforce the transport management by the spot check on the exhaust gas emission certificate and the prohibition of the vehicles exceeding the exhaust gas emission standard from driving on road;

3) Strengthen the management of the green belts for the both sides of the streets by planting arbor, frutex and the lawn to absorb the pollutants in the exhaust gas, control the diffusion of the exhaust gas into the ambient environment;

4) Others: During the construction, the abandoned construction material is forbidden to be reused as fuel; the canteens for the construction sites should use Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Electric Cookers, instead of Oil Cookers.

2. Mitigation Measures against Noise Pollution

According to the analysis of noise impacts during construction, the construction noise is inevitable, which will have great impacts on the ambient environment. Since there are sensitive points for all the sub-project construction sites, during the specific construction process, the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Pollution” and the local regulations on the prevention and control of noise pollution should be strictly followed by the following measures:

- Reasonable Arrangement of Construction Time

1) Develop the scientific construction plan to avoid the operation of high-noise equipments at the same time; in addition, the high-noise equipments should be operated in the daytime as far as possible. For the areas with environmentally sensitive points within 100m away from the construction sites, it is prohibited to operate the equipments with high noise and vibration at noon or at night;

2) When the construction activities is near the school or hospital, a scientific construction schedule should be developed to minimize the impacts of high-noise equipments by consulting the school or hospital about the operation time of the high-noise equipments or try to arrange the operation at weekend or when there is no class.

- Reasonable Layout of Construction Site

1) Reduce the construction noise: Keep the high noise operation area far away from the acoustically sensitive points. The temporary sound proof enclosing structure is required for the specific construction sites with serious noise impacts. It could be also considered to build the temporary worker barrack to the side near the sensitive points to replace the function of sound insulation wall. The civil works should try to arrange several sets of equipments to operate at the same time in order to shorten the impact duration. And the fixed vibrated sources in the construction site should be centralized to reduce the impacted scope by the vibration;

2) Reduce the traffic noise: The entry and exit for the transportation vehicles in the construction site should be far away from the residential area. Minimize the night transportation volume, and limit the speed of large trucks and their speed when passing the residential area. Ensure the regular maintenance of the transportation vehicles, reduce or prohibit the horn blowing, and rationalize the transportation routes.

- Reduction of Equipment Noise Level

1) Select the low noise equipments or the equipments with sound insulation and noise elimination equipments as far as possible, such as hydraulic machinery instead of fuel burning machinery, use high-frequency vibrator, etc;

2) Reduce the noise of the fixed mechanical equipments, excavator and earthmoving equipments, such as bulldozer, by installing noise silencer for the exhaust pipe and separating the vibrating parts of the engine;

3) The noise level of the mechanical equipments will increase with the vibration of loosing parts or the damage of silencer, therefore, the inspection and maintenance should be strengthened for the mechanical equipments. The integral equipments should be firmly mounted with good ground contact. Vibration-absorbing base should be used to reduce the noise if possible;

4) The unused equipments should be closed immediately, and the vehicles entering the site should slow down and reduce the horn blowing;

5) Some components, such as bridges and water storage gates, should be prefabricated in the suitable sites before being transported to the construction site for field assembly.

- Reduction of Man-made Noise

1) The regulations should be followed during machinery operation and disassembling works;

2) Don’t use whistle and bell to conduct the operation as far as possible, but use the modernized equipments.

- Establishment of Temporary Sound Barrier

1) The fixed machineries should be operated in the operation room as far as possible. If not, the single-side sound barrier should be established within 30m away from the sensitive points;

2) Establish good relationship with surrounding units and residents, inform than in advance about the interruptive construction activities, and timely report them the construction progress and the measures taken against noise impacts in order to get their understanding; According to the “Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution”, if the noise is still beyond the regulated limits even with the mitigation measures, the construction unit should apologize to the impacted organizations or individuals with appropriate compensation;

3) Take the personal protection measures, mainly the personal noise-protective equipments. The construction workers operating the high-noise equipments should be equipped with the noise protective apparatus such as earplug, earphone and noise-protective helmet;

4) Complaint hotline should be established during construction to listen to and actively response to the residents’ complaints on the noise disturbance.

3. Mitigation Measures against Solid Waste Pollution

- Desilted Sludge from Desilting Projects

The proposed BIEIP covers many desilting projects. There will be large amounts of desilted sludge generated with the project construction. For the disposal of the sludge, the following principles will be followed to minimize the possible environmental impacts:

1) The sludge should be sampled and analyzed at the points selected according to the actual requirements before the comprehensive utilization or disposal. The sludge with the heavy metal contents or other indicators beyond the standard should not be used for directly edible crops;

2) The sludge disposal at the designated receiving sites should be legally approved by the corresponding authorities with the proper management of leachate treatment facilities to ensure the compliant discharge;

3) In view of the limited local landfill capacity, it is suggested that if the sludge quality is compliant with the standard, part of the desilted sludge could be comprehensively utilized, such as road pavement and brick making, so as to reduce the farmland damage caused by soil borrowing and realize the diverse investment to promote the comprehensive river rehabilitation;

4) Try to realize the internal earthwork balance as far as possible, as detailed below.

Table 132: Desilted Sludge Disposal for Desilting Projects

|Name of Desilting Project |Earthwork Quantity (m3) |Proposed Disposal Methods |

|Longzi Lake |2.20million |Dump at six dump sites selected around the lake for drying, and |

| | |then use the dried sludge as the soil for the surrounding |

| | |vegetation. |

|Xijiagou Canal |33300 |Dry the sludge at the 8 nearby dump sites. |

|Baligou Canal |3347 |Send the sludge to the sanitation landfill site. |

|Water feeding ditch for |165,000 |Dump the sludge along both sides of the canals for drying, then |

|Wangxiaogou PS in Huaishang| |use as the fills for the North Huai River Dyke to maximize the |

|District | |earthwork balance; The surface contaminated sludge could be sent |

| | |for landfill after drying. |

|Jie Canal, Wugu River, |393,600 |Send to the Guzhen domestic solid waste landfill site for |

|Daoban Canal and flood | |disposal. |

|discharge canals in Guzhen | | |

|County | | |

|Hilly ponds in Huaiyuan |22,600 |Part of the desilted sludge can be used as the fertilizer for |

|County | |vegetation rehabilitation and the fills for the greenbelts along |

| | |the roads in the food processing industry park. |

|Sanpu Great Ditch and |450,600 |Firstly stack along both sides of the canals for natural drying, |

|Mochongyin River in Wuhe | |then the sludge of the surface contaminated layer is sent to the |

|County | |sanitation landfill for disposal, and the sludge of the middle |

| | |and lower layers could be used as the fills of farmland, |

| | |forestation and scenery sites. |

- Spoil Soil & Construction Waste

1) Spoil soil and construction waste should be filled at designated sites following the instructions of the municipal and planning authorities; the construction unit should complete the legal procedures for spoil soil discharge before sending the waste for landfill;

2) The wasted sand & stone, construction materials, steel and packing material should be managed and reclaimed by special persons to save the resource. With the construction completion, the construction sites should be cleaned up in time. It is prohibited to pile up the construction waste on site;

3) The construction waste, such as bricks and tiles, can be disposed by general storage, however, the waste should be finally sent to the appointed dump site;

4) The construction should be completely enclosed to control the pollution and impacts within the construction site;

5) For the transportation, the vehicles should not be over-loaded with the coverage of paulin or vehicle enclosure; the vehicle exterior should be cleaned before leaving the sites, and the shattering along the road should be prevented; the transportation should be arranged away from the sensitive points for rush hours with relevant appropriate mitigation measures to alleviate the traffic pressure for materials transportation and reduce the material leakage;

6) It is prohibited to pile up construction materials as sands and stone around the lakes and rivers, and the dump site should be away from the lakes and rivers as far as possible. The mud scattered on the site and the detour should be cleaned in time in order to prevent the soil solidification and its impacts on the flatness of the site and the road.

- Sewage Sludge from Mohekou WWTP

With alternative analysis, it is proposed in the FSR that the sewage sludge from the Mohekou WWTP will be treated and disposed as follows:

Concentration—Dewatering—Transportation—Bengbu Municipal Sanitation Landfill Site

- Domestic Garbage & Other Solid Waste

1) Establish temporary garbage dumping points in the construction sites to collect the garbage produced by the construction workers and the garbage from the desilting. The collected garbage should be timely transported outwards. And no random dumping is permitted;

2) The portable toilets for the camp should be regularly disinfected and cleaned by the local environmental sanitation department;

3) The rivers and the river banks should be cleared before the implementation of desilting and storm drainage PS projects and the dumped domestic garbage should be transported to the solid waste disposal site. The outfalls for domestic and industrial wastewater should be cleared in case of being blocked; the river courses should be cleaned up and leveled off after the project completion. No residue is allowed when demolishing the surrounding weirs;

4) The construction machinery and the vehicles should be managed strictly. The oil leakage and random dumping of waste oil is prohibited. The waste oil and the containers belong to the hazardous waste of “waste mineral oil”. If the waste oil is not allowed to be dumped at random, it should be stored with special containers and the qualified units should be entrusted for the disposal.

4. Mitigation Measures against Soil Erosion

Before the project construction, various emergency plans should be prepared against the soil erosion to maximize the protection and rational utilization of water and soil resources. For the temporary land occupation, the occupation time should be shortened as far as possible, and the occupied land should be timely cleaned up and resumed for the original function. The detailed measures are as follows:

1) Earthworks: Try to maintain the original landform in the construction, minimize the earthwork so as to lower the cost. Avoid the excavation work in the raining season. Control measures should be taken for the exposed ground to minimize the soil erosion. The excavated earth should be cleaned day by day as far as possible. If not, the exacted earth should be standardizedly stacked; try to realize the earthwork balance during construction, and the excavated earth should be used for backfilling as far as possible; the remaining spoil soil from pipeline laying should be timely delivered to other construction sites (e.g. embankment, access roads, etc.) for the use of fills and greening in order to avoid unreasonable landfilling;

2) Dump site construction: Flat sites should be selected for temporary dumping equipped with necessary facilities around, such as flood discharge ditches, flood discharge pipes or retaining walls to reduce the loss of spoil soil;

3) Vegetation rehabilitation and greening: Maintain the original vegetation as far as possible for soil conservation. The area with vegetation required to be destroyed should be well planned, the protection and rehabilitation plan should be prepared for the destroyed vegetation; the vegetation should be rehabilitated as soon as possible with the construction completion; the riverside greening should be strengthened, especially for the dyke projects. The engineering side slope should try to use grouted square turf or turf for protection;

4) Drainage management: The drainage measures should be taken during construction to prevent soil erosion caused by storm;

5) Construction plan: The project construction should be implemented by phase in order to shorten the construction period for single item, especially for the network projects;

6) For embankment projects, during construction, two sides of the dike should be covered by dustproof net, when necessary, side ditch and stagnant pool on riverway are built; reasonable stacking of the earthwork at construction site should be given more attention and keep certain distance with riverway and ditch, in addition, straw bag are piled up all around to prevent the sand from inflowing into the waters and cut down the impact of soil erosion on rivers and drainage ditches; the afforestation should be made immediately after finishing embankment .

7) There is height difference between some roads and surrounding terrain, so retaining wall is established at both sides of the roads to prevent soil erosion caused by rain wash.

8) Due to the reservoir and desilting from flood prevention ditch relating to the construction in Huaiyuan County, the desilted sludge can be used for the slope of flood control ditch and reservoir according to argillaceous features, or delivered to garbage landfill field to fill. The reduction for the time of site storage is to prevent soil erosion caused by rain wash.

5. Mitigation Measures against Water Pollution

(1)When the buildings are under construction, the construction unit should set up sedimentation tank to discharge rain sewage and water pools at construction site produced in the period of construction after all reach the standard through disposal. Piling mud should be sent to designated place by the treatment of sedimentation and drying according to the requirements of urban area management department, and it is prohibited to discharge the piling mud into around farmland or ditches, reservoirs and rivers in case of blockage of drainage channel; at the same time, it is prohibited to discharge the piling mud into municipal pipeline network to block the pipeline.

(2)Storage area for construction materials should be away from surface water and set up runoff place where is not easily to be washed; In addition, storage area for powdered materials should be matched with the coverings such as straw bag and paulin and open ditch should be dug around storage area in order to prevent runoff washing.

(3)Planting the lawn or installing fixed filter screen for clay can prevent soil erosion caused by the runoff of rainfall.

(4)The discharge of life sewage from construction site must be uncompromisingly controlled. As for construction process presenting linear distribution just like pipeline, the builders disperse comparatively, so they should try to make use of existing life facilities near construction sites. If there are no sanitary facilities, oil separator tank and septic tank should be set up at construction site for the case of temporary restaurant set up at building site. After life sewage of the builders is pretreated, it is delivered to municipal departments to regularly make spot transportation, and then these life sewage are sent to sewage treatment plant by tank car available for sewage transportation, it is prohibited to discharge at construction site.

(5)Construction unit should adopt all necessary measures to prevent sewage without disposal from flowing into rivers and ditches.

(6)The management on construction sites should be strengthened, the sites and landfill slope of earthwork keep plat and tidy to reduce the earthwork to enter into riverway near landfill site; The waste at construction sites must be cleaned and transported outside in time.

(7) Building materials, such as oil and chemical products, is not suitable to be filled near the rivers and waters and should keep away from rivers with temporary covered paulin to prevent them into water from washing out by gale and rainfall. Environmental management should be reinforced to avoid oil materials leakage caused by construction machineries or the dumping of oil materials into waters to produce pollution, and it is suggested that the method of vessel-receiving is adopted for oil leakage of the machineries.

(8)Desilting Works: construction should be done during dry season in order to avoid the impact caused by riverway flooding; the sludge produced by riverway Desilting should be stored at least 10m away from the shore according to the requirements of works design so as to avoid the sludge flowing into the riverway through runoff; sedimentation tank is put at low lying place of construction sits, and underground infiltration pumped by sinking pump, wasted water from construction operation and life sewage of the constructors are discharged into the waters after being disposed in sedimentation tank. There is foundation trench around sludge landfill field, which connects with sedimentation tank, the remaining water caused by sludge landfill are discharged into the river at downstream for avoiding flowing into riverway or the impact on water quality and environmental sanitary at construction sits led by wanton discharge .

(9)Flood Prevention Control for Tianhe: Construction should be done during dry season, and the construction period should be reduced in order to avoid the impact caused by riverway flooding. At construction sits of Tianhe PS, sedimentation tank is put at low lying place, and operating waste water of the construction, such as water building pit infiltration pumped by sinking pump, waste mud water, waste water contained oil, should be given priority to be reused at construction site after being disposed through sedimentation tank and grease trap, these disposed water are adopted as operating water and sprinkling to control dust in order to reduce discharge volume of waste water. The construction waste water and life sewage must reach Class I Standard before being discharged into the Huai River. Side ditch for drainage must be set there when perimeter irrigation station and fishing ground of the Tianhe Lake are reconstructed, and sedimentation tank is put at low lying place away from the Tianhe Lake, after being disposed through oil separator sedimentation tank, waste water caused by construction should meet water operation requirements specified in “Standard for Irrigation Water Quality” and is discharged into the ditches of perimeter farmland, and it is prohibited to discharge those waste water into the Tianhe Lake directly. Desilting and excavating works for the bed need to done when reconstructing PS and fishing ground, the cleaned out sludge should be stored away from the shores in case of sludge and rainfall in storage filed flowing into the rivers; drainage ditches are set around the area for piling the mud, and project engineering wastewater is disposed at sedimentation tank that is set up at low lying place and flows into peripheral ditches in order to avoid engineering wastewater flow into the Tianhe Lake or the Huai River or directly into farmland soil.

(10)Water Environment Protection Measures for the Longzi Lake

①In order to guarantee that desilting project engineering wastewater of the Longzi Lake reaches the standard, environmental monitoring plan regulated as per this report must be followed strictly, engineering wastewater quality are monitored at discharge outlet of sedimentation tank. Once it is found that water quality is over standard, engineering measures should be adopted to adjust the amount of medicine and increase staying time of engineering wastewater in order to ensure effluent water quality.

②In order to avoid occurrence of leakage accidents on mud Conveyance Pipe in the process of transporting sediment to storage filed after desilting and excavating, several aspects should be controlled strictly, such as the selection of pipe materials, pipe installation g and so on. In the process of pipeline operation, daily maintenance and visitatorial inspection should be strengthen in order to find and handle possible leakage accidents and avoid the impact of pipeline breakage or mud leakage on water quality of Longzi Lake.

③In order to guarantee that there is no appreciable adverse effect on water quality of the Longzi Lake caused by landfill wastewater, during its initial engineering period, settling time should be assured not less than 48 hours, and in the latter period, Medicine Adding Settlement Promoting Method is adopted to guarantee that engineering wastewater reach the standard for discharge.

④During the period of hydraulic fill at storage field, special person is responsible for visitatorial inspection to low reclamation dam in order to find and handle possible leakage accidents caused by collapse and avoid the sludge flowing out into the waters or farmland Leading to secondary pollution.

⑤ Distinct warning sign should be put around storage field for avoiding man made breakage on low reclamation dam or occurrence of the dangers caused by the strangers entering into the storage field by mistake.

⑥There is a small life sewage integrated treatment facility at construction site of the Longzi Lake Flood Prevention PS, life sewage of the constructors reaches Class I Standard of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard after being disposed and then are discharged into the Longzi Lake. As for construction site of desilting engineering, life sewage produced by the constructors is little, and it is allowed not to build sedimentation tank, life sewage is discharged into storage sedimentation tank, and it mixes with dreading wastewater and then they are discharged together after being disposed.

⑦There is a sedimentation tank at construction site of the Longzi Lake Flood Prevention PS, after underground water at construction site is pumped into sedimentation tank, and then that water will be discharged into the Huai River through sedimentation, in addition, operation wastewater under construction is also discharged into the Huai River through sedimentation.

⑧After finishing desilting engineering for Lake Bottom and dismantling construction cofferdam of the Longzi Lake Flood Prevention PS, construction site for lake bottom should be cleaned immediately, building garbage are controlled strictly to leave at lake bottom, because those left garbage will impact water quality of the Longzi Lake and sedimental environment.

6. Mitigation Measures for Social Environmental Impacts

(1)All kinds of preparation should be made prior to construction; the contents relating to the works are investigated and understood in detail, and the preparation for emergency works should be done well cooperating with relevant authorities in advance to ensure normal state of social life.

(2)In order to cut down the impact on urban residents life and transportation caused by engineering construction into minimum degree, during construction period, the driving routes for the vehicle should be determined according to uniform traffic diversion plan in order to prevent traffic jam; a notice to reassure the public is made by making use of broadcast, TV, newspaper and magazine.

(3)A notice is put at construction site, it includes main contents of engineering, construction time, public acceptance for inconvenience brought by construction and states connect person as well as complaint hotlines, etc.

(4)Transportation for building materials and waste earthwork should avoid the rush hours or driving at night to reduce traffic jam and the impact on resident trip.

(5)Pipeline and river desilting engineering should adopt section construction, meanwhile, excavation and backfilling should be finished as soon as possible. Temporary pavement should be set, especially when the construction is carried out near public installations such as hospital, school and station, in addition, traffic warning signs are matched, and traffic polices disperse and dispatch the vehicle on the rush hours in order to ensure the smooth of pedestrian and vehicle; transportation for the materials should try to avoid rush hours so as to relief urban traffic flow pressure; when the pipelines cross through arterial road, priority will be given to pipe jacking construction for reducing the impact on transportation to a great extent.

(6)In order to guarantee traffic smooth for the residents, clearance and transportation for industrial garage clean out of pipe network and road construction should be done immediately.

(7)Low noise equipments are used for the project which must operated at night, and hanging height and direction of the construction lamps should not impact the residents’ rest at night.

(8)Emergency preparation should be done in advance by relevant authorities for the occurrence of the problems impacting residential water supply and discharge during construction period,

(9)According to relevant national and local resettlement policies and compensation for removal due to land expropriation, reasonable compensation and resettlement work should be made for the villagers whose lands are expropriated and houses are removed. At the same time, immigration comments should be appreciated to ensure their working and life conditions not less than current level and dwelling space is improved, in addition, residential area has complete matched public installations as school, hospital, nurseries and kindergartens, shop and transportation.

(10)Administrative staff and the constructors should be further cultivated on the education and awareness for cultural relic protection. During the period of construction, once the existence of cultural relics and historic sites had been discovered, administrative staff and the constructors shall notify Cultural Relic Protection Authority in time, and then construction will go on only after those cultural relics are properly disposed.

(11)After the Tianhe Lake’s fishing ground is demolished, its development and construction should be done according to protection program for the Tianhe Lake water source, at the same time, construction plan shall obtain the comment of relevant authorities on land, planning, water resources and environment protection. Development areas and land development intensity should be controlled.

(12)The breadth of the roads to be built is controlled to save land occupancy, and the reduction of vehicle flowrate and traffic pressure are favorable for cutting down loss degree on road bed and surface and reducing pollution from vehicle exhaust.

(13)Adverse impact on traffic will be reduced by speeding up schedule and cutting construction period.

7. Mitigation Measures for Ecological Impacts

Instantaneous changes will be brought to existing ecological landscape during the period of construction, therefore construction should be done in section and area in order to appropriately protect ecological landscape environment along the line. The following points should be paid more attention during construction:

(1)Operating area for construction must be controlled strictly, and propaganda and education work on environment protection awareness should be enhanced for the constructors. During construction period, those deeply-excavated and high-filled road sections will destroy terrain, physiognomy, vegetation and occupy the land, and it also leads to surface exposure and alters soil structure to change ecologic structure and the function of the areas along the line, finally, the stability of ecologic system will be affected. Therefore, propaganda and education work on environment protection awareness should be enhanced for the constructors, and the constructors are forbidden to destroy the plant out of designed land.

(2)The construction process for roads and pipe net work should be done according to construction stage and area, and protection measures are adopted for the exposed area left by excavation, therefore, the exposure period should be cut down to protect surface layer and the plants. As for the flowers and trees planted, in the middle and both sides of construction section, transplantation and protection work need to be done well, and is it not necessary to replant all damaged plants, but temporary transplantation. Temporary storage and protection should be made after separating the soil layer with fertility on the land surface, reclamation green measures should be adopted after completing the construction. Engineering supervisory personnel are required to strengthen the supervision on such work, therefore, such operation is one of important factors for biological diversity within the land for construction use and improving survival rate of the plants and grass within the scope of project afforestation.

(3)The afforestation function to prevent soil erosion should be fully considered, under possible circumstance, afforestation should be made matching with factory green plan when one section is finished so as to reach the purpose of reducing soil erosion; turf side slope protection is a kind of engineering measures to create artificial phytocoenosis for temporary use to make the slope covered the plants quickly, the selected turf is the plant with the features of strong purifying ability, adversity resistance, easy control, high value for comprehensive use and landscape beautification available, at the same time, survival rate for the plants and good purifying effect should be guaranteed.

(4)The areas that need to be removed should be constructed with order in section so as to avoid landscape confusion along the line to disturb landscape appreciation, at the same time, the shield (wood, glass, and sheet iron, etc.) can be set up as surrounding barrier to reduce landscape pollution. During the process of construction, more attention should be given to the plants such as trees and green space in adjacent area.

(5)After reasonable distribution for cuts and fills is made well, piling point for wasted soil should take protective measures to avoid cutting and filling in raining period and prevent soil erosion, water pollution and blockage of drainage pipe caused by rain wash. Meanwhile, balancing of cuts and fill should try to be made better, and the excavated earthwork is used as backfilling soil for leveling off construction site; the rest wasted soil produced by construction after backfilling should be sent to filling and earth-moving area of north side of the Huaibei Embankment to make earthwork balance.

(6)On the premise of meeting the requirements of engineering construction, flat place should be selected as temporary piling site and floor area should be save as possible, at the same time, construction schedule should be arranged reasonably. After the completion of the works, construction unit must clear construction sits in time and withdraw occupying sites, in addition, those destroyed plants should be replanted as possible to recover original ecology.

(7)As for temporary occupied land in engineering construction, reclamation measures should be positively adopted after finishing the construction in order to recover agricultural production as soon as possible.

(8)After the construction in piling site, which occupies flood land, is finished, grass seed should be sowed in time for afforestation in order to prevent dust caused by sludge drying and soil erosion in raining season.

(9)Desilting depth should be controlled strictly for avoiding serious impact against benthic biota and root system of submerged plant in bottom sludge.

(10)When bottom land training is done during reconstructing the Tianhe Lake fishing ground, desilting and excavating areas and acreage should be controlled strictly in order to cut down the impact and interference on ecological environment of the Tianhe Lake fishing ground.

(11)Ecological supervising works are assumed jointly by Project Supervisory Authority and environmental protection personnel of Construction Authority, and visitatorial inspection is adopted to check the implementing conditions of ecological protection measures.

8. Mitigation Measures for Other Impacts during Construction

(1) During construction process, construction unit should try to make concurrent construction for those areas, where the roads and pipe networks all need to be done, in this way, roads destruction caused by the construction of pipe network can be avoided, which not only can Pb to repeated construction, but produce pollution of noise, atmosphere and water against surrounding environments and bring ecological impact such as soil erosion and vegetation destruction.

(2) After entering into working area, the constructors regularly choose the pesticide to kill the pests such as mosquito and fly and adopt rattrap or poison bait to kill the rats in living area.

(3) Construction Management Authority should strengthen monitoring epidemic disease, make regular medical observation for the constructors and strictly follow the system of reporting epidemic diseases. Especially, the kitchen in construction site should have a complete medical examination and accept training on sanitary and anti-epidemic knowledge. In addition, prevention and treatment knowledge for frequency encountered diseases and usual illness (such as epidemic hemorrhagic fever, hepatitis and food poisoning) should be widely propagated in order to enhance group’s awareness on preventing and resisting the diseases.

(4)Shall protect water source and get rid of pollution, and regular examination is made on drinking water quality and migrant workers’ food in order to cut down any possible way to pollute drinking water.

2. Mitigation Measures during Operation Period

1. Mitigation Measures for Air Pollution

1. Mitigation Measures for Vehicle Exhaust Gas

(1)Clean fuel (LPG)is widely popularized to reduce discharge volume of CO, THC and NO2 in vehicle exhaust. And the installation of exhaust purifier can reduce 70% of CO and 50% of NO2 in vehicle exhaust.

(2)Afforestation of both side should be strengthened, the trees and grass available for absorbing pollutants in vehicle exhaust, such as arbor and frutex, are selected to be planted and their function in dust suction, noise reduction and environment beatification are given full play so as to control the spread of vehicle exhaust to surrounding environment, at the same time, the maintenance of afforestation is made well.

(3)Shall strengthen monitoring on vehicle exhaust, and the automobile on the road is monitored in strict accordance with standard, those which can’t meet standard are not allowed to drive on the road in order to control discharge source

(4)Shall strengthen management on the automobile to reduce vehicle idling mode and cut down the discharge of pollutants in exhaust.

(5)Shall strengthen daily repair and maintenance to keep good state and reduce discharge volume of pollutants in exhaust.

(6)The vehicle, the exhaust of which is over standard, should be eliminated in time.

(7)Further improvement should be made on passing conditions on crossing roads, and traffic signal cycle of city sections should be set up reasonably to improve passing rate of the vehicle, reduce the phenomena of traffic jam and abate pollutants in exhaust.

(8)The vehicles, which deliver the materials containing the dust, should use paulin to cover the goods, and the shatter of materials should be strictly controlled.

2. Mitigation Measures for Odor Impacts by the WWTP

(1)Sanitary prevention and protection distance are set up in strict accordance with regulations, at the same time, shall guarantee that factory and surrounding living areas don’t suffered the impact of odor gas.

(2)Factory afforestation should be improved and green isolation belt is set up.

(3)Strict management should be made on storage, transportation and disposal process for the sludge.

(4)Accidents Emergency Response System is established to prevent risk accidents.

2. Mitigation Measures for Noise Impacts

1. Mitigation Measures for Storm Drainage PSs

(1)High-quality low noise PS and air compressor are preferred in Flood Prevention Station; inlet & outlet pipeline’s size for the pump should be suitable and matching; acoustic enclosure should be set up out of air compressor, and sound insulation is realized by its internal acoustic material; flexible and elastic connection are made for inlet & outlet connecting pipeline of the pump, and pipeline support of the pump can be used as elastic bearing and pump assembly is treated as vibration insulation, such as metallic spring and robber absorber, to make shock absorbing treatment.

(2)Two storied gate and window are required to be set up in equipment room of Flood Prevention Station, and there is a greenbelt with mixed trees of arbor and frutex around PS in order to play a role in sound insulation and noise reduction against operating noise caused by Flood Prevention Station.

2. Mitigation Measures for Traffic Noise

(1)The frequency for tracking monitoring on sensitive points near the section is one time after middle term of operating period, if the monitoring results show that the noise is over standard due to the increase of traffic volume, relocation measures should be adopted in time. It is suggested that resettlement for relocated residents be responsible for construction unit.

(2)According to scientific data, sound planning and scientific layout, Planning Authority, Environmental Protection Administration and Transport Authority cooperate wholeheartedly to do a good job on urban planning and avoid occurrence of new noise sensitive point. In order to reduce possible impact led by traffic noise, it is suggested that the authority in charge should notify relevant streets, governments and Village Committee at different levels along the line in an official documents not to plan and construct school, hospital and residential area near both sides of the roads. If it must be construction within the coverage of influence, under such cases, building owners are responsible for taking measures to prevent traffic noise at their peril.

(3)Construction quality should be controlled strictly in order to guarantee that there are no problems as sinking, crack and roughness occurred on pavement during operating period to increase driving noises.

(4)Under permitted conditions, it is suggested that pavement should adopt low noise pavement, which is made of Porosity Porous Asphalt Mixture Surface, and the noise can be made reduction of 3-6 dB(A) by comparing with traditional dense aggregate pavement.

(5)Shall strengthen the management on the vehicles. In the front of the hospital and kindergarten, the vehicles need to slow down and are forbidden to make tooting.

(6)The trees and evergreen ornamental arbor try to planted at both sides of reconstructed and newly built road, and the grass is planted the slope of the bridge, which not only can play a role of reducing the noise, but to improve urban environment and beautify road landscape.

3. Mitigation Measures for Noise Impacts from the WWTP

Main noise sources of sewage treatment works are the equipment noises produced by Sewage Treatment Plant and Sewage Lifting Pump Station, including mechanical equipments such as sewage pump, blower, and the measures for preventing and controlling noises are adopted as follows:

(1)Low noise blowers, sewage pumps and the others are selected.

(2)Impedance complex muffler is set up at air inlet and outlet of the blowers.

(3)Sound insulation room is adopted for the treatment for noise reduction,

(4)As for aeration tank, the measures, such as vibration-absorption, sound insulation and underground tunnel blast, are adopted for blower house.

(5)Center control monitoring room is set up in blower house control, and it is not necessary for the operators to work in blower house.

4. Mitigation Measures for Noise Impacts from the WTP

Main noises of Water Treatment Plant under operation period are: blower and water pump. The noises caused by the operation of these equipments is between 80~90 decibels, and it is able to meet the requirements of Standard of Noise at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises GB12348-90 (Class III) through sound insulation and reduction. Relevant noise control and Prevention & Control Measures should be adopted in order to cut down noise impact under operation period.

(1)Low noise equipments should be chosen as possible, as for the equipments with higher noise ((≥75dB(A)), the measures as protective mask and insulation wall are adopted to reduce noise. All equipments adopt flexible connection and vibration insulation treatment should be made well as possible to reduce the noise caused by indoor equipment operation.

(2)The workers, who are working at noise environment for a long time, should be equipped with ear protector, and regular examination on their listening is made.

(3)Shall strengthen equipments maintenance and management to ensure them normal operation and avoid noise pollution caused by abnormal operation.

(4)Shall strengthen afforestation at open space, especially for blower house and around pump house. Open space around buildings is fully made use of, where flowers are planted, and the parterres as well as greenbelts are built, in this way, a green system consists of parterre, greenbelt and avenue tree.

3. Mitigation Measures for Solid Wastes Impacts

1. Mitigation Measures for Solid Waste Impacts by Storm Drainage PSs

(1)Life sewage of the management at Flood Prevention PS should be collectively stored and delivered to Environmental Sanitation Authority to transport outside for disposal.

(2)Gate residue produced by inlet gate of Flood Prevention PS should be collected at designated points, after being drained, these gate residues are delivered to Environmental Sanitation Authority to transport outside for disposal, and it is not allowed to be stored near or around Flood Prevention PS.

2. Mitigation Measures for the Sludge from the WWTP

(1)Sludge bulking

Sludge bulking is one of more difficult problems to be solved met by Sewage Treatment Plant, and it mainly occurs at secondary sedimentation tank. Sludge bulking refers to destruct the macrostructure of sludge floc caused by overgrowth of filiform microorganism, and filamentous substances disturb the compress and Sedimentation to Pb to sludge bulking on volume. In the process of sewage treatment, if the influent concentration of the sewage is very high or aeration time is short, the activated sludge process is possible to overload. The features of the sludge deterioration are having putrid flavor, presenting ascending trends of activated sludge in secondary sedimentation tank and forming foam or appearing filamentous microorganism. For miscible liquid is not easy to separated, so it will impact sewage treatment.

The main measures for solving sludge bulking are as follows:

① Reduce reflux quantity of the sludge to remove more surplus sludge and promote the formation of fresh sludge in aeration tank;

② Increase air supply;

③ Make a part of sewage after sedimentation for side stream in order to reduce load;

④ Increase chlorine in return sludge;

⑤ Add hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine;

⑥ Add nutriments in case of the content of nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency;

⑦ Adopt step aeration as operating mode;

⑧ Add the flocculants as ferric trichloride into secondary sedimentation tank;

⑨ Stop temporarily to discharge digestion tank liquor to aeration tank;

(2)Sludge Thickening and Dehydration

Co-treatment for Primary and secondary sludge in different stages has its own advantages and disadvantages, sludge fermentation is easy to be aroused at the time of sludge thickening, but sludge fermentation has the problems on hard compression and turbidity of supernatant liquor; and it is easy for the dehydration of secondary sludge at the time of dehydration. In order to prevent sludge fermentation at the time of sludge thickening, the method of adding coagulant aid can be adopted to improve stability of the sludge.

(3)Sludge, Gate residue and Sinking Slag Landfill

All produced sludge, gate residue and sinking slag are delivered to garbage landfill site for sanitary landfill, and the accessing conditions for them are as follows:

① Require packing or container transportation for sludge, gate residue and sinking slag in order to produce secondary pollution on route;

② Transport implemented according to regulate time and running route

After sludge, gate residue and sinking slag have entered into sanitary landfill, the following points should be made in the process of landfill:

① To cover the sludge with the soil day by day to prevent the production of odor and other environmental hazard;

② To adopt mixing landfill for sludge and garbage favorable for anaerobic decomposition of the garbage.

(4)Shall regularly monitor the soil of sludge piling site and underground water, and stop continuing to do landfill and use in case of funding pollution problems and then remedial measures are adopted to prevent expansion or transfer of the pollution.

(5)Secondary pollution problems, such as air pollution and underground, should be prevented in the process of piling up and transporting the sludge. Protected special transporter is adopted for sludge transportation; meanwhile, the time of sludge transportation should be controlled strictly in order to avoid peak hours.

(6)Regular monitoring should be made on sewage treatment plant in order to prevent secondary pollution produced by heavy metal in the sludge; and garbage landfill site should be notified immediately if it is found that the heavy metal in the sludge is over standard. Sludge and life sewage are filled separately and strict watertight measures should be done well. In addition, sediment leachate is delivered to sewage treatment plant for disposal, and then it is discharged after reaching the standard.

3. Mitigation Measures for solid waste from the WWTP

(1)The sludge in Water Treatment Plant contains organic materials and various microelement as Ca、Mg、Fe, which not only can be used as the nutrients for plant growth to improve soil fertility and microbial activity of the soil so as to promote crop growth, but also solve the problem of final treatment on the sludge and use it into resource to create certain economic performance.

(2)Packing materials used for life sewage and medicine should be managed separately and placed at special places in order to prevent cross contamination, and then Environmental Sanitation Authority and medicine suppliers are responsible for disposing them separately.

4. Mitigation Measures for Solid Wastes from Civil Works

(1)Shall strengthen monitoring work on pollution treatment of solid wastes along the roads, relevant contents are compiled into Road Vehicles Operating Rules and Road Maintenance Rules and implemented subject to supervision of local Environmental Sanitary Authority.

4. Mitigation Measures for Water Pollution Impacts

1. Mitigation Measures for Water Pollution by Road and Bridge Projects

The protective barrier for the section, where has canal bridge, should be reinforced, and warning sign for dangerous goods vehicle should be set up.

2. Mitigation Measures for Water Pollution by the Urban Network Project

(1)Municipal Infrastructure Authority strictly matches the construction of drainage branch on enclosure area and discharges life sewage along the areas into closure pipeline.

(2)Environmental Protection Authority in charge urges the company to make standardized construction on pollution discharge outlet, but the companied within the area of drainage works service are prohibited to discharge the pollution to surface waters.

(3)It is prohibited to dump the garbage to urban surface channel and culvert, and garbage is not allowed to dump into the waters to worsen pollution or block drainage channel.

(4)Shall strengthen the monitoring on water pollution, and regular water quality monitoring should be made for key waters, if the problems are found, please handle them immediately

(5)Shall speed up the construction of Sewage Treatment Plant to guarantee the validity of urban pipe network.

3. Mitigation Measures for Water Pollution of Desilting Projects

(1)Shall strengthen the management along the ditches, and life sewage is prohibited to wantonly pile up so as to avoid the leachate of life sewage flowing into riverway to influence water environment on surface waters.

(2)Pollution discharge outlets, which are privately set up by the companies along the line and the residents, are strictly controlled. At the same time, untreated life sewage and industrial waste water are also controlled strictly to be discharged into riverway.

4. Mitigation Measures for Water Pollution Impacts by Mohekou WWTP

(1)The companies with heavy pollution are reformed on the spot, and shutout, stop, merge, transform or move are carried out for those companies, which don’t meet the requirements.

(2)The inflowing water quality to Sewage Treatment Plant must be controlled in order to guarantee normal operation of each Sewage Treatment Plant and make effluent quality meet national regulations on waste water discharge standard.

(3)As for the wastewater, which is discharged by the companies with great polluting load, must be first pretreated in factory, and accidents reservoir should be built to avoid producing high load shock to Sewage Treatment Plant so as to impact treatment efficiency and effluent water quality.

(4) The measures for preventing the occurrence of risk accidents can be considered from the design and management, and then feasible precautions and measures for accidents can be proposed and Accidents Emergency Response System is established.

(5)Shall strengthen the monitoring on water pollution, including the monitoring on inflowing and effluent water quality, the Huai River water quality of discharge outlet downstream, sludge storage and groundwater environment in treatment & disposal area, etc.

(6)Shall establish running management and operating responsibility system; and then staff training should be made well, in addition, technical examination file is set up, under such system, those who can’t pass technical examination are not allowed to hold a post.

(7)Under occurrence of the accidents, shall guarantee the normal operation of grillage and grit channel so as to make certain reduction of SS and COD in inflowing water; meanwhile, the reasons cab be found out from main pollution source of water collecting system, and relevant factories will adopt corresponding emergency measures to control discharge volume of microbial hazardous substances; if there is irresistible external cause, the conditions, such as dual –circuit power failure, unexpected natural disaster, will Pb to the sewage to be discharged outside before being disposed, under such circumstance, source enterprise, in whole or in part, stops to discharge sewage to pipeline in order to make sure of safety waters function.

5. Mitigation Measures for Water Pollution by Mohekou WTP

(1)If waste liquid is able to meet the requirements of Sewage Discharge Standard of Class III after accepting physical and chemical examination made by the Lab of Water Treatment Plant, it can be directly discharged into municipal sewage pipe network.

(2)Life sewage in the period of operation meets Class III of Integrated Wastewater discharge Standard (GB 8978-1996)after being disposed by treatment facilitates such as anaerobic tank, and then the disposed sewage inflow into urban sewage pipe network.

6. Mitigation Measures for Urban Water Source Protection

The Tianhe Lake as emergency water source place of urban water supply of Bengbu City, protection should be made for the Tianhe Lake Flood Prevention Station when it is built and put into operation.

(1)Life sewage produced by the staff of the Tianhe Lake Flood Prevention Station flows into complete sewage treatment facilities after being disposed in anaerobic tank within living management area and then reaches the standard.

(2)It is suggested that a part of waste water will be reused to the factory as the water for afforestation and road washing after carrying out life sewage treatment of Class II, in this way, the discharge of sewage and net water use are reduced.

(3)It is suggested to set up sewage collection pipe network in living management area, and the network connects with sewage treatment station. Waste water produced by washing the road still can be discharged into sewage treatment system to realize sewage zero-drainage.

(4)The sewage to discharge outside must reach Class I of “Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard”, and then lower culvert of the Tianhe Lake Gate is discharged into the Huai River, any waste water is prohibited, including water discharged into the Tianhe Lake by runoff erosion

(5)The quality for pipeline construction should be controlled strictly so as to avoid sewage leakage or overflowing into the waters such as the Tianhe Lake, the Huai River caused by damage of sewage pipeline and the occurrence of pollution accidents.

5. Mitigation Measures for Ecological Environment Impacts

(1)On the one hand, the tress within engineering construction scope will be transplanted; on the other hand, engineering construction will destroy surface vegetation within this scope and bring adverse impact on regional ecological environment. In the period of construction, original surface vegetation is destroyed by temporary project, but it will be restored after adopting some recovery measures.

(2)The maintenance for road engineering and river training works should be made well, and it is prohibited to discharge hazardous substances into riverway along with drainage.

(3)In the latter period of the construction and initial operating period, according to landscape design, landscape engineering will be done by implementing afforestation to the section available within the scope of land expropriation, where engineering construction will be done.

(4)At both sides of the roads, those ornamental trees and shrubs, which have strong ability of resisting pollution and absorbing hazardous gas, have the function of sound elimination and dust control and possess certain visual value, are planted, in addition, those planted trees should be suitable for this area, and the mixture of arbor and frutex are planted. Dwarfing trees are planted densely at both sides of the roads, which form ornamental tree wall and is made of sound proof tree wall.

(5)The road waste water not only has higher suspended matters, but contains other pollutants as petroleum; Therefore, the waste water is not allowed to be discharged into farmland soil and waters. Side ditch for drainage should be set up at roadside to collect storm water runoff and make road waste water flow into low lying land, after sedimentation, these waste-water spill into surrounding farmland and ditches to reduce the soil erosion area and the degree for both sides of the roads against pavement rainfall and cut down the volume of water and soil loss.

(6)Extensive aquatic plants are cultivated and planted around the Tianhe Lake of rivage area, which connect with territory vegetation. In this way, diversified and abundant ecosystem is formed, which is able to cut down polluting impact caused by territory pollution source.

(7) After PS is finished, afforestation should be made as soon as possible around the factory, at both sides of the road and empty space in order to realize the restoration of the vegetation, in addition, the slope is stable, and then the rock and surface soil are not exposed.

(8)After ditch desilting engineering is finished, biological diversity in the ditch can be improved through artificially planting some aquatic plants and adding the aquatic animals as fish fry.

(9)Environmental sanitary management on dike should be done well and it is prohibited to dump the garbage. In addition, Environmental Sanitation Authority should enhance supervision and visitatorial inspection.

8. Alternative Analysis

1. Zero-project Analysis

The zero-project analysis for the eight sub-projects is shown in the following tables.

Option A: With the proposed flood control and ecological environment improvement projects;

Option B: Without the proposed flood control and ecological environment improvement projects (Zero-project option)

Table 133: Zero-project Analysis for Tianhe Flood Control Project

| |Option A |Option B (Zero-project Option) |

|Advantages |Improve the flood control criteria and reduce the | |

| |floods; promote the economic development by | |

| |environmental improvement; The project implementation,| |

| |for the 1:20year event, will reduce the flooded area | |

| |around Tianhe by 15,000mu and the flooded villages by | |

| |35 so as to effectively protect the local economic | |

| |benefits; | |

| |Raise the water level of Tianhe Lake, increase the | |

| |storage capacity, and ensure the agricultural water | |

| |use and the emergency drinking water source for | |

| |Bengbu. | |

|Disadvantages|RMB65.2 million investment; |Frequent floods during the flood season and large area|

| |Temporary land occupation about 1.5 mu, and permanent |will be flooded affecting the production and lives of |

| |land occupation about 20.33mu, demolishing of the |the local farmers and restricting the developments of |

| |existing buildings is required; |agriculture economy and aquaculture. The flooding of |

| |The construction will cause the temporary adverse |lakeside agricultural irrigation PSs will result in |

| |impacts on the surrounding water, air and acoustic |certain economic loss; |

| |environments, as well as the farmland soil. |The water level lowers in dry season, and the storage |

| | |capacity is also reduced. There is conflict between |

| | |the urban drinking water and the agricultural |

| | |irrigation water, while the self-purification capacity|

| | |of the lake is weakened, and the water quality is |

| | |endangered. |

Table 134: Zero-option Analysis for Longzi Lake Flood Control and Environment Improvement Project

| |Option A |Option B (Zero-project Option) |

|Advantages |Increase the storage capacity, improve the water |No investment and land acquisition. |

| |storage capacity, reduce the economic loss which |Avoid the adverse environmental impacts during the |

| |caused by the floods. |construction period. |

| |Improve the flood control safety; lower the extent | |

| |and scope of the flood losses. | |

|Disadvantages |Invest 67.6 million RMB on the Longzi Lake drainage |A serious situation of water bodies, the water |

| |station; |storage capacity is significantly reduced, poor |

| |Occupy about 847 mu of the farmland, beaches and |capacity to regulate in the flood season; the |

| |ponds. |surrounding area may have the waterlogging. |

| |Produce certain adverse impacts to the water, air, |Bottom land and without drainage facilities, |

| |sound, and ecological environment. |affected by amplitude of setup of the Huai River’s |

| | |high-water level, the overflowing water can not be |

| | |discharged, and the economic losses at the |

| | |surrounding areas is very serious. |

Table 135: Zero-project Analysis for Urban (South of Huai River) Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

| |Option A |Option B (Zero-project Option) |

|Advantages |Improve the urban infrastructure and the overall level of |Without construction investment costs |

| |the urban areas, promote the economic development and |Avoid the various negative environmental impacts which |

| |enhance the investment capacity; |caused during the construction period of Proposal A. |

| |Improve the sewerage collection rate of the city; improve |Avoid the interference to the residents along the project.|

| |the regional water environment and the ecological | |

| |environment. | |

| |Enhance the capacity of drainage pump station, improve the| |

| |ability of urban drainage and flood control of the | |

| |security safeguard in flood season. | |

| |Comply with the overall planning of Bengbu City, and it is| |

| |one of the important measures of water pollution control. | |

| |The majority of public support this project and the | |

| |construction of the project meets the public demands. | |

|Disadvantages |Produce the dust, foul smell, sewage, noise, solid waste |The urban infrastructure construction level is below the |

| |etc. pollutions during the construction period, destroy |demand of economic development. |

| |the vegetation, cause the soil erosion, increase the |Low sewage treatment rate, which is far below the national|

| |temporary traffic pressure, and damage the landscape of |environmental protection requirements, further hamper the |

| |construction site. |economic development of the cities seriously. |

| |Produce the noise during the operation period of pump |Urban flood control level is not in line with the planning|

| |station; affect the environmentally sensitive points |requirements. |

| |within the short distances. | |

Table 136: Zero-option Analysis for Xijiagou & Baligou Environment Improvement Project

| |Option A |Option B (Zero-project Option) |

|Advantages |Improve the flood control standards and increase the | |

| |drainage capacity, reduce the flood losses; Improve the| |

| |environment, then Pb the economic development. | |

| |Increase 690 mu (Chinese acre) of available land | |

| |through the transform of Baligou bottom land, with the | |

| |significant economic benefits. | |

| |Remove the sludge and foul smell pollution of the | |

| |ditches, improve the water quality and reduce the | |

| |pollution to the Huai River. | |

| |Demolish the illegal buildings and beautify the city | |

| |landscapes. | |

|Disadvantages |Need to invest RMB78 million. |Bad current environmental condition, serious pollution |

| |Need temporary covering area of about 660 mu, with the |of the garbage and the foul smell, the illegal |

| |permanent covering area of about 626 mu. |buildings and waste dumps affect the urban landscape |

| |Need to demolish the buildings. |seriously. |

| |Increase the waste water, dust, noise etc. adverse |Poor capacity of storm water drainage, serious |

| |environmental impacts during the construction period at|flood-submerged situations in the surrounding regions, |

| |the site. |which reduce the farmers’ income and living conditions.|

| |The construction causes the short-term traffic impact. |Weak natural landscape and the infrastructure, which |

| | |affect the investment works seriously. |

Table 137: Zero-project Analysis for Huaishang District flood control and Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

| |Option A |Option B (Zero-project Option) |

|Advantages |Improve the flood control standards and reduce the impacts|Avoid the relocation of the residents in the |

| |of flood disasters, promote the regional economic |construction site; maintain their current |

| |development and improve people's living conditions. |living sate and land-using state. |

| |Increase the coverage of plants of the surface, reduce the|Avoid the adverse impacts on the environment |

| |soil erosion, which are beneficial to improve the |during the construction and operation periods. |

| |surrounding ecological environment; beautify and enhance | |

| |the overall image of the city. | |

|Disadvantages |Cause temporary adverse impacts on the surrounding sound |The problem is at the construction site, where |

| |environment, atmospheric condition and so on, destroy the |the downstream water of Beifei River can not |

| |vegetation, cause the soil erosion; Increase the traffic |drainage due to the amplitude of setup of the |

| |pressure of the surrounding areas temporarily, and damage |Huai River and the Huaihongxin River’s |

| |the landscapes on construction site; |high-water level, so it is very vulnerable to |

| |The road works will permanent occupy some land, and change|have the waterlogging disasters; |

| |the land using patterns; Generate the traffic noise |The current state of water conservancy |

| |pollution and automobile exhaust pollution during the |construction and infrastructure of the |

| |operation. |construction site can not meet the requirements|

| | |of regional development, nor the overall |

| | |planning objectives, which restrict the urban |

| | |economic development extremely. |

Table 138: Zero-project Analysis for Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

| |Option A |Option B (Zero-project Option) |

|Advantages |1. Improve the water quality and city ecological and |Avoid the various negative environmental impacts which |

| |landscape environment of the Sanba River, improve the |caused during the construction and operation periods of|

| |people's quality of the living environment, thus to |Proposal A. |

| |promote the sustainable development of Guzhen county; | |

| |2. Improve the concentrated sewage treatment rate of | |

| |Guzhen, building the foundation for the normal | |

| |operation of the sewage treatment plant in the later | |

| |period; | |

| |3. Increase the construction of infrastructure and | |

| |improve the investment environment. | |

|Disadvantages |Cause temporary adverse impacts on the surrounding |The urban infrastructure construction level is below |

| |atmospheric, water and noise environments. |the demand of economic development. |

| |Destroy the vegetation, cause the soil erosion, |A lot of untreated domestic & production wastewater |

| |increase the temporary traffic pressure and destroy the|discharged into the city drains or the Sanba River |

| |landscapes on construction site; |directly; as a result, the pollution of water body is |

| |Produce the noise during the operation period of pump |worsening and lowers the urban landscape level. Low |

| |station; affect the environmentally sensitive points |capacity of city flood control and drainage, subjected |

| |within the short distances. |to frequent flooding disasters and lower the living |

| | |standards. |

Table 139: Zero-project Analysis for Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

|Component | |Option A |Option B (Zero-project Option) |

|Huaiyuan |Advantage|Improve city's overall capacity of flood control |Avoid the various impacts which caused during the |

|Flood |s |and drainage, increase the flood storage capacity |construction and operation periods of Proposal A. |

|Control | |of the ponds and increase the drainage capacity of | |

|Project | |flood discharge trench, so as to mitigate the flood| |

| | |harms to the urban and residents. | |

| | |Improve the surrounding environments of ponds and | |

| | |flood discharge trench, improve the people's | |

| | |quality of life and promote the sustainable | |

| | |development of Huaiyuan. | |

| |Disadvant|Less dust, waste (sewage) water, noise, solid |Low storage capacity of water storage ponds. Poor |

| |ages |wastes and other pollution are generated during the|capacity of flood discharge of the trench, with the|

| | |construction period. |more disaster risks. |

| | |Destroy the vegetation, cause the soil erosion, |Frequent overflow situations of the ponds and flood|

| | |increase the temporary traffic pressure and destroy|discharge trench during the heavy rain, which |

| | |the landscapes on construction site. |affect the quality of life of the neighboring |

| | | |residents. |

|Huaiyuan |Advantage|Improve the highway Class and traffic level of |Avoid the noise and automobile exhaust impacts |

|Road |s |Huaiyuan Country, perfect the road network system, |which caused during the construction period of |

|Project | |promote the city’s development and improve the life|Proposal A. |

| | |of the local residents and the traffic conditions. | |

| | |Perfect the infrastructure construction of the | |

| | |cereals and oils processing zone, and improve the | |

| | |capacity to attract investment. | |

| |Disadvant|Generate the dust, water (sewage) water, noise, |Bad condition of County infrastructure and blocked |

| |ages |solid waste etc. pollutions during the construction|urban transport and roads, which limit the overall |

| | |period, destroy the vegetation, cause the soil |development of Huaiyuan Country and the foreign |

| | |erosion, and damage the landscape of construction |exchanges of the residents. |

| | |site. |Lack of the infrastructure construction in the |

| | |Generate the traffic noise and automobile exhaust |cereals and oils processing zone, which affect the |

| | |during the operation period, which affect the |logistics level and the capacity to attract the |

| | |nearby residents. |investment. |

Table 140: Zero-project Analysis for Wuhe County Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project

| |Option A |Option B (Zero-project Option) |

|Advantages |1. Construct the new drainage pump station, improve |Avoid the relocation of and the requisition of the |

| |the capacity of flood control and drainage on the |farmlands of the residents in the construction site,|

| |construction site, reduce the regional disaster |maintain their current living sate and land-using |

| |risks, improve the investment environment and |state. |

| |promote the sustainable economic development. |Avoid the adverse impacts on the environment during |

| |2. Construct the new surface water plant and sewage |the construction and operation periods; stop the |

| |treatment plant, enhance the safety of the regional |pollution risks of industrial wastewater to the Huai|

| |drinking water, and boost the discharge of sewage up|River. |

| |to standard of the enterprises in the park, so as to| |

| |reduce the pollution to the Huai River. | |

| |3. Improve the level of infrastructure and spur the | |

| |development of related industries, as well as | |

| |provide more employment opportunities. | |

|Disadvantages |1. Cause temporary adverse impacts on the |1. Along with the economic development of the park, |

| |surrounding atmospheric, water and noise |under the lack of infrastructure, the discharge of |

| |environments. |the sewage from the enterprises will increase the |

| |2. Relocate the residents, requisition of the |volume of sludge in the big ditches and the |

| |farmland, destroy the vegetation and natural |pollution levels, further to threaten the security |

| |landscape; |of groundwater, and affect people's quality of life|

| |3. Sewage treatment plant, water purification plant,|and sustainable economic development; |

| |roads etc. will permanent occupy some land, and |2. Low level of the enterprise sewage treatment, |

| |change the land using patterns. |which cause the pollution to the Huai River. |

| |4. Enterprises generate the wastewater, exhaust | |

| |emission and noise pollutions during the production.| |

| |5. Sewage treatment plant and other plants generate | |

| |the foul smell, sludge and other pollutants during | |

| |the operation, which affect surrounding environment| |

| |to a certain degree; | |

| |6. Raise the sewage treatment costs and increase the| |

| |living expenses of the residents; | |

2. Alternatives of Desilting Method for Longzi Lake

There are two desilting methods to dredge the sediment respectively by hydraulic dredging machine and cutter-suction dredger.

When using the hydraulic dredging machine for construction, and the workers operate the high pressure water jet to cut off high concentration slurry, and then slurry PS delivers them into piling up site by soil discharging pipeline. When retention time for sediment at piling up site has been over designated retention time, desilting project engineering wastewater produced at upper layer is discharged from outlet structure of the piling up site.

When using the amphibious environmental-protective cutter-suction dredger for construction, the scoop of the dredger is put on the mud layer to dig out polluted sludge, and then the slurry is formed by the mixture of soil and water, which is delivered to soil discharging pipeline by using the function of mud PS through desilting tube. Soil discharging pipeline can be linked to land based pipeline with surface water floating pipeline and also to downcast pipeline with by surface water floating pipeline and then to surface water floating pipeline, at last, it links land based pipeline to discharge the slurry into piling up site.

The detailed comparison for the two desilting methods is made in the table below:

Table 141: Comparison for Desilting Methods

|Item |Hydraulic dredging machine |Cutter-suction dredger |

|Major mechanical |Floating body, slurry pump, high pressure squirt |Cutter-suction dredger, slurry pump, pipelines and |

|equipments |gun, pipelines and power installation |positioning installation |

|Applicable |Shallow rivers and lakes with low flow |Widely applicable to various water bodies and different|

|conditions | |working conditions, but there is specific requirement |

| | |for draft |

|Energy consumption |Electricity consumption of slurry pumps and high |Electricity consumption of slurry pumps and high |

| |pressure squirt gun |pressure squirt gun, and large amounts of fuel |

| | |consumption of cutter-suction dredger |

|Working efficiency |Low efficiency, high construction intensity and |High working efficiency, fewer workers required, and |

| |labour intensity, and long construction period |shorter working period |

|Preparatory work |The pond should be dried for implementation, and |To remove the foreign matters from the water body to |

| |flow guide is required before implementation. |prevent the damage to mechanical equipments. |

|Discharge |Short discharge distance |Long discharge distance with flexible choices |

|Precision |Artificially controlled, high excavation precision|The precision is not as good as hydraulic dredging |

| |without restriction of lake-bottom topography, |machine with the permissible over-depth of 0.3m and |

| |geology and ambient environment |thus larger project quantities; |

| | |Restricted by the ambient environment; dredging work |

| | |could not be done near high-voltage tower frame and |

| | |rock, stone dam and optical fiber cable on lake bottom;|

| | |the shallow parts close to the bank could not be |

| | |dredged. |

|Environmental |Sole electricity consumption, less pollution |Generation of waste fuel gas |

|impacts |Flow guide by surrounding weir before |Agitation of bottom silt and generation of secondary |

| |implementation without the dramatic increase of |pollution |

| |suspended solid in the water |Large project quantities, and the residual water will |

| |Small project quantities, and the residual water |not be reused, but discharged in large quantities |

| |from de-silting could be reused for high pressure | |

| |squirt gun, little discharge of residual water. | |

|Ecological impacts |Less impact on plankton and fish due to less |More impacts on water quality, the living environment |

| |impact on water quality |of aquatic organism could be changed, which will impact|

| |Less damage to planktons and their living |photosynthesis of aquatic organism. |

| |environment by artificial de-silting |The benthonic animals and their habitat are completely |

| |The dredging quantity and thus land occupation for|destroyed, the fauna, species, quantity, species |

| |dump sites could be reduced due to high excavation|structure and ecological niche of animals on the lake |

| |precision. |bottom within the project area will be greatly impacted|

Since the thickness of polluted layer in this project is around 0.3m, and the permissible over depth of cutter-suction dredger is already 0.3m, and the shallower part near the bank could not be dredged by cutter-suction dredger, by comprehensively analyzing the implementation precision, the environmental impacts and the disposal of dredged sludge, it is considered that the hydraulic dredging machine is more suitable for the project.

3. Alternatives for Mohekou Project

1. Alternative Analysis for Mohekou WTP

1. Water Source for Mohekou WTP

For the proposed WTP in Mohekou Industrial Park, five options have been considered for the water sources, that is, (A) Huai River, (B) Huaihongxin River (Xiangjian Lake), (C) Beifei River, (D) groundwater and (E) the water filtrated from the Huai River, as indicated in the following figure.


Figure 31: Locations of Optional Water Sources for the Proposed Mohekou WTP

The comparison of these five options is detailed in the table below.

Table 142: Comparison of Water Source Options for Mohekou WTP

|Option |Current |Advantages |Disadvantages |

| |Water | | |

| |Quality | | |

|(A) Huai River |Class IV |Short distance from the Mohekou |There is no flow in the dry season (October~May) |

| | |Industrial Park. |when the Bengbu Gate upstream is closed. |

| | | |The water for the section downstream of the Bengbu |

| | | |Gate is badly polluted in dry season, which could |

| | | |not meet the minimum national standard for drinking |

| | | |water. |

|(B) Huaihongxin River |Class III |According to the “Water Source Plan for|The Lake is about 17km away from Mohekou, which will|

|(Xiangjian Lake) | |Bengbu Municipality in dry season”, the|result in the high investment. |

| | |Xiangjian Lake has the 400,000m3/d | |

| | |capacity for 100days. However, it is | |

| | |not included in the Bengbu Municipal | |

| | |Water Supply Master Plan, which means | |

| | |it could be used for the proposed | |

| | |Mohekou WTP; | |

| | |The water quality is good. | |

|(C) Beifei River |Class IV~V|Short distance from the Mohekou |Due to the multiple flow diversion along the river, |

| | |Industrial Park. |its flow rate of the downstream section is very low.|

| | | |The water quality is very poor due to the pollution |

| | | |of industries along the river. |

|(D) Local Groundwater |NA |Short distance from the Mohekou |According to the “Preliminary Assessment Report on |

| | |Industrial Park. |Groundwater Distribution of Wuhe Mohekou Fine |

| | | |Chemical Industrial Park”, the single-well water |

| | | |yield in the area is 100-500m3/d, which is |

| | | |considered not sufficient to be used as the |

| | | |large-scale water supply source. |

|(E) Filtrated Water |NA |Short distance from the Mohekou |According to the “Preliminary Assessment Report on |

|from Huai River | |Industrial Park. |Groundwater Distribution of Wuhe Mohekou Fine |

| | | |Chemical Industrial Park”, the single-well water |

| | | |yield of the borehole 1.8km away from the Huai River|

| | | |is only 200m3/d, which is considered not sufficient |

| | | |to be used as the large-scale water supply source. |

| | | |The water resource department indicates that the |

| | | |utilization of filtrated water will have adverse |

| | | |impacts on the Huai River Dyke. The water resource |

| | | |department has already stopped the use of existing |

| | | |well near the Huai River Dyke. |

By comparison, the water quality for the Mohekou section of Huai River and Beifei River is not stable, and it is particularly poor in the dry season and could not be used as the drinking water source. The groundwater in Mohekou and the filtrated water from Huai River don’t have enough capacity for large-scale water supply. Therefore, it is proposed in the project to use the surface water of Huaihongxin River as the water supply source for the Mohekou WTP. However, in view of the pollution risk, it is suggested in the FSR to reserve the borehole of the existing groundwater WTP in the Mohekou Township as the backup water source.

2. WTP Location

Two options have been considered for the WTP location, as shown in the figure below:

Option A: Construct the WTP in the Mohekou Township and the water intake is at Yuanji beside the Xiangjian Lake. Transmit the raw water with the 17km pipeline from the water intake to the WTP for treatment. The treated water will directly supply the urban network;

Option B: Construct the WTP at Yuanji together with the water intake, transmit the treated water with variable frequency pumps and 17km pipeline to the network in Mohekou.


Figure 32: Alternatives for the WTP Location

For Option A, the WTP is proposed in the Mohekou Township, which is convenient for the uniform construction management. However, the long raw water pipe will carry a large amount of mud and sand, and the treatment of mud and sand will increase the construction investment; for Option B, the construction management will be relatively difficult, but the treated water flow for Option B will be 8% lower than the raw water flow for Option A, which means its operation cost will be lower than that of Option A. And there is no need to invest on the sand treatment equipments. In addition, considering the construction of new-type rural area, the treated water could also serve the surrounding villages along its route, which could alleviate the unstable water demand due to the uncertainty of the park construction. To sum up, the Option B is recommended for the project.

3. Water Intake Process

Three options have been considered and analyzed as follows:

Table 143: Alternative Analysis of Water Intake Process

|Option |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|A: Fixed open caisson water|The pumping house is constructed on the dyke and|The water is taken from the bottom when the |

|intake pumping house on the|far away from the channel to ensure the |water level is high, which means its sand |

|lakeside |navigation safety; |content is higher. |

| |The water taking is safe and reliable, and the | |

| |maintenance and the management is simple; | |

| |With the intake head, the water taking | |

| |conditions of the pumps are good; | |

| |Easy for construction. | |

|B: Fixed frame water intake|Lower cost for civil works; |The pumping house is located in the river with |

|pumping house on the | |some impacts on the navigation safety; |

|lakeside | |Higher operation cost due to the submerged pump.|

|C: Floating water intake |Implement by phase; |/ |

| |Easy for construction; | |

| |Shorter construction period; | |

| |More flexible for water taking, always taking | |

| |the surface water. | |

To minimize the sand content and the short-term & long-term cost, considering the local conditions, the Option C is recommended by the FSR consultants.

4. Water Distribution System

The single water distribution system and the dual water distribution system have been considered for the project. The dual water distribution system could supply the industries and the residents with the water of different quality by different pipelines to lower the operation cost of the proposed WWTP. However, the project investment will be dramatically increased since two separate systems are required. And the dual water distribution system is still in the commissioning phase in China. In view of the actual economic conditions of Mohekou, the dual water distribution system is not recommended for the project, especially for the short term. The conventional single water distribution system will be adopted.

2. Alternative Analysis for Mohekou WWTP

1. WWTP Location

Two locations have been considered as shown in the following figure.


Figure 33: Alternatives for Mohekou WWTP Location

Both locations are to the north of the Bengning Highway, only around 1km away from each other. The detailed comparison is shown as follows.

Table 144: Alternative Analysis of WWTP Location

| |Location A |Location B |

|Detailed location|East of the planned Chenqiao Road, south of Shiwang |East of the planned Jiaotong Road, south of Caowu Road|

| |Road | |

|Current land use |Farmland, no additional resettlement. |Farmland, but according to the latest master plan of |

| | |the industrial park, this piece of land has been |

| | |allocated to three industries: “Jiasi Chemical”, |

| | |“Huaihe Rubber Aids” and “Organic Silicon Industrial |

| | |Park”. |

|Ground elevation |15.1m |15.8m |

By comparison, the Location A is recommended.

2. Outfall of Mohekou WWTP

The proposed WWTP for the Mohekou Industrial Park is located to the northeast of Bengning Highway, north of the Mochongyin River. Its treated effluent is planned to be discharged into the Huai River. Three options have been respectively proposed by the national FSR consultants and the NCMDI for the effluent discharge as presented and compared below:

- Option A: Construct a sewage lifting PS in the WWTP site, and discharge the effluent into the Huai River with a pressurized pipe over the Huai River dyke;

- Option B: Discharge the effluent into the Mochongyin River and then into the Huai River by gravity through the Sanpu Gate;

- Option C (by NCMDI): Directly discharge the effluent into the water diversion ditch of the Sanpu Lake Storm Drainage PS through the pipe.

Table 145: Alternative Comparison for the Outfall of the Mohekou WWTP

| |Option A |Option B |Option C |

|Advantage | |Reduce the buried depth of the sewer |No need to add new pollution discharge|

| | |into the WWTP so as to reduce the |outfall; |

| | |construction difficulty and lower the|The pollution risk for the Mochongyin |

| | |cost; |River and the surrounding farmland and|

| | |The effluent discharge pipe of the |crops could be prevented; |

| | |WWTP could be laid along the Jiaotong|The water diversion ditch could become|

| | |Rd. to reduce the land occupation and|the buffer tank for the effluent |

| | |the crop compensation cost and |discharge when there is accident in |

| | |facilitate the local transportation |the WWTP in order to prevent the |

| | |The effluent could be discharged by |pollution of the Huai River and timely|

| | |gravity into the Huai River when the |take efficient emergency measures. |

| | |Huai River level is low so as to | |

| | |reduce the operational cost of the | |

| | |WWTP. | |

|Disadvantage |A lifting PS is needed which |Mochongyin River is an agricultural | |

| |increases the investment; |irrigation ditch. The toxic and | |

| |A new outfall is needed at the bank |hazardous contents in the WWTP | |

| |of the Huai River; |effluent from the industrial park | |

| |Pipe should be laid in the existing |will endanger the crop growth and | |

| |farmland, high resettlement cost; |result in soil pollution; | |

| |The pipeline has to go through the |Mochongyin River runs through the | |

| |Huai River dyke which increases the |Mohekou Town. The effluent odor will | |

| |construction difficulties and badly |impact the residents’ life; | |

| |impacts on the normal use and safety|A new pollution discharge outfall on | |

| |of the dyke; |the Mochongyin River. There is | |

| |The direct discharge of the WWTP |pollution risk for Mochongyin River | |

| |effluent into the Huai River without|if the accidents happen to the WWTP. | |

| |buffering could severely pollute the| | |

| |Huai River when there is accidental | | |

| |discharge. | | |

To sum up, for Option A, on principle no new pollution discharge outfall along the Huai River is allowed except the written approval of both the water resource department and the environmental protection department is obtained; for Option B, the effluent could not be used for irrigation even if it is treated up to the Class 1A standard. In addition, there is high risk of pollution to the ambient soil, groundwater and crops for such industrial wastewater; in contrast, the Option C is environmentally the best solution, which is recommended by the EA.

3. Wastewater Treatment Process for Mohekou WWTP

- Influent Quality

According to the list of 22 contracted industries of Mohekou Industrial Park (as shown in the Table 146), there are 10 chemical industries and 7 light industries. With the WWTP completion, the Class III wastewater discharge standard of the Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) will apply to these industries, e.g. CODcr=1000mg/L for chemical industries such as dye, organic phosphorous pesticide, biological pharmaceutics and biological pharmacy, which is much higher than the 500mg/L for general industries. Due to the lack of information on the industries in the Mohekou Industrial Park, some other WWTPs for similar chemical industrial parks have been used as the reference in the design to deduce the influent quality of the Mohekou WWTP, such as the Shanghai and Nanking Chemical Industrial Parks as presented below. And the influent quality of Mohekou WWTP is finally defined as: CODcr450mg/L, BOD5120mg/L, SS200mg/L, NH3-N 30mg/L, and TP3.5mg/L for the design.

Table 146: List of Contracted Industries in Mohekou Industrial Park

|No. |Industry Name |Type |Water Demand (t/d) |Land Occupation |

| | | | |(ha) |

| | | |Short Term ( 3-6 |Long Term (6-13 | |

| | | |Years) |years) | |

|1 |Anhui Juyuan Chemical Co. Ltd. |Chemical |30 |100 |5.3 |

|2 |Wutong Battery |Light Industry |20 |150 |2 |

|3 |Anhui Longhai Seed Industry |General processing |20 |150 |1.3 |

|4 |Anhui Yongheng Textile |Light Industry |1500 |5000 |7.2 |

|5 |Bengbu Fu’ande |Light Industry |20 |100 |2 |

|6 |Bengbu Cultural Color Printing |Light Industry |10 |50 |1.3 |

|7 |Tongda Municipal |Light Industry |50 |200 |/ |

|8 |Bengbu Tengfei Heat Preservation |Construction |100 |500 |4 |

| |Vessels Co. Ltd. | | | | |

|9 |Bengbu City Huaihe Rubber |Chemical |100 |500 |2 |

| |Additives Factory | | | | |

|10 |Bengbu Guanghua Fine Chemical |Chemical |100 |500 |2 |

| |Factory | | | | |

|11 |Biaoshen Electronics Technology |Light Industry |200 |1000 |13.3 |

| |Co., Ltd. | | | | |

|12 |Japan Cherry Technology Co., Ltd. |Chemical |200 |2000 |40 |

|13 |Qianxinkun International Group |Light Industry |200 |1000 |13.3 |

| |Co., Ltd. | | | | |

|14 |Beijing Feige Dadi Cultural Art |Culture |20 |100 |4 |

| |Center | | | | |

|15 |Jiasi Chemical |Chemical |50 |300 |2 |

|16 |Shanghai Xiangde Wood Co., Ltd. |General processing |200 |1000 |10 |

|17 |Wuhan Kaidi Power Co., Ltd. |Power generation |1000 |3000 |26.7 |

|18 |Taide Development Co., Ltd. |Chemical |1000 |3000 |/ |

|19 |Anhui Baishi Chemical Co., Ltd. |Chemical |500 |2000 |13.3 |

|20 |Bengbu Longchang Rubber Products |Chemical |200 |600 |1.3 |

| |Co., Ltd. | | | | |

|21 |Nantong Huaxia Chemical Co., Ltd. |Chemical |10000 |20000 |/ |

|22 |Hefei Jianlongbao Technology |Chemical |2000 |3000 |4 |

| |Development Co., Ltd. | | | | |

| |Total | |17520 |21050 |155 |

Table 147: Influent Quality of the WWTPs in Shanghai and Nanking Chemical Industrial Parks

|Name |Influent Quantity (m3/d) |CODcr (mg/L) |BOD5 (mg/L) |SS |

|WWTP of Shanghai Chemical Industrial |7000 |700 |250 |350 |

|Park | | | | |

|WWTP of Nanking Chemical Industrial |12500 |1000 |300 |300 |

|Park | | | | |

However, the WWTPs for chemical industrial parks are different from other normal municipal sewage treatment facilities. Most of the wastewater for the proposed WWTP comes from the industries, which means its organic content among the pollutants is generally lower than that of the urban sewage. Defining the influent quality from a conservative point of view based on the upper limits of the investigation is better to guarantee the up-to-standard reliability during the operation period of the WWTP. Therefore, by analogy analysis, it is concluded that the influent quality proposed by the FSR seems too low, and further justification is required in the follow-up design.

- Alternative Analysis of Wastewater Treatment Process

Since the influent would mainly come from the chemical industries, and the effluent of the proposed WWTP has to meet the Class 1A discharge standard (GB18918-2002), which is BOD5≤10mg/L, COD≤50mg/L, SS≤10mg/L, NH3-N≤5mg/L, TN≤15mg/L and TP≤0.5mg/L, the biological and physi-chemical combined treatment process is proposed for the project.

The biological treatment process aims at the removal of nitrogen and phosphorous. Two popular processes have been analyzed in the FSR as the alternatives, that is, Option A—A2O process and Option B—Carrousel 2000 oxidation ditch with pre-anaerobic process. The details are presented in the table below.

Table 148: Alternative Analysis for the Biological Treatment Process of Mohekou WWTP

|Item |Option A |Option B |

| |A2O process |Carrousel 2000 oxidation ditch with |

| | |pre-anaerobic process |

|Treatment Effects |Good |Good |

|Technology Advancement and Maturity |Advanced, mature with wide application |Advanced, mature with some application |

|Power Efficiency |High |Low |

|Number of Structures Required |Many |Few |

|Treatment Process |Complicated |Simple |

|O&M |Complicated |Simple |

|Operation Reliability and Flexibility |Higher |High |

|Land Occupation |Less |More |

|Number of Equipments Required |More |Few |

|Construction Investment |78.75million RMB |77.52million RMB |

|Annual Power Consumption |1,850,000kwh |2,100,000kwh |

|Unit Treatment Cost |1.15 RMB/m3 |1.16 RMB/m3 |

|Unit Operation Cost |0.67 RMB/m3 |0.69 RMB/m3 |

By comparison, the A2/O process is technically advanced, mature and stable with good treatment effects, less land occupation and wide application in China. Economically, although the investment of Option A is a little higher than Option B, but its power consumption is lower than that of Option B. Therefore, from a long term view, Option A is recommended for the project. However, due to the special characteristics of the chemical industrial wastewater, some pretreatment processes are required to strengthen and stabilize the biological treatment process, such as the conditioning tank and the pre-physichemical treatment process (flocculation and settlement).

The advanced treatment is mainly to further remove SS together with the organic matters. Two options have been considered in the project design, as presented in the Table 149. By comparison, Option B is recommended for the advanced treatment process of Mohekou WWTP.

Table 149: Alternative Analysis of Advanced Treatment Process

|No. |Option A |Option B |

| |Flocculation+Settlement+Filtration+Disinfection |Mixture+Filtration+Disinfection |

|1 |Many structures, difficult to implement, complicated |Fewer structures, easy to implement, and simple |

| |operation and management. |operation and management. |

|2 |500m2 is required for the settling tank, which will cause |No settlement process. |

| |difficulty in the general layout and the connection with the | |

| |previous and following process, and impact the uniformity of | |

| |water distribution. | |

|3 |The filtration load is lower after settlement. |Higher filtration load |

|4 |Higher project investment. |Lower project investment. |

Comparably, in order to meet the Class 1B standard of GB18918-2002, Tianjin Chemical Industrial Park (mainly green fine chemical industries, ocean chemical industries and high-tech chemical industries) has finally selected the process of Hydrolytic Oxidation+ Bio-Reaction+MBR Filter for its WWTP, whose actual CODcr removal rates for different processes are as follows:

Table 150: Comparison of CODcr Removal Rate between Tianjin Chemical Industrial Park and Mohekou Industrial Park

|Project |CODcr Conc. |Removal Rate |

|Influent |1000mg/L | |

|Hydrolytic Oxidation Tank Effluent |600 mg/L |40% |

|Bio-Reaction Tank Effluent |90 mg/L |85% |

|MBR Effluent |45 mg/L |50% |

|Total Removal Rate | |95.5% |

|Removal Rate required by Mohekou WWTP | |88.9% |

It can be concluded that the Hydrolytic Oxidation+ Bio-Reaction+MBR Filter process can meet the Pollutant Discharge Standard for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002), Class 1A, as required for the Mohekou WWTP. The EA consultants have doubts about whether the process proposed in the FSR can meet the Class 1A Standard of GB18918-2002; therefore, it is suggested to further justify the process in the follow-up design.

9. Information Disclosure and Public Consultation

In accordance with the World Bank requirements, the information disclosure and two rounds of public consultation were conducted during the course of the environmental impact assessment, as detailed in the following sections.

1. Information Disclosure

The information disclosure refers to the publicization of the proposed project contents and the potential environmental impacts at the construction sites in order to ensure the timely access of affected groups and local public to the relevant information.

The information disclosure for this project was carried out in three phases:

- Phase I: Disclose the project information in the governmental bulletin board of the project sites and the local newspaper after the initial project identification;

- Phase II: At the early stage of EA preparation, disclose the basic project information and the potential environment problems based on the completed EA outlines on the websites of the local governments, and collect the public feedback and public opinions;

- Phase III: After the completion the draft individual EA reports and the consolidated EA report are disclosed on the public websites. The individual EA reports and the Chinese consolidated EA report are publicized on the local website and the libraries of the project areas, and the English translation of the consolidated EA report is disclosed on the World Bank website.

Table 151: Summary of Information Disclosure for BIEIP

|Phase |Disclosed |By Whom |When |Where |

| |Information | | | |

|I |Initial Project |Huaishang District Government and |2007.1.26 |Bulletin Board System of Huaishang|

| |Scope |NCMDI | |District Government |

| | |Huaiyuan County World Bank Project|2007.1.26 |Bulletin Board of Huaiyuan County |

| | |Office and NCMDI | |Government |

| | |Guzhen County World Bank Project |2007.1.27 |Bulletin Board for Governmental |

| | |Office and NCMDI | |Affairs of Guzhen County |

| | | | |Government |

| | |Yuhui District Government and |2007.1.28 |Bulletin Board of Changqing |

| | |NCMDI | |Township, Qinji Town |

| | |Wuhe County World Bank Project |2007.1.30 |Administration Committee of |

| | |Leading Group Office and the NCMDI| |Mohekou Industrial Park |

|II |Basic project |Municipal PMO and NCMDI |2007.3.30 |Website of Bengbu Municipal |

| |information and | | |Government |

| |potential | | | |

| |environmental | | | |

| |problems | | | |

| | |Municipal PMO and NCMDI |2007.4.4 |Bengbu Daily (newspaper) |

|III |Notice of |Municipal PMO and NCMDI |2007.8.10 |Bengbu Daily (newspaper) |

| |information | | | |

| |disclosure | | | |

| |Disclosure of the |Municipal PMO and the governments |2007.8.10 |Municipal Library and the |

| |full-text versions|of the three counties | |libraries of the three counties |

| |of the EA reports | | | |


Figure 34: Online Public Notification of Project Information (Phase II)

[pic] [pic]

Public Notification in Guzhen County Public Notification in Huaiyuan County

[pic] [pic]

Public Notification in Huaishang District Public Notification in Wuhe County

Figure 35: Information Disclosure at the Project Sites (Phase I)


Figure 36: Information Disclosure about Public Consultation in Bengbu Daily (Phase II)

[pic] [pic]

Bengbu Daily Bengbu Municipal Library

Figure 37: Information Disclosure of EA reports (Phase III)

2. Public Participation

This project covers a broad area with the complex composition of impacted population. The project in the urban area mainly involves the inhabitants in the old urban area and a few villagers in the newly planning area; the three county projects are relatively far away from the urban area, most of the impacted people are farmers, so the public consultation and the public participation should be carried out according to the different characteristics of the impacted people in different areas.

Four forms of public participation have been taken for the proposed BIEIP, including the public consultation meeting, the expert consultation by letter, the interview with the impacted public on site, and the questionnaire survey, which are implemented in 2 phases. The Phase I was carried out at the beginning of the EA preparation from Jan. 2007 to Apr.2007, and the Phase II was carried out in Jul. 2007 when the draft EA reports were finished.

• The first public participation is primarily carried out by the on-site interview and questionnaire survey. Totally 240 public participation questionnaires have been distributed for the 8 sub-projects, 220 of which have been collected with the recovery rate of 92%. The investigated area covered the Bengbu urban area and the project area in the three suburban counties.

• In the second public participation, different methods were adopted in view of the different projects. With the EA progress, the major affected people and areas were screened out for the targeted public consultation. At the same time the EA consultation meetings and expert consultation was also conducted.

- For the planning urban area of Bengbu, the public consultation was carried out by interview and questionnaire survey in the key project areas. Totally 550 copies of public consultation questionnaires were distributed in the major impacted areas around the five sub-project sites (urban drainage, Longzi Lake, Xijiagou Canal, Huaishang District and Tianhe PS), 531 copied were collected with the recovery rate of 97%;

- For the suburban sub-projects, the EA consultants organised the public consultation meetings together with the project owners respectively in the Huaiyuan County, Guzhen County and the Mohekou Town of the Wuhe County, and the questionnaires were distributed at the meetings. Totally 300 copies of the questionnaires were distributed, and 273 copies were collected with the discovery rate of 91%;

- In addition, seven local experienced experts in the fields of water conservancy, municipal infrastructure and environmental protection were consulted for the proposed BIEIP by special advisory opinion sheets.


Figure 38: Public Participation

1. Conclusions of the First Public Participation

According to the on-site interview and the statistic results of the distributed public consultation questionnaires during January~February 2007, the major conclusions for the first public participation are summarized as follows:

1. 100% of the investigated people support the BIEIP construction;

2. 98% of the investigated people think the existing drainage system of the city requires urgent improvement;

3. 70% of the investigated people have ever suffered from floods, and 30% have even suffered from frequent floods;

4. Almost all the investigated people think that it was very necessary to improve the local flood control and storm drainage facilities;

5. About 80% of the investigated people think that the existing drainage system of Bengbu Municipality is incomplete, and the water quality of the urban area has been badly impacted, especially the Xijiagou and Baligou canals.

6. In terms of the possible environmental impacts, 35% of the investigated people think that traffic will be the major impact during the project construction, 25% consider the noise as the major impact, 20% concern most about the flying dust by project construction and the rest 20% concern most about the temporary land occupation. 70% of the investigated people could accept the short-term adverse impacts during the construction, and 30% emphasize that effective measures should be taken to mitigate the adverse impacts during the construction. That means the local public could accept some negative impacts during the construction to improve their living environment;

7. 100% of the investigated people believe that the project would play a positive role in many aspects, and the project construction should be accelerated.

2. Conclusions of the Second Public Participation

According to the questionnaires survey carried out from July 4 ~ 10, 2007 both for the urban projects and the suburban projects, the major conclusions are summarized as below.

• Among the surveyors, 100 percent of the surveyors expressed their supports to the construction of Bengbu city project of the facility for flood prevention and drainage pumping and for the comprehensive environment improvement, using the World Bank. They thought that this project is a good project benefiting the people and promoting the urban development. The surveyor thought generally that the project construction can enhance the ability of flood and drainage prevention and safety controlling in the city’s flood season, perfect city’s infrastructure, improves the urban combined environment, enhance the residents’ living quality of life, promote the city overall image, enhancement the ability to attract commercial investments, and promote the development of local economy.

• Above 90% of the surveyors all said they know about the construction project situation, other people said they know about the project construction of Bengbu city project of the facility for flood prevention and drainage pumping and for the comprehensive environment improvement, using the World Bank, which indicated that the information publicity of the this project achieved remarkable success.

1.For Tianhe flood prevention project:

• The surveyors generally reflected that drainage condition was serious in the flood season in the Tianhe area, especially the riverside marsh land. The drainage water can only disperse into the Tianhe, not outside into Huai River, which caused the great loss in agricultural production. The construction of large-capacity drainage PS is extremely needed;

• On the other hand, after the Tianhe Lake has been recognized as the water source in emergency, above 90% peripheral farmers were worried that it will affect the normal water taking for the Tianhe peripheral agricultural production to take water from the emergency water source in the water lacking period of the drought season.

• 95% people thought main adverse effects in the construction period were the transportation impeded and the land occupying.

• More than 90% of the people thought that the main function of the construction Tianhe PS was to enhance the Tianhe drainage pumping ability, to guarantee the safety of the Tianhe peripheral area in flood season, to promote agricultural production.

• No surveyors expressed adverse opinions in the location choice of the Tianhe PS.

2.For Longzi Lake project

• All the surveyors expressed their supports to the project construction. But they hoped that the drainage PS project should do rational planning before the construction, consider the expense and production of the project construction, use the fund reasonably, and cut down the expenditures.

• 75% of the surveyors reflected that the coastal area of the Longzi Lake drains water was impeded frequently in the flood season. They thought it is necessary to carry on scouring, coordinating to drainage PS construction simultaneously to improve the ability effectively of flood prevention and drainage pumping in this area.

• 60% of the surveyors thought it was extremely necessary to clear the silt in Longzi Lake, and it can improve the local overall environment to do coordinated coastal slope protection forestations.

• The surveyors all agreed that the main adverse effects in the project construction were the construction raising dust, the transportation impeding and the land occupying. It is hoped to decrease the influence by reducing construction time and realizing the construction environmental protection measures.

3.For urban water and drainage pumping project

• 92% of the surveyors reflected that Bengbu's drainage system was impeded, and it is needed urgently to consummate the municipal drainage system construction.

• 90% of the surveyors thought the construction of the draining water pipe network will be advantageous in improving the urban overall water environment.

• 98% people thought it is extremely helpful to construct rain and sewage pipe network in the Longzi Lake District for the improvement of the Longzi Lake and the peripheral water environment.

4.For Xijiagou Project

• 92% of the surveyors indicated that they support the construction of the project. They also thought that the scouring of the ditches and the new building of the drainage PS at the same time can effectively enhance the ability of the flood prevention and drainage pumping in local area;

• More than half of the surveyors expressed their great unsatisfaction with the peripheral environment of Xijiagou and Baligou. The main problems were the water environmental pollution caused by the sewage discharge, the odor caused by the trash in coast stacks, and the environmental sanitation problems.

• The surveyors all agreed that the main adverse effect in the project construction is the transportation and the land occupying. It is hoped to decrease the influence by reducing construction time and realizing the construction environmental protection measures.

5.For Huaishang District Project

• All the surveyors supported the project construction, and they thought it essential to improve the drainage system and enhance the ability of flood prevention and drainage pumping in Huaishang area. To build and consummate the infrastructures such as the road in the north area of Huai River main dike, the draining water pipe networks and so on;

• 92% of the surveyors reflected existing drainage pumping system was impeded in the Huaishang area. They also indicated that through scouring the silt in the ditches and canals, building new (changing, expanding) drainage PSs , reinforcing embankment and so on to enhance the ability of flood prevention and drainage pumping in Huaishang area;

• The surveyors thought that with the implementation of the project the main order of the impacts on their living were the noise; the raising dust, the temporary land occupying and the transportation, respectively. They hoped that in the construction the construction agency should pay attention to publicizing the construction announcement in advance, constructing according to the plans, using environmental protection measures to dustproof, noise reduction, wastewater processing and so on, reducing the temporary land occupying, occupying less farmlands, shortening the project working period, restoring the surface vegetations promptly.

• The surveyors suggested that the project should occupy less farmland in caring about the people’s actually difficulty; the project should speed up the progress; in the PS construction the river system should be safeguarded to be unimpeded; Inhabitant's relocation and arrangement should be dealt with promptly. The project construction agency should pay attention to the surveyors’ suggestions, and help the project complete smoothly.

6.For Guzhen County Project

• 84% of the surveyors indicated the understanding of the project construction, 96% indicated their support to the project construction, and nobody expressed the opposition.

• 63% of the surveyors expressed their unsatisfaction with the existing drainage channel flow capacity of the Guzhen County. They thought that the environmental sanitation condition of the peripheral canal was poor at the central town in Guzhen County.

• 87% of the surveyors thought that the flooding disaster in Guzhen County was serious. 90% of the surveyors agreed that the flood discharging and drainage pumping ability of the existing drainage ditch PS was not able to meet the requirements for flood prevention and draining water pumping.

• The surveyors all agreed that the main adverse effects in the project construction will be the transportation impeding, the land occupying in the construction as well as the noise influence. It is hoped to decrease the influence by formulating the construction plan scientifically, reducing the construction time and realizing the construction environmental protection measures.

7.For Huaiyuan County Project

• Nearly all the surveyors expressed their supports positively to the project construction, and hoped that this project implements as soon as possible.

• The surveyors generally reflected that the ability of flood prevention and drainage pumping in Huaiyuan County was poor. They also suggested several measures to enhance comprehensively the ability of flood prevention and drainage pumping, such as building new drainage PS, doing silt scouring of drainage ditches, reinforcing embankment, etc.

• All the surveyors told that because various wastewaters were discharged and the trash was casually stacked, the peripheral environmental sanitation condition was extremely poor the suburban pools and drainage ditches in the Huaiyuan County Town. They indicated that it was extremely necessary to carry on comprehensive improvement, including silt clearing and vegetation restoration;

• The surveyor thought generally that the adverse effects during the project construction stage were mainly of temporary land occupying, construction noise and transportation consequences. They hoped to be informed ahead of time before the construction about the construction plan and the adverse effects. It is asked to decrease the influence by shortening the construction time, reducing the land occupancy and realizing the construction environmental protection measures at the construction place.

8.For Wuhe County Mohekou Project

• 95% of the surveyors indicated that they know the construction content and the situation of this project; and expressed their supports to the project construction.

• Regarding to the construction of the surface water works, the surveyors expressed cared about the supply water quality most, the guarantee of the water volume supply as well as the necessaries of the water supplying pipe network. They also indicated that they wish to use the water from the surface water works.

• 77% of the surveyors thought it was urgently needed to improve the water facilities, the sewage facilities, the road facilities in the industry development area;

• The surveyors thought that the impacts on their living with the implementation of the project will be the raising dust, the transportation, the noise and the temporary land occupying. It is hoped to decrease the influence by formulating the construction plan scientifically, reducing the construction time and realizing the construction environmental protection measures.

1. Feedback Opinions and Concerns

According to the results of the EIA personnels’ visit on site as well as the survey of public participation to each sub-projects, the EIA agency will feed back the public opinion and worries collected to the departments concerned. The public opinions and the feedback results are shown in Table 152:

Table 152: Summary of Public Opinions and the Feedback Results

|Serial |Public opinions and the problems |Department for feedback |suggestions for handling |

|number |worried | | |

|1 |During the construction period, |Designing agency |Carry on multi-plan selection, reduce the land occupying|

| |reduce land occupying area, | |in the project; |

| |announce ahead of time, finish | | |

| |pollution preventing and | | |

| |controlling in the construction | | |

| |period | | |

| | |Project construction |choose the construction unit seriously, |

| | |agency |take the plan and the arrangement of temporary occupying|

| | | |land area in the construction as the evaluation target |

| | |Construction agency |formulate construction plan, make clear about the |

| | | |construction arrangement and the progress; complete the |

| | | |construction announcement before the construction |

| | | |admission |

| | |EIA agency |consummate the construction contamination control and |

| | | |the environmental protection measure |

|2. |Mohekou Town farmers hope to use |Planning department |Formulate the corresponding water supply plan |

| |water supplied by the surface | | |

| |water works | | |

| | |Wuhe County urban |construction of the necessary water supply pipe network |

| | |construction department |of the Mohekou Town |

| | | | |

| | |The association of pipe |connections for Mohekou Town water taking should be |

| | |network In Mohekou |reserved in water supplying main pipe |

| | |Garden zone | |

| | |designing agency |Based on the water consumption in the Mohekou Town, |

| | | |consider a convention on the scale of the surface water |

| | | |works and water resource with Huaihongxin River |

| | | |Xiangjian Lake. Guarantee the water supplying ability |

|3 |The public in Huaishang area |Construction unit |Do comparison and selection of multi- plans on the |

| |requested that the construction | |project contents and the selected location occupying |

| |agency care about people’s | |land area, take less occupying land area and non |

| |actually difficulty and the | |occupying of farmlands as the principle, demonstrate the|

| |project should occupy less | |project necessity fully |

| |farmland. | | |

| | |designing department |carries on the technical proof on the construction scale|

| | | |and the implementation plan |

| | | |to avoid waste in land resources and the construction |

| | | |funds |

| | |Construction unit |use advanced environmental protecting working practice,|

| | | |enhance job location management, control the |

| | | |construction temporary occupying land area strictly |

| |It is suggested that the river |the construction agency,|Formulate detailed construction plans, the construction |

| |system should be unimpeded in the |Designing department |technology methods required are included in the tender |

| |construction of the PS. | |content of the construction |

| | |the construction unit |Complete the adjustment of the temporary drainage system|

| | | |before the construction, Jamming of the original |

| | | |drainage channel is not permitted |

| |The inhabitant's relocation and |Construction unit |The construction unit executes the related national |

| |placement should be set in time | |policies strictly according to the relocation placement |

| |and well arranged. | |plans and the compensation standards. |

| | | |Make sure of the each expense of the placement and |

| | | |guarantee the prompt arriving of the compensation fund. |

| | |Local government |The local government does the surveillance and the |

| | | |coordination for the relocation and placement work. |

|4 |The public at Xijiagou and |the management |1. Carry on the necessary construction of the sewage |

| |Baligou, Guzhen County, the |association of the High-|truncation pipe network at the same time of silt |

| |location of the Huaiyuan County |and new- tech |clearing of the ditches and the ponds, control the |

| |project, requested to strengthen |development zone, each |sewage injection strictly. |

| |the management after the |construction agency in |2. Enhance environmental sanitation management, forbid |

| |completion of the silt-scouring of|the Guzhen County, and |piling trashes near the ditches and the ponds |

| |the drainage ditches and the |the Huaiyuan County, as |3. Construct necessary facility for trash receiving and |

| |ponds, in order to avoid the |well as |transportation, guarantee fixed point depositing of |

| |pollution of the trashes and the |the local urban |living trashes, do centralized collection and shipment. |

| |wastewater, and to protect the |management departments | |

| |social environment benefit of this| | |

| |construction project. | | |

3. Summary of Public Consultation Meetings in the Three Counties

1. Huaiyuan County

The conference of “Huaiyuan County project of flood prevention and ecology treatment” was held at 9:00~10:30 in the morning on July 9, 2007 in the conference room of Huaiyuan County Development and Planning Commission. The conference was managed by Qin, the Director of the Development and Planning Commission. The representatives who attended the conference were 19 people in total, from the various areas of the construction located, mainly were the inhabitants in Chengguan Town community, farmers from Lizuizi village, Xinzhuangzi village, Meicheng village, Longtou Village, the inhabitants at the Bianhe Road, the staffs in the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

In the conference the project origin and its content were introduced first by the various projects construction units. Then the EIA agency analyzed and introduced the main environmental effects and the environmental protecting mitigation measures in the project construction period and the operation period. Finally the public representatives, the construction agency and the EIA agency made discussion and the opinion requiring on the main subjects. The public in the construction location expressed their opinions and the ideas. The main subject and the public opinion of the conference are summarized in Table 153.

Table 153: Summary of Public Consultation Meeting Results for the Huaiyuan Project

|Main subjects |Main conclusions |Resolving proposals |

|What is the most unsatisfied aspect|1) The most unsatisfied aspect in the present |The opinions were feedbacked to the |

|in the present environment |environment situation for the inhabitants is the poor |construction agency as well as the |

|situation in the region involved in|ability of the city drainage pumping. For example, the |designing agency, and were considered in |

|the project? |Lizuizi drainage system was flooded so seriously in the|the design proposals. |

| |rainy season that it affected the ordinary living. | |

| |2) It is hoped to consummate the drainage system and | |

| |enhance flow capacity of the draining water PS. The PS | |

| |should be designed in two ways as the self-pumping and | |

| |the motor- pumping. | |

|2.What are the worries of the |1) The inhabitants thought that the transportation and |1) Feedback the public’s opinions to the |

|public about the adverse |the raising dust were the main problems worried about, |construction agency and request them check|

|environmental effects as well as |especially the problem of transportation. The reason is|strictly in the construction tender |

|influences on their own lives |that the pipe network consummation project was mainly |process and formulate the construction |

|brought in the construction stage |in the Chengguan Town where it was very easy to have |plan scientifically. |

|and the operation stage of the |the traffic jam with its narrow streets. |2) In the EIA report, do supplement and |

|project? |2) At the same time, the sandy soil was also very easy |consummate measures of the corresponding |

| |to influence the inhabitants living near both sides of |construction management and pollution |

| |the road in its transportation process. Therefore it |prevention and controlling in order to |

| |was suggested that the construction plan should be well|minimize the adverse construction |

| |formulated in the construction period. |consequences. |

| |3) Under the coordination of the transportation | |

| |management department, complete the work of traffic | |

| |control and the optimization of the transit route. | |

|3. What are the public’s opinions |1) The inhabitant believed that this project is a |1) Integrate completely the environmental |

|on the environmental impact |project for the people. They can accept various |protection measures proposed in EIA in the|

|mitigation measures in the project |unavoided environmental effects in the construction |environment management plan, and request |

|construction stage and the |period and hoped this project to implement as soon as |the project agency to implement the |

|operation stage? |possible. |investment fun for the environmental |

| |2) Regarding to the environmental mitigation measures |protection measures. |

| |in the construction period and the operation period, |2) In the selection of the construction |

| |the inhabitant representatives agreed with the measures|agency, it is suggested to take the |

| |proposed by the EIA agency. But it should be carried |realization ability of environmental |

| |out implement strictly especially by the construction |protection measures and the safeguard of |

| |agency, the supervising and managing agency and the |the technical fund as the key inspecting |

| |inspector agency according to the environment |targets. |

| |mitigation measures EIA agency proposed. | |

|4. What are public’s suggestions on|1)Regarding to the hygienic sanitation maintenance and|1) Feedback the public’s opinions to the |

|the environmental sanitation |management after the silt clearing of the ditches and |construction agency and the project local |

|maintenance and management after |the ponds, the public proposed to manage it first by |environmental sanitation department |

|the project’s completion, |the special person. At the same time to strengthen the |2) Urge the department concerned to |

|especially after silt clearing of |guidance of the environmental protection and raise the |consummate the construction of trash |

|the ditches and the ponds? |public understanding in environmental sanitation. |stacks and collection points in the |

| |2) Establish trash stacks and the collection points at |construction place. Collect and send out |

| |the inhabitant quarters around the drainage flow |in time the life trashes in that area of |

| |ditches and the ponds. The environmental sanitation |the ponds and drainage ditches, in order |

| |department cleans up and takes away at scheduled time. |to avoid pollution the second time. |

2. Guzhen County

The conference of “Guzhen County project of flood prevention and ecology treatment” was held at 3:00~4:30 in the afternoon on July 9, 2007 in the conference room of the Guzhen County Development and Planning Commission. The conference was managed by Wang, the Director of the Development and Planning Commission. The representatives who attended the conference were 26 people in total from the various areas of the construction located, mainly were the farmers from the nearby villages at Dalou Community at Guzhen such as Xiaolou Village, Dalou Village, Laojie, Qili Village, Nanchenwei Village, Qi Village, etc. as well as the concerned personnel in the Guzhen Construction Bureau and the Water Conservancy Bureau.

In the conference the project origin and its content were introduced first by the various projects construction units. Then the EIA agency analyzed and introduced the main environmental effects and the environmental protecting mitigation measures in the project construction period and the operation period. Finally the public representatives, the construction agency and the EIA agency made discussion and the opinion requiring on the main subjects. The public in the construction location expressed their opinions and the ideas. The main subject and the public opinion of the conference are summarized in Table 154.

Table 154: Summary of Public Consultation Meeting Results for the Guzhen Project

|Main subjects |Main conclusions |Resolving proposals |

|1. For the public, what is the most|1) The most unsatisfied aspect in the present |The opinions were feedbacked to the |

|unsatisfied aspect in the present |environment situation for the inhabitants is the quite|construction agency as well as the |

|environment situation in the region|poor ability of the city drainage pumping. |designing agency. |

|involved in the project? |2) The city sewage collecting system was imperfect and| |

| |in the old city area the hygienic condition near the | |

| |drain was bad. | |

| |3) It is hoped to consummate the drainage system. | |

| |Clear silt in the city drains and ponds as soon as | |

| |possible to enhance water logging treatment. | |

|2.The public asked problems about |1) The inhabitants thought that the transportation, |1) Feedback the public’s opinions to the |

|worries of the adverse |the raising dust, and the environment sanitary, etc. |construction agency and request them check |

|environmental effects as well as |were the main problems worried about, in particular, |strictly in the construction tender process|

|influences on their own lives |the problem of transportation. Because in some suburb |and formulate the construction plan |

|produced in the project |villages transportation paths were not very good and |scientifically. In the construction |

|construction stage and the |the villagers had difficulty in transportation. The |proposal, consider reducing temporary land |

|operation stage. |villagers worried about the temporary occupying of the|occupying and stipulate the transit route |

| |road which will intensify this difficulty once the |for the construction, complete the work of |

| |project constructs creates. |supervising and managing. |

| |2) It is suggested to formulate the construction plan |2) In the EIA report, do supplement and |

| |in the construction period. The temporary access road |consummate measures of the corresponding |

| |should be constructed when constructing nearby the |construction management and pollution |

| |villagers’ channel in the suburb village. The path in |prevention and controlling in order to |

| |the village cannot be damaged. Do the traffic control |minimize the adverse construction |

| |and the optimization transit route. |consequences. |

|3. Ask the public’s opinions on the|1) The inhabitant believed that this project is a |1) Integrate completely the environmental |

|environmental impact mitigation |project for the people. They can accept various |protection measures proposed in EIA in the |

|measures in the project |unavoided environmental effects in the construction |environment management plan, and request |

|construction stage and the |period and hoped this project to implement as soon as |the project agency to implement the |

|operation stage. |possible. |investment fun for the environmental |

| |2) Regarding to the environmental mitigation measures |protection measures. |

| |in the construction period and the operation period, |2) In the selection of the construction |

| |the inhabitant representatives agreed with the |agency, it is suggested to take the |

| |measures proposed by the EIA agency. But it should be|realization ability of environmental |

| |carried out implement strictly especially by the |protection measures and the safeguard of |

| |construction agency, the supervising and managing |the technical fund as the key inspecting |

| |agency and the inspector agency according to the |targets. |

| |environment mitigation measures EIA agency proposed. | |

|4. What are public’s suggestions on|1)Regarding to the hygienic sanitation maintenance |1) Feedback the public’s opinions to the |

|the environmental sanitation |and management after the silt clearing of the ditches |construction agency and the project local |

|maintenance and management after |and the ponds, the public proposed to strengthen the |environmental sanitation department and |

|the project’s completion, |management first. At the same time the unit concerned |electricity supply department. |

|especially after silt clearing of |should provide the convenient condition for the |2) Urge the department concerned to |

|the ditches and the ponds? |neighbor inhabitant's trash collection so as to |consummate the construction of trash stacks|

| |protect the project achievement in clearing silt. |and collection points in the construction |

| |2) The public also proposed after completion of this |place. Collect and send out in time the |

| |project, the power supply department must guarantee |life trashes in that area of the ponds and |

| |each drainage station to drain water normally. Let the|drainage ditches, in order to avoid |

| |common people really see their actual benefit the |pollution the second time. |

| |project taken. |Ask the construction agency and the water |

| | |conservancy department to enhance the |

| | |operational management of the PSs and |

| | |guarantee the normal operation of the |

| | |drainage PSs. |

3. Mohekou Town of Wuhe County

The symposium of “Wuhe County project of flood prevention and ecology treatment” was held at 9:30 ~ 11:00 on the morning of July 6, 2007 at the conference room of the Mohekou Industry Garden Management Commission. The representatives who attended the conference were 24 people in total from the villages of the construction located, from Mohekou Village, Tuanjie Village, Sanpu Village, Tangchen Village, Lijiawa Village, Yuanji Village, respectively.

In the conference the project origin and its content were introduced first by the projects construction agencies. Then the EIA agency introduced the environmental impact production stages (waste water, waste gas, solid waste, and noise), the pollutant emissions analysis, and the planned environmental protection measures and so on in the project construction period and the operation period, enabling the public to have a more comprehensive understanding to the project’s environmental consequences. Finally the public representatives, the construction agency and the EIA agency made discussion and the opinion requiring on the main subjects. The public in the construction location expressed their opinions and the ideas. The main subject and the public opinion of the conference are summarized in Table 155.

Table 155: Summary of Public Consultation Meeting Results for the Mohekou Project in the Wuhe County

|Main subjects |Main conclusions |Resolving proposals |

|1. What are the suggestions |1) The garden area is in the marsh land, so |.1) The opinions were feedbacked to the |

|and opinions of the public in |it should be solved for the problem of the |construction agency as well as the designing |

|the project construction? |draining water peripheral land which has not |agency. In the design proposal and the draining|

| |taken over for use, to avoid the agricultural|water plan, to consider the marsh land draining|

| |loss impeded drains in the flood season. |water problem in garden area, as well as moving|

| |2) The location selection of the sewage |direction of the water works feedwater line and|

| |factory should be reasonable to, guarantee |its construction plan. To provide the tap water|

| |the inhabited area not to be affected by the |with safety control for the local common people|

| |odor. |eat the greatest possibility. |

| |3) The public reflected that the source of |2) The odor problem of the sewage factory has |

| |drinking water for peripheral inhabitant in |been reflected to the designing department and |

| |the place of construction is the ground water|the construction unit., Consider thoroughly in |

| |at present, in which the iron content is high|reducing the odor influence in the factory site|

| |concerning the water quality. After the |selection and the factory layout as well as the|

| |surface water works complete, the inhabitants|sludge processing. Enhance the protective |

| |are willing to pay the suitable fee to use |measures. |

| |the tap water. |3) In the EIA report it was proposed to the |

| |4) The conference participants thought that |health protection distance request and |

| |the project construction was extremely |reasonable suggestion for the layout of the |

| |important. They requested to implement the |factory district. |

| |project as soon as possible and guarantee the| |

| |project quality and the completion time, in | |

| |order to benefit the local people earlier. | |

|2.The public asked problems |1) The construction sewage processing should |1) Feedback the public’s opinions to the |

|about worries of the adverse |be paid attention to during the project |construction agency and request them check |

|environmental effects as well |construction period, in order to avoid the |strictly in the construction tender process and|

|as influences on their own |polluting the peripheral water environment. |formulate the construction plan scientifically.|

|lives produced in the |2) The inhabitants thought that the |In the construction proposal, should consider |

|construction stage and the |transportation and the raising dust and so on|reducing temporary land occupying and stipulate|

|operation stage of the |were the main problems they worried about. |the transit route for the construction, |

|project. |Especially during the road building at the |complete the work of supervising and managing. |

| |Mohekou Town, the sand and crushed stone |2) In the EIA report, do supplement and |

| |materials and so on needed for the road |consummate measures of the corresponding |

| |construction should be laid aside |construction management in order to minimize |

| |appropriately to reduce the road occupying |the adverse construction consequences. |

| |and maintain the road cleanness. The | |

| |construction time should avoid inhabitant's | |

| |relaxation time. Do the construction in the | |

| |civilized way and formulate the construction | |

| |plan to reduce the effects on the | |

| |inhabitants’ transportation and lives. | |

| |3) After the implementation of the project, | |

| |it is hoped to do effective collection and | |

| |processing for the existing factory | |

| |production waste water and the sewage in the | |

| |town and to integrate completely the sewage | |

| |treatment plant to be constructed. | |

|3. Ask the public’s opinions |1) The inhabitant believed that this project |1) Integrate completely the environmental |

|on the environmental impact |is a project for the people. They can accept |protection measures proposed in EIA in the |

|mitigation measures in the |various unavoided environmental effects in |environment management plan, and request the |

|project construction. |the construction period and hoped this |project agency to implement the environmental |

| |project to implement as soon as possible. But|protection measures and the supervising and |

| |the environmental mitigation measures should |managing system. |

| |be implemented actually. |2) It should be enhanced in the scene |

| | |management in the construction period and |

| | |increased in surveillance and inspection |

| | |strength. |

4. Expert Consultation

In view of “the Project of City flood prevention and the ecological environment treatment in Bengbu City”, to complete the project EIA work better, the EIA consulted the seven concerning experts coming from the Bengbu water conservancy bureau, Huai River Hydro-Conservancy Committee, the Bengbu Water Conservation Survey Design Institute, the Bengbu Plan and Design Institute, the Huai River Water Resources Conservation Research Institute, the Bengbu Municipal Engineering Administrative Office and the Bengbu Environmental Monitoring Station in the Bengbu City in July, 2007. The experts proposed the precious suggestion on the following questions. The content and the expert advice of the questionnaire were summarized in Table 156.

Table 156: Summary of Expert Consultation Results for BIEIP

|Serial |The questionnaire |Main conclusions |

|number | | |

|1 |What’s your attitude to|Expert in various fields expressed their vigorous supports to the construction of the World Bank |

| |the construction of |project. |

| |this project seeking |1) Bengbu is a city with relatively lag infrastructure and relatively serious pollution. The local |

| |for World bank loan for|flood prevention facility was weak in this area, which is to the north of Huai River, to the east of|

| |the city flood |Longzi Lake and to the west of Baligou. It has been in the status of natural inundation for a long |

| |prevention and |time and there existed certain hidden danger of flood prevention. On the other hand, the Baligou, |

| |ecological treatment in|the Xijiagou and the Longzi Lake have not been treated comprehensively and the water environmental |

| |Bengbu City? |pollution problem is quite serious. Therefore it is extremely essential to apply for the World Bank |

| | |loan to carry on the construction of the city flood prevention and the drainage pumping facility and|

| | |the environment synthesis improvement. |

| | |2) Bengbu's once application for the world bank loan to use in the Huai River basin water pollution |

| | |treatment, has obtained very good social and environmental benefit. This time the application for |

| | |the world bank loan project will play a vital role in realizing the sustainable development of the |

| | |economy and the society so as to raise the city infrastructure level and optimize the living |

| | |environment. It is believed that with the great effort of municipal government and department |

| | |concerned, the application for the world bank loan will obtain a complete success. |

|2 |What’s your worry and |1) There are water drainage problems such as low topography of garden area and submergence risks in |

| |suggestion on the |the flood season. It is suggested to carry on plan designing and the implementation first in the |

| |construction of the |Mohekou garden area of drainage elimination. |

| |Mohekou Industry |2) There are pollution discharge problems in the enterprises. The pretreatment does not reach the |

| |Garden? |designed standards and is discharged outside along with rain water in the flood season. It is easy |

| | |to form the pollution risk to Huai River. It should be guaranteed that the enterprise environmental |

| | |protection facility, the sewage treatment facility in the garden area and the enterprise |

| | |construction are in operation simultaneously. At the same time, forbid the heavy pollution |

| | |enterprise entering the garden area. |

| | |3) As a fine chemical garden area, the ingredients of the sewage and wastewater in the enterprise |

| | |are complex and heavily polluted. It should be carried on the technical proof to the treating |

| | |process in the wastewater treatment plant and adopt suitable limiting condition for the chemical |

| | |enterprises with characteristic pollutants, therefore to guarantee the enterprise wastewater reach |

| | |the pretreatment standards before being discharged into the wastewater treatment plant. It should be|

| | |discussed about the technology proposals on the pollution outlet establishment of the wastewater |

| | |treatment plant and considered about the sludge handling in normal operation of the sewage plan at |

| | |the same time. |

| | |4) There are domestic water problems. As the ground water quality is unsatisfactory and the surface |

| | |water resources are scarce, there are problems in the water quality and volume of water supply. The |

| | |water resources proof and comparison and selection of the water supply plan to the surface water |

| | |works should be carried out. Carry on the full proof on the project technology. The domestic water |

| | |may consider the proposal using in-depth ground water. |

|3 |To display the |1) Plan reasonably the rain and sewage pipe networks. It should be considered for the long-term |

| |environment benefit of |development requirement for sewage pipe network and designed carefully. Control the construction of |

| |the city rain and |the storm sewer system strictly and makes the connection well as few as possible. Construction the |

| |sewage pipe networks of|waste blocks facility at the exit to cease the organic waste matters to enter the river course which|

| |the basic construction,|causes second pollution. |

| |what problem do you |2) In the new city area, the rain and the sewage separate system pipe network should be built. In |

| |think need be paid |the old city area where there is unable to practice the separate system, the multiple should be |

| |attention to? What’s |reasonably determined in damming the current during the pipe network construction of combined |

| |your suggestion? |system. |

| | |3) Guarantee the pipe maintenance quality after raining. Complete the lucid and coherent work before|

| | |the flood season. The sewage pipe network construction should be earlier than the sewage treatment |

| | |plant construction. The covering scope and the volume of contaminated wastewater of the wastewater |

| | |gathering system should satisfy the wastewater treatment scale requirements, avoiding unsaturated |

| | |inlet water in the wastewater plant. |

| | |4) Establish and perfect the enterprise water draining and the pollution discharge permit system. |

| | |Complete the later period track supervising and managing normalizing. Guarantee the inlet water of |

| | |the wastewater plant to meet water quality standards and in good operation. |

|4 |Which aspects do you |Benefits: |

| |think that main |1) enhance the ability of accepting the rain and sewage in the ditches, the ponds and the rivers and|

| |environment benefits |improve the self-cleaning ability; 2) improve water quality of the ditches, the ponds and the rivers|

| |are shown in for the |as well as the peripheral soil quality, therefore improve peripheral living environment; 3) increase|

| |silt clearing projects |the ability of draining and storing floodwater in the ditches, the ponds |

| |of ditches and ponds in|Problems existed: |

| |the city area and three|λ |

| |counties? What problems|1) handling of clearing silt which may cause second pollution; 2) certain pollution produced in the |

| |do the silt clearing |construction process; 3) investment of a large amount |

| |projects have? Do you |Suggestions: |

| |have any suggestions? |1) There are problems in Bengbu and three counties projects, such as the big resilience of the |

| | |ditches and the ponds silt clearing, the insufficient investment. Therefore it should be done with |

| | |key prominent, for example, south area of Longzi Lake needs immediate silt clearing. It is suggested|

| | |to implement by stages, complete silts clearing at one time. |

| | |2) It is suggested to transform the earth channels into the stone channels to retain the existing |

| | |marsh lands as far as possible, and do overall planning and comprehensive treatment. To marsh lands |

| | |in the city which is the place originally for flood stagnating and gathering, should be retained as |

| | |far as possible to avoid filling in the pond to make the lands. |

| | |3) The silt clearing project should be unified with the environment improvement of the water body |

| | |shore and the pollution source treatment. |

| | |4) The silts cleared should be deeply buried or covered with the earth as well as used in the |

| | |forestations or the scenery making. |

| | |5) The handling plan for the cleared silts should be compared and selected with the multi-plans, for|

| | |example to fill in buries, the compost, burning down and so on, to avoid producing second pollution.|

|5 |What do you think of |1) Longzi Lake area is very big. Therefore the key scope of silt clearing should be determined |

| |the main problems there|first. Then carry on surveys on silt thickness in the silt clearing scope. Decide the silt depth of|

| |are in the silt |clearing on the basis of the analysis of pollutant content distributions in the silt. |

| |clearing project of |2) The silt clear will have certain influence on the water quality, the water ecology, the |

| |Longzi Lake? |aquaculture, the landscape. Reduce destruction of the original ecology as far as possible. Determine|

| | |the silt clearing depth after the scientific analysis. It is suggested that the silt clearing cannot|

| | |penetrate the clay layer and t the silt clearing depth should not more than 50cm. |

| | |3) Choose the appropriate way to clear silts. Avoid the deposit pollutant in the bottom putty |

| | |releasing once more into the water body and causing the new pollution during the silt clearing |

| | |process because of the bottom putty agitation. Consider the efficiency of the silt clearing at the |

| | |same time. It is suggested to use the dredge boat of environment protecting twist-attract type. If |

| | |the silt depth is insufficient, it is suggested to pump off the water and use the sludge pump or the|

| | |carry-scraper for the construction work regarding to the soil texture situation. |

| | |4) For the improvement of the Longzi Lake shore, it is primarily suggested to excavate the earth or |

| | |stone, therefore to increase the storage capacity of the flood prevention, storage and regulating |

| | |and to enhance the flood control standard of the Longzi Lake. |

| | |5) The cleared silts should be handled reasonably. It is suggested to use the soil body in the |

| | |cleared silts to increase the ground elevation of peripheral Longzi Lake to achieve the effect of |

| | |flood prevention and waterlogged elimination. But the stack of the cleared silt must not occupy the |

| | |storage capacity for flood preventing and regulating. |

| | |6) The handling of massive cleared silts should choose the appropriate season, to avoid doing |

| | |construction in the spring or summer and reduce the influence of odor. It is suggested to choose the|

| | |suitable place to construct putty field for silt handling. |

| | |7) After clearing the silts, enhance the operation management and the maintenance of the Longzi |

| | |Lake. The sewage dispersing is forbidden along the lake. It is also suggested to consider breeding |

| | |some aquatic plants to absorb nutritive elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and so on while richen|

| | |the landscape. It is proposed to do massive forestations of planting trees and grasses along the |

| | |coast to reduce the soil erosion and the silt situation in the lake body. |

|6 |What main problems do |Existed problems: |

| |you think existed in |1) In the old city area the equipment in the drainage PSs are obsolete, while in the new city area |

| |the construction of |the drainage PSs need to be constructed urgently; 2) The draining ability of the planned PS is not |

| |drainage PSs? Which |able to meet the design requirements; 3) After the PS completes, the maintenance management |

| |opinions Do you have |mechanism is not perfect and the technical ability is insufficient. |

| |any opinions or |Opinions and suggestions |

| |suggestion? |Location selection of the PSs should consider the conditions such as advantageous drainage |

| | |collection, good geological condition, high safeguarded electricity conditions as well as |

| | |transportation convenience. Simultaneously far away from the crowd compact district. |

| | |2) Enhance the PS forestations construction. Use the pumps of advanced designing, the high effective|

| | |and energy saving, the safe and reliable type. Increase the sound absorption function of the PS. |

| | |Complete the pollution preventing and controlling measure of the odor and the noise, avoiding |

| | |disturbing the people. |

| | |3) Prudently choose the waste blocking facility and the waste blocking plan, Pay enough attention to|

| | |the anticorrosion of the PS equipments. |

| | |4) The construction of drainage PSs is supposed to pay great attention to the display of combined |

| | |benefits of the hydraulic engineering, which is to combine basin drains and the regional drains, and|

| | |the realize the combination of the drainage pumping function and the environment benefit. |

| | |5) Strengthen the operation management of the PS. Consummate the management facility and the |

| | |management structure. Strengthen the routine maintenance of the equipment. Provide the corresponding|

| | |technical force. Realize good operation of the PS. |

|7 |Question 7, What are |Influences: |

| |effects on original |1) The construction the Tianhe drainage PS can expand drainage flux. During the water logging time |

| |Fengxi PS, Fengxixu, |can reduce the Tianhe water level effectively. It is advantageous for Fengxixu drainage PS to |

| |the Tianheshengchan |eliminate water logging and enhance the flood controlling standard of Fengxixu; |

| |dike, Tianhefengbi dike|2) In the flood season, the function of the opening of drainage PS can be ignored in increasing the |

| |and the flood |Huai River main current capacity. It will not result in the increase of the water level of the Huai |

| |discharging areas after|River, therefore it almost will not affect to the Tianheshengchan dike, the Tianhefengbi dike. |

| |completing the Tianhe | |

| |drainage PS? |Worries and suggestions: |

| |Are there any worries |1) When the drainage stations begin simultaneously, the influence on the peripheral water level |

| |or suggestions? |should be considered. |

| | |2) The operating costs have difficulties in the allocation. It is supposed to be considered by the |

| | |province government. |

| | |3) For the Tianhe has been taken as the Bengbu spare water source, reducing the Tianhe water level |

| | |will have influence on the water-holding capacity. |

|8 | |Positive influence: |

| |What influence do you |1) There are many advantages in the wide range society public welfare. On the one hand. It is |

| |think the project |advantageous to protect the land and the inhabitant safety; on the other hand it is also |

| |construction will have |advantageous in removing the drainage from Huai River ahead of time. |

| |on Huai River? Do you |2) It has the improvement and the repairing function to the regional partial ecology. It can improve|

| |have any suggestions? |the environment along the Huai River. The construction of the wastewater treatment plant may reduce |

| | |the pollution degree in Bengbu pollutants discharging to Huai River. |

| | |3) It has the vital role in the guarantee of water quality water and water volume of Bengbu domestic|

| | |water and the process water. |

| | |Negative influence: |

| | |1) It will produce short disadvantageous environmental effects such as sewage and wastewater and so |

| | |on. in the construction period |

| | |2) It will have adverse effects on the water quality in Huai River if sewage discharges in the |

| | |enterprise along Huai Garden Area is not controlled strictly. |

| | |3) The cleared silt from the ditches and ponds will produce the negative influence on the |

| | |surrounding environment with inappropriate handling ; |

| | |4) After completion of drainage PSs construction in the urban district and three counties, the |

| | |operation of single PS will not have great influence on the main current of Huai River. But if the |

| | |stations simultaneously open in the flood season, it can slightly increase the Huai River peak |

| | |discharge, which possibly will be able to have the influence on the overall Huai River flood |

| | |prevention and create the flood disaster to shift. |

| | |Suggestions: |

| | |1) Carry out the environmental protection measures strictly “three at the same time” way, strengthen|

| | |the pollution outlet management, cease pollution event to occur in the Huai River. |

| | |2) Strengthen and carry out each environmental protection measure in the construction period. Reduce|

| | |the environment adverse effects. |

| | |3) Control the construction quality strictly. Cease the hidden danger of the flood prevention |

| | |4) Implement this project as soon as possible. Carry on the project with the principle of the urban |

| | |district first, then three counties, the main current first, then the branches, paying equal |

| | |attention to pipe network transformation in the old city area and pipe network construction in the |

| | |new town area. |

| | |5) Coordinate various departments and reasonably plan the working procedure and the scale of the |

| | |city draining water pipe network and the drainage PS construction. |

| | |Once there is a possibility to have influence on the bank of Huai River, appraisal must be carried |

| | |on for the circle dike flood prevention. |

The EIA agency carried on public participation surveys at various stages in the EIA of the Bengbu World Bank Loan Project. The main conclusion and the achievement are shown in Table 157.

Table 157: Summary of Public Participation for BIEIP

|Nature of Public Participation |

|1st round public |2007.1 |Changqing |Interview on site |NCMDI, Bengbu |Yuhui District |The project construction is widely |

|participation | |Township, Qinji|and distribution of |Municipal Water| |supported by the interviewed people. |

| | |Town in Yuhui |questionnaire |Resource Bureau| | |

| | |District | | | | |

|2nd round public |2007.7 |Fengcheng | | |Qinji Town |The public investigation shows that the PS|

|participation | |village, | | | |construction is widely supported due to |

| | |Qiancheng | | | |the severe flooding problems in this area;|

| | |Village and | | | |The public worried about the water taking |

| | |Huacheng | | | |from the Tianhe Lake will impact the water|

| | |village of | | | |use for agricultural production in dry |

| | |Qinji Town | | | |season; |

| | | | | | |The main adverse effects in the |

| | | | | | |construction period are the transportation|

| | | | | | |impacts and the land occupation. |

| |2007.7 |Bengbu |Expert consultation |Municipal PMO |Seven experts |The experts strongly supports the project |

| | |Municipality | | |of the related |construction; |

| | | | | |aspects |The PS location should be far away from |

| | | | | | |the population dense area and for the easy|

| | | | | | |collection of flood. The proper measures |

| | | | | | |should be taken to prevent odor and noise.|

| | | | | | |And the Prudently choose the waste |

| | | | | | |blocking facilities and the waste blocking|

| | | | | | |plan should be cautiously chosen; |

| | | | | | |The Tianhe PS could effectively lower the |

| | | | | | |water level of the Tianhe Lake. However, |

| | | | | | |its impact on the main Huai River in the |

| | | | | | |flood season could be ignored; however, |

| | | | | | |its impacts on the surrounding water |

| | | | | | |bodies should be considered when it is |

| | | | | | |opened. |

|Sub-project 2 Longzi Lake Flood Control and Environmental Improvement Project |

|1st round public |2007.1 |Villages around|Interview on site |NCMDI, Jingfa |Project-affecte|All the investigated people support the |

|participation | |Longzi lake |and distribution of |District |d people |desilting and storm drainage PS for Longzi|

| | | |questionnaire | | |Lake. |

|2nd round public |2007.7 |The villages of|Interview on site | |Project-affecte|All the investigated people support the |

|participation | |Shannan, |and distribution of | |d people |project. 60% of the investigated thought |

| | |Qiuqiao, Jiguo,|questionnaire | | |it was extremely necessary to desilt the |

| | |Junli and Dalu | | | |Longzi Lake; |

| | |around Longzi | | | |The major environmental impacts by |

| | |lake | | | |construction include the flying dust, |

| | | | | | |transportation and land occupation. The |

| | | | | | |investigated public hopes to shorten the |

| | | | | | |construction period and implement the |

| | | | | | |mitigation measures. |

| |2007.7 |Bengbu |Expert consultation |Municipal PMO |Seven experts |The experts strongly support the project |

| | | | | |of the related |construction; |

| | | | | |aspects |The desilting investment is huge. It is |

| | | | | | |suggested to plan for the final targets |

| | | | | | |but implement by phase stages; |

| | | | | | |Decide the desilting depth based on the |

| | | | | | |monitoring results, which should be within|

| | | | | | |50cm. And the desilting method should be |

| | | | | | |selected according to the soil nature; |

| | | | | | |The desilted sediment should be properly |

| | | | | | |disposed. The soil could be used to raise |

| | | | | | |the ground elevation around the Longzi |

| | | | | | |Lake; |

| | | | | | |The proper desilting season should be |

| | | | | | |selected. The spring and summer should be |

| | | | | | |avoided to reduce the odor impacts; |

| | | | | | |The management after desilting should be |

| | | | | | |strengthened to prohibit the wastewater |

| | | | | | |discharge around the lake. |

|Sub-project 3 Urban (South of Huai River) Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project |

|1st public |2007.1 |Old urban area,|Interview on site |NCMDI, Bengbu |Project-affecte|The project construction is widely |

|participation | |the Gaoxin |and distribution of |construction |d people |supported by the interviewed people. |

| | |District |questionnaire |commission, | | |

| | | | |Gaoxin District| | |

| | | | |and Jingfa | | |

| | | | |District | | |

|2nd public |2007.7 |Old urban area,|Interview on site | |Project-affecte|The surveyors support the project. They |

|participation | |Jingfa District|and distribution of | |d people |think it is needed urgently to consummate |

| | |and Gaoxin |questionnaire | | |the municipal drainage system construction|

| | |District | | | |The public think to construct |

| | | | | | |rain and sewage pipe network in the Longzi|

| | | | | | |Lake District is good for the improvement |

| | | | | | |of the Longzi Lake water environment. |

| |2007.7 |Bengbu |Expert consultation |Municipal PMO |Seven experts |The experts strongly support the project |

| | | | | |of the related |construction; |

| | | | | |aspects |The wastewater and stormwate network |

| | | | | | |should be rationally planned. The separate|

| | | | | | |system should be adopted for the new urban|

| | | | | | |area. The management for the storm network|

| | | | | | |should be ensured, and the sewage network |

| | | | | | |should be constructed before the WWTP; |

| | | | | | |Equal attention should be paid to the |

| | | | | | |network rehabilitation in the old urban |

| | | | | | |area and the network construction in the |

| | | | | | |new urban area. |

|Sub-project 4 Xijiagou and Baligou Environment Improvement Project |

|1st public |2007.1 |Gaoxin District|Interview on site |NCMDI, Gaoxin |Affected people|The investigated people generally support |

|participation | | |and distribution of |District |in Gaoxin |the desilting and embankment of Xijiagou |

| | | |questionnaire | |District |and Baligou canals. |

|2nd public |2007.7 |Gaoxin District|Interview on site | |Affected people|The project is widely supported by the |

|participation | | |and distribution of | |in Gaoxin |investigated people; |

| | | |questionnaire | |District |The public is very unsatisfied with the |

| | | | | | |surrounding environment of Xijiagou and |

| | | | | | |Baligou canals; |

| | | | | | |The major impacts during the construction |

| | | | | | |are transportation and land occupation. |

| |2007.7 |Bengbu |Expert consultation |Municipal PMO |Seven experts |The project construction is strongly |

| | | | | |of the related |supported by the experts; |

| | | | | |aspects |The silt should be properly disposed by |

| | | | | | |deep burying on site or using for |

| | | | | | |greening. |

|Sub-project 5 Huaishang District Flood Control and Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project |

|1st public |2007.1 |Villages of |Interview on site |NCMDI, |Affected people|The investigated people generally support |

|participation | |Xiaobengbu |and distribution of |Huaishang |in Huaishang |the project construction. |

| | |Shuangtang, |questionnaire |District PMO |District | |

| | |Wu’an, Jintai | | | | |

| | |and Chentai in | | | | |

| | |Huaishang | | | | |

| | |District | | | | |

|2nd public |2007.7 | |Interview on site | |Affected people|The investigated people support the |

|participation | | |and distribution of | |in the affected|project construction, thinking the local |

| | | |questionnaire | |villages |infrastructure requires completion; |

| | | | | | |The public suggests to minimize the |

| | | | | | |farmland occupation; |

| | | | | | |The impacts include noise, flying dust, |

| | | | | | |temporary land occupation and |

| | | | | | |transportation. |

| |2007.7 |Bengbu |Expert consultation |Municipal PMO |Seven experts |The experts strongly support the project |

| | | | | |of the related |construction; |

| | | | | |aspects |The desilted sediment should be properly |

| | | | | | |disposed; |

| | | | | | |Odor and noise prevention measures should |

| | | | | | |be taken for PS projects; |

| | | | | | |The environmental protection “three |

| | | | | | |meantime” policy should be implemented; |

| | | | | | |The flood control assessment for |

| | | | | | |surrounding dyke should be carried out. |

|Sub-project 6 Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project |

|1st public |2007.4 |Villages in |Interview on site |NCMDI, Guzhen |Affected people|The investigated people generally support |

|participation | |Chengguan Town |and distribution of |Project Office |in villages in |the project construction. |

| | |of Guzhen |questionnaire | |Chengguan Town | |

| | | | | |of Guzhen | |

| |2007.7 | |Interview on site | | |The investigated people support the |

| | | |and distribution of | | |project construction; |

| | | |questionnaire | | |The public considers that the sanitation |

| | | | | | |conditions for the ambient environment are|

| | | | | | |very poor, and the desilting is urgently |

| | | | | | |needed; The construction of storm drainage|

| | | | | | |PS is needed to alleviate the severe |

| | | | | | |floods in the flood season. |

| |2007.7 |Bengbu |Expert consultation |Municipal PMO |Seven experts |The experts strongly support the project |

| | | | | |of the related |construction; |

| | | | | |aspects |The desilted sediment should be properly |

| | | | | | |disposed; |

| | | | | | |The PS location should consider the easy |

| | | | | | |collection of the floods and be far away |

| | | | | | |from the population dense area; |

| | | | | | |Waste interception facilities and plan |

| | | | | | |should be carefully selected, and the odor|

| | | | | | |and noise prevention measures should be |

| | | | | | |taken for PS projects. |

| |2007.7.9 |Meeting room of|Public consultation |Guzhen DRC |Affected people|The consulted people hope to complete the |

| | |Guzhen County |meeting |World Bank |from the |drainage system, to desilt the drainage |

| | |Government | |Project Leading|villages of |ponds and ditches as soon as possible, and|

| | | | |Group, NCMDI |Dalou, Xiaolou,|to strengthen the storm management; |

| | | | | |Laojie, Qili, |The temporary passways should be |

| | | | | |Nanchenxu and |constructed and the roads inside the |

| | | | | |Qizhuang, and |villages should not be destroyed; |

| | | | | |relevant |The environmental mitigation measures |

| | | | | |personnels from|should be strictly implemented; |

| | | | | |Guzhen |The power supply department should |

| | | | | |Construction |guarantee the normal operation of the |

| | | | | |Bureau and |drainage PSs. |

| | | | | |Water Resource | |

| | | | | |Bureau | |

|Sub-project 7 Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project |

|1st public |2007.1 |Chengguan Town |Interview on site |World Bank |Affected people|The investigated people generally support |

|participation | |of Huaiyuan |and distribution of |Project Leading|in Chengguan |the project construction. |

| | |County |questionnaire |Group, NCMDI |Town of | |

| | | | | |Huaiyuan | |

|2nd public |2007.7 | |Interview on site | | |The investigated people show their |

|participation | | |and distribution of | | |positive support to the PS construction |

| | | |questionnaire | | |and the desilting of flood discharge |

| | | | | | |ditches; |

| | | | | | |The environmental sanitation conditions |

| | | | | | |around the project site is very poor, |

| | | | | | |urgently requiring comprehensive |

| | | | | | |rehabilitation; |

| | | | | | |Notification should be made before |

| | | | | | |construction, and environmental protection|

| | | | | | |measures should be taken for the |

| | | | | | |construction site. |

| |2007.7 |Bengbu |Expert consultation |Municipal PMO |Seven experts |The experts strongly support the project |

| | | | | |of the related |construction; |

| | | | | |aspects |The desilted sediment should be properly |

| | | | | | |disposed; |

| | | | | | |The PS location should consider the easy |

| | | | | | |collection of the floods and be far away |

| | | | | | |from the population dense area; |

| | | | | | |Waste interception facilities and plan |

| | | | | | |should be carefully selected, and the odor|

| | | | | | |and noise prevention measures should be |

| | | | | | |taken for PS projects. |

| |2007.7.9 |Meeting room of|Public consultation |World Bank |Residents of |The attendees widely concern about the |

| | |Huaiyuan County|meeting |Project Leading|Chengguan Town,|sanitation maintenance and management |

| | |DRC | |Group, NCMDI |affected people|after the ditch and pond desilting; |

| | | | | |in relevant |It is suggested to have some solid waste |

| | | | | |villages, and |dump and collection points in the |

| | | | | |staffs of |residential areas around the flood |

| | | | | |Traditional |discharge ditches and the hilly pond, |

| | | | | |Chinese |which should be timely cleaned up and |

| | | | | |Institute |transported by the environmental |

| | | | | | |sanitation department. |

|Sub-project 8 Wuhe Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project |

|1st public |2007.1 |Affected |Interview on site |Wuhe County |Affected people|The investigated people generally support |

|participation | |villages around|and distribution of |Project Office,|from the |the project construction. |

| | |the Mohekou |questionnaire |Administration |villages | |

| | |Industrial | |Committee of | | |

| | |Park, Sanpu | |the park, NCMDI| | |

| | |Village | | | | |

|2nd public |2007.7 | |Interview on site | | |The investigated people support the |

|participation | | |and distribution of | | |project construction; |

| | | |questionnaire | | |The investigated people concern most about|

| | | | | | |the guarantee of water supply quality for |

| | | | | | |the WTP, and show their willingness to use|

| | | | | | |the water supply from the WTP; |

| | | | | | |It is considered that the water supply, |

| | | | | | |wastewater and road facilities are |

| | | | | | |urgently required. |

| |2007.7 |Bengbu |Expert consultation |Municipal PMO |Seven experts |The experts strongly support the project |

| | | | | |of the related |construction; |

| | | | | |aspects |The low elevation of the park has water |

| | | | | | |logging problem; There is problem whether |

| | | | | | |the industrial discharge in the park could|

| | | | | | |meet the standard; |

| | | | | | |The technical justification is required |

| | | | | | |for the wastewater treatment process, and |

| | | | | | |the limitation conditions should be set |

| | | | | | |for chemical industries; |

| | | | | | |The water resource justification and water|

| | | | | | |supply option analysis are required for |

| | | | | | |the WTP. |

| |2007.7.9 |Meeting room of|Public consultation |Administration |Villagers from |The wastewater discharge of unacquired |

| | |Mohekou |meeting |Committee of |the affected |land should be considered in the project; |

| | |Industrial Park| |the park, NCMDI|villages of |The WWTP location should be reasonable to |

| | |Administration | | |Mohekou, |prevent the odor impacts on the |

| | |Committee | | |Tuanjie, Sanpu,|residential area; the residents are |

| | | | | |Tangchen, |willing to pay for the tap water; The |

| | | | | |Lijiawa and |attendees hope all the industrial and |

| | | | | |Yuanji |domestic wastewater should be collected |

| | | | | | |and treated by the proposed WWTP. |

10. Summary of EMPs

1. Environmental Administrative Authority and Duties

Relevant organizations for the project’s environmental protection work can be classified into: administrative authority, supervision authority and monitoring authority and the corresponding duties are as follows:

◆ Administrative Authority

The managerial relationship between administrative authority and this project refers to the following table.

Table 158: Managerial Relationship between Administrative Authority and Project

|No |Project Name |Project Description |Administrative Authority |

|1 |Tianhe Lake Flood |Tianhe Lake Flood Prevention Station Project |Bengbu Municipal Bureau of |

| |Prevention Station | |Water Resources |

|2 |Longzi River Project |Slope protection and the vegetation along the bank of the Longzi |Bengbu Jingfa District |

| | |River, |Administration |

| | |Longzi River Flood Prevention PS Project |Bengbu Municipal Bureau of |

| | | |Water Resources |

| | |Cao Mountain |Bengbu Jingfa District |

| | | |Administration |

|3 |Xijiagou Project |Baligou –Donghai Road to east side of riverway, bridge section of |Bengbu High tech |

| | |Qingjia Mountain |Development Zone |

| | |other areas from Tushan Road Bridge to Qingjia Mountain bridge |Yuhui District |

| | |section | |

| | |Changzhong Road to Yanshan Road |PLA Vehicle Management |

| | | |Institute |

| | |South of Qingshan Road |Bengbu High tech |

| | | |Development Zone |

|4 |Urban Drainage and |3 Flood Prevention Stations in Xinchuantang and Nanshijia, as well |Bengbu Construction |

| |Flood Prevention |as urban rainfall and sewage pipeline project |Commission |

| |Project | | |

| | |The project of rainfall pipeline network and sewage pipeline network|Bengbu Jingfa District |

| | |in Jingfa District |Administration |

| | |Rainfall pipe network in High-tech Development Zone |Bengbu High tech |

| | | |Development Zone |

| | |Rainfall pipe network and Elevated PS at east bank of Longzi River |Longzi River Area of Bengbu|

| | | |City |

|5 |Huaishang District |Wuxiao Street Flood Prevention PS |Bengbu Municipal Bureau of |

| |Project | |Water Resources |

| | |Small Bengbu, Wangxiaogou Flood Prevention Station, Huaibei Road and|Huaishang District |

| | |surrounding environment treatment, construction for 21 roads within |Government |

| | |the city, as well as sewage pipeline of Daqing North Road | |

|6 |Guzhen County Project |Sewage pipeline construction of Chengguan Town, slope protection and|Construction Engineering |

| | |afforestation of south bank of the Sanba River, ditch and pond |Bureau of Guzhen County |

| | |regulation within the town and slope protection afforestation | |

| | |Flood prevention ditch., drainage ditch desilting, banks protection |Water Resources Bureau of |

| | |and afforestation, drainage station and culvert gate project, |Guzhen County |

| | |bridge works and levee flood control road works | |

| | |Closure works Chengxi inflowing river pollution discharge outlet |Environmental Protection |

| | | |Bureau of Guzhen County |

|7 |Wuhe County Project |Sanpu ditch desilting and the Sanpu River Flood Prevention PS |Water Resources Bureau of |

| | |Project |Wuhe County |

| | |Construction of Surface Water Plant and Sewage Treatment Plant |Urban Construction |

| | | |Commission of Wuhe County |

| | |Mohekou Town and road works in the park |Mohekou Park |

|8 |Huiyuan County Project|Flood Prevention Ditch Project and Flood Prevention PS Project |Water Resources Bureau of |

| | | |Huiyuan County |

| | |Drainage Pipeline Network |Construction Bureau of |

| | | |Huiyuan County |

| | |Rainfall Pipeline Network for grain and oil processing area and |Chengguan Town of Huiyuan |

| | |supporting roads |County |

Main duties for Administrative Authority are as follows:

1) Implement thoroughly environment protection regulations and policies issued by National Departments and Water Source Department

2) Implement environment management on the project during Construction Period and operating period.

3) Set up “Environment Protection Management Office” under each Engineering Construction Headquarters in the period of construction and appoint 2-3 experienced environment protection management staff, and the proposed Environment Relieving Measures in this report implemented by the contractors of supervision project.

4) Appoint environment monitoring authority or relevant departments to make environmental supervision, monitoring and environment protection acceptance on the project.

◆ Supervision Authority

Bengbu City Environmental Protection Bureau receives job instructions from Anhui Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau and supervise construction unit to carry out environmental management plan and implement relevant regulations and standards concerning environmental management .In addition, Bengbu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau also coordinates the departments to do a good job in environmental Protection and is responsible for supervision and inspection on the construction, implementation and operation of environmental Protection facilities about the projects within administrative jurisdictional area.

◆ Monitoring Authority

According to relevant regulations concerning environmental management on construction project, the project shall implement environmental monitoring system. Independent works of each subproject should appoint two monitors, who are responsible for fully supervising, inspecting, managing and controlling specialized departments in charge of the implementation of environmental protection projects and the contractors of engineering projects in charge of environmental protection work during construction period and are answerable to inspect and supervise implementation conditions of environmental protection measures carried out by construction unit pursuant to monitoring plan contents in construction period. After finishing the construction, those monitors should report monitoring authority and project owner to accept environmental protection conditions about the construction and sign Work Completion Certificate as well as Works Hand-Over Document.

2. Environmental Management Supervision Plan

1. Objectives of Environmental Management Supervision Plan

Through drawing up scientific and effective environmental management plan, the construction and operation of this project are able to meet the idea of “Three Simultaneities” on national economic and environmental construction, that is, simultaneous plan, simultaneous implementation, and simultaneous development. And this plan provides the basis for the designed implementation of environmental protection measures and the supervision carried out by environmental protection departments to the works.

2. Contents of Environmental Management Supervision Plan

- Construction period

1) Shall supervise and carry out environmental protection measures in construction period in order to make them implemented effectively;

2) When the construction is made on heavily-trafficked road section, it is required to implement transport impact relieving measures regulated by this report in order to abate traffic adverse impact and coordinate traffic congestion accidents caused by the construction of this project;

3) Shall control the plants destruction and soil erosion caused by this construction, recover temporary land occupied for the construction and restore the vegetation;

4) Shall accept the public’s complaint on construction disturbance events and deal with coordinately construction disturbance to the life and work of the residents and the units along the road;

5) Shall control construction operating area and regulate the behavior of the builders in order to man –made destruction on ecology and vegetation out of construction site.

6) If underground cultural relics are found in the process of engineering construction, shall stop construction and organize personnel to protect the site, and then report cultural relics department so as to avoid the accidents of cultural relic destruction.

- Operation period

1) After the construction is finished, shall strengthen the supervision and management on ecological environment impacted by construction project concerning the waters, soil, vegetation, atmosphere and noise and sensitive points of surrounding environments as well as the protection of environmental protection targets, and effective measures should be adopted to prevent the destruction of surface soil and vegetation and pollution of ground water and surface waters, in addition, the measures are also used to stop the behavior form destroying acoustic environment of environmental sensitive points, such as the residents area and hospital, and atmospheric environment;

2) Environmental Monitoring authority is regularly entrusted to monitor the environment under operation period;

3) Shall supervise effective fulfillment of the environmental protection measure under operation period;

4) Shall thoroughly implement national and local environmental protection regulations, laws and standards;

5) Advanced techniques and environmental protection experience should be widely applied; at the same time, shall organize relevant trainings on special skills of environmental protection for the management staff, who take part in the operation of this project.

3. Environmental Monitoring Plan

1. Environmental Monitoring Proposal

The purpose of regulating Environmental Monitoring Proposal is to supervise the implementation of all environmental protection measures and adjust the measures in light of monitoring results; meanwhile, the plan provides the basis for implementation time and plan on environmental measures. The principle to regulate environmental monitoring plan is to predicate what main environmental impact will be brought under construction and operation period.

2. Environmental Monitoring Authority

Environmental monitoring work of this project can entrust Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station or the Units with monitoring qualification to undertake. Before the commencement of the construction, Construction Unit shall sign Environmental Monitoring Agreement on Construction Period with Bengbu Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station or the Units with monitoring qualification; in addition, Environmental Monitoring Agreement on Operation Period shall be signed with Monitoring Station before the project is delivered and operated.

3. Environmental Monitoring Plan

Environmental Monitoring Plans for each subproject are summarized in the following table.

All the monitoring data should be timely processed and evaluated, and then engineering measures should be adjusted according to evaluation results. In particular, the quality of wastewater discharged into Huai River, Tianhe Lake, Longzi Lake, the Guo River, Beifei River, Mochongyin River, Huaihongxin River and other rivers, should be closely monitored with proper mitigation measures taken in order to guarantee the up-to-standard wastewater discharge. Database Management System and Quality Auditing System will be set up for the monitoring data. The audited data are centralizedly kept for the convenience of future inquiry and check.

Table 159: Summary of BIEIP EMP

|Potential Impact |

|Flying dust |1) Setup the construction cofferdam on the site, periodically spray |During construction |Contractor(s) |Municipal Water |TSP |Twice during the |140,000 |

| |water and clean the site; |period | |Resource Bureau, | |construction period | |

| |2) Stack the covers in the goods shed; | | |Municipal EPB | | | |

| |3) Use sealed tankers for the transportation of powder material and the| | | | | | |

| |desilted sludge after drying; | | | | | | |

| |4) Use the commercial concrete or prefabricated components for the | | | | | | |

| |implementation on site. | | | | | | |

|Noise |1) Setup the construction cofferdam around the site; | | | |Leq(A) |Twice during the peak | |

| |2) Use the low-noise equipments. | | | | |construction period at two| |

| | | | | | |points, totally 4 | |

| | | | | | |point*times | |

|Wastewater |1) Construct the drain and the settling tank on site; | | | | | | |

| |2) Send the slurry wastewater to the designated site for drying | | | | | | |

| |3) Collect the domestic wastewater and pump it to the wastewater after | | | | | | |

| |the treatment of septic tank. | | | | | | |

|Solid waste |1) Use sealed tankers for the transportation of desilted sludge after | | | |Heavy metals such as |Once before soil coverage | |

| |drying; | | | |Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, As |and after desilting | |

| |2) Lay impermeable layer on the bottom of the sludge dump sites before | | | |in the silt | | |

| |dumping. | | | | | | |

|PS noise |1) Construct green belt for the site; 2) Take sound insulation measures|During operation period|Municipal Water |Municipal EPB |— |— |24,000 |

| |for the PS; 3) Reduce the equipment noise. | |Resource Bureau | | | | |

|Screenings |1) Collect the screenings and transport it by the environmental | | | | | | |

| |sanitation department after removing the leachate. | | | | | | |

|Total | | | | | | |164,000 |

|Sub-project 2 Longzi Lake Flood Control and Environment Improvement Project |

|Flying dust |1)Setup the construction cofferdam on the site, periodically spray |During construction |Contractor(s) |Municipal Water |TSP at the site |Once per year during |317,000 |

| |water and clean the site; |period | |Resource Bureau, | |construction | |

| |2)Stack the covers in the goods shed. | | |Municipal EPB | | | |

|Odor |1) Send the silt to the dump sites by sludge pipes; | | | |For silt dump site: |Once before construction; | |

| |2) Transport the dried silt with the sealed tankers. | | | |H2S, NH3 |Once during dumping | |

|Noise |1) Setup the construction cofferdam around the site; | | | |Leq(A) |Twice during construction | |

| |2) Use the low-noise equipments; | | | | |at one point, totally | |

| |3) No construction is allowed at night. | | | | |2point*times | |

|Wastewater |1) Implement the project during the dry season; | | | |For residual wastewater|Twice during construction | |

| |2) Increase the settling time of the residual wastewater from the dump | | | |from dump sites: |at 8 points | |

| |sites with the addition of chemicals to meet the discharge standard. | | | |SS, TN, TP | | |

|Silt |1) Transport the silt to the designated dump site. | | | |For silt: Cd, As, Cu |Once before the filling of| |

| | | | | |Hg, Pb, Cr |silt at two points | |

|PS noise |1) Install double-layer doors and windows for the PS with the greenbelt|During operation period|Municipal Water |Municipal EPB |Leq(A) |Once a year at two points |138,000 |

| |composed of arbor and frutex around the site. | |Resource Bureau | | | | |

|PS screenings |1) Collect the screenings and transport it by the environmental | | | | | | |

| |sanitation department after removing the leachate. | | | | | | |

|Total | | | | | | |455,000 |

|Sub-project 3 Urban (South of Huai River) Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project |

|Flying dust |1) Setup the construction cofferdam on the site, periodically spray |During construction |Contractor(s) |Municipal |TSP |Once at one point during |327,000 |

| |water and clean the site; |period | |Construction | |construction, totally 1 | |

| |2) Stack the covers in the goods shed, and use sealed tankers for the | | |Commission, | |point*time | |

| |transportation of powder material; | | |HTZ, | | | |

| |3) Use the commercial concrete or prefabricated components for the | | |Longzi Lake Dis.,| | | |

| |construction on site. | | |EDD | | | |

|Noise |1) Setup the construction cofferdam around the site; | | | |Leq |At 12 o’clock, twice | |

| |2) Use the low-noise equipments; | | | | |during construction at | |

| |3) No construction is allowed at night. | | | | |twelve points, totally 24 | |

| | | | | | |points*times. | |

|Wastewater from the |1) Discharge the wastewater from the site into the municipal wastewater| | | | | | |

|site |network after settlement; | | | | | | |

| |2) Pump the collected domestic wastewater to the WWTP after the | | | | | | |

| |treatment of septic tanks. | | | | | | |

|Solid waste |1) Periodically clear and transport the engineering waste residues by | | | | | | |

| |the environmental sanitation department. | | | | | | |

|Domestic wastewater |1) Discharge the wastewater into the sewage network after the treatment|During operation period|Municipal | | | |153,000 |

|from PS |of septic tanks and send it to the WWTP for treatment. | |Construction | | | | |

| | | |Commission, | | | | |

| | | |HTZ, | | | | |

| | | |Longzi Lake Dis., | | | | |

| | | |EDD | | | | |

|PS noise |1) Install double-layer doors and windows for the PS with the greenbelt| | | |Leq |Once during operation | |

| |composed of arbor and frutex around the site. | | | | |period at seven points | |

|PS screenings, |1) Collect the screenings and transport it by the environmental | | | | | | |

|domestic solid waste|sanitation department after removing the leachate; | | | | | | |

| |2) Timely clear the domestic solid waste | | | | | | |

|Total | | | | | | |480,000 |

|Sub-project 4 Xijiagou & Baligou Environment Improvement Project |

|Flying dust from |1) Setup the construction cofferdam on the site, periodically spray |During construction |Contractor(s) |Municipal |TSP |Once during construction, |338,000 |

|construction |water and clean the site; |period | |Construction | |respectively one point for| |

| |2) Use sealed tankers for the transportation of the silt. | | |Commission, | |Baligou and Xijiagou | |

| | | | |HTZ | | | |

|Odor from the silt |1) Send the silt to the dump sites by sludge pipes; | | | |Desilting site: H2S, |Once during construction, | |

| |2) Transport the dried silt with the sealed tankers. | | | |NH3 |respectively two points | |

| | | | | | |for Baligou and Xijiagou | |

|Noise |1) Setup the construction cofferdam around the site; | | | |Leq |Twice during construction,| |

| |2) Use the low-noise equipments. | | | | |respectively two points | |

| | | | | | |for Baligou and Xijiagou. | |

|Wastewater from the |1) Discharge the wastewater from the site into the municipal wastewater| | | | | | |

|site |network after settlement; | | | | | | |

| |2) Pump the collected domestic wastewater to the WWTP after the | | | | | | |

| |treatment of septic tanks. | | | | | | |

|Solid waste |1) Timely clear the domestic solid waste; | | | |Silt: Cd、As、Cu, |Sampled at four points, | |

| |2) Reuse the spoil soil from construction for the embankment of Baligou| | | |Hg、Pb、Cr |once before the desilting | |

| |Canal, and use the silt as the back fills for the low-lying area | | | | |as the baseline | |

| |downstream of Baligou Canal. | | | | | | |

| | |During operation period|Municipal |Municipal | | |132,000 |

| | | |Construction |Construction | | | |

| | | |Commission, |Commission, | | | |

| | | |HTZ |Municipal EPB | | | |

|Total | | | | | | |470,000 |

|Sub-project 5 Huaishang District Flood Control and Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project |

|Flying dust |1) Setup the construction cofferdam on the site, periodically spray |During construction |Contractor(s) |Huaishang |TSP |Once a year at four points|363,000 |

| |water and clean the site; |period | |District | | | |

| |2) Stack the covers in the goods shed, and use sealed tankers for the | | |Construction | | | |

| |transportation of powder material; | | |Commission; | | | |

| |3) Use the commercial concrete or prefabricated components for the | | |Municipal EPB | | | |

| |construction on site. | | | | | | |

|Noise |1) Setup the construction cofferdam around the site; | | | |Leq |Once during construction | |

| |2) Use the low-noise equipments; | | | | |at 4 points, totally 4 | |

| |3) No construction is allowed at night. | | | | |point*times. | |

|Wastewater from the |1) Discharge the wastewater from the site into the municipal wastewater| | | | | | |

|site |network after settlement; | | | | | | |

| |2) Pump the collected domestic wastewater to the WWTP after the | | | | | | |

| |treatment of septic tanks. | | | | | | |

|Solid waste |1) Periodically clear and transport the domestic solid waste by the | | | |For the silt: Cd, As, |Once before desilting at | |

| |environmental sanitation department; | | | |Cu, |totally three points as | |

| |2) Use the engineering spoil soil and the silt as the back fills for | | | |Hg, Pb, Cr |the baseline. | |

| |the borrow pit south of the North Huai River Dyke. | | | | | | |

|Domestic wastewater |1)Discharge the wastewater to the WWTP through the sewage network |During operation period|Huaishang District |Municipal EPB | | |144,000 |

|from PS |after the treatment of septic tanks. | |Construction | | | | |

| | | |Commission | | | | |

|PS noise |1) Install double-layer doors and windows for the PS with the greenbelt| | | |Leq |Twice a year at two points| |

| |composed of arbor and frutex around the site. | | | | | | |

|PS screenings, |1) Collect the screenings and transport it by the environmental | | | | | | |

|domestic solid waste|sanitation department after removing the leachate; | | | | | | |

| |2) Timely clear the domestic solid waste | | | | | | |

|Total | | | | | | |507,000 |

|Sub-project 6 Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project |

|Flying dust |1) Setup the construction cofferdam on the site, periodically spray |During construction |Contractor(s) |Guzhen County |TSP |Once per year during |526,000 |

| |water and clean the site; |period | |Water Resource | |construction at two points| |

| |2) Stack the covers in the goods shed, and use sealed tankers for the | | |Bureau | | | |

| |transportation of powder material; | | |Guzhen County | | | |

| |3) Use the commercial concrete or prefabricated components for the | | |Construction | | | |

| |construction on site. | | |Commission | | | |

|Noise |1) Setup the construction cofferdam around the site; | | | |Leq |Twice during construction | |

| |2) Use the low-noise equipments; | | | | |at six points, totally 12 | |

| |3) No construction is allowed at night for the urban area. | | | | |point*times | |

|Wastewater from the |1) Discharge the wastewater from the site into the municipal wastewater| | | | | | |

|site |network after settlement; | | | | | | |

| |2) Pump the collected domestic wastewater to the WWTP after the | | | | | | |

| |treatment of septic tanks. | | | | | | |

|Solid waste |1) Periodically clear and transport the engineering waste residue by | | | |For the silt: Cd, As, |Once before desilting at | |

| |the environmental sanitation department; | | | |Cu, |two points as the | |

| |2) Use the silt as the back fills for the surrounding low-lying area. | | | |Hg, Pb, Cr |baseline. | |

|Domestic wastewater |1)Discharge the wastewater to the WWTP through the sewage network |During operation period|County Water Resource|County EPB | | |137,000 |

|from PS |after the treatment of septic tanks. | |Bureau, County | | | | |

| | | |Construction Bureau | | | | |

|PS noise |1) Install double-layer doors and windows for the PS with the greenbelt| | | |Leq |Once a year at five points| |

| |composed of arbor and frutex around the site. | | | | | | |

|PS screenings, |1) Collect the screenings and transport it by the environmental | | | | | | |

|domestic solid waste|sanitation department after removing the leachate; | | | | | | |

| |2) Timely clear the domestic solid waste | | | | | | |

|Total | | | | | | |663,000 |

|Sub-project 7 Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project |

|Flying dust |1) Setup the construction cofferdam on the site, periodically spray |During construction |Contractor(s) |County |TSP |Once during construction, |409,000 |

| |water and clean the site; |period | |Construction | |totally once point*time | |

| |2) Stack the covers in the goods shed, and use sealed tankers for the | | |Bureau, County | | | |

| |transportation of powder material; | | |Water Resource | | | |

| |3) Use the commercial concrete or prefabricated components for the | | |Bureau | | | |

| |construction on site. | | | | | | |

|Noise |1) Setup the construction cofferdam around the site; | | | |Leq |Twice during construction | |

| |2) Use the low-noise equipments; | | | | |at two points, totally | |

| |3) No construction is allowed at night for the urban area. | | | | |four point*times | |

|Wastewater from the |1) Discharge the wastewater from the site into the municipal wastewater| | | | | | |

|site |network after settlement; | | | | | | |

| |2) Pump the collected domestic wastewater to the WWTP after the | | | | | | |

| |treatment of septic tanks. | | | | | | |

|Solid waste |1) Periodically clear and transport the engineering waste residue by | | | |For the silt: Cd, As, |Once before desilting at | |

| |the environmental sanitation department. | | | |Cu, |one point as the baseline.| |

| | | | | |Hg, Pb, Cr | | |

|Domestic wastewater |1)Discharge the wastewater to the WWTP through the sewage network |During operation period|County Construction |County EPB | | |134,000 |

|from PS |after the treatment of septic tanks. | |Bureau, County Water | | | | |

| | | |Resource Bureau | | | | |

|PS noise |1) Install double-layer doors and windows for the PS with the greenbelt| | | |Leq |Once a year at two points | |

| |composed of arbor and frutex around the site. | | | | | | |

|PS screenings, |1) Collect the screenings and transport it by the environmental | | | | | | |

|domestic solid waste|sanitation department after removing the leachate; | | | | | | |

| |2) Timely clear the domestic solid waste | | | | | | |

|Total | | | | | | |543,000 |

|Sub-project 8 Wuhe County Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project |

|Flying dust |1) Setup the construction cofferdam on the site, periodically spray |During construction |Contractor(s) |Administrative |TSP |Once during construction |388,000 |

| |water and clean the site; |period | |Commission of the| |at 4 points, totally 4 | |

| |2) Stack the covers in the goods shed, and use sealed tankers for the | | |Industrial Zone | |point*times | |

| |transportation of powder material and sludge; | | | | | | |

| |3) Use the commercial concrete or prefabricated components for the | | | | | | |

| |construction on site. | | | | | | |

|Odor from the sludge|1)Transport the dried silt with sealed tankers; | | | |For the desilting site:|Respectively one point for| |

| |2)Avoid the summer for construction. | | | |H2S, NH3 |the two desilted canals, | |

| | | | | | |once during construction | |

|Noise |1) Setup the construction cofferdam around the site; | | | |Leq |Once during construction | |

| |2) Use the low-noise equipments . | | | | |at four points | |

|Wastewater from the |1) Reuse the wastewater to the construction site after settling, | | | | | | |

|site |discharge a small amount of the wastewater into the Beifei River; | | | | | | |

| |2) The domestic wastewater is treated by the septic tank and the | | | | | | |

| |centralized treatment station to meet the comprehensive Class II | | | | | | |

| |discharge standard before being discharge into the Beifei River; | | | | | | |

| |3) The slurry wastewater is transmitted with the special pipelines to | | | | | | |

| |the place designated by the municipal department for drying, and it is | | | | | | |

| |strictly forbidden to be discharge into the water bodies and the | | | | | | |

| |farmland. | | | | | | |

|Solid waste |1) The cleared spoil soil and the dried silt are used as back fills for| | | |For the silt: Cd, As, |Once before desilting at | |

| |the low-lying area around the site; | | | |Cu, Hg, Pb, Cr |points as the baseline | |

| |2) Periodically clear and transport the engineering waste residue by | | | | | | |

| |the environmental sanitation department. | | | | | | |

Odor1) Leave 150m sanitation protection distance for the WWTP.During operation periodAdministrative Commission of the Industrial ZoneMunicipal EPB, Provincial EPBFor sludge dump site of the WWTP:

H2S, NH3Once for the hottest period in summer at one point256,000Wastewater1) Monitor the influent and effluent quality of the WWTPpH, SS, NH3-N, CODcr, BODTwice every year at two points2) Monitor the influent and effluent quality of the WTP.pH, turbidity, NH3-N, total coliform group, petroleum, CODMn, TDSTwice a year at two points, totally four point*times3) The domestic wastewater from the WTP and the PS is transported with the special tankers to the WWTP of the industrial zone;

4) The domestic wastewater from the WWTP is discharged into the WWTP through the sewage network within the plant.PS noise1) Implement the enclosure and soundproof treatment for the equipment rooms of the WTP and the WWTP with the construction of greenbelts;

2) Install double-layer doors and windows for the PS with the greenbelt composed of arbor and frutex around the site.LeqOnce a year at one point near the PSSolid waste1) Transport the dewatered sludge from the WWTP to the solid waste sanitary landfill site for disposal.For sludge from the WWTP:

Cd, As, Cu, Hg, Pb, CrOnce during operation at one point2) Reuse the dried sludge from the WTP as the back fills for the surrounding low-lying areaFor sludge from the WTP: Cd, As, Cu, Hg, Pb, CrOnce during operation at one point3) Collect the screenings from the PS, after the removal the leachate, send it together with the domestic solid waste for disposal.Total644,000

Resettlement and Social Impacts


Resettlement Proposal


The preparation of the resettlement action plan of this project and the implementation of future resettlement work shall be made strictly in accordance with the pertinent requirements of World Bank Business Guideline OP4.12. The resettlement work shall be executed strictly according to the resettlement compensation standard stipulated in the foregoing action plan and prior consent of the World Bank is required if there is any change during the resettlement.


To optimize the project design, keep away from the area with dense population or multi-storey, high-rise and permanent buildings, reduce the area that is influenced by land expropriation and house removal to the minimum, and minimize the number of involuntary resettlement is the principle this resettlement observes. All the involuntary resettlement will be included into the project construction, providing sufficient capital for the migrants and making them benefit from the project. The migrants will receive help during the migration-relocation as well as from the resettlement area. For the influenced households, their living environment will be improved and the resettlement area will be equipped with complete facilities for life, providing with convenient traffic and comfortable environment. Minimize the losses that are incurred to the enterprises and institutions by the land expropriation and housing removal, for instance, if the housing removal is inevitable, the compensation for the loss of suspension should be made, and the enterprises and institutions should be properly treated so that the production and operation can be resumed soon. The migrants should be encouraged to participate in the preparation of resettlement plan and the implementation of the resettlement, and the wills of the migrants should be fully respected. The objective of the target police is to avoid the negative influences brought by the land expropriation and housing removal to the most. For the property of the people who are affected by the negative influences, compensation will be made according to the replacement price. The resettlement objective of this project is to ensure the migrants can be compensated for all the losses they suffer from, can be properly resettled and well recover from the loss, enable them to share and enjoy the benefits of the project, offer them subsidy for their temporary difficulties to ensure their income and living standard as well as the production and profiting ability of the enterprises can be improved or at least be resumed to the higher level before the migration-relocation or the start of the project.


Bengbu City established the Leading group office of urban construction environmental protection project the World Bank loan for, responsible for providing guidance to the preparation of resettlement plan of environment control project of Bengbu, the World Bank loaning city, the implementation of land expropriation and housing removal and contacting with the World Bank as well.

Compensation Standard

Where the housing removal and land expropriation is made at the state owned and collectively-owned land within the planning scope of this project and it is required that the dismantled and the unit whose land is expropriated should be compensated and resettled, the compensation standard should be prepared and made in accordance with the Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulation on the Dismantlement of Urban Housing, relevant laws and regulations, Operational Polices for Involuntary Resettlement OP4.12 of the World Bank and the local and actual situation of the project.

Public Participation

Since the public participation did not make the majority citizen have a clear and complete understanding and knowledge of the project construction, the housing removal policy and even the rights range when their legal rights and interests are infringed during the housing removal, after the plan is reviewed and approved by the World Bank, the publicity and propaganda of the policy should be strengthened, utilizing such means as television, newspaper, and internet to the most to introduce the project and relevant policies of land expropriating and housing removal, and spreading the information book of resettlement after the project assessment and prior to the moving to inform the resettlement of the project situation, land expropriation and housing removal policies, relevant laws and regulations, and the approach for appeal.

During the preparation of the resettlement plan and the implementation, the mechanism of appealing is established. After the resettlement institutions of all levels have timely discussion and treatment, all the resettlement institutions will be free for receiving the complaint and appeal of the influenced people.

Tianhe Project

The land required for the construction of Tianhe flood control pumping station has already be acquired, and there is no involvement of resettlement in the project.

Longzi Lake Project

The subproject only relates to a small amount of temporary land acquisition for the dump sites for the desilted sludge, whose cost is estimated as around RMB5,6million Yuan by the RAP consultants.

Bengbu Urban (South of Huai River) Project

(1) Land Occupancy and Expropriation

The downtown drainage sub-project of Bengbu mainly involves the land of pump station work, rain water and sewage pipe work and road work. The area within the land scope for works and the area where the project construction so seriously affects the production and life of the residents that no recovery can be made are all included in the influenced area scope of the land expropriation and housing removal of the project.

(2) Compensation Budget

The total budget of this project is RMB 55,825,000, including the compensation cost of RMB27,737,000 for permanent land occupation, the compensation cost of RMB320,000 for temporary land occupation, the compensation cost of RMB 25,789,000 for demolishment of rural residential houses, the compensation cost of RMB1,605,000 for demolishment of urban residential houses, the compensation cost of RMB 356,000 for demolishment of unregistered houses and the compensation cost of RMB 9,000 for demolishment of land attachments.


Permanently Expropriated Land

The permanently expropriated land occupies 1202.8 mu in area, including farmland, non-agriculture land and permanent loss of crops, with 864 households and 2819 persons involved. All the villages / production units that are influenced can have compensation. The influenced will receive the young crops compensation. If the influenced villages will not reallocate the farmland, the influenced will receive the cash compensation: resettlement subsidy and part of the land compensation for the recovery of income and living. The young crops compensation for the expropriated land will be paid as per the compensation standard of Bengbu. If the collectively-owned land will not be reallocated, the influenced will receive the resettlement subsidy and part of the land compensation for the recovery of income and living. The local village and town government and the enterprises of the villages will provide job opportunities to the influenced. And the client of the project will provide the skill training in the first place to the influenced.

Permanently Dismantled Private Housing

The total floor area is 34602.96m2, including the buildings of the land, and there are 170 influenced households, including 631 persons. The influenced will receive cash compensation and be provided with affordable housing or relocation housing. The house owner without Title Deed will receive the compensation for house replacement price. For the dismantled rural housing, the compensation will be made in cash as per the replacement price of the same floor area plus the price of housing land, while for the dismantled urban housing, the cash compensation will be made as per the replacement price or exchange the house property right. If the dismantled are not satisfied with the compensation standard for housing removal, they can commission the professional agency to assess the property, and the result of assessment will be the compensation standard of housing removal.


There are totally 6 shops, involving 21 persons. The floor area of the influenced buildings is 2090.98m2. The shopkeeper of the influenced shops will receive cash compensation or their shops will be rebuilt in other places. All the owners of the business buildings before the date of the publication of the project construction, which are either the buildings without certificate or the extended temporary buildings, should receive compensation. For the dismantled buildings, the cash compensation should be made as per the policy of Bengbu. And the influenced enterprises will receive subsidy for relocation.

Public Facility

As the attachment, the influenced will receive cash compensation. The influenced collectivity will receive cash compensation or repairing. For the attachment on the ground of the expropriated land, compensation should be made in the replacement price in cash or repairing should be made till the ground is resumed to its previous condition or a better condition, and for the dismantled the buildings, cash compensation should be made in the replacement price of the same floor area.

Xijiagou & Baligou Project

(1)Land Occupancy and Expropriation

The influenced scope of this project: the high-tech area of Xijiagou project; 2 villages in Yanshan County, 1 village in the high-tech area and 4 villages in Qinji Town are influenced by the Yinhe water system control project of the high-tech area; and totally 2 villages in Qinji Town and 1 village in Changqing Town area influenced by the Baligou control project.

There is 440 mu expropriated rural collectively-owned land in the sub-project of Xijiagou.

(2)Compensation Budget

The total budget of this project is RMB 14,138,000, including the compensation cost of RMB12,921,000 for permanent land occupation, the compensation cost of RMB 914,000 for demolishment of rural residential houses, the compensation cost of RMB 25,000 for demolishment of unregistered houses and the compensation cost of RMB 278,000 for demolishment of land attachments.


Dismantled Rural Housing

According to the compensation and resettlement policy for the housing removal of this project, two ways of compensation and resettlement are adopted, namely, the cash compensation and the exchange of house property right. The resettlement can choose the way of compensation and resettlement that fits their economic condition and individual demands. Where the cash compensation is chose, the compensation shall be determined as per the assessment price of the local real estate market with such factors as the location, usage and floor area of the dismantled buildings taken into account.

Collectively-owned land

The compensation for land expropriation includes the land compensation, resettlement subsidy and the compensation for ground attachment and young crops.

Huaishang Project

(1)Land Occupancy and Expropriation

The influenced scope of this project: 2 towns (Xiaobengbu Town and Wuxiaojie Town), 7 villages/ resident committees (Binhe Zhengdu Village, Wuxiaojie Village, Shanxiang Village, Houlou Village, Chentai Village, Xiaobengbu Village and Gaoan Village). There are totally 281 households that are influenced and removed, and the influenced population is 1103. In addition, there is one enterprise and 4 urban residents that are relocated.

Related figures: the total land occupancy is 12001 mu in area, including 11735 mu state-owned land and 266 mu rural land; the total area of dismantled buildings is 49086.2 m2, including 48433.2 m2 dismantled rural housing and 653 m2 influenced enterprise.

(2)Compensation Budget

The total resettlement budget of this project is RMB21,773,000 including the compensation cost of RMB4,672,000 for permanent land occupation, the compensation cost of RMB182,000 for temporary land occupation, the compensation cost of RMB 13,878,000 for demolishment of rural residential houses, and the compensation cost of RMB 3,041,000 for demolishment of land attachments.


Rural Dismantled Housing

According to the compensation and resettlement policy for the housing removal of this project, two ways of compensation and resettlement are adopted, namely, the cash compensation and the exchange of house property right. The resettlement can choose the way of compensation and resettlement that fits their economic condition and individual demands. Where the cash compensation is chose, the compensation shall be determined as per the assessment price of the local real estate market with such factors as the location, usage and floor area of the dismantled buildings taken into account.

Collectively-owned land

The compensation for land expropriation includes land compensation, resettlement subsidy and the compensation for ground attachment and young crops.

Guzhen Project

(1)Land Occupancy and Expropriation

The influenced scope of this project covers:2 villages in Chengguan Town (Meiying Village and Dongmiao Village), including 7 groups (Donghu Group, Huangying Group, Houmei Group, Xiaying Group, Jiangguai Group, Houdui Group, and Pangying Group), 484 households, 1936 persons, and 811.6mu paddy field. In Huanyuan County, there is 12 mu state-owned land, 21 influenced urban residential housing with1686m2 housing removal area, 4 influenced shops and 1 influenced enterprise.

(2)Compensation Budget

The total budget of this project is RMB 5,972,000, including the compensation cost of RMB2,727,000 for permanent land occupation, the compensation cost of RMB559,000 for temporary land occupation, the compensation cost of RMB 118,000 for demolishment of rural residential houses, the compensation cost of RMB2,355,000 for demolishment of urban residential houses, and the compensation cost of RMB 213,000 for demolishment of land attachments.


Permanently Expropriated Land

The permanent expropriated land is 661.09 mu in area, including farmland, non-agriculture land and the permanent loss of crops, with 615 households and 3418 persons are involved. All the influenced villages/ work groups can receive compensation. The influenced will receive young crops compensation. If the influenced village will not reallocate the farmland, the influenced will receive cash compensation, namely the resettlement subsidy and part of the land compensation, for the recovery of the income and living.

Permanently Dismantled Private Housing

The total floor area is 3351.39m2 including the buildings on the ground. There are 34 households influenced, involving 138 persons. The influenced householders will receive cash compensation and be provided with affordable housing or relocation housing. The house owner without Title Deed will receive the compensation made as per the house replacement price. For the dismantled rural housing, the compensation will be made in cash as per the replacement price of the same floor area plusing the local price of curtilage, while for the dismantled urban housing; the cash compensation will be made as per the replacement price or exchange the title (house property right). If the dismantled are not satisfied with the compensation standard for housing removal, they can commission the professional agency to audit the property, and the result of auditing will be the compensation standard of housing removal.


There is totally 1 shop, involving 63 persons. The floor area of the influenced buildings is 2829m2. The shopkeeper of the influenced shops will receive cash compensation or their shops will be rebuilt in other places. All the owners of the business buildings before the date of the publication of the project construction, which are either the buildings without certificate or the extended temporary buildings, should receive compensation. For the dismantled buildings, cash compensation should be made as per the policy of Bengbu. And the influenced enterprises will receive subsidy for relocation.

Public Facility

As the attachment, the influenced will receive cash compensation. The influenced collectivity will receive cash compensation or repairing. For the attachment on the ground of the expropriated land, compensation should be made in the replacement price in cash or repairing should be made till the ground is resumed to its previous condition or the better condition, and for the dismantled the buildings, cash compensation should be made in the replacement price of the same floor area.

Huaiyuan Project

(1)Land Occupancy and Expropriation

The flood prevention sub-project of Guzhen County involves land for ditch desilting work, embankment work, drainage PS building and rebuilding of municipal pipe network. The area within the land scope for works and the area where the project construction so seriously affects the production and life of the residents that no recovery can be made are all included in the influenced area scope of the land expropriation and housing removal of the project.

(2)Compensation Budget

The total budget of this project is RMB 1,998,000, including the compensation cost of RMB1,607,000 for permanent land occupation, the compensation cost of RMB3,473,000 for demolishment of urban residential houses, the compensation cost of RMB 159,000 for demolishment of stores, and the compensation cost of RMB 278,000 for demolishment of land attachments.


Collectively-Owned Land

The compensation for land expropriation includes land compensation, resettlement subsidy and the compensation for ground attachment and young crops. The land compensation shall be in the possession of the rural collective economic organization, and the land expropriator can pay the village committee the land compensation in some proportion (no more than 20%) for the land expropriation, the money of which will be used by the village committee for developing the production and public welfare and shall not be defalcated. The remained land compensation can be paid to the land lost peasants directly or included into the basic living security fund of the land lost peasants. The compensation for the ground attachment and young crops shall be paid to the owner of the ground attachment and the young crops.

¬Permanently Dismantled Private Housing

According to the compensation and resettlement policy for the housing removal of this project, two ways of compensation and resettlement are adopted, namely, the cash compensation and the exchange of house property right. The resettlement can choose the compensation and resettlement way that fits their economic condition and individual demands. Where the cash compensation is chose, the compensation shall be determined as per the assessment price of the local real estate market with such factors as the location, usage and floor area of the dismantled buildings taken into account. The formula for calculating the cash compensation is the upper limit of the cash compensation price of the dismantled building×the floor are of the dismantled building.

Wuhe Project

(1)Land Occupancy and Expropriation

The World Bank project in Wuhe County only involves the expropriation of rural collectively-owned land and there is no demolition. The rural collectively-owned land expropriated by the sub-project of Wuhe County is used for the work of the surface water treatment plant of Mohekou Town and the sewage treatment plant. Totally 2 villages, with 101 households and 420 persons, are influenced. The collectively-owned land expropriated is 139.69mu in area.

(2)Compensation Budget

The total budget only consists of the compensation cost for permanent land acquisition, which is RMB2,305,000.


Rural Collectively-owned land

The land compensation will be paid to the rural collective organization from which the land is expropriated, and the money will be used for developing the production and settling the life of the peasants. The labor settlement subsidy will be paid to the farming persons who need resettlement and the settlement and reception agencies. The land contractor will receive the young crops compensation and labor resettlement subsidy.

Social Impacts

Social Impact Analysis and Mitigation Measures during Construction

Analysis of Impacts on Residents’ Life

During the construction, due to the excavation of ground, there will be flying dust when piling the earth and there will be more inhalation particles in the air, thus the surrounding residents and passers-by would be harmed in health.

There are many fuel equipments and power machines in the construction area, the noise of which is disturbing. The living quality of the residents is lowered.

It is inevitable that the construction would occupy road and greenery area, which will ruin the landscape and lower the traffic capacity of the road. And because of this, the local residents have to reroute their usual path whenever they go out, which is very inconvenient for their life.

For the construction of large scale project, there will be at least one or more construction sites. Because of the entering of the construction workers, there are not only more wastes and garbage, which pollute the environment, but also many diseases are easy to be spread since the sanitary condition in the sites is not good, so the health of the surrounding residents are threatened.

The management of the construction site would not be good since the people in the site are large in number and complex in constitute, and in addition, the people come and go frequently due to the supply and demands of construction materials as well as the living materials. There might be safety risks for the surrounding residents.

Analysis of Impacts on Project Area

During the construction of rain water and sewage pipe as well as the road, the most notable influence on the construction area is the influence on traffic.

If the construction is conducted within the unfinished area, since it is farmland in the surroundings in most occasions, which is open, the construction would be conducted in full range in this area to promote the progress of the construction of the whole road or the complete network fast. Although the road within the construction area is not good, which has small traffic flow, the accessing of the construction vehicles won’t have notable influence on the traffic capacity of the surrounding road, instead, it will influence the road outside of the construction area greatly and add traffic pressure to the road outside of the construction area, namely, when the loading trucks carry gravels and sand and construction garbage out, the gravels or sand or garbage dropped and spilled out along the road would lower the levelness and flatness of the road and create harm and risk to the road as well as the vehicles that pass by. .

The size and load of the transporting vehicles are large, so it is inevitable that the vehicles will produce some damages to the road surface and the foundation as well, especially the over loaded vehicles, which have stronger damaging capacity. If the construction lasts long in period, there will be road repairing and economy loss.

Where the project locates at the center of the city or downtown area, the frequent passing of the construction vehicles would impose more pressure on the traffic which has been tense enough, making the downtown traffic more heavy and busy, especially at the rush hour, the traffic might be jammed when the idle condition of the vehicles lasts long and long-time horn of vehicle, thus the crowd would be restless and upset and the traffic order would be disturbed, due to which various traffic accidents are easy to take place.

According to the above analysis, the construction will not only generate adverse influences to the surroundings of the construction area, but also will bring some traffic and safety risks, affecting the social order and public living environment. Therefore, the management and control during the construction should be reinforced, the construction management system should be perfected, detail construction plan should be prepared, full consideration should be made to avoid the adverse influences and minimize the adverse influences to the society.

Mitigation Measures

1.The traffic management department should reinforce the management and control of the construction area, make traffic distribution and rerouting plan according to the construction plan, and organize the traffic by utilizing the adjacent traffic network to the most, ensuring the residents’ daily life won't be disturbed.

2.Before construction, the construction company should make sufficient and full preparation, have full understanding and investigation of the works in relation to the construction, and provide cooperation to the related departments to have all the emergency work be fully prepared in advance, ensuring the regular state of social life.

3.In order to minimize the influence the construction brings down to the life of the urban residents as well as the traffic, the traffic routes should be planned and distributed in uniform to avoid traffic jam, and inform the people in advance through such means as broadcast, television and newspaper.

4.There should be signboard erected at the construction site, on which such information as the works of the construction, time, name of the contact person and telephone number should be given, asking for the forgiveness from the public for the inconvenience caused by the construction.

5.The garbage produced by the construction of pipe network and road should be cleared and transported in time, and the road and the material field should be cleaned in time to free more the occupied land so that the residents can have free way to go out.

6.For the works that must be carried out at night due to the limit of the construction technology and techniques, there should be prevention measures and technical proposal for the construction at night. The low-noise equipments and machines should be adopted as much as possible. The light mechanical equipments or semi-manual construction should be used. The mechanic vibration should be reduced and metal materials carrying should be avoided. The unruly loading and unloading and noise making is forbidden. The height and location of construction lighting should not affect the surrounding residents.

7.When the water supply, drainage, gas supply and heating supply is affected by the construction, negotiation and coordination with related authorities should be made in advance to work out the emergency plan. There should be persons specially assigned for the site supervision and inspection to ensure the accident can be treated promptly at the time it takes place.

8.The construction company should reinforce the management of both the construction workers and the site, have each worker and the visiting person registered and checked, and strengthen contact with the departments of property management and residents committee, communicating information from time to time, to strengthen the safety of the construction site and eliminate the restless and antipathy feelings and worries of the residents.

Analysis of the Social Impacts after the Project Completion

Huaiyuan Project

1. Influence on Society and Economy

This project is a part of the road network, rain water pipe network and flood prevention and drainage system in the urban master planning. When the project is completed, it is not only the road and pipe network system of the city oil and grains industrial base is improved, but also the flood prevention and drainage capacity of Chengguan Town is enhanced. Thereby, the pace of realizing the urban master planning is quickened and the goal of social and economic development can be achieved soon.

(1)The Traffic Condition of the Oil and Grains Industrial Base of Chengguan Town is Improved

The oil and grains industrial base of Chengguan Town is located in rural area. According to the urban master planning, Chengguan Town will be the industrial area of Huanyuan County. However, the undeveloped traffic of that place prevents the development of economy seriously. The road work of the oil and grains industrial base of Chengguan Town improves the traffic there greatly. Improving the investing environment and enhancing the capacity of economic investing will promote the economy of this area greatly. It will be convenient for the residents to go out after the completion of the project.

(2)The Flood Prevention and Drainage Capacity is Enhanced

The current rain water drainage capacity of Chengguan Town is weak. The drainage network is in broken condition and it is open channel in some place, furthermore, in some place there is no drainage system at all. The project will perfect the rain water network, enhance the capacity of collecting and drainage of flood, increase the buffer time of flood, enhance the capacity of flood prevention and drainage of the city, mitigate the damages brought to the property of people by the flood, guaranteeing people’s happy and peaceful life.

In a word, the completion of the project will greatly enhance the service ability of the urban infrastructure, improve the city environment obviously, fasten the urbanization of Huaiyuan County and promote the economic and social development of Huanyuan County.

2.Analysis of Influence on Urban Environment and Ecological Landscape

(1)After the road work is completed, the road greenery will be increased and reasonable arrangement will be made. The road greenery can protect the road surface, prevent the water and soil from losing, reduce the traffic dust and noise, adjust and improve the microclimate of road, thus improving the landscape along the road and beautifying the road.

(2)The appearance of a city is often learned first when people pass along the road of the city. The road greenery would enhance the beauty of the city and makes people feel fresh and natural.

(3)The desilting of hill pond enhance the capacity of flood storage, enlarge the water surface in area, and create the nature landscape. Meanwhile, the vegetation resuming work is conducted around the hill pond, improving the environment of the pond further.

(4)The perfecting of the urban flood prevention and rain water drainage network mitigates the damages the flood brings to the environment of the city.

(5)Plant is one of the element that creates the beauty of city. Varied and colorful landscape of road can be made by making use of the unique lines, shapes, color and seasonal variation of plants, and characteristics can be formed to match the road lamps, flower bed and dustbin through the different types of trees, blossom period and arrangement.

(6)The road greenbelt can decorate the city and foil the buildings along the road. Meanwhile, it can satisfy the residents living in the high rise buildings who want greenbelt.

To sum up, the project will increase the beauty of the city and make people feel comfortable when it is completed.

Huaishang Project

The construction of the project may make the land lost people suffer some financial loss and affect the life of the residents. In addition to the adverse influence on the traffic and social security, the main influence the construction of the project brings to the social economy is the positive social economic benefits like promoting the economic growth and driving the development of the industry.

(1)The construction of the project requires the participation of the design institute, construction company, architecture company, transporting company, and construction material supplier. In addition, large number of construction workers should be employed, to whom living materials and social services should be provided. All of the work will provide more employment to the place and bring income to the companies, enterprises and the majority labor workers, thus promoting the development of the national economy.

(2)The project will play an important part in the social development and progress of Huaishang District after it is completed, which beautifies the environment, improves the living condition and health of people, brings investment, promotes stability and solidarity, has good social effects and Pb the economic prosperity of the surrounding area.

(3)When the project is completed, the place where the project locates will provide the guarantee of flood prevention and good living environment. There will be good place for the citizen to have intimacy with the nature.

(4)Due to the large amount of investment on the project, the demand for materials increase, thus the production of related enterprises can be increased for producing the required construction materials like steel, building material and cement, which will be purchased at local area. Bengbu City and the surrounding enterprises will benefit from that.

(5)Since the construction of the project requires large number of labor workers, there will be more job opportunity and the income of the local people will be increased.

Guzhen Project

The project will greatly enhance the flood control and prevention capacity of Guzhen County through works like reinforcing the embankment, desilting the drainage canals and building (rebuilding) the flood drainage station. The rate of the urban sewage collection is increased through the building of urban sewage network. And through the building of the main sewage pipe at the source place of drinkable water, the water at the water supply points of the urban water supply company in the planning can be prevented from being polluted, thus enhancing the operation condition of the urban water supply company. The remarkable social benefits the project brings to include the following:

(1)The increase of sewage collection rate creates a better living condition for the people of Guzhen County

At present, since the urban drainage system of Guzhen County is in confusion, furthermore, the drainage of most of the places is made separately; the quality of the water environment in the city is bad. After cleaning and control, most of the urban places will be covered into the urban drainage system, thus promoting the level of city infrastructure construction.

(2)Strengthening the protection of the source place of drinkable water to create advantageous condition for finding new water source.

At present, the water used by the people of Guzhen County is sourced from the underground water. The over exploration of underground water will cause the sink of stratum, due to which most of the places of China are looking for new water sources and it has become a trend that the surface water which meets the standard of drinkable water is adopted as the drinkable water. Currently, the water quality of the drinkable water source place can not meet the surface water standard of Type Ⅱ yet and the chief reason for this is the sewage discharged from the residential area and enterprises of the northwest part of the city deteriorates the water. The project will have the sewage of this area be led into the urban drainage system, thus improving the water quality of the water source and making the water source usable for the water supply company.

(3)Improving the landscape environment along the banks of the Sanba River and promoting the city image and living environment

The Sanba River is one artificially excavated riverway, which has been used as the sewage discharging canal. As a river that crosses the whole county, the water environment is low in level and does not meet the requirement of urban landscape. As the developing of the urban area, part of the residential district has been built or planned to be built along the banks of the river, and the requirement on the river landscape is higher and higher. After the rebuilding of the main sewage pipe network, most of the sewage in the urban area will not be discharged directly into the Sanba River, instead it is delivered through the sewage pipe to the waste water treatment plant (under construction), thereby the pollution of the Sanba River can be stopped to some extent and the biological self purification work of the river can be resumed, thus Guzhen can have a clean the Sanba River again. Along the banks of the Sanba River, slope protection work will be conduction, which will improve the landscape of the river further. The rebuilt banks of the Sanba River will be a good place for people to have recreation.

(4)The construction of project requires labor force and there will be more opportunities of employment

This project involves much in range, extends long in distance and requires large number of labor force for the construction. Because of this, the unemployment situation of this place can be relieved to some extent and the income of the local people will be increased.

(5)Enhance the overall urban construction level and it will be good for attracting investment

Anhui Province, as the undeveloped place in economy, is far behind the coastal cities and other developed area in urban construction level, especially some small counties. The progress of urban construction is slow as the main industry of this area is agriculture. Through this flood prevention and the comprehensive control of environment, the infrastructure will be perfected and the urban construction will be enhanced greatly, thus advantageous condition is created for attracting investment.

(6)The improvement of flood prevention capacity will mitigate the influence of the natural disaster

The area along the Huai River of Anhui is the place where flood happens frequently and suffers economic loss incurred by the flood every year. Its special geological location is one of the reasons for this. But the loss can be avoided to the most by improving the flood prevention capacity. This project promote the urban flood prevention work to the standard that is able to meet the flood happening with a frequency of every 20years, the drainage of built urban area to the standard that is able to meet the flood happening with a frequency of every 10 years and the drainage ditch with the frequency of every 5 years. The improving of the flood prevention and control standard will mitigate the influence flood brings to the people and thus the people can have a safer living environment.

Wuhe Project

This project will greatly enhance the water quality and sewage treatment ability of the industrial zone of Mohekou Town, improve the quality of the drinkable water supplied to the people of Mohekou Town, increase the infrastructure and promote the living standard through environment control and building pipe network, water purification plant and waste water treatment plant. The social influences brought by this project mainly include as follows:

1.Social Benefits

(1)Create better living conditions for people

It makes the tap water supply be available in the rural area and the life of people become more convenient. The water environment of creeks and canals in rural area is improved after treating the waste water. The quality of the treated water is qualified enough for the agricultural production and thus the earnings of agriculture can be increased.

(2)It is favorable for the development of commercial trade of the industrial zone

The imperfection of the current infrastructure of the place where the project locates restricts the development of commercial trades and affects the enthusiasm of the investors seriously. The implementation of the project will perfect the infrastructure, improve the investing environment, attract more investment, strengthen the confidence of the investors and promote the development of the commercial trade forcefully in surrounding area.

(3)The construction of the project requires large amount of investment, increases the demand for materials and can bring along the production of the enterprises

Most of the materials required by the construction like steel, building materials and cement will be purchase in local place. Bengbu City and the surrounding enterprises will benefit from that.

(4)The construction of the project requires labor force and there will be more employment opportunities, thus relieving the unemployment pressure.

The construction of the whole project is planned to be conducted stage by stage, and the construction period will last 5 years, during which large number of labor force will be required, and thus the unemployment pressure will be relieved.

(5)The waste water treatment system reduces the facility and operation cost of waste water treatment of each enterprise, which is good for the construction and development of the industrial zone.

2.Adverse Social Influence

Although this project is made for improving environment, the implementation of it will also bring some adverse influences:

(1)After the waste water is controlled and treated, the enterprises will have to pay the added cost for waste discharge and water supply. The cost of production is increased.

(2)The cost of tap water is increased and the living expense of the residents is increased

(3) If the peasants abandon agricultural work and start new work without receiving sufficient vocational training in advance, it might be difficult for them to find a job. If they stay unemployed for long, there will be risks for social security.

Conclusions and Recommendations


General Conclusion

Project Summary

Located in the middle and lower reaches of the Huai River Basin, Bengbu is an important industrial city and surface transport hub, but over the years by the Huai River flood discharge in the flood season, flood is frequent and the economy has suffered huge losses. Agricultural production and urban development have been affected to some extent and constrained.

Bengbu City is planning to use the World Bank loan for urban flood control projects and ecological construction. The project is divided into eight subprojects, namely:

1. Tianhe Flood Control Project

2. Longzi Lake Flood Control & Environment Improvement Project

3. Urban (South of Huai River) Environment Infrastructure Improvement Project

4. Xijiagou & Baligou Environment Improvement Project

5. Huaishang District Flood Control & Urban Environmental Infrastructure Improvement Project

6. Guzhen County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

7. Huaiyuan County Integrated Environment Improvement Project

8. Wuhe County Mohekou Integrated Environment Improvement Project

Such as major construction projects involve, water projects such as the desilting of drainage PSs, flood control ditches and waterlogging drainage and so on. ecological control projects such as sewage pipe network, rain water pipe network, roads and bridges and other infrastructure projects, Longzi Lake desilting, ditches slope green and the restoration of vegetation and so on.

Regions in construction projects include urban Bengbu, Huaishang District, Wuhe county Mo river estuary town, Huaiyuan County Chengguan Town, Grain and Oil processing district, Guzhen Town and the outskirts of the city.

Total project investment is 1.66 billion yuan. The construction period is five years, and the entire project is to be completed in 2012 and put into use.

Environmental Baseline of Bengbu Municipality

Ambient air quality is at level 2 in Bengbu City. The main rivers in this area include Huai River, Huihe River, Guo River, Huaihongxin River, Cihuai New River, Beifei River and Mochongyin River. Surface water bodies of the city are mainly the Tianhe Lake Longzi Lake, Zhanggongshan Pond, Xijiagou, and Baligou and so on.

The function of water body of Huai River in Bengbu is Class III. Water function of the Huihe River, simultaneously, and other tributaries of the river flow is Class III or IV category. Tianhe Lake water function is Class III, and Longzi Lake for the status quo is IV.

Bengbu City drinking water is from the Huai River. The inlet is 200 meters up the Bengbu Gate. It has one surface water factory with water scale of 400,000 tons / day, and the status quo of the northern Huai River bank is that groundwater is the main source for supply water.

The city has one sewage treatment plant at the west side of Xijiagou, with designed scale of 200,000 tons / day, and now it is in normal operation of 100,000 tons/day.

The old urban area of Bengbu has been formed stormwater drainage system for sewage diversion system, but in western city Baligou area, the eastern area of Longzi Lake in eastern city and southwestern region of the city have not yet formed drainage network. Rain drains into the river through surface water body and ditches in the end.

Now city drainage in Bengbu urban area is mainly through drainage PSs and from the natural drains at the shore of the Huai River, However, the flood water level in the Huai River is relatively high in the flood time, making Bengbu City water can not be discharged. If there is a storm season, necessarily it leads to severe waterlogging. So to improve the drainage capacity drainage PSs is very necessary.

The other hand, the city of Bengbu has a large distribution of ditches and pond, and it is a natural way to use them for flood and waterlogging control, but because of serious pond sediment their storage capacity led to a massive reduction, witch is a disadvantage for flood control to reduce disasters. So when building drainage PS, the main canals and lakes desilting to improve the City Flood Control and Drainage capacity is extremely beneficial at the same time.

According to the Bengbu City's overall development plan and the "11th Five-Year" plan for environmental protection objectives, in 2010 it will achieve the urban sewage treatment rate to reach 70%. This sets higher requirements for city sewer network construction. The status quo of Bengbu urban sewage collection rate is about 70%, but the sewerage treatment rate is less than 30%. As building of a sewage pipe network at the same time supporting the building of a sewage treatment plant is imperative. It is the base to increase the rate of sewage treatment, to effectively control the total discharge of pollutants, and to achieve environmental benefits.

Project Impact Analysis

υ Project Construction Period

1. Construction noise is concluded basically in the construction industry plants within 100 meters. In this context the environmentally sensitive point and environmental protected targets will be affected by some noise to some extent.

2. Construction dust affected area will be within the 100 meters in the leeward area, after 4-5 times of the sprinkling a day, dust affected area will decrease within 50 meters.

3. Construction wastewater includes construction operations wastewater and living wastewater of builders in the construction area. Improper disposal of the surrounding water will cause pollution to the near water body, and in turn have adverse environmental impacts to the Huai river water. After sedimentation through sedimentation tanks set up at the construction site, the supernatant of construction work wastewater can be collected as dust sprinkler water and for construction techniques using, making the best to minimize outside water. Wastewater with sludge at the scene shall be not disposed arbitrarily and into neighboring channels, lakes and other water bodies. It can’t be discharged into the municipal drainage channels. Wastewater should be subject to municipal departments to process, or shipped to the disposal site assigned by the municipal departments. Integrated sewage water treatment equipment should be installed to treat the living wastewater in the, which can be disposed after treatment.

In principle, when having construction in the urban areas, towns, the wastewater of construction should be treated by sedimentation and then is discharged into municipal sewers, but no wastewater with sludge in it. In the uncompleted construction zone in rural or suburban area without such kind of sewers, construction wastewater must be grease trapped by precipitation and reach the discharging standard, then it can be discharged into the water body where allows the discharge water or sewers.

4. In accordance with the provisions related to environmental protection, various kind of Class III water wastewater must be treated to meet primary standard of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard before into Huai River. Into the Guo River, Huihe River and stream tributaries of the Huai River, the sewage must be treated to secondary class emission standards. The waste water discharge standards and the means of discharging are in strict in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection departments for the implementation of the relevant provisions. According to the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Tianhe Ricer, as Bengbu City emergency source of drinking water, no any sewage and wastewater can be discharged into it. Remnant water of the yard for Longzi Lake desilting should reach primary standard of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard.

5. Major water pollutants of the yard for Longzi Lake desilting are NH3-N and the SS. To make the yard remnant water reach the discharge standards, effective measures must be taken to decrease the concentration of the pollutants in the water, and it is proposed to increase the water retention time, increase coagulant and use other kind of methods.

6. The sludge dredged from lakes and ditches pond will not only occupy large tracts of land, but also make the groundwater and surface water polluted. Sludge disposal ways are closely related to its components. By monitoring various urban and suburban sewers and lake sediment sludge, the EIA content get to find that the contents of all urban Bengbu pond sediments are close the same. And the heavy metals in the sludge were not overweight, and meet the "soil environmental quality standards" and "agricultural sludge pollution control standards", but because of no comprehensive monitoring indicators, without excluding the results of chance, it is not entirely proven that the sludge is harmless. In order to avoid farmland and crops pollution, thus endangering the health of the population, it is not recommended for dredged sludge to be discharged into agricultural land in this EIA. After being dried naturally sludge can be back for woodland, green belt, mountain habitat sculpture made, or can be used as backfill for the site formation.

Xijiagou accepts wastewater for a long period because of the sewage it accepted, most of which are industrial wastewater and sediment complex. Although it dose not exceed the third class standards of Soil Environmental Quality, the sludge has higher Hg content which is higher than the soil background values of Anhui province 2.2-2.9 times. Together with large amount of organic ingredients, which can easily Pb stench, it is not appropriate to be used in human crowd and frequent contacting region. It is best to make them digest in the region themselves. Once it is used as roadside greening purposes, it is better to try to make the project earthwork balance and avoid disposing outside.

υ Project Operation Period

In the project running period, major pollutions include the running noise from drainage PSs, road and bridge traffic noise and car exhaust pollution and tail water from Mohekou town sewage treatment plant, sewage plant odors, and the remaining sludge disposal and so on.

1. When the pump station is completed, it will be in short-term use instead of in continuous use, and generally is needed only when it is in flood period. The impact area of PS operating noise should be controlled in the first class type by the implementation of the Regional Environmental Noise Standards" (night 45dB (A), daytime 55 dB (A)) for the 220 meters at night, daytime 70 meters. In this context the environmentally sensitive point and environmental targets will be affected to some extent.

2. The proposed road noise impact is closely related to road traffic, road grading, day-traffic flow and model rate of traffic. In this project, roads only have the total traffic flow, not related to day and night and no model rate, so it is not possible to make environmental impact analysis for the proposed road traffic noise and vehicle exhaust.

According to information analogy, usually red line width of 40 meters in the city roads, its noise impact on the road outside the red line is 50 meters on day time, and 150 meters at night. Automobile exhaust pollution impact on the hard shoulder outside is within 20 meters.

3. In the Mohekou Industry Zone area surface water factory operation period, the noise impact distance is within 10 meters from the production structures and in the water purification plant the noise emission meet the standards. Sludge production is 9 tons / day, the moisture content is 80%, and the main part of the sludge from the water purification process is silt and flocculants, which part can be considered as fertilizer for farm.

4. In the Mohekou sewage treatment plant operation period, sludge production is 14.3 tons and water content is 80%. For the high proportion of industry wastewater in the water treated by Mohekou sewage treatment plant, most of them are fine chemical industry wastewater, so sewage treatment plant the residual sludge is complex and is more likely to contain harmful toxic substances and heavy metals pollution. The EIA recommend that the park's sewage plant sludge should be shipped to the city landfill for disposal harmless, no return for farmland and drains green slope to prevent pollution of soil and groundwater.

Smelly materials from the sewage plant are mainly H2S and NH3. The impact distance is 200m.

Emissions of tail sewage plant water implements Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002) in a first class A standard, through Sanpu Lake drainage stations diversion canal into the Huai River. From the predicted results of the environmental impact, we can see that COD concentration of water in outfall 200m downstream can meet the features standard requirements of water environment. COD concentration at downstream 1300m place can be achieved background concentration. Tail water from Sewage treatment plants of Mohekou into the river, can cause water pollution of the Huai River at sewage outfall downstream of 1300m.

Project Environmental Benefits

The major environmental benefits of this project reflect in the volume of emissions control to the Huai River, and the environmental benefits created by Mohekou Park sewage treatment plant.

1. According to 2005 statistics, in 2005 the total Bengbu City sewage is about 141.47 million tons / year. Urban sewage treatment capacity is 25.55 million tons and industrial waste water treatment capacity is 16.89 million tons. The concentrated sewage treatment rate is about 30% and the ratio of domestic wastewater to industrial wastewater is 3:2.

In Bengbu City, sewage water is mainly emitted through 7urban sewage outfalls. In 2005 total outfall drainage of seven major is 107.74 million tons / year, in which Xijiagou, Longzi Lake, Baligou displacement are the biggest one. In the western city Xijiagou, Baligou accept the industrial waste easily. In the eastern city Longzi Lake accept living sewage water mainly. The local sewage pipe network has basically taken shape between Xijiagou and the Longzi Lake, but it is in the lack of network connectivity. The network has not yet matured between east of Baligou and west of Longzi Lake, and the project of urban drainage works will focus on the region to build pipe network and the renovation and expansion of convergence. The pipe network construction in the Longzi Lake industrial park, new high-tech zones and part of uncompleted pie network is to raise Bengbu City sewage water collection rates.

Now, in Bengbu City, only Xijiagou area has the No.1 Sewage Treatment Plant, so industrial and domestic sewage effluent in Xijiagou area are basically treated in the sewage treatment plants and then drained to Xijiagou, although Xijiagou area has the largest sewage, a lower concentration of pollutants is showed in the water. Discharge in Longzi Lake and Jiaotong Road area is less than Xijiagou, however, it has the higher concentration of the pollutants. Drainage network in Baojiagou area has not yet formed. Sewage collected by the natural drains is extremely limited, but at the same time its wastewater pollutant concentration is relatively high, showing that perfect urban sewage pipe network construction is very necessary.

The project, when completed, will make an interface and adjustments to the status quo relatively fragmented drainage system. According to the plan, in 2010, it will create a more focused drainage system.

2. According to Bengbu city development planning and drainage plans, By 2010, Bengbu City's sewerage system will have been divided into four drainage system, which includes Xijiagou sewage system, Yangtaizi sewage system, northern Huaishang River sewage system, and south city sewage systems as a network. The total sewage can get to 494,100 m3/d. These sewage treatment plants will be completed in 2010 and put into use. South City Sewage Treatment Plant is has been planned to be built in 2020, but in order to be in line with the construction of World Bank's project, South City wastewater treatment plant will be completed in 2012.

Without matching increase in the sewage treatment plant construction after city drainage projects completed, the increasing in sewage and the concentration of outfalls may Pb to the pollution discharged into the river much higher than the total volume of emissions in 2005 and to the adverse environmental impact in the river water. According to the EIA forecast in the near future if only to maintain the status quo Xijiagou 100,000 tons / day of processing capacity before 2,010, then, in 2010, with an increase to the amount of waste water, it will get to 1.68 times higher than in 2005 while the pollutants discharged into the river COD and ammonia emissions will rise to the 1.87 and 1.80 times to the status quo in 2005 respectively.

If in 2010 the planned Xijiagou sewage plant is to be completed 200,000 m3/ day, Yangtaizi sewage plant 100,000 tons / day, North Huaishang sewage plant on a 25,000 m3/ day, and they are in a full operation, in 2010 the sewage volume is 70% increase compared to 2005. The pollutants discharged into the river COD emissions will be basically the same to the status quo in 2005 on the total amount (increased by only 6.2 %), and ammonia emissions will decrease by 9.3% compared to 2005.

According to the EIA forecast, in 2010 if all the planning sewage plants will be completed and put into use, urban sewage can all be treated effectively, then the influenced distance of Bengbu City sewage into the river is within 2.4km from the Mohekou section downstream (32.5km downstream from Bengbu Gate), and the quality of the Huai River will be under control in the scope of Bengbu area. The forecast results indicate that if each sewage plant can ensure the emissions standards, the increase in the volume of sewage discharge will not have environment obvious adverse effects to the river downstream water.

If accident emissions happen in the sewage treatment plant, it will increase the river's pollution levels and risks. According to the forecast, if sewage treatment plant can not get an effective sewage treatment, up to standard, the COD pollution influence will be increased from Mohekou section to 57km downstream water (87km downstream from Bengbu Gate). Ammonia pollution from the estuary will be increased from Mohekou section to 67km downstream. (107km downstream from Bengbu Gate). It visibly will have significant impact on the lower reaches of the Huai River.

In summary, the city pipeline project with the construction of sewage treatment work, is the basic way to achieve the fundamental environmental benefits.

3. In the Mohekou Park sewage treatment plant project, the increase of strength of Mohekou town park construction and attraction of investment will make estuary town of sewage rapidly increase in the planning year. The wastewater collected by the pipe network and discharged into the river will increase the receiving volume of Huai River. So the park's sewage plant construction operation is bound to reduce the pollutants discharged into the river total. According to the EIA accounting of the park's sewage plant, pollutant abatement proportion of the total COD reduction is 50%, and ammonia reduction is 66.7%. Tail water Mohekou sewage plant discharges into the Huai River will Pb a certain degree of pollution from the outfall to the downstream 1300m within the scope of the Huai River water.

Conclusions for Subprojects

Urban Drainage Project

Regional distribution of construction is in Bengbu the Old City, high-tech zones, Dragon Seed Lakes Industrial Park. The main contents of the building include 4 pump stations, rain sewage pipe network and three sewage lifting pump stations, and the new district road as the three parts of the contents. The total project investment is 388.9387 million yuan, and the construction period is four years, in preparation for full operation in 2012。

The status of Bengbu urban stormwater drainage is through various drainage ditches and with the surrounding surface water bodies into Huai River. While the drainage system in old city district was basically completed, but there are still some sections of connectivity which is not complete, therefore, it is necessary to connect the stormwater drainages in these sections with the pipeline network to form a complete drainage system. So that part of the contents of construction is basically renovation and expansion project. The pipelines dispersed widely, so the project work is not large, but due to many environmentally sensitive points in this construction period, the impact construction is heavy.

The proposed high-tech development zones and Longzi Lake Park stormwater pipeline are new projects. The meaning of the construction is to collect the wastewater from west Longzi Lake area and west Baligou area in high-tech zones into the southern city sewerage system of sewage. In the long-term management of wastewater plan, this part of wastewater collected from network will enter the planning southern city sewage treatment plant, which makes a fundamental condition for achieving long-term goal sewage treatment rate reaching 70%.

The proposed four drainage PSs project is basically renovation and expansion projects. The plans is the original pump station expansion alterations or upgrading of equipment to improve its drainage capacity for flood control, strengthening old Bengbu City flood season safety. In the Longzi Lake Park, high-tech zones in the region, roads and the construction of pipelines are basically new projects, and it mainly improves the infrastructure construction of the area.

The main influence in the construction period is the construction noise and construction dust. Dust from the impact of the construction is 100 meters outside of the construction border. Through frequent watering it can affect the impact scope and makes it within 50 meters. The influence distance of construction noise is within100 meters from the outside of construction factory site on daytime. Construction spoil should be backfilling in priority. Once it is used as roadside greening purposes, it is better to try to make the project earthwork balance and avoid disposing outside.

When projects completed and put into operation, the main environmental problem is draining the running noise impact and the influenced distance is 70 meters for daytime, and night of 220 meters. In this context the environmentally sensitive point and environmental protected targets will be affected by some noise to some extent.

Major solid waste in the operation period is from the waterlogging pump station gate residue. Each year about 3,000 tons drainage station gate slag will be produced. Part of the gate residue will be handed over to sanitation departments and treated together with living garbage.

Under the condition of strengthening construction management and the implementation of environmental protection measures, the project of building will Pb little impact to the surrounding environment. Major social benefits of the construction projects are perfecting environment for infrastructure construction, improving drainage capacity in the urban area, the promotion of high-tech zones and Longzi Lake Park on the overall development, enhancing the city's flood control and drainage resilience capacity, and improving the living quality of city residents for the realization of long-term overall planning, environmental planning objectives of 11th Five-Year Plan to lay a solid foundation.

Tianhe Project

υ Analysis of impact in the construction period

Pollutants emitted are mainly concentrated in the construction period. The water pollutants include living sewage and manufacturing wastewater (oily waste water, sludge and waste water drainage pit) in the construction area. The main pollutant in domestic sewage is COD and its highest emission is 20 tons / day. The main pollutants in manufacturing wastewater is the SS. Atmospheric pollutants are mainly construction dust and construction machinery and transport vehicles’ fuel emissions, which are not quantitative intermittent emissions. The highest living garbage production is 0.34 tons / day. The source of sound environment impact is from construction machinery and transport vehicles which produce the mechanical noise. The noise is about 75 to 105dB (A) 1m near the mechanical equipment.

Wastewater of construction after precipitation is all back to the construction site as possible, reducing the volume of wastewater discharge. Construction living sewage collection should be collected together and treated in sewage treatment facilities to meet the first class emission standard and then discharged into the river. Various of construction wastewater is forbidden to be discharged into the Tianhe. As the construction period of less sewage, the treated wastewater into the river water will not cause significant adverse environmental effects.

υ Operation Impact Analysis

In the operation period of the project, the main pollutant is Tianhe Drainage Station operating noise, which standalone operation noise is 75-85 dB (A). Wastewater discharge is produced from the Tianhe Station sewage. Solid waste discharge is mainly from Tianhe gate station slag and the lives of the workers.

In the operating period, Tianhe station operator will create noise source about 90-100dB (A), and the influenced distance is about 220 meters at night, daytime 70 meters. It will mainly have some impact to the PS management district workers living and working on the 80 meters northeast PS some. The neighboring villages are affected little.

In the operating period wastewater is mainly from living wastewater of workers in Tianhe wastewater PSs and road drainage. The volume of living wastewater is 7.65m3 / d, and it will be pretreated by septic tanks and package treatment facilities to achieve first class emission standard and then is discharged into the Huai River.

The main solid waste in PS in the operator period is the gate slag and the living garbage of workers. Gate slag production is 3,600 t / a (60% water content), in which leaves, twigs, grass, fiber and other floating objects are the main waste. The production of living garbage is 0.8t / a, solid waste will be shipped to the garbage collection and transportation systems, handled by the sanitation department.

Xijiagou & Baligou Project

υ Pollutant emissions

Pollutants emitted are mainly concentrated in the construction period. The water pollutants include living sewage and manufacturing wastewater (including manufacturing wastewater and the trickling water of the desilting sludge) in the construction area. The main pollutant in domestic sewage is COD and its highest emission is 50 tons / day. The main pollutants in manufacturing wastewater is the SS. Atmospheric pollutants are mainly construction dust and construction machinery and transport vehicles’ fuel emissions, which are not quantitative intermittent emissions. The discarded soil is 375000 m3 /d. The highest living garbage production is 0.25 tons / day. The source of sound environment impact is from construction machinery and transport vehicles which produce the mechanical noise. The noise is about 75 to 105dB (A) 1m near the mechanical equipment.

υ Construction impact

The main impact is operations wastewater, excavation and desilting silt water seepage and construction living sewage on the water environment. The main pollutants in construction operations wastewater and seepage water is the SS, which is discharged into upstream of Baligou and Xijiagou rivers after the construction site settling tank. After sedimentation in septic tank, life sewage is discharged into Baligou and Xijiagou rivers. As the construction period of less sewage, the treated wastewater into the river water will not cause significant adverse environmental effects.

The major impact on the atmospheric environment in the construction period is the dust, fuel emissions and stench of sludge to the environment. The impact from construction bulldozers dust is 150m, and the road dust is 35-40m. The effect of odor is 30m from the leeward wind. Environmental protection measures can slow the impact and scope.

The impact of sound environment is from the noise of construction machinery and transport vehicles. While construction works in the factory sector meet Noise Limits for Construction Site standard, on this premise, average noise influenced distance throughout the construction phase is 100m at daytime, but it will reach 350m on piling phase.

The ecological environment affects in the construction period in the area include ground occupation, soil erosion and the impact on biological aspects. Construction area covers about 1,300 acres, of which Baligou marsh land banking project covering 840 acres. Xijiagou bulldozers project covers a total area of about 450-500 acres. If the project does not take water and soil conservation measures, the amount of soil erosion is about 860-890 tons / year. The impact of biological performance in the short run to the river is to the number of benthic organisms. The impact to the vegetation on the occupied land and construction dust falls on the leaves of the surrounding vegetation will affect their normal photosynthesis.

υ Environmental Benefit

The environmental benefit of the operation of the project is primarily reflected in Baligou and Xijiagou water environment improvement. After quality improvement it will play a role to promote the ecosystem in a virtuous cycle. The quality improvement of Baligou and Xijiagou rivers provide the prerequisite and guarantee for the Huai River water quality to meet standards. After the regional environmental improvement, the urban landscape, the face of the city skyline and the surrounding environment quality will be improved significantly.

Longzi Lake Project

υ Pollution Sources Analysis

The main pollutants include water pollution, air pollution, noise and solid waste created in the construction period. Water pollutants include trickle water of desilting works, about 2396m3 / d. The total volume of a small number of construction operations wastewater and construction staff living wastewater is about 25,200 tons. Atmospheric pollutants mainly include construction dust and a small number of construction machinery and transport vehicles fuel emissions. Construction machinery and transport vehicles from the mechanical noise is the main source of sound environmental impact, and 1m away from the sound source the noise value is 70-100dB (A) while these mechanical equipment running. Solid waste includes dredged sludge 1150000 m3, the building construction site residues, material and about 126 tons of daily garbage created by construction staff.

The main pollutant of the Longzi Lake in the operation of the project period during pumps running in the flood PS is the mechanical noise. Its stand-alone operation noise is about 75 ~ 80dB (A).

υ Construction impact

Construction major impact is from the southern Longzi Lake for desilting and Longzi Lake Pump Station project.

Southern Longzi Lake for desilting project has the major environmental impacts of the over water discharges on water environment, stench caused to the atmospheric and environmental impact of desilting on benthic creatures. According to the EIA forecast, TN and TP influenced scope on Longzi Lake water quality is about 600m. Under normal circumstances TN and TP contribution at a distance of about 450m away from the outfall is lower than the concentration of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water Ⅲ-class water quality standard. Under abnormal circumstances, TN at a distance of 550m away from the outfall mouth and TP at a distance of 800m away from the water outfall, contribution to the concentration are lower than the concentration of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water III-class water quality standards for the relevant provisions. The influenced distance of the stench from sediment yard is about 30m. Desilting works will cause short-term benthic creature numbers decline and after the project this influence will disappear. The types and quantities of river benthos will recover gradually.

The major environmental impact of Longzi Lake Pump Station construction period is construction machinery noise, dust and wastewater of construction. Daytime construction noise impact distance is 400m, but the distance at night is affected more than 500m. Daytime and nighttime construction will make adversely affect to the Xingfu Village on the east. The impact construction dust from is about 150m. Without effective measures, a dozen households in the village near the construction site will be adversely affected. Construction of wastewater by precipitation including wastewater containing suspended solids and a small amount of oily wastewater, wastewater containing suspended solids will be discharged into the river after sedimentation treatment. Construction living sewage will be discarded into the river after treatment through the of small integrated sewage treatment plant.

υ Impact in operation period

The major impact on the environment in the operation period is mainly the noise of operation compressor pumps and machinery of Longzi Lake pump station to the acoustic environment.

According to the most adverse forecast, the noise impact value from Longzi Lake pump station pumps to Xingfu village is 55.1 dB (A), and the noise impact value from the main pumps room is 43.1 dB (A). Because of high background noise in Xingfu village, it will Pb to noise superposed overweight for Longzi Lake drainage PS running noise with the background noise and it will make adverse acoustic environmental impact to the Xingfu village at the east when the pump station is running. However, the pump station only is under running by the flood drainage, so the impact on the periphery of is short-term to its acoustic environment. In the actual operation, the extent and scope of the adverse impact will be less than forecast in this report.

υ Conclusion of environmental benefits analysis

The project total investment is about 265 million yuan, of which 3.7 million is for environmental protection, about 1.40% of the total investment. This is the major cost for desilting project water treatment, yard grass and environmental monitoring. After completion of the project, Longzi Lake water and the ecological environment of the lakefront will be improved, and this will increase tourism revenue, reduce economic losses flood disasters Pb. Its environmental economy is obvious for enabling the land value in the surrounding area to rise.

Guzhen Project

υ Project construction period

1. Ditch pond desilting and sediment transport process stench will have an impact on the surrounding environment. The process of digging in a ditch covered in the desilting project will be more obvious odor. 30m outside reaches a second level strength, a slight odor, and the stench below the limit of intensity (2.5-3.5 level). 50m outside, it is basic odorless. The desilting project on pond is mainly in the old side streets, where residents are more concentrated, and some sensitive points on pond outside are within 30 m, or even living in the ditch side. Ditch pond desilting will make them temporarily influence to a certain extent.

2. The project to build dams, flood control road construction, urban network projects such as the laying of the construction will cause dust pollution. Construction bulldozers dust in the affected areas is within 150 m. Road construction dust as unorganized sector sources, the highest concentration of it outside the border should be less than 1.0 mg/m3. Under the circumstances without sprinkler, the impact from the roadside is 50 ~ 100 m. Under the sprinkler circumstances, the impact distance is about 35 to 40 m. During the construction process, special attention is paid on the urban network construction, as most of the constructions are around city roads, and both sides of the construction site are crowded areas. In these sections of the construction process, particular attention will be paid to take measures and try to minimize dust pollution.

3. Construction noise impact on the environment is mainly in piling stage. Under the conditions to ensure that the construction site noise meets the standard, on piling stage daytime factory border outside 350m noise meets standards and the remaining phases of daytime factory border outside 80 to 100m outside noise meets the standard. The residents at a distance of 100m construction site will be affected by the construction noise, and the residents from the construction site within 350 m will be influenced by construction noise on piling phase.

4. The solid waste including: sludge desilting garbage, sediment for the ponds, the earth in the process of desilting ditches, the earth of excavation, the roots, aggregates and so on; The abandoned building materials at the PS renovation; The material loss in the process of transporting materials, including gravel, concrete, etc.; And the loss and desertion of paving stone, ash, construction materials in the road dressing stage.

The total ditch pond desilting is about 30,000m3, and the landfill site is located in the eastern town near the sulfuric acid plant, about 2.5 km from the Niushi Alley. The landfill was put into use in 2002, disposing of 150 t life solid waste.

The total river desilting earthwork excavation volume is 273,400m3, planning for local channels slope reinforcement. There is little impact on the environment for none outside earthwork in the entire desilting process.

Construction living garbage production is 1.5 t/d, timely delivery of sanitation sector to designated locations for disposal.

5. During the construction, site cleaning, pipeline laying, concrete modulation, construction and implementation of the installation works, will bring a certain amount of water and construction abandoned water. But the sub-project sewage emission is little.

6. Soil erosion analysis of the item

Possible soil erosion of the main construction phase is in the process of excavation for laying the ground pipeline, and bulldozers desilting. However, due to the implementation of the project belonging to plain areas, soil erosion is unlikely.

7. Traffic impact

Construction impact on the traffic is mainly on the impact of road traffic. Pipeline road construction to break road will Pb to obstruct traffic, the earth moving stow obstruct traffic, and transport vehicles Pb to the road traffic increases.

υ Operation Period

The main adversely affect in the operation period to the environment is the main drainage pump station noise and flood the roads wastewater.

1. Noise of PSs

The nearest environmentally sensitive point to the PS is the small furniture factory 10m east of Guxi drainage pump station. 10m from the pump station the noise has attenuated to have 40 to 45 dB (A), below the Measuring Method of Environmental Noise of Urban Area (GB - 1993) daytime 50 dB (A) the standard value, also reaches the night of 45 dB (A) of the standard value.

2. Flood road wastewater

The total discharge volume of pollutants in the surface water of the four flood dike roads, Huihe left embankment road, the Jiegou road, LiuYuangangou road and the Sanba river right embankment road are: COD 47.74 kg / d, BOD5 8.68 kg / d, oil 0.87 kg / d, SS 121.53 kg / d, TP 0.36 kg / d, TN 1.31 kg / d.

Huaiyuan Project

1. The project, when completed, vehicle emission pollutants of Chengguan town where it is foodstuff processing base is more than those of no project. This is mainly because the construction of road for foodstuff processing base from scratch, and the total length of road is 15000m and leads to increasing pollution load. However, by the analysis on the whole project, its overall benefits after completion is obviously greater than its environmental issues. Besides, automobile exhaust can also be reduced by taking other environmental measures such as restricting the traffic volume and driving speed, and planting green plants.

2. The road works project of Chengguan Town, one of the foodstuff processing bases, can greatly enhance its traffic capacity and promote the development of public transport, save people’s traveling time, and help its promotion in economy as an industrial zone.

3. The City drainage Project on storm will clear the sludge from the flood discharge ditch and water storage ponds. At the same time distribution network will be improved, drainage PS will be new built or extended, as to integrated the city's drainage system and raise the city's overall flood control drainage capabilities. Therefore it can improve the environment of flood controlling ditches and water storage ponds, and reduce the threat level of flood damage to the city and the public. Although the drainage PSs will produce some noise when in operation, the affected area by the noise is small and can meet emission standards by damping and noise isolation protective measures.

4. There will build green belts on both sides of the road to the foodstuff processing base. While in the projects of the Luotuo Ridge and the pond in Chinese medicine Hospital there are the vegetation restoration work. So the whole project will increase the city green space for Huaiyuan County and thus improve the city's ecological environment, reduce the exposed soil of the area, improve the water conservation capacity, beautify of the urban landscape and increase urbanization speed and the people's living standards.

5. in the construction period, the engineering will occupy urban green land, and the construction dust, noise and so on will have adverse impact on urban social and ecological environment, air quality and noise at varying degrees. Therefore the evaluation here has suggested comprehensive measures for pollution control in the construction period. As long as managing strictly, taking prevention and mitigation measures, environmental impacts in the construction can be reduced minimal. Impacts in the construction period are temporary, most of the environment factors can be restored to the status quo level after the construction period ends.

6. In this project, public participation is serious and viable. Participants are all involved in voluntary. Public participation and the scope of the information in the media disclosed has provided the city public especially the affected agencies a convenient way to be aware of the project, and at the same time provided a good channel to know the demand of the public particularly the affected public's. In the public participation process, 100% of the public on this project are in a supportive attitude, which fully express the desire of improving public transport current status. The public has also fully realized the project possible environmental issues in the periods of construction and operation.

7. To ensure effective control and mitigation of the project’s environmental impact, in construction and operation phase it is necessary to do environmental management and monitoring s standardized and scientifically. Strictly implement the environmental monitoring program in the construction and the operation stage, and environmental management measures, and accomplish the environmental training to the corresponding staff.

In summary, the construction of urban transport projects and flood control, drainage projects in Huaiyuan County with the World Bank loan works with a master development plan. The implementation of the project will play a positive role on the city's rapid developments .The environment impact of the project in the construction period will be temporary. In the operation period, the flood prevention project has no environmental impact. While the PSs and traffic to the foodstuff processing base will have some impact on the surrounding environment. Through the corresponding mitigation measures, it can be reduced to an acceptable level. Therefore, as long as the project strictly implement the environmental protection measures in the EIA report during the construction and the operation period, this project is feasible.

Huaishang Project

υ Pollution Source Analysis

1. The wastewater in the construction process includes production wastewater and the constructors’ sewage. Constructors’ sewage production is 65 tons/d at most. The main pollution source is atmospheric dust of the construction, machinery fuel emissions. The affected area is the construction site and along the road of transportation. The construction noise is from the PS, the road excavator, roller, concrete layer machines used in road engineering. The construction solid wastes include construction debris, trashed soil in the construction site, silt and the constructors’ garbage.

2. In operation period, environmental pollution mainly comes from the running noise of the drainage PSs at Beifei River, gate slag at the station and the living garbage of the workers. Gate slag production is 6,500t/a (moisture content of 80% -85%). Garbage, the production of 0.8t/a, is to be transported to garbage collection system, and to be dealt with by the Environmental sanitation department.

The main pollution of roads in operation comes mainly from car exhaust emissions, whose main ingredients are hydrocarbons, NOx, CO, vehicles noise, rain water pollution caused by road ground runoff.

υ Environmental Impact in the construction period

1. Construction dust is generally within scope of 100m to dust sources under wind direction. Sprinkler 4 ~ 5 times every day at the construction site conditions, its dust pollution scope can be reduced by the distance to 20 ~ 50m range.

2. At the construction site the main pollutant of the wastewater is SS. The proposed treatment method is natural precipitation, as to reuse the water for dust suppression sprinklers and concrete water conservation at the construction site. A small amount of wastewater unable to reuse will be discharged into a nearby water body after precipitation and meeting the emission standards. The sewage in Construction period is treated by small integration biochemical sewage treatment equipment. If it is directly discharged into the Huai River, it must meet Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard of standard requirements of level 1.

3. The environmental impact of the construction noise is mainly piling stage. Ensure that noise at the construction boundary has met the standards. While at piling intervals, noise at 350m during daytime to the construction boundary should meet the standards, it is 80-100m outside the boundary during all the other stages. At a distance of 100m outside the construction site the residents will be influenced by the construction noise, while at a distance of 350m outside the construction site the residents will be influenced by the piling noise.

4. In the construction site, trashed silt and garbage are collected and handled by the environment sanitation department. It is prohibited to pile them in the coastal water bodies, to contaminate of groundwater and surface water body.

υ Impacts in Operation

1. When Roads are built and used, moving vehicles exhaust pollutant emissions of major pollutants for CO, NOx, CH. The affected distance is 20m to the road.

2. The main pollutants in road rainwater are SS, COD. Their concentration of pollutants reaches the maximum in the 0 to 15 minutes, and then reduced gradually. The water quality stabilized after an hour of raining. Therefore road rainwater collection system should be enhanced to avoid the surrounding water pollution risk.

3. When the Pump Station starts in flood season, noise at the distance of 10m is about 55dB, meets standard Class 2of Measuring Method of Environmental Noise of Urban Area (GB - 1993). For new roads, noise affected distance is 30 m outside the red line of the road.

4. In the operation period of drainage stations the total amount of the gate slag 6,500 t / year (moisture content of 80% -85%). The Staffs’ annual garbage production at the PS is 0.8t / a. It should be dealt with by sanitation workers.


Mohekou Industrial Park Project

In Mohekou Town industrial park, there are all industrial projects, and more concentrated. Without enough self-examination and park management capacity constraints, the products and most of the raw and auxiliary materials for the chemical raw materials or chemicals, inevitably leaks. It is usually a certain phenomena. In the storm season, a lot of the early rain runoff may contain a certain amount of chemical raw materials and reagents, and the production of untreated wastewater in a short period of time can not be effectively turned into the park sewage pipe network, it flow directly into the river via the overland flow, because of its complex contents and outfall near the Huai River, with no buffer facilities, the early part of the straight flow of rainfall into the river is more likely be water pollution risk generated.

To reduce the Mohekou water pollution in the chemical park estuary of the river and decrease the risk of pollution to a minimum, the EIA program design consideration to the early part of rainwater collection and disposal problems.

It is suggested to locate early rain buffer pool in the park, in order to conduct the initial rainwater collection and temporary storage, accordingly pipeline and the construction of rainwater collection will initially enter the sewage treatment plant for effective treatment.

Within the park, there are chemical industrial enterprises and special sewage water differs from a general sewage, water quality analysis of the sewage plant influent should be done and appropriate and effective treatment process should be introduced to ensure that the sewage plant effluent discharge standards. Meanwhile, the fluctuation and abnormal conditions of influent quality of the WWTP should be taken into consideration when the pretreatment of industries is not sufficiently effective. The treatment process should have some capability for adjustment and resistance to the shock.

Sewage plant tail water eventual destination is the Huai River. Once the sewage plant does not operate properly, tail water discharge will seriously affect the water quality of the Huai River. Therefore, the sewage treatment plant design recommendations consider many contingency plans, such as: water supply, electricity, water influent volume anomaly, flood control, no standby equipment failures and so on. In particular, the incident occurred when a corresponding emergency treatment measures sewage plant to reduce non-normal condition of the adverse effects of the Huai River.

Xijiagou & Baligou Projects

According to Bengbu City Drainage Planning (2005 ~ 2020), the project is located south of regional sewerage system. In the South Sewage Treatment Plant planning completed in 2020, Xijiagou sewage treatment plants have been operating close to capacity. Thus, when Xijiagou, Baligou river improvement project is finished, the sewage in the south of Tushan Road is still no reasonable way to proceed. Although the river training works will be completed and Baligou and Xijiagou along the outfall for money-blocking, but the film in the region of untreated sewage will continue through different channels and ultimately into the seats of Xijiagou and Baligou, eventually the Huai River flows. Therefore the item on water environment improvement role will be greatly reduced, would not achieve the desired results. Therefore, the construction of the Bengbu City sewage treatment plant should speed up.

The EIA projects proposed in the construction of this project, start Chengnan sewage treatment plant construction projects. When Xijiagou and Baligou river training works finishes, while wastewater treatment plant has not yet completed, temporarily wastewater in the region take a seat in Xijiagou sewage or Yangtaizi sewage disposal system.

Longzi Lake Project

1. Desilting should strictly control Desilting depth, avoid Desilting Project on benthic sediments and submerged plants root which will cause serious damage.

2. Revetment natural and ecological revetment combination of the Longzi Lake along the berm for dressing, avoid the use of hard revetment and cutting surface ecosystems, affecting Longzi Lake coastal ecological environment.

3. Ensure the Desilting works results to the implementation, we recommend Lake coastal wastewater emissions control from the production, for the heavily polluting enterprises move out as soon as possible.

4. After completion of this project, it is strictly prohibited random grab for aquaculture around Longzi Lake to control the impact of agricultural non-point source pollution on the water quality of Longzi Lake.


[1] Data by the end of 2000.

[2] Notification on the Implementation of Relevant Policies Applied for the Revitalization of the Old Industrial Base in Northeast China and the Development of Western China in Six Provinces of Middle China issued by the State Council Office, Jan. 1st 2007.

[3] Environmental quality yearly report of Bengbu Municipality, .cn.

[4] Required by Huai River water functional zoning and “Pollution control plan for the eastern line of North-South Transfer Project”.



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Xintie Bridge

Bengbu Watergate


Bengbu Watergate

Xintie Bridge

Level of Bengbu Watergate

Proposal B

Bengbu Watergate

Xintie Bridge


Proposal A

Level of Bengbu Watergate



No.3 Dock

No.1 Dock

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