Year 7, Introduction to Computing, Key Skills Workbook

Name:_______________________________________________Class:_________Confidence Levels 1=low, 5=highTest scores and targetsSkillStart of termMiddleEndTest nameScoreWhat do I need to do next?Logging on and changing passwordsUsing the Keyboard (including Enter, Tab, Shift, CTRL, Win keys)Using the Mouse (left-click, right-click, scrolling, drag and drop)Creating folders and making a folder structureOpening applications like Chrome and Word from the desktopUsing the Start Menu and Searching for an applicationWorking with windows: switch, move, resize, maximise and minimizeSaving your work properly, moving files between foldersLogging on to and sending an emailOpening a browser, using tabs, searching and using web addressesTotal (/50)1. Mouse, Taskbar, Start Menu, Creating Folders, Saving Files4676775000Sign in without using the mouse! Remember, experts just use the keyboard to sign in.I used these keys instead of the mouse: ______ and _______.478409015240000Now use the Mouse to explore the Start Menu. Click Start (the Window icon) and look at the applications. Edge and Chrome are browsers, while Word is an app for editing documents.Click Start and just begin typing to search for an application. Try to start Word. Once in Word, try writing this sentence using the Shift key for capital letters.“The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog”What is special about this sentence? How fast can you type it?I started Word by doing this: ________________________________This sentence is special because it contains …________________________________________________________________340042528575006400800381000Let’s create our Folders. Click on (Start) ?and then the Documents icon. ?This brings up the File Explorer. 666660512893700Your files are in OneDrive. ?3571875812800053244754953000Click OneDrive then Home and New Folder. Call it “Year 7”. 6223041910You can also press Windows-E on the keyboard for File Explorer00You can also press Windows-E on the keyboard for File Explorer43624502921000Double-click the Year 7 folder to go into it. Make a new folder inside it called “Computing”. Your folders should look like this I have made two folders called:_________ and______________233997532004000Use the taskbar at the bottom to switch between applications. Click on any of the icons to switch to that application. Try it now and switch to Word. Then switch back to Chrome.Hint: You can also use Alt-Tab to switch apps.I switched to Word by … ________________________________________470090510858500You will save your document in Word using a new keyboard shortcut. Find the “Ctrl” (control) key. It’s here 593407517018000508825555562500Now press Ctrl-S by holding down Ctrl and pressing S. This quickly saves your document.Save it in your OneDrive, under Year 7 / Computing. We use CTRL-S to save a document because it’s quicker than _________________________________________Left-click, double-click and right-click do different things. Left-click (usually just called click) opens or selects something. We used it before to switch to Word on the taskbar. Double-click launches an app from the desktop.Right-click usually opens a little menu of tasks. This is called the right-click menu or context menu. Try it now, right-click on any word in Word and choose “Synonyms”. What does this do?Click-and-Drag means holding the mouse button down while you move the mouse. We can drag files this way. Try dragging a file from Computing to Year 7 and back.What do we do to launch an app?______________Right-click and then Synonyms in Word does this: ______________________________We can move files by ___________________________459359017145000We can Maximize, Minimize and Resize any window. Try them all now.Maximize means make it fill the screen.Minimize means make it shrink down to the taskbar.Close means close the app. Be careful, you might lose your work, always save it first!Which button makes the app fill the screen?______________What colour is the button that closes the app? ______The school computers are on Windows 10. This is called the operating system, it’s what makes the computer work, and allows us to talk to it. Most desktop and laptop computers use Windows 10. Other operating systems (OSs) are below, do you know where you might find them? Match the OS to the type of computer with an arrow.275717048895Windows 10Desktop or LaptopiOSSamsung or Huawei PhoneMacOSiPad or iPhoneAndroidKindle FireFireOSMacbook100330472440The Operating system lets you log on, save files and run apps00The Operating system lets you log on, save files and run appsIn Chrome or Edge go to this website: and find this image. Click the red crosses to find out what each component is and fill in the boxes below.65151007620019716754572000-4762520764500167640027749500651510021907505238752731135003819525274066000-47625940435006848475213360000Quiz - Mouse, Taskbar, Start Menu, Creating Folders, Saving Files“Click” is short for which mouse operation?Left-Click __Right-Click__Double-Click__Shift-Click__6. Right-click opens which menu?Snack menuCompact menuContext menuClose menu8. How do we sign out?Start > person icon > Sign OutPress the power button Right-click the desktopStart > DocumentsWhere do you find Start, Search, currently open apps and the date and time? Recycle BinTaskbarToolbarTitle Bar7. Which of these are operating systems?Samsung, Apple and HuaweiWord, Excel and PhotoshopWindows, iOS and AndroidHard Drive, CD and DVD9. What must we do before signing out?Save all our workPower offTidy upPlanner outWhere do we save our files?OneDriveThis PCTwoDriveRecycle BinExtension: Explain here how you sign in without the mouse, open Word and type a sentence containing capital letters, save it in the right place, then log off.147320016192500Circle the button that makes the window fill the screen:11387741232700 ................

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