Entering and Editing Text in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word


Lesson 1 Entering and Editing Text

For this lesson you will create a one page document which includes the use of a bulleted list. Suggested possibilities include:

• A note to parents listing things to bring for a field trip

• A lesson/unit plan which lists technology integration

Note: Please copy and paste Purple text into a new Word document.

Step 1 Open Microsoft Word.

Step 2 Open a new blank document

• Use Ctrl+N (Hold down the Ctrl key and tap the N key one time)

Step 3 Enter the following line at the top of the page:

Internet Based Lesson Plan

• Do not use all caps anywhere on the page. The eye has difficulty scanning text in an all caps format, even including headlines.

Step 4 Highlight the line of text and perform the following actions using toolbar buttons, menu items or keyboard combinations:

• Format the text to Bold

• Increase the side to 18 pt.

• Center the text

• Press Return/Enter two times

• Click Bold button to remove Bold

• Return text size to default

Step 5 Copy the following paragraph and paste it into your document two lines below the headline using toolbar buttons, menu items or keyboard combinations:

Students will work in teams of four to gather information for a report on a chosen topic. Each team will have two weeks to gather the information and one week to prepare a multimedia report that will be given to the class. The report should be produced as a PowerPoint slide show. Five Internet sites must be listed as resources from which information can be gathered. Below is a list of the classroom stations that will be set up for this unit:

*Click and drag to highlight the paragraph you see above. With the text selected use the toolbar button, menu item or keyboard combination to copy text. Go to the new Word document and paste what you copied using the toolbar button (it looks like a clipboard), menu item (it is in the Edit menu) or keyboard combination Ctrl+V.

1. Remove any unnecessary blank spaces so that it looks like a paragraph.

2. Change the font colour to black.

3. Left justify the paragraph.

4. Double space the paragraph.

Step 6 Enter a list of stations in the form of a bulleted list. That can be done in two ways.

1. Select the purple list from below.

2. Copy and paste into the Word document.

3. Change the font to black.

4. Before the first item on the list, click and choose a bulleted list.

5. Create bullets for each item on the list.

List of stations

Internet connected student workstation

Encyclopedia CD in a student workstation

Books and/or magazines related to the subject

Printed copies of web pages related to the project topic

Videotape or Laser Disk on the subject.

After all bulleted points have been entered hit the Return/Enter key one time. Another bullet will be displayed at the cursor. Remove the last bullet produced. The simplest way to do that is to deselect the bullet button in the formatting toolbar.

Step 7 Highlight the five bulleted points. Go to the arrow beside Bullets and change the style of the bullet.

Step 8 Add one final paragraph. describing what the report should look like. Copy the paragraph below:

1. Remove any unnecessary blank spaces so that it looks like a paragraph.

2. Change the font to black.

3. Left justify the paragraph.

4. Double space the paragraph.

Instructions to students - Your group is to present a report to the class regarding

your selected topic. Each person should participate. Remember, you are to include

pictures that you downloaded from online. You should also remember to give credit

for each source you quote. Your report can be in the form of a PowerPoint slide show or add it to your web page.

Save the file as “Assignment01Lesson1Roxy” (use your name, not mine).

Post the file to your website on the Word page.

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|Lesson 2 – Writing a Permission Slip |

|Open a new Word document and type a note to your parents about a field trip that your class will be taking. Imagine some wonderful place that you |

|could go in Saskatchewan. |

|Use the Insert menu to place the date at the top of your note to the parents. |

|Put the title "Field Trip Permission Form" at the top of this document. Highlight the title and put a highlight color behind the title. |

|Include a “Dear parents” line to indicate this is a letter of sorts. |

|Write the details of the trip using colons. For example, |

|Description: |

|Location: |

|Date: |

|Departure: |

|Return: |

|Bring: |

|Cost: |

|Include a permission section at the bottom of the page. This should include the student’s name, date of trip, location, and a place for the parent|

|to sign. Separate this from the top of the page with a solid line. |

|Save the file as “Assignment01Lesson2Roxy” (use your name, not mine). |

|Put the file on your website on the word page. List your assignments chronologically. |

Lesson 3 – Creating a Sign

For this lesson you will create a sign which could be posted in your classroom. You will insert an image and modify the image. Text will be produced first, then an image will be placed.

Note: Please copy and paste the Purple text into a new Word document.

Step 1 Open a new blank document in Microsoft Word.

Step 2 Change the document to landscape orientation. This makes the longest dimension the width of the page, not the depth. You can find this in “Layout”.

Step 3 Enter the following line at the top of the page:

Classroom Computer Rules

• Do not use all caps anywhere on the page. The eye has difficulty scanning text in an all caps format, even including headlines.

• Complete the following actions on the title:

o Select the whole title

o Format the text to Bold

o Increase the side to 36 pt.

o Center the text

Step 4 Copy the following rules and paste them into your document two lines below the headline using toolbar buttons, menu items or keyboard combinations:

Sign in using your username and password only.

Respect the space of others.

Save only to your documents file.

No food or drinks near the computers!

If you don't know how to do something, ask.

Click and drag to highlight the rules you see above. With the text selected, use the toolbar button, menu item or keyboard combination to copy text. Go to the new Word document and paste what you copied using the toolbar button (it looks like a clipboard), menu item (it is in the Edit menu) or keyboard combination Ctrl+V.

Step 5 Highlight the five rules and perform the following actions using toolbar buttons, menu items or keyboard combinations:

• Format the text to Bold

• Increase the side to 24 pt.

• Left align the text, if it is not already aligned

Step 6 Place your cursor under the title, but above the five rules. You may have to hit Enter/Return to do this.

Step 7 In Word go to the Insert menu, select Picture and add a picture of someone working at a computer. You must find one online to use. Please go to creative commons to find one that is not copyrighted.

Step 8 Right click and select Format Picture. There are several things that you can do with this picture.

|Tab |Actions available |

|Picture |Crop the picture one margin at a time |

| |Change the color to grayscale, black and white |

| |Change the brightness or contrast of the image |

|Wrapping |Five styles of wrapping allow you to place an image in the middle of a block of text |

| |Four possible alignment of text choices are offered |

| |distance from the text to the picture can also be specified |

|Colors and Lines |Place a block of color or a pattern behind the image |

| |Place a box around the image, change the thickness and character of the line making the box |

|Size |Change the size of the picture using an inches scale, or a percent scale |

| |(best done by clicking and dragging) |

|Position |Change the position of the image on the page |

| |(best done by clicking and dragging) |

Step 9 Resize the image by clicking and dragging. Click once on the image and it will be surrounded by eight boxes; one at each corner, and one in the middle of each line.

If you click on a box in the middle of a line and drag outward from the center of the image you will change only the width or height of the picture, causing distortion.

If you click on a corner box, hold the shift key down, and drag outward from the picture you will change width and height proportionally. If the aspect ratio is locked, Word automatically does this without your having to hold down the shift key.

Step 10 Move the image by clicking and dragging. Click once on the image and it will be surrounded by eight boxes; one at each corner, and one in the middle of each line.

Move your cursor over the image and it becomes a pointer with a four headed arrow attached to it. Click anywhere in the picture and drag it to the desired location. 

Save the file as “Assignment01Lesson3Roxy” (use your name, not mine).

Put the file on your website on the word page. List your assignments chronologically.

Lesson 4 – Making a Certificate

1. Open a new Word document to be used to create a certificate. This certificate will be awarded by a student to his/her favorite character in a book

2. Turn the document to Landscape orientation.

3. Insert an image at the top center of the page.

4. Create a title for the certificate. Suggestion: "My Favorite Character”

5. Make the title font size 24 and change the colour to one that represents your character.

6. Insert a name. Suggestion: "Character's name from book".

7. Write a short statement as to why the character was chosen.

8. Draw a line and leave a place for the student's name to be signed.

9. Print "Student's Name" below the line.

10. Save the file as “Assignment01Lesson4Roxy” (use your name, not mine).

11. Put the file on your website on the word page. List your assignments chronologically.

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Lesson 5 – Orientation, Borders, and Shading

For this lesson, you will modify a sign that you created in the last lesson. You will place a border around one line of text, place a border around the entire page, and add shading to selected text.

Step 1 Open the Computer Rules document you created during the lesson 3.

Step 2 Place a border in the document. First, we will place a border around just the title.

Step 3 Highlight the title

Step 4 Go to the Home menu and select Design, and choose Page Borders at the far right.

Step 5 Select the style, color and line thickness of your border.


Step 6 Go to print preview by selecting Print. Make a judgment regarding the appearance of your sign. Regarding the example above, I would make two changes: (1) the text is crowded on the left, and (2) there is too much empty space below the rules

1. Crowded text - increase spacing between lines

2. Draw Attention – put an interesting bullet in front of each point


(I selected 1.5x spacing)

Step 7 As a finishing touch, use the highlight feature to stress one particular rule in the sign above. I want to call attention to the fourth rule.

• Use the Highlight button in the Home toolbar by clicking on the down arrow to select a color


Step 10 Place your masterpiece. Take a “snipping tool” image of your finished poster and put it on your website on the Word page.

Lesson 6 - Using Bullets in Microsoft Word

For this lesson you will create a one page document which includes the use of a bulleted list. Suggested possibilities include:

• Compose a note inviting friends to a get-together at your house, including a list of things to bring with them.

• Write a report about a book listing five facts about the main character

Step 1 Open Microsoft Word.

Step 2 Open a new blank document using keyboard commands

• Use Ctrl+N (Hold down the Ctrl key and tap the N key one time)

Step 3 Create a document which requires the use of a list. Your document must have a list of at least five things. Use a separate line for each item in your list.

| |*Do not use all caps anywhere on the page. The eye has difficulty scanning text in an all caps format, even including headlines.|

Step 4 Add bullets to your list. That can be done in two ways.

1. Highlight the entire list

2. Select the bulleted list button [pic]

3. Bullets appear by each item in your list.


4. Place your cursor where your list will begin.

5. Select the bulleted list button [pic]

6. Type in your items one at a time.

7. Press Return/Enter at the end of each item.

8. Bullets appear at the beginning of each item you type.

Step 7 After completing your list and pressing Return/Enter another bullet will appear. To remove that bullet, deselect the bullet button in the formatting toolbar.

Step 8 You may change the style of your bullets. In the Home menu, select the five bulleted points. Click on the arrow beside the Bullets button. Choose Define new bullet and pop-up menu will provide you with options including the option to change the look of your bullets. Choose something you would like to use and make changes to your document using it.

Save the file in your Documents/InfoPro as “Assignment01Lesson7RoxyBitner” (use your name, not mine).

Lesson 7 - Creating Signs with Borders

Step 1 Open a new blank document using keyboard commands

Step 2 Turn the document to landscape orientation. Go to Layout, choose Orientation and select Landscape.

Step 3 Create the document you will use to complete this task. Look below for an example of an unformatted list of rules. Make your own or use the list you made for your room.

|[pic] |

This document fills only a tiny portion of the page and needs to be formatted. Suggestions for formatting include; centering the title, adding bullets, and changing the font style, size and color.

Step 4 Next place a border around the entire page. Go to the Design menu and select Page Borders. Look through all the options you have an select a setting that you like. Notice that you can select different kinds of borders, the line width, and add shading. Experiment with these.

Step 6 Click OK when you have made your choice. This places the border around your document.


Step 7 Go to print preview using either the File menu or the Standard toolbar. Make a judgment regarding the appearance of your sign. On the example above, I would make three changes: (1) increase the font size of the title, (2) center each of the five rules, and (3) change colored text to italic.


1. Step 9 Save the file as “Assignment01Lesson8RoxyBitner” (use your name, not mine).

Lesson 8 - Creating Newsletters in Microsoft Word

For this lesson you will create a newsletter to be used tell about your classes.

Step 1 Open Microsoft Word.

Step 2 Open a new blank document using keyboard commands

Step 3 Go to Insert menu and select Header. Create your title in the header. Center, change font and/or insert an image to your liking. When finished, close the Header dialog box. Your header will appear light gray.

Step 4 Go to the Layout menu and select Columns. Most newsletters use two columns. Info Pro 10 students are to use two columns. Info Pro 20 students must use 3 columns. You will see no difference in the set up of the page right away. As you type, the words will fill down in column one first.

Step 5 If you wish for your newsletter to look like an actual newspaper, you should select Justify which aligns the print both on the left and the right. [pic]

Step 6 Insert pictures as you go along. Place your cursor where you wish to insert the picture. You will need to resize most pictures to fit into the column. Further information follows if you need help in modifying your clip art.

Click on the picture and a box appears. Right click and select Format Picture. There are several things that you can do with a picture.

|Tab |Actions available |

|Picture |Crop the picture one margin at a time |

| |Change the color to grayscale, black and white, or make a very light watermark out of the image |

| |Change the brightness or contrast of the image |

|Wrapping |Five styles of wrapping allow you to place an image in the middle of a block of text |

| |Four possible alignment of text choices are offered |

| |distance from the text to the picture can also be specified |

|Colors and Lines |Place a block of color or a pattern behind the image |

| |Place a box around the image, change the thickness and character of the line making the box |

|Size |Change the size of the picture using an inches scale, or a percent scale |

| |(best done by clicking and dragging) |

|Position |Change the position of the image on the page (best done by |

| |clicking and dragging) |

Resize the image by clicking and dragging. Click once on the image and it will be surrounded by eight boxes; one at each corner, and one in the middle of each line.

If you click on a box in the middle of a line and drag outward from the center of the image you will change only the width or height of the picture, causing distortion.

If you click on a corner box, hold the shift key down, and drag outward from the picture you will change width and height proportionally. If the aspect ratio is locked, Word automatically does this without your having to hold down the shift key.

Move the image by clicking and dragging. Click once on the image and it will be surrounded by eight boxes; one at each corner, and one in the middle of each line.

Move your cursor over the image and it becomes a pointer with a four headed arrow attached to it. Click anywhere in the picture and drag it to the desired location. 

Step 7 At the bottom of your newsletter you may wish to add information about the staff in charge of this project. Add a footer to this page (see Footer in Insert) and type in the information just as you did in step 3.  

Step 8 Save the file in your Documents/InfoPro as “Assignment01Lesson9Roxy” (use your name, not mine).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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