Blood Orange Review Style Sheet - Washington State University

Blood Orange Review Style Sheet




Author’s name in bold


In bios: spell out the name of states, no punctuation for degrees (MFA, MA, PhD),

Include the answer to our questions like so:

In answer to our question of why he/she writes, [First name] responded:

Include responses in quotes.



Name (Heading 4, link to bio, target _blank)


Title (Heading 3)


Subtitle (paragraph, indent, italics)


Body (paragraph, single-spaced)



Return to Volume #.# (link to current)


Volume #.# -- Month Year (Heading 3)


Genre (Heading 4)


Author | bio (linked/_blank)

(indent)Title (linked)



Use image from the issue on a 150 x 150 background. Write issue number and date in bold Arial 18.

Volume X.X


Month Year



We use the serial comma: I love my dog, my house, and my country.

When both a city's name and that city's state or country's name are mentioned together, the state or country's name is treated as a parenthetical element.


I envy you—now get to work.

(No space before or after the em-dash.)


The tip is: DO NOT use an apostrophe when referring to a decade. The reference is not possessive nor a contraction and should be simply written as “the 1960s” or “the 1990s.” The only time an apostrophe comes into play is when you are writing using the abbreviation for the decade as in the ’60s or the ’90s.


“In dialogue, each speech, even if only one word, is usually a paragraph by itself; that is, a new paragraph begins with each change of speaker.” Elements of Style

Occasionally, a character's string of dialogue continues from one paragraph to a second. This is identified by not placing the closing quotation mark at the end of the first paragraph and by using an open quote at the beginning of the second paragraph.


The ellipsis mark consists of three periods with a space on each side. If it takes place at the end of the sentence, it goes like this....


Spell out numbers under 10. Avoid wording two numbers back-to-back. If this is necessary, spell one number out and use a numeral for the other. Spell out numbers if they begin a sentence unless the number is a year. Exceptions to these rules include the following in which numerals should always be used:

• Ages

• Days of the month

• Degrees of temperature

• Dimensions

• House numerals

• Percentages

• Proportions

• Scores

• Serial Numbers

• Speeds

• Sums of money

• Time of day

• Time of races

• Votes

• Years

Read more at Suite101: AP Style Cheat Sheet: Basic Rules of Associated Press Style to Keep Beside Your Computer




• The first and last words of the title

• All nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives

• Any conjunction or preposition of five letters or more

Don’t capitalize:

• Articles (the, a, an), unless the article is the first or (less likely, of course) last word of the title

• Prepositions of four letters or fewer (unless the preposition is the first or last word of the title)

• Conjunctions of four letters or fewer (unless the

• conjunction is the first or last word of the title)

• The particle "to" used with an infinitive (unless the "to" is the first or last word of the title)

For more info:


We're looking for artistic work that meshes with our written content, and because of this we tend to work solicit work directly.

If interested, please send at least 2 JPEG files at least 3 inches in size that are at least 72 dpi (standard screen resolution). We should be able to resize the artwork as needed without losing image quality. However, if we find we need something else, we’ll let you know right away.

We generally feature 2 images, but we're flexible. We use one image as the centerpiece for the issue, and this is usually smaller (about 240 X 240 pixels). We provide a link through to the full size images on a separate page, and those are typically 600 X 600. If we decide to feature your work, I will take care of sizing it for the issue. We also include a bio, and we're happy to link back to your professional website.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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