Department of Homeland Security - DHS

Department of Homeland Security

Performance Budget Overview

Fiscal Year 2006

Congressional Budget Justification

Table of Contents

Introduction - DHS Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution ...................3

1. AWARENESS - Identify and understand threats, assess vulnerabilities, determine potential impacts and disseminate timely information to our homeland security

partners and the American public. ........................................................ 6

2. PREVENTION - Detect, deter and mitigate threats to our homeland. .............. 11 3. PROTECTION - Safeguard our people and their freedoms, critical

infrastructure, property and the economy of our nation from acts of terrorism, natural disasters and other emergencies. ................................... 21 4. REPONSE - Lead, manage and coordinate the national response to acts of terrorism, natural disasters, and other emergencies. .................................. 30 5. RECOVERY - Lead national, state, local, and private sector efforts to restore services and rebuild communities after acts of terrorism, natural disaster, or other emergencies....................................................................... 31 6. SERVICE - Serve the public effectively by facilitating lawful trade, travel and immigration. ........................................................................... 32 7. ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE - Value our most important resource, our people. Create a culture that promotes a common identity, innovation, mutual respect, accountability and teamwork to achieve efficiencies, effectiveness, and operational synergies. .............................................. 35

NOTE: Supplemental information available at , under DHS Organization, then Budget: A. Verification and Validation of Measured Values B. Program Analysis Findings and Addressing Shortcomings



DHS Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System (PPBE)

The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) PPBE system is a resource allocation process designed to align resources to programs and activities that support the Department's strategic objectives and priorities. The DHS PPBE is a cyclic process containing distinct but interrelated phases: planning, programming, and budgeting constitute the plan preparation activities; then, implementation, accountability, and reporting constitutes the plan execution activities that monitor results and loop back to inform the planning phase of the next cycle.

In addition to establishing the framework and process for decision making on future programs, the PPBE process permits previous decisions to be examined and analyzed from the viewpoint of the current environment (threat, political, economic, technological, and resources) and for the time period being addressed. The decisions shall be based on and consistent with the set of goals and objectives defined in the DHS Strategic Plan.

The ultimate objective of the PPBE is to provide the Directorates/ Organizational Elements with the best operational and support resources (human, capital, and information) that align to and support the DHS mission within fiscal constraints. Throughout the PPBE, the Secretary of Homeland Security provides centralized policy direction while placing program execution authority and responsibilities with the Directorates/Organizational Elements. The Directorates/Organizational Elements provide advice and information as requested by the Secretary and his/her staff so that execution and accountability may be properly assessed.

The end purpose of the PPBE is to produce a plan, a program, and a performance budget for DHS that will allow the Department to fulfill its mission as effectively and efficiently as possible. The DHS budget is forwarded to the President for approval. The President's budget is then submitted to Congress for authorization and appropriation.

The loop is closed by regular monitoring of progress as measured by performance measures, execution of the budget, and at fiscal year end, accountability against the performance budget goals and targets. Year end results are reported to Congress and the public in the Performance and Accountability Report.

Strategic Plan Mission Statement

Strategic Goals

Future Years Homeland Security Program

Performance Goals 5 Year Annual Milestones

Performance Budget Performance Goals

Performance Measures Performance Targets


Monitoring Performance Measures

Budget Execution

Performance and Accountability Report

Report against Annual Performance

Plan, Program Results, and

Financial Statements




This is the Department of Homeland Security's Performance Budget. It demonstrates the performance levels associated with the FY 2006 President's Budget and implementation of the first year of the Department's Future Years Homeland Security Program, FY 2006 to FY 2010.

This performance budget is rendered in compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 ("GPRA" or the "Results Act") requirements for an Annual Performance Plan following Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance. The performance goals and measures contained in this Overview are those for subsequent reporting in the Department's Annual Performance and Accountability Report for FY 2005.

The overview begins by stating what DHS intends to accomplish to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals for the level of funding requested, thus accomplishing its vision:

Preserving our freedoms, protecting America... we secure our homeland.

The mission of the Department of Homeland Security is:

We will lead the unified national effort to secure America. We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks and protect against and respond to threats and hazards to the nation. We will ensure safe and secure borders, welcome lawful immigrants and visitors, and promote the free-flow of commerce.


What DHS intends to accomplish in FY 2006 by strategic goal, and program, including:

? Target Performance Goals and Measures to achieve, ? Budgets by strategic goal and program, ? Means and strategies to achieve goals, ? Past performance accomplishments in meeting targets, and ? Program analysis findings.

The Department of Homeland Security will make significant strides to achieve a team-based, collaborative and integrated approach that reaches out and coordinates with other federal entities, State and local governments, the private sector, academic institutions, our international friends and allies, and citizens of our nation to:

? help prevent terrorist attacks, ? reduce America's vulnerability to

terrorism, ? minimize the damage and recover

from attacks that do occur, and ? perform efficiently and effectively

our traditional, non-security roles.

Trained and educated people are our most valuable resource, and we will provide them the very best technology that our nation can develop, produce, and rapidly deploy. Our decisions, programs, and actions will stem from a comprehensive and risk-based understanding of threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences. An overarching requirement will be protecting the rights and privacy of our citizens and the prudent and effective use of National resources.

The following tables show the contribution of DHS programs to achieve the DHS strategic goals as demonstrated by performance goals and metrics, along with the resources including organizational entity allocated overhead, to achieve them. The tables for each strategic goal are introduced by

a high level summary of the means and strategies to achieve the performance goals, and other key information. This document has purposely been kept brief, in the belief that too much information can overwhelm rather than inform. For further details, additional information is available from two primary sources:

? The body of the Congressional Justification, which includes detailed information by DHS's organizational elements,

? Supplemental information to this Overview, available at



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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