Science Curriculum Resources Overview

Science Curriculum Resources Overview* – GRADE 12F – SEMESTER 1MAIN RESOURCE:ALTERNATIVE RESOURCESResources 1Resources 2Advanced Physics for you Publisher:Nelson Thornes.Edition: 2000Advanced Physics Publisher : OXFORD.Edition: 2000Complete Physics for IGCSE Publisher: OxfordEdition:2007ISBN978-0-7487-5296-6ISBN978-0-19-914680-2 ISBN978-0-19-915133-2StrandTotal Curriculum Standards (based on CORE STANDARDS in Scheme of Work(Semesters 1 & 2)Curriculum Standards forSemester 1 (Based on scheme of work)Enquiry Standards(Based on Curriculum standards)Curriculum Standards covered in textbooks for Semester 1(using main and alternative)Curriculum Standards covered inAdvanced Physics for youCurriculum Standards covered inalternative resourceNot coverd by selected resources%Covered in text booksPhysics271217121110100 %Please Note:*Inquiry Standards are an integral part of science teaching – every effort must be made in providing opportunities for pupils to practice these skills. AT THE END OF EACH UNIT BELOW THERE IS A SPACE FOR THE SCIENCE DEPT TO OUTLINE HOW THEY INTEND TO DO THIS. Text book references are given to help teachers teach, and also provide a reference for pupils. However this does not replace the good practice of teachers using a variety of resources to teach and explain further in order to cover the curriculum standard fully.TITLE: Advaced physics for youGRADE: 12 FoundationPUBLISHER: nelson ThornesEdition: 2000ISBN: 978 -0-7487-5296-6UNITS – SEMESTER 1MonthUNIT TITLE/ NUMBER from S.O.WSchemes of Work - SubtitlesSoW PAGE number112F.p.1 Work, energy and powerWork-- Kinetic and potential energy – power-- Efficiency and energy loss.P385 -3912.11F.p.3Electricity generation and transmissionElectromagnetic induction - Electromagnetic induction -Electricity generation -Electricity in useP403 - 412TEXTBOOK ALIGNMENT DOCUMENTScheme of Work UnitMonth / WeekTime / SubtopicC.S Physics CURRICULUM STANDARDCHAPTERPAGESNOTCOVEREDALTERNATIVE RESOURCEWork, energy and power2 hourWork20.1Define work and apply the concept of work as the product of a force and displacement in the direction of the forceChapter 6 P60work5 hoursKinetic and potential energy20.2Define kinetic and potential energy. Give examples of different forms of energy and their interconversion by transducers of various kinds, and classify them as potential or kinetic. Describe the principle of energy conservation and apply it to simple examples.Chapter 6P 62Types of Energy20.3Recall, derive and apply the formulae Ek = 1?2mv2 and Ep = mgh.Chapter 6P 62Types of Energy3 hoursEfficiency and energy loss20.4Know that in practical systems energy loss, particularly in the form of waste heat, always occurs and use the concept of efficiency to solve problems. Calculate conversion efficiencies relating energy input to useful energy output.Chapter 6P63-65Concept of efficiency2 hourPower20.5Define power as the rate of doing work or converting energy and solve problems using P = W/?t.Chapter 6P61PowerScientific inquiryActivitiesScheme of Work UnitMonth / WeekTime / SubtopicC.S Physics CURRICULUM STANDARDCHAPTERPAGESNOTCOVEREDALTERNATIVE RESOURCE Electricity generation and transmission 6 hoursElectromagnetic induction22.1Describe the production of an induced e.m.f. by the relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field and know the factors that influence the magnitude of the e.m.f.Chapter 19 P232-23422.2Understand the concepts of magnetic flux and flux linkage and use Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws to solve numerical problems related to electromagnetic induction.Chapter 19P235-23822.3Describe how eddy currents form and know some of the applications of eddy currents, such as zone refining of semiconductors.Chapter 19 P2384 hoursElectricity generation22.4Know that alternating current is induced in a coil rotating in a uniform magnetic field and explain the operation of a simple AC generator.Chapter 19P23922.5Describe the commercial production of alternating current using a gas turbine as the primary source of kinetic plete PhysicsChapter 2p. 865 hoursElectricity in use 22.6Describe and use the concepts of root mean square current and voltage, period, frequency and peak value applied to alternating current; solve numerical problems related to them.Chapter 20P 242-24522.7Describe the action of a transformer and explain its importance in the long-distance transmission of electricity; solve problems related to power transmission.Chapter 20P 246-247Scientific inquiryActivitiesScience Curriculum Resources Overview* – GRADE 12F – SEMESTER 2MAIN RESOURCE:ALTERNATIVE RESOURCESResources 1Resources 2Advanced Physics for youPUBLISHER: Nelson Thornes, Edition: 2000Advanced Physics Publisher:OXFORD.Edition: 2000Complete Physics for IGCSE Publisher: OxfordEdition:2007ISBN978-0-7487-5296-6ISBN978-0-19-914680-2ISBN978-0-19-915133-2StrandTotal Curriculum Standards (based on CORE STANDARDS in Scheme of Work(Semesters 1 & 2)Curriculum Standards forSemester 2 (Based on scheme of work)Enquiry Standards(Based on Curriculum standards)Curriculum Standards covered in textbooks for Semester 2(using main and alternative)Curriculum Standards covered inAdvanced Physics for youCurriculum Standards covered inalternative resourceNot coverd by selected resources%Covered in text booksPhysics271517151410100 %Please Note:*Inquiry Standards are an integral part of science teaching – every effort must be made in providing opportunities for pupils to practice these skills. AT THE END OF EACH UNIT BELOW THERE IS A SPACE FOR THE SCIENCE DEPT TO OUTLINE HOW THEY INTEND TO DO THIS. Text book references are given to help teachers teach, and also provide a reference for pupils. However this does not replace the good practice of teachers using a variety of resources to teach and explain further in order to cover the curriculum standard fully.TITLE : Advaced physics for youGRADE: 12 FoundationPUBLISHER: nelson ThornesEdition: 2000ISBN: 978 -0-7487-5296-6UNITS – SEMESTER 2MonthUNIT TITLE/ NUMBER from S.O.WSchemes of Work - SubtitlesSoW PAGE number3.12F.p.4Atomic and nuclear physicsAtomic and nuclear physics- The nuclear atom--- Radioactive decayNuclear fission and fusion.P413- 4244.12F.p.2 Properties of wavesProperties of waves - Reflection and refraction - Diffraction and superposition - Doppler effect –Polarisation - Electromagnetic spectrum.P393 - 401TEXTBOOK ALIGNMENT DOCUMENTScheme of Work UnitMonth / WeekTime / SubtopicC.S Physics CURRICULUM STANDARDCHAPTERPAGESNOTCOVEREDALTERNATIVE RESOURCEAtomic and Nuclear Physics7 hoursThe nuclear atom23.923.1Show an understanding of the properties of the electron and the operation of the cathode-ray tube and the television tube.Interpret the results of Rutherford’s scattering experiment and describe how it led to modern models of the structure of the atom.Chapter 14Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 27P164P244P260P3294 hoursRadioactive decay23.2Describe a simple model for the nuclear atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons, use the common notation for representing nuclides and write equations representing nuclear transformations.Chapter 27P33023.3Understand the spontaneous and random nature of nuclear decay, interpret decay data in terms of half-life and explain the source of the background radiation.Chapter 27P 338-34323.4Know the properties of -, - and -radiations, including the dangers to life and health.Chapter 27P 334-33523.5Know some common uses of plete PhysicsChapter 11P. 264 - 2654 hoursNuclear fission and fusion23.6Know the source of energy in stars, including the Sun.Chapter 28P 35323.7Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, and know how heavier elements are formed in older stars by nuclear fusion.Chapter 28P 352-35323.8Understand that while nuclear fission can be used peacefully as a source of energy, there are significant social, political and environmental dimensions to its use.Chapter 28P 354-355Scientific inquiryActivitiesScheme of Work UnitMonth / WeekTime / SubtopicC.SPhysics CURRICULUM STANDARDCHAPTERPAGESNOTCOVEREDALTERNATIVE RESOURCEProperties of waves3 hoursReflection and refraction 21.1Know what happens to waves when they are reflected and refracted; explain diffraction, superposition and constructive and destructive interference in terms of wave motion. Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12P112-118P126-127P140-141,P144-14521.2Explain refraction of light and water waves in terms of waves, know that the velocity of waves changes during refraction and relate this to refractive index.Chapter 10P128-1307 hoursDiffraction and superposition 21.3Use a diffraction grating to show diffraction and the production of visible spectra and to solve problems relating to interference phenomena using the relationships ?=?ax/D and d?sin?=?n.Chapter 12P 150-151Diffraction grating1 hourDoppler effect21.4Explain the Doppler effect in terms of wave motion and give examples from sound and light.Chapter 13P 156-157Doppler effect1 hourPolarisation21.5Explain the phenomena of coherence and polarisation of transverse waves and describe applications of both.Chapter 10P 119-120 3 hoursElectromagnetic spectrum21.6Explain electromagnetic radiation in terms of oscillating electric and magnetic fields and know that all electromagnetic waves travel with the same velocity in free space. Describe the main characteristics and applications of the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and give examples of the reflection, refraction and interference of electromagnetic waves.Chapter 15P 174-177Scientific inquiryActivities ................

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