Chapter 38 - Respiration

?Multiple Choice1.?Which statement is true of carbon monoxide??a.?It is a waste product of photosynthesis.?b.?It is always present when organic material burns.?c.?It is harmless.?d.?It has a strong odor.?e.?It is a greenhouse gas.ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.1 Carbon Monoxide-A Stealthy PoisonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.2 - Describe the respiration process.2.?Carbon monoxide ____.?a.??traps heat in the atmosphere?b.?is an atmospheric pollutant?c.?causes acid rain?d.?interferes with the nervous system?e.?binds to a hemoglobin molecule and interferes with oxygen uptakeANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.1 Carbon Monoxide-A Stealthy PoisonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.2 - Describe the respiration process.3.?Respiration in the human body relies on ____.?a.??exocytosis and endocytosis?b.??facilitated diffusion?c.?osmosis?d.?simple diffusion?e.?active transportANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.2 The Nature of RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.2 - Describe the respiration process.4.?The term “respiration” in animals refers to the ____.?a.??movement of oxygen into an animal only?b.?movement of carbon dioxide out of an animal only?c.?movement of oxygen into an animal and the movement of carbon dioxide out of the animal?d.?binding of oxygen to hemoglobin molecules in the blood?e.?diffusion of oxygen across a cell membraneANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.2 The Nature of RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.2 - Describe the respiration process.5.?Which of the following is true regarding hemoglobin??a.??It is a lipid.?b.??It contains iron.?c.?It raises the concentration of oxygen in the blood.?d.?It is present in all vertebrates and invertebrates.?e.?It is identical to hemocyanin.ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.2 The Nature of RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.2 - Describe the respiration process.6.?Integumentary exchange of gases implies that the animal ____.?a.??has a shell?b.?has a tracheal system?c.?lives in a moist location?d.?has a siphon?e.?lives in an arid location?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.3 Invertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.5 - Describe the process of respiration in invertebrates living on land.

?7.?The accompanying figure illustrates a ____.?a.??book lung?b.?tracheal system?c.?set of gills?d.?lung micrograph?e.?circulatory systemANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.3 Invertebrate RespirationPREFACE?NAME:??FigureLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.5 - Describe the process of respiration in invertebrates living on land.8.?Which of the following is true regarding some insect tracheal systems??a.??They are associated with the blood circulatory system.?b.?They excrete body wastes as well as transport gases.?c.?Their spiracles can become clogged by spraying them with oil.?d.?The tracheal tubes are continually open in large terrestrial insects.?e.?They contain respiratory pigments to enhance oxygen transport.ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.3 Invertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.5 - Describe the process of respiration in invertebrates living on land.9.?Water flowing back and forth across the gills of fish is known as _____.?a.?capillary movement?b.?counter current exchange?c.?deoxygenation?d.?pharyngeal movement?e.?gill slitsANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.4 Vertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.7 - Examine the structure and functioning of respiratory systems of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.?Figure 38.9?The following two questions refer to the figure above showing a fish gill filament.10.?The most oxygenated blood is indicated by the letter ____.?a.??A?b.?B?c.?C?d.?D?e.?EANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.4 Vertebrate RespirationPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 38.9LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.7 - Examine the structure and functioning of respiratory systems of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.11.?The least oxygenated blood is indicated by the letter ____.?a.?A?b.?B?c.?C?d.?D?e.?EANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.4 Vertebrate RespirationPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 38.9LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.7 - Examine the structure and functioning of respiratory systems of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.12.?Paired lungs are characteristic of ____.?a.??spiders?b.?all birds?c.?all fishes?d.?all amphibian life stages?e.?all insectsANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.4 Vertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.7 - Examine the structure and functioning of respiratory systems of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.NOTES:??37.10A top right13.?What is characteristic of adult frogs??a.??gills?b.?sucking air into their lungs?c.?countercurrent exchange?d.?pushing air into their lungs?e.?drawing water by inhalation across their gillsANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.4 Vertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.7 - Examine the structure and functioning of respiratory systems of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.14.?Air is continuously forced through tubes that thread through vascularized tissue in a pair of inelastic lungs in _____.?a.??some fish?b.?amphibians?c.??birds?d.??reptiles?e.?some small mammals?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.4 Vertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.7 - Examine the structure and functioning of respiratory systems of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.15.?What is the correct sequence of air flow in mammals??a.??nasal cavities, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, trachea?b.?nasal cavities, pharynx, bronchi, larynx, trachea?c.?nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi?d.?nasal cavities, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi?e.?nasal cavities, bronchi, larynx, trachea, pharynxANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.16.?The “Adam’s apple” is located in the ____.?a.??Glottis?b.?Pharynx?c.?Trachea?d.?Larynx?e.?BronchusANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.17.?The human voice is generated by air moving through the _____.?a.??pharynx?b.??glottis?c.?epiglottis?d.?pleura?e.?tracheaANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.18.?The glottis is ____ when swallowing and ____ when speaking.?a.??closed; open?b.?open; closed?c.?rigid; relaxed?d.?relaxed; rigid?e.?vibrating; closedANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.19.?Branches of a bronchus are known as ____.?a.??larynx?b.?bronchi?c.?bronchioles?d.?trachea?e.?pharynxANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.20.?The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the human lungs in the ____.?a.?bronchi?b.?alveoli?c.?bronchioles?d.?trachea?e.?glottisANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.?Figure 38.16?The following three questions refer to the figure above.21.?Residual air volume is indicated by the letter ____.?a.?A?b.?B?c.??C?d.?D?e.?EANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??38.6 How We BreathePREFACE?NAME:??Figure 38.16LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.9 - Outline the process of the respiratory cycle.22.?Total lung capacity is indicated by ____.??a.??A + B?b.?B + C?c.?C + E?d.?D + E?e.?E + AANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??38.6 How We BreathePREFACE?NAME:??Figure 38.16LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.9 - Outline the process of the respiratory cycle.23.?Forced inhalation is indicated by ____.?a.??A?b.??B?c.?C?d.??D?e.?EANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??38.6 How We BreathePREFACE?NAME:??Figure 38.16LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.9 - Outline the process of the respiratory cycle.24.?Contraction of the diaphragm ____.?a.??diminishes the volume of the thoracic cavity?b.?increases the volume of the thoracic cavity?c.?pushes the rib cage downward?d.??causes external intercostal muscles to relax?e.?decreases lung capacityANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.6 How We BreatheLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.9 - Outline the process of the respiratory cycle.25.?Oxygen moves from alveoli to the bloodstream ____.?a.??because the concentration of oxygen is greater in alveoli than in the blood?b.?mainly due to the activity of carbonic anhydrase in the red blood cells?c.?against a concentration gradient?d.?to equal the concentration of CO2 in the blood?e.?by active transportANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.7 Gas Exchange and TransportLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.10 - Examine how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in blood.26.?Oxyhemoglobin contains _____.?a.?oxygen bound irreversibly to a heme group?b.??carbon dioxide?c.?carbonic anhydrase?d.??bound oxygen in the absence of a heme group?e.?oxygen bound reversibly to a heme groupANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.7 Gas Exchange and TransportLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.10 - Examine how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in blood.?Figure 38.21?Use the figure above to answer the following question.27.?What is the partial pressure of oxygen at the start of the systemic capillary beds??a.?40 mm Hg?b.?100 mm Hg?c.?70 mm Hg?d.?104 mm Hg?e.?130 mm HgANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.7 Gas Exchange and TransportPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 38.21LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.10 - Examine how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in blood.NOTES:??replace with 38.2128.?Most of the carbon dioxide produced by the body is transported to the lungs ____.?a.??in gaseous form?b.??in the lymph system?c.??as carbaminohemoglobin?d.??in the form of bicarbonate?e.?as carbonic acidANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.7 Gas Exchange and TransportLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.10 - Examine how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in blood.29.?Adaptive mechanisms, such as ____, can help animals live at a high elevation.??a.??carbonic acid?b.??a large heart?c.??hemoglobin with more heme groups?d.??decreased nitric oxide?e.?small efficient lungs?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.8 Respiratory AdaptationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.12 - Examine the adaptations that help organisms respire in extreme environments.?Figure 38.2330.?Use the figure above to answer the following question. At what partial pressure of oxygen do half the heme groups in human blood have bound oxygen???a.??30 mm Hg?b.??100 mm Hg?c.??70 mm Hg?d.??104 mm Hg?e.?120 mm Hg?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.8 Respiratory AdaptationsPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 38.23LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.12 - Examine the adaptations that help organisms respire in extreme environments.31.?"Rapture of the deep" is characterized by ____.??a.??increased O2 in the blood?b.??altitude sickness?c.??excess CO2 in the blood?d.??excess CO in the blood?e.?euphoria?ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.8 Respiratory AdaptationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.12 - Examine the adaptations that help organisms respire in extreme environments.32.?Deep-diving animals accomplish their dives through ____.??a.??speeding their heart rate?b.??swimming vigorously?c.??storing oxygen in muscles and blood?d.??binding oxygen to hemocyanin?e.?going into a deep sleep?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.8 Respiratory AdaptationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.12 - Examine the adaptations that help organisms respire in extreme environments.33.?A factor associated with SIDS is ____.??a.??sleep apnea?b.?lung cancer??c.??high altitude sickness?d.??low red blood cell count?e.?TB?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.9 Respiratory Diseases and DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.13 - Examine the causes and symptoms of any five respiratory disorders.34.?Which of the following is not associated with pneumonia???a.??an inhaled allergen?b.??bacteria?c.??virus?d.??fungi?e.?shortness of breath?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.9 Respiratory Diseases and DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.13 - Examine the causes and symptoms of any five respiratory disorders.35.?Non-smokers live about ____ years longer than smokers.??a.??two?b.??four?c.??six?d.??eight?e.?ten?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.9 Respiratory Diseases and DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.13 - Examine the causes and symptoms of any five respiratory disorders.36.?People who smoke both marijuana and tobacco have ____ respiratory problems than tobacco-only smokers.??a.??less?b.??more?c.??more serious?d.??less serious?e.?the same amount of?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.9 Respiratory Diseases and DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.13 - Examine the causes and symptoms of any five respiratory disorders.MatchingChoose the one most appropriate answer for each.?a.??flexible windpipe reinforced with cartilageb.??surrounds each lungc.??oxygen-rich form of a respiratory proteind.??contains two true vocal cordse.??with the diaphragm,?alter chest cavity volumef.??part of the brainstem; controls breathingg.??throat passage behind the mouthh.??inhalation and exhalationi.??connect trachea to lungsj.??flaplike structure that points upward allowing air to enter trachea, but blocks the larynx during swallowingk.??contraction increases thoracic volumel.??microscopically small pockets lined with moist epitheliumDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.37.??alveoliANSWER:??l38.??bronchiANSWER:??i39.??diaphragmANSWER:??k40.??epiglottisANSWER:??j41.??rib musclesANSWER:??e42.??larynxANSWER:??d43.??medulla oblongataANSWER:??f44.??oxyhemoglobinANSWER:??c45.??pharynxANSWER:??g46.??pleural sacANSWER:??b47.??tracheaANSWER:??a48.??ventilationANSWER:??hRespond to the following statements with reference to the five components of respiratory systems listed below. Answers may be used more than once or not at all.?a.??pharynxb.??larynxc.??trachead.??bronchiolee.??alveolusDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.49.??Another name for “Adam’s apple”.ANSWER:??bRespond to the following statements with reference to the five components of respiratory systems listed below. Answers may be used more than once or not at all.?a.??pharynxb.??larynxc.??trachead.??bronchiolee.??alveolusDIFFICULTY:??ModerateREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.50.?This is the last component of the human lung that air flows into.ANSWER:??e51.??Gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood circulatory system occurs here.ANSWER:??e52.??Spent air moves from the bronchial tubes to this component during exhalation.ANSWER:??cRespond to the following statements with reference to the five components of respiratory systems listed below. Answers may be used more than once or not at all.?a.??pharynxb.??larynxc.??trachead.??bronchiolee.??alveolusDIFFICULTY:??EasyREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.53.?Air moves from the nasal cavity into this passageway.ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.54.??nasal cavityANSWER:??a55.??bronchioleANSWER:??i56.??pleural membraneANSWER:??f57.??left lungANSWER:??g58.??larynxANSWER:??d59.??intercostal musclesANSWER:??k60.??diaphragmANSWER:??j61.??tracheaANSWER:??e62.??pharynxANSWER:??b63.??bronchusANSWER:??h64.??epiglottisANSWER:??cObjective Short Answer65.?Respiration is a physiological process by which O2 enters the internal environment and CO2 leaves by diffusing across a(n) __________.?ANSWER:??respiratory surface?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.2 The Nature of RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.2 - Describe the respiration process.66.?Respiratory proteins such as __________ in red blood cells and __________ in muscle bind oxygen and help maintain gradients that favor gas exchange.?ANSWER:??hemoglobin; myoglobin?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??38.7 Gas Exchange and TransportLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.10 - Examine how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in blood.67.?Some invertebrates do not have special respiratory organs and rely on __________ exchange, which involves the diffusion of gases across the body surface.?ANSWER:??integumentary?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.3 Invertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.5 - Describe the process of respiration in invertebrates living on land.68.?Invertebrates on land use __________ or __________ systems for gas exchange.?ANSWER:??book lungs; tracheal?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.3 Invertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.5 - Describe the process of respiration in invertebrates living on land.69.?Water flowing over fish gills exchanges gases with blood flowing in the opposite direction inside gill capillaries. This is called __________.?ANSWER:??countercurrent exchange?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.4 Vertebrate RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.7 - Examine the structure and functioning of respiratory systems of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.70.?A flap of tissue called the __________ directs air through the __________, the opening to the __________ (windpipe).?ANSWER:??epiglottis; glottis; trachea?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.71.?Contractions of the dome-shaped __________ and the intercostal muscles between the ribs alter the volume of the thoracic cavity during breathing.?ANSWER:??diaphragm?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.72.?If a person is choking, the __________ maneuver can be used to expel food from their trachea.?ANSWER:??Heimlich?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.73.?__________, the volume of air that moves in and out of the lungs during one respiratory cycle, is normally far less than __________.ANSWER:??Tidal volume; vital capacity?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.6 How We BreatheLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.9 - Outline the process of the respiratory cycle.74.?Most CO2 reacts with water inside red blood cells to form bicarbonate, due to the activity of __________.?ANSWER:??carbonic anhydrase?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??38.7 Gas Exchange and TransportLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.10 - Examine how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in blood.Subjective Short Answer75.?Which of the following have the most efficient lungs: amphibians, mammals or birds? Explain your answer.?ANSWER:??Amphibians have the simplest lung – it is not convoluted and thus has a low surface area. In addition, air is pushed into their lungs which limits flow. Mammals have far more convoluted lungs to increase surface area and have the anatomy to draw air into the lung. However, there is still a delay as air comes in and then goes out. Birds on the other hand have convoluted lungs and a system to draw air continually over the absorptive surface of the lung.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??38.2 The Nature of RespirationLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.7 - Examine the structure and functioning of respiratory systems of fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals.76.?Chart the path of air from the atmosphere to the blood.?ANSWER:??Air would travel through the following structures in this order: nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchioles, alveolar duct, alveoli, and finally the pulmonary capillaries.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??38.5 Human Respiratory SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.8 - Describe the structure and functions of each of the components of the human respiratory system.77.?Emphysema would have the greatest impact on which respiratory volume??ANSWER:??Emphysema is a condition in which the elastic tissue of the lung is destroyed. Exhalation is a passive process, relying on the natural elasticity of the lung to force air out. As a result, the forced exhalation volume would be most dramatically impacted.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??38.9 Respiratory Diseases and DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.13 - Examine the causes and symptoms of any five respiratory disorders.78.?Why would athletes in aerobic sports benefit by training at high altitude??ANSWER:??While at high altitude, the body goes through acclimatization. Their hypoxic blood stimulates the kidneys to secrete erythropoietin which leads to increased levels of red blood cells. At altitude, these red blood cells are necessary to carry sufficient oxygen levels. However, these additional red blood cells will benefit the athlete by allowing them to carry more oxygen to their muscles when they compete.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??38.8 Respiratory AdaptationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.38.12 - Examine the adaptations that help organisms respire in extreme environments. ................

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