Behavioral Objectives

|Behavioral Objectives |Content Outline |Clinical Objectives |Learning Opportunities |

|Apply the terms listed in the content |Application of terms |Read and discuss relevant, current nursing|Readings: |

|column appropriate to the client’s |Broncho-pulmonary dysplasia (BPD) |practice journal articles and apply to |Lehne (2007) |

|situation. |Celiac disease |practice. | |

| |Cerebral palsy | |McKinney (2009) |

| |Choanal atresia |Participate in the evaluation of | |

| |Coarctation of the aorta |care administered by the interdisciplinary| |

| |Diaphragmatic hernia |health care team. |Computer Simulation: |

| |Down Syndrome | |#2002 - Baby Chester: Premature Infant |

| |Epispadias |Consult with, utilize and make referrals |in Respiratory Distress |

| |Esophageal atresia |to community agencies and health care | |

| |Exstrophy of bladder |resources to provide continuity of care. |#2107 – Iron Intoxication In A Toddler |

| |Foreign body aspiration | | |

| |Gastroschisis |Use organizational & management skills |Laser: |

| |Hirschsprung’s Disease |when utilizing resources to meet |#5030 Pediatric Assessment |

| |Hypospadias |goals/outcomes, & enhance quality of | |

| |Imperforated anus |nursing care and level of client | |

| |Intussusception |satisfaction. | |

| |Kernicterus | | |

| |Lead poisoning |Use negotiation skills for the purpose of | |

| |Omphalocele |achieving positive client outcomes. | |

| |Persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborn (PPHN) | | |

| |Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) |Participate in interdisciplinary health | |

| |Transposition of the great vessels (TGA) |care team meetings/conferences. | |

| | | | |

| | |Apply change strategies to achieve stated | |

| | |outcomes. | |

| | | | |

| | |Work with client and interdisciplinary | |

| | |health care team for planning health care | |

| | |delivery to improve the quality of care | |

| | |across the life span. | |

|Compare and contrast the anatomy, |Anatomy/physiology and pathophysiology of the |Promote the effective coordination of | |

|physiology and pathophysiology of |newborn |client-centered health care. | |

|the term newborn and to the high-risk |Term newborn | | |

|newborn. |Circulation |Assess the adequacy of the support system | |

| |Fetal |of the client. | |

| |Neonate | | |

| |Systems |Identify providers and resources to meet | |

| |Respiratory |the needs of clients. | |

| |Cardiovascular | | |

| |Gastrointestinal |Facilitate communication between client | |

| |Genitourinary |and institutional or community resources. | |

| |Neurologic | | |

| |Musculoskeletal |Advocate on behalf of the client with | |

| |Integumentary |other members of the interdisciplinary | |

| |Behavioral |health care team to procure resources for | |

| |Cry |client care. | |

| |Activity | | |

| |Sleep pattern |Identify and participate in activities to | |

| |High-risk neonate |improve health care delivery within the | |

| |Systems |work setting. | |

| |Behavioral | | |

| |Classification |Report the need for corrective action | |

| |Size |within the organization. | |

| |Gestational age | | |

|Analyze factors included in the assessment of the high-risk| High Risk Neonate Assessment | | |

|neonate. |Interview of Mother | | |

| |Personal data (age) | | |

| |Present pregnancy | | |

| |Past pregnancies | | |

| |Medical history | | |

| |Family/social/occupational history | | |

| |Medication history | | |

| |Knowledge of risk factors for neonate | | |

| | | | |

| |Physical exam of newborn | | |

| |General assessment | | |

| |Status at birth (gestational age, Apgar scores) | | |

| |Weight | | |

| |Length | | |

| |Head circumference | | |

| |Chest circumference | | |

| |General body shape, posture, apparent deformities, and signs of | | |

| |distress | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Systems | | |

| |Respiratory | | |

| |Cardiovascular | | |

| |Gastrointestinal | | |

| |Genitourinary | | |

| |Neurologic | | |

| |Musculoskeletal | | |

| |Integumentary | | |

| |Behavior | | |

| |Cry | | |

| |Activity | | |

| |Sleep pattern | | |

| |Monitoring devices | | |

| |Temperature | | |

| |Cardiac | | |

| |Respiratory | | |

| |Blood pressure | | |

| |Apnea | | |

| |Diagnostic tests | | |

| |Radiology | | |

| |Chest | | |

| |Sonogram | | |

| |Flat plate of abdomen | | |

| |Computed axial tomography (CT) | | |

| |Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) | | |

| |Laboratory studies | | |

| |Blood | | |

| |Complete Blood Count (CBC) | | |

| |Blood glucose | | |

| |Bilirubin | | |

| |Electrolytes | | |

| |Blood gases | | |

| |Blood type | | |

| |Blood cultures | | |

| |Urine | | |

| |Urinalysis | | |

| |Glucose | | |

| |Cultures | | |

| |Stool | | |

| |3. Other | | |

| |a. Barlow's Maneuver | | |

| |b. Ortolani's Maneuver | | |

| |Cultural influences | | |

| |Hereditary | | |

| |Environmental | | |

| |3. Health beliefs/practices | | |

| | | | |

|Differentiate between the etiology, |Complex Newborn/pediatric problems | | |

|pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of selected |High-Risk neonate | | |

|complex problems of the high-risk newborn. |Preterm/infant | | |

| |Respiratory distress syndrome | | |

| |Hyperbilirubinenia | | |

| |Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH) | | |

| |Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) | | |

| |Sepsis | | |

| |Apnea | | |

| |Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) | | |

| |Post-term | | |

| |Meconium aspiration syndrome | | |

| |Congenital heart abnormalities | | |

| |Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) | | |

| |Aterial septal defect (ASD) | | |

| |Ventricular septal defect (VSD) | | |

| |Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) | | |

| |Hypoplastic left ventricle | | |

| |Gastrointestional | | |

| |Cleft lip/palate | | |

| |Pyloric stenosis | | |

| |Non-Organic Failure to Thrive (FTT) | | |

| |Neural tube defects | | |

| |Spina bifida occulta | | |

| |Meningocele | | |

| |Myelomeningocele | | |

| |Hydrocephalus | | |

| |Bone/joint | | |

| |Clubfoot | | |

| |Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) | | |

|Discuss analysis, planning, |Selected diagnoses/nursing implementation/ evaluation | | |

|implementation and evaluation for the nursing management of|Ineffective breathing pattern | | |

|high-risk newborn with complex problems. |Independent interventions | | |

| |Respiratory assessment | | |

| |Position for optimum air exchange | | |

| |Suction to remove excess secretions | | |

| |Maintain neutral thermal environment | | |

| |Monitor blood gases | | |

| |Monitor 02 saturation | | |

| |Monitor skin color | | |

| |(buccal mucosa best indicator) | | |

| |Monitor activity level | | |

| |Monitor respiratory effort | | |

| |Observe for respiratory distress | | |

| |Collaborate interventions | | |

| |Administer medications & monitor for desired effects/adverse | | |

| |effects/side effects | | |

| |Antimicrobial agents | | |

| |Diuretics | | |

| |Cardiovascular | | |

| |Inotropic agents | | |

| |Antihypertensives | | |

| |Vasodilators | | |

| |Central nervous system | | |

| |Analgesics | | |

| |Sedatives | | |

| |Resuscitation | | |

| |Epinephrine | | |

| |Sodium bicarbonate | | |

| |Volume expanders | | |

| |Naloxone | | |

| |(6) Synthetic surfactant | | |

| |Assist with respiratory support | | |

| |apparatus | | |

| |Mechanical ventilation | | |

| |Extracoroporeal membrane osygenation (ECMO) | | |

| |Oxygen hoods/tents | | |

| |Humidifier warmers | | |

| |Nitric oxide | | |

| |Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) | | |

| |Recognition of complications | | |

| |Bronchopulmonary dysplasis (BPD) | | |

| |Intracranial hemorrhage | | |

| |Apnea of prematurity | | |

| |Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) | | |

| |Necrotizing enterocolitis | | |

| |Sepsis | | |

| |The newborn will have adequate oxygenation as evidenced by: | | |

| |Airway remains patent | | |

| |Breathing provides adequate oxygenation and CO2 exchange | | |

| |Respiratory rate and pattern appropriate for age and weight | | |

| |Arterial blood gases and acid-base balance within normal limits for | | |

| |age | | |

| |Risk for fluid volume deficit/excess | | |

| |Independent interventions | | |

| |Assess hydration status | | |

| |Monitor intake/output | | |

| |Monitor pertinent diagnostic tests | | |

| |Maintain skin integrity | | |

| |Maintain safety devices | | |

| |Regulate parenteral fluids closely | | |

| |Collaborate intervention | | |

| |Administer replacement fluids | | |

| |Oral replacement solutions | | |

| |Intravenous therapy | | |

| |Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) | | |

| |Ponseti Casting | | |

| |Pavlik Harness | | |

| |Maintain feeding tubes/NGT | | |

| |Recognition of complications | | |

| |Dehydration/overhydration | | |

| |Organic and Non-Organic Failure to thrive | | |

| |Altered growth and development | | |

| |Independent interventions | | |

| |Provide optimum nutrition | | |

| |Provide rest periods | | |

| |Minimizes noxious stimuli | | |

| |Provide age-appropriate developmental activities | | |

| |Promote parent-infant interaction | | |

| |Collaborate interventions | | |

| |Refer to social services, parent support groups. | | |

| |Recognition of complications | | |

| |Growth retardation | | |

| |Developmental delayed | | |

| |Ineffective parent bonding | | |

| |The newborn will have adequate hydration as evidenced by: | | |

| |No signs/symptoms of dehydration/over hydration | | |

| |Glucose levels within normal levels | | |

| |Steady weight gain once past acute phase | | |

| |The newborn will attain normal growth and developmental potential | | |

| |Exposed to appropriate stimuli | | |

| |Bonds with parents | | |

N:Spring\ RNSG 2414 Unit VIII Newborn Complications Reviewed 06/11


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