Lane Community College Respiratory Care Program

Section Table

Faculty Information




Clinical Competency Requirements






Norma Driscoll, BS, RRT

Program Director

Respiratory Care Program

Lane Community College

Phone: 541.463.3176

Kellee Rickerl, B.A., RRT

Director of Clinical Education

Respiratory Care Program

Lane Community College


Mailing Address-

Respiratory Care Program ATTN:

Lane Community College

4000 E.30th Ave

Eugene, OR  97405

(Health Professions)

Main Campus, Building #4 Phone: 541-463-5617 Division Number | Fax: 541-463-4151


Dear Respiratory Care Clinical Preceptor:

First, we would like to thank you for your participation in this extremely important phase of a respiratory care student’s education. Our students often remember their clinical hours as the highlight of their Respiratory Care training.

This handbook is designed to provide information about the Lane Community College Respiratory Care Program and to offer guidance and educational objectives for supervising and evaluating students during their clinical hours.

The Respiratory Care Program at Lane Community College (LCC) was established in 1969. With the start of the 2009 academic year, our program has transitioned from an “on campus, lecture program” to a hybrid program. Theory and concepts are provided through highly interactive online delivery. Laboratory activities are managed in small groups during on-campus sessions. Clinical rotations are managed and arranged by the program’s Director of Clinical Education in co-operation with fifteen clinical affiliates. The LCC Respiratory Care Program is a limited-entry two year program and accepts up to thirty new students each year. During this two year period, students have the clinical requirement of obtaining competency in approx. twenty five different skills in order to graduate. The program is fully accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).

We appreciate your interest in our students and wish to make your task in mentoring them as easy as possible. It is with that purpose in mind that this handbook was created. Our clinical preceptors and clinical sites are an integral part of our success as an advanced practitioner respiratory care program and we could not serve our students without you. We have attempted to answer common questions you may have; however, please feel free to call our Clinical Coordinator, Kellee Rickerl at 541.463.5624

Thank you for your commitment to Respiratory Care Education.

Lane Community College Respiratory Care Program


The clinical preceptor program is designed to assist the RT student succeed in gaining hands-on experience in patient care and competency in clinical skills under the supervision of an experienced Respiratory Therapist. Upon graduation the student will then be able to move from student role to the entry-level respiratory therapist role seamlessly. With the preceptors guidance the student can work on improving patient care skills and well as learn what it means to work and interact in a professional manner.  In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to provide the student with a realistic clinical experience and allow the student to:

• Care for various types of patients in the Clinical/Home Care setting





• Conduct care to include but not limited to

1. Oxygen Therapy

2. Humidity and Aerosol Therapy

3. Bronchial Hygiene Therapy

4. Volume Expansion Therapy

5. Non-invasive and Invasive Ventilation

6. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

7. Arterial Blood Gases

8. Pulmonary Function Testing

• Critical Thinking and Research Skill development through

1. Planning and organization of daily clinical activities

2. Hone decision making and priority-setting skills

3. Patient Assessment

4. Disease Process Research

5. Treatment Assessment

• Development of Independence

1. Independently suggest implementation of respiratory care procedures

2. Develop patient management skills

3. Time management skills.

4. Goal of becoming fully functioning therapist with RRT skill set.


 To prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains of respiratory care practice as performed by registered respiratory therapists (RRTs).


The Clinical Sites are essential partners of any successful respiratory care program.

The clinical site contributes to the learning process of Lane’s Respiratory Care Program students by helping develop the professional and technical skill sets needed to become a respiratory therapist.

This helps ensure the preparation of competent entry level respiratory therapists. A win-win situation for when these students become entry level therapist entering the job market.

By electing to have students at your site participating faculty will have the opportunity for selected staff respiratory therapists to gain experience and competency in the role of preceptor/educator.

Provide clinical experience for selected students in the LCC Respiratory Care Program in accordance with contractual agreement between clinical site and LCC.

Collaborate with LCC in appointing the preceptors. Appoint alternate preceptor when needed, e.g. due to absence of assigned preceptor.

Orientation of student to the department and shift responsibilities.

Notify College program faculty within 24 hours of incidents/injuries that occur to either a patient and/or student a result of the student’s participation in a clinical activity. An incident in which a student may sustain some injury may require hospital treatment; however student health insurance will be billed for care. 



 A respiratory preceptorship is a defined period of time in which two people (respiratory student and experienced respiratory therapist) work together so that student can learn and apply knowledge and skills in the clinical setting with supervision and guidance from the experienced therapist. This therapist acts as role model for skills as well as professionalism. A preceptor must have the ability to help with the growth and progression of the student/s into that of a professional therapist.

The RT must be willing to work with a student in this capacity. If the therapist is unwilling, it makes for an adversarial relationship and leads to a negative experience for both the student as well as the RT in question. This does not foster a nurturing learning environment.


The RT is assigned a preceptor role has demonstrated expertise in the delivery of respiratory care  (as determined by the Hospital and in collaboration with the College Clinical Education Coordinator and or college representative). The Preceptor must be a CRT credentialed licensed practitioner. RRT credential and licensure is preferred.

The RT has demonstrated ability to communicate effectively and professionally with patients, faculty, students, staff, and physicians.

The RT can demonstrate student assessment skills. This is verified through the completion of the clinical preceptor modules developed by the college to maintain inter-rater reliability.

The RT demonstrates the ability to document student observation and skills in a timely manner.

The RT demonstrates that they are staying current on issues related to nationally standardized practices of care.

He/She makes a conscious effort to develop relationships with students that are:

                        -Conducive to a positive learning environment;

                        -mutually respectful;

                        -collaborative and supportive.

Preceptor Responsibilities

1. Directs student to clinical situations, which would provide student with opportunity to meet goals and objectives, increase skills and pass competency evaluations.

2. Act as a clinical resource person for the student.

3. Be a role model demonstrating responsible RT behavior.

4. Provide feedback concerning the student’s professional behavior through use of forms provided by LCC (Clinical proficiencies and evaluation forms).

5. Provide ongoing feedback to student regarding patient care and equipment use utilizing daily activity forms.

6. Be available to meet with RC program Clinical Education Coordinator and other LCC staff about students’ experience and progress during clinical educator’s site visit/s.

7. Facilitates the student’s progress towards accepting more and more of the patient care assignment and the development of good time-management skills to facilitate the education of capable graduate therapists.

8. Will treat the student as an adult learner in an educator-learner relationship.

9. Must review all students charting for accuracy and completeness.

10. Follows FERPA (See Glossary) Rules regarding student rights to privacy.

11. Communicate with Lane Community College clinical educator regarding observed student behaviors that are unacceptable for staff Respiratory Therapists such as:

A. -Content or skill weakness in a given area

B. -Inability to perform patient care procedures

C. -Lack of knowledge or inability to gain knowledge necessary for the implementation of patient care

D. -Lack of technical competence

E. -Any behavior, which is in the opinion of the clinical preceptor, is counterproductive to the Respiratory Care Program process. I.e. personal hygiene, tardiness being argumentative etc.


Learning Outcomes

The graduate will:

• provide age-specific treatment, management, control, and care of patients with deficiencies and abnormalities associated with respiration.

• provide patients with therapeutic use of medical gases, air and oxygen administering apparatus.

• appropriately use environmental control systems, humidification and aerosols, medications, ventilatory control.

• provide pulmonary hygiene appropriate to patient’s condition

• perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and measures and maintenance of natural, artificial, and mechanical airways.

• use clinical decision skills to create appropriate patient care plans

• use appropriate library and information resources to research professional issues and support lifelong learning.

• formulate questions that can be addressed with data, and collect, organize and present relevant data to answer them. 


1. Perform patient care under the supervision of a preceptor assuming an increasing level of responsibility on a daily basis.

2. Monitor their competency/skill list, discuss competency/skill list with clinical preceptor.

3. Identify competencies/skills yet to be completed and discuss with clinical preceptor.

4. Notify clinical affiliate and LCC clinical coordinator if going to be late or absent in a timely and appropriate manner as stated in the Student Handbook.

5. Adhere to the Lane Community College Respiratory Care student dress / identification guidelines when in a clinical facility.

6. Review necessary theory and clinical content to maximize safety and performance.

7. Meet with Lane Community College Coordinator of Clinical Education for review meetings and/or symposiums and as needed to discuss experiences and concerns.

8. Participate in the evaluation of the preceptor program and clinical site.

9. Conform to all policies and procedures particular to the clinical facility, including;

10. On time for the start of shifts and end of breaks.

11. Follows all HIPPA rules with respect to patient confidentially and not use patient names or ID numbers if writing notes or preparing for a case presentation.

12. In addition, students will be very careful not to discuss specifics about patients or their care in public places where they can be overheard by third parties.

The student must make a conscious effort to develop a relationship with the Clinical Preceptor that is:


-mutually respectful;

                      -collaborative and supportive.


The student is responsible for entering observations and competency data into the clinical care notebook.  Patient care tasks, observations and or care will never be declined in order to enter information in clinical notebook or to work on class assignments while the student is at the clinical site for a patient care shift.

Students MAY NOT make any changes in the prearranged clinical schedule without the approval of the LCC Clinical Coordinator.

The students need to be proactive at the clinical site and need to make contact with their assigned preceptor or the clinical lead before the start of the shift and introduce themselves. 

 The student, with the guidance of the preceptor, will complete appropriate hospital incident reports documenting incidents/injuries that occur to either patients and/or student as a result of the student’s participation in a clinical activity. An incident in which a student may sustain some injury may require hospital treatment; however student health insurance will be billed for care. 


Philosophy and Rationale:  The clinical evaluation methodology employed at Lane Community College to assess students’ procedural proficiency and behavior has been formulated to reflect a competency-based, student centered philosophy of the Program; the faculty maintain that it is only through the implementation of reliable and valid measures of students’ clinical performance and proficiency that the ultimate goal of the program of learning, i.e., the training and provision of competent clinical practitioners capable of successfully assuming the roles and functions requisite to the delivery of quality respiratory care, can be realistically achieved.

Bases for Implementation:  The policies and procedures upon which the evaluative system is built are consistent with the philosophy, goals, and grading policies of the College and are based upon the principle of equivalent clinical experience within the Program curriculum.  The criteria utilized to assess learning outcomes have been derived from the current delineation of the roles and functions of the entry-level respiratory therapist.

 Integration of the Evaluative System within the Curriculum:  The evaluative system has been designed to provide documentation, assessment, feedback and remediation, which are relevant to the three key phases of the students’ clinical education.  

• Peer Reviewed

• Lab/ Instructor Reviewed

• Clinical Site Reviewed              

Clinical Education Evaluative Mechanism Used in the LCC Respiratory Care Program

During the learning and reinforcement phases of the LCC Respiratory Care Program, the clinical skill mastery sequence is actually initiated.  Competence is assessed in the College Laboratory Sections by skills evaluations utilizing a “workbook” of skills checklists and observation. The checklist/rating scale approach is utilized to track practice, lab and finally clinical performance competencies.  All performance elements, whether performed in the College laboratory or at the clinical affiliate site, are maintained on file in the LCC Respiratory Care Program student files at the end of each term. This process is computerized and tracked electronically.  Depending upon the student’s performance of the skill and comprehension of the procedure, a status recommendation is made by the evaluator and recorded. Review of the student’s clinical skills notebook will be done at the end of each quarter by the Director of Clinical Education and as needed by the program faculty.


Clinical skills are divided into the syllabi of the clinical terms of the program such that they are presented in an ascending order of complexity. These skills are divided into two categories. First year skills focus on basic cardiopulmonary assessment and treatment modalities. Second year skills focus on advanced emergency and critical care modalities. Due to the fact that it is impossible to predict when certain therapies will be available for practice, it is possible for first-year students to work ahead on therapies that are scheduled for first year - winter through summer terms. The intention of this policy is that the students must attain a degree of mastery over the basic skills before moving on into the advanced skills presented in the second year of the program. The final portion of this list identifies those skills that the students is encouraged to observe and assist staff in their performance, but are not required to demonstrate independent competency.

First Year - Spring through Summer Terms:

Breath Sounds

Oxygen Supply Systems

Oxygen Administration

Small Volume Nebulizer Therapy

MDI Administration

DPI Administration

Incentive Spirometry

Documentation and Goals Assessment

Pulse Oximeter Monitoring

Humidity and Aerosol Therapy

Vest Airway Clearance System (HFCWO)

Pep/Flutter Therapy

Second Year - Fall through Winter Terms

Manual Resuscitation

End Tidal CO2 Monitoring (EtCO2)

Endotracheal Suctioning

Monitoring Cuff Pressures

Tracheostomy and Stoma Care

Pressure Support

Chest X-ray Interpretation


Initiation of NIPPV

Initiation of Continuous Mechanical Ventilation (Adult)

Monitoring of Continuous Mechanical Ventilation (Adult)

Spontaneous Ventilation Parameters

Skills for Observation/Assisting

Oxygen Concentrator

Equipment Processing

Beside PFT (FVC & PF)

Chest Percussion / Postural Drainage

Adjunct Breathing Techniques


Nasotracheal Suctioning

Basic Spirometry


Arterial Puncture

Arterial Line Sampling


Extended Mandatory Minute Ventilation

Changing a Ventilator Circuit

Initiation of Newborn Mechanical Ventilation

Monitoring of Newborn Mechanical Ventilation

Arterial Line Monitoring

Bronchoscopy Assisting


Evaluation Tools and Student Clinical Records

A successful student not only demonstrates skill acquisition and mastery, but also presents an appropriate professional demeanor as evidenced by their interpersonal skills. The college has developed tools to help foster the student’s professional growth, as well as evaluate their professional behavior and skill competency. These tools are listed and described below. Examples of each of these tools is included in this section.

Performance Evaluation Record (Yellow form)

This form provides a quick reference for staff and students to view student progress on completing required skill Performance Evaluations. The skills are arranged in order of presentation during the program. The student is expected to complete skills during the term presented and this will be documented in the Professional Performance Assessment. The last page of the record lists skills that students should observe and assist with during their clinical experience, but are not required to demonstrate competency through the formal skill Performance Evaluation. Observation or assistance must be supported by documentation in the Daily Clinical Activity Record.

The Performance Evaluation Record is to be placed in the front of the student’s clinical notebook. It will be retained in the clinical notebook throughout their clinical experiences.

STUDENT NAME:_____________________________ CLASS YEAR:_________________

Student must demonstrate the ability to independently perform the following skills by the end of the term under which they are listed. If the student has had sufficient practice they may have their ability to independently perform skill evaluated prior to term listed. If staff or instructor must intervene or direct student performance during the procedure the student has not demonstrated competency.



|Breath Sounds | | |

|Oxygen Supply Systems | | |

|Oxygen Administration | | |

|Small Volume Nebulizer Therapy | | |

|MDI Administration | | |

|DPI Administration | | |

|Incentive Spirometry | | |

|Documentation and Goals Assessment | | |

|Pulse Oximeter Monitoring | | |


|Humidity and Aerosol Therapy | | |

|Vest Airway Clearance System (HFCWO) | | |

|PEP / Flutter Therapy | | |

|Tracheostomy and Stoma Care | | |


|Manual Resuscitation | | |

|End Tidal CO2 Monitoring | | |

|Endotracheal Suctioning | | |

|Monitoring Cuff Pressures | | |

|Pressure Support | | |

STUDENT NAME:_______________________________ CLASS YEAR:_________________

| |



| | | |

|Chest X-Ray Interpretation | | |

| | | |

|Extubation | | |

| | | |

|Initiation of NIPPV (BiPap) | | |

| | | |

|Initiation Cont. Mechanical Ventilation(Adult) | | |

| | | |

|Monitoring of Cont. Mech. Ventilation (Adult) | | |

| | | |

|Spontaneous Ventilation Parameters | | |

STUDENT NAME:_______________________________ CLASS YEAR:_________________

Students are not required to complete the checklists for the skills listed below but should observe and eventually assist staff in the performance of the techniques, according to the policy and procedures of the clinical site. Student may be able to perform some skills under direct supervision of clinical staff.

| |Date / Site |Date / Site |



|Oxygen Concentrator | | | | |

|Equipment Processing | | | | |

|Liquid Oxygen Systems | | | | |

|Bedside PFT (VC & PF) | | | | |

|Chest Percussion / Postural Drainage | | | | |

|Adjunct Breathing Techniques | | | | |

|IPPB | | | | |

|Nasotracheal Suctioning | | | | |

|Basic Spirometry | | | | |

|Electrocardiographs | | | | |

|Arterial Puncture | | | | |

|Arterial Line Sampling | | | | |

|Intubation | | | | |

|Extended Mandatory Minute Ventilation | | | | |

|Changing a Ventilator Circuit | | | | |

|Initiation of Newborn Mechanical Ventilation | | | | |

|Monitoring of Newborn Mechanical Ventilation | | | | |

|CVP/Pulmonary Artery Catheter Monitoring | | | | |

|Arterial Line Monitoring | | | | |

|Bronchoscopy Assisting | | | | |

The Daily Activity Record/Preceptor Feedback Form (White form)

The student will complete this form for each clinical day. It must include their name, clinical site, date, and the times they arrived and departed the clinical site. This includes any shift that was missed (with an explanation), and any make-up shift. These sheets provide an area for them to track the activities of the shift, list other learning experiences or discussions they had with their preceptor. The back side of the form is for your preceptor to complete. It provides clinical preceptors the opportunity to evaluate the student in several categories (Coming Prepared, Professional Behavior, Technical Performance, and Communication Skills) and to provide feedback directly to program faculty. There are yes/no questions and an area for detailed comments on the students’ strengths and areas to work on. There is also a check box to indicate if the preceptor discussed their feedback with the student. The preceptor’s signature is required. It is important that these are completed PRIOR to leaving the clinical site for the day. This ensures a correct record of the events of the day as well as the site documentation that is necessary for this to be a valid record.

Daily Clinical Activity Record

Student is required to complete the following information and to present to instructor/preceptor at conclusion of day for review and verification.

Name: ___________________________ Clinical Site: ____________________________

Date: ________________ Time In: _________ Time Out: _________

| Indicate how many times you participated in the following technical |# |# |

|skills/activities/procedures. The (Term) indicates when skill needs to be completed & |of Times |Assisted with supervision |

|checked off. Once completed these skills should be performed regularly with minimal |Observed | |

|supervision. | | |

|Oxygen Supply Systems (Spring Term) | | |

|Oxygen Administration (Spring Term) | | |

|Small Volume Nebulizer Therapy (Spring Term) | | |

|MDI Administration (Spring Term) | | |

|DPI Administration (Spring Term) | | |

|Incentive Spirometry (Spring Term) | | |

|Documentation and Goals Assessment (Spring Term) | | |

|Pulse Oximeter Monitoring (Spring Term) | | |

|Humidity and Aerosol Therapy (Summer Term) | | |

|Vest Airway Clearance System (HFCWO) (Summer Term) | | |

|Pep/Flutter Therapy (Summer Term) | | |

|Manual Resuscitation (Summer/Fall Term) | | |

|Initiation of NIPPV (BIPAP) (Summer Term) | | |

|End Tidal CO2 Monitoring (EtCO2) (Fall Term) | | |

|Endotracheal Suctioning (Fall Term) | | |

|Monitoring Cuff Pressures (Fall Term) | | |

|Tracheostomy and Stoma Care (Fall Term) | | |

|Pressure Support (Fall Term) | | |

|Chest X-ray Interpretation (Fall Term) | | |

|Extubation (Fall/Winter Term) | | |

|Initiation of Cont. Mech.Ventilation (Adult) (Neo) (Fall/Winter Term) | | |

|Monitoring of Cont. Mech. Vent. (Adult) (Neo) | | |

|(Fall/Winter Term) | | |

|Spontaneous Ventilation Parameters (Fall/Winter Term) | | |

|Other Learning Experiences: |

|What Questions arose during your shift and what discussions did this spark with your preceptor? |

|Comes Prepared: |  |  |

|YES NO |Complied with hospital, college dress codes, used |  |

| |appropriate identification. | |

|YES NO |Arrived prepared to carry out assigned tasks with |  |

| |necessary equipment & paperwork. | |

|YES NO |Appropriately applied / integrated theory, principles to |  |

| |clinical practice. | |

|Professional Behavior: |  |  |

|YES NO |Took direction, instruction, suggestions and ideas in a |  |

| |cooperative manner. | |

|YES NO |Appropriately sought assistance when needed, realizes |  |

| |personal limitations. | |

|YES NO |Sought out educational opportunities for professional |  |

| |development. | |

|Technical Performance: |  |  |

|YES NO |Planed, organized, fulfilled tasks assigned by instructor |  |

| |/ supervisor. | |

|YES NO |Provided therapy based on therapist driven protocols |  |

| |and/or appropriate physician order | |

|YES NO |Competently performed assigned tasks & procedures ensuring|  |

| |safe delivery of patient care. | |

|Communication Skills: |  |  |

|YES NO |Used appropriate communication to relate effectively to |  |

| |patients, instructors, peers, staff. Demonstrated | |

| |appropriate verbal & nonverbal communication. | |

|YES NO |Adhered to HIPPA requirements. |  |

| YES NO |Maintained accurate & timely departmental & patient | |

| |records. | |

| | | |

Please Indicate:

Student Strengths: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Needs for Improvement:


______Initial here if: I have reviewed this evaluation with this student.

______Initial here if: I have forwarded this information on to the Director of Clinical Education or my Supervisor.

(Print) Preceptors Name__________________________PreceptorsSignature_____________________________

Physician Interaction Record (Teal Card)

Documentation of time interacting with the physician is necessary to meet program accreditation standards. Physician interaction could be patient focused, tutorial, or small or large group sessions. The student is awarded points based on the type of physician interaction. The number of physician interactions increases as the student advances through each clinical practice sequence:

Clinical Practice 1 . . . minimum of 2 separate physician interactions

Clinical Practice 2 . . . minimum of 4 separate physician interactions

Clinical Practice 3 . . . minimum of 6 separate physician interactions

Clinical Practice 4 . . . minimum of 8 separate physician interactions

Physician Name________________________________________________________


Type of Interaction:

Patient Focused: Date___________________

Tutorial: Time Spent: _____________

Small Group: Points Awarded: _________

Large Group:

Evaluation of Student – Physician Interaction

Instructions: Please circle the response that reflects your evaluation of this learning experience using the following criteria:

5 = Strongly Agree 4= Agree 3=Disagree 2= Strongly Disagree 1= N/A

Student Evaluation of Physician Interaction

1) The information was presented at a level appropriate for my experience. 5 4 3 2 1

2) The information was covered completely and at a reasonable pace. 5 4 3 2 1

3) This interaction was a positive experience. 5 4 3 2 1

4) The information was relevant to my clinical work. 5 4 3 2 1

5) The physician took time to explain principles relevant to the practice of 5 4 3 2 1

respiratory care.

6) The physician was receptive to discussion and student participation. 5 4 3 2 1

7) The interaction improved my communication skills with physicians. 5 4 3 2 1

Physician Evaluation of Student Interaction

1) The student has a good understanding of the information presented. 5 4 3 2 1

2) The student provided accurate objective data. 5 4 3 2 1

3) The student used appropriate medical terminology. 5 4 3 2 1

4) The student provided appropriate subjective information. 5 4 3 2 1

5) The student could explain relevant principles of practice. 5 4 3 2 1

6) The student answered directly and appropriately. 5 4 3 2 1

7) The student was able to suggest well-reasoned alternatives. 5 4 3 2 1

8) The student was receptive to feedback. 5 4 3 2 1

Students should seek out physician interaction whenever possible in order to learn the

appropriate physician-therapist rapport. A point system has been created to encourage

this behavior. Students must earn a total of 10 points per term. The scoring system is listed below.

Type A: Patient Focused

Individual personal interaction with a physician relating to the management of a particular

Patient as it pertains to respiratory care. Included are actual procedures with a patient (for example, code blue, bronchoscopy, etc.). Also included are such activities as evaluations, diagnosis, treatment plans, and prognosis of a singular patient.

Type B: Tutorial

Individual, one-on-one instruction related to clinical medicine or other areas pertinent to

respiratory care. Included are activities such as formal or informal discussions, review of research or recent advances in respiratory care and practical demonstration of procedures

and equipment without patient interaction.

Type C: Small Group

Formal or informal presentations such as inservice, seminars, continuing education meetings, case presentations, physicians rounds, etc. It is necessary for the presentations to be small

Enough for the physician conducting the session to be aware of who is in attendance.

Type D: Large Group

Formal education experiences such as lectures papers presented at professional meetings, conferences, seminars, etc. The size of the meeting would preclude significant audience participation.

Scoring as follows:

• Type A : 1 hour = 4 points

• Type B : 1 hour = 3 points

• Type C : 1 hour = 2 points

• Type D: 1 hour = 1 point


Physician interaction records are to be submitted to the Director of Clinical Education or Program Coordinator at the time of Personal Performance Assessment.

Performance (Skill) Evaluation Checklists

The Performance Evaluation Checklists from Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Respiratory Care are the tools used to evaluate student competency. Ideally, the student should have practiced the procedures in the laboratory setting. When they feel capable of properly demonstrating the procedure, they should enlist the help of a peer who will observe and rate their performance. When they have passed the peer evaluation they should ask the lab instructor to evaluate their performance.

Clinical skill evaluation should be preceded by observation of staff, assisting staff in performing the procedure, and close supervision by staff while practicing the procedure. When the student feels capable of performing procedure without staff assistance they should ask to be formally evaluated using the Performance Evaluation Checklist for that skill. Student should review checklist with evaluator so that site-specific procedural differences are addressed before the skill evaluation. Evaluator should intervene in procedure only if patient safety is compromised. Criteria for receiving a passing score on the evaluation are given on the checklist. A student who fails to receive a passing score may request a repeat evaluation after further supervised practice.

Successful completion of a skill evaluation indicates that the student is competent at performing that skill and requires minimal supervision. Proficiency in performing the skill is only achieved through further practice, which must be documented on the Daily Clinical Activity Record.

Professional Performance Assessment

Respiratory Care students are legally responsible for their own acts, commission and/or omission. The student, the faculty, and clinical site staff must conscientiously evaluate student behavior. The Professional Performance Assessment (PPA) evaluation identifies essential areas of behavior that indicate the successful demonstration of appropriate professional behavior and interpersonal skills: Attendance, Preparedness, Professional Behavior, Technical Performance, and Communication Skills.

The PPA serves to reinforce and encourage appropriate student behavior, as well as a means to document unsafe, unacceptable behaviors. Unsafe, unacceptable behaviors will require the immediate completion of a PPA by the preceptor. The preceptor must provide written explanation of any “Needs Improvement” ratings. The student is to review the assessment with the preceptor or supervisor, and acknowledge this by signing the assessment form. A copy is to be given to the student for their notebook, and the original is to be forwarded to the Director of Clinical Education for LCC. Periodically during the term, and at the conclusion of each clinical course, a PPA will be completed for each student by LCC program faculty utilizing the input received from the Preceptor’s Daily Feedback forms / PPA’s. Notice of failing behavior will be forwarded from one instructor to the next instructor to ensure that students will be given the encouragement, support, and limit-setting to facilitate the learning of these essential professional behaviors. Any behavior that results in an unsatisfactory rating in any one term, if repeated in a subsequent term, can result in immediate exclusion from further clinical experience.

The PPA serves as the written warning prior to suspension from clinical activities as required by LCC Respiratory Care Program Policy as indicated in the Student Orientation Manual. Immediate suspension for violations of the student rules of conduct is still possible. The Director of Clinical Education or Program Director must be notified immediately following suspension of student privileges by the clinical site.


Behaviors relating to responsibility, accountability, and meeting time commitments are essential in the professional respiratory practitioner. Students who always demonstrate these behaviors should receive (E)xcellant ratings. Students who usually demonstrate these behaviors should receive (S)atisfactory ratings. Students who demonstrate unsafe and unprofessional behavior will result in (N)eeds Improvement ratings, and must have behavior documented on evaluation.

(Evaluation criteria are noted on the back of this form.)

Constructive criticism is a valuable learning tool so please include suggestions for improvement.

|Area Evaluated |E |S |N |Suggestions for Improvement |

|Attendance | | | | |

|Comes Prepared for Clinical Rotation | | | | |

|Professional Behavior | | | | |

|Technical Performance | | | | |

|Communication Skills | | | | |

_______________________________________________ ______________________________

Evaluator’s Signature Date of Evaluation

I have reviewed the above evaluation and understand that areas rated as Needs Improvement are to be corrected immediately. This evaluation constitutes a written warning of unacceptable behavior. Failure to correct this behavior can result in a failing grade for this course.

_______________________________________________ ______________________________

Student’s Signature Date

Please consider the following criteria when evaluating student performance:


• Arrives early enough to start on time

• Seeks permission to leave from appropriate supervisor

• Gives appropriate and prompt notification regarding absence.

Comes Prepared for Clinical:

• Complies with hospital and college dress codes, and use of identification

• Arrives at facility prepared to carry out assigned tasks with necessary equipment / paperwork

• Appropriately applies / integrates theory and principles to clinical practice

Professional Behavior:

• Courteous / considerate with peers, staff, patients and other hospital personnel

• Takes direction, instruction, suggestions and ideas made by those in authority in a cooperative manner

• Seeks appropriate assistance when needed, realizes personal limitations

• Assumes responsibility for learning by seeking out educational opportunities (self-direction)

• Follows rules of conduct listed in student orientation manual

Technical Performance:

• Adheres to hospital policies and procedures for safe delivery of patient care

• Plans, organizes, and fulfills the tasks assigned by instructor / supervisor

• Provides therapy based on therapist driven protocols and/or appropriate physician order

• Attains minimal technical competency in assigned skills

• Conserves and safeguards hospital materials and property

Communication Skills:

• Uses appropriate communication style to relate effectively to patients, instructors, peers, and staff

• Maintains accurate records in a timely fashion

• Respects confidential nature of hospital records and patient information. Adheres to HIPA requirements.

End-of-term Employer Survey

The Director of Clinical Education will request completion of the End-of-term Employer Survey by the department manager. This survey is reviewed with the student with suggestions for improvement if needed.

Lane Community College

Respiratory Care Program

Please help us identify students at risk of not successfully completing the program by answering the following questions regarding the student named on this form. We will use this information to develop an individual plan with the student to address areas of needed improvement.

Name of Student: Date:

1. Is this student welcome back for further clinical experience? Yes No

If no, please explain:

2. How would you rate the employability of this student?

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

What can they work on to improve this rating?

Clinical Site Evaluation

Student completes the clinical site evaluation at the end of each term. Results are shared with the clinical site manager.

Lane Community College

Respiratory Care Program



DIRECTIONS: This form should be completed at the end of each clinical rotation. Student evaluations are kept on file at the College. Program faculty and its advisory committee review this data. Your objective view is very important to our on-going program evaluation and development. Consider each item separately and rate each item independently of all others. Circle the rating that indicates the extent to which you agree with each statement. Please do not skip any rating. Please comment if a score of 4 or 5 is given to help us further identify areas for improvement.

Strongly Generally Neutral Generally Strongly

Agree Agree (Acceptable) Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

The clinical resources for this rotation were adequate to help me meet course objectives.

1 2 3 4 5


I felt adequately supervised during the rotation.

1 2 3 4 5


The quality of clinical instruction was adequate.

1 2 3 4 5


The staff / preceptor / clinical instructor facilitated experiences that contributed to the completion of Performance Evaluations required for this course.

1 2 3 4 5


Orientation to assigned clinical areas, and procedures was adequate.

1 2 3 4 5


Staff / preceptors / clinical instructors are readily available to assist me when needed.

1 2 3 4 5


Staff / preceptors / clinical instructors provided consistent, constructive, and timely feedback regarding my clinical performance.

1 2 3 4 5


Points I felt were the strongest in this rotation:

Points I felt were the weakest:

If you could improve your clinical experience in any way, what changes would you make:



Clinical Preceptors

The utilization of the personnel resources of the College and its clinical affiliates for the clinical education phases of the Respiratory Care Program is based upon a clear differentiation of the nature and type of the clinical contact provided to the students.  The types of clinical contact provided are defined thusly:


Clinical Instruction:  the organization and implementation of purposeful, planned and systematic learning experiences based upon specifically identified performance objectives and including direct one-to-one and group instruction, detailed evaluation and assessment of clinical performance.


Clinical Supervision:  The facilitation of skills acquisition, development and refinement by supervised work experience selected to correspond with the general performance objectives detailed for a course unit or clinical rotation.  The degree of supervision varies with the course/rotational sequence and the prerequisite instruction.  It includes selection of relevant work assignments, delegation of work responsibilities, provision of procedural assistance, and (where necessary) procedural remediation and the observation and reporting of student clinical performance in basic, advanced or intensive and subspecialty areas.

FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.





Lane Community College Respiratory Care Program


The Goal of this preceptor handbook is to assist the respiratory care preceptor in arranging appropriate clinical experiences that are designed to provide learning opportunities that will meet the clinical objectives of Lane Community College’s Respiratory Care Program.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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