Respiratory System Webquest - SchoolNotes

Respiratory System Webquest

Suggested websites:

Assignment: Complete the questions and print out a copy to turn in. Save a copy on your desktop as well.

1) Define the following terms using the websites provided, by close attention to their role/function in the respiratory system.

bronchial tubes-





windpipe (trachea)-



intercostal muscles-






2. Discuss the process of inhalation and describe how it occurs.

3. Discuss the process of exhalation and describe how it occurs.

4. Explain how gas exchange takes place in the lungs at the alveolar level.

5. Explain how gas exchange takes place in the body tissues at the cellular level.

6. How do you know how often to breathe? What system of the body interacts with the respiratory system to control breathing?

7. What are some different diseases found in the lungs? What causes these diseases? List at least three.

8. How many pints of air do you breathe in one minute?

How many times do you breathe a minute?

9. Write a brief summary about how the lungs work using the vocabulary words you defined. Begin with the air entering the mouth or nose. (Be sure to visit all the websites before answering this question).

For the following questions, determine the appropriate method to solve the problem. You may use estimation or mental math.

a) If you were to breathe exactly 26.5 times a minute, about how many more pints of air would you breathe a minute than the average person?

b) If you were to spread all of the alveoli sacs in an adult’s body out on a flat surface, these alveoli would cover about one-third of a tennis court. If the tennis court is 53.6 feet in length and the width is 24.57 feet, about how much area would the alveoli cover?

c) Your lungs contain almost 1500 miles of airways and over 300 million alveoli. How many alveoli are there per mile of airway in the lungs?

10. Complete the diagram of the respiratory system using the following website:

Print out the page and complete the sheet.

Please print out the answers to this assignment 2 pages to a sheet of paper. Not in color!


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