
Configuration SettingsBackground Check SystemIT Configuration GuideVersion 01 SAVEDATE \@ "M/d/yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 4/21/2015Table of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \u 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc412204331 \h 52General BCS Settings PAGEREF _Toc412204332 \h 52.1Department Data PAGEREF _Toc412204333 \h 52.2BCS User Account (Authentication) Settings PAGEREF _Toc412204334 \h 62.3End User License Agreement (EULA) PAGEREF _Toc412204335 \h 83New Applicant Workflow (NAW) PAGEREF _Toc412204336 \h 93.1NAW – Search PAGEREF _Toc412204337 \h 93.2NAW – Profile (Required Fields) PAGEREF _Toc412204338 \h 93.3NAW – Profile (Functionality) PAGEREF _Toc412204339 \h 103.4NAW – Verify Identity PAGEREF _Toc412204340 \h 113.5NAW – Pre-Employment / License Search PAGEREF _Toc412204341 \h 113.6NAW – Confirm Applicant Consent PAGEREF _Toc412204342 \h 123.7NAW – Payments PAGEREF _Toc412204343 \h 123.8NAW – Registries PAGEREF _Toc412204344 \h 123.9NAW – Fingerprints PAGEREF _Toc412204345 \h 133.10NAW – Confirmation PAGEREF _Toc412204346 \h 144Multiple Applications for One Person PAGEREF _Toc412204347 \h 155Additional Registry Settings/Registry Details for Federal Registries PAGEREF _Toc412204348 \h 165.1Office of Inspector General (OIG) List of Excluded Individuals/Entities PAGEREF _Toc412204349 \h 165.2National Sex Offender Public Website PAGEREF _Toc412204350 \h 175.3System for Award Management (SAM) PAGEREF _Toc412204351 \h 185.4Expanded Registry Research PAGEREF _Toc412204352 \h 196Employment Management PAGEREF _Toc412204353 \h 217Background Checks in Process / Determination Management PAGEREF _Toc412204354 \h 227.1Determination Settings PAGEREF _Toc412204355 \h 227.2Determination – Add Offense - Required Fields PAGEREF _Toc412204356 \h 267.3Determination – Add/Edit Offense – Labels PAGEREF _Toc412204357 \h 277.4Determination – Offenses Grid – Labels PAGEREF _Toc412204358 \h 287.5Determination Letters PAGEREF _Toc412204359 \h 288Rap Back PAGEREF _Toc412204360 \h 309Appeals PAGEREF _Toc412204361 \h 309.1Appeals PAGEREF _Toc412204362 \h 309.2Appeal Events PAGEREF _Toc412204363 \h 329.3Add/Edit Appeal Event – Required Fields PAGEREF _Toc412204364 \h 329.4Appeal Types PAGEREF _Toc412204365 \h 329.5Appeal Letters PAGEREF _Toc412204366 \h 3310Search / Person Summary PAGEREF _Toc412204367 \h 3311Payments PAGEREF _Toc412204368 \h 3411.1Payment Overview PAGEREF _Toc412204369 \h 3411.2Background Check Payments PAGEREF _Toc412204370 \h 3411.3Cost of Background Check PAGEREF _Toc412204371 \h 3512Logo Specifications PAGEREF _Toc412204372 \h 3513Providers PAGEREF _Toc412204373 \h 3613.1Provider Data Source PAGEREF _Toc412204374 \h 3613.2Provider Grid – Column Headings PAGEREF _Toc412204375 \h 3713.3Provider Add / Edit – Field Labels PAGEREF _Toc412204376 \h 3713.4Provider Import Specifications PAGEREF _Toc412204377 \h 3813.5Provider Type Mapping PAGEREF _Toc412204378 \h 3913.6Provider Type Add / Edit – Field Labels PAGEREF _Toc412204379 \h 3913.7Provider Type Grid – Column Headings PAGEREF _Toc412204380 \h 4014Live Scan PAGEREF _Toc412204381 \h 4014.1Live Scan Locations PAGEREF _Toc412204382 \h 4014.2Live Scan Provider Import Specifications PAGEREF _Toc412204383 \h 4115Lookup Values PAGEREF _Toc412204384 \h 4215.1Position Categories PAGEREF _Toc412204385 \h 4215.2Positions PAGEREF _Toc412204386 \h 4215.3Profile Data Dropdowns PAGEREF _Toc412204387 \h 4416Permissions by User Type PAGEREF _Toc412204388 \h 4517System Configuration Settings – Vary by Environment PAGEREF _Toc412204389 \h 5218State Specific Configuration Settings PAGEREF _Toc412204390 \h 5419Seldom Used Configuration Settings (With Defaults) PAGEREF _Toc412204391 \h 5520Configuration Settings No Longer Used PAGEREF _Toc412204392 \h 60IntroductionThis guide will assist CNA and implementation team members in streamlining the requirements gathering process to ensure a complete set of settings are gathered for launching your state-specific version of the Background Check System (BCS).Setting: Each table in this document has a “Setting” column that asks a question that needs to be answered or a setting that needs a value in order for your state’s BCS to be implemented correctly.State-Specific Response: For each setting, review the “Description” or “Database Attribute” column and complete the “State-Specific Response” column.Some attributes required a number for the setting; others require True (for Yes) or False (for No). In cases where a value for the setting does not have to be entered, the system will not enforce any restriction for the item.For many settings, the default BCS setting is indicated in the “State-Specific Response” column. Please update the default setting if your state’s implementation requires a different setting.Database Attributes: Attributes listed in the “Database Attributes” column can be accessed after implementation in the BCS at: Admin > Settings. However, care should be taken in changing these settings after implementation.General BCS SettingsDepartment DataDepartment data is used in the generation of forms, letters, and electronic notifications. The following information will be setup upon initial implementation of your BCS, but can also be maintained after system go-live on the Department page by clicking: Admin > Site Data > Departments.SettingDescriptionState-Specific ResponseDepartment NameFull name of the state department implementing the BCS.(Ex. Oklahoma State Department of Health)Department URLURL for the state department website.(Ex. )Department Code/AcronymAcronym associated with the state department name.(Ex. OSDH)Address 1, 2, City, State, ZIPMailing address of the state department; will be used on forms and reports.System NameFull name of the BCS.(Ex. Oklahoma Screening and Registry Employee Evaluation Network)System AbbreviationAbbreviation used for the BCS name.(OK-Screen)System URLURL for accessing the BCS website.(Ex. )System Contact NameName of the person or organization who will provide help desk support for the BCS.System Contact PhonePhone number for system contact.System Contact EmailEmail address for system contact.System Contact FAXFAX for system contact.Program NameAcronym (or Name) of the program requiring the background check.NBCPORIOriginating Agency Identifier (ORI) to be used on fingerprint authorization forms; the code used by the State Police and FBI to identify which state agency is requesting the background check.(Ex. OK1234567)Reason for FingerprintingThe code used by the State Police and FBI to identify why the background check is required.CMS NBCP 6201IsDefaultIndicates that this ORI is used by default in the BCS when an ORI needs to be assigned; when another ORI is used in the system, it is also setup in this table, but is selected for use in the system when an ORI needs to be assigned. The most commonly used ORI should be set as the default. Many states will only have one ORI.YesBCS User Account (Authentication) SettingsThe following settings determine how user accounts are setup and managed in the BCS, as well as rules for security settings such as passwords and security questions.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseWhich method will your state use to manage BCS user accounts?A. BCS User AdministrationB. Single Sign-On (SSO)C. A combination of bothIf both, please describe your state’s infrastructure and platform at a high level (Windows, AD, Novell, etc.).If SSO is used, should the Reset Password button be hidden?HasFeature(HideResetPassword)When a user account is setup in the BCS, should the user get an email notification that contains a temporary password?HasFeature(NewUserNotification)True (if using BCS User Administration)False (if using SSO)Number of failed login attempts that cause the user account to be locked?AuthMaxFailedLogins3Number of days before the user must change their password?AuthPasswordExpiresDays90Minimum length accepted for a password?AuthPasswordLengthMin8Maximum length accepted for a password?AuthPasswordLengthMax16Are both uppercase and lowercase letters required in a password?AuthPasswordMixedCaseRequiredTrueIs a number required in a password?AuthPasswordNumberRequiredTrueIs a symbol required in a password?AuthPasswordSymbolRequiredTrueHow many days can a user be inactive before being disabled?Policy(DaysUntilDisableInactiveUser)How many security questions does a user need to set up? *Policy(NumberOfSecurityQuestions)Should provider users be able to self-register as a new user? HasFeature(ProviderUserRegistration)*Security Questions – The system will be primed with the following three security questions (and additional security questions can be created at: Admin > Site Data > Lookups page.)What is your mother's maiden name?What school did you attend in first grade?What was the name of your first pet?End User License Agreement (EULA)SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseDo users have to agree to an End User License Agreement (EULA) to use the BCS? HasFeature(EULA)If True, how often?First time a user logs inEvery time a user logs inIf First Login, number of days before user must agree to the EULA again?Policy(DaysUntilShowEula)90Provide the text of the EULA to which users will agree when they log into the BCS for the first time.Attach at end of document for implementation during development. New Applicant Workflow (NAW)NAW – SearchSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseSSN is required to search for and save an applicant.HasFeature(NawSsnRequired)NAW – Profile (Required Fields)The following fields are always required on the Profile page of the NAW: First Name, Last Name, SSN, and Date of Birth. The following fields are always optional on the Profile page of the NAW: Middle Name, Suffix, and Address Line 2.The fields in the following table are also on the Profile page of the NAW, but can be required or optional, based on your state’s BCS settings.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseUser must confirm the SSN by typing the SSN a second time on the NAW Profile page.HasFeature(NawConfirmSSN)Permanent Address - Line1IsRequired(Profile.Streetline1)Permanent Address - CityIsRequired(Profile.City)Permanent Address - StateIsRequired(Profile.State)Permanent Address - ZIPIsRequired(Profile.Zipcode)CountyIsRequired(Profile.County)RaceIsRequired(Profile.Race)GenderIsRequired(Profile.Gender)Hair ColorIsRequired(Profile.Haircolor)Eye ColorIsRequired(Profile.Eyecolor)HeightIsRequired(Profile.Height)WeightIsRequired(Profile.Weight)Place of BirthIsRequired(Profile.PlaceOfBirth)EmailIsRequired(Profile.Email)PhoneIsRequired(Profile.Phone)Phone TypeIsRequired(Profile.PhoneType)CitizenshipIsRequired(Profile.Citizenship)NAW – Profile (Functionality)SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseWhat is the number of years for which prior addresses need to be entered? Policy(YearsForPriorAddress)Should the system prevent the user from entering prior addresses that are further back than the time period specified above?HasFeature(EnforceDateLimitOnPriorAddress)Should changes to the City or State of the applicant’s address be automatically saved as a Prior Address?HasFeature(DefaultSaveChangeAsPriorAddress)Should changes to the applicant’s Name, Date of Birth, or SSN be automatically saved as an Alias?HasFeature(DefaultSaveChangeAsAlias)What is the minimum age of an applicant that can be entered into the system?Policy(MinimumAgeOfApplicant)What is the maximum age of an applicant that can be entered into the system?Policy(MaximumAgeOfApplicant)Does an applicant who is a minor need a name-based search (instead of a fingerprint-based search)?HasFeature(NawNameBasedUnder18)NAW – Verify IdentitySettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseIs the provider required to enter identification information that the applicant will present at the time of live scan fingerprinting, such as a driver’s license?HasFeature(NawVerifyIdentity)Is the document type required?IsRequired(VerifyIdentity.Document)Is the document number required?IsRequired(VerifyIdentity.DocumentNumber)Is the issuing state / authority required?IsRequired(VerifyIdentity.IssueingAuthority)Is the expiration date required?IsRequired(VerifyIdentity.ExpirationDate)NAW – Pre-Employment / License SearchSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseDoes the workflow include a step to automatically check licensing information?HasFeature(NawLicensing)If yes, list all licensing databases that will be checked (Name and URL).Is the provider allowed to manually enter a license or certification on the Pre-Employment page?HasFeature(NawAddUserLicense)Should the user be able to change the provider on the Pre-Employment page at any time up until the application has been submitted?HasFeature(NawPreventChangingProvider)Should the manual licensing search page be displayed in the new applicant workflow?HasFeature(NawLicensingSearch)NAW – Confirm Applicant ConsentSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseIs the provider required to certify that they have received certain information from the applicant or followed certain procedures on the Confirm Applicant Consent page?HasFeature(NawReleaseOfInformation)What is the text that the user must agree to on the Confirm Applicant Consent page?Defined in database table: ReleaseOfInformationCan release of information documents be uploaded by the provider user?HasFeature(NawUploadRoiDocument)NAW – Payments SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseDoes the workflow contain a Payment page and must payment be made before continuing?HasFeature(NawPayment)Should the user have to pay before conducting a registry search?HasFeature(NawPaymentBeforeRegistryCheck)Should the user have to pay before seeing the search results for the applicant?HasFeature(InitiateStudy)NAW – RegistriesSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseIs the Research Registries page displayed in the New Applicant Workflow?HasFeature(NawResearchRegistries)Are any registries checked by state users outside of the New Applicant Workflow? (See section Expanded Registries for more details.)HasFeature(ExpandedResearch)Are registries that are associated with prior addresses required to be checked by the user? If this option is not chosen, the registries will still be listed on the Research Registries page, but the user will be able to continue without selecting a Registry Result.HasFeature(NawPriorStateRegistriesRequired)What choices are available to a provider user for a Registry Result?Defined in database table: DepartmentRegistryDeterminationStatusClearedNot ClearedFlagged for ReviewInformation-Not DisqualifyingDoes the user have to click on the URL for a manual registry check before activating the drop down and choosing a registry result in the NAW?HasFeature(NawRegistryClickRequired)Are comments required if a registry is not cleared?HasFeature(CommentsRequiredIfRegistryNotCleared)If one registry is marked as Not Cleared, can the user continue to the Not Cleared Confirmation page without checking the other registries?HasFeature(NawNextWhenOneRegistryIsNotCleared)NAW – FingerprintsSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseShould all language about fingerprints be suppressed?HasFeature(NawSkipFingerprints)Does the workflow contain a fingerprinting location/appointment step?HasFeature(NawFingerprinting)Does the user have the ability to search for a fingerprint location?HasFeature(NawFingerprinting.Search)Does the fingerprint step show a link to an external URL rather than an internal list of fingerprint locations? If so, what is the URL that should be shown?Is the user required to make a fingerprinting appointment before completing the workflow?HasFeature(NawRequiresFingerprintAppointment)Fingerprint appointments have locations?HasFeature(NawFingerprinting.Location)Fingerprint appointments have time?HasFeature(NawFingerprinting.Time)Appointment date is required?IsRequired(FingerprintAppointment.Date)Appointment time is required?IsRequired(FingerprintAppointment.Time)Appointment vendor is required?IsRequired(FingerprintAppointment.ProviderId)NAW – ConfirmationSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseCan the provider user upload documents related to the application from the confirmation page?HasFeature(NawUploadApplicationDocuments)Can the provider hire the applicant provisionally from the confirmation page? Or do they have to wait until fingerprints have been taken?HasFeature(NawConfirmationEmployment)Should the Determination ID be shown on the confirmation page along with the Application ID?HasFeature(NawDeterminationIdOnConfirmationPage)Display Final Registry Results ReportDisplay Fingerprint Authorization FormDisplay Self-Disclosure FormDisplay Consent FormDisplay Other – Please list Provide sample template, including text, formatting, and data input fields.Multiple Applications for One PersonSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseCan a provider “connect” to an in-process background check that was initiated by a different provider? (And get notification when the determination has been made?)HasFeature(NawAllowConnectingApplications)At what point can a provider connect to an in-process background check?ReadyToConnectImmediateAfter FingerprintsAfter Fingerprints And PaymentIf there is an in-process application to connect to, should the system default to a connecting application? (If not, then the user has the choice to connect or start a new fingerprint background check.)HasFeature(DefaultToConnect)Can a provider hire an applicant by associating the application with an Eligible determination that was made previously (possibly for a different provider)?HasFeature(RecheckRegistries)If there is a current Eligible determination, should the system default to a Recheck Registries application? (If not, then the user has the choice to connect or start a new fingerprint background check.)HasFeature(DefaultToRecheckRegistries)Can a provider enter a new application for a person if the person's current eligibility status is Not Eligible?HasFeature(AllowNewApplicationWhenNotEligible)Can a second application connect to an in-process determination if payment is pending on the initial application?HasFeature(CanConnectIfPaymentPending)Can a second application connect to a determination that was Eligible due to a rehabilitation appeal?HasFeature(CannotConnectIfRehabilitationAppeal)Additional Registry Settings/Registry Details for Federal RegistriesOffice of Inspector General (OIG) List of Excluded Individuals/EntitiesThis federal database is available as an auto-matched, imported registry in the new applicant workflow. The OIG database must be re-imported into the BCS by the state each time a new database is released by the OIG.SettingDescriptionState-Specific ResponseRegistry SourceLocal database – OIG file imported monthly to be checked for disqualifying eventsN/AAuto-MatchWill the registry contents be automatically searched for a match when entering an applicant in the new applicant workflow?YesWhat rules should be implemented to determine if the auto-match results in a “hit” for a person? Note that different combinations of these options will result in different match results.Examples are: Last Name matchesDate of Birth matches (or is missing)Exclusion Date is <= current dateReinstatement Date is null or >= current dateIs Registry Check RequiredRequired or OptionalIf required, the user must make a selection to continue. If optional, the user can continue without making a selection.In both instances, a selection of Not Cleared for the Registry Result will cause the application to be Closed.What data fields are viewable by the user:Options Include:First Name, Last NameDate of BirthAddress, City, State, ZIPOffense Exclusion DateReinstatement DateNational Sex Offender Public WebsiteThis federal registry is available as a manual registry search in the new applicant workflow. The National Sex Offender registry cannot be imported into the BCS for an auto-match in the new applicant workflow.SettingDescriptionState-Specific ResponseRegistry SourceManual URL check to be checked for disqualifying eventsN/AAuto-MatchWill the registry contents be automatically searched for a match when entering an applicant in the new applicant workflow?NoIs Registry Check RequiredRequired or OptionalIf required, the user must make a selection to continue. If optional, the user can continue without making a selection.In both instances, a selection of Not Cleared for the Registry Result will cause the application to be Closed.System for Award Management (SAM)This federal database is available as an auto-matched registry accessed via web service in the new applicant workflow.SettingDescriptionState-Specific ResponseRegistry SourceWeb Service to be checked for federal disqualifying events other than events on the OIG - LEIEN/AAuto-MatchWill the registry contents be automatically searched for a match when entering an applicant in the new applicant workflow?YesWhat rules should be implemented to determine if the auto-match results in a “hit” for a person? Note that different combinations of these options will result in different match results.Examples are: SSN matchesLast Name matchesDate of Birth matches (or is missing)Exclusion Date is <= current dateReinstatement Date is null or >= current dateIs Registry Check RequiredRequired or OptionalIf required, the user must make a selection to continue. If optional, the user can continue without making a selection.In both instances, a selection of Not Cleared for the Registry Result will cause the application to be Closed.What data fields are viewable by the user?Options Include:SSNFirst Name, Last NameDate of BirthAddress, City, State, ZIPOffense Exclusion DateReinstatement DateExpanded Registry ResearchSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseIs Expanded Registry Research required before a Provisional Hire?HasFeature(ExpandedRegistryResearchRequiredBeforeProvisionalHire)If all registries in Expanded Registry Research are auto-matched and no matches are found, should the registry results be automatically marked as Cleared?HasFeature(AutomatedExpandedRegistry)Does the user have to click on the URL for a manual registry check before activating the drop down and choosing a result in the NAW?HasFeature(ExpandedRegistryClickRequired)When is an application ready for the state user to complete expanded registry research?ReadyForResearchNot ApplicableImmediatePaymentFingerprintsPaymentAndFingerprintsWhat are the statuses that an application can have in the expanded research process?Defined in database table: DepartmentRegistryResearchStatusExamples are:In ProcessReady for ResearchExpeditedNeeds ApprovalShould out of state registries associated with prior addresses show on the Expanded Registry Research page?HasFeature(ShowOutOfStateRegistriesOnExpandedRegistryResearch)Employment ManagementSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseHow often are providers required to verify their list of employees?Policy(MonthsUntilEmploymentVerification)How long can a person go between jobs before they are dropped from rap back?Policy(DaysForTerminationGracePeriod)Should providers be able to use the “Select All” function for employment verification?HasFeature(ShowSelectAll)Are fingerprints required to be taken before an applicant can be provisionally hired?HasFeature(FingerprintsRequiredBeforeProvisionalHire)Does the provisional time period start when the applicant is hired?HasFeature(ProvisionalEmploymentExpirationSetWhenHiring)Or does the provisional time period start when the applicant is eligible for provisional hire?How long until a new background check is needed if the applicant stays with the same employer?Policy(MonthsBeforeNewBackgroundCheckRequired)How long until a new background check is needed if the applicant changes employers?Policy(MonthsBeforeDeterminationRecheck)What employment types can the provider user choose from in the New Applicant Workflow?Defined in database table: DepartmentEmployeeTypeEmployeeEmployee of Temporary Employment AgencyIndependent ContractorVolunteerStudentIf the user has access to another facility with an Eligible determination for the applicant, can the user add employment without payment?HasFeature(AddEmploymentIfRelatedProvider)If there is a previous Not Eligible determination and a new application for that person is entered, should the provider be able to provisionally hire the applicant?HasFeature(CanProvisionallyHireWhenPreviousDeterminationWasNotEligible)Background Checks in Process / Determination ManagementDetermination SettingsSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseHow many days does an applicant have to get fingerprinted before the fingerprint authorization expires? This value is used to set the expiration date on the fingerprinting form and possibly on the interface to the state law enforcement agency or fingerprint vendor.Policy(DaysToGetFingerprinted)If fingerprints are rejected, how may days does the applicant have to get reprinted? This value is used to set the expiration date on the fingerprinting form and possibly on the interface to the state law enforcement agency or fingerprint vendor.Policy(DaysToGetReprinted)How many days before fingerprints are due should the fingerprints due warning be sent to the provider?Policy(DaysBeforeFingerprintsDueWarning)Should the first TCN be shown on the Determination page? (If not, then the most recent TCN will be shown.)HasFeature(ShowFirstTcn)How many days can an applicant be employed in provisional status?Policy(DaysForProvisionalEmployment)How many days before provisional employment expires should the email notification to the provider be sent?Policy(DaysForProvisionalEmploymentWarning)If connecting applications are allowed, how many days should elapse between when the initiating provider is notified of an available Eligible determination and when the connecting provider is notified.Policy(DaysForOriginatingProviderHeadStart)Are rap sheets stored in the system?Are State rap sheets viewable to providers?HasFeature(ProviderCanViewStateRapSheet)If State rap sheets are viewable to providers, how many days are they available?Policy(DaysRapSheetIsViewable)Will information on disqualifying offenses be entered into the system?HasFeature(AddDeterminationOffense)Will rap sheets be stored and viewed on an external system?HasFeature(ExternalRapsheet)When should an application be moved from Not Ready for Determination to Ready for Determination? When hit/no-hit indicators are received, or do rap sheets have to be received as well?Ready for DeterminationChoices are:ImmediateAnyHitBothIndicatorsStateIndicatorOnlyBothIndicatorsAndRegistryResearchFingerprintsOnlyIf both State and FBI criminal history responses are no-hits, should an Eligible determination be made automatically?HasFeature(AutoDetermination)If an Eligible determination is made (either automatically or manually), should any provisional employment be converted automatically to permanent employment?HasFeature(AutomaticPermanentEmployment)How many days after a determination is available does a provider have to make a hiring decision before a reminder email is sent out?Policy(DaysForHiringDecision)Should the billing number be on the Determination page?HasFeature(ShowBillingNumberOnDetermination)Can a state user upload documents on the Enter Determination page?HasFeature(UploadDeterminationDocuments)How many days should pass after fingerprints have been submitted before a background check shows up on the Missing Criminal History Report?Policy(DaysToReceiveCriminalHistoryResults)How many days does the applicant have to provide requested information on missing dispositions?Policy(DaysToProvideDisposition)Does the determination get automatically closed if requested information on missing dispositions is not returned in this timeframe?Should the Ready for Determination page indicate if criminal history hits exist for a determination?HasFeature(ShowHitsOnReadyForDetermination)How many months should a Not Eligible determination show at the top of the Person Summary page? (After this time period, the eligibility would show as “New Application Must Be Submitted.”)Policy(MonthsToShowNotEligible)Should the results from the Expanded Registry Research be included in the Eligibility calculation on the Enter Determination page?HasFeature(IncludeRegistryCheckInDetermination)What are the reasons that an application might be closed by a determination analyst (instead of making an eligible/ineligible determination)?Defined in database table: DepartmentDeterminationStatusReasonFingerprints Not TakenMissing DispositionPending ChargeIs an application automatically closed after a certain number of days if fingerprints aren’t taken?HasFeature(CloseApplicationForFingerprintsPastDue)How many days grace period is given after the fingerprints are due before the application is closed automatically?Policy(DaysForGracePeriodBeforeCloseForFingerprints)Is an application automatically closed after a certain number of days if payment hasn’t been made? HasFeature(CloseApplicationForPayment)How many days can pass after an application has been submitted before the application is automatically closed for non-payment?Policy(DaysBeforeCloseForPayment)Does an application get automatically closed after a certain number of days in the Not Yet Submitted list?HasFeature(CloseApplicationForNotYetSubmitted)How many days can an application stay in the Not Yet Submitted list before being automatically closed?Policy(DaysBeforeCloseForNotYetSubmitted)Does an application get automatically closed after a certain number of days if requested disposition information has not been provided?HasFeature(CloseApplicationForMissingDisposition)Should the user be required to enter a Disqualified Until date when the determination is Not Eligible?HasFeature(DisqualifiedUntilDateRequiredWhenNotEligible)Can a final determination be submitted if there are mandatory registry checks that are still pending?HasFeature(AllowDeterminationWithPendingRegistryResearch)If the last application is withdrawn after the fingerprints have already been taken, should the background check be automatically closed? If Yes, then the criminal history results will be logged against the closed background check, but the state will not make an eligibility determination. If No, the background check will not be closed and the state will continue with the determination process and make a determination when the criminal history results arrive. (Note: If fingerprints have not already been taken and the last application is withdrawn, this setting does not apply. The background check will always be automatically closed.)HasFeature(CloseDeterminationIfApplicationWithdrawn)Can a final determination be submitted without a Federal determination result?HasFeature(FederalDeterminationOptional)Should the Name Based Determination page be shown in the navigation? If True, then name based determinations will NOT be shown on the Not Ready for Determination page, but will only be shown on the Name Based Determination page.HasFeature(NameBasedDeterminations)Should only Federal fingerprint rejections count when determining whether an FBI Name Based check is required?HasFeature(OnlyFederalRejectsCountTowardsNameBased)Should the Not Ready for Determination page only show those background checks where fingerprints have been taken? If yes, then background checks that have not had fingerprints taken will be shown only under Applications > Determinations in Process.HasFeature(OnlyShowNotReadyForDeterminationIfFingerprintsTaken)Should the Enter Determination page have a field for the Federal determination?HasFeature(StateDeterminationOnly)For the CMS quarterly data report, who has the responsibility to make fitness determinations?ResponsibilityForDetermination01 - provider02 - stateShould the Ready for Determination grid show the column for IsPendingApproval? If no, then set to :hidden. Otherwise set to the desired column heading.GridColumnDisplay(ReadyForDetermination.IsPendingApproval)Should the Ready for Determination grid show the column for OffenseSeverity? If no, then set to :hidden. Otherwise set to the desired column heading.GridColumnDisplay(ReadyForDetermination.OffenseSeverity)For the CMS quarterly data report, what should be the default fingerprint type (if no value is received through integration)?DefaultFingerprintType01-Card (Hard)02-Scanned (Electronic)03-Card (Scanned)Determination – Add Offense - Required FieldsSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseCodeIsRequired(Offense.Code)NameIsRequired(Offense.Name)DescriptionIsRequired(Offense.Description)DispositionIsRequired(Offense.Disposition)JurisdictionIsRequired(Offense.Jurisdiction)Offense DateIsRequired(Offense.OffenseDateLevelIsRequired(Offense.Level)CommentIsRequired(ment)StatusIsRequired(Offense.Status)Case NumberIsRequired(Offense.CaseNumber)Determination – Add/Edit Offense – LabelsSpecify :hidden if field should be hidden; Specify the exact field name if field should be visible.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseCase NumberPropertyDisplay(DeterminationOffense.CaseNumber)Charge NumberPropertyDisplay (DeterminationOffense.ChargeNumber)Disposition DatePropertyDisplay (DeterminationOffense.DispositionDate)Disposition Provided DatePropertyDisplay (DeterminationOffense.DispositionProvidedDate)External IDPropertyDisplay (DeterminationOffense.ExternalId)Offense DatePropertyDisplay (DeterminationOffense.OffenseDateOffense LevelPropertyDisplay (DeterminationOffense.OffenseLevel)Offense StatusPropertyDisplay (DeterminationOffense.OffenseStatus)Determination – Offenses Grid – LabelsSpecify :hidden if column should be hidden; Specify the exact column name if column should be visible.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseCase NumberGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.CaseNumber)Charge NumberGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.ChargeNumber)Used in DisqualificationGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.UsedInDisqualification)Disposition Requested DateGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.DispositionRequestedDate)External IDGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.ExternalId)Modified ByGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.ModifiedByModified OnGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.ModifiedOn)Offense StatusGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.OffenseStatus)Offense DateGridColumnDisplay(DeterminationOffense.OffenseDate)Determination LettersIndicate the letters that should be available after a determination has been made. For all letters, provide a sample template, including text, formatting, and data input fields.SettingState-Specific ResponseSample ObtainedEligible / Clearance LetterNot Eligible LetterMore Information RequestedOther – List with NameRap BackSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseWhen is an applicant considered to be enrolled in rap back?Defined in database table: EnrollmentInRapbackNoneCriminalHistoryReceivedDeterminationSubmittedIs enrollment in rap back required in order to connect to an existing eligible determination?HasFeature(RapbackEnrollmentRequiredForConnect)Should an email be sent to the provider to verify employment after a rap back is received?HasFeature(VerifyEmploymentOnRapback)AppealsAppeals SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseHow many days does an applicant have to appeal after notification of a Not Eligible determination?Policy(DaysToAppeal)Can an applicant appeal an Undetermined determination?How many days does an applicant have to appeal after notification of an Undetermined determination?Policy(DaysToAppealUndetermined)How many days does the state have to review an appeal?Policy(DaysForReviewOfAppeal)Can Registry Results be appealed in the BCS application?HasFeature(AppealRegistryResults)How many days does an applicant have to appeal after notification of a Not Cleared registry result?Policy(DaysToAppealRegistry)Should eligibility status reflect that an appeal / waiver was granted? For example, if a rehabilitation waiver was granted, should the provider user see “Eligible” or “Not Eligible – Waiver Granted”.HasFeature(DiscloseAppeal)What are the options in making an appeal decision?DepartmentAppealStatusReasonGrantedDeniedShould the provider user see that an appeal is in process?Can a provider user upload a document in support of the appeal process?HasFeature(UploadAppealDocuments)Can the amount of time to complete an appeal once it has started be extended? If so, how many days can it be extended?Policy(NumberOfDaysToExtendAppeal)Can an applicant have multiple appeals for one determination?HasFeature(MultipleAppeals)Are there events that need to be tracked after an appeal has been granted?HasFeature(AppealFollowUp)Are there automated actions that happen during the appeal process?HasFeature(AutomatedAppealManagement)Appeal EventsAppeals tracking within the system is designed as a checklist of events that may occur for an appeal. (AppealEventType) For each “event” that happens, the user can record the date it happened, who the event is assigned to, an outcome, and a comment. Sample events might include “Appeal Request Received”, “Hearing Scheduled”, and “Clearance Letter Sent”. Please list the events that should be tracked through the appeals process.TBD by stateAdd/Edit Appeal Event – Required FieldsSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseDateIsRequired(AppealEvent.Date)OutcomeIsRequired(AppealEvent.Outcome)Responsible PartyIsRequired(AppealEvent.ResponsibleParty)CommentIsRequired(ment)Appeal TypesSettingState-Specific ResponseInclude “Correction”Include “Rehabilitation”Include Others – Please list by Name.Appeal LettersIndicate the letters that should be available during the appeals process. For all letters, provide a sample template, including text, formatting, and data input fields.SettingState-Specific ResponseSample ObtainedAppeal ReceivedMore Information RequestedAppeal GrantedAppeal DeniedOther – please specify and provide sampleSearch / Person SummarySettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseHow many search results should be on a page?SearchResults(PageSize)What is the maximum number of search results that can be returned from one search?SearchResults(MaxResults)Should a provider be able to see that there are other applications / employments for an applicant? (The name of the other provider would not be shown.)HasFeature(ShowOtherProviders)PaymentsPayment OverviewProvide description of the payment process used within your department.TBD by stateBackground Check PaymentsSettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseWill payments for background checks be made through the live scan vendor website?Will providers be billed on a periodic basis or background check fees? (The Fee Reconciliation Report can be used to generate amounts to be billed.)Will background check payments be made through a web service interface to an electronic payment system?Will background check payments be made in the BCS via check or cash?In the new applicant workflow, can the provider choose for an applicant to self-pay for the background check at a later time?HasFeature(NawFingerprintingSelfPay)Is the payment for the background check required before the fingerprint form can be generated?HasFeature(FingerprintsBeforePayment)Will all providers pay the same fee amount for background checks? Or, does the fee amount vary by provider type?Will the same fee amount be charged for the background check for all employee types? Or, do Volunteers, for example, pay a different amount?Are minors charged a different amount for the background check than adults?Cost of Background Check The following information is used for the Fee Reconciliation report.SettingFee AmountNotesState Check FBI CheckVendor FeeAgency FeeTotal FeePortion of the fee paid through the NBCP grant during the grant periodNet CostLogo SpecificationsThe following specifications should be followed for the logo provided for use in your BCS.SettingDescriptionFile TypePortable Network Graphics (png) fileHeightUp to 70 pixelsWidthUp to 300 pixelsBackgroundTransparentProvidersProvider Data Source The assumption is that the bulk of the provider data can be exported from ASPEN and imported into the BCS. Note: Provider information must include the Provider Number in order to distinguish multiple facilities with the same name.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseWill provider data be imported from ASPEN?Will non-ASPEN provider data be imported using a comma separated value (csv) file?Should either import accommodate changes to existing data, as well as creating new providers?HasFeature(ProviderImportProcessUpdates)Should the Provider Number be appended to the Provider Name during import?HasFeature(ProviderImportAppendProviderNumber)Will provider data be manually entered into the system?Will the State provider identifier be included in the import or manual update?IsRequired(Provider.ProviderNumber)If provider data is manually entered, is the License Number required?IsRequired(Provider.LicenseNumber)If provider data is manually entered, is the Status Description required?IsRequired(Provider.StatusDescription)If provider data is manually entered, is the Contact Name required?IsRequired(Provider.ContactFirstName)IsRequired(Provider.ContactLastName)If provider data is manually entered, is the Phone required?IsRequired(Provider.Phone)If provider data is manually entered, is the Email required?IsRequired(Provider.Email)If provider data is manually entered, is the Address required?IsRequired(Provider.AddressLine1)IsRequired(Provider.City)IsRequired(Provider.State)IsRequired(Provider.Zip)If provider data is manually entered, is the County required?IsRequired(Provider.County)Provider Grid – Column HeadingsSpecify :hidden if column should be hidden; Specify the exact column name if column should be visible.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseServes ChildrenGridColumnDisplay(Provider.ServesChildren)Provider Add / Edit – Field Labels Specify :hidden if field should be hidden; Specify the exact field name if field should be visible.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseBilling NumberPropertyDisplay(Provider.BillingNumber)Fee LevelPropertyDisplay(Provider.FeeLevel)Reimbursable Services Agreement (RSA)PropertyDisplay(Provider.Rsa)RSA Pays Application FeePropertyDisplay(Provider.RsaPaysApplicationFee)RSA Pays Fingerprint FeePropertyDisplay(Provider.RsaPaysFingerprintFee)Serves ChildrenPropertyDisplay(Provider.ServesChildren)Provider Import SpecificationsThe file must be in comma separated value (csv) format and the columns must be in the order shown below. Column names can be different, but the order cannot.FieldOptional or RequiredFacility ID Required Facility TypeRequired NameRequired CountyOptionalAddress1OptionalAddress2OptionalCityOptionalStateOptionalZipOptionalPhoneOptionalAdministrator First NameOptionalAdministrator Last NameOptionalEmailOptionalStatus Description (Not Code)OptionalLicenseOptionalProvider Type MappingProvider Type Mapping: The system will use the following Provider Types as requested by CMS for the Quarterly Report. Please indicate which Provider or Facility types in the ASPEN input file will match to each of the CMS Provider Types.CMS Provider TypesASPEN Provider TypesSkilled Nursing FacilityNursing FacilityHome Health AgencyHospiceLong Term Care HospitalPersonal Care ServicesAdult Day CareResidential CareIntermediate Care Facility (ICF/IID)Other Long Term Care ProviderWill other provider types be needed? Are these provider types reportable to CMS?Provider Type Add / Edit – Field Labels Specify :hidden if field should be hidden; Specify the exact field name if field should be visible.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseItem KeyPropertyDisplay(DepartmentProviderType.ItemKey)ORIPropertyDisplay(DepartmentProviderType.Ori)Provider Type Grid – Column Headings Specify :hidden if column should be hidden; Specify the exact column name if column should be visible.SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseItem KeyGridColumnDisplay(DepartmentProviderType.ItemKey)ORIGridColumnDisplay(DepartmentProviderType.Ori)Live Scan Live scan locations can be pre-loaded into the system, or the data entry screen within the BCS can be used to set up the initial data. If a live scan vendor website is used and locations are not on the fingerprint form, then live scan locations do not need to be loaded into the BCS.Live Scan LocationsSettingState-Specific ResponseNotesWill live scan locations be loaded in to the system (for searching or making appointments)?Live Scan Provider Import Specifications In order to load live scan locations, the following data needs to be provided in a comma separated value (csv) file:FieldOptional or RequiredName RequiredAddress Line 1OptionalAddress Line 2OptionalCityOptionalStateOptionalZIPOptionalCountyOptionalContact NameOptionalPhoneOptionalEmail OptionalHoursOptionalURL for live scan vendorOptionalURL to make appointmentsOptionalAppointment Type ((Walk-in, Phone, Online, or any combination of the above)OptionalLookup ValuesPosition CategoriesPosition Categories - The following CMS-defined Position Categories are used by default. Any additions to these Position Categories can be made through the Admin > Site Data > Lookups page.Position CategoriesExecutive, Administrative, ManagerialProfessional, Licensed Health CareTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareLaboratory and Radiology ServicesFood and Dietary ServicesHousekeeping and Engineer ServicesAny other direct access employeePositionsPositions – The following is the default list of positions by category. Any changes to these positions can be made through the Admin > Site Data > Lookups page.Position CategoryPositionExecutive, Administrative, ManagerialNursing Home AdministratorExecutive, Administrative, ManagerialNursing Home Director / Business ManagerExecutive, Administrative, ManagerialOtherProfessional, Licensed Health CareDietitianProfessional, Licensed Health CareDentistProfessional, Licensed Health CareLicensed Practical NurseProfessional, Licensed Health CareLicensed Professional CounselorProfessional, Licensed Health CareNurse PractitionerProfessional, Licensed Health CareNutritionistProfessional, Licensed Health CareOccupational TherapistProfessional, Licensed Health CareOccupational Therapy AssistantProfessional, Licensed Health CarePharmacistProfessional, Licensed Health CarePhysical TherapistProfessional, Licensed Health CarePhysical Therapist AssistantProfessional, Licensed Health CarePhysicianProfessional, Licensed Health CarePhysician AssistantProfessional, Licensed Health CarePodiatristProfessional, Licensed Health CareRegistered NurseProfessional, Licensed Health CareRespiratory Care PractitionerProfessional, Licensed Health CareSocial Worker (Associate)Professional, Licensed Health CareSocial Worker (Graduate)Professional, Licensed Health CareSocial Worker (Independent)Professional, Licensed Health CareSocial Worker (Independent Clinical)Professional, Licensed Health CareSpeech / Language PathologistProfessional, Licensed Health CareSupervised Practice PsychologistProfessional, Licensed Health CareTrained Medication EmployeeProfessional, Licensed Health CareOtherTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareFeeding AssistantTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareMedication Aide / TechnicianTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareMental Health CounselorTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareNurse AideTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareNurse Aide in TrainingTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareOccupational / Vocational Therapy AssistantTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareOrderly, attendantTechnical, Unlicensed Health CarePersonal Care WorkerTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareRehabilitation Therapy AideTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareOther Activities StaffTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareOther Social Services StaffTechnical, Unlicensed Health CareOtherLaboratory and Radiology ServicesLaboratory TechnicianLaboratory and Radiology ServicesRadiology TechnicianLaboratory and Radiology ServicesOtherFood and Dietary ServicesCook, chefFood and Dietary ServicesKitchen WorkerFood and Dietary ServicesWaiter, waitressFood and Dietary ServicesOtherHousekeeping and Engineer ServicesHousekeeper/MaidHousekeeping and Engineer ServicesJanitorHousekeeping and Engineer ServicesLaundryHousekeeping and Engineer ServicesMaintenance WorkerHousekeeping and Engineer ServicesOtherAny other direct access employeeOtherProfile Data DropdownsThe values for the following dropdowns on the Profile page can be maintained through the Admin > Site Data > Lookups page.Lookup TypeSuffixStandard set of valuesGenderStandard set of valuesRaceStandard set of valuesHair ColorStandard set of valuesEye ColorStandard set of valuesHeightStandard set of valuesPlace of BirthStandard set of valuesPermissions by User TypePermissionAvailable to Provider UsersAvailable to State UsersHomeAt A GlanceMy AccountView My Account InfoView My Email NotificationsEdit My Account InfoManage Notification SubscriptionsView My Email NotificationsView My ProviderEdit My Provider Contact InfoEdit My ProviderApplicant ManagementApplicant Profile Exact SearchApplicant Profile Wildcard SearchSearch By Application IDView Applicant ProfileView Profile Audit DataEdit Applicant ProfileView Unmasked SSNEdit Applicant Profile - Read Only FieldsEnter Volunteer ApplicantEdit Registry DeterminationSet Registry Determination Not ClearApprove ApplicationCredit Card / eCheck PaymentsCash PaymentsCheck PaymentsBatch PaymentsDeactivate PersonDelete AliasDelete Prior AddressApplicant – Not Yet SubmittedApplicant – Flagged for ReviewApplicant – Determinations In ProcessApplicant – Determinations AvailableApplicant – Criminal History AppealsInitiate Criminal History AppealRequest Criminal History Appeal ExtensionUpload Criminal History Appeal DocumentsDelete Criminal History Appeal DocsApplicant – Registry ConflictsApplicant – Registry AppealsInitiate Registry AppealRequest Registry Appeal ExtensionUpload Registry Appeal DocumentsDelete Registry Appeal DocumentsView Fitness DeterminationView New Background CheckCase NotesView Application Case NotesEdit Application Case NotesView Determination Case NotesEdit Determination Case NotesReceive ROIReceive PaymentPerson Summary DocumentsView Application DocumentsUpload Application DocumentsDelete Application DocumentsView Determination DocumentsUpload Determination DocumentsDelete Determination DocumentsView Integration DocumentsView Uploaded Determination DocumentView Rap Back NotificationApplication FormsImport Applicant Profile DataView Registry Rap BackEdit Registry Rap BackEmployment ManagementEdit EmploymentDelete EmploymentProvisional EmploymentPermanent EmploymentTerminated EmploymentEmployment VerificationNew Background Check NeededAdd New EmployeeImport Employee Profile DataView EmploymentView History Of ChangesView RosterDeterminationView Criminal History DeterminationEdit Criminal History DeterminationSubmit DeterminationSubmit Not Eligible DeterminationRegistry ResearchApprove Registry ResearchView State Rap SheetView Federal Rap SheetView Registry AppealEdit Registry AppealView Criminal History AppealEdit Criminal History AppealExtend Days to AppealReview Appeal Extension RequestView Rap BackEdit Rap BackReport QueueView Criminal History Rap BackEdit Criminal History Rap BackView Name Based DeterminationEdit Name Based DeterminationView Not Ready for DeterminationEdit Not Ready for DeterminationEnter Fingerprint RejectsExtend Fingerprint DeadlineView Registry ConflictsEdit Registry ConflictsReferenceLive Scan LocationRegistry ContactsReportsProvider ReportsDepartment ReportsSystem ReportsAdminRole ManagementUser AccountsView Provider UsersEdit Provider UsersDelete Provider UsersView State UsersEdit State UsersDelete State UsersView Division UsersEdit Division UsersDelete Division UsersView Service Account UsersEdit Service Account UsersDelete Service UsersView Applicant UsersDelete Applicant UsersEdit Applicant UsersView DPS [Department of Public Safety] UsersEdit DPS UsersSite DataEdit LookupImport RegistriesImport ProvidersEdit BulletinProvider ManagementView ProviderDisable ProviderEdit ProviderEdit Provider Contact InfoView Registry ContactsEdit Registry ContactsEdit Department DataEdit Live Scan LocationsUpload Help DocumentEdit Appeal Event TypesUpload Application FormsLog ViewerReceive Log NotificationsView Sent NotificationsProcessing ExceptionsMass EmailsView Configuration SettingsEdit Configuration SettingsView Applicant RolesEdit Applicant RolesDelete Applicant RolesView Division RolesEdit Division RolesDelete Division RolesView DPS RolesEdit DPS RolesDelete DPS RolesDelete DPS UsersView Provider RolesEdit Provider RolesDelete Provider RolesView Service RolesEdit Service RolesDelete Service RolesView State RolesEdit State RolesDelete State RolesService MethodApplicant InfoFingerprints TakenFingerprints RejectedCriminal History AvailableCriminal History Rap BackAppointment SaveSystem Configuration Settings – Vary by EnvironmentThe following configuration settings will be set to the default BCS value for each setting. These can be changed after implementation at: Admin > Settings.SettingValueEmailFromBcsDev default valueEnvironmentBcsDev default valuePolicy(TaskItemMaxRetries)BcsDev default valuePolicy(TaskItemRetryDelayMinutes)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(DataLog)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(EmailAttachments)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(FileImport)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(IntegrationRejection)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.Authenticate)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.ChangePassword)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.ChangePasswordAndSecurityQuestion)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.ExecuteTask)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.PasswordReset)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.PersonSearch)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.ReportsGet)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.SystemError)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.Unauthorized)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(Log.UserSecurityQuestionCheck)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(OutboundMessage)BcsDev default valuePurgeLog(PriorPassword)BcsDev default valueRecordLockMinutesBcsDev default valueSftp(Password)BcsDev default valueSftp(UserName)BcsDev default valueSmtpEnableSslBcsDev default valueSmtpMaxRetriesBcsDev default valueSmtpPasswordBcsDev default valueSmtpPortBcsDev default valueSmtpServerBcsDev default valueSmtpusernameBcsDev default valueSsisDataPathBcsDev default valueSSISRapbackExportArchiveBcsDev default valueSSISRapbackFTPExportBcsDev default valueSSISRapbackFTPExportPWBcsDev default valueSSISRapbackFTPExportUNBcsDev default valueSSISRapbackFTPImportBcsDev default valueSSISRapbackFTPImportPWBcsDev default valueSSISRapbackFTPImportUNBcsDev default valueSSISRapbackImportArchiveBcsDev default valueSsrsUploadPathBcsDev default valueSsrsAuthDomainBcsDev default valueSsrsAuthPasswordBcsDev default valueSsrisAuthUsernameBcsDev default valueSsrsLoggingDatabaseBcsDev default valueSsrsReportServerUrlBcsDev default valueSsrsReportsPathBcsDev default valueVersionBcsDev default valueAuthPasswordResetHashBcsDev default valueState Specific Configuration SettingsEach of the configuration settings in the following table were utilized for one state’s implementation. Your state will not utilize any of these configuration settings; they are included here in order for this document to reference the complete set of configurations in the BCS.SettingValueApplicantInitiated(ProviderName)N/ABcsClient(Password)N/ABcsClient(UserName)N/AElavon(GatewayId)N/AElavon(MerchantCode)N/AElavon(ProductCode.Application)N/AElavon(ProductCode.Fingerprint)N/AElavon(Url)N/AGovPay(ApiKey)N/AGovPay(ItemCode)N/AGovPay(ItemDesc)N/AGovPay(ItemName)N/AGovPay(Url)N/AKyCcps(Password)N/AKyCcps(UserName)N/AMorphoTrust(Url)N/AUtNar(License.Url)N/AUtNar(Registry.Url)N/AHsaFeature(NawFingerprintingMorphoIntegration)N/AOhNar(ServiceUserId)N/ADeterminationsSubmitted(RequestPath) N/AOhAgo(pwd)N/AOhAgo(uid)N/AUsBank(ProductCode)N/AUsBank(BillerPayorId)N/AUsBank(Url)N/AUsBank(BillerGroupId)N/AUsBank(BillerId)N/AWvEPay(AgencyId)N/AWvEPay(Type)N/ASeldom Used Configuration Settings (With Defaults)SettingDatabase AttributeState-Specific ResponseCan an application be entered with a permanent address that is in Canada?HasFeature(CanadianAddresses)NoMust the provider review the applicant information before submission?HasFeature(NawDataReview)NoIf an applicant has a previously existing Eligible determination, should the Fingerprinting step in the NAW be skipped? If yes, a checkbox will be displayed on the Pre-Employment page of the NAW.HasFeature(AllowPriorBackgroundCheck)NoCan a rap back be manually added from the Person Summary page? HasFeature(AddRapback)YesCan the user enter a hire date for a previously employed person that is prior to the determination date? HasFeature(EnterHireDateIfPreviouslyEmployed)NoCan a user add an employment record for an applicant with an existing Eligible determination without first rechecking the registries?HasFeature(AddEmploymentWithoutRegistryRecheck)NoShould Undetermined be allowed as a final determination status?HasFeature(Undetermined)NoCan an applicant with an Undetermined determination be hired?HasFeature(CanHireUndetermined)N/AWill applicants be imported in a batch fashion?NoIf applicants will be imported, does a person in the import file that already exists in the BCS get updated with the information from the import file? Updates will update the person record in the database, which displays on the Person Summary > Profile page.HasFeature(ApplicantImportUpdatePerson)N/AShould payment status show on the Determination In- Process grid page?HasFeature(ShowPaymentStatus)NoDoes the applicant have to return an affidavit before a name-based check can be started?HasFeature(AffidavitRequiredBeforeNameBasedCheck)NoShould the live scan vendor search be available from the Admin menu?HasFeature(LivescanSearch)NoDoes the application support State Division users who can only see information regarding applications for providers within their division?HasFeature(Divisions)NoCan a user’s User Type be changed – for example from a Division user to a State user?HasFeature(ChangeUserType)NoCan the provider user enter the TCN after fingerprinting?HasFeature(EnterFingreprintIdentifiers)NoCan the provider indicate that they intend to ask for an appeal prior to the applicant actually requesting the appeal?HasFeature(IntentToAppeal)NoDoes the new user account notification need to be sent manually by the Admin user after completing additional setup steps (rather than being sent automatically by the BCS when the user account is created)?HasFeature(ManualUserAccountNotification)NoShould the BCS allow applications to be entered without an SSN? (If yes, even if there is a name and/or date of birth match, the system will create a new person for an application entered without an SSN.)HasFeature(NoSsnCreateNewPerson)N/ADo provider users get notification when a rap back is received and before a determination is made?HasFeature(ProviderRapbackNotification)NoCan an internal account (RSA) be associated with a provider so that they can make payment through that account?HasFeature(ProviderRsa)NoIs there any special logic for providers who serve children?HasFeature(ServesChildren)NoIs State a required field when entering a Prior Address?IsRequired(PriorAddress.State)YesIs Phone a required field when creating a User Account?IsRequired(User.Phone)NoHow many days does the provider have to indicate that the applicant intends to appeal?Policy(DaysToIndicateIntentToAppeal)N/AHow many days does an applicant have to return the affidavit?Policy(DaysToReturnAffidavit)N/AIs there a grandfathered date such that employees who were employed before this date do not need to be background checked as long as they stay in the same job?Policy(GrandfatheredDate)N/ACan background checks done for licensing be used for employment determinations? If so, how old can the criminal history information received for the licensing check be?Policy(MonthsSinceLIcensingCheck)N/AHow many items must be checked on the Acceptances page?Policy(ReleaseOfInformationAcceptances)1If provider data is manually entered, is the Billing Number required?IsRequired(Provider.BillingNumber)NoIf provider data is manually entered, is the License Number required?IsRequired(Provider.Rsa)NoDoes a connecting provider need to share the same billing number with the originating provider in order to connect?HasFeature(NeedsSameBillingNumberToConnect)NoDoes the state make the fitness determination?HasFeature(StateDoesNotMakeDetermination)NoIs Country required on the prior address page?IsRequired(PriorAddress.Country)NoCan an applicant have multiple criminal history matches?HasFeature(CriminalHistoryMultipleMatches)NoIs there an interface to an address validation service?HasFeature(AddressValidation)NoHow many months can go by before an address needs to be re-validated?Policy(MonthsUntilAddressValidation)N/AShould the user be able to resubmit applicant information to the fingerprint interface from the Not Ready for Determination page?HasFeature(ResubmitApplicantInfo)How many days does the applicant have to return employment information?Policy(DaysToReturnEmploymentInfo)Should an auto determination of Eligible be recorded if there are only non-disqualifying offenses attached to the determination? HasFeature(AutoDeterminationWithNonDisqualifyingOffenses)Configuration Settings No Longer UsedHasFeature(AutomatedDeterminationDisqualifiedUntil)HasFeature(SetProvisionalEmploymentExpirationDate) ................

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