Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Review

Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Review

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which substances are produced during respiration?

a. water and oxygen b. oxygen and red blood cells c. carbon dioxide and water d. carbon dioxide and red blood cells

____ 2. Where in the respiratory system does gas exchange occur?

a. in the heart b. in the alveoli c. in the pharynx d. in the trachea

____ 3. The role of the respiratory system is to bring what substance into the body?

a. water b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide d. red blood cells

____ 4. During gas exchange, which substance moves from the alveoli into the blood?

a. carbon dioxide b. oxygen c. water d. nitrogen

____ 5. The dome-shaped muscle that plays an important role in breathing is the

a. diaphragm. b. alveolus. c. larynx. d. bronchus.

____ 6. What happens to cause air to be exhaled from the lungs?

a. The rib muscles contract and move outward. b. The chest cavity expands and grows larger. c. The diaphragm relaxes and moves upward. d. The lungs contract and then expand.

____ 7. Which chemical in tobacco smoke binds to hemoglobin, causing red blood cells to carry less than their normal load of oxygen?

a. tar b. nicotine c. nitrogen d. carbon monoxide

____ 8. Which chemical in tobacco smoke is an addictive drug?

a. tar b. nicotine c. nitrogen d. carbon monoxide

____ 9. Over time, smoking can irritate the breathing passages, which may become clogged with mucus. This condition is called

a. bronchitis. b. emphysema. c. lung cancer. d. heart attacks.

____ 10. A tumor that develops in the lungs may be a sign of

a. bronchitis. b. lung cancer. c. heart disease. d. emphysema.

____ 11. What is the main function of the excretory system?

a. to protect the nervous system b. to strengthen skeletal muscles c. to bring oxygen to body cells d. to collect and remove wastes from the body

____ 12. Which organ of the excretory system stores urine until the body is ready to eliminate it?

a. urea b. ureters c. urethra d. urinary bladder

____ 13. Tiny filtering structures where urine is produced in the kidneys are called

a. ureters. b. alveoli. c. nephrons. d. bronchi.

____ 14. Under normal conditions, which of the following substances is found in urine?

a. urea b. glucose c. protein d. blood cells

____ 15. In which excretory organ is urea produced?

a. skin b. liver c. lungs d. kidneys

____ 16. Which excretory organ eliminates water and some chemical wastes in perspiration?

a. skin b. liver c. lungs d. kidneys

____ 17. What term do scientists use to describe the chemical process in which oxygen and glucose react to release energy inside body cells?

a. inhaling b. exhaling c. breathing d. respiration

____ 18. Which chemical in tobacco smoke may damage cilia in the respiratory system?

a. tar b. nicotine c. nitrogen d. carbon monoxide

____ 19. How can smoking lead to emphysema?

a. by damaging the diaphragm b. by slowing the heart rate c. by destroying lung tissue d. by increasing hemoglobin levels

____ 20. What is the name of the small flap of tissue that seals off the trachea during swallowing?

a. pharynx b. larynx c. epiglottis d. alveoli

____ 21. Which parts of the respiratory system divide into smaller and smaller tubes in a pattern that resembles the branches of a tree?

a. pharynx b. trachea c. bronchi d. epiglottis

____ 22. What function do the kidneys perform?

a. eliminate carbon dioxide b. supply oxygen to body cells c. remove urea and excess water d. play a role in gas exchange

____ 23. Hairlike structures that line the nasal cavities and trachea are called

a. cilia. b. mucus. c. bronchi. d. capillaries.

____ 24. Each alveolus is surrounded by a network of

a. cilia. b. veins. c. arteries. d. capillaries.

____ 25. What produces a person’s voice?

a. the lungs b. the diaphragm c. the vocal cords d. the alveoli

____ 26. The vocal cords stretch across the opening of the

a. diaphragm. b. larynx. c. bronchi. d. pharynx.

____ 27. What does nicotine do to the body?

a. It slows the heartbeat. b. It reduces the desire to smoke. c. It increases blood pressure. d. makes cilia clump together.

____ 28. The process of removal of the body’s wastes is called

a. gas exchange. b. excretion. c. respiration. d. filtration.

____ 29. Organs of excretion that maintain homeostasis include the kidneys, lungs, skin, and

a. diaphragm. b. bronchus. c. bladder. d. liver.

____ 30. Which of these is NOT a function of the cardiovascular system?

a. transporting cells that attack disease-causing microorganisms b. carrying oxygen, glucose, and other needed materials to cells c. carrying waste products away from cells d. controlling many body processes by means of chemicals

____ 31. Needed substances are carried to the body cells by

a. enzymes. b. blood. c. water. d. food.

____ 32. The function of the atria is to

a. pump blood to the lungs. b. pump blood to the body. c. receive blood that comes into the heart. d. deliver oxygen to body tissues.

____ 33. A pacemaker adjusts the heart rate to correspond to the body’s

a. creation of waste products. b. need for carbon dioxide. c. ability to fight disease. d. need for oxygen.

____ 34. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called

a. veins. b. arteries. c. capillaries. d. lymphatic vessels.

____ 35. When blood flows into the right atrium from the body, it contains

a. little oxygen and a lot of carbon dioxide. b. a lot of oxygen and little carbon dioxide. c. a lot of both oxygen and carbon dioxide. d. little of either oxygen or carbon dioxide.

____ 36. In which vessels are materials exchanged between the blood and the body cells?

a. veins b. arteries c. capillaries d. lymphatic vessels

____ 37. What causes blood pressure?

a. the force with which the ventricles contract b. the rate at which blood flows through the heart c. the speed at which oxygen is returned to blood in the lungs d. the strength of the muscles in the walls of the capillaries

____ 38. Which component of blood carries oxygen to the body cells?

a. plasma b. platelets c. red blood cells d. white blood cells

____ 39. If a person’s blood lacked platelets, what process could not take place?

a. carrying oxygen to cells b. carrying glucose to cells c. clotting of blood d. transfusing of blood

____ 40. Blood types are determined by

a. marker molecules on red blood cells. b. the kinds of blood that are available for transfusion. c. marker molecules on white blood cells. d. the presence of fibrin in plasma.

____ 41. What is the blood type of a person whose plasma contains only anti-B clumping proteins?

a. type A b. type B c. type AB d. type O

____ 42. What eventually happens to fluid that leaks from capillaries into the surrounding tissues?

a. It undergoes chemical reactions and becomes fatty tissue. b. It replaces dead body cells. c. It returns to the blood through the lymphatic system. d. It replaces dead red blood cells.

____ 43. What is the function of lymph nodes?

a. to trap disease-causing bacteria b. to make new lymph c. to transfer oxygen d. to return lymph to the bloodstream

____ 44. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which

a. veins experience a buildup of fatty material. b. muscles in capillary walls lose their ability to contract. c. capillaries widen and release too much fluid. d. artery walls thicken as the result of a buildup of fatty materials.

____ 45. Why is atherosclerosis especially serious when it develops in the coronary arteries?

a. It can then go on to affect the aorta. b. It can make red blood cells die. c. It can lead to a heart attack. d. It can limit the functioning of white blood cells.

____ 46. Exercise is important for cardiovascular health because it

a. increases blood pressure. b. strengthens heart muscle. c. slows the heartbeat. d. reduces sodium in the blood.

____ 47. To maintain cardiovascular health, foods high in fat should be avoided because

a. they make the blood flow more rapidly than normal. b. they decrease the force with which the ventricles can contract. c. they can lead to atherosclerosis. d. fat in the diet harms red blood cells.

____ 48. Which of these heart structures prevents blood from flowing backward?

a. aorta b. valve c. septum d. coronary artery

____ 49. When the ventricles contract, blood is pumped

a. out of the heart. b. into the heart. c. through the septum. d. into veins.

____ 50. Which chamber of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs?

a. left atrium b. right atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle

____ 51. If your pulse rate increases, your heart is beating

a. slower than before. b. faster than before. c. at the same rate as before. d. with less pressure than before.

____ 52. What instrument is used to measure blood pressure?

a. thermometer b. stethoscope c. sphygmomanometer d. blood bank

____ 53. Hypertension is a condition in which

a. blood pressure is consistently lower than normal. b. blood pressure is consistently higher than normal. c. fatty deposits build up on artery walls. d. some of the heart muscle dies.

____ 54. Which component of blood is 90 percent water?

a. plasma b. platelets c. red blood cells d. white blood cells

____ 55. The function of white blood cells is to

a. carry carbon dioxide. b. increase blood pressure. c. carry wastes away from body cells. d. fight disease.

____ 56. What layer or layers of veins have muscles?

a. the outer layer only b. the middle layer only c. the inner layer only d. all three layers

____ 57. How many loops does the human circulatory system contain?

a. one b. two c. three d. four

____ 58. Which of the following steps will NOT help prevent atherosclerosis?

a. avoiding smoking b. exercising regularly c. eating foods that contain a lot of sodium d. avoiding foods that are high in saturated fats

Short Answer

Use the diagram to answer each question.

59. Identify structure A and explain its function.

60. Identify structure E and explain its function.

61. Identify structure B. What probably happens to a person if this structure is damaged or infected?

62. Identify structure C and explain its function.

63. Identify structure F. How is it related to structure C?

64. What is structure D? What are the tiny sacs of tissue that make up most of structure D? Describe what happens in these structures.

65. What is structure A? What is its function?

66. What is urea? In which structure—A, B, C, or D—is it removed from the blood?

67. Identify structures B and D. Compare and contrast their functions.

68. Identify structure C and explain its function.

69. What is the term for the tiny filtering structures that make up structure A? Describe what happens in each of those structures.

70. Identify a waste substance that is NOT eliminated from the body by the organs shown in the diagram. How is that substance removed from the body?

71. What is the name for the structure labeled A? To which locations does it carry blood?

72. Identify structure B.

73. Identify structure G. Give the letter and name of the structure into which blood flows after leaving G.

74. What is the structure labeled C? What is its function?

75. Identify the structure labeled D. When blood enters structure D, is the blood low in oxygen or high in oxygen? Explain.

76. Identify structure E. What would happen to a person who had a hole in this structure?

77. Identify the type of cell shown by A.

78. What is the function of the type of cell indicated by A?

79. What is the function of the type of cell indicated by B? If the body did not have this type of cell, what would probably happen?

80. What blood component is shown by C? In what body process is it important?

81. Which type of cell does blood contain more of—A or B?

82. Which major blood component is not labeled in the diagram?

Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Answer Section


1. C

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. D

8. B

9. A

10. B

11. D

12. D

13. C

14. A

15. B

16. A

17. D

18. A

19. C

20. C

21. C

22. C

23. A

24. D

25. C

26. B

27. C

28. B

29. D

30. D

31. B

32. C

33. D

34. B

35. A

36. C

37. A

38. C

39. C

40. A

41. A

42. C

43. A

44. D

45. C

46. B

47. C

48. B

49. A

50. D

51. B

52. C

53. B

54. A

55. D

56. B

57. B

58. C


59. A is the epiglottis, which closes off the trachea when a person swallows.

60. E is the diaphragm; it contracts and relaxes to change the size of the chest cavity and thus produces breathing.

61. B is the larynx; if it is damaged or diseased, a person would probably have trouble speaking.

62. C is the trachea; it provides a passageway for air to flow to the lungs.

63. F is a bronchus; it is one of the two branches of C, the trachea.

64. D is a lung, which contains alveoli. Gas exchange takes place in the alveoli. Gas exchange consists of the movement of oxygen from the air into the bloodstream, and the movement of carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the air.

65. A is a kidney, which eliminates urea, excess water, and some other materials.

66. Urea is a waste material that comes from the breakdown of proteins. It is removed from the blood in structure A, a kidney.

67. B is a ureter, and D is a urethra. Both structures carry urine. The ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, and urine is eliminated from the body through the urethra.

68. C is the urinary bladder, which stores urine until it is eliminated from the body.

69. The kidney, structure A, is composed of nephrons. Urine is formed in the nephrons. First, both wastes and needed materials are removed from the blood. Later, much of the useful materials is returned to the blood.

70. Carbon dioxide is not removed by the kidneys or other organs in the excretory system. It leaves the body through the lungs.

71. A is the aorta, which carries blood from the heart to the body.

72. Structure B is the left atrium.

73. G is the right atrium. After leaving G, blood flows into F, the right ventricle.

74. Structure C is the valve that separates the left atrium from the left ventricle. Its function is to prevent blood from flowing backward from the ventricle into the atrium.

75. D is the left ventricle. Blood entering the left ventricle is high in oxygen, because it has just come from the left atrium, which receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs.

76. Structure E is the septum. A hole in the septum would allow oxygen-poor blood to mix with oxygen-rich blood. As a result, less oxygen would go to body cells.

77. A is a red blood cell.

78. A, a red blood cell, carries oxygen throughout the body.

79. B is a white blood cell. If the body did not have white blood cells, its ability to fight disease would be weakened.

80. C is a platelet. Platelets are important in the clotting of blood.

81. A, the red blood cell

82. plasma


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