Onslow County Schools





2019 - 2020


Mission Statement:

Close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.

North Carolina State Board of Education

Mission Statement:

In accordance with Onslow County Board of Education Policy 3460, students must satisfactorily complete a senior project in order to meet local graduation requirements.*  The Graduation Project provides the opportunity for students to apply concepts, knowledge and skills necessary for success in post-secondary education and careers in the 21st Century.

*Special consideration will be given to transfer students arriving in the second semester of the senior year.


The Graduation Project is a multi-disciplinary performance-based assessment completed over time.  It provides students the opportunity to connect content knowledge, acquired skills and work habits to real world situations and issues.  Through the Graduation Project process, students will demonstrate computer knowledge, employability skills, information retrieval skills, reading/language/writing skills, teamwork and thinking/problem-solving skills.

The Graduation Project is a performance-based exit assessment that provides students with a vehicle to demonstrate what they know and are able to do as they prepare to graduate from high school. Although the project culminates in the senior year, students should already possess and begin to demonstrate specific required skills beginning in the 9th grade year or earlier.

The objective of the junior level research paper is to meet the North Carolina English Language Arts Standards as follows:

CCR Anchor Standard W.1 – Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

W.9-10.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

a. Organize information and ideas around a topic to plan and prepare to write.

b. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

c. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns.

d. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.

e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.

f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

g. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.

Table of Contents

|Mission Statement |1 |Works Cited Handout |48 |

|NC Board of Education Mission Statement |2 |Avoiding Plagiarism 51 |51 |

|General Information | |Basic Paper Format |52 |

|Requirements for the Graduation Project |5 |Parenthetical (in-text) Citations |53 |

|Special Products |6 |Quotations |55 |

|Early Graduates |6 |Writing Tips |57 |

|Timeline: Project Due Dates |7 |Works Cited Instructions |58 |

|Statement of Integrity |8 |Works Cited Sample |59 |

|Getting Started: Forms and Reflections | |Research Paper 1st Draft Checklist |60 |

|Parent/Guardian/Student Consent Form |10 |Research Paper Submission Checklist |61 |

|Video Release Form for Student |11 |Onslow County Research Paper Rubric |62 |

|Parental Release/Ethical Commitment Form |12 |State Research Paper Rubric |64 |

|Advisor Can and Cannot Do |13 |Portfolio | |

|Reflection Guidelines |14 |Order and Contents of Portfolio |67 |

|Reflection Content |15 |Letter of Intent & Sample |68 |

|Topic and Product | |Onslow County Portfolio Rubric |70 |

|Choosing a Topic and Product |17 |State Portfolio Rubric |71 |

|Topic Selection Worksheet |18 |Presentation | |

|Topic Approval Form |19 |Presentation Guidelines |73 |

|Sign of Commitment |20 |Presentation Attire and Questions to Practice |75 |

|Mentor | |Instruction for the Presentation Visual |76 |

|Mentor Description |22 |Presentation Planning Worksheet |77 |

|Mentor Arrangements |23 |Practice Presentation Verification Form & |78 |

| | |Presentation Equipment Check | |

|Mentor Commitment Form |24 | | |

|Mentor Information Letter |25 |Onslow County Practice Presentation Rubric |79 |

|Mentor Progress Check |26 |Onslow County Presentation Rubric |80 |

|Product Mentor/Independent Work Log |27 |State Presentation Rubric |81 |

|Mentor Evaluation of Product |28 |Appendix | |

|Thank-you Letter Format and Sample |29 |Special Situations for Products |83 |

|Physical Product Checklist |31 |Lesson Plan Format |85 |

|Onslow County Product Component Rubric |32 |Fundraising |87 |

|State Product Component Rubric |33 |Audience Verification Form |88 |

|The Research Paper | |Application for Use of School Facilities |89 |

|Guidelines for The Research Paper |35 |Subject Permission for Personal Service |90 |

|Creating a Thesis Statement |36 |Appeal Form |91 |

|The Research Process: Source and Note Cards |40 |Appeal Topic Approval Form |92 |

|The Research Process: Structured Notes |41 | | |

|The Research Process: Annotated Bibliography |43 | | |

|Interview Resources |44 | | |

|Sample Outline |47 | | |


In this section:

Requirements for the Graduation Project

Special Products

Early Graduates

Timeline: Project Due Dates

Statement of Integrity


Requirements for the Graduation Project



➢ A 5-7-page research paper written on an approved topic of student choice

➢ A product related to the paper that requires significant hours of work

➢ A portfolio that reflects the Graduation Project process

➢ A presentation to a panel of community and faculty members

*HN, AP, and CTE teachers have the discretion to increase these requirements as they see fit for their students. Similarly, if individual students require modifications with proper documentation, teachers have the discretion to make changes as they see fit.

Research Paper:  Students will choose an area of interest and a specific topic for research.  The selected topic should be approved by a school-based committee.  Development of the research paper should follow routine procedures for composing a research paper.  The paper should reflect the results of a purposeful, focused, in-depth study on a specific topic of choice.

Product:  Students must create a tangible or intangible product related to the research project.  The process of production will demonstrate applications of learning, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, teamwork and personal employability skills, such as responsibility, persistence and independence.  The quality of the product should reflect a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of student work.  Students may use job-shadowing, internship or apprenticeship experiences as products.  These experiences may result in a physical product, such as a scrapbook or journal.

Portfolio:  Students will maintain a learning record of the process and progress through all steps of the Graduation Project.  The portfolio should contain a collection of Graduation Project documentation, such as work samples, pictures, work schedules, interview logs and reflections, as a showcase of the student's progress throughout the Graduation Project process.

Presentation:  Students will demonstrate public speaking skills in an 5-7-minute oral presentation to a review panel.  The focus should be delivery of accurate, credible information on the chosen topic.  Students should also be prepared to respond to questions from the Graduation Project panelists.


• Any student considering products that involve fundraising must refer to the Fundraising Requirements (See Appendix).

• Any student producing a product involving the use of school facilities must fill out the Facility Use Form (See Appendix) and have the Graduation Project Coordinators’ approval.

• Any student completing a product involving teaching a class must refer to the Teaching a Class Guide for the required criteria (See Appendix).

• Any student whose Product involves coaching must refer to the Coaching Guide (See Appendix).

• Any student choosing a product involved with a business plan should refer to Creating a Business Plan (See Appendix).

As a junior, you picked your topic and worked on the research paper component with an understanding of refining the paper your senior year. As a senior, you need to choose and complete your product per the deadlines in this manual and the deadlines your English teacher sets. Some of you may have started your mentoring and physical portion over the summer. Be sure to have all forms completed and returned to your advisor for review.

***All FOUR parts of the project are REQUIRED for completion in order to successfully receive a high school diploma in Onslow County (OCSB Policy #3460).

Early Graduates

If you are an early graduate who will complete your senior year in January, you need to see the Graduation Project Coordinator, Ms. Livermore (Rm 316) immediately. You are still required to complete the Graduation Project. Here are a few items to keep in mind:

• Just like all other seniors, everything is to be completed in the Fall, and you will present in December. It is simply even more imperative for you to stay focused and complete the project on time.

• Work closely with your English teacher, but also the Graduation Project coordinator, Ms. Livermore.

• If you do not complete this project during first semester, you will have to return for the second semester to complete the work.

2019-2020 Graduation Project Major Deadlines

Your English teacher will have specific deadlines for each item, and you will receive a grade for each item submitted. Late points will be deducted per your teachers’ deadlines. If you miss the deadlines below, consequences will be beyond grades. Submit everything to your English teacher. Items with an asterisk (*) were due junior year in English III. If you are a new senior,

On or Before Sept. 13, 2019 The following forms are due to your English teacher:

Topic Selection Worksheet Completed and Approved*

Parent/Guardian/Student Consent Form SIGNED*

Video Release Form for Student SIGNED*

Parental Release and Ethical Commitment Form SIGNED*

Sign of Commitment*

Mentor Commitment Form*

On or Before Oct. 4, 2019 The following forms are due to your English teacher:

One Mentor Progress Check #1

Draft of the Letter of Intent

Evidence of Planning*

Finalized Research Paper*

Reflection #1 (on the research paper process) *

On or Before Oct. 25, 2019 The following forms are due to your English teacher:

Mentor Progress Check #2

Thank You Letter to Mentor

Final Letter of Intent

On or Before Nov. 15, 2019 The following forms are due to your English teacher:

Product Mentor/Independent Work Log completed

Reflection #2 (on the product and mentor process)

Documentation of product (pictures with captions)

Presentation Planning Worksheet

Once your portfolio is complete and approved by your English teacher, your teacher will assign you a practice presentation date and time. Once you successfully complete the practice presentation and put the final two documents (below) into your portfolio, your teacher will sign you up for your official presentation date and time.

By Nov. 26, 2019 Complete Practice Presentation

Practice Presentation Rubric

Reflection #3 (on the whole senior graduation project)

By Dec. 6, 2019 FINAL day to sign up for official presentation date and time

Dec. 10th and 12th, 2019 Presentation Nights

The Issue of Timeliness and Procrastination

One of the real-life skills that the Graduation Project hopes to develop in every student is the ability to meet deadlines. Students are to return all items on time. Printer or technology problems are NOT acceptable reasons for late items. There will be penalties for late items. These may include point deductions and/or required attendance at the Mandatory Help Sessions after school. Do NOT miss deadlines.

Statement of Integrity

Plagiarism, dishonesty, and cheating are unacceptable and have serious consequences.

I. Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s ideas as your own. It can also mean writing facts or opinions that you got from someone else without identifying your source. Unintentional plagiarism still counts as plagiarism, so be careful.

Plagiarism is:

1. copying word for word without quotation marks or acknowledging the author or the source.

2. using some key words or phrases without quotation marks or acknowledging the author or source.

3. paraphrasing and giving no author or source credit.

Know the rules for correct crediting of sources. Your English teacher can help.

II. Forgery of signatures or initials or making up information on the Graduation Project sign-off sheets is dishonest. Be safe and do not take chances!

III. Not completing the work as you have agreed is an ethical issue. Be careful to complete all parts of the project as you plan. If anything changes, complete an appeal to the Graduation Project Advisory Board using the specified form. These are available from the Graduation Project Coordinators/Advisors.

These ethical issues can result in a failing grade on the research paper, an incomplete on the Graduation Project, ISS, or suspension from school.

Each student is to complete and sign the Graduation Project Ethical Commitment form of this packet. Please turn this in with your Parent Release Form.

Appeals Process

If you need to change any part of your Graduation Project, you are required to submit an Appeal Form to the Advisory Board. This form, found in the appendix of this handbook, is to be completed, explaining the nature and reason for your appeal. You must have your parent’s signature on the form. You may get a form from your Advisor and return to the Graduation Project Coordinators for approval.


In this section:

Parent/Guardian/Student Consent Form

Video/Photo/Image Release Form for Student

Parental Release and Ethical Commitment Form

Advisor Can and Cannot Do

Reflection Guidelines


Graduation Project

Parent/Guardian/Student Consent Form

As the parent and/or guardian of (print name) ______________________________ , who is a student

enrolled at Northside High School, I am aware that he/she must complete the Graduation Project in order to fulfill the requirements for Graduation.

My son/daughter has decided/written a research paper on _______________________________.

For the Physical Product, he/she will be _____________________________________________


I understand that shadowing/observing a person is not sufficient to complete the product; there must be an actual product. This physical product and the research paper must be related and represent a learning stretch for my son/daughter.

I understand that a third component of the Graduation Project is the completion of a portfolio, which documents the entire process. My role in this process is to periodically check on my son’s/daughter’s progress so that he/she will successfully meet due dates.

Finally, in completing Graduation Project, I understand that my son/daughter will deliver an oral presentation to a board of judges chosen from the community and NHS staff. In order to best prepare my son/daughter for this aspect of Graduation Project, I am willing to coach him/her.

I understand that my son/daughter will be responsible for meeting with a faculty advisor and mentor(s), who will be signing verification forms for the time spent on the physical product. She/he will also be interviewing an expert on his/her topic during the research process.

As part of this project, the student and the parent or guardian hereby agree to complete all work with the Graduation Project with honor and integrity. We, the undersigned, agree not to plagiarize, falsify documents, use another person’s work, or cheat in any way. We also understand that failure to adhere to these standards will result in the possibility of failure.

Please sign below indicating your agreement and understanding of these terms.

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________

Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________

Video/Photo/Image Release Form for Student

(In addition to completing this form for NHS use, you also use this form if you are videotaping others.)

Dear Parent/Guardian:

During the current school year, your child's image/photograph or work may be included in a classroom or school project in one of the following ways:

• used as a demonstration project/activity in education workshops/classes/conferences used as a sample project/activity on CD's/USB’s created by Northside High School for use in education workshops and student classrooms.

• posted on the school or OCS web pages on the Internet.

• submitted as samples to program publishers or as contest entries to sponsors and/or appear on videotape made during a student presentation of their project, or in broadcasts or videotapes demonstrating computer multimedia in general.

• videotaped to appear in a school related program to be used by a local television station or school/county project.

• used in a printed publication such as a newspaper or a magazine.

No last name or address will be included with your child's picture when publishing on the Web. There is no monetary compensation for the use of the work, but it will provide other students a good example. Please sign the release form below and return this sheet to your child's Advisor. Your permission grants us approval to publicize without prior notification. Thank you!

Release Form

I/We do give permission for ____________________________________________’s

(Child's full name)

image/photograph or work to be used as described above. We are willing to release this into the public domain and understand that there is no monetary compensation for the use of the materials.

_____l/We do not give permission for ________________________________________'s

(Child's full name)

image/photograph or work to be used as described above.

Parent/Guardian's Name(s)________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian's Signature(s) _____________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code _____________________________________________________________

Phone number_______________________________________ Date ______________________

Please return this form to your child's Advisor. Thank you for allowing your child to participate!

Advisor: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Northside High School Graduation Project Parental Release and

Ethical Commitment Form

Name of Student: _______________________________________

Topic of Project: ________________________________________

For Parent/Guardian:

← I have read and approved the content in my child’s Topic Selection Worksheet pg. 20.

← I read the statement concerning integrity, plagiarism, cheating, or dishonesty, and understand the consequences.

← I understand the consequences if my senior fails to complete all aspects of the Graduation Project.

← I understand that my senior will be working with a community mentor.

← I understand that during the Graduation Project, Northside High School is not responsible for providing transportation.

← I understand that Northside High School is not responsible for any injury my child may receive during the course of the Graduation Project fieldwork or product work.

← I have read the Graduation Project Ethical Statement page. My child and I understand the consequences of not following these guidelines.

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________

DATE: _________________________________

For Student:

← I, and I alone, will complete the research necessary to write the research paper component of the project.

← I will not use a paper and/or information gathered by another student.

← I will not use a template, paper, or parts of a paper from the Internet or any other electronic device or prepared source. I will accurately document any sources used in my paper to avoid plagiarism.

← I, and I alone, will complete all of the work necessary for the completion of the product/project that evolves from the research paper.

← I will collect accurate verifications on all the work-necessitating signatures.

← I will not forge any verification documents.

← I will complete a project. I will not buy or falsify the completion of a project. I will not exaggerate or misrepresent my project in any way.

← I will include only work that I have completed in the portfolio.

← I will not include any work of any type that belongs to another person. The portfolio will reflect the work and effort that I, and I alone, have exerted through the completion of the Graduation Project.

← I will complete the project as approved by the Advisory Board. I will complete the Appeals Form for approval if I want to change my topic after approval.

← I agree to adhere to the above criteria in completing my Graduation Project. I understand that if I fail to adhere to these standards and submit work that is not my own creation, it may result in my NOT completing the requirement for graduation. If it is necessary for me to begin the Graduation Project again, I will do so with the possibility of choosing a new topic.

Student Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

Faculty Advisor (English Teacher)

Can and Cannot Do

The role of your advisor is to encourage, listen, give advice, advocate, and act as a role model. The following is a guideline for any NSH staff person who will assist you in the process. Advisors are assigned by homeroom.

|An Advisor CAN |An Advisor CAN NOT |

|Be committed to helping you overcome difficulties with your Graduation|Do the work involved with your Graduation Project, including but not |

|Project. |limited to research, writing, typing, downloading graphics, creating |

| |the product, designing the portfolio, making the PowerPoint, crafting |

| |the tri-fold board, writing the presentation |

|Encourage you to push your limits and go beyond previous experience |Transport you for any reason. |

|skill levels. | |

|Read your research paper. |Purchase supplies for you. |

|Verify that the research paper is completed. |Excuse you from another class to work on your Graduation Project. |

|Verify that the product is completed and keep track of your Graduation|Meet with you off campus. |

|project requirements. | |

|Confirm the number of hours you spend working on your product. | |

|Work with you on campus before or | |

|after school. | |

|Be an audience for practice presentations and provide feedback. | |

|Look at your tri-fold board or PowerPoint presentation and make | |

|suggestions. | |

|Attend any fundraising projects. | |

Reflection Guidelines and Content

1. There will be a minimum of 3 journal/reflection entries. One after the research paper component is complete. One after the mentor/product portion is complete. And one final reflection of the whole graduation project; after you have completed the practice presentation and portfolio (before the actual presentation).

2. Type reflections in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins.

3. Include your name, reflection number, and date for each. E.g.:

Jane Doe Reflection #1 November 8, 2018

4. Each entry should be 1 full page of a minimum of 300 and maximum of 500 words.

5. Use the reflection content guide on the next page to help with responses.

6. Use the reflective comments (sample reflection phrases below) throughout each entry.

7. Vary sentence structure in the entries.

8. Be specific about what you have done and how this affected what you have learned about yourself.

9. All reflections will be returned to your advisor on the required due dates.

Suggested reflection phrases to incorporate into your writing:

* Upon reflection... * This comment tells me that...

* I realized that this activity is... * After observation...

* It is important for me to realize that... * This is significant because...

* This activity prompted me to ... * These events indicate...

* This could be more effective if... * Continuing to reflect on....

* This helped me recognize that... * I focused on...because...

* To promote continued progress, I... * This helped me realize...

* I have greater awareness... * I realized that...

* The impact of this activity... * The evidence of this was...

Refection Content

Reflection #1 (After the research paper phase is complete)

• What is my goal with this choice of topic for my graduation project?

• Explain how this research paper related to the product.

• What was the most difficult phase of the research process? Why?

• What was the easiest phase of the research process? Why?

• What is the most significant aspect of the research process learned? Explain.

• What would you do differently if you were just beginning to research this topic?

Reflection #2 (Complete after the mentor/product phase; must address whole process)

• Explain how this research topic related to the product.

• How did you find your Mentor? Explain what went well or poorly in finding your mentor.

• What were you first impressions when meeting your mentor and being at the product site?

• What responsibilities did you encountered? What responsibilities of other workers did you witness?

• What suggestions has your mentor made?

• What questions do you have for your mentor?

• What surprised you about the physical product?

• What was the most interesting thing you during your session with your mentor?

• What was the most challenging thing you did during the session with your mentor? Or without?

• What other materials will you need to complete your physical product?

• Do you foresee any problems and if so, how will you solve this problem?

• Did you meet the goals that you made from reflection #1?

• Give details of your major accomplishments.

• What do you hope to accomplish the next time you meet with your mentor?

• What have you learned from your mentor?

• What will you need and do to prepare for the presentation of your product?

Reflection #3 (After the practice presentation and portfolio are complete)

• What were the best moments of the entire process? What were the worst moments of the entire process?

• How has the Graduation Project affected the way you approach work, dealing with people, or presenting yourself publicly?

• What would you change if you could do this again?

• What advice do you have for next year’s seniors?

• Which aspect of the Graduation Project process stretched you the most?

• How did you react to this challenge? How do you feel now that it is over?

• What talents or attributes have you discovered about yourself this year?

• Has this experience influenced your future planning, terms of work, education or the development of personal interests?

• In what way(s) has Graduation Project changed your concept of yourself? Are you more confident in your abilities? Are you more focused and directed? Are you more willing to take a risk?

• Has it raised more questions than given answers?


Choosing a Topic and Product

Topic Selection Worksheet

Topic Approval Form

Sign of Commitment


Choosing a Topic and Product

Is This a Product?

|YES |NO |

|Raising catfish |Making a PowerPoint about catfish |

|Producing a brochure and other |Making a brochure about |

|promotional items about |Jacksonville |

|Jacksonville and distributing it | |

|through the Chamber of Commerce | |

|Building a generator |Making a poster about how to build |

| |a generator |

|Teaching music to children |Explaining different kinds of music |

| |to the judges |

|Learning how to install car |Already knowing how to install |

|speakers and installing them in a |speakers and installing them in a |

|friend’s car |friend’s car. |

|Creating a brochure to recruit animal shelter volunteers |Creating a brochure listing facts about cats from your research paper |

|And distributed them throughout the community | |

|Creating a PowerPoint showing pictures of you teaching reading to |Creating a PowerPoint on how to teach reading |

|children | |

|Creating a website you designed |Creating a poster about how to design a web site |

|Creating a poster with photos of you giving your friends makeovers |Creating a poster with magazine pictures of makeovers |

|Creating a series of game videos you shot as a service to the |Using a video of a game shot by the coach’s wife |

|athletic department | |

Northside High School’s Graduation Project

Topic Selection Worksheet

All students regardless of level should write an argumentative research paper.

Printed Student Name: _________________________________________________________

My general topic is... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________My narrowed topic is... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My research question is... ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My stance on this is...

(This should be the answer or solution to your research question, and your potential thesis statement.)


My product is...

(Please see the acceptable product examples and include a cost estimation.)


This relates to my research paper... __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This requires a learning stretch for me in the following ways... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________

Student Signature Date

__________________________________________________ __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Research Topic is.... Approved Resubmit

Product is… Approved Resubmit

__________________________________________________ __________________

English Teacher Signature Date

__________________________________________________ __________________

Graduation Project Coordinator Signature Date

Teacher/Coordinator Comments for Resubmission or Modifications:

Please be detailed and specific.

Graduation Project Sign of Commitment

A Sign of Commitment is a poster that visually illustrates what your Graduation Project is. It should show the connection between your topic and the product. Your sign will be posted in the hallway for all students.

• Use the following as guidelines.

• The size is 8 ½ x 11.

• Your name should be on the front.

• Include the subject of your research and a product description. Use a verb phrase to the describe project. For example:

Student’s Name:

Research: Forms of Poetry

Product: Write a book of original poems

It must include pictures, drawings, etc. to describe your project. You can be colorful and creative. Have fun with your Sign of Commitment.

| |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Student’s Name: Jane Doe |

|Research: Forms of Poetry |

|Product: Write a book of original poems |

| |

| |


In this section:

Mentor Description

Mentor Arrangements

Mentor Commitment Form

Mentor Information Letter

Mentor Progress Check

Product Mentor/Independent Work Log

Mentor Evaluation of Physical Product

Thank-you Letter Format and Sample

Physical Product Checklist

Onslow County Product Component Rubric

State Product Component Rubric


Mentor Description

Finding a Mentor

A mentor is a person who can give you guidance in the completion of your product. They should NOT do the work for you. They do not necessarily have to be an expert on the specific product that you are trying to complete. However, some relevant experience would be very helpful. At minimum, you should choose a knowledgeable adult who can help problem solve, organize, and complete your product on time. They should also be dependable, motivational, and supportive. A mentor’s role is to encourage, listen, give advice, advocate, act as a role model and share information and experience. It is also very helpful if they live in the Jacksonville area.

|A Mentor... |

|is selected by you, not assigned. |

|must be at least 21 years old |

|easily available to work with you. |

|verifies that the product has been completed and signs off on the |

|mentor log. |

|confirms the number of hours you spend working on your project. |

|helps you define the exact product you will do. |

To be sure that your mentor meets requirements, complete the following

Your mentor is at least 21. Yes No

Your mentor will be available to you throughout the GP process. Yes No

Your mentor is enthusiastic about helping you during the GP process. Yes No

Your mentor is a local resident. Yes No

Your teacher can easily reach your mentor. Yes No

If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” you need to rethink your choice of mentor.

Mentoring Arrangements

Calling to Arrange a Mentorship

Listed below are some tips to help you, the Graduation Project student, arrange for a mentorship. Space is provided so that you can write out the required information before making a call. Remember to have a pencil and paper ready when you make the call. Practice before calling.

Many people whom you call will not know what mentoring for Graduation Project entails. If you explain who you are and give an explanation of what mentoring is, the person will be more likely to grant your request. Calling can be scary for some of you; breathe deeply and be yourself.

|Introduce yourself. |

|Explain the reason for your call. |

|Explain mentoring if the person is not familiar with the responsibilities of a Graduation Project mentor. |

|Request a mentorship opportunity. |

|When you get a positive response, arrange a date and a time at his/her convenience and at his/her place of employment or site approved by your|

|parent(s)/guardian(s). |

|If the person cannot accommodate your request for a mentorship, ask if s/he could suggest another person you might contact. |

|Thank the person for his/her time. Let him/her know you are looking forward to meeting with him/her. |

| |

****The Day of the Mentorship Meeting****

1. Dress appropriately for the workplace. See Presentation Attire pg. 78.

2. Be on time for your appointment.

3. Have your list of questions ready and be prepared to ask them.

4. Be courteous. Turn off all electronic devices!

5. Thank the person for his/her time.

6. Ask for a business card so that you know where to send a thank-you note.

7. Send the thank-you letter (VERY IMPORTANT). See page 31-32.

Mentor Commitment Form

Each student will need to have a mentor should be at least a 21 year-old adult who resides in the community or in a nearby location; experience in the student’s Graduation Project area is ideal, but more importantly the mentor should be someone trustworthy and committed to guiding the student through the completion of his/her product without actually doing it for them . . .

1. be willing to help the student with his/her product;

2. find/give information to the student;

3. provide guidance for the student;

4. be a resource;

5. help the student identify the exact product that he/she plans to complete;

6. give support and encouragement to the student;

7. help the student stretch to go beyond his/her current skills and attempt something that he/she has not previously tried;

8. verify that the product has been completed by the student;

9. confirm/verify the number of hours spent working on the product.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Graduation Project coordinator, Rachel Livermore at rachel.livermore@onslow.k12.nc.us or by calling (910) 455-4868.

I ________________________________________________(Print mentor’s name) understand what will be expected of me as a mentor, and I agree to be a mentor for ___________________________________________ (Print student’s full name) with his/her Graduation Project of ________________________________________________________


Mentor’s Address: __________________________________________________________

Mentor’s Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell: ______________________

Mentor’s Email: ____________________________________________________________

Mentor’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

Student’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

Mentor Information Letter

Dear Mentor:

Thank you for agreeing to be a mentor for ’s Graduation

Project. Below are some guidelines to help clarify your role in this assignment.

Graduation Project is a four-phased assignment completed during a student’s final year in high school. This assignment involves writing a research paper, developing a physical product, compiling a portfolio and delivering an oral presentation before a small group of faculty/staff and community members. Your role will be to assist the student in the second phase of the project: completing a product.

1. The first phase of the Graduation Project is the research paper, which was completed during the junior year with the understanding that it will be refined during the senior year.

2. The second phase of the Graduation Project is the development of a physical product. Product completion date is November 15, 2019 or sooner. Your primary role is to verify that the student has invested a minimum of 15 hours towards the completion of this product. Any advice or assistance you can offer will not only increase the quality of the product but will also enhance the overall learning experience of the student.

Please complete Mentor Progress Check(s) with the student. These forms verify that you have seen the product in various stages of its development and can attest to the student’s involvement. The student will return these forms to his/her English teacher. This phase concludes your role as a mentor in the graduation project.

3. The student will independently compile a portfolio that reflects the journey of the Graduation Project. You may assist the student by taking pictures and/or videos of his/her progress. However, you have no other responsibility in the completion of the portfolio.

4. The final product will be evaluated by the panel of judges on the final presentation night. Presentations will be December 10th and 12th, 2019.

Thank you again for taking time from your busy schedule to share your knowledge and expertise with this student. Please feel free to contact your student’s English teacher or the Graduation Project Coordinator if you have any questions regarding your role as a mentor.

Northside High School: 910-455-4868

Advisor: _____________________________________________

Project Graduation Coordinator: Rachel Livermore

Mentor Progress Check

Students must document their progress on the product with verification by the mentor. You should meet at least twice with your mentor so that they may verify your hours and evaluate the progress you have made on the product.

Student: ________________________________ Date: __________________

Student spent from ________ o’clock to _______ o’clock

Total time today: _______________________


Please comment on the following categories:

1. Progress or actual work completed today:

Excellent Average Below Average

2. Did the student use his/her time wisely today?

Yes No Somewhat

3. What are the goals for the next visit?

Mentor Signature: _____________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________


Product Mentor and Independent Work Log

Mentor Must Sign His or Her Full Name (No Initials)

The log should indicate what the student did during the total 15 hours spent on the product. The mentor should verify at least 4 of the hours logged. *Copy this form as needed.



| |IN |BLACK INK. | |


| |OF HALF | | |

| |HOURS | | |

| |SUCH AS | | |

| |1 1/2 HOURS | | |

| | | |OF MENTOR |

| | | |(NO INITIALS) |

| | | |If you worked independently, write|

| | | |Independent in this section. |

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Thank-You Letter Format

The words “thank you” are powerful that will take you far in life, especially in the workplace. A verbal thank-you is thoughtful and polite, but a written one is even more thoughtful.

Compose and type a thank-you letter to your mentor and deliver it to them. See the sample letter on next page.

1. Be sincere and prompt (preferably less than a week after the occasion).

2. Avoid sending a form letter that could apply to anything; say exactly what this person did to merit your thanks.

3. The form of a thank-you letter is like that of a business letter, but it is shorter. Type the note with Times New Roman 12 pt. font and 1-inch margins.

4. Proofread, run spell-check, and make corrections. Have a classmate proofread the letter.

5. ASK YOUR ENGLISH TEACHER or ADVISOR TO PROOFREAD IT. Make corrections. Proofread the letter again.

6. When the letter is perfect, sign it in black ink.

7. Address the envelopes correctly and place a stamp on each.

8. Photocopy each signed letter. These photocopies will be included in your portfolio for judges’ review.

10. Follow your teacher’s instructions on mailing the letters.

Thank-You Letter Format Sample

133 Hummingbird Lane Heading

Jacksonville, North Carolina 28546 Your Street Address

October 7, 2008

Mr. Theodore Pookeepsie Inside Address

25 Whatever Lane Person receiving the letter

Jacksonville, North Carolina 28546

Dear Mr. Pookeepsie, Salutation Body

Your help as my mentor during Graduation Project has been invaluable. I have learned so much under your guidance throughout the process of refinishing my family’s heirloom dining room furniture. Without your expertise, outlining the steps I needed to do, I could not have completed this project. As you know, the finished product is beautiful, and my entire family is pleased with the outcome.

Also, the information you provided during the interview for my research paper added the details I needed for a thorough discussion of my topic, “Refinishing Antiques.” I did well on my paper, and, knowing this background information, I feel confident I can answer the judges’ questions about it.

You have helped me in so many ways. I appreciate the time you took for me during this semester and sharing your knowledge with me. Thank you for your time and assistance.

Sincerely, Closing; press Enter 3 times then type your name

Elmer Buddusky Your hand-written signature in black ink

Elmer Buddusky Your Typed Name

Physical Product Checklist

The student should do all work on the product. Product selection and any changes must be approved by your English teacher. Documentation throughout the creation of the product is required for the portfolio.

Documentation includes:

Yes No Mentor Commitment Form

Yes No Product Mentor/Independent Work Log/s listing activities and meetings related to production signed by mentor if applicable.

Yes No Mentor Progress Check(s): 2-3 contacts, at least an initial contact and a final contact in order to verify that the product is complete and that 15 hours of time were spent working on the product.

Yes No Pictures/video documenting the process; make sure you are in your pictures when appropriate.

Yes No Other physical evidence documenting the process (brochures, surveys, recordings, certificates of completion, fundraising forms, lesson plans, etc.).

Yes No Reflection

Yes No Completed product for presentation

Yes No Completed thank-you letter sent to recipient.

Yes No Audience Verification Form (if applicable)

Yes No DVD/USB of teaching or performing (if applicable)

Be sure that all forms are signed at the time the meetings take place. Do not put your mentor in the position of filling out documentation at the last minute.


Include all items required for those teaching a class, creating a business plan, coaching a team or fundraising.

Onslow County Schools Graduation Project:

Product Component Rubric

Please review the explanation of the standards established by the North Carolina Dept. of Public Instruction and the criteria for reaching each standard level. Use those guidelines to evaluate the student’s product.

Student: ________________________________Topic: ___________________________________

|Time |Exemplary |Satisfactory |Developing/ |Resubmission |

| | | |Emerging |Necessary |

|Exceeds number of recommended hours. | | | | |

|Demonstrates effective time management. | | | | |

|Learning Stretch and Depth of Knowledge |

|Chooses a challenging product representing a significant learning stretch | | | | |

|Demonstrates a logical and relevant link to research topic. | | | | |

|Demonstrates critical analysis of research in producing an original product | | | | |

|Demonstrates significant creative thinking, decision-making, reasoning, and/or | | | | |

|problem-solving | | | | |

|Demonstrates extensive connection to real-world situations | | | | |

|Quality of Work/Effort |

|Exhibits creative and exceptional results using talents, abilities, and varied | | | | |

|resources | | | | |

|Displays extensive use of detail | | | | |

|Shows evidence of consistent self-directed actions | | | | |

|Displays evidence of exceptional technical skills | | | | |

|Ethics |

|Consistently demonstrates ethical standards in product development | | | | |

| |

|Successfully Completed: ________ Not Successfully Completed: ________ Date: ________________ |

|Advisor: ____________________________________________________________ |

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|Notes: |

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Students will present their products to be evaluated by the Graduation Project Advisor. Students who fail to meet Satisfactory or above on any of the criteria will have the opportunity to make corrections and re-present the product by the Deadline for Approved Products. Failure to achieve an approved product by the deadline may result in a repeat of the project with a possible new topic next semester unless extenuating circumstances have been documented and given prior approval.

Product Approved: _________________________________________ __________________

Advisor Teacher’s Signature Date

State Product Component Rubric

Review the descriptions below to determine the criteria used to evaluate the Graduation Project product. In order to successfully complete this component, students must earn at least satisfactory status on all criteria.

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