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2950210-299085SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCESGENERAL INFORMATION FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS OFTHE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES(SOUTH CAMPUS, 2ND AVENUE CAMPUS & GEORGE CAMPUS)2016TABLE OF CONTENTS Page1STAFF21.1SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES21.2BUSINESS MANAGEMENT21.3LOGISTICS101.4MANAGEMENT PRACTICE111.5MARKETING MANAGEMENT132PRESCRIBED BOOKS162.1BUSINESS MANAGEMENT162.2LOGISTICS182.3MANAGEMENT PRACTICE202.4MARKETING MANAGEMENT213UNDERGRADUATE MODULES223.1BUSINESS MANAGEMENT223.2LOGISTICS223.3MANAGEMENT PRACTICE233.4MARKETING MANAGEMENT234UNDERGRADUATE SYLLABI234.1BUSINESS MANAGEMENT234.2LOGISTICS304.3MANAGEMENT PRACTICE354.4MARKETING MANAGEMENT38.STAFF1.1SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES2nd AVENUE CAMPUSProf Madéle TaitProfessor in MarketingDirector of the School of Management SciencesOfficeRoom 129ATelephoneOffice: 041 504-2202E-mailmadele.tait@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingAcademic and administrative management of the School. Masters and Doctoral StudentsFundamentals of Marketing (BBH1011)Vanessa Jansen van RensburgSecretary – School of Management SciencesOfficeRoom 129TelephoneOffice: 041 504-4301Emailvanessa.jansenvanrensburg@nmmu.ac.zaChantell V?gtsAdministrative Assistant (Marketing) – School of Management SciencesOfficeRoom 171TelephoneOffice: 041 504-4694Emailchantell.vogts@nmmu.ac.za1.2BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SOUTH CAMPUS Prof NE MazibukoProfessor in Business ManagementHead of DepartmentOfficeMB1123Telephone041 504-2031E-mailNoxolo.mazibuko@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingAcademic and administrative management of the Department.All problems, complaints and the like which you cannot sort out with the lecturer concerned may be discussed with the Head of Department.Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EBMV600)Prof SM FarringtonProfessor in Business ManagementOfficeMB1107Telephone041 504-2203E-Mailshelley.farrington@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingIntroduction to Business Management and Entrepreneurship (EB121)Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (EBMN401/EBMN402/EBMN501)Business ResearchHonours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EBMV600)Prof S PerksProfessor in Business ManagementOfficeMB1111Telephone041 504-1126Emailsandra.perks@nmmu.ac.za Main tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Marketing Management (EBM201)Coordinator:Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EBMV600)Prof C RootmanProfessor in Business ManagementOfficeMB1104Telephone041 504-4063E-Mailchantal.rootman@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Financial Management (EBM301)Coordinator:Advanced Strategic Marketing Management (EBMI400)Business Research (EBMR400)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EBMV600)Prof EE SmithProfessor in Business ManagementOfficeMB1105Telephone041 504-2033E-Mailelroy.smith@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Advanced Strategic Management (EBMH400)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EBMV600)Prof FW StruwigProfessor in Business ManagementOfficeMB1101Telephone041 504-2475E-Mailmiemie.struwig@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Business Research (EBMR400)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EBMV600)Prof E VenterProfessor in Business ManagementOfficeMB1112Telephone041 504-2204E-Mailelmarie.venter@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Entrepreneurship (for Social Sciences) (EBMV112/EBMD106)Coordinator:Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management(EBMN401/EBMN402/EBMN501)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EBMV600)Dr J KrügerSenior Lecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1109Telephone041 504-1124E-Mailjanine.kruger@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Purchasing and Logistics Management (EBM202)Financial Management (EBM301)Coordinator:Advanced Investment Management (EBMG400)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EMBV600)Ms J PalframanSenior Lecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1115Telephone041 504-2577E-Mailjackie.palframan@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Integrated Financial Planning (EBF304)Coordinator:Financial Planning Environment (EBF401/EBFD401)Coordinator:Personal Financial Planning (EBF402/EBFD411)Coordinator:Corporate Financial Planning (EBF403/EBFD402)Coordinator:Financial Planning – Case study (EBF404/EBFD412)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Mr X AntoniLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1118Telephone041 504-4807E-MailXolile.antoni2@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Personal Financial Planning (EBF201)Coordinator:Corporate Financial Planning (EBF204)Coordinator:Risk Management (EBF205)Investment Management (EBF206)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Ms J GoliathLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1120Telephone041 504-2156E-Mailjasmine.goliath2@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Entrepreneurship (for Humanities) (EBEV1X0)Personal Financial Planning (EBF201)General and Strategic Management (EBM302)Honours treatises (EBML400)Ms BA GrayLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1110Telephone041 504-4065E-Mailbeverley.gray@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingMarketing Management (EBM201)Coordinator:Marketing Communications Management (EBM203)Coordinator:Business Ethics (EBF209/EBF252)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBMV500)Dr R LillahLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1117Telephone041 504-2157E-Mailriyaadh.lillah@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Introduction to Business Management and Entrepreneurship (EB121)Introduction to the Business Functions (EB122)Coordinator:General and Strategic Management (EBM302)Coordinator:General and Strategic Management in Health and Welfare Sciences (EBMH501)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBMV500)Mr T Matchaba-HoveLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1108Telephone041 504-4064E-Mailtony.matchaba-hove@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator: Investment Management (EBF206)Coordinator:Principles of Estate Planning (EBF302)Coordinator:Financial Planning Practice Management (EBF308)Financial Planning Environment (EBF401)Corporate Financial Planning (EBF403)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Ms N OosthuizenLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1114Telephone041 504-4102E-Mailnadine.oosthuizen@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingHonours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Ms S SaundersLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1121Telephone041 504-1392E-Mailshelley.saunders2@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingIntroduction to Business Management and Entrepreneurship (EB121)Coordinator: Introduction to the Business Functions (EB122)Marketing Management (EBM201)Coordinator:International Marketing Management and Strategy (EBM305)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Ms B ZekaLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeMB1116Telephone041 504-2692E-Mailbomikazi.zeka2@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingPurchasing and Logistics Management (EBM202)Coordinator: Customer Relationship Management (EBF207)Financial Management (EBM301)Coordinator:Principles of Retirement Planning (EBF303)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBM500/EBMV500)Mr K FreemanSenior Lecturer in the Department of Management AccountingOfficeMB0712bTelephone041 504-2722E-Mailkevin.freeman@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator:Advanced Financial Management (EBMJ400)Ms N AdamsSecretary – Postgraduate studiesOfficeMB 1122TelephoneOffice: 041 5042201E-mailnasreen.adams@nmmu.ac.zaMs V VinqiAdministrative Assistant – Undergraduate studiesOfficeMB 1117TelephoneOffice: 041 504-4745Emailvuyokazi.vinqi@nmmu.ac.zaMISSIONVALE CAMPUSDr A NelmapiusLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeAdmin Building 0204Telephone041 504-1175E-Mailalbert.nelmapius@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator: Introduction to Business Management and Entrepreneurship – Augmented (EBC1X1)Coordinator: Introduction to the Business Functions – Augmented (EBC1X2)Coordinator:Internet Marketing (EBM304)Honours treatises (EBML400)Masters dissertations (EBMV500)Ms R FredericksAdministrative assistantOfficeAdmin building 0209Telephone041 504-1114EmailRifqah.fredericks@nmmu.ac.zaGEORGE CAMPUS Dr M DoubellPrincipal Lecturer in Business ManagementCoordinator of programmes in the School at George CampusOfficeAdmin building 0143Telephone044 8015561E-mailmarianne.doubell@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingIntroduction to Business Management and Entrepreneurship (EB121)Introduction to Business Functions (EB122)Marketing Management (EBM251)General and Strategic Management (EBM352)Masters dissertations (EBMV500)Doctoral theses (EBM600/EBMV600)Mr AC PetersLecturer in Business ManagementOfficeAdmin building 0149Telephone044 8015587E-mailarthur.peters@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingIntroduction to Business Management and Entrepreneurship – Augmented (EBC1X1)Introduction to the Business Functions – Augmented (EBC1X2) Logistics and Purchasing Management (EBM252)Ms C CupidoAdministrative AssistantOfficeAdmin building 0144Telephone044 801-5570Emailcharlene.cupido@nmmu.ac.za1.3LOGISTICSSECOND AVENUE CAMPUSMr Gavin Cook Head of Department Lecturer in LogisticsOfficeRoom 136, 1st Floor, 2nd Avenue CampusTelephone041 – 504 3813E-mailGavin.Cook@nmmu.ac.zaArea of teachingPurchasing Management 2 (Full-time/Part-time) (BIC2230/BIC2231)Mr R C van den BergLecturer in LogisticsOfficeRoom 134, 1st Floor, 2nd Avenue CampusTelephone041 – 504 3725E-mailRobert.vandenBerg@nmmu.ac.zaArea of teachingLogistics 3 (Full-time/Part-time)Operations Management 1Physical Distribution 3Mrs J HowellLecturer in LogisticsOfficeRoom 128, 1st Floor, 2nd Avenue CampusTelephone041 – 504 3819E-mailJhowell@nmmu.ac.zaArea of teachingWarehouse Management 2 (Full-time/Part-time) (BIM2220/BIM2222)Logistics 2 (Full-time/Part-time) (BLG2110/BLG2112)Mr S Pillay LecturerOfficeRoom 135, 1st Floor, 2nd Avenue CampusTelephone041 – 504 3797E-mailShandran.Pillay@nmmu.ac.zaArea of teachingPurchasing 3 (Full-time/Part-time) (BIC3330/BIC3002/3132)Materials Handling 2 (BVF2210)Introduction to Logistics (Part-time) (BLG1102)Warehouse Management 3 (BIM3121)Mrs Shirley NgcosiniSecretaryOfficeRoom 248, 2nd Floor, 2nd Avenue CampusTelephone041 – 504 3875 E-mailShirley.Ngcosini@nmmu.ac.za1.4MANAGEMENT PRACTICESECOND AVENUE CAMPUSDr Jo ZeelieDoctor in Management PracticeHead of DepartmentOfficeRoom 249Telephone041 – 504 3827E-mailejzeelie@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingAdvanced Strategic Management (BAM4111/BAM4112)Business Management 3 (SBM3110)Business Skills II (KOP2312/2412)Business Skills III (KOP3312/3412)Prof J DubilehlaProfessor in Management PracticeOfficeRoom 232Telephone041 – 504 3832E-mailjobo.dubilehla@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teaching Retail Location (ADM2011)Retail Strategy (ADM2012)Mr P Tai-HingLecturer in Management PracticeOfficeRoom 243Telephone041 – 504 3747E-mailpaul.tai-hing@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator: Planning and Control (BBM2021)Coordinator: Organising and Leading (BBM2022)Coordinator: Business Ethics (BBM3021)Coordinator: Management in Africa (BBM3022)Coordinator: Quantitative Management (BBM4102)Ms T NgxukumesheLecturer in Management PracticeOfficeRoom 245Telephone041 – 504 3882E-Mailtandiswa.ngxukumeshe@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator: Business Management 3 (SBM3110/SBM3112)Coordinator: Administrative Management 4Coordinator: Merchandise Management (ADM3011)Coordinator: Retail Control (ADM3012)Coordinator: Administrative Management 2 (ADM2101)Mr R Muller Lecturer in Management PracticeOfficeRoom 247Telephone041 – 504 3862E-mailroger.muller@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingCoordinator: Business Management 2 (SMB2110/SBM2111/SBM2112)Mr H MohamedLecturer in Management PracticeOfficeRoom 250Telephone041 – 504 3815E-mailhassan.mohamed@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingBusiness Management 1 (SBM1110/SBM1111)Business Studies for PR (BPR1110)Introduction to Management 1 (BMM1101)Ms Shirley NgcosiniSecretaryOfficeRoom 248Telephone041 – 504 3875E-mailShirley.Ngcosini@nmmu.ac.zaGEORGE CAMPUSMr S Webber Lecturer in Management PracticeTelephone044 – 801 5128E-mailsam.webber@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingIntroduction to Management (BMM1501)Organising and Leading (BBM2011/BBM3022)Planning and Control (BBM2021)Retail Location (ADM2011)Business Ethics (BBM3021)Management in Africa (BBM3022)Ms C CupidoAdministrative assistantOfficeAdmin building 0144Telephone044 801-5570Emailcharlene.cupido@nmmu.ac.za1.5MARKETING MANAGEMENTDr Marlé van Eyk – Acting Head of DepartmentSenior Lecturer in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 169Telephone041– 5043810 E-MailMarle.VanEyk@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingAcademic and administrative management of the department. All problems, complaints and the like which you cannot sort out with the lecturer concerned may be discussed with Dr Van EykInternational Marketing (BBH3211)Marketing 4 (BEM4130 and BEM4140)Supervision of M Tech dissertations (BBH5110) and D Tech theses (BBH6110)Prof Laetitia Radder Professor in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 164Telephone041 – 504 3818E-mailLaetitia.Radder@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingApplied Marketing (BTB4110)Supervision of M Tech dissertations (BBH5110) and D Tech theses (BBH6110)Mrs Renee Ferreira Senior Lecturer in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 168Telephone041 – 504 3775E-MailRenee.Ferreira@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingSmall Business Marketing (BBH3332)Customer Relationship Management (BCB3300) Mrs Tania Shrosbree Lecturer in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 167Telephone041 – 504 3724E-MailTania.Shrosbree@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingConsumer Behaviour (BCB3330)Sales Management (BVB2220)Mrs Altouise Jonas Lecturer in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 170Telephone041 – 504 3731E-MailAltouise.Jonas@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingIntroduction to Marketing (BBH1101)Personal Selling (BPS2211)Public Relations (BMR2112)Mr Andrew Marriott Lecturer in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 165Telephone041 – 504 3733E-MailAndrew.Marriott@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingIntroduction to Marketing (BBH1101/BBH1021)Advertising and Sales Promotion (BRL1120/BRL1121)Marketing II (BBH2230)Dr Ignis McLaren Lecturer in Marketing ManagementTelephone041–5042783 E-MailIgnis.Mclaren@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingAdvanced Marketing Finance (BFE4110)Ms Talita Van WykLecturer in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 169 E-MailTalita.VanWyk@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingIntroduction to Marketing - Extended (BMF11X1)Mrs Romella Pather SecretaryOfficeRoom 161Telephone041 – 504 3714E-mailRomella.Pather@nmmu.ac.zaGEORGE CAMPUS Mr Vincent Hau-Yoon Lecturer in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 145Telephone044 – 801 5574E-MailVincent.Hau-yoou@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingMarketing 2 (BBH2530)Personal Selling (BPS 2511)Customer Relationship Management (BCB3540) Coordinator: Marketing 3 (BBH3511 and BBH3552)Mrs Adele PotgieterLecturer in Marketing ManagementOfficeRoom 133Telephone044 – 801 5583 E-Mail Adele.Potgieter@nmmu.ac.zaMain tasks and area of teachingMarketing 1 (BBH1501)Advertising and Sales Promotion (BRL1520)Public Relations (BMR 2512)Sales Management (BVB2520)Ms C CupidoAdministrative assistantOfficeAdmin building 0144Telephone044 801-5570Emailcharlene.cupido@nmmu.ac.za2UNDERGRADUATE PRESCRIBED BOOKS2.1BUSINESS MANAGEMENTFIRST YEARCOURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHEREB121/EB122/EBC1X1/EBC1X2Business Management: An entrepreneurial perspective. 2nd Edition.Bosch, J.K., Tait, M. & Venter, E.LecternScientific assignment and report writing.Geel, F.C., & Gray, B.A.LecternEBMV112/EBMD106/EBEV1X0Starting and managing your own business. 2nd Edition.Farrington, S.M. & Venter, E.LecternEBF1001Managing your money: Basic financial skills for South Africans. 2nd Edition.Swart, N.Van SchaikSECOND YEARCOURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHEREBM201Principles of marketing: Global and Southern African perspectives. 2nd EditionKotler, P., Armstrong, G. & Tait, M.PearsonEBM202Purchasing and supply management. 6th Edition.Hugo, W.M.J., Badenhorst-Weiss, J.A. & Van Biljon, E.H.B.Van SchaikEBM203Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. South African Edition.Shimp, T.A. & Andrews, J.C. Cengage Learning EMEAEBF201Fundamentals of financial planning.Botha, M., Rossini, L., Geach, W., Goodall, B., Du Preez, L., Palframan, J. & Rabenowitz, P.LexisNexisEBF204Fundamentals of financial planningBotha, M., Rossini, L., Geach, W., Goodall, B., Du Preez, L., Palframan, J. & Rabenowitz, P.LexisNexisEBF205Principles of risk management and insurance. Global Edition, 12th edition.Jeida, G.E. & McNamara, M.J.PearsonEBF206Fundamentals of investments: Valuation and Management. 7th Ed.Jordan, B.D., Miller, T.W. & Dolvin, S.D.McGraw HillEBF207Relationship marketing and customer relationship management. 3rd Ed.Berndt, A & Tait, M. (Eds)JutaEBF209Business Ethics now.Ghillyer, A.McGraw-HillTHIRD YEARCOURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHEREBM301Fundamentals of corporate finance. 5th South African edition.Firer, C., Ross, S.A., Westerfield, R.W. & Jordan, B.D.McGraw-HillEBM302Management. 4th Edition.Hellriegel, D. Jackson, S.E., Slocum, J., Staude, G., Amos, T., Klopper, H.B., Louw, L. & Oosthuizen, T.Oxford University PressEBM304E-Marketing. 7th Ed.Strauss, J. & Frost, R.PearsonEBM305International marketing. 2nd Ed.Burgess, S. & Frost, R.Oxford University PressEBF302(financial planning students)South African financial planning handbook.Botha, M., Rossini, L., Geach, W., Goodall, B., Du Preez, L., Palframan, J. & Rabenowitz, P.LexisNexisEBF302(non-financial planning students)Fundamentals of financial planning.Botha, M., Rossini, L., Geach, W. Goodall, B., Du Preez, L., Palframan, J. & Rabenowitz, P.LexisNexisEBF303/EBF304South African financial planning handbook.Botha, M., Rossini, L., Geach, W., Goodall, B., Du Preez, L., Palframan, J. & Rabenowitz, P.LexisNexisEBF308South African financial planning handbook.Botha, M., Rossini, L., Geach, W., Goodall, B., Du Preez, L., Palframan, J. & Rabenowitz, P.LexisNexisBusiness management for financial planners.Rossini, L. & Maree, J.Juta2.2LOGISTICSNATIONAL DIPLOMA: LOGISTICS - GENERIC COURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHER & ISBNBLG1012Supply Chain ManagementHorn, Badenhorst-Weist, Cook, Heckroodt, Howell, Phume and StrydomBIC2000-BIC2001Supply Management, 8th EdBurt, Petcavage and PinkertonBIC3000-BIC3002Purchasing and Supply Management, 15th EdJohnson and FlynnBLG2000-BLG2001Business Logistics Management, 4th EdWissel, Pienaar and VogtBLG3000-BLG3002The Management of Business Logistics, A Supply Chain Perspective, 9th EdLangley, Coyle, Gibson & NovakBOM1001Operations Management, 12th EdWilliams and StevensonBIM2000-BIM2002Warehouse Management 2nd EdGwynne RichardsNATIONAL DIPLOMA: LOGISTICS COURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHER & ISBNBLG1012Supply Chain ManagementHorn, Badenhorst- Weist, cook, Heckroodt, Howell, Phume and StrydomBIM1000Stores and Distribution ManagementCarter and EmmettBVF1000Manual to be purchasedBIC1000Purchasing and Supply Management, 6th EdHugo, Badenhorst and Van BiljonBIC2000Supply Management, 8th EdBurt, Petcavage and PinkertonBLG2000Business Logistics Management, 4th EdWissel, Pienaar and VogtBIM2000Warehouse Management 2nd Ed.Gwynne RichardsBVF2000Introduction to Materials Management. 7th Ed.Arnold Chapman and CliveBIC3000Purchasing and Supply Management, 15th editionJohnson and FlynnBLG3000The Management of Business Logistics, A supply chain perspective, 9th Ed.Langley, Coyle, Gibson & NovakBOM1001Operations Management, 12th Ed.Williams and StevensonBIM3001Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management, 5th Ed.RH BallouBPD3001Business Logistics Management Theory and Practice, 4th Ed.Pienaar and VogtNATIONAL DIPLOMA: INVENTORY AND STORESCOURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHER & ISBNBIM1000Stores and Distribution ManagementCarter and EmmettBIM2000Warehouse Management Gwynne RichardsBIM3001Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management 5th EdRH BallouBVF1000Manual to be purchased.BVF2000Introduction to Materials Management, 7th EdArnold Chapman & CliveBIC1000Purchasing and Supply Management, 6th EdHugo, Badenhorst and Van BiljonBIC2000Supply Management, 8th EditionBurt, Petcavage and PinkertonBPD3001Business Logistics Management Theory and Practice, 4th EdPienaar and VogtBOM1001Operations Management, 12th EdWilliams J and Stevenson2.3MANAGEMENT PRACTICE1ST YEARSUBJECTTEXTBOOKAUTHOREDITIONIntroduction to Management Entrepreneurship and New Venture ManagementOxford DictionaryVan Aardt, Hewitt et al4th edition2ND YEAR & 3RD YEARSubjectTextbookAuthorEditionManagement 2MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENTHellriegel & SlocumRobbins & Coulter4th edition – Oxford12th edition Management 3Business Ethics: How to design and manage ethical organisationsManaging Business in AfricaDenis CollinsJohn LuizLatest - WileyLatest Edition Management 4STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CONCEPTSFred R. DavidLatest – PearsonProduction Management 1OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTD. Kruger & R. Ramphal2nd edition – OxfordFinancial Management 2FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN SOUTHERN AFRICAD. Marks4th Edition – PearsonFinancial Management 3FINANACIAL MANAGEMENT IN SOUTHERN AFRICAD. Marks4th Edition – PearsonAdministrative Management 1Retail Management: A South African Perspective 2014Terblanche et. al. OxfordLatest – OxfordAdministrative Management 2Retailing ManagementLevy, Weitz & Grrewal. McGraw-Hill9TH Edition – McGraw-HillAdministrative Management 3Retailing ManagementRetail Management: A strategic approachLevy, Weitz & Grrewal. McGraw-HillBerman & Evans. Pearson9TH Edition – McGraw-Hill12th Edition – Pearson - UKFinancial Management 4FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTC. Correia & D. FlynnE. Uliana & M. Wormald7th edition – JutaAdministrative Management 4The Administrative Professional:Technology & ProceduresFulton-Calkins & RankinLatest Personnel ManagementINTRODUCTION TO WORK PSYCHOLOGYZiel BerghLatest – Oxford2.4MARKETING MANAGEMENTFIRST YEARCOURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHER & ISBNBCB1120/BCB1112Consumer Behaviour: Global and Southern African PerspectivesLeon Schiffman and Leslie KanukPearsonBBH1011/BBH11X1Principles of Marketing: Global and Southern African Perspectives. 2nd Ed.Kotler, P. Armstrong, G & Tait, M. PearsonSECOND YEARCOURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHER & ISBNBPS2211/BPS2112SellIngram, Laforge, Avila, Schwepker, WilliamsCengageBMR2112Handbook of Public RelationsSkinner, Mersham, BeneckeOxfordBVB2220/BVB2221Sales ManagementAntonie DrotskyJutaTHIRD YEARCOURSE/CODETITLEAUTHORPUBLISHER & ISBNBCB3300/BCB3301Relationship marketing and customer relationship managementBerndt & TaitJutaBBH3201/BBH3321/BET3211International MarketingBothma & BurgessOxfordBBH3301/BBH3332/BET3222Entrepreneurship: theory in practice 3rd ed.Venter, Urban, RwigemaOxfordBCB3330/BCB3332Consumer Behaviour: Global and Southern African PerspectivesLeon Schiffman and Leslie KanukPearsonBVB3120/BVB3121Sales ManagementAntonie DrotskyJuta3.UNDERGRADUATE MODULES IN THE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES3.1BUSINESS MANAGEMENTUndergraduate ModulesEB121/EBC1X1Introduction to Business Management and Entrepreneurship (Incl. Augmented)EBEV1X0Entrepreneurship (for Humanities)EB122/EBC1X2Introduction to the Business Functions (Incl. Augmented)EBMV112/EBMD106Entrepreneurship (for Social Sciences)EBF1001Financial PlanningEBM201Marketing ManagementEBF201Personal Financial PlanningEBF205Risk ManagementEBM202Purchasing and Logistic ManagementEBM203Marketing Communications ManagementEBF204Corporate Financial PlanningEBF206Investment ManagementEBF207Customer Relationship ManagementEBF209Business EthicsEBM301Financial ManagementEBF302Estate PlanningEBF303Retirement PlanningEBM302General and Strategic ManagementEBM304Internet Marketing StrategiesEBM305International Marketing Management And StrategyEBF304Integrated Financial PlanningEBF308Financial Planning Practice Management3.2LOGISTICSUndergraduate ModulesBIC1120Purchasing Management IBIC2230Purchasing Management IIBIC2231Purchasing Management IIBIC3330Purchasing Management IIIBIC3332Purchasing Management IIIBIM1120Warehouse Management IBIM2220Warehouse Management IIBIM2222Warehouse Management IIBIM3121Warehouse Management IIIBIV11X2Introduction to Logistics and Inventory management (Augmented)BLG1002Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management IBLG1102Introduction to Logistics and Inventory ManagementBLG2110Logistics IIBLG2111Logistics IIBLG3110Logistics IIIBLG3112Logistics IIIBOM1111Operations Management IBOM1121Operations Management IBPD3111Physical Distribution IIIBVF1110Materials Handling IBVF2210Materials Handling II3.3MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIPUndergraduate ModulesADM1011Introduction to RetailingADM2101Administrative Management IIADM3011Merchandise ManagementADM3012Retail ControlBBM2021Planning and ControlBBM2022Organising and LeadingBBM3021Business EthicsBBM3022Management in AfricaBMM1101Introduction to ManagementBPR1110Business Studies for PRSBM1110Business Management ISBM1111Business Management ISBM2110Business Management IISBM2111Business Management IISBM2112Business Management IISBM3110Business Management IIISBM3112Business Management III3.4MARKETING MANAGEMENTUndergraduate ModulesBBH1011/BBH11X1Fundamentals of Marketing Management (Incl. Extended)BCB1112/BCB1120Consumer BehaviourBPS2112/BPS2211Personal SellingBMR2112Public RelationsBVB2220/BVB2221Sales ManagementBCB3300/BCB3301Relationship marketing and customer relationship managementBCB3330/BCB3332Consumer BehaviourBVB3120/BCB3121Sales Management4UNDERGRADUATE SYLLABI IN THE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES4.1BUSINESS MANAGEMENTEB121 – Introduction to Business Management and EntrepreneurshipCredit value 12 – NQF level 5The context of business management and entrepreneurshipThe business environmentEntrepreneurship and new venture creationSmall business enterprises and selected entrepreneurial issuesForms of business enterprise and statutory requirementsStrategic business intentions: Vision, mission, goals and objectivesField of business activity and competitive business strategiesLocation and facility layout planningThe development and growth of business enterprisesBusiness ethicsEB122 – Introduction to the Business FunctionsCredit value 12 – NQF level 5General and Strategic ManagementProduction/Operations Management and Outbound LogisticsMarketing Management and Introduction to Services MarketingCosts as a basis for planning and establishment of business enterprisesFinancial ManagementPurchasing Management and Inbound LogisticsHuman Resource ManagementManaging Business CommunicationManaging Information Systems E-businessEBMV112 – EntrepreneurshipCredit value 7 – NQF level 5Management and entrepreneurship: Introductory viewsThe enterprise and its environmentsThe enterprise and its field of businessPerspectives on entrepreneurshipIdentifying small business ideas, identification and screening of business opportunitiesThe business planThe financial plan and costingChoice of a form of business enterprise, establishment procedure and general legal requirementsGeneral and strategic managementIntroduction to the business functions and financial managementEBM201 – Marketing ManagementCredit value 14 – NQF level 6Marketing: managing profitable customer relationshipsOrganisation and marketing strategy: partnering to build customer relationshipsThe marketing environmentManaging marketing informationConsumer markets and consumer buyer behaviourBusiness markets and business buyer behaviourCustomer-driven marketing strategy: creating value for target customersProduct, services and branding strategyNew-product development and product life cycle strategiesPricing products: understanding and capturing customer valuePricing products: pricing strategiesMarketing channels and supply chain managementRetailing and wholesalingCommunicating customer value: integrated marketing communications strategiesAdvertising and public relationsPersonal selling and sales promotionDirect and online marketing: building direct customer relationshipsCreating competitive advantageThe global marketplaceMarketing ethics and social responsibilityEBM202 – Purchasing and Logistics ManagementCredit value 14 – NQF level 6The purchasing function in perspectiveThe tasks of purchasing and supply managementThe purchasing process and proceduresPurchasing and supply policies and strategiesAssessment and selection of suppliersPurchasing price determining and cost analysisSustainable purchasing and supply managementThe management of quality in purchasing and supplyNegotiation in purchasingElectronic commerce and electronic procurement applicationsQuantity and inventory managementPurchasing of capital equipmentPurchasing servicesPurchasing from small businessesMaterials flow activitiesLogistics managementEBM203 – Marketing Communications ManagementCredit value 14 – NQF level 6Overview of integrated marketing communicationsEnhancing brand equity and accountabilityBrand adoption, brand naming and intellectual property issuesEnvironmental, regulatory and ethical issuesSegmentation, targeting and positioningThe communications process and consumer behaviourThe role of persuasion in integrated marketing communicationsMarcom objective setting and budgetingOverview of advertising managementEffective and creative ad messagesEndorsers and message appeals in advertisingTraditional advertising mediaOnline and mobile advertisingSocial mediaDirect marketing and other mediaAdvertising media: Planning and analysisMeasuring ad message effectivenessSales promotion overview and the role of trade promotionConsumer sales promotionPublic relations, point-of purchase communications and signagePersonal SellingEBF201 – Personal Financial PlanningCredit value 16 – NQF level 6The fundamentals of financial planningThe financial planning professionThe Financial Advisory and Intermediaries Services ActCounter – money – laundering legislationThe client and the financial planning processFinancial calculations and the time value of moneyInsurance planning and risk managementGeneral principles of risk management and insurance lawInsurance products and the long-term insurance ActIntroduction to investment planningIntroduction to retirement planning EBF204 – Corporate Financial PlanningCredit value 16 – NQF level 6Introduction to employee benefitsBusiness planningBusiness entitiesBusiness insuranceHealthcareEBF205 – Risk ManagementCredit value 14 – NQF level 6Fundamental principlesPrinciples of management applied to managing riskConcept of riskDecision-making under conditions of risk uncertaintyCorporate government and enterprise risk managementManaging riskRisk identificationRisk evaluationOperational risk managementRisk response: Risk controlRisk FinancingRisk financingRisk evaluationCaptive insurance companiesInsuranceFinite insuranceCapital market instrumentsEBF206 – Investment ManagementCredit value 16 – NQF level 6The investment settingDevelopments in investment theoryValuation principles and practicesMacroeconomic analysisIndustry analysisCompany analysisCompany valuationFundamentals of the analysis of fixed interest securitiesValuation of fixed interest securitiesAn introduction to derivative instrumentsPortfolio managementEvaluation of portfolio managementEBF207 – Customer Relations Management Credit value 12 – NQF level 6Nature and role of relationship marketingNature of relationshipsCustomer bondingCustomer servicePlanning the CRM strategyInternal markets and internal marketingOne-to-one marketing/mass customisationCRM in business-to-business marketsIntroduction to TERMCustomer interaction channelsCustomer database managementCRM applicationsCRM implementationEBF209 – Business EthicsCredit value 10 – NQF level 6Introduction to ethicsKey concepts in business ethics and professional ethicsPhilosophical foundations for business ethicsEthical decision-makingCorporate social responsibility (CSR)Sustainable developmentCorporate governance in South AfricaOrganisational ethicsEthics and globalisationBusiness ethics applicationEBM301 – Financial ManagementCredit value 24 – NQF level 7Introduction to financial managementAn overview of financial managementThe financial environment: markets, institutions, interest rates and taxesFinancial forecasting, planning and controlAnalysis of financial statementsFinancial planning and controlEssential concepts in financial managementRisk and required returnsTime value of moneyValuation of the firmCapital budgetingProject cash flows and riskCapital budgeting decision criteriaRequired rates of return, leverage and dividend policyCost of capital: The required rate of return for capital investmentsCapital structureDividend policyManagement of working capitalWorking capital policyManaging short-term assets and liabilitiesEBM302 – General and Strategic ManagementCredit value 24 – NQF level 7An overview of management Introduction to organisations and nature of managementManagerial competenciesPlanning for a dynamic environmentThe environment of managementEthics and social responsibilityPlanning and strategy formulationFundamentals of decision-makingPlanning and decision aidsOrganising and designOrganisational structure and designOrganisational change and learningLeadingMotivating for performanceDynamics of leadershipOrganisational communicationGroups and teams in organisationsOrganisational culture and workforce diversityControllingControlling in organisationsContemporary issues in managementEBM304 – Internet Marketing StrategiesCredit value 12 – NQF level 7The e-marketing planE-marketing opportunitiesPerformance metricsEthical and legal issuesOnline marketing researchOnline consumer behaviour Segmentation and targeting strategies Differentiation and positioning strategiesOnline product offerThe value of online pricing Online marketing communication toolsNew digital mediaImportance of CRM in the online environment EBM305 – International Marketing Management and StrategyCredit value 24 – NQF level 7The strategic marketing management processThe emerging importance of international marketingThe international marketing environmentCultural environmentEconomic environmentFinancial environmentInternational political and legal environmentsInternational marketing entry strategiesExportingFranchisingLicensingDirect investmentStrategic alliancesInternational marketing strategiesAdaptation vs standardisationPricing strategiesChannels and distribution strategiesPromotional strategiesLogisticsMarketing, organisation, implementation and controlEBF302 – Principles of Estate PlanningCredit value 16 – NQF level 7Introduce the principles of estate planning Focus on legislation relating to estate planning such as family law, insolvency law (reflect on issues from the Pension Fund Act and Long term Insurance Act), law of succession, estate duty, matrimonial law etc.Introduction to succession planning and estate planningEstate dutyCapital gains taxMarriage and matrimonial property lawThe law of successionThe law and taxation of trustsThe administration of estatesEstate planning objectives, tools and techniques EBF303 – Principles of Retirement PlanningCredit value 16 – NQF level 7Introduce the principles of retirement planningFocus on legal issues relating to retirement planningIndividual retirement planningRetirement annuity fundsThe taxation of retirement fund benefitsEmployee benefitsLegislative environmentLegal nature of a retirement fundDifferent types of retirement fundsFund governance, financing and benefits, administration and investmentsDivorce ordersEBF304- Integrated Financial Planning Credit value 24 – NQF level 7This module tests the student’s ability to deal with advanced issues relating to financial planning’s five focus areas (estate planning, investment planning, risk planning, retirement planning and tax planning). A case study approach is adopted which also prepares students for the Board assessments. Case studies are worked on in class and at home on the following broad areas of financial planning:Financial planning environment (including financial services legislation and the economic environment)Investment planningEstate planningRetirement planningEmployee benefits planningEBF308 – Financial Planning Practice ManagementCredit value 16 – NQF level 7Core strategic and operational components of a financial planning practiceThe financial advisory practice business plan including plans to cover:Contingency and successionStaffing and partnershipsProfessional developmentGrowing the businessBusiness and operations management including:Hardware and software solutionsDesigning and implementing systemsBuilding leverage and capacityPositioning and transitioning Financial planning business resourcesProfessional ethical standards and the financial advisory and intermediary services industryFinancial advisory practice team development and maintenanceSales and marketing of financial advisory servicesClient acquisition, engagement and relationshipsClient acquisition and refusal strategyEngagement with related professionalsBehavioural theory and behavioural finance4.2LOGISTICSBIC1120 - Purchasing Management ICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?The Purchasing function in perspective?The task of Purchasing and Supply management?Purchasing and new management approaches?Strategic sourcing?The selection and performance evaluation of suppliers?Supply policies and strategies?Supplier relationship management?Ethical aspects, corporate governance and social responsibility in Purchasing and Supply management?Management of quality in Purchasing and Supply management?Purchasing price determination and cost analysisBIC2230 - Purchasing Management IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?The progression of professional supply management?Organisational issues?Supply management: An organisational spanning activity?A portfolio of relationships?Managing for quality?Total cost of ownership?Price and cost analysis?Negotiations?Contract and relationship management?Ethics and social responsibilitiesBIC2231 - Purchasing Management IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BIC3330 - Purchasing Management IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6?Purchasing and Supply management?The supply organisation?Transportation and delivery?Supply law and ethics?Purchasing research?Global supply?Public supply management?Purchasing of capital goods?Purchasing of services?Make or buy, in-sourcing and out-sourcing?Supplier relations?Strategy in Purchasing and Supply managementBIC3332 - Purchasing Management IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BIM1120 - Warehouse Management ICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BIM2220 - Warehouse Management IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BIM2222 - Warehouse Management IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BIM3121 - Warehouse Management IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BIV11X2 - Introduction to Logistics (Augmented)Credits: 12 – NQF Level 6?Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BLG1002 - Fundamentals of Supply Chain ManagementCredits: 12 – NQF Level 6?Supply chain management?Purchasing?Stores operations?Production?Warehousing?Inventory management?Material handling?Distribution?Transport?Supply chain management?Purchasing and supply chain management?Purchasing and new management approaches?Selecting and evaluating suppliers?Fundamentals of logistics policies and strategiesBLG1102 – Introduction to LogisticsCredits: 12 – NQF Level 6?Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management?Logistics and Supply Chain Management in practice?Transport as a Logistics function?Introduction to Purchasing Management?Capacity management?Introduction to Warehouse Management?Introduction to Inventory Management?Inventory fundamentals?Just-In-Time manufacturing?Total quality managementBLG2110 - Logistics IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?Introduction to Business Logistics?Competitive advantage created by Logistics?Logistics and Supply Chain strategy planning?Tactical Logistics management and Supply Chain integration?Inventory management?The design of storage and handling facilities?Packaging and containerisation?Equipment used in facilities?The operation of a warehouse?Transport management?Managing international supply chains?Product returns and reverse logistics?Controlling logistics performanceBLG2111 - Logistics IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?Introduction to Business Logistics?Competitive advantage created by Logistics?Logistics and Supply Chain strategy planning?Tactical Logistics management and Supply Chain integration?Inventory management?The design of storage and handling facilities?Packaging and containerisation?Equipment used in facilities?The operation of a warehouse?Transport management?Managing international supply chains?Product returns and reverse logistics?Controlling logistics performanceBLG3110 – Logistics IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6?Supply Chain Management.?Dimensions of Logistics?Demand management and customer service?Procurement and Supply Management?Inventory flows in the Supply Chain?Inventory decision making?Warehousing decisions?Transportation management?Logistics relationships and Third-Party Logistics (3PL)?Logistics and Supply Chain information systemsBLG3112 - Logistics IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6?Supply Chain Management?Dimensions of Logistics?Demand management and customer service?Procurement and Supply Management?Inventory flows in the Supply Chain?Inventory decision making?Warehousing decisions?Transportation management?Logistics relationships and Third-Party Logistics (3PL)?Logistics and Supply Chain information systemsBOM1111 - Operations ManagementCredits: 30 – NQF Level 6?Introduction to Operations management?Competitiveness, strategy and productivity?Product and service design?Strategic capacity planning for products and services?Process selection and facility layout?The design of work systems?Management of quality?JIT and lean operations?Scheduling/Project managementBOM1121 - Operations ManagementCredits: 30 – NQF Level 6?Introduction to Operations management?Competitiveness, strategy and productivity?Product and service design?Strategic capacity planning for products and services?Process selection and facility layout?The design of work systems?Management of quality?JIT and lean operations?Scheduling/Project managementBPD3111 - Physical Distribution Management IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6?Introduction to business logistics?Packaging?Design of storage and handling facilities?Operation of a warehouse?The transport system?Transport cost and pricing principles?International logistics?Reverse logisticsBVF1110 - Materials Handling ICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?Introduction and scope of Material Handling.?Storage equipment?Material handling equipment /measurement of materials?Manual versus mechanical Material Handling?Unit loading and unitisation?Moving goods?Material accountingBVF2210 - Materials Handling IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?The need for having a warehouse?Warehouse activity profiling?Receiving and put-away principles?Pallet storage and retrieval systems?Case picking systems?Small item picking?Order picking / Unitising and shipping?Warehouse layout / Computerising warehouse operations?Accounting for inventory4.3MANAGEMENT PRACTICEADM1011 – Introduction to RetailingCredits: 12 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.ADM2101 – Administrative Management IICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6The role of administrative management within an organisationInformation systemsThe administrative support functionThe basics of communicationOffice design and layoutThe office environmentQuality administrative managementProductivity, workflow and office procedures in the administrative officePlanning and time managementOrganising in the administrative functionLeading in the administrative functionControlling office activitiesProblem-solving and decision-makingManaging cultural diversityADM3011 - Merchandise ManagementCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.ADM3012 - Retail ControlCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BBM2021 - Planning and ControlCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BBM2022 – Organising and LeadingCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BBM3021 - Business EthicsCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BBM3022 – Management in AfricaCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BMM1101 – Introduction to ManagementCredits: 12 – NQF Level 6?Entrepreneurship?The Establishment of the Business?The Business Environment?Franchising?Business ethics and social responsibility.?Financial planning?The marketing function?General Management PrinciplesBPR1110 - Business Studies - Public Relations ICredits: 12 – NQF Level 6?Entrepreneurship?The Establishment of the Business?The Business Environment?General Management Principles?The Functional Management of the OrganisationSBM1110 - Business Management ICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6EntrepreneurshipThe Establishment of a BusinessThe Business EnvironmentThe Functional Management of the OrganisationThe Time Value of MoneyWorking with InterestAnnuitiesSBM1111 - Business Management ICredits: 19 – NQF Level 6EntrepreneurshipThe Establishment of a BusinessThe Business EnvironmentThe Functional Management of the OrganisationThe Time Value of MoneyWorking with InterestAnnuitiesSBM2110 - Business Management IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?The production management function?Productivity and productivity calculations?Queuing Theory Analysis – The Single Channel?Supply Chain Management?Inventory Management?Layout Strategies?Analysis of Financial Statements?Time Value of Money?Capital BudgetingSBM2111 - Business Management IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?The production management function?Productivity and productivity calculations?Queuing Theory Analysis – The Single Channel?Supply Chain Management?Inventory Management?Layout Strategies?Analysis of Financial Statements?Time Value of Money?Capital BudgetingSBM2112 – Business Management IICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?The production management function?Productivity and productivity calculations?Queuing Theory Analysis – The Single Channel?Supply Chain Management?Inventory Management?Layout Strategies?Analysis of Financial Statements?Time Value of Money?Capital BudgetingSBM3110 - Business Management IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6Human Resources:?The world of retailing?Retailing strategy?Merchandise management?Store managementLogistics:?Vision and mission formulation?Conducting an external assessment?Conducting an internal assessment?Goal formulation?Strategy selection models?Strategy implementation: Structural and management issuesSBM3112 - Business Management IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6Human Resources:?The world of retailing?Retailing strategy?Merchandise management?Store managementLogistics:?Vision and mission formulation?Conducting an external assessment?Conducting an internal assessment?Goal formulation?Strategy selection models?Strategy implementation: Structural and management issues4.4MARKETING MANAGEMENTBBH1011 – Fundamentals of MarketingCredits: 12 – NQF Level 6?The nature and scope of marketing as a disciplineThe various environments in which marketers practise and the impact of such environments on marketing decision-makingMarket segmentation, target audiences and competitive positioning of productsProgramming of the marketing mix, including aspects of product, price, distribution and marketing communicationsAn overview of the consumer decision-making processBBH1101 - Introduction to MarketingCredits: 12 – NQF Level 6?Understand and apply the fundamental principles of marketing?The marketing orientation of a given context?The place/role of marketing within a given context is identified and described?The components/elements of the marketing mix of given business context/scenario is identified, analysed and explainedBBH1130 - Marketing ICredits: 24 – NQF Level 6?The marketing orientation of a given context?The place/role of marketing within a given context is identified and described?The components/elements of the marketing mix of given business context/scenario is identified, analysed and explainedBBH3201 - Marketing III - Module B InternationalCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6?The cultural environment in global markets?International marketing research?Importing and exporting?Global perspective on the marketing mixBBH3211 – International MarketingCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6?The cultural environment in global markets?International marketing research?Importing and exporting?Global perspective on the marketing mix.BBH3302 - Marketing III - Module C Small BusinessCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6?Testing the feasibility and viability of a small business concept?Forms of ownership?Sources of finance?Financial aspects of running a small business?Marketing mix decisions for an entrepreneur?FranchisingBBH3332 – Small Business MarketingCredits: 15 – NQF Level 6?Testing the feasibility and viability of a small business concept?Forms of ownership?Sources of finance?Financial aspects of running a small business?Marketing mix decisions for an entrepreneur?FranchisingBCB3300 - Customer Relationship ManagementCredits: 30 – NQF Level 6?The concept and importance of customer relationship management?Principles and perspectives on customer relationship management?The place/role of customer relationship management within a given context?The customer relationship management value chainBMR2112 – Public RelationsCredits: 12 – NQF Level 6?Essential elements of public relations?The practice of public relations?Public relations planning and management?Public relations toolsBPS2211 - Personal SellingCredits: 12 – NQF Level 6?The role of selling in the marketing mix?The tasks of a salesperson?They buying process?The selling process?Professionalism in selling?Special problems relating to selling retail and business products and services?Sales office administration?Selling yourself?Negotiation skillsBRR3312 - Marketing Research IIICredits: 30 – NQF Level 6?Definition and scope of marketing research and marketing information systems?The research procedure: problem definitiondetermining data sourcescollecting secondary and primary datapreparation of questionnairesamplingfieldworkprocessing, statistical analysis and interpretation of survey results;presentation of results?Applied research fields: advertisinginternationalindustrialBVB2220 - Sales ManagementCredits: 30 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information.BVB2221 - Sales ManagementCredits: 30 – NQF Level 6Regrettably no information is currently available. Please contact your Faculty Administration office to assist with this information. ................

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