
[pic] GRU-10-P-LP-57-DJ-TR [pic]



Bazele acestui parteneriat a fost realizat la Sibiu- Grundtvig Contact Seminar, Inclusive Learning and Social Involvement, organizat de ANPCDEFP in perioada 27 – 31 may 2009.

Titlul:’’ Mainstream of Integrating Adults through -Soul of the Music Energy"

Numar de referinta : GRU-10-P-LP-57-DJ-TR

Coordinator :

TURKEY: İzmit Büyükşehir Musiki Cemiyeti-


Danemarca: Fredensborg Aftenskole

Franta: Association Elephant Musik

Italia : Conservatorio di Musica “Tito Schipa” di Lecce

Italia : Gruppo Folk “La Fontana”-partner

Portugalia: Associação de Cultura Musical de Lousada

Romania: Orizont Cultural T

Marea Britanie: Live Music Now South West

Prima intalnire de proiect a fost organizata de catre institutia coordonatoare İzmit Büyükşehir Musiki Cemiyeti- in perioada 28-03-noiembrie-2010, la Izmit,

Proiectul isi propune activitati care sa aduca mai aproape de cultura muzicala adultii, lernerii, a persoanelor singuratice sau cu dificultati de integrare, cu risc de marginalizare, a acelora care au probleme economico-financiare, a pensionarilor, care iubesc muzica si doresc sa ramana activi, sa ofere comunitatii o parte din talentul, resursele si timpul lor.

Din cei opt parteneri acceptati, sapte institutii au fost prezente, in total 17 participanti.

Seziunile de lucru, workshopurile au cuprins activitati de prezentare a institutiilor pe care le reprezinta, experienta lor, au fost oferite CD –uri cu muzica traditionala, suveniruri pentru spatiul Grundtvig al fiecarei tari.

Institutia gazda ‚’İzmit Büyükşehir Musiki Cemiyeti’’- ne-a oferit mape, pliante, materiale privind instru mente muzicale, retete culinare, un bloc-notes cu insemnele proiectului, harta si un ghid al orasului Izmit.

A fost organizata o seara ’’Welcome’’de neuitat, pe un vas-restaurant, mancare turceasca traditionala; fiecare echipa a cantat in limba ei un purpuriu de muzica folclorica.

Participantii din Franta si Anglia au adus si instrumente de acompaniament muzical, din Italia o soprana ne-a incantat in mod special. Aplauzele noastre si ale celor aflati in local au fost o recompensa deosebita.

Din partea Asociatiei noastre au participat 3 adulti si un learner, celor 17 participanti li s-au alaturat din Izmit pe tot parcursul intalnirii, mai mult de 10-15 membrii, tineri sau adulti, pensionari, toti iubitori de muzica, talentati, muzicieni, voluntari ai corului si orchesteri locale.

Programul de lucru a inclus sesiuni de prezentare a obiectivelor proiectului, discutii centrate pe rolul fiecarui partener, strategii de implementare la nivelul fiecarei institutii, lucru in comun, dar si al fiecarei institutii.

Au avut loc discutii interactive despre proiect, strategii, planificari, termene limita privind realizarea pasilor propusi, realizarea web-ului,

 In program au fost incluse vizite culturale in Izmit, fabrica de dulciuri traditionale, centru de stiinta al municipiului Kocaeli, Istanbul, o croaziera pe Bosfor, vizitarea oraselului Maşukite, Sapanca, un lac si parcul natural.

In ultimele doua seri au fost prezentate Concerte tradiţionale de catre Orchestra Metropolitana Kocaeli. Au fost introduse publicului instrumentele traditionale turcesti utilizate in concert, personalitati muzicale locale. Participantii au fost prezentati comunitatii, ne-am fotografiat impreuna.

 Evaluarea reuniunii s-a realizat prin completare de chestionare, dar si prin cuvintele pline de apreciere ale participantilor.

A fost realizata Ceremonia de oferire a Diplomelor de participare finalizata cu un spectacol international.

Website-ul proiectului va cuprinde materiale audio-vizuale, aspecte culturale, un forum de discuţii, comentarii, implementare, monitorizare, evaluarea si valorizarea parteneriatului.

Deciziile luate la prima intalnire au fost cuprinse in Raportul de evaluare al coordonatorului.

Urmatoarea intalnire va fi in Februarie-2011, institutia gazda va fi Associação de Cultura Musical de Lousada Portugalia,

Sumar: În primul an al proiectului fiecare institutie partenera va pregăti un concert de muzică tradiţională, casete audio-video, DVD de muzică, prezentari in Power Point despre instrumente muzicale tradiţionale, compozitori, muzicieni celebri, informaţii de istorie muzicala, cantece tradiţionale, videoclipuri ale unor concerte, informatii despre oraşul, ţara de provenienta.

Obiective :Fiecare institutie care va gazdui intalnirea va pregati si va prezenta un concert tradiţionale, la care vor participa cetateni ai comunitatii, dar si partenerii implicati in mobilitate.

Parteneriatul se adreseaza persoanelor adulte, grupurilor de tineri, adulti, seniori voluntari, persoane dezavantajate, grupuri cu risc de marginalizare din ţările europene, interesate sa-si îmbogateasca cunoştinţele muzicale, dar si abilităţile sociale, pentru o mai buna integrare in comunitate.

Pe parcursul celor doi ani se vor realiza cursuri, traininguri de educatie muzicala, prin care se vor introduce caracteristici muzicale tradiţionale pentru adulti, parinti, bunici, comunitate.

Fiecare ţară va realiza ‚’cutii muzicale’’ cu materialele, piesele muzicale din ţările partenere, care vor fi prezentate la un curs de formare de muzică deschis publicului, comunitatii.

La aceste traininguri, cursuri pentru adultii indragostiti de muzica, se vor introduce notiuni muzicale din fiecare ţară, informatii despre instrumente muzicale traditionale, importanta fiecarui instrument intr-un concert.

Se vor organiza expoziţii de fotografii ale instrumentelor muzicale utilizate in tarile partenere, ale muzicienilor, compozitorilor renumiti.

Cursantii vor fi cei care vor evalua calitatea instruirii prin chestionare.

Fiecare institutie implicata va trimite una alteia notele a 2 cantece tradiţionale spre a fi interpretate.

Institutiile implicate vor efectua concerte instrumentale de muzică, cantece traditionale, slide show-uri de introducere a muzicii şi cultura muzicala a ţărilor partenere.

Proiectul se deruleaza cu fonduri de la Uniunea Europeana in cadrul Programului de Invatare pe tot parcursul vietii, LLL, Grundyvig –Learning partnership-

 English-Program : 28-03-nov-2010

29-10- Introduction, Welcome session

Presentations of the project

Presentation of partners

30-Working session: Discussion about the project-Planning

Working session: Introduction of the website

31-Working session Discussion about the project (meeting dates..etc)

Visiting the Science Centre of Kocaeli Municipality

1-11- Traditional Concert of Kocaeli Metropolitan Turkish Art Music Association

- Music Rehearsal in Kocaeli Metropolitan Turkish Art Music Association Building

2-11-Evaluation of the meeting

Cultural visits, Trip to Maşukite Town, Sapanca, Lake.,

Visiting the Science Centre of Kocaeli Municipality,

Visiting Istanbul, Yacth Tour with Dinner and Music

Ceremony of Diplomas

Objectives of the project:

Our project "SOME", is focused on adult learners, individually or small groups, young or senior voluntary, from European countries, interested to enrich their knowledge, language and social abilities in order to get a new European dimension.

In the first year of the project, the countries will prepare a traditional music concert and a music box including flash cards and presentations telling about traditional musical instruments, famous composers, historical information, some notes of traditional songs, videos of some concerts, brochures of the association,city,country and some traditional features. The host country will perform its own traditional concert and introduce the musical traditional features to the partners.

In the second year of the project, Each country will have music boxes of all countries. They will look into the boxes, exhibit them and announce a music training open to public.They will use local media tools to get the participants. They will try to include especially disadvantaged people of the society to the training. In this training, They will introduce all the musical features of each country to the trainess.They will have a music training programme material. After the trainings, They will evaluate the quality of the training with questionaires. They will also arrange exhibitions of these training materials of music boxes. Each country will send the notes of 2 traditional songs to each other. The countries will perform instrumental music concerts with these traditional songs with the slide shows introducing the music and culture of the countries. They will also form a musical web site and upload all these audio-visual materials and cultural aspects with a comment and discussion forum in order to evaluate the project and all these performances.

The objectives:

Our objectives of partnership are;

For Trainess:

* Bringing Europe and the European Community closer to the trainess, and introducing the European dimension into their education

* Collaborating different nations and cultures in the frame of music

* Catching the international soul of the music by performing one another's traditional songs.

* Giving opportunity to the members of the associations and the public to learn about different music

* Clarifying differences and the common points of the nation's music

* Creating a common musical product of nation's in a music box including musical flashcards, booklets, notes and a musical web portal which we can exhibit our common performances.

* Rehabilitating the trainess of the associations in the frame of cultural integration with the power of music.

* Integrating into the idea of equality, respect and tolerance in the frame og being a world citizen.

* Meeting at the common point of 'Active Solidarity and Citizenship'

* Forming a cultural and musical web portal including all the performances and traditional music of participating countries with the forum which will allow the visitors to write their own comments.

* Getting rid of the prejudices with the soul of the music energy.

For Trainers and Administrative Teams:

* Opening new horizons through contact with centres and teaching staffs from other countries .

* Becoming acquainted with other music cultures and educational systems.

* Helping trainers to be motivated by and enjoy their work

* Improving their teaching practice through reflection and cooperative work

* Sharing different viewpoints regarding music and musical practices

* Creating a common corpus of materials and activities by exchanging information with all organizations forming part of the music education communities in our partner countries: trainers, trainees, etc

With " SOME", We intend to address active citizenship, the European dimension, learning to learn and the role of music in the adults' easier integration.

The project centres on a new approach to enhance awareness of the adults' contribution as active citizens bringing in their life a change that makes them useful in their community. Learning about culture, about the musical heritage, as well as associated traditions such as dance, playing instruments, folklore can enrich our horizons in respect of our national but also European identity.


Coordinator Institution:

-will distribute the tasks order,

-collect and share information and evaluation of questionnaires.

-compile the final products and share them with the partners

-will write the Intermediate report and evaluation.

-will write the final report and evaluation

-will share the tasks to ensure an active and the same opportunity and equal role in common

activities of partnership;

Rodica Miala

Romanian National Grundtvig Promoter

National project coordinator

President of ONG

Orizont Cultural T





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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