A grade B student can

|A grade B student can … |( |( | ( | |Number |Find the least common multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers | | | | | |Find the highest common factor (HCF) of two or more numbers | | | | | |Round to a given number of significant figures | | | | | |Convert recurring decimals to fractions and fractions to recurring decimals | | | | | |Identify recurring and terminating decimals | | | | | |Convert between ordinary and standard index form representations | | | | | |Use standard index form with and without a calculator | | | | | |Work out reverse percentage problems | | | | | |Understand how to use successive percentages | | | | | |Work out compound interest | | | | | |Calculate proportional changes using a multiplier | | | | | | | |

|Algeb|Solve fractional linear equations such as [pic] |

|ra | |

|Shape|Use the angle properties of a circle |

|and | |

|Space| |

|Data |Construct a time series graph and plot the moving average |

|Handl| |

|ing | |

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