Mrs.Pilipchuk's Class

Review of Cells and Cell Transport___________1. Label the following CellsPlant Cell211455166370Animal Cell2. Identify the name of the organelle / term given the description below:Term/ OrganelleDefinition / DescriptionNucleusthe control centre of the cellNucleolusArea of protein synthesis within the nucleusChromosomes ( DNA)Genetic material within the nucleusMitochondriaSite of Aerobic Cellular RespirationChloroplastSite of PhotosynthesisEndoplasmic ReticulumTransport System of the CellGolgi ApparatusPackages and delivers proteinsLysosomeSpecialized vacuole that digests cellular materialsCell MembraneA semi permeable barrierCell WallA protective impermeable barrierEukaryoteA cell that has a membrane bound nucleusProkaryoteA cell that does not have a membrane bound nucleusVacuoleAn organelle for storage of materials and water3. List 3 differences between plant and animal cellsPlant CellsAnimal CellsOne Large Central VacuoleSmall VacuolesHas a Cell Wall No Cell WallHas Chloroplasts and other PlasmidsNo PlasmidsCan Do Both Cellular Respiration and PhotosynthesisCan only do Cellular RespirationDoes not have LysosomesHas LysosomesDoes not have Centrioles Has Centrioles4. Identify the following parts of the fluid mosaic model of the cell membraneLabel: Carbohydrate Chain, Glycoprotein, Integral Protein, Peripheral Protein, Phospholipid Bilayer, Protein Pore, Hydrophilic end, Hydrophobic endFluid Mosaic Model of the Cell MembraneProtein PorePeripheral ProteinIntegral ProteinHydrophilic EndHydrophobic EndPhospholipid BilayerCarbohydrate Chainglycoprotein5. Sort the following terms into the correct category below:Terms: Active Transport, Diffusion, Endocytosis, Exocytosis, Facilitated Passive Transport, Osmosis, Passive Transport, Phagocytosis, PinocytosisActive Forms of Cell TransportPassive Forms of Cell TransportActive TransportDiffusionEndocytosisFacilitated Passive TransportExocytosisOsmosisPhagocytosisPassive TransportPinocytosis6. Match the following terms with their definitionsLetter TermDefinitionCActive TransportA. When compared- the solution with greater solute concentrationGConcentration GradientB. Membrane chooses what may enter / leaveJDiffusionC. Movement of materials from low to high conc. Using protein pumpsLDynamic EquilibriumD. When compared- solutions have equal solute conc.FFacilitatited DiffusionE. pinching in of cell membrane to take in small ions and water.AHypertonic SolutionF. Movement of molecules through a membrane from high to low concentration using protein channels.MHypotonic SolutionG. Differences in concentration on either side of a membraneDIsotonic SolutionH. Membrane pinches off to transport larger moleculesNOsmosisI. Movement of materials from high to low conc. Through a membrane.IPassive TransportJ. Movement of materials from high to low conc.HPhagocytosisK. The outward force exerted by water.EPinocytosisL. Constant Fluctuations to create equilibrium between two solutionsKTurgor PressureM. When compared- the solution with a lower solute concentration.BSelective PermeabilityN. Movement of water from a high to low concentration.7. Use the following diagrams To answer questions A-E: 0 min20 min A B A BProteinA) Why did the amount of water change? Equillibrium needed to be establishedB) Why did the amount of protein stay the same? Protein is too large to pass through the cell membrane.C) If the 0 min diagram concentration of protein on side A was 12% and side B was 4%. What would the concentration be in the 20 min diagram on side A 8% , side B_ 8% D) At equilibrium water molecules continue to move between the two sides. However the number entering side A is equal to than/to the number entering side BE) In the diagram give one example of: ( Be Specific) a) isotonic Side A vs. B in the 20 min diagram b) hypotonic: Side B compared to A in the 0 min diagram c) hypertonic: Side A compared to B in the 0 min diagram8. Given : Solution A: 100 mL waterSolution C: 90 mL water & 10g saltSolution B: 95mL water & 5 g saltSolution D: 45 mL water & 5 g salt* note 1mL of water = 1 gFill in the blank with one of the following words: Hypertonic, Hypotonic or IsotonicSolution A is _ Hypotonic _compared to solution BSolution C is _ Hypertonic _compared to solution BSolution D is _Hypertonic _compared to solution ASolution D is _Isotonic _compared to solution CSolution B is Hypotonic compared to solution C9. Use the following information for the next question: * Note: Too much salt is toxic to cellsBeaker ABeaker BBeaker CBeaker D% Salt Solution in cells1%1%0.1%0.1%% Salt Solution in water surrounding cells1%0.1%1%0.1%Which of the above illustrates active transport? _Beaker C Explain: The cell is using energy to minimize the amount of salt that is internalized10. Why does grass wilt if it is over fertilized? Outside solution is hypertonic with a lot of fertilizer minerals. Water water is pulled by osmosis from where the water concentration is higher ( Inside the plant cells) to where the water concentration is lower (in the surrounding soil) 11. A marathon runner collapses after running on a hot day. Although the runner consumed water along the route, analysis shows that many of the runner’s red blood cells burst. Explain. ( Hint: along the route only pure water was available) With only pure water taken in ( no salts) the solution outside of the red blood cells is hypotonic. Water travels from the hypotonic solution (high water- outside) to the hypertonic solution ( low water- inside). The rush of water causes cell bursting.The following web sites have good review practice for cells and cell transport.Biology a guide to the online world*Chapter 4 Cells and Chapter 5 The Cell Membrane ( Transport) has a basic quiz and achallenge quiz ( as well as links)Online Biology Book*Chapter 5 (Cells) and Chapter 6( Transport) has readings and great diagrams of the organelles in the cell as well as some review questions and links. Also has readings and diagrams of types of transport and the cell membrane.Gresham High School IB Biology Web Site*Section on Cells – Notes ( has good notes, diagrams and links on both cells and on transport through cells)*Section on Cells- Reviews ( has practice multiple choice questions)Mr. Jenzen’s Biology Home Page 4 and 5 ( good links for extra readings / info on cells and transport) ................

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