Ch 1 Review Sheet Answer Key - Winston-Salem/Forsyth ...

Ch 1 Review Sheet Answer Key

1. Anatomy is the study of structures, physiology is the study of functions.

2. Gross anatomy studies large structures, microscopic: studies specimens that cannot be seen except under a microscope

3. Complementarity of structure and function: the structure of a cell, organelle, or tissue is related to its function (example: shape of a red blood cell is round, enabling it to slide through blood vessels, neurons have branches for transmitting messages)

4. molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

5. Maintaining boundaries: skin or cell membrane, keeps living material separate from environment

Movement: muscles, movement of substances through vessels in the body

Responsiveness: senses and reacts to changes in the environment

Digestion: breaking down ingested food into a form the body can use

Metabolism: all chemical reactions within body cells

Excretion: removal of waste from the body

Reproduction: production of offspring

Growth: increase in size or number of cells

6. Anatomical position: standing with palms facing forward

7. a. Sagittal: cut that gives a left and a right

b. Transverse: cut that gives a top and a bottom

c. Frontal: cut that gives a front and a back

8. a. Dorsal: back or spine side f. Deep: below the surface

b. Ventral: belly or front g. Superficial: near the surface

c. Lateral: side h. Distal: farther away from the body

d. Medial: middle i. Proximal: closer to the body

e. Superior: above or top j. Inferior: lower or bottom

9.a. Cranial: head, protects the brain

b. Spinal/vertebral: dorsal, protects the spinal cord

c. Thoracic: chest area, protects the heart, lungs and large blood vessels

d. Abdominal: ventral, protects digestive organs

e. Pelvic: inferior to abdominal, protects rectum, ovaries

10. Right hypochondriac Epigastric Left hypochondriac

Liver Liver stomach

Right lumbar Umbilical Left lumbar

Ascending colon transverse colon descending colon

Right iliac Hypogastric Left iliac

Appendix, ovary small intestine ovary, sigmoid colon

11. a. Coxal f. Axillary

b. femoral g. Sural

c. gluteal h. carpel

d. brachial i. cephalic or cranial

e. cervical j. digital

Use textbook pages 5 and 6

12. Homeostasis: maintaining a constant internal environment even when external environment is changing

13. Positive feedback: response increases initial stimulus, blood clotting or birth of baby

Negative feedback: response decreases initial stimulus, temperature, calcium balance

Negative is more common in the body

14. see above

15. see above


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