Week - Front Page | Take Charge Today
|Week |Dates Aug 6 |Aug 7 |Aug 8 |Aug 9 |Aug 10 |
|1 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Prepare for Work | | | | |
|Lesson | | | |Employment Application | |
| |Resume | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Class Expectations |Resume Worksheet Due Course App. Due|Complete typing of resume, print | |Employment app. Due |
| |Course Outline & Syllabus |Discuss types of resumes |Self-Evaluate using rubric |Application Vocab |Peer evaluation of application |
| |CO-OP File /Portfolio |Examples of resumes | |Discuss rules for completing |assignments |
| |Label Categories |Type resume using MS Word | |applications |Fly Swatter Facts: Application |
| |Pre-Test |Contemporary Style | |Look at a variety of application |Vocab |
| |Planner Calendar | | |forms | |
| |Journals | | | | |
| |CO-OP Bucks | | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.1.5.F1 Level 1 & Level 2 Info Sheets|Overheads: Resume |1.1.5.B1 Rubric |Overheads: Employment Applications |Vocab terms on board |
| | |One Minute Me: Job Journey Soft | |District Application Pkt |Fly swatters |
| |Calendars from credit union, Files, |Skills | |Overhead projector |Job Search log |
| |Labels, pre-made journals, CO-OP Bucks|Computer Lab | | | |
| | |Overhead Projector | | | |
| |Pre-Test Assessment | | | | |
|Home- |1.1.5A1 Level 2 Resume Due Tues 8/7 |Complete one-minute me Due 8/9 |Get names & addresses of references |Complete employment application Due |Job Search log for employment |
|work |Application for CO-OP Due 8/7 | |Due 8/9 |8/10 |contacts |
| | | | |Dist. Applications due 8/13 |Bring them in weekly until hired |
|Bell Work |Journal topics on Bulletin Board Road |Opportunity is nowhere |What are 2 goals you have for yourself|What will you need to do to reach |1 expectation you have for |
| |to Financial Success | |for the 2007-2008 school year? |your 2 goals? |yourself |
| |Earn CO-OP Bucks | | | | |
|Week |Dates Aug 13 |Aug 14 |Aug 15 |Aug 16 |Aug 17 |
|2 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Prepare for work | | | | |
|Lesson | | |Interview | |Wage & Hour Reports |
| |Cover Letter | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |District App. Due |Type cover letter & submit |Individually |One Minute Me Due |Interview questions due |
| |Use Info Sheet Components of a cover | |Complete worksheet: Top 5 Qualities & |Role play interview |Identify parts of report form |
| |letter to discuss purpose & format for| |Facts tell…Stories Sell | |Practice calculations for hours |
| |cover letters | |Small group |Guest presenters to play part of |worked and wages |
| |Overhead: Cover letters | |Info sheet: Important skills & |interviewer and interviewees | |
| |Write 1st draft of letter | |personal qualities | | |
| |Evaluate with Rubric | |Complete activity: Skills & Qualities |Use Interview questions & Dress for | |
| | | |employers seek |success to evaluate performances | |
|SUPPLIES |1.1.4.F1 Info sheet |Computer Lab |No Soft Skills...No Job |1.1.11.A1 Worksheet |Wage & Hour Report form |
| |1.1 4.D1 Overhead | |Info sheet |1.1.11.E1 Handout |Calculators |
| |1.1.4.B1 Rubric | |Worksheet |1.1.11.E2 Handout | |
| | | |Group Activity | | |
| |Overhead projector | | | | |
|Home- | |Office candidate applications Due |Write 2 One-Minute Me responses about |1.1.11.E3 Interview Questions | |
|work | |8/20 |self: 1 Personal & 1 Professional Due |handout Due 8/17 | |
| | |Parent Meetings Tues-Thurs 6 PM |8/16 | | |
|Bell Work |One way you can contribute to the |What do you want to learn from your |One strength and how you have used it.|One weakness and what you can do to |How many hours did Casey Work? |
| |success of a business by working |new job? | |make is a strength. | |
| |there. | | | | |
|Week |Dates Aug 20 |Aug 21 |Aug 22 |Aug 23 |Aug 24 |
|3 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Prepare to Work | |Comparing Job Offers |Leadership | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
| |Interview | | |Business Meeting | |
|ACTIVITIES |Candidate App. Due |Play Interview Trivia |Introduction & Vocab |Parts of a business meeting & vocab |Business Meeting |
| |Interview Questions Due Discuss Common| |Complete worksheet: Job Offer |Format for business meeting using |Agenda: |
| |Interview question cards | | |parli pro |Elect officers |
| | | |Use overheads: Cost of Living, |Forms used by officers |Fundraising requests |
| |Make improvements on answers | |Complete worksheet: Cost of Living | |CO-OP Calendar of Events |
| |Complete worksheet: Professionally You| |Practice | |Cookie Order |
| | | | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.1.7.F1 Info Sheet |1.1.7.G1 PowerPoint |1.1.13.A1, A2, A3 Worksheet |Parliamentary Procedure Booklets |District form for fundraising |
| |1.1.7.A1 Worksheet | |1.1.3.D1, D2, D3 Overheads |Note Sheets |Gavel |
| |1.1.18.H1 Game Cards | |Calculators |Forms: Agenda, Secretary’s Record, | |
| |1.1.8.B1 Rubric | | |Treasurer’s Record, Committee | |
| | | |1.1.9.E1 Job Hunting on the Internet |Report, Gavel | |
| | | |Resourse | | |
|Home- |Job Search | | | | |
|work | | |1.1.9.A1 Worksheet: Job Announcement | | |
| | | |Criteria Due 8/27 | | |
|Bell Work |How many hours did George work? |How much will Ella make if she works|3 ways to locate job openings |Write a motion to introduce a new |Set up for meeting |
| | |22 ¼ hours at $6.75? | |idea | |
|Week |Dates Aug 27 |Aug 28 |Aug 29 |Aug 30 |Aug 31 |
|4 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Prepare for Work |Understanding Your Paycheck | | |Leadership |
|Lesson | | | | | |
| |Job Offers | | | |Hour Summary |
|ACTIVITIES |Job Announcement Due |View PowerPoint: Understanding Your |Complete worksheet: Paycheck Stub 1 & |Complete worksheet: Reviewing |Traits of Successful Workers Due |
| |Use Website to compare cost of living |Paycheck |2 |Paycheck & Tax Forms |Create Excel Spreadsheet for Hour |
| |Complete worksheet: Comparing Job |Complete worksheet: Understanding | | |Summary |
| |Offers |Your Paycheck Note Taking Guide | |Discuss Job Orientation Assignment |Enter hours worked |
| | |Info sheet: Understanding Your | | | |
| | |Paycheck | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.1.3.A3 Worksheet |1.13.1.G1 PowerPoint |1.13.1.A2 & A3 Worksheets |1.13.1.A4 Worksheet |Computer Lab |
| |Website: |1.13.1.L1 Note taking Guide |Calculators |Job Orientation Pkt. |Word Excel |
| | |1.13.1.F1 Info Sheet | | |Instructions sheet for spreadsheet|
| | |1.13.1.A1 Worksheet | | |School Calendar |
|Home- |1.1.9.E2 Hand Out: Traits of | | |Pay Stubs for those employed Due | |
|work |Successful Workers. Answer questions | | |8/31 | |
| |Due 8/31 | | |Orientations Due 2 Weeks after | |
| | | | |starting job | |
|Bell Work |Where is your ideal place to live and |What is gross pay? Net Pay? |What is FICA? |What is a W-4 and what’s it for? |Computer Lab |
| |why? | | | | |
|Week |Dates Sept 3 |Sept 4 |Sept 5 |Sept 6 |Sept 7 |
|5 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Labor Day |Job Success | | | |
|Lesson | |Expectations of Employers |Rights of Workers | | |
|ACTIVITIES | |Read sections from sample employer |Individual |If You Were an Employer Due |Present law reviews to class |
| | |handbooks |Go to YouthRules web page, select | |members |
| | | |additional resources/fact sheets |Research Arizona laws | |
| | |Outline common expectations |Each student researches different law |Highlight key points | |
| | |Discuss specific expectations needed|Highlight key points |Use note taking guide | |
| | |for different jobs |Use note taking organizer to record |Each student researches a different | |
| | | |points |law | |
|SUPPLIES | |Employer handbooks from local |youthrules. |The State of Arizona Labor Laws |Note taking guides |
| | |businesses |Note Taking Guide |Note Taking Guide |Student notes |
| | | |Driving | | |
| | |Resource: AFL-CIO It’s Your |Hazardous Jobs | | |
| | |Job…These are Your Rights. |Farm & non-farm | | |
| | | |Note Taking sheets | | |
| | | |AZ Labor Laws | | |
|Home- | |Ch 11 Activity B If You Were an | | | |
|Work | |Employer | | | |
| | |Due 9/6 | | | |
|Bell Work | |What is Federal minimum wage? |Why must Arizona employees receive |List jobs students 16-17 cannot |Who is OSHA? |
| | |Arizona minimum wage? |$6.75 instead of $5.85? |perform. | |
|Week |Dates Sept 10 |Sept 11 |Sept 12 |Sept 13 |Sept 14 |
|6 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Job Success | |Communication Skills | | |
|Lesson | | | |Values |Leadership |
| |Worker Rights | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Individual |Recognize Stress Due |Dealing with Stress Due |Complete worksheet: Needs & Wants |Values Paragraph Due |
| |Create a pamphlet to highlight key |Complete & Print Pamphlet |Small Group |Discuss differences |Business meeting |
| |points for each labor law | | |Complete worksheet: Values Continuum|Agenda |
| |Include graphics | |Work with team members to solve common|Follow up with paragraph |Cookie order |
| | | |communication problems | | |
| | | |Present solutions to class members | | |
|SUPPLIES |Computers | Computer Lab |Job related scenarios |1.17.2.A1 Worksheet |Business forms |
| |Word or Publisher |Note Taking Guides |Working Learning a Living |1.17.2.A5 Worksheet |Gavel |
| |References | |PDP Identify & apply conflict | | |
| | | |resolution skills | | |
|Home- |PDP Recognize stress factors Due 9/11 |PDP Activity 21 Dealing with Stress | | 2 paragraphs: How values differ | |
|work | |on the job Due 9/12 | |from parents. How parents influence | |
| | | | |values. Due9/14 | |
|Bell Work |By law, how much time to you get for |Who would you contact if you had a |Your boss asks you to stay late to |You observe a co-worker slip a few |Set Up for Meeting |
| |lunch and breaks? |labor related problem at work? |finish up a task but says he can’t pay|dollars into his/her pocket. | |
| | | |you. | | |
|Week |Dates Sept 17 |Sept 18 |Sept 19 |Sept 20 |Sept 21 |
|7 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Values | |Financial Goals | | |
|Lesson | | | |Financial Values |County In-service |
|ACTIVITIES |Class discussion on values |View PowerPoint |Values & Needs vs. Wants Due |Reflective Essay Due | |
| |Values Auction Game |Complete worksheet: Best Friend Ad |Introduce & discuss values using |Individually | |
| |Follow up with discussion item |Small Group Evaluate Needs & Wants |overhead: Financial Goals & What’s |Complete worksheet: Values Survey & | |
| | |Individually |Missing |tally results | |
| | |Complete Scenario |Respond using White Boards |Survey other students through out | |
| | | | |the weekend | |
|SUPPLIES |1.17.4.A1 Worksheet |2.17.2.L1 Note guide |1.17.3.D1 Overhead |6.0.7.A1 Financial Survey | |
| |1.17.4.H1 Note Cards |2.17.2.G1 PowerPoint |1.17.3.D2 Overhead |6.0.7.E1 Tally sheet | |
| |Play money |2.17.2.A1 Worksheet | |6.0.7.E 2 Explanations | |
| | |2.17.2.B1 Rubric |Dry erase boards & markers | | |
| | |2.17.2.H 1 & 2 Cards | | | |
| | |2.17.2.E1 Handout | | | |
| | |2.17.2.F1 Info Sheet | | | |
|Home- |1.17.4B1 Rubric |2.17.2.A12 Values & Needs vs. Wants| |6.0.7.A1 Financial | |
|work |Reflective Essay on values Due 9/20 |Due 9/19 | |Values Survey due 9/24 | |
|Bell Work |What are your personal values? |List your needs & wants |How much money do want to have? |Where will you get your money? | |
|Week |Dates Sept 24 |Sept 25 |Sept 26 |Sept 27 |Sept 28 |
|8 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Financial Values | | | | |
|Lesson | |Spending Plan | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Values Survey Due |Small Group | |Info sheet: Introduction to spending|Read Info Sheet: Developing a |
| |Small Group |Life In…Janet Cantor | |plans |spending Plan |
| |Tally survey results |View PowerPoint: Life in US | |View PowerPoint: Spending Plans | |
| |Create graph |Complete worksheet: Setting | |Complete worksheet: Bathtub analogy | |
| | |Financial Goals, Guided Spending | |View overhead: Income expense | |
| |Individually |Plan, Spending Plan Statement | |statement | |
| |Write a reaction paragraph | | |Overhead: Spending plan | |
|SUPPLIES |6.0.7.B2 Rubric |3.18.3.E1 Profile | | |1.15.3.F1 Info Sheet |
| |6.0.7.E1 Tally sheet |3.18.3.A1, A2, A3 Worksheets | |1.15.3.G1 PowerPoint |1.15.2.H2 Labels |
| | |3.18.3.G1 PowerPoint | |1.15.3.A1 Worksheet |Envelopes |
| | |(slide 1-5, 7) | |1.15.3.D3, D4, D5 Overhead |Check Register |
| | |Job announcement | | | |
| | |Calculators | | | |
|Home- | | | |1.15.2.B1 Rubric Personal Spending | |
|work | | | |Plan Due 10/1 | |
|Bell Work |Write a personal financial goal. |What do all of these have in common:|What is human capital? |What is your financial worth today? |Give an example of how your track |
| | |wedding, vacation, funeral, | | |your money. |
| | |education? | | | |
|Week |Dates Oct 1 |Oct 2 |Oct 3 |Oct 4 |Oct 5 |
|9 | | | | | |
|Unit/ | | |Parent Conferences | | |
|Lesson | | | | |Leadership |
| |Spending Plan | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Personal Spending Plan Due |Continue PowerPoint |Complete Katie Cole activities |Spending Plan Bean Game |Business Meeting |
| |View PowerPoint: Developing Spending | | | |Agenda |
| |Plans |Worksheet: Spending Plan 101 | |Discussion Questions |Cookie Order |
| |Discuss overhead: Cost Adds Up |activities | | | |
| |Spending plan game | | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.15.2.G1 PowerPoint | |1.15.2.A3, A4, A5 Worksheet |5.0.3 Bean Game |Business forms |
| |1.15.2.D1 , D2 Overhead | | |5.0.3.H1 Handout |Gavel |
| |1.15.2.J1 Instructions |1.15.2.A1, A3, A4, A5 Worksheet | | | |
| |1.15.2.H1 Game Cards | | | | |
| |1.5.2.B1 Rubric | | | | |
|Home- | | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |Respond to: “I never have any money |What do you think ‘financial |How much money does a person need? |Draw Scenario Card for Bean Game |Set Up for Meeting |
| |because it burns a hole in my pocket” |fitness” means? | | | |
|Week |Dates Oct 15 |Oct 16 |Oct 17 |Oct 18 |Oct 19 |
|10 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |FCCLA Fall Conf. (sub) | | | | |
|Lesson |Financial Institutions | | | |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES |Read Info Sheet: Financial |View PowerPoint: Financial |Continue Game |Area Financial Institutions Due |Business Meeting |
| |Institutions |Institutions | |Guest Speaker |Agenda |
| |Complete Worksheet: Financial |Review Info Sheet and worksheet |Complete Worksheet: Status of |Credit Union |Winter Reception |
| |Institutions |activity |Financial Institutions | |Select committees |
| | |Game: Financial Institutions | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.7.3.F1 Info Sheet |1.7.3.G1 PowerPoint |1.7.3.A1 Worksheet |Guest Speaker |Business forms |
| |1.7.3.A2 Worksheet |1.7.3.A2 Worksheet | |Note Taking Guide |Gavel |
| | |1.7.3.H1 Game Sheet | | | |
| | |Play money | | | |
|Home- |1.7.3.A.3 Worksheet Area Financial | | | | |
|work |Institutions Due 10/18 | | | | |
|Bell Work |1.7.2.B1 Word Challenge |What is e-banking? |What is documentation of a purchase? |What is it called when a paycheck is|Set Up for Meeting |
| |Plastic card connected to a bank | | |put into a bank account | |
| |account | | |electronically? | |
|Week |Dates Oct 22 |Oct 23 |Oct 24 |Oct 25 |Oct 26 |
|11 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Financial Institutions | | | | |
|Lesson | |Managing Cash | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Vocab review |Complete worksheet: Time Value of |Pairs |Review savings vocabulary |SnapShot of my future Due |
| |Game: What’s What in Banking? |Money |Info Sheet: What can you do with |Teams |View PowerPoint: Manage Your Cash |
| | |Class Discussion |money? |Hangman |Complete worksheet: Cash |
| |Teams |Overhead: Cost Adds Up |Discuss saving as one option | |Management |
| | |Overhead: What would do with $100 |Matching Game | | |
| | |Overhead: Importance of Interest | | | |
| | |Rates | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.7.4.H1 Game Cards |1.14.5.A1 Worksheet |2.14.1.F1 Info Sheet |Vocabulary list |1.14.2.G1 PowerPoint |
| |3 Minute Sand Timers |1.14.5.D1, D2, D3 Overhead |2.14.1.L1 Note Taking Guide |2.14.1.K1 Answer Key | |
| | |Play Money | | | |
|Home- |2.1.1.A2 Worksheet: A SnapShot of my | | | | |
|work |future Due 10/26 | | | | |
|Bell Work |What is it when you authorize bill |Give out $100 as they enter class. |What is it when payments are |What is the security number used to |E-banking does not leave a paper |
| |payments via email? |What would you do with $100? |authorized to be paid automatically |access accounts at an ATM? |trail, it is considered_____. |
| | | |through a bank account? | | |
|Week |Dates Oct 29 |Oct 30 |Oct 31 |Nov 1 |Nov 2 |
|12 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Managing Cash |AIMS |AIMS | | |
|Lesson | | | |AIMS |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES |View PowerPoint: Checking Accounts | | | |Business Meeting |
| |Checking Simulation | | | |Agenda |
| |Account Application | | | |Date, time, location of winter |
| | | | | |reception |
| | | | | |Budget & menu |
| | | | | |Invitations |
| | | | | |Food |
| | | | | |Entertainment |
| | | | | |Approve POs |
|SUPPLIES |1.7.1.G1 PowerPoint | | | |Business Forms |
| |1.7.1.K1 Simulation | | | |Gavel |
| |Student Pkt Part 1 | | | | |
| |Teacher Pkt Part 1 & 2 | | | | |
| |Answer Key | | | | |
| |Check Book & Register | | | | |
| |Calculators | | | | |
|Home- |Select checks from flyer. Record | | | | |
|work |selection and cost in journal | | | | |
|Bell Work |Bank Account Application | | | |Set Up for Meeting |
|Week |Dates Nov 5 |Nov 6 |Nov 7 |Nov 8 |Nov 9 |
|13 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Managing Cash | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Simulation Part 1 |Simulation Part 2 |View PowerPoint: Electronic Banking | |Electronic Banking |
| |Practice checks | |Complete worksheet: Electronic Banking| | |
| |Reconciliation forms | |Small Groups | |Trivia Game |
| |Transactions forms | |Scenarios | | |
| | | |Receive Bank Cards | | |
|SUPPLIES |Checks |Student Packet Part 2 |1.7.2.F1 Info sheet | |1.7.2.G2 PowerPoint |
| |Registers | |1.7.2.A1 Worksheet | |White Boards |
| |September Statement | |1.7.2.G1 PowerPoint | |Markers |
| |Calculators | |1.7.2.A2 Worksheet | |1 Minute Sand Timers |
| |1.7.1.A3 Transaction Calendar | | | | |
| | | |Bank Cards | | |
|Home- |Survey adults to find out how many use|Graph survey results | | | |
|work |paper checks for daily transactions |Due 11/7 | | | |
|Bell Work |What would you do if you won |Your paycheck seems to be short. |You receive an email from a bank and |The ATM machine keeps your card. |You check your balance at the ATM |
| |$1,000,000? |What do you do? |they need your SS# to set up a new |What do you do? |and find it has an extra $2,000. |
| | | |account. Respond | | |
|Week |Dates Nov 12 |Nov 13 |Nov 14 |Nov 15 |Nov 16 |
|14 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Managing Cash | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |View PowerPoint: Contactless Payment |Individual |Select Scenario | | |
| |Complete worksheet: Basics of |Create a brochure on Contactless |Complete activity with various | | |
| |Contactless Payment |payment |financial transactions | | |
| | |Use computer or paper | | |Submit Check register |
| | |Due 11/15 | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.7.5.G2 PowerPoint |1.7.5.F1 Info Sheet |RealityCheck Simulation | |Rubric |
| |1.7.5.L1 Note Taking Guide |1.7.5.B1 Rubric |Checkbooks | | |
| | | |Debit Cards | | |
| | | |Expense Cards | | |
| | | |Money Cards | | |
|Home- | |Complete Brochure | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |What dangers could there be in |What form of contactless payment |Draw a Monthly Income Card |Draw a Surprise Card |Draw a Lucky Day Card |
| |contactless payment? |would you like? | |Complete transaction |Complete transaction |
|Week |Dates Nov 19 |Nov 20 |Nov 21 |Nov 22 |Nov 23 |
|15 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Credit | |Holiday | | |
|Lesson | | | |Holiday |Holiday |
|ACTIVITIES |Guest Speaker |When is it OK to use Credit Due | | | |
| |Washington Mutual |What is credit? | | | |
| |Credit 101 |Discuss advantages and disadvantages| | | |
| | |of credit | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | |Credit activity: Complete Credit | | | |
| | |Scenario | | | |
|SUPPLIES |Speaker Presentation Note Guide |1.4.3.H1 Game Cards | | | |
| | |1.4.3.A1 Worksheet | | | |
|Home- |2 Paragraphs: When is it OK to use | | | | |
|work |credit Due 11/20 | | | | |
|Bell Work |What is revolving credit? |What should you do if your credit | | | |
| | |card is stolen or lost? | | | |
|Week |Dates Nov 26 |Nov 27 |Nov 28 |Nov 29 |Nov 30 |
|16 | | | | | |
|Unit/ | | | | | |
|Lesson |Credit | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Credit 101 Trivia |Individual |Credit Reports |View PowerPoint: Understanding |Small Group |
| | |Complete Credit Card Application |Look up individual credit report on |Credit Report |Worksheet Credit Report Scenario |
| |Small Group | |Internet |Schumer’s Box | |
| |Complete Activity: Comparison shopping| | |Complete worksheet: Credit Report | |
| |for credit cards | | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.4.1.G2 PowerPoint |1.4.1.F1, F2, F3, F4 Handout |Computer |1.4.2.G1 PowerPoint |1.4.2.A2 Worksheet |
| |1.4.1.K1 Answer Key |1.4.1.C1 Answer Key | |1.4.2.A1 Worksheet | |
| |1.4.1.A1 Worksheet | | | | |
| |1.4.1.A2 Worksheet | | | | |
| |White Board | | | | |
| |Markers | | | | |
|Home- | |1.4.1.B1 Rubric Best Choices of | | | |
|work | |Credit Cards due 11/29 | | | |
|Bell Work |Why do employers do a credit |True/False: If you are under 18, not|What should you do if you can’t make a|What can you do to insure that your |How do you correct an error on |
| |background check on applicants? |paying an account will not affect |payment? |credit score is good? |your credit report? |
| | |your credit. | | | |
|Week |Dates Dec 3 |Dec 4 |Dec 5 |Dec 6 |Dec 7 |
|17 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Leadership | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |1 Minute Speech |Prepare supplies & materials for |Decorate reception area |Clean up, pack & store party |Evaluation of reception |
| |Write speech |reception | |supplies |2 paragraphs in Journal |
| |Practice |Practice speech |Winter Reception 6:30 PM | | |
| | | | |Update hour summaries | |
|SUPPLIES |1 Minute Speech |Inventory |Food & serving trays |Computer | |
| |School to Work | |Table covers & decorations |Wage & hour Reports | |
| |Outline | |Podium & PA system |Pay stubs | |
| |Note Cards | |Tree, lights, decorations | | |
|Home- |Review & Edit speech |Practice Speech |Winter Reception 6:30 PM | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |What is your best personal quality |How have you made a positive |Give an example of how you have |How is customer service defined at |Paragraphs |
| |while at work? |contribution to your place of |demonstrated initiative at work? |your place of employment? | |
| | |employment? | | | |
|Week |Dates Dec 10 |Dec 11 |Dec 12 |Dec 13 |Dec 14 |
|18 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Credit | | | | |
|Lesson | |Payday Lending | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |View PowerPoint: Payday Loans |Payday Homework Due |Individual |View PowerPoint: Identity Theft |Interview Questions Due |
| |Complete worksheet: Payday Lending |Small Group |Complete worksheet: Taking Credit |Complete worksheet: Identity Theft |Discuss results |
| |Discuss payday lending |Complete worksheet: Payday Lending |Cards by the Horns | | |
| | |Hazards | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.4.4.F1 Info Sheet |1.4.4.A2 Worksheet |2.4.1.A1 Worksheet |1.3.1.G1 PowerPoint |1.3.1.B1 Rubric |
| |1.4.4.G1 PowerPoint |Dice | |1.3.1.A1 Worksheet | |
| |1.4.4.L1 Note taking guide | | |1.3.1.F1 Info Sheet | |
|Home- |1.4.4.A1 Worksheet Payday Lending Due | |Final Exam Study Guide |1.3.1.A2 Worksheet Interview |Performance Evaluations 2nd Qtr |
|work |12/11 | | |Questions Due 12/14 |Hour summaries updated & printed |
|Bell Work |What is the problem with requesting |Bethany purchased a new pair of |Dana left her credit card at a |Sam bought a bike with his credit |Jacob receives credit card ads |
| |an advance on your paycheck? |shoes from Internet. How should she |restaurant. She called but they don’t |card. His statement has several |each day. What should he do with |
| | |protect her identity |have it. Respond |other charges. |them? |
|Week |Dates Dec 17 |Dec 18 |Dec 19 |Dec 20 |Dec 21 |
|19 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Final Exam | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Performance Evaluations and Hour |Complete worksheet: Discussion |Written Final |Written Final | |
| |Summaries Due |Questions | | | |
| |Monopoly Game | | | | |
| |Worksheet: | | | | |
| |Tracking Property, Income, Expenses | | | | |
|SUPPLIES |Monopoly Game Boards |5.0.16.E1 Worksheet | | | |
| |5.0.16.A1 Worksheet | | | | |
|Home- |Review test questions | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |Give one example of a way to protect |None | | | |
| |your own identity. | | | | |
|Week |Dates Jan 7 |Jan 8 |Jan 9 |Jan 10 |Jan 11 |
|20 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Leadership |Financial Calculators | | | |
|Lesson | | | | |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES |Team Building |View PowerPoint: Financial |Individual or small group |View Power Point: Future Values |Figuring Compensation Due |
| |Market Madness Game |Calculators |Problem Scenarios |Complete Worksheet: Future Values |Business Meeting |
| |Follow up worksheet: Teamwork & |Complete worksheet | |Calculations |Agenda |
| |Synergy |Handouts: Trouble | |Problem scenarios & practice using |Cookie Order |
| |Overhead: Teamwork Mountain |Shooting Tips & | |functions | |
| | |Step by Step | | | |
| | |BAII Calculators | | | |
|SUPPLIES |mpower Market Madness Activity |1.6.1.G1 PowerPoint | |1.6.2. G1 PowerPoint |Business forms |
| |Worksheet |1.6.1.A1 Worksheet | | A1 Worksheet |Gavel |
| |Overhead |1.6.1.E1, E2 Handout | |1.6.2.C1 Answer Key | |
| |Play Money |1.6.1.C1 Answer Key | | |Activity 10.2 Answer Key |
| |Sand Timers | | | | |
|Home- | |Working Learning a Living Activity | | | |
|work | |10.2 Figuring Compensation Due 1.11 | | | |
|Bell Work |What is a team? |What expectations do you have for |How do you contribute to the success |How do you build trust in a team? |Set Up for Meeting |
| | |members of a team? |of a team? | | |
|Week |Dates Jan 14 |Jan 15 |Jan 16 |Jan 17 |Jan 18 |
|21 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Financial Calculators | | | | |
|Lesson | |Shopping for an Auto Loan | | |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES |Small group |View PowerPoint: Shopping for an |GMAC Application Due |Complete worksheet: Shopping for an |Team building |
| |Practice changing variables & |Auto Loan using Financial |Worksheet: Practice Calculating Cost |Auto Loan |Education Matters |
| |calculations with financial |Calculators |of a Loan |Use Website calculators |Balloon Tower |
| |calculators |Complete worksheet: What do I need | | | |
| | |to know? | | | |
|SUPPLIES |2.6.2.A1 Worksheet |1.16.3.F1 Info Sheet |1.16.3.A2 Worksheet |1.16.3.A1 Worksheet |2.1.1.H2 Game Cards |
| |BAII Calculator |1.16.3.G1 PowerPoint | |Computer Lab |Balloon (15/team) |
| | |1.16.3.A1 Worksheet |BAII Calculators |Internet |Masking Tape |
| | | | |Website Calculators |Handkerchiefs |
|Home- | |GMAC Application Due 1/16 | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |What type of vehicle do you drive or |What’s the best source for |How do you “shop” for a loan? |Sample sales contract. Locate the |What does APR mean? |
| |what is your dream auto? |purchasing a used vehicle? Dealer or| |purchase price of the vehicle | |
| | |Individual | | | |
|Week |Dates Jan 21 |Jan 22 |Jan 23 |Jan 24 |Jan 25 |
|22 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Holiday |Financial Calculators | | | |
|Lesson | | | |Rule of 72 |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES | |View PowerPoint: Time & length |Worksheet: Practice Problems for Time |View PowerPoint: Rule of 72 |Team building & goal setting |
| | |Calculations |& Length Calculators |Complete worksheet: Rule of 72 |Activity: |
| | | | | |Marshmallow Tower |
|SUPPLIES | |1.6.4.G1 PowerPoint |1.6.4.A2 Worksheet |1.14.3.G1 PowerPoint |2.17.1 Activity |
| | |1.6.4.A1 Worksheet |1.6.4.C1 Answer Key |1.14.3.A1 Worksheet |Marshmallow |
| | |1.6.4.C1 Answer Key | |1.14.3.C1 Answer Key |Toothpicks |
| | |BAII Calculators | | | |
|Home- | | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work | |Estimated auto payments = $22/$1000|What’s wrong with a 5 year loan on a |5.0.6.D1 Overhead: |Team Selection |
| | |How much would a payment be on |10 year old vehicle? |Double The salary | |
| | |$27,599 | | | |
|Week |Dates Jan 28 |Jan 29 |Jan 30 |Jan 31 |Feb 1 |
|23 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Income Tax | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES |PowerPoint: Your Role as a Taxpayer |Small Group |View PowerPoint: Understanding IRS |Discuss key terms, US income tax |Business Meeting |
| |Complete worksheet Activity Government|Complete worksheet: Tax legislations|Discuss info sheet: What is IRS |system, tax withholding |Agenda |
| |Spending |Process & Discuss |Info Sheet: Types of Income to be |Complete worksheet: Job |Cookie Order |
| |Use Info Sheet: Taxes |Info Sheet 1: Evolution of Taxes |Taxed |Responsibilities |Parent Night Dinner |
| |Shift Resources |Info Sheet 2: The Duck Stamp Act |Complete worksheet: IRS History | |Purchase for food |
| |Info Sheet: Federal Revenue Spending |Check solutions to worksheet | | | |
| | |activities | | | |
|SUPPLIES |Understanding Taxes |How Taxes Evolve Lesson 2 |Understanding the IRS Theme 6 |Lesson Plan: Your First Job |Business forms |
| |Why Pay Taxes Lesson 1 |Info Sheet 1 & 2 |Lesson Plan: The IRS Yesterday & Today|Worksheet: Job Responsibility & |Gavel |
| |PowerPoint: Therme 1 overview |Worksheet & solutions |PowerPoint |Solutions | |
| |Info sheet 1 & 2 | |Info Sheet | | |
| | | |Worksheet | | |
| | | |Solution | | |
|Home- | |Get W-2 from employer | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |What do your taxes pay for? |What public service would you |Why do teens have to pay employment |Why does a family with children pay |Set Up for Meeting |
| | |support with your taxes? |taxes? |fewer taxes than a single person? | |
|Week |Dates Feb 4 |Feb 5 |Feb 6 |Feb 7 |Feb 8 |
|24 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Income Tax | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Discuss fact sheet: |Discuss fact sheet: Wage & Tip |Discuss Tax Evasion & Avoidance & |Know your Rights Due |Complete 1040 EZ Form using W-2 |
| |Payroll Taxes & Federal Income Tax |Income |Voluntary Compliance |Info Sheet: Discuss key methods of | |
| |Withholding |Discuss information on W-2 |Discuss rights of Tax Payers |filing | |
| |Info Sheet W-4 |What to do with W-2 | |Discuss parts of a income tax form | |
| |Complete W-4 | | |View electronic filing software | |
|SUPPLIES |Lesson Plan: Payroll & Income Tax |Lesson Plan: Wage & Tip Income |Lesson Plan: Tax Payer Responsibility |Personal W-2 from employer |Personal W-2 from employer |
| |Info Sheet: W-4 |W-2 Form |Info Sheet 1 & 2 |Lesson Plan: Methods of Filing |1040 EZ form and instruction |
| | |Info Sheet: Wage & Tip |Worksheet |Paper Forms |booklet |
| | | | |Internet Access | |
| | | | |Income Tax Software | |
|Home- | | |Complete worksheet: Know your Rights | | |
|work | | |Due 2/7 | | |
|Bell Work |Who is exempt from paying taxes? |What is taxable income? |What is voluntary compliance? |What happens if you arelate in |Taxes are… |
| | | | |filing your taxes? | |
|Week |Dates Feb 11 |Feb 12 |Feb 13 |Feb 14 |Feb 15 |
|25 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Income Tax Return | | | | |
|Lesson | | | |Researching an Auto | |
|ACTIVITIES |Students complete personal income tax |Complete Tax Return |Complete Tax Return |Use RealityCheck Scenario identity |Think First, Buy Later Due |
| |return using E File for Federal & | | |Info Sheet: Reading a Classified Ad |View PowerPoint: Researching an |
| |State | | |Complete Worksheet: Part 1 What do I|Auto |
| | | | |need in a vehicle? |Complete worksheet: Researching an|
| | | | |Complete worksheet: Part 3 |Auto |
| | |Play Tax Term Game when finished | |Comparison of Vehicles | |
| | |with tax returns | | | |
|SUPPLIES |Computers |Jenga Tax Terms |Computer Simulations |RealityCheck Scenario |1.16.2.G1 PowerPoint |
| |W-2 |Tax Term Vocab List | |Info Sheet: Classified Ads |1.16.2.A1 worksheet |
| | | | |1.16.2.A2 worksheet | |
| | | | |1.16.2.A3 worksheet | |
| | | | |Newspaper | |
| | | | |Calculators | |
|Home- | | | |Guide for 1st Car Buyers Think | |
|work | | | |First, Buy Later Due 2/15 | |
|Bell Work |Why don’t parents combine a child’s |Who can use the 1040 EZ tax form? |How do you sign an electronic tax |Draw Auto Expense Cards Daily & pay |Expense Card |
| |income with their income to file | |return? |expenses with debit, check, or | |
| |taxes? | | |credit | |
|Week |Dates Feb 18 |Feb 19 |Feb 20 |Feb 21 |Feb 22 |
|26 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Holiday |Researching an Auto | | | |
|Lesson | | | | |Insurance |
|ACTIVITIES | |Review points from PowerPoint: |Field Trip to local dealership |Complete Worksheet Part 4 Making & |Small Group |
| | |Researching an Auto |Note Taking Guide: Points to consider |Evaluating a Decision |Activity: Insurance Quiz |
| | |Complete worksheet Researching an |when buying a used vehicle |Game: What’s the Big Deal |Info Sheet: Types of Insurance |
| | |Auto | | | |
| | |Use Internet Websites to research | | | |
| | |vehicles | | | |
|SUPPLIES | |1.16.2.A3 Worksheet |Note Taking Guide |1.16.2.A5 Worksheet |1.10.B1 Quiz |
| | | |Van/Bus |1.16.3.H1 Game Cards |1.10.1.F1 Info Sheet |
| | |consumerreport |Permission forms | |1.10.1.C1 Answer Key |
| | | | | |White boards |
| | | | | |Markers |
|Home- | | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work | |Draw Auto Expense card daily. Pay |Field Trip Roster |Summarize what you learned about |What type of insurance do you need|
| | |expense and record in register | |buying a vehicle. |if you break your leg |
| | | | | |rollerblading? |
|Week |Dates Feb 25 |Feb 26 |Feb 27 |Feb 28 |Feb 29 |
|27 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Insurance |AIMS |AIMS | | |
|Lesson | | | |Insurance | |
|Copletle |Guest Speaker | | |Factors Affecting Auto Insurance Due|Complete worksheet: Insurance |
| |State Farm Agent | | |View PowerPoint: Auto Insurance |Terminology Scramble to review all|
| |Complete Presenter Guide | | |Complete worksheet: Specifics of |types of insurance |
| | | | |Auto Insurance | |
|SUPPLIES |Guest Speaker | | |1.16.1.F1 Info Sheet |1.10.1.A2 Worksheet |
| |Presenter Note Taking Guide | | |1.16.1.G1 PowerPoint | |
| | | | |1.16.1.A1 Worksheet | |
| | | | |1.16.1.C1 Answer Key | |
|Home- |1.16.1.A3 Crossword Factors Affecting | | | | |
|work |Auto Insurance Due 2/28 | | | | |
|Bell Work |What type of insurance would you need | | |What type of insurance would you |What type of insurance do you use |
| |if you were in an auto accident & | | |need if your kitchen catches fire? |if you slip & fall at work? |
| |couldn’t work for 2 months? | | | | |
|Week |Dates Mar 3 |Mar 4 |Mar 5 |Mar 6 |Mar 7 |
|28 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Housing | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES |Select Roommate Pairs |Continue worksheet: How to Locate a |Word Search Due |Rental Search Due |Business Meeting |
| |RealityCheck Scenario |Living Space |Complete worksheet: Lease checklist |Complete worksheet: Choosing Housing|Agenda |
| |Read Info Sheet: How to locate a |Complete a Rental Application |Use handout: Example of a Lease |Necessities |Parent Dinner |
| |living space |Complete worksheet: Reading a Living|Agreement | |PowerPoint presentation of |
| |Complete Brainstorm Activity: Aspects |Space Advertisement | | |students at work |
| |of Renting a Living space | | | | |
| |View PowerPoint: How to Locate a | | | | |
| |Living Space | | | | |
| |Complete Worksheet | | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.9.2.F1 Info Sheet |1.9.2.A1 Worksheet |1.9.4.A1 Worksheet |Newspaper Ads |Business Forms |
| |1.9.2.H1 Game Cards |Rental Application |1.9.4.E1 Handout |1.9.1.A1 Worksheet |Gavel |
| |1.9.2.G1 PowerPoint |1.9.2.B1 Rubric Classified Ads |1.9.4.C1 Answer Sheet | |Computer |
| |1.9.2.A1 Worksheet | | | | |
| |Reality Check Scenario | | | | |
|Home- |1.9.2.A2 Word Search Terms Involved in|1.9.2.F2 Rental Search Checklist | | |2 Minute Speech prepared for |
|work |Renting Due 3/5 |completed for personal dwelling | | |Parent Dinner Due 2/11 |
| | |Due 3/6 | | | |
|Bell Work |Draw Housing Expense Card Daily. | | | |One new task you have learned at |
| |Follow directions and pay expenses | | | |your job this year. |
|Week |Dates Mar 10 |Mar 11 |Mar 12 |Mar 13 |Mar 14 |
|29 | | | | | |
|Unit/ | | |Parent Conferences | | |
|Lesson |Housing | | | |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES |Complete worksheet: Housing Needs & |Supplies for Parent Dinner |Discuss Move In Expenses | |Update Hour Summaries |
| |Wants |Practice Speeches |Deposits on Rental & Utilities | | |
| |Research project cost in newspaper ads| |Calculated & pay expenses | | |
| |& computer | |Complete applications for utilities | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.9.1.A2 Worksheet | |Utility deposit rates & sample | | |
| |Internet Access | |applications | | |
| |Newspaper Ads | |RealityCheck Move In Budget Worksheet | | |
| | | |Calculators | | |
|Home- |3rd Quarter Performance Evaluations |Parent Dinner 6.30 PM | | | |
|work |Due | | | | |
|Bell Work |My dream home… |Utility Expense Card |Utility Expense Card | | |
|Week |Dates Mar 24 |Mar 25 |Mar 26 |Mar 27 |Mar 28 |
|30 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Holiday |Grocery Shopping | | |Leadership |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES | |Overhead: The Vegetable Market & The|Discuss food Groups & creating a |Continue Menu Planning |Business Meeting |
| | |Fruit Market |balanced diet using the Food Guide |Complete worksheet: Grocery Shopping|Agenda |
| | |Complete Activity |Pyramid |List |Cookie Order |
| | |Discuss handout: Grocery Shopping |Complete assignment: Menu Planning & |Use Newspaper Ads to price cost of |Plan Employer Banquet |
| | |Tips |Grocery Pricing |groceries |Select Committee |
| | |Show USDS Food Plan |Complete worksheet: Menu Planning | |PO for Plaques submit order by |
| | |Cost of Food | | |April 1 |
|SUPPLIES | |5.0.25.D1 Overhead |My Pyramid Poster |1.8.2.A2 Worksheet |Business Forms |
| | |1.8.2.E1 Handout |1.8.2.B1 Directions |Calculators |Gavel |
| | |Internet Access |1.8.2.A1 Worksheet | | |
| | |USDA Food Plans Update |1.8.2.A2 Worksheet | | |
| | |Calculators |1.8.2.H1 Game Cards | | |
| | |*Make fruit/veg flannel |Newspaper Ads | | |
| | |Board | | | |
|Home- | | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work | |What is the cost of a single soda if|Write a bumper sticker with shopping |You have $25… What will you buy for |Set Up for Meeting |
| | |a 12 pack is $3.99? |tip. |dinner for you and your 3 friends? | |
|Week |Dates Mar 31 |Apr 1 |Apr 2 |Apr 3 |Apr 4 |
|31 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Shopping | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Compare 5 products: store brand & name|Calculate cost per serving for |View PowerPoint: Comparison Shopping |Small Group |Discuss clothing and personal |
| |brand |comparison products |Complete Note Taking Guide |Compare products and complete |purchases |
| |Complete worksheet: Store vs. Name |Complete worksheet: Taste Test 2 |Complete worksheet: The Right Price |activity |Complete worksheet: Savvy Shopping|
| |Brand Comparison | |Read Info Sheet: Comparison Shopping | |using Savvy Shopping Directions |
| |Use overhead: Taste Test Results | | | | |
| |Complete worksheet: Taste Test 2 | | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.2.1.A1 Worksheet |1.2.1.A3 Worksheet |2.2.1G1 PowerPoint |2.2.1.A3 Worksheet |1.2.2.A2 Worksheet |
| |1.2.1.D1 Overhead |Calculators |2.2.1.L1 Note Taking Guide |2.2.1.A2 Worksheet |1.2.2.A1 Worksheet |
| |1.2.1.A2 Worksheet |Paper plates |2.2.1.A1 & A2 Worksheet |Paper Towels (variety) | |
| |5 Products (2 each, 1 brand name, 1 |Cups |2.2.1.F1 Info Sheet |Water | |
| |store brand) |Utensils | |Measuring Cups | |
| |Place cards | | |Stones or weights | |
| |Paper bags | | | | |
|Home- |Update Hour Summaries | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |What influences your decision to |How do you know which brand name to |Describe an item you purchased that |What was the last item you purchased|When I buy jeans, I look for… |
| |purchase certain items over others? |purchase? |had hidden costs. |that wasn’t worth the money? | |
|Week |Dates Apr 7 |Apr 8 |Apr 9 |Apr 10 |Apr 11 |
|32 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Shopping |AIMS |AIMS | | |
|Lesson | | | |Leadership |Advertising |
|ACTIVITIES |Complete Savvy Shopping Activity | | |Business Meeting |30 Minute Ad Count Due |
| | | | |Agenda | |
| | | | |Employer Banquet |Small Group |
| | | | |Invitations |Use Worksheet: Cereal Box Puzzles |
| | | | |Purchase Orders |to analysis a cereal box covers |
| | | | |Speech Assignment | |
|SUPPLIES |1.2.2.A2 Worksheet | | |Business Forms |1.2.3.A1 Worksheet |
| |1.2.2.A1 Worksheet | | |Gavel |Cereal Box Covers |
| | | | |Computers | |
| | | | |Previous invitations | |
|Home- |1.2.3.A2 Worksheet: 30 Minute Ad Count| | | | |
|work |Due 4/11 | | | | |
|Bell Work |When I have extra money… | | |Set Up Room |Cereal Box Puzzle Pieces |
|Week |Dates Apr 14 |Apr 15 |Apr 16 |Apr 17 |Apr 18 |
|33 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Advertising |Cell Phone | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |View PowerPoint: Do You Know What You |Read articles: Should you give up |Pairs |Pairs or Individual |Work on & Complete Projects |
| |Want? |your landline? |Complete worksheet; Cell Phone Plan |Discuss | |
| |Complete Worksheet: Do You Know What |Getting rid of your landline. |Comparison & Landline Long Distance |Project Description: Staying in | |
| |You Want? |Discuss advantages & disadvantages |Comparison |Touch Research phone service options| |
| |Compare features of magazine |of cell vs. landline |Select service for Stay In Touch |Present information to class using | |
| | | |scenario |PowerPoint or create an Ad | |
|SUPPLIES |1.2.3.L1 Note Taking Guide |1.2.3.A3 Worksheet |6.0.6.A1 Worksheet |6.0.6.E1 Handout |Computer |
| |1.2.3.G1 PowerPoint | |6.0.6.A2 Worksheet |6.0.6.B1, B2, B3 Rubric |Paper Resources |
| |Magazines | |(change MCI to Qwest) |Internet Access | |
| | | |6.0.6.H1 Game Cards | | |
| | | |Cell Phone Brochures or Internet | | |
| | | |Access | | |
|Home- | |6.0.6.E3 Hand Out: Stay in Touch Due| | |Up Date Hour Summaries |
|work | |4/18 | | | |
|Bell Work |How does advertising influence your |What features in a cell phone ad |What’s the most important feature on |Write an ad for your cell phone. |What does a basic service plan |
| |buying habits? |increased your desire to purchase? |our cell phone? | |include? |
|Week |Dates Apr 21 |Apr 22 |Apr 23 |Apr 24 |Apr 25 |
|34 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Career Choices | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Small Groups |General Attitude Survey Due |Planning Guide Due |View PowerPoint: The Places You Will|Complete Worksheet: The Places You|
| |Activity Worksheet: Career Cluster |Complete Future Planning Guide in |Small Group |Go! |Will Go! |
| |Connection |American Careers |Complete worksheet: Oliver’s Dilemma |Complete Worksheet: All Aboard! | |
| |Discuss responses | |Report to class |Review SMART Goals | |
| |Complete Worksheet: Discover Your | |Read The Places You Will Go! | | |
| |Interests | | | | |
| |Tally Results | | | | |
| |(form related groups for Wednesday) | | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1 set/group: Lego, pencil, dinosaur, |Transcripts |2.1.2.H1 Table Tents |2.1.2.G1 PowerPoint |2.1.2.A2 Worksheet |
| |robot, magnifying glass |American Careers Magazine |2.1.2.A1 Worksheet |2.1.2.L1 Note Taking Guide | |
| |American Careers | |Book: The Places You Will Go! | | |
| |Magazine for each student | | | | |
| |Survey in Teaching Guide | | | | |
|Home- |Worksheet: General Attitude Survey Due|Complete Planning Guide Due 4/23 | | | |
|work |4/22 | | | | |
|Bell Work |What are you looking for in a career? |How will having a family change your|Who has been the greatest influence on|Today is the day to set sale. |How do you plan to reach your |
| | |career goal? |your career choice? |Respond |career goal? |
|Week |Dates Apr 28 |Apr 29 |Apr 30 | May 1 |May 2 |
|35 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Career Choices | | | | |
|Lesson | | | | |Leadership |
|ACTIVITIES |Community Panel |Discuss factors that influence |Career Research Assignment: Use |Career Research Assignment |Practice Speeches |
| |Hand Out: Career Panel Questions |career choices |American Careers to select a career in|Research career choice on |Prepare agenda for banquet |
| | |Discuss Interest Inventories |the career cluster of their choice |Occupational Outlook Handbook |Format for Letters of Resignation |
| | |View Overhead: Future Trends in |Rubric: Career Research PowerPoint |Website | |
| | |Career & Jobs |Presentation |Hand Out: Career Resources | |
| | |Discuss worksheet: Career Research |Optional Oral Presentation | | |
| | |Project | | | |
|SUPPLIES |Invitation letters to Community Panel |American Careers |1.1.2.B1 Rubric |1.1.2.E1 Hand Out | |
| |Members (Previous Month) |Interest Inventory | | | |
| |2.1.2.E3 Hand Out |1.1.2.D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 Overheads | | | |
| | |1.1.2.A1 Worksheet | | | |
|Home- |Up Date Hour Summaries |Career Research Project Due 5/8 | | |1st Draft Letters of Resignation |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |None |Evaluate Career Panel |What’s the difference between a job & |To be successful means… |Set Up for Meeting |
| | | |a career? | | |
|Week |Dates May 5 |May 6 |May 7 |May 8 |May 9 |
|36 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Leadership |Leadership | | | |
|Lesson | | | |Careers | |
|ACTIVITIES |Type Letters of Resignation |Prepare for Employer Banquet |Clean up & store banquet supplies |Career Project Presentations |Career Project Presentations |
| |Prepare them for delivery |Decorate facility |Evaluation of banquet | | |
| | | |2 paragraphs in journals | | |
| |Final details on Career Research | |Business Meeting | | |
| |Project | |Agenda | | |
| | | |Approve payment for Culinary Food | | |
| | | |Service | | |
|SUPPLIES |Computer |Supplies | |1.1.2.B2 Rubric |1.1.2.B2 Rubric |
| |Sample letters | | | | |
| |Envelopes | | | | |
|Home- | | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |My favorite leisure time activity? |How could you turn your leisure |2 Paragraphs in journal |Set up for presentations | |
| | |activity into a career? | | | |
|Week |Dates May 12 |May 13 |May 14 |May 15 |May16 |
|37 | | | | | |
|Unit/ |Careers |Senior Finals | | | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
| | | |Under Classman | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Career Project Presentations |Wage & Hour Summary Sheets |The Game of Life |Worksheet: Discussion Questions The |Complete Evaluation |
| | |4 Qtr Performance Due |Worksheet: Tracking Income & Expenses |Game of Life | |
| | |Exit Interview Due | | | |
| | |Letters of Resignation | | | |
| | |Note book/Portfolio Due | | | |
| | |Written Assessment: Post Test | | | |
|SUPPLIES |1.1.2.B2 Rubric | |5.0.22.A1 Worksheet |5.0.22.E1 Hand Out |Evaluation |
|Home- | | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |What project impressed you the most |One thing I will remember from this |The most useful money-related activity|I wish we had more time for… |Evaluation of Instructor |
| |this year? |class. |this year… | | |
|Week |Dates May 19 |May 20 |May 21 |May 22 |May 23 |
|38 | | | | | |
|Unit/ | |Underclass finals | |Graduation | |
|Lesson | | | | | |
|ACTIVITIES |Wage & Hour Summary Sheets Completed |Written Assessment: Post Test | |Graduation | |
| |4 Quarter Performance Due |Pick up Portfolios | | | |
| |Exit Interview Due | | | | |
| |Letters of Resignation Due | | | | |
| |Note book/Portfolio Due | | | | |
|SUPPLIES | | | | | |
|Home- | | | | | |
|work | | | | | |
|Bell Work |None | | | | |
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