Title: _Intro to PeopleSoft Revision - Online

Title: _Intro to PeopleSoft Revision - Online

By: _Martha____________________

Due: _2/20/07________

Delivered: __Feb 2007_____________ |[pic] | |

|Description: | |

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|Update Navigation Tutorial to match our other classes: | |

|Put in new detail | |

|Narrate presentation | |

|Use captivate for context-rich simulations | |

|Put in the same place as other courses | |

|Link from the Organization to the course | |

|Put job aids (if any) on Instructor Volume and link from OASIS, Org and class | |

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|This page created on _12/19/07____ |

|By _Paul___________ |

|Title: EPM Design Doc_______________ |[pic] |

|By: Li ____________________ | |

|Due: 2/19/07_________ | |

|Delivered: 2/16/07_______ | |

|Description: | |

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|EPM Design doc that answers these questions: | |

|Who is to be trained? | |

|When is the training to take place? | |

|What Materials will be created? | |

|By whom? | |

|By When? | |

|Who will deliver any instructor led training? | |

|Who will review the materials for accuracy and effectiveness | |

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|This page created on _12/19/07____ |

|By _Paul___________ |

|Title: __HCM Design Doc_____________ |[pic] |

|By: Martha___________________ | |

|Due: ___3/4/07________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|HCM design doc that answers these questions: | |

|Who is to be trained? | |

|When is the training to take place? | |

|What Materials will be created? | |

|By whom? | |

|By When? | |

|Who will deliver any instructor led training? | |

|Who will review the materials for accuracy and effectiveness? | |

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|This page created on __12/19/07___________ |

|By _Paul_____________ |

|Title: SF Design Doc__________ |[pic] |

|By: Paul______________________ | |

|Due: 2/23/07__________ | |

|Delivered: ___march 2007____________ | |

|Description: | |

|HCM design doc that answers these questions: | |

|Who is to be trained? | |

|When is the training to take place? | |

|What Materials will be created? | |

|By whom? | |

|By When? | |

|Who will deliver any instructor led training? | |

|Who will review the materials for accuracy and effectiveness? | |

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|This page created on _12/19/07 |

|By _______Paul_____ |

|Title: __Update TAM Online and Instructor-led |[pic] |

|By: Paul & Martha__________ | |

|Due: _2/23/07__________ | |

|Delivered: __march/april_____________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Update Online TAM with revised online presentation, captivate simulations. | |

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|Update training manual for clarity. | |

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|Put Job Aids in instructor volume and link to OASIS, ORGANIZATION and Class. | |

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|This page created on _12\19\07____ |

|By __Paul__________ |

|Title: __Manage Registrar Training |[pic] |

|By: Li_______________________ | |

|Due: 2/28______________ | |

|Delivered: __feb_____________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Work with Kristy Jacobs North to supply copies of materials, ensure room availability and database readiness. | |

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|This page created on _2/19/07____ |

|By __Paul__________ |

|Title: Intro to PeopleSoft for Help Desk |[pic] |

|By:____Martha_______________________ | |

|Due: ___________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|This is a new online class that will show them where all of the job aids, black board classes are, it will instruct them to take | |

|PeopleSoft basics and give them tips and hints for helping people with OASIS questions. | |

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|This page created on _2/19/07___ |

|By __Paul__________ |

|Title: _Update Advisor 101 _ |[pic] |

|By___________________________ | |

|Due: _____March 2______________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Update Advisor 101 to meet new online standards | |

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|This page created on _2/19/07_____ |

|By __Paul__________ |

|Title: __Faculty Design______________ |[pic] |

|By:___Martha________________________ | |

|Due: __March 30_________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Faculty design doc that answers these questions: | |

|Who is to be trained? | |

|When is the training to take place? | |

|What Materials will be created? | |

|By whom? | |

|By When? | |

|Who will deliver any instructor led training? | |

|Who will review the materials for accuracy and effectiveness? | |

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|This page created on __2/19/07___________ |

|By __Paul______________ |

|Title: Create Class room Scheduling online class |[pic] |

|By:___________________________ | |

|Due: ___________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Create an online version of the Class Room Scheduling class, based on the current instructor-led course that conforms to the new | |

|online standard, and combines class room scheduling basics and advanced. Use Carrie Bauer’s updated manual as a guide. | |

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|This page created on ___2/19/07___ |

|By __Paul__________ |

|Title: Combine/revise class room scheduling Instructor led class |[pic] |

|By:___________________________ | |

|Due: ___________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Combine class room schedulilng advanced and basics classes together.. Use Carrie Bauer’s manual updates as a guide. | |

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|This page created on __2/29/07___________ |

|By __Paul______________ |

|Title: Create Talent Acquisition for interviewer class |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: ___________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Update online class to meet new standards. | |

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|This page created on ___2/19/07___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: Create Hiring Faculty |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _3/26/07___________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Update online class to meet new standards. | |

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|This page created on ___2/19/07___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: OASIS: Student Financials: View Transactions |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _March 26__________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|On line class that shows how to view student financials using the student center or the student financials -> view student account | |

|path. | |

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|Content experts are Joshlin Souza, Traci Helwig, Laura James | |

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|This page created on ___2/20/07___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: OASIS: Student Financials: Cashiering |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _March 26__________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|This hands-on class will teach basic cashiering using Peoplesoft. | |

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|Content experts are Joshlin Souza, Traci Helwig, Laura James | |

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|This page created on ___2/20/07___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: OASIS: Student Financials: Cashiering SUPERVISOR |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _March 26__________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|This hands-on class will teach cashiering supervising procedures using Peoplesoft. | |

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|Content experts are Joshlin Souza, Traci Helwig, Laura James | |

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|This page created on ___2/20/07___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: OASIS: CRM Field Service online Tour |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _May 1__________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|Online class that teaches the CRM Field Service to customers – | |

|This is a set of wizards, online help links, etc. for people using CRM for the first time. | |

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|This page created on ___2/28/2007___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: OASIS: CRM field service for power customers - online |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _May 1__________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|This is an online class for about 100 power customers who need to use the system to set up requests. | |

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|This page created on ___2/28/2007___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: OASIS: CRM E Support – Instructor led |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _May 1__________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|21 people who will use esupport to create, modify and dispense tickets. | |

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|This page created on ___2/28/2007___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: OASIS: CRM E Support – online |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _May 1__________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|For users of the current ARS system. 680 users | |

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|This page created on ___2/28/2007___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

|Title: __CRM Field Service Design Doc______________ |[pic] |

|By:_Paul__________________________ | |

|Due: ____March 2_______________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|design doc that answers these questions: | |

|Who is to be trained? | |

|When is the training to take place? | |

|What Materials will be created? | |

|By whom? | |

|By When? | |

|Who will deliver any instructor led training? | |

|Who will review the materials for accuracy and effectiveness? | |

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|This page created on __2/19/07___________ |

|By __Paul______________ |

|Title: OASIS: CRM E Support Design doc |[pic] |

|By: __________________________ | |

|Due: _May 1__________________ | |

|Delivered: _______________ | |

|Description: | |

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|design doc that answers these questions: | |

|Who is to be trained? | |

|When is the training to take place? | |

|What Materials will be created? | |

|By whom? | |

|By When? | |

|Who will deliver any instructor led training? | |

|Who will review the materials for accuracy and effectiveness? | |

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|This page created on ___2/28/2007___ |

|By _____Paul_______ |

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Intro to PeopleSoft


By Martha

EPM Design Doc

By Li

HCM Design Doc

By Paul/Martha

SF Design Doc

By Paul

TAM Update

By Paul & Martha

Manage Registrar Training

By Li

Intro to PeopleSoft for HelpDesk


Update Advisor 101


Student Financials: Cashiering


Faculty Design Doc


Class Room Scheduling Online

Classroom Scheduling Instructor led revision


Talent Acquisition for Interviewer


Hiring Faculty


CRM – E Support design doc


CRM – E Support Online


Student Financials: View Transactions


Student Financials: Cashiering


CRM Field service online Tour


CRM field service for Power Customers -online


CRM – E Support instructor led


CRM Field Service Design doc



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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