Mallory Fischer

College of EducationLESSON PLAN FORMATStandard: RI.4.2Learning Target:Students will be able to:Explain the main idea with key detailsDtermine the main idea of a paragraph, passage, or story Summarize the text using key detailsType of Lesson: (Whole Class Read Aloud, Whole Class Shared Reading…..) Whole Class Shared Reading (the students will take turns reading)Strategy I will Model or Use from Keys to Comprehension: Identifying Main Idea and supporting/key detailsStandards w/Assessments NamedStandardAnchor Specific StandardAssessment ToolReading Standards for LiteratureKey ideas and DetailsCraft & StructureIntegration of Knowledge and IdeasRange of Reading & Level of Text ComplexityReading Standards for InformationKey ideas and DetailsRI.4.2Students will create an anchor chart (tree) with the main idea and supporting details from the passage in groups. Students will complete an exit slip on a piece of paper. Craft & StructureIntegration of Knowledge and IdeasRange of Reading & Level of Text ComplexityReading Standards: Foundational SkillsPrint ConceptsPhonological AwarenessWriting StandardsText Types & PurposesProduction & Distribution of WritingResearch to Build and Present KnowledgeRange of WritingSpeaking & ListeningComprehension & CollaborationPresentation of Knowledge & Ideas73598169499Copy of the passage “Morning Sunshine” (one for each student)Tree diagram and leaves to add onto itChart explaining what main idea and supporting details areGlue Exit Slip00Copy of the passage “Morning Sunshine” (one for each student)Tree diagram and leaves to add onto itChart explaining what main idea and supporting details areGlue Exit SlipMaterials and Resources Needed:The Lesson 30 minutes totalIntroduction (5-7 minutes)Getting attentionSo Mrs. Materese told me that you have been reading a story from your textbook that talks about the seasons.Relating to past experience and/or knowledgeCan anyone tell me what the main idea of that story was or anymore about it? Creating a need to knowOkay, so did you know that everything that you just told me was some sort of supporting detail of the main idea? Can anybody tell me what I mean when I say supporting detail? Supporting details are pieces of information that will help make what the story is about clearer. Sharing objective, in general termsToday, I found another shorter passage that also talks about seasons that we are going to read. When we are done reading it, we will be able to pick out the main idea of that passage and supporting details. Methods (core of the lesson) (about 20 minutes)Before ReadingBefore we read, I will show the class my anchor chart that has the tree on it. There will be a definition of both main idea and supporting detail. I will discuss with the children what both of those mean and questions they can ask themselves to help them find both such as What is the story about? I will also explain how important a main idea and supporting details are to know, because they are what make the story a story. Then, I will explain how the tree will be incorporated. The trunk of the tree is like the main idea, it is the base and without it there really will be no story. The leaves are like supporting details, they help to make the tree pretty, just like how they make a story more interesting. During ReadingThe students will read the passage in a class read-aloud. Students will be able to raise their hands if they would like to read. Before we begin reading, I will tell the students that they can underline things that they think are important or would be a good supporting detail to the main idea of the passage. I will ask them if they know what an important detail is compared to an unimportant detail. While we are reading I will stop after every paragraph or two to discuss what we have read and make sure that the students understand what they are reading. I will pose questions about what the students have read to see what they comprehended from the paragraphs they read. After ReadingOnce we are done reading, I will once again state what we are doing. We will know pick out the main idea from this passage and some of the supporting details for that main idea. I will once again explain the questions that we can pose to find a main idea. Then as a class we will make a list of possible things the passage is about. Once we have a list of 4 or 5 things, we will determine what they all have and common and create our main idea. We will write that on the trunk of our tree. Then I will give each pod one leaf. The pod will work together to write down a supporting detail on the leaf. Once every pod has wrote down a supporting detail, we will then place them on our tree. Before one of the people places the leaf on the tree, they will explain what their supporting detail is, and why it is a supporting detail. Lastly, we will discuss our tree. I will say how story has to have a main idea before it can have details, just like a tree needs to have a trunk/branches before it can have leaves. Closure What did the students learn from this lesson? (3 mintes)center57785At the end, I will had the students out an exit slip. The slip will have two questions on it. Explain what the “main idea” of a story is. What was the main idea of our passage? The students will only need to write down a one- two sentence answer for the each. Then they will hand that back in to me. 00At the end, I will had the students out an exit slip. The slip will have two questions on it. Explain what the “main idea” of a story is. What was the main idea of our passage? The students will only need to write down a one- two sentence answer for the each. Then they will hand that back in to me. 475042185204Informal- The students will participate in discussion before, during, and after the story, and they participate in making our tree with main ideas and supporting details. Formal- The students will complete the exit slip and hand it back in to me. I believe that the students did understand the lesson. For the informal portion, all of the students participated in the discussion and helped to create the leaves for the tree. Many of them were able to give ideas for the main idea as well. Before I had them decide what the main idea and some supporting details were, I had the students go back through and highlight/underline what they thought was the main idea or some supporting details. I walked around during this time and helped some of those that I noticed were not highlighting. I explained to them that if they wanted to retell the story, what is something that they would want to remember from the passage. Then I explained to them how those were supporting details. The students understood it better, but they were not very confident on what they picked out for supporting details, so then I think they felt like they were wrong. I told them that they were on the right track, but I had to move on with the lesson, so I wasn’t able to keep helping them. As far as my exit slip, every student was able to answer the questions correctly. I know now that I need to reword my questions. They both keyed in on main idea, and one question asked them to give the definition and the other question asked them what the main idea of the passage we read was. Five of the students answered both questions with the main idea of our passage, and the rest answered both questions correctly. All in all, I feel as though the students understood the lesson, I would just need to make some minor changes to my exit slip. 0Informal- The students will participate in discussion before, during, and after the story, and they participate in making our tree with main ideas and supporting details. Formal- The students will complete the exit slip and hand it back in to me. I believe that the students did understand the lesson. For the informal portion, all of the students participated in the discussion and helped to create the leaves for the tree. Many of them were able to give ideas for the main idea as well. Before I had them decide what the main idea and some supporting details were, I had the students go back through and highlight/underline what they thought was the main idea or some supporting details. I walked around during this time and helped some of those that I noticed were not highlighting. I explained to them that if they wanted to retell the story, what is something that they would want to remember from the passage. Then I explained to them how those were supporting details. The students understood it better, but they were not very confident on what they picked out for supporting details, so then I think they felt like they were wrong. I told them that they were on the right track, but I had to move on with the lesson, so I wasn’t able to keep helping them. As far as my exit slip, every student was able to answer the questions correctly. I know now that I need to reword my questions. They both keyed in on main idea, and one question asked them to give the definition and the other question asked them what the main idea of the passage we read was. Five of the students answered both questions with the main idea of our passage, and the rest answered both questions correctly. All in all, I feel as though the students understood the lesson, I would just need to make some minor changes to my exit slip. Assessment-Did your students understand the lesson? What was you evidence?Next Steps-Based on your assessments what do you need to work on next meeting?50849618508Based on my assessments, what I would work on in the next meeting is either being more specific with the main idea or determining between important and not important details. The students did well at finding supporting details, but some of them I do not think I would consider as important, and the students did a good job picking out the main idea, but I think some of them kind of got caught up with the topic of the passage a little bit too. I think that if I worked on either one of these two ideas at the next meeting, I think it would help the students understand a little bit better. I also think that if we worked with the students on this in smaller groups that would help tremendously because it would give the students more of a chance to ask questions if they did not understand something. 0Based on my assessments, what I would work on in the next meeting is either being more specific with the main idea or determining between important and not important details. The students did well at finding supporting details, but some of them I do not think I would consider as important, and the students did a good job picking out the main idea, but I think some of them kind of got caught up with the topic of the passage a little bit too. I think that if I worked on either one of these two ideas at the next meeting, I think it would help the students understand a little bit better. I also think that if we worked with the students on this in smaller groups that would help tremendously because it would give the students more of a chance to ask questions if they did not understand something. Back Pocket Idea- If we run short on time or the students are not understanding what a main idea and supporting details are, then instead of having the class create the tree on the class anchor chart, I will just go into further detail describing how the tree correlates to a story with a main idea and supporting details. I will explain why we need a main idea and why we need supporting details for the main idea. We will then just discuss the story, rather than creating the anchor chart. Then I will also still give them the exit slip to see what they understood. Resources: What resources did you use which would be of interest to the classroom teacher? ................

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