Doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/435

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

TGh minutes, July Plenary meeting,

Vancouver, BC

July 11, 2002

Evan Green


2111 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro, OR

Phone: (503) 264-8456



Meeting opened by Mika Kasslin at 3:30pm July 8, 2002

Motion (procedural): to approve agenda 02/397r0, as amended, by Peter Ecclesine seconded by Mike Derby

Discussion none.

Yes: 16

No: 0

Abs: 1

Motion passes.

Agreement reached to postpone approval of Sydney minutes to 9am Tuesday to facilitate document distribution. Document has again been placed in to-doc-keeper for posting to 802.11 server on Monday.

Presentation: 02/392, Mike Moreton, IBSS TPC Issues

Clarified by Bob Ohara that the country codes from 11d are taken from ISO definitions, as such they represent individual countries rather than an abstract regulatory domain such as CEPT.

Comment resolution process discussion lead by Mika Kasslin and Andrew Myles. Documents:

02/402 r0 Draft Normative Text Proposal

02/396 r0 Preliminary Letter ballot #36 Resolutions

Andrew Myles provided a report on comment resolution status.

Details are available in the spreadsheet Resolutions v2.1.18 which has been placed on the TGh working area \\venus1\802.11\WorkingGroups. Will be updated daily, or as needed.

Andrew walked through the draft 802.11h D2.1.18 (based on 02/402, on server in TGh working area) explaining his changes to the document. Changes were made based on discussion with the document and its version number updated on the server.

Joint .18/TGh meeting 8am July 9.

Report on BRAN meeting and Harmonized Standard – Mika Kasslin 11-02-445r0-H-Harmonized_Standard_after_BRAN29

Report on ITU-R, … - Carl Stevensen

US NTIA – still no formal US position on agenda item 1.5 of WRC. WECA & BRAN both performing sharing studies of potential interference to RADAR – both expected to show that interference to RADAR is less of a problem than stated by RADAR community. NTIA is likely to petition FCC to re-open UNII rules and ask for power reduction & indoor use restrictions.

Presentation: 02/390, Gil Bar-noy, Spectrum Capability Extension for Power Sensitive Devices

Straw poll: Shall we include a feature to allow a station to indicate that they are power sensitive?

Yes: 18

No: 9

Abs: 7

Motion (technical): by Andrew Myles seconded by Peter Ecclesine as follows:

Thursday July 11, 2002

Presentation: 02/462, Bill McFarland, Backwards/Forwards compatibility for 11h

Motion (procedural): by Evan Green seconded by Peter Ecclesine to approve the minutes 02/330 of the May meeting held in Sydney.

Yes: 22

No: 0

Abs: 2

Motion (technical): To approve document 802.11h D2.1.32 as a draft standard.

Moved by: Andrew Myles

Seconded: Charles Wright

Yes: 21

No: 0

Abs: 1

Motion (technical): To approve 02/396r2 as comment resolutions from letter ballot 36.

Moved by: Peter Ecclesine

Seconded: Simon Black

Yes: 22

No: 0

Abs: 1

Motion (technical): Instruct the chair to bring an appropriately worded motion in the WG plenary asking the WG to conduct a WG letter ballot or recirculation ballot on 802.11h D2.1.32.

Moved by: Amjad Soomro

Seconded: Bala Balachander

Yes: 21

No: 0

Abs: 1

Motion (procedural): To empower TGh to hold an interim meeting in September 2002, conduct teleconferences, process letter ballot or recirculation ballot comments and consequently revise 802.11h D2.1.32 before the November 2002 IEEE 802 plenary.

Moved by: Bill McFarland

Seconded: Dirk Ostermiller

Yes: 23

No: 0

Abs: 0

Motion (procedural): The WG, if necessary, conduct a WG letter ballot or recirculation ballot after the Sep 2002 interim meeting, for the purpose of forwarding a revised 802.11h D2.1.32 to sponsor ballot.

Moved by: Amjad Soomro

Seconded: Andrew Myles

Yes: 25

No: 0

Abs: 0

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Andrew Myles seconded by Charles Wright. Passed with no objections.





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