ACRONYMS AND NAMES - Coastline Community College


50% Law: California Education Code Section 84362(d): 50% or more of money spent in a community college will be spent on classroom instruction.

AA: Associate of Arts degree

AACC: American Association of Community Colleges

AAC&U: Association of American Colleges and Universities

AANAPISI: Asian American, Native American, Pacific Islander Serving Institution

AAPI: Asian American and Pacific Islander

AARA: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

AA-T: Associate of Arts Transfer degree

AAWCC: American Association for Women in Community Colleges

AAUP: American Association of University Professors

ABA: American Bar Association

ABI: Acquired Brain Injury (formerly Traumatic Head Injury)

AB1725: California Assembly Bill 1725: Community College Reform Act

ACCCA: Association of California Community College Administrators

ACCE: Association of Community and Continuing Education

ACCJC: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges

ACE: American Council on Education--ACE puts out a guide to assist colleges in determining the number of units military training courses are worth

ACTFL: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

ACTLA: Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance

ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act

ADT: Associate Degree for Transfer

AEA: Adult Education Alliance

AI: Artificial Intelligence

ALO: Accreditation Liaison Officer

ALT: Accessible Learning Technology (assuring that the disabled can access)

AMATYC: American Mathematics Association for Two-Year Colleges

AO: Accreditation Officer

AoE: Area of Emphasis

AP: Administrative Procedure

AP: Advanced Placement

APA: Annual Program Assessment

APA: American Psychological Association

APACT: Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Program for Advancing Completion & Transfer

APAHE: Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education

API: Asian/Pacific Islander

ARRA: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009)

ARCC: Accountability Reporting for [California] Community Colleges [score card]

AS: Associate of Science degree

ASACC: American Student Association of Community Colleges

ASCCC: Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

ASCSU: Academic Senate for California State Universities

ASG: Associated Student Government at Coastline (formerly Student Advisory Council)

ASSIST: Articulation System Stimulating Interinstitutional Student Transfer

AS-T: Associate of Science Transfer degree

ASW: Administrative Services Wing

BAT: Behavioral Assessment Team

BDATS: Business Development & Technology Solutions (was OLIT)

BDP: Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program

BERTT: Business Emergency Response Team Training

BESAC: Business Education Statewide Advisory Committee

BOG: Board of Governors [for California Community Colleges]

BP: Board Policy

BSI: Basic Skills Initiative

CACC: (formerly CCJCA)

CAFYES: Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Education Support

CAHSEE: California High School Exit Exam

CAI: Common Assessment Initiative

CalPASS: California Partnership for Achieving Student Success

CalPERS: California Public Employees Retirement System

CalSACC: California Student Association of Community Colleges

CalSTRS: California State Teachers Retirement System

CalWORKs: California Work Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids

Campus SaVE Act: Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act

CAN: California Articulation Number

CAP: California Acceleration Project

CAPED: California Association on Postsecondary Education and Disability

CAR: Conference Authorization Request

CARE: Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education

CATESOL: California Association of Teachers of English Speakers of Other Languages

CBE: Credit by Exam

CCA: Coast Community College Association (part-time faculty union in CCCD)

CCA/CTA/NEA:Coast Community College Association/California Teachers

Association/National Education Association

CCAOE: California Community College Association of Occupational Education

CCAR: College & Career Access Partnerships

CCC: California Community Colleges

CCCCO: California Community College Chancellor’s Office

CCC/CFT: a statewide faculty group

CCCC: Conference on College Composition and Communication

CCCCO: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

CCCECE: California Community Colleges Early Childhood Educators organization

CCCI: a statewide faculty group

CCCSAT: California Community Colleges Satellite Network

CCLC: Community College League of California

CCLDI: Community College Leadership Development Initiatives

CCMC: Council of College and Military Educators

ccMISc: Consortium of 9 community college districts including Coast to develop


CCMPA: California Community College Matriculation Professionals Association

CCMS: Common Course Management System (Statewide choice of a Course Management System)

CCO: Coastline Core Outcomes (College Level Outcomes)

CCPT: California Career Pathways Trust

CCRC: Community College Research Center

CCSS: Common Core State Standards for K-12

CCSSM: Common Core State Standards in Mathematics

CCTC: Coastline College Technology Center

CDCP: Career Development and College Preparation

CDCR: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

CDIIG: Coast District International and Intercultural Grants

CDMA: Coast District Management Association

CDOSL: California Digital Open Source Library

CEPC: California Postsecondary Education Commission

CETA: California Employment Training Act

CFR: Code of Federal Regulations

CFT: California Federation of Teachers

CFE/AFT: Coast Federation of Educators/American Federation of Teachers, Local 1911

CI: Curriculum Inventory (maintained by the State Chancellor’s Office)

C-ID: Course Identification Numbering System

CIM: California Institute for Men

CIO: Chief Instructional Officer

CIP: Classification of Institutional Programs (used to report to Federal Government)

CIS: Computer Information Systems

CLASP: Coastline Art Service-Learning Program

CLASS: California Leadership Alliance for Student Success Initiative

CLEP: College-Level Examination Program

CMC: California Men’s Colony (for example at San Luis Obispo)

CMC3 California Mathematics Council for Community Colleges

CMNCC: Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center

CMS: Course Management System (also known as Learning Management System)

CMTAC: California Mexico Trade Assistance Center (was located at the Coastline’s Huntington Westminster Center)

COA: Cost of Attendance

Coast Learning Systems (formerly Coast Telecourses)

Coastline ROP:Regional Occupation Programs (no relation to Coastline College)

COBOL: COmmon Business-Oriented Language

COBRA: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (18 months of insurance)

CODEC: COding-DECoding

CODIS: Combined DNA Index System

COERC: California Open Education Resources Council (Cheryl Stewart is a member)

COLA: Cost of Living Adjustment ?

COOL: California Open Online Library

COOL4Ed: California Open Online Library for Education

COR: Course Outline of Record

CORE: Consortium on Reading Excellence

COSDL: California Open Source Digital Library

CPB: Corporation for Public Broadcasting

CPI: Crisis Prevention Intervention

CPTED: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

CRAVE: Certificate Rapid Acceleration Virtual Environment

CRISPR: clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats—new technique for editing DNA

CRLP: California Reading and Literature Project

CRN: Course Registration Number

CSA: Customer Service Academy

CSLO: Course Level Student Learning Objectives

CSP: California State Prison

CST: Computer Service Technology

CSU: California State Universities

CTE: Career and Technical Education (Dean at Garden Grove)

CTE: Center for Teaching Excellence

CTF: California Training Facility

CTL: Center for Transformative Learning (formerly Center for Teaching and Learning)

CTO: Cost to Operate

C-TOOLS: Coastline Tutoring On-site and Online Learning System

CVC: California Virtual Campus Project

CWiC: Courseware in Context (Gates Foundation quality framework)

DAAPP: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Dallas: Dallas TeleLearning

DANTES: Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support

DAS: Division of Apprenticeship Standards

DBAC: District Budget Advisory Committee

DCC: District Consultation Council (formerly Chancellor’s Council)

DCL: Dear Colleague Letter (warning letter from the Office of Civil Rights of non ADA compliance)

DE: Distance Education

DETAC: Distance Education Technical Advisory Committee

(Chancellor's Office Distance Education Advisory Committee)

DICAST: South Orange County Community College District Digital Innovation Center for the Arts, Science and Technology of the Advanced Technology and Education Park, a new advanced technologies learning environment

DIG: Discipline Input Goup

DIS: Coast District Information Services

DIU: Do it yourself

DIVA: Digital Imaging for the Visual Arts

DDL: Developmentally Delayed Learner

DLSP: Online and On-site Distance Learner Support Program

DoE: Department of Education

DOJ: Department of Justice

DSK District Computer System--DSK is the man's initials who developed it

DSP&S: Disabled Students Programs & Services

DSS: Distributive Student Services

DSST: DANTES Subject Standardization Tests

DVC: Digital Visual Communication

EAB: Coastline’s Educational Advisory Board

EAB: Education Advisory Board (private company hired by GWC and CCC)

EAP: Early Assessment Program

EBUS: Education Bound United States (International High School to College Program)

ECCTYC: English Council of California Two-Year Colleges

ECE: Early Childhood Education

ECHS: Early College High School

EDD: Employment Development Department

EDDM: Every Door Direct Mail

EEA: Educational Employment Agency

EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity

E&IT: Electronic and Information Technology

ELM: Entry Level Mathematics

ENDS: Early Notification Departure Stimulus

EOPS: Extended Opportunity Programs and Services

ESL (English as a Second Language) Tests:

CELT: Comprehensive English Language Test for Learners of English

CELSA: California English Language Structure Assessment

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language

ESO: Education Service Officer (military)

FACCC: Faculty Association of California Community Colleges

(formerly CJCFA, California Junior College Faculty Association)

FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid

FANBOYS: the seven coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so

FCC: Federal Communications Commission

FCU: Schools First Federal Credit Union

FDRG: Faculty Discipline Review Group—review C-IDs

FII: Fund for Instructional Improvement (Chancellor’s Office)

Financial Aid Acronyms: DAAPP, COA, COD, FSA, LDA, NSC, NSLDS

FIPSE: Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education

(U.S. Department of Education)

FLAC: Faculty Load and Compensation

FON Faculty Obligation Number

FSA: Faculty Service Area (Teaching Discipline)

FSA Federal Student Aid

FSC: Faculty Success Center at Coastline

FSS: Fund for Student Success

FTEF: Full Time Equivalent Faculty

FTES: Full Time Equivalent Students

GAIN: Greater Avenues for Independence

GALE: General Academic Learning Experience

GDP: Gross Domestic Product

GE: General Education

GEAC: General Education Advisory Committee (for CSU Chancellor’s Office)

GED: General Education Development (H.S. diploma equivalency test)

GELO: General Education Learning Objective

GENesis: Global Education Network

GIFT: Good Ideas for Teaching (short presentations given by teachers at a conference)

GIS: Global Information System

GRIT: Growth, Resilience, Instinct, and Tenacity

HERI: Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA

HEOA: Higher Education Opportunity Act (passed July 2010)

HIPPO: Habitat destruction, Invasive species, Pollution, Population growth, and Overhunting

HOT: Higher Order Thinking

html: hypertext mark-up language

ICAS: Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates

ICE-T Project: Intercultural Cross-Cultural Education through Technology

ICIA: International Communications Industries Association

ICFW: Intersegmental Curriculum Faculty Workgroup

ICW: Intersegmental Curriculum Workgroup

IGETC: Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum

ILC: Intercultural Learning Center

IMPAC: Intersegmental Major Preparation Articulated Curriculum Project

IMC: Instructional Media Center (now Graphics and Publications)

iNACOL: International Association of Online Learning

INTELECOM: Southern California Consortium for Community College Television

iPASS: Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (part of Gates Foundation)

IRB: Institutional Review Board

IRC: Intercultural Resource Center

IRD: Institutional Research Department (est. 2000)

ISD: Instructional Systems Development (Coast Learning Systems)

New title—Office of Learning and Information Technology

ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network (telephone lines)

ISEP: Incarcerated Students Education Program

ISKME: The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education

ISLO: Institutional Student Learning Outcome

ISP: Incarcerated Student Program

ISS: Instruction and Student Services

ISW: Instructional Services Wing

IT: Information Technology

IUA: Instructional Unit Assistant (union contract language for Department Chair)

JTPA: Job Training Partnership Act (See WIA)

KPI: Key Performance Indicators

LEAP: Liberal Education and America’s Promise

LAO: Legislative Analyst’s Office

LAOCRC: Los Angeles/Orange County Regional Consortia (used to be LOWDL)

LCCC: League of California Community Colleges

LDTP Lower Division Transfer Project

LEED: Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

LGBTQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer

LGBTQIA: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transexual, Questioning/Queer, Intersex, Ally/Asexual

LHE: Lecture Hour Equivalent

LIM: Low Income Minority

LMI: Labor Market Information

LMS: Learning Management System (also known as Course Management System)

LOWDL: Los Angeles/Orange County Workforce Development Leaders (changed to Los Angeles/Orange County Regional Consortia—LAOCRC)

LRMI: ?????? Something to do with the Department of Education

LULAC: League of United Latin American Citizens

MALDEF: Mexican American Legal Defense Fund

MAPS: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

M&O: Maintenance and Operations

MBS: Missouri Book Store (where Coastline military students get their books)

MECTBD: Military Education, Corporate Training, and Business Development

MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching

MESA: Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement

MIS: Management Information Systems (way to report to the State Chancellor’s Office)

MLA: Modern Language Association

MMAP: Multiple Measures Assessment Plan

MOOC: Massive Open Online Course

MOU: Memorandum of Understanding

MPB: Mission, Plan, and Budget Committee at Coastline (now part of PIEAC)

MPI: Master Plan Initiative

MRC: Middlesex Research Center

MSF: Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres

NAAPIGI: New Asian American Pacific Islander Generation Initiative

NaBITA: National Behavioral Intervention Team Association

NACIQI: National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Improvement

NAFSA: National Association of Foreign Students’ Advisors

NAPIC: National Asian Pacific Islander Council

NCAA: National Collegiate Athletics Association

NCSSFL: National Council of State Supervisors for Languages

NDE: Near-Death Experience

NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act

NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards

NILIE: National Initiative for Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness

NISOD: National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development

NOS: Non-ordinary states of consciousness

NSC: National Student Clearinghouse

NSLDS: National Student Loan Data System

NVDA: Non Visual Desktop Access (screen reader for blind persons)

OBE: Out-of-Body Experience

OCIAC: Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center

OCR: Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education

OCTFCU: Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union (now Schools First Federal Credit Union)

OEI: Online Education Initiative

OER: Open Education Resources

OHRSP: Office of Human Research Subjects Protection

OLIT: Office of Learning & Information Technologies (formerly ISD) (now BDATS)

One-Stop: Coastal County Regional One-Stop Center

OSCA: Occupational Safety Council of America

OSH: Occupational Safety and Health

OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OWA: Outlook Web Application (Microsoft’s e-mail)

PAC: Political Action Committee

PACE: Personal Assessment of the College Environment

PACE: Program Afloat for College Education (Navy Program)

PAR: Prioritization Allocation Rubric

PARS: a retirement system for adjunct employees

PBS: Public Broadcasting Service

PBPE: Planning & Budget Process Evaluation Task Force

PCAH: Program and Course Approval Handbook (from State Chancellor’s Office)

PDA: Personal Digital Assistant (palm-sized computer)

PDGRD: Planning, Development, and Government Relations Department

PDI: Professional Development Institute at Coastline Community College

PERB: Public Employment Relations Board

PERS: Public Employees Retirement System (see CalPERS)

PFE: Partnership for Excellence (money from Chancellor’s Office)

PIEAC: Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Accreditation Committee

PIN: Personal Identification Number

PIT: Process Improvement Team (CCCD teams put in place by Gene Farrell)

PLA: Project Labor Agreement

PNI: Protocol National Inc. (the software co. CCCD partnered with in 1990s)

PPO: Preferred Provider

P.O.S.T.: Peace Officer Standards and Training

PR: Program Review

PRU: Program Review Unit (new replacement for CCCD budget numbers)

PSLO: Program Student Learning Objective

PTEC: Process Technology (a certificate program at Coastline)

PW: President’s Wing

RCD: Rigorous Curriculum Design

REAP: Remote Educational Access Program (CCC Distance Learner Program)

REC: Regular and Effective Contact (ACCJC requirement for distance learning)

RECA: 1991 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (for “downwinders” and others)

REI: Regular and Effective Interaction (between faculty and students), required by ACCJC

RFA: Request for Applications

RFI: Request for Information

RFP: Request for Proposals

RFQ: Request for Qualifications

ROP: Regional Occupational Program

ROTC: Reserve Officers Training Corps

RMI: RMI--the initials of the owner’s first love—company that leases telecourse DVDs

RSI: Regular and Substantive Interaction (between faculty and students), required by the Department of Education

RSI: Related and Supplementary Instruction

RTF: Rich Text Format

SAC: Student Advisory Council at Coastline Community College (former name of ASG)

SAC: System Advisory Committee or Council

SAM: State Administrative Manual

SAO: Service Area Outcome

SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test

SCANS: Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills

SCORE: Service Corporation of Retired Executives (under Small Business Administration

SCOT: Students Consulting on Teaching

SEED: Sustainability Education and Economic Development

SEMS: Standard Emergency Management System (SEMS)

SEP: Student Education Plan

SFFCU Schools First Federal Credit Union (formerly Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union)

SI: Supplemental Instruction

SLO: Student Learning Outcome

SOAR: Searchable Online Academic Resource

SOC: Military Service Members Opportunity Colleges

SOP: Standard Operating Procedures

SPAR: Student Progression and Achievement Rates (Scorecard)

SRTK: Student Right to Know

SSC: Student Success Collaborative (SCC Navigate—a tool for students to register)

SSCCC: Student Senate for California Community Colleges

SSPT: Student Services Planning Team

SSSP: Student Success and Support Program

SSTF: Student Success Task Force [State Chancellor’s Office]

SSW: Student Services Wing

STAR: Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act (SB 1440)

STAR-AA: Strategic Technology-Assisted Rapid Associate of Arts

STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Mathematics

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

STEMM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, & Medical

STRS: State Teachers Retirement System (see CalSTRS)

S.W.O.T.: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

TAG: Transfer A……. Guarantee

TASER: Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle (from Tom Swift children’s books)

TBA: To Be Arranged

TCO: Total Cost of Ownership

The Telelearning People (formerly The Telecourse People)

TEACh3: Education program in partnership with CCCD and CSULB

TED: Technology, Entertainment, Design: TED talks: 18-minute talks

TERC: Tenure & Evaluation Review Committee

TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

CATESOL: California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

TMAPP: Technology Model Application Pilot Projects (Chancellor's Office grants)

T-MC: Transfer Model Curriculum: AA-T and AS-T

TMI: Technology Mediated Instruction

TOP: Taxonomy of Programs

TSA: Transportation Security Administration

TTAC: Telecommunications & Technology Advisory Committee

TTIP: Telecommunications & Technology Infrastructure Program

UC: University of California

UG: Ungraded

UMUC: University of Maryland University College


CFE/AFT: Coast Federation of Educators/American Federation of Teachers, Local 1911 (President Rob Schneiderman) (Executive Director Bob Fey)

CCA/CTA/NEA: Coast Community College Association/California Teachers

Association/National Education Association (President Mike Carlucci)

USDE: United States Department of Education

USA-STEM Undergraduate Scholarship Awards in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

VATEA Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act

changed to

VTEA: Vocational and Technical Education Act

VAWA: Violence Against Women Act

VRA: Voting Rights Act

VSP: Voluntary Separation Program

W3C: World Wide Web Consortium

WAI: Web Accessibility Initiative from W3C

WAAC: Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (approved by Congress in May 1942)

WASC: Western Association of Schools and Colleges

WASP: Women Airforce Service Pilots (August 1943)

WAVE: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services (U.S. Naval Reserve) (July 1942)

WCAG: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

WebSIG Coastline Web Special Interest Group

WSC: Web Steering Committee

WSCH: Weekly Student Contact Hour

Welfare Terms:

AFDC: Aid to Families with Dependent Children

WICHE: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

TANF: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

WIA: Workforce Investment Act, formerly JTPA

WOW: World Organization of Web Masters


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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