Coach Johnson's English Classes

Essay 1: Rhetorical AnalysisFinal Copy Due Wednesday September 21th 7:30 AM on and a physical copy in class. Rhetorical analysis, according to your textbook, “explains how a text works within a certain set of circumstances […] by examining the characteristics and strategies that make a text persuasive (or not) within the rhetorical situation” (Yagelski 209). Your first essay asks you to (1) choose a selection for rhetorical analysis and (2) analyze the effectiveness of that selection. The basic steps of rhetorical analysis include:Identify the intended audienceDetermine the author’s purposeExplain the rhetorical situationExamine the components of the textEvaluate the author’s decisionsSuggestions for success:Choose a selection for analysis that interests you or has impacted you or someone you know. If you’re having trouble coming up with a good selection, look at the Ad Council’s campaigns, both past and present. They can be found at . Make sure you’ve cleared your selection with me before you beginning your analysis. As you write your analysis, consider approaches such as the Rhetorical Situation (p. 215 in your text) and the Classical Proofs (p. 216).Study the examples in Chapter 8 of Writing: Ten Core Concepts and follow the suggestions on pages 242- 257 for implementing the core concepts into rhetorical analysis.Important requirements:The essay should be approximately 1500 words long. It should be formatted according to MLA style. Your rough draft of your essay will be due on Wednesday, September 14th in class.Criteria for Evaluation:The artifact should represent a non-fiction element of your culture.The essay addresses the rhetorical context of the artifact.The analysis offers a main claim that is supported by examples from the artifact.The analysis is organized and presented in such a way that the audience can understand the significance of the artifact and the claims you make about the artifact. ................

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