Errata Note: 2020 EAVS Comprehensive Report and ...

Errata Note: 2020 EAVS Comprehensive Report and Accompanying Datasets

October 8, 2021

Rhode Island requested to make corrections to its data submissions for the 2020 EAVS following the initial publication of the comprehensive report and dataset on August 16, 2021. These corrections are documented below.

2020 Election Administration and Voting Survey Dataset

The corrections listed below are reflected in Version 1.1 of the 2020 EAVS dataset released on October 8, 2021.

? All Rhode Island jurisdictions provided updated early voting numbers for D1b. ? Four Rhode Island jurisdictions updated D1a data (in-person voting at a physical polling place

on Election Day), statewide D1a total did not change. ? In three Rhode Island jurisdictions, data that was previously reported in F1d (voters who cast

a domestic civilian by-mail ballot, and whose ballots were counted) has been moved to F1f (voters who cast a ballot at an in-person early voting location, and whose ballots were counted). ? Five Rhode Island jurisdictions updated their data in F1a (total number of voters who cast a ballot that was counted), F1b (voters who cast a ballot at a physical polling place on Election Day, and whose ballots were counted), and F1e (voters who cast a provisional ballot, and whose ballots were counted). Statewide totals for F1a, F1b, and F1e did not change. ? The footnotes and table notes on page 15 (Footnote 23), page 31 (Table Note 1), and page 42

(Table Note 1) are amended on Rhode Island's early voting data (see table below).

Election Administration and Voting Survey: 2020 Comprehensive Report

Section of Report Page

Currently Reads

Should Read

"Rhode Island allows Emergency In Person voting

"... Rhode Island did to voters who state they cannot make it to the

Chapter 1

15, Footnote 23 not report data in

polls on election day. Voters can cast their ballot


into a tabulator beginning 20 days prior to the

election and ending the day before the election."

Chapter 1

31, Table Note 1

"... Rhode Island did not report data in F1f..."

"Rhode Island allows Emergency In Person voting to voters who state they cannot make it to the polls on election day. Voters can cast their ballot into a tabulator beginning 20 days prior to the

election and ending the day before the election."

"Rhode Island allows Emergency In Person voting

"... Rhode Island did to voters who state they cannot make it to the

Chapter 1

42, Table Note 1 not report data in

polls on election day. Voters can cast their ballot


into a tabulator beginning 20 days prior to the

election and ending the day before the election."

Note: Printed versions of the report will not be adjusted to reflect updates listed in the table.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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