Legislative Report for the Month of January 2010

Legislative Report June 18, 2012

RIAFC Legislative Webpage:

Our legislative webpage continues to be kept as up to date as possible. Committee calendars are checked daily as well as the daily introduction of new bill is checked each day that the general assembly is in session.

Bills being tracked by the RIAFC

|H7223 |NFPA 1500 amendments |Held FFS |in favor |Municipal Gov |

|H7323 |2013 State Budget |Passed both |A-16 out |sent to Gov. |

|H7397 |Fire District Maximum Tax Levy |in committee |opposed |Municipal Gov |

|H7459 |EMS Confidential Procedures |Postponed |none |Judiciary |

|H7470 |EMT License Plates |Held FFS |none |Municipal Gov |

|H7511 |CHFD Tiered Tax System |withdrawn |none |Municipal Gov |

|H7514 |Emergency Management Council |Held FFS |in favor |Veterans Affairs |

|H7519 |Bldg Comm. Plan Review software |Held FFS |none |Corporations |

|H7529 |Places of Assembly |Held FFS |opposed |Corporations |

|H7618 |Firefighter Arbitration |Held FFS |none |Labor |

|H7633 |Hydronic Heaters |Passed Hs |none |Sen Environment |

|H7670 |Expand Definition of Firefighter |in committee |none |Municipal Gov |

|H7718 |Bldg Comm. Plan Review software |Heard/cont'd |none |Finance |

|H7720 |Plan Review Fees |Heard/cont'd |in favor |Finance |

|H7666 |Fire District tax collector training |in committee |none |Municipal Gov |

|H7780 |Fire Code exemptions for farms/barns |Held FFS |opposed |Corporations |

|H7817 |Firefighter relief to Airport firefighters |in committee |in favor |Finance |

|H7883 |Coventry Fire Districts taxation |Held FFS |opposed |Municipal Gov |

|H7959 |Fire Code |Passed both |in favor |sent to Gov. |

|H7964 |Electronic Plan Review Bldg Code |Held FFS |none |Municipal Gov |

|H7583 |CISM Testimonial Privledge |Held FFS |in favor |Judiciary |

|H7421 |RYO Cigarettes |Held FFS |in favor |Finance |

|H7971 |Zero based budgeting |in committee |none |Municipal Gov |

|H8005 |Retirement Age |in committee |none |Finance |

|H7626 |Background checks for FF's |recommit |none |recommit |

|H8048 |FF Cancer Wellness for EMT's |Passed both |in favor |sent to Gov. |

|  |  |  |  |  |

|S2082 |Wood fired hydronic heaters |in committee |none |Environ & Agr |

|S2220 |CISM Testimonial Privilege |in committee |in favor |Judiciary |

|S2249 |NFPA 1500 amendments |Passed Sen. |in favor |Sent to H Mun G |

|S2427 |FF Cancer Wellness |Passed both |none |sent to Gov. |

|S2474 |Plan Review Fees |in committee |in favor |Finance |

|S2550 |Coventry Fire Districts taxation |in committee |opposed |Finance |

|S2562 |Fire Code exemptions for farms/barns |Held FFS |opposed |Municipal Gov |

|S2564 |Fire Code Sub A (passed senate) |Passed both |in favor sub a |sent to Gov. |

|S2692 |Firefighter Arbitration |in committee |none |Labor |

|S2700 |EMT License Plates |Held FFS |none |Special Leg Vet |

|S2733 |Firefighter Relief Airport FF |in committee |in favor |Labor |

|S2608 |Fire Drills |Passed Sen. |in favor sub a |House HEW |

|S2551 |RYO Cigarettes |Heard/cont'd |in favor |Finance |

|S2599 |Information Tech relate to E911 |Held FFS |none |Corporations |

|S2877 |Cumberland Fire District taxation |Held FFS |opposed |Finance |

Hearings: none (session is over)

Bill Status:


|Legislative Status Report |

Condition: {Session Year: 2012} {Bills: 7141,2082,2220,2249,7223,7323,7397,7459,7470,7511,7514,7529,2427,7618,7633,7670,7720,2474,2550,2562,7780,7817,7666,2564,2692,2700,7883,7519,7718,2733,2608,7959,7964,7583,2551,7421,7971,8005,2599,8048,7626,2877}

House Bill No. 7141

BY  McLaughlin, Edwards, MacBeth, Gallison, Marcello

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - FIRE DISTRICTS LOCATED IN CUMBERLAND (Would make any tax increases in any of the 4 fire districts located within Cumberland subject to the maximum levy sections of the general laws, or the ordinances of Cumberland, whichever is more restrictive.)


01/17/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

02/20/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/01/2012)

03/01/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

05/19/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/24/2012)

05/24/2012 Defeated in Committee

Senate Bill No. 2082

BY  Walaska

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - OUTDOOR WOOD-FIRED HYDRONIC HEATERS (would regulate the sale and installation of outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters.)


01/18/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Environment and Agriculture

Senate Bill No. 2220

BY  Lanzi, Miller, Gallo, Doyle, Jabour



01/24/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

Senate Bill No. 2249  SUB A

BY  Lanzi, DiPalma, Doyle, Pichardo, Jabour

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENTS (would require that fire depts comply with the 1987 version of the standards on fire department occupational safety and health programs/provide a written plan of implementation to the state fire marshal by January 1, 2013.)


01/26/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

03/08/2012 Scheduled for hearing (03/13/2012)

03/13/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

04/05/2012 Scheduled for consideration (04/10/2012)

04/10/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub A

04/11/2012 Placed on Senate Calendar (04/12/2012)

04/12/2012 Senate passed Sub A

04/12/2012 Referred to House Municipal Government

House Bill No. 7223

BY  Guthrie, Menard, Edwards, Gallison, Tomasso

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENTS (would require fire depts comply w/1987 vers. of the standards on fire dept occupational safety&health progs, & provide written plan of implementation to state fire marshal by 1/1/13. increase NFPA IPRC to 7 members)


01/24/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

03/16/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/29/2012)

03/29/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7323  SUB A as amended

BY  Melo



02/01/2012 Introduced, referred to House Finance

05/29/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/31/2012)

05/31/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub A

05/31/2012 Placed on House Calendar (06/07/2012)

06/06/2012 Scheduled to be heard and /or considered in anticipation of House passage (06/08/2012)

06/08/2012 House passed Sub A as amended (floor amendment)

06/08/2012 Referred to Senate Finance

06/08/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub A as amended in concurrence

06/08/2012 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/11/2012)

06/11/2012 Senate passed Sub A as amended in concurrence

06/11/2012 Transmitted to Governor

House Bill No. 7397

BY  Nunes, Tomasso, Marcello

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - MAXIMUM LEVY - FIRE DISTRICTS (would provide that fire districts are subject to the maximum tax levy and assessment of local taxes)


02/02/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

House Bill No. 7459

BY  Reilly, Nunes, Morgan, McLaughlin

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES (would provide that run reviews and meetings held by emergency medical technicians for the purpose of analyzing procedures and delivery of services be confidential and exempt from discovery in legal proceedings)


02/09/2012 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary

03/16/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/21/2012)

03/21/2012 Committee postponed at request of sponsor

House Bill No. 7470

BY  Reilly, Edwards, Nunes, Phillips, Morgan

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES (would allow for a licensed emergency medical technician to obtain a special license plate from the division of motor vehicles)


02/09/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

02/20/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/01/2012)

03/01/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7511  SUB A

BY  Menard

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO THE CUMBERLAND HILL FIRE DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF CUMBERLAND (would authorize the Cumberland Hill Fire District to establish a multi-tier tax system consisting of separate tax rates for residential, commercial, industrial, and tangible and personal property.)


02/09/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

02/20/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/01/2012)

03/01/2012 Committee recommended Substitute A be held for further study

06/06/2012 Withdrawn at sponsor's request

House Bill No. 7514  SUB A

BY  Blazejewski, Gallison, Guthrie, Azzinaro, Silva

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO MILITARY AFFAIRS AND DEFENSE - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (would add three (3) additional members to the emergency management advisory council)


02/09/2012 Introduced, referred to House Veterans Affairs

03/20/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/28/2012)

03/28/2012 Committee recommended Substitute A be held for further study

House Bill No. 7529

BY  Trillo, Williams, Brien, Ferri, Malik

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - PLACES OF ASSEMBLY (would exempt places of assembly meeting or exceeding current fire codes from the requirement of having a firefighter present.)


02/15/2012 Introduced, referred to House Corporations

02/20/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/28/2012)

02/28/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

Senate Bill No. 2427

BY  Fogarty, Tassoni, Ciccone, Goodwin

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - THE FIREFIGHTER CANCER WELLNESS ACT (would require that emergency medical technicians cancer incidence will be reported annually by the director of the doh to the office of the state fire marshal.)


02/15/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Health and Human Services

03/15/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/21/2012)

03/21/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

06/04/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/06/2012)

06/06/2012 Committee recommends passage

06/06/2012 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/07/2012)

06/07/2012 Senate read and passed

06/08/2012 Placed on House Calendar (06/11/2012)

06/11/2012 House passed in concurrence

06/14/2012 Transmitted to Governor

House Bill No. 7618

BY  Lally

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- FIREFIGHTERS' ARBITRATION (would provide that upon the expiration of a firefighters' collective bargaining agreement, all contractual provisions in effect will continue until a successor collective bargaining agreement is ratified or a binding interest arbitration award has been re)


02/16/2012 Introduced, referred to House Labor

02/28/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/08/2012)

03/08/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7633  SUB A as amended

BY  Flaherty, Chippendale, McNamara, Ruggiero, Handy

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - OUTDOOR WOOD-FIRED HYDRONIC HEATERS (would regulate the sale and installation of outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters.)


02/16/2012 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources

03/08/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/12/2012)

04/12/2012 Committee recommended Substitute A be held for further study

06/01/2012 Scheduled for consideration (06/05/2012)

06/05/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub A as amended

06/08/2012 Placed on House Calendar (06/11/2012)

06/11/2012 House passed Sub A as amended

06/11/2012 Referred to Senate Environment and Agriculture

House Bill No. 7670

BY  Brien, Edwards

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - POLICE AND FIRE EMPLOYEES (would expand the definition of police officer and fire fighter for the purposes of salary payments during line of duty illness or injury.)


02/16/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

House Bill No. 7720

BY  Serpa

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - PLAN REVIEW FEES (would provide that a portion of the fees generated by plan review applications under the fire code be used to fund the cost of professional services and training education)


02/16/2012 Introduced, referred to House Finance

05/02/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/09/2012)

05/09/2012 Committee heard and continued

Senate Bill No. 2474

BY  Lynch, Perry, Miller, Sheehan, Walaska

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - PLAN REVIEW FEES (would provide that a portion of the fees generated by plan review applications under the fire code be used to fund the cost of professional services and training education.)


02/16/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

Senate Bill No. 2550

BY  Kettle, Shibley

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - FIRE DISTRICTS LOCATED IN COVENTRY (would make any tax increases in any of the four (4) fire districts located within the town of Coventry subject to the maximum levy sections of the general laws, after a gradual six (6) year phase-in.)


02/28/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

Senate Bill No. 2562

BY  Sosnowski, Tassoni, Fogarty, Lanzi, Kettle



02/28/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

03/08/2012 Scheduled for hearing (03/13/2012)

03/13/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7780

BY  Valencia, Walsh, Dickinson, Tomasso, Kennedy

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - FIRE CODE - EXEMPTIONS (would exempt barns and greenhouses located on farms from the alarm and sprinkler requirements of the state fire code)


02/28/2012 Introduced, referred to House Corporations

03/12/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/28/2012)

03/28/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7817

BY  Guthrie, DaSilva, Menard, Jacquard, Johnston

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - RELIEF OF INJURED AND DECEASED FIRE FIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS (would change the definition of Police Officer for the purposes of relief of injured and deceased fire fighters and police officers)


02/28/2012 Introduced, referred to House Finance

House Bill No. 7666

BY  McLaughlin, Blazejewski



02/16/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

Senate Bill No. 2564  SUB B

BY  Walaska, Paiva Weed, Lynch, Bates, Miller



02/28/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

03/08/2012 Scheduled for hearing (03/13/2012)

03/13/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

04/05/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/10/2012)

04/10/2012 Committee recommended indefinite postponement

04/10/2012 Committee recommended Substitute A as amended be held for further study

04/19/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/26/2012)

04/26/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub A as amended

04/27/2012 Placed on Senate Calendar (05/03/2012)

05/03/2012 Senate passed Sub A as amended

05/03/2012 Referred to House Municipal Government

05/29/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration

05/31/2012 Meeting postponed (05/31/2012)

06/12/2012 Scheduled for consideration (06/12/2012)

06/12/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub B

06/12/2012 Placed on House Calendar (06/12/2012)

06/12/2012 House passed Sub B

06/12/2012 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/12/2012)

06/12/2012 Senate passed Sub B in concurrence

06/14/2012 Transmitted to Governor

Senate Bill No. 2692

BY  Lanzi



03/01/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor

Senate Bill No. 2700

(by request)

BY  Maher, Ottiano, Hodgson, Algiere

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES (would allow for a licensed emergency medical technician to obtain a special license plate from the department of motor vehicles.)


03/01/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Special Legislation and Veterans Affairs

03/09/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/14/2012)

03/14/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7883

BY  Nunes, Tomasso

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - FIRE DISTRICTS LOCATED IN COVENTRY (would make any tax increases in any of the four (4) fire districts located within the town of Coventry subject to the maximum levy sections of the general laws, after a gradual six (6) year phase-in)


03/01/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

03/16/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/29/2012)

03/29/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7519

BY  O`Neill, Keable, Petrarca, Johnston, Nunes

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - THE STATE BUILDING CODE (would establish a restricted receipt account to purchase and operate a web-accessible software system to be utilized by the state and municipalities for a uniform, statewide electronic plan review permit management & inspection system.)


02/15/2012 Introduced, referred to House Corporations

02/20/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/13/2012)

03/13/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7718

BY  Walsh, Tanzi, Serpa

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - STATE BUILDING CODE (establish a restricted receipt account for the purpose of funding the purchase and operation of a web-accessible software system to be utilized by state/municipalities for a uniform/statewide electronic plan review/permit management and inspection system)


02/16/2012 Introduced, referred to House Finance

04/04/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/01/2012)

05/01/2012 Committee heard and continued

Senate Bill No. 2733

BY  Doyle, Gallo

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - RELIEF OF INJURED AND DECEASED FIRE FIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS (would change the definition of Police Officer for the purposes of relief of injured/deceased fire fighters/police officers, and also include members of the police forces of the State of RI or quasi-public corp., and airport fire fighters in benefits and)


03/06/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor

Senate Bill No. 2608  SUB A

BY  DiPalma, Ottiano, Miller, Tassoni, DeVall

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- HEALTH AND SAFETY (would amend the fire safety statutes to establish greater detail and specifications regarding the type, manner, and frequency of safety drills in educational facilities which would be dependent upon certain factors)


03/01/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Education

03/12/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/14/2012)

03/14/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

06/01/2012 Scheduled for consideration (06/06/2012)

06/06/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub A

06/06/2012 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/07/2012)

06/07/2012 Senate passed Sub A

06/11/2012 Referred to House H.E.W.

House Bill No. 7959  SUB A

BY  Ferri

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY-STATE FIRE CODE (grants The Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal & Review the authority to adopt and implement any or all of the National Fire Protection Association codes, with amendments, prior to 1/1/2013, pursuant to its rulemaking authority)


03/15/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

03/16/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/22/2012)

03/22/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

05/29/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/31/2012)

05/31/2012 Committee postponed at request of sponsor

06/12/2012 Scheduled for consideration (06/12/2012)

06/12/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub A

06/12/2012 Placed on House Calendar (06/12/2012)

06/12/2012 House passed Sub A

06/12/2012 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/12/2012)

06/13/2012 Senate passed Sub A in concurrence

06/14/2012 Transmitted to Governor

House Bill No. 7964

BY  Walsh, Serpa

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - STATE BUILDING CODE (would provide that a levy fee for a building permit applicant will be applied to support the purchase or lease and operation of web-accessible services which will be used by state and municipalities for statewide electronic plan review.)


03/15/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

03/16/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/22/2012)

03/22/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7583

BY  DaSilva, Guthrie, Azzinaro, McLaughlin

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - PUBLIC SAFETY ORGANIZATION PERSONNEL AND PEER SUPPORT MEMBERS (would establish a testimonial privilege for communications with critical incident stress management peer support personnel.)


02/15/2012 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary

03/16/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/21/2012)

03/21/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

Senate Bill No. 2551

BY  Perry, Miller, Nesselbush, DeVall



02/28/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

04/18/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/26/2012)

04/26/2012 Committee heard and continued

House Bill No. 7421

BY  McNamara, Naughton, Hearn

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - TOBACCO PRODUCT SALES (would provide that any person maintaining a roll your own cigarette machine at a retail establishment must pay the required excise tax and abide by other laws of the RI general laws relating to the requirements of a cigarette manufacturer.)


02/08/2012 Introduced, referred to House Finance

04/04/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/10/2012)

04/10/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 7971

BY  Reilly, Newberry, Morgan, Ehrhardt, Trillo

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- INDEBTEDNESS OF TOWNS AND CITIES (would provide that, in the event a municipality fails to provide a year-end deficit elimination plan when required by statute, such municipality shall immediately employ the budgetary process known as zero-based budgeting with respect to all depts.)


03/20/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

House Bill No. 8005

BY  Lally

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO RETIREMENT -- TOWNS AND CITIES (would provide that police and fire fighters who meet certain requirements could retire, but would not be able to collect a pension until the member reached his or her social security retirement age or age 67, whichever would come first)


03/28/2012 Introduced, referred to House Finance

Senate Bill No. 2599

BY  Hodgson, DaPonte, Algiere, Doyle, Ottiano



03/01/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Corporations

03/23/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/27/2012)

03/27/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

House Bill No. 8048

BY  Keable, Hull, Silva, Slater, Guthrie

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - THE FIREFIGHTER CANCER WELLNESS ACT (would require that emergency medical technicians cancer incidence will be reported annually by the director of the department of health to the office of the state fire marshal.)


04/05/2012 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W.

04/05/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/11/2012)

04/11/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

04/23/2012 Scheduled for consideration (04/25/2012)

04/25/2012 Committee recommends passage

04/25/2012 Placed on House Calendar (05/03/2012)

05/03/2012 House read and passed

05/10/2012 Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

06/04/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/06/2012)

06/06/2012 Committee recommends passage in concurrence

06/07/2012 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar

06/12/2012 Senate passed in concurrence

06/14/2012 Transmitted to Governor

House Bill No. 7626  SUB A

BY  Keable, Winfield, Petrarca, Guthrie, Tomasso

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - BACKGROUND CHECKS (would authorize any municipal fire department to request a background check from their local police department for any employee or volunteer serving their community.)


02/16/2012 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government

03/16/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/29/2012)

03/29/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

06/03/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/06/2012)

06/06/2012 Committee recommends passage of Sub A

06/08/2012 Placed on House Calendar (06/11/2012)

06/11/2012 House voted to recommit to House Municipal Government

Senate Bill No. 2877

BY  Crowley

ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - FIRE DISTRICTS LOCATED IN CUMBERLAND (would make any tax increases in any of the four fire districts located within the town of Cumberland subject to the maximum levy sections of the general laws, or the ordinances of Cumberland, whichever is more restrictive.)


04/12/2012 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

04/27/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/02/2012)

05/02/2012 Committee heard and continued

06/01/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/05/2012)

06/05/2012 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

|Total Bills: 42 | |

|Legislative Data Systems Room 1 |6/18/2012 |

|State House, Providence, Rhode Island |1:27 PM |


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