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| |Basic Competencies |2-13 |

| |Common Competencies |14-26 |

| |Core Competencies |27-52 |

| | | |


| | | |

| |3.1 Curriculum Design |53-57 |

| |3.2 Training Delivery |58 |

| |3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements |58 |

| |3.4 List of Tools, Equipment and Materials |59 |

| |3.5 Training Facilities |60 |

| |3.6 Trainer’s Qualification |60 |

| | | |


| | | |


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| | |

| |63 |

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Ship’s Catering Services NC II


The SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve in performing maintenance and sanitation of galley equipment and facilities, preparing and cooking meat dishes, preparing stocks, sauces and soups, preparing appetizers, salads and sandwiches (hot and cold and open), preparing side dishes and breakfast meal, preparing and cooking poultry products, preparing and cooking seafood, preparing bread products and hot and cold desserts and performing stock control.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Maritime Sector as shown in Annex A and complies with Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006.

The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following:


| 500311105 |Participate in workplace communication |

| 500311106 |Work in team environment |

| 500311107 |Practice career professionalism |

| 500311108 |Practice occupational health and safety procedures |


|MTM512208 |Observe Personal Hygiene |

|MTM512209 |Practice Food Safety, Sanitation and Hygiene |

|MTM512210 |Observe Catering Health and Safety Practices |

|MTM512211 |Protect Marine Environment/Waste Segregation Management |

|MTM512212 |Work within Multi-cultural and Religious Environment |


|MTM512316 |Perform maintenance and sanitation of galley equipment and facility |

|MTM512317 |Prepare and cook meat dishes |

|MTM512318 |Prepare stocks, sauces and soups |

|MTM512319 |Prepare appetizers, salads and sandwiches (Hot and Cold and Open) |

|MTM512320 |Prepare side dishes and breakfast meal |

|MTM512321 |Prepare and cook poultry products |

|MTM512322 |Prepare and cook seafood |

|MTM512323 |Prepare bread products and hot and cold desserts |

|MTM512324 |Perform stock control |

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

❑ Ships’ Cook


This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units of competency required in SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NC II.



UNIT CODE : 500311105

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Obtain and convey workplace information |Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources |

| |Effective questioning , active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey|

| |information |

| |Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas |

| |Appropriate non- verbal communication is used |

| |Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and |

| |followed |

| |Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used |

| |Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely |

|Participate in workplace meetings and |Team meetings are attended on time |

|discussions |Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to without |

| |interruption |

| |Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols |

| |Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner |

| |Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and maters concerning working |

| |conditions of employment are asked and responded to |

| |Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented |

|Complete relevant work related documents |Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly |

| |Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents |

| |Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations |

| |Errors in recording information on forms/ documents are identified and properly acted upon|

| |Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines |



|Appropriate sources |Team members |

| |Suppliers |

| |Trade personnel |

| |Local government |

| |Industry bodies |

|Medium |Memorandum |

| |Circular |

| |Notice |

| |Information discussion |

| |Follow-up or verbal instructions |

| |Face to face communication |

|Storage |Manual filing system |

| |Computer-based filing system |

|Protocols |Observing meeting |

| |Compliance with meeting decisions |

| |Obeying meeting instructions |

|Workplace interactions |Face to face |

| |Telephone |

| |Electronic and two way radio |

| |Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms, non-verbal including |

| |gestures, signals, signs and diagrams |

|Forms |Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety reports |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Prepared written communication following standard format of the organization |

| |Accessed information using communication equipment |

| |Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information effectively |

| |Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal or informal communication |

|Underpinning knowledge |Effective communication |

| |Different modes of communication |

| |Written communication |

| |Organizational policies |

| |Communication procedures and systems |

| |Technology relevant to the enterprise and the individual’s work responsibilities |

|Underpinning skills |Follow simple spoken language |

| |Perform routine workplace duties following simple written notices |

| |Participate in workplace meetings and discussions |

| |Complete work related documents |

| |Estimate, calculate and record routine workplace measures |

| |Basic mathematical processes of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication |

| |Ability to relate to people of social range in the workplace |

| |Gather and provide information in response to workplace Requirements |

|Resource implications |Fax machine |

| |Telephone |

| |Writing materials |

| |Internet |

|Methods of assessment |Direct Observation |

| |Oral interview and written test |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited institution |


UNIT CODE : 500311106

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Describe team role and scope |The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information |

| |Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team |

| |discussions and appropriate external sources |

|Identify own role and responsibility within |Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified |

|team |Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized |

| |Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified |

|Work as a team member |Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with |

| |team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives |

| |Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives,|

| |based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context |

| |Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures |

| |Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role |

| |and objectives and individual competencies of the members. |



|Role and objective of team |Work activities in a team environment with enterprise or specific sector |

| |Limited discretion, initiative and judgment maybe demonstrated on the job, either individually|

| |or in a team environment |

|Sources of information |Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures |

| |Job procedures |

| |Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions |

| |Organizational or external personnel |

| |Client/supplier instructions |

| |Quality standards |

| |OHS and environmental standards |

|Workplace context |Work procedures and practices |

| |Conditions of work environments |

| |Legislation and industrial agreements |

| |Standard work practice including the storage, safe handling and disposal of chemicals |

| |Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality guidelines |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Operated in a team to complete workplace activity |

| |Worked effectively with others |

| |Conveyed information in written or oral form |

| |Selected and used appropriate workplace language |

| |Followed designated work plan for the job |

| |Reported outcomes |

|Underpinning knowledge and attitude |Communication process |

| |Team structure |

| |Team roles |

| |Group planning and decision making |

|Underpinning skills |Communicate appropriately, consistent with the culture of the workplace |

|Resource implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take |

| |place |

| |Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks |

|Methods of assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Observation of the individual member in relation to the work activities of the group |

| |Observation of simulation and or role play involving the participation of individual member to |

| |the attainment of organizational goal |

| |Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in teamwork |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in group |


UNIT CODE : 500311107

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Integrate personal objectives with |1.1 Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set|

|organizational goals |for the profession |

| |1.2 Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing |

| |oneself based on performance evaluation |

| |1.3 Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of |

| |duties |

|Set and meet work priorities |2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational |

| |goals and objectives. |

| |2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and |

| |commitments |

| |2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are |

| |followed as per established procedures |

|Maintain professional growth and development |3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job |

| |requirements |

| |3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement |

| |3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed|

| | |



|1. Evaluation |1.1 Performance Appraisal |

| |1.2 Psychological Profile |

| |Aptitude Tests |

|2. Resources |2.1 Human |

| |2.2 Financial |

| |2.3 Technology |

| |2.3.1 Hardware |

| |Software |

|3. Trainings and career opportunities |3.1 Participation in training programs |

| |3.1.1 Technical |

| |3.1.2 Supervisory |

| |3.1.3 Managerial |

| |3.1.4 Continuing Education |

| |3.2 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops |

|4. Recognitions |4.1 Recommendations |

| |4.2 Citations |

| |4.3 Certificate of Appreciations |

| |4.4 Commendations |

| |4.5 Awards |

| |Tangible and Intangible Rewards |

|5. Licenses and/or certifications |5.1 National Certificates |

| |5.2 Certificate of Competency |

| |Support Level Licenses |

| |Professional Licenses |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Attained job targets within key result areas (KRAs) |

| |Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based on |

| |performance evaluation |

| |Completed trainings and career opportunities which are based on the requirements of the |

| |industries |

| |Acquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications according to the requirement of the |

| |qualification |

|2. Underpinning knowledge |2.1 Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) |

| |2.2 Company policies |

| |2.3 Company operations, procedures and standards |

| |2.4 Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity |

| |2.5 Personal hygiene practices |

|3. Underpinning skills |3.1 Appropriate practice of personal hygiene |

| |3.2 Intra and Interpersonal skills |

| |3.3 Communication skills |

|4. Resource implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |4.2 Case studies/scenarios |

|5. Methods of assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Portfolio Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |Simulation/Role-plays |

| |Observation |

| |Third Party Reports |

| |Exams and Tests |

|6. Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting |


UNIT CODE : 500311108

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Identify hazards and risks |Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures |

| |are clarified and explained based on organization procedures |

| |Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to |

| |minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with|

| |organization procedures |

| |Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are |

| |recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures |

|Evaluate hazards and risks |Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage |

| |are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV) |

| |Effects of the hazards are determined |

| |OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated |

| |personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS |

| |legislation |

|Control hazards and risks |Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in |

| |workplace are consistently followed |

| |Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in |

| |accordance with organization OHS policies |

| |Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization |

| |OHS procedures and practices |

| |Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance|

| |with established organization protocol |

|Maintain OHS awareness |Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established |

| |organization guidelines and procedures |

| |OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace |

| |requirements |



|Safety regulations |May include but are not limited to: |

| |Clean Air Act |

| |Building code |

| |National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes |

| |Waste management statutes and rules |

| |Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards |

| |DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements |

| |ECC regulations |

|Hazards/Risks |May include but are not limited to: |

| |2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise, vibration, |

| |temperature, radiation |

| |2.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites, mites, molds, fungi, |

| |insects |

| |2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke, gasses, vapors |

| |2.4 Ergonomics |

| |Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive force, awkward/static positions, |

| |fatigue, direct pressure, varying metabolic cycles |

| |Physiological factors – monotony, personal relationship, work out cycle |

|Contingency measures |May include but are not limited to: |

| |Evacuation |

| |Isolation |

| |Decontamination |

| |(Calling designed) emergency personnel |

|PPE |May include but are not limited to: |

| |4.1 Mask |

| |4.2 Gloves |

| |4.3 Goggles |

| |4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet |

| |4.5 Face mask/shield |

| |4.6 Ear muffs |

| |4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit |

| |4.8 Anti-static suits |

|Emergency-related drills and training |5.1 Fire drill |

| |5.2 Earthquake drill |

| |5.3 Basic life support/CPR |

| |5.4 First aid |

| |5.5 Spillage control |

| |5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic |

| |5.7 Disaster preparedness/management |

|OHS personal records | Medical/Health records |

| |Incident reports |

| |Accident reports |

| |OHS-related training completed |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Explained clearly established workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures |

| |Identified hazards/risks in the workplace and its corresponding indicators in accordance with |

| |company procedures |

| |Recognized contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies |

| |Identified terms of maximum tolerable limits based on threshold limit value- TLV. |

| |Followed Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in |

| |workplace |

| |Used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with company OHS procedures and practices |

| |Completed and updated OHS personal records in accordance with workplace requirements |

|2. Underpinning knowledge |OHS procedures and practices and regulations |

| |PPE types and uses |

| |Personal hygiene practices |

| |Hazards/risks identification and control |

| |Threshold Limit Value -TLV |

| |OHS indicators |

| |Organization safety and health protocol |

| |Safety consciousness |

| |Health consciousness |

|3. Underpinning skills |Practice of personal hygiene |

| |Hazards/risks identification and control skills |

| |Interpersonal skills |

| |Communication skills |

|Resource implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |OHS personal records |

| |PPE |

| |Health records |

|Methods of assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Portfolio Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |Case Study/Situation |

|Context for assessment |Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting |




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in observing personal hygiene.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Practice personal hygiene and |Personal hygiene is practiced to comply with the requirements of the ship’s food |

|grooming |safety program. |

| |Appropriate uniform is worn as required by ship’s food safety program. |

| |Wearing of make-up, lipstick, nail polish, jewelry (except plain wedding band) is |

| |avoided. |

|2. Comply with food handling safety |Hand washing is practiced using prescribed procedure. |

|practices |Disposable gloves is used in handling ready to eat food. |

| |Cuts and sores are covered with clean water- proof dressing. |

| |Health condition and/or illness is reported according to the ship’s policy and |

| |procedures. |



|Personal hygiene |May include: |

| |Taking a bath daily |

| |Brushing teeth daily |

| |Trimming of hair and fingernails |

|Appropriate uniform |May include: |

| |Clean company issued uniform |

| |Hairnet or toque |

| |Non-skid shoes |

| |Black socks |

|Hand washing |May include: |

| |Hand washing is practiced using: |

| |3.1 Hand washing sink |

| |Liquid detergent dispenser |

| |Nail Brush |

| |Paper towel |

| |Air dryer |

| |Hand sanitizer |

|Health condition or illness |May include: |

| |Food poisoning symptoms: |

| |4.1 Sore throat |

| |4.2 Fever |

| |Diarrhea |

| |Vomiting |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate : |

| |1.1 practiced personal hygiene and grooming |

| |1.2 complied with food handling safety practices |

|2. Required Knowledge |2.1 Hand washing procedure |

| |2.2 Health condition and/or illness |

| |Food poisoning symptoms |

| |2.3 Personal grooming and hygiene |

| |2.4 Reporting procedures |

| |2.5 Safety and health conscious |

|3. Required Skills |3.1 Using hand washing tools and supplies |

| |3.2 Communication skills |

|4. Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |4.1 ventilated and illuminated work place with facilities appropriate to the |

| |activity |

| |tools and materials/supplies |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through: |

| |demonstration and oral questioning of related underpinning knowledge |

| |portfolio |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting. |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether |

| |individually or in-group. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in food safety, sanitation and hygiene, food storage and cleaning procedure.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Practice food safety sanitation |Sources of food contaminants are identified. |

| |Awareness of food safety practices to food contact surfaces is observed to prevent |

| |cross contamination. |

| |Potentially hazardous foods are determined and appropriate measures are undertaken to |

| |prevent its consumption. |

| |Cleaning and sanitizing tools and agents is maintained in accordance with ship’s |

| |procedure. |

| |Awareness of serving food at recommended temperature is practiced. |

|2. Store food |Approved methods of refrigeration of food are complied with. |

| |Dry storage of food is practiced according to instructions and procedures. |

| |Food is covered and labeled prior to storage in accordance with ship’s procedure. |

|3. Practice cleaning procedure |Appropriate cleaning and sanitizing tools and agents are identified and handled based |

| |on cleaning requirements and manufacturer’s instructions. |

| |Cleaning and sanitizing is performed according to procedure. |

|4. Report pest infestation |Sign of pest infestation is identified and reported to concerned personnel. |

| |Measures to prevent pests entering food premises are applied. |



|1. Sources of food contaminants |May include: |

| |People |

| |Insect |

| |Rodent |

| |Waste food |

| |Refuse |

|2. Food safety practices |May include: |

| |2.1 Identification of potentially hazardous foods |

| |2.2 Food storage procedures |

| |2.3 Monitoring of recommended storage temperature |

|3. Cleaning and sanitizing tools and agents |May include: |

|is maintained |3.1 Follow procedure in cleaning and sanitizing |

| |3.2 Follow manufacturer’s instructions in using cleaning and sanitizing chemicals |

| |3.3 Cover foods while cleaning is in progress |

| |3.4 Practice using the three bucket system/three sink compartment |

|4. Serving food at recommended temperature |May include: |

| |4.1 Specific internal temperature of food items |

| |4.2 Range of temperature danger zone |

| |4.3 Temperature of holding equipment |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate : |

| |1.1 identified sources of food contaminants and applied procedures to control |

| |contamination. |

| |1.2 practiced wet and dry storage of food. |

| |1.3 used appropriate cleaning and sanitizing agents. |

| |1.4 identified and reported signs of pest infestation. |

| |1.5 applied measures to prevent pest infestation. |

|2. Required Knowledge |2.1 Chemical, biological and physical hazards |

| |2.2 Six favorable conditions that support bacterial growth [Food Acid Time |

| |Temperature Oxygen Moisture.(FATTOM)] |

| |2.3 Methods in preventing food borne, illness/cross contamination |

| |2.4 Food refrigeration and dry storage method |

| |2.5 Cleaning methods based on international standards |

| |2.6 Cleaning and sanitizing agents |

| |2.7 Signs of pest infestation and access |

|3. Required Skills |3.1 Communication skills |

| |3.2 Handling cleaning and sanitizing tools and agents |

| |3.3 Operating food storage equipment |

|4. Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |4.1 ventilated and illuminated work place with facilities appropriate to the |

| |activity. |

| |4.2 tools and materials. |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through : |

| |5.1 demonstration and oral questioning of related underpinning knowledge. |

| |5.2 portfolio. |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting. |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether |

| |individually or in-group. |

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : OBSERVE Catering Health and Safety PracticeS


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to observe catering health and safety practices.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Handle catering equipment |1.1 Catering equipment are cleaned and sanitized and dried in accordance with ship’s|

| |standards. |

| |1.2 Catering equipment is tested for functionality and breakage, malfunction or |

| |defects are reported in accordance with ship’s standards and/or manufacturer’s |

| |instruction. |

| |1.3 Catering equipment are stowed in accordance with ship’s standards and/or |

| |manufacturer’s instruction. |

|2. Prevent common accident in the work place|2.1 Common causes of accident in the galley are identified and preventive measures |

| |are discussed and undertaken. |

| |2.2 In case of fire in the galley, recommended fire extinguisher is used. |



|Catering equipment |May include: |

| |Oven/ Microwave |

| |Hot Plate |

| |Griller |

| |Griddle |

| |Deep fryer |

| |Rice Cooker |

| |Pots and Pans |

| |Utensils |

| |Knives |

|Accidents |May include: |

| |Slips and falls |

| |Cuts |

| |Burns |

| |Electrocution |

| |Fire |

| |Explosion |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |1.1 identified basic tools and equipment in the galley. |

| |1.2 demonstrated proper cleaning and stowage of tools and equipment. |

| |1.3 practiced proper monitoring and reporting of breakages, malfunctions and repairs.|

| |1.4 identified common causes of accidents and preventions. |

|2. Required Knowledge |2.1 Catering tools and equipment |

| |2.2 Procedure/s in cleaning and stowage of catering tools and equipment |

| |2.3 Catering tools and equipment breakage, malfunction, defect and repair |

| |2.4 Common causes of accidents in the galley |

| |2.5 Different types of fire extinguisher and its uses |

| |2.6 Fire blanket |

|3. Required Skills |Handling galley tools and equipment |

| |Communication skills |

| |Using fire extinguishers and fire blanket |

|4. Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |4.1 ventilated and illuminated work place with facilities appropriate to the |

| |activity. |

| |4.2 tools and equipment appropriate to scheduled galleys tasks and to monitor and |

| |maintain working condition. |

| |4.3 material relevant to the proposed activity and tasks. |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through : |

| |5.1 demonstration and oral questioning of related underpinning knowledge. |

| |5.2 portfolio. |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting. |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually|

| |or in-group. |

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Protect marine environment / Waste SEGREGATION management


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitude required to perform waste segregation.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Segregate waste |Waste is identified and sorted based on relevant regulations. |

| |Sorted waste is segregated and placed in designated bins/containers in accordance with|

| |relevant MARPOL regulations and procedures. |

| |Task is performed using the recommended Personal protective equipment (PPE). |

|Package waste |Waste are sealed and packaged in accordance with MARPOL Annex V. |

| |Waste are labeled and placed in a location designated for the purpose. |



|1. Waste |May include: |

| |Biodegradable waste |

| |Non-biodegradable waste and |

| |Hazardous waste |

|2. Personal protective equipment (PPE) |May include: |

| |Non-skid safety shoes |

| |Face mask |

| |Disposable gloves |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate : |

| |performed waste segregation procedures. |

| |complied with relevant regulations. |

|2. Required Knowledge |2.1 Types of garbage |

| |2.2 Types of labeled waste bins |

| |2,3 Relevant regulations (MARPOL, etc…) |

| |2.4 Waste segregation procedures |

| |2.5 Personal protective equipment (PPE) |

|3. Required Skills |3.1 Communication skills |

| |3.2 Using waste paper bag/plastic liner |

| |3.3 Handling waste |

|4. Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |4.1 ventilated and illuminated work place with facilities appropriate to the |

| |activity. |

| |4.2 tools and equipment appropriate to scheduled galleys tasks and to monitor and |

| |maintain working condition. |

| |4.3 material relevant to the proposed activity and tasks |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through : |

| |5.1 demonstration and oral questioning of related underpinning knowledge. |

| |5.2 portfolio. |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting. |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually|

| |or in-group. |

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : work within multi-cultural and religious environment


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to maintain a harmonious and effective working environment in a multi-national crew.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Recognize cultural and religious |1.1 Specific religious practices are recognized and adhered to |

|diversity among crew |1.2 Food preferences are identified and noted in accordance with crew’s cultural, |

| |religious practices and beliefs |

|2. Demonstrate sensitivity to specific |2.1 Verbal and non-verbal indecent language are known and avoided in accordance with |

|cultures and practices |crew’s cultural, religious practices and beliefs. |

| |2.2 Respect for cultural and religious diversity is shown in communication and |

| |interaction with the ship’s crew |



|Specific religious practices |May include: |

| |1.1 Food preferences |

| |Prayer time and |

| |1.3 Personal hygiene/ clothing |

|Communication |May include: |

| |Verbal |

| |Written |

| |Gestures and facial and body expressions |

| |Posture |

| |Sign language |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |recognized cultural and religious diversity among crew. |

| |performed tasks considering the crew’s religious and cultural practices. |

|2. Required Knowledge |2.1 Cultural and religious diversity of different nationalities |

| |2.2 Food preferences of different culture and religion |

| |2.2 Professionalism in the workplace |

|3. Required Skills |3.1 Communication skills |

| |3.2 Interpersonal skills |

|4. Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |4.1 ventilated and illuminated work place with facilities appropriate to the |

| |activity. |

| |4.2 tools and equipment appropriate to scheduled galleys tasks and to monitor and |

| |maintain working condition. |

| |4.3 material relevant to the proposed activity and tasks. |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through : |

| |5.1 demonstration and oral questioning of related underpinning knowledge. |

| |5.2 portfolio. |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting. |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether |

| |individually or in-group. |


UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Perform maintenance and sanitation of galley equipment and facility


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in providing assistance in maintaining galley equipment and facility. It includes the cleaning of processing equipment, cooking equipment, galley and mess hall.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Clean and test galley food |1.1 Cleaning materials for food processing equipment are prepared in accordance with port |

|processing equipment |state/ship’s standards. |

| |1.2 Processing equipment are cleaned, sanitized and air dried in accordance with port |

| |state/ship’s standards. |

| |1.3 Food processing equipment are assembled and tested for functionality in accordance |

| |with manufacturer’s instructions. |

|2. Clean and test galley cooking |2.1 Cleaning materials for food equipment are prepared in accordance with port |

|equipment |state/ship’s standard. |

| |2.2 Cooking equipment are cleaned, sanitized and air-dried in accordance with port |

| |state/ship’s standard. |

| |2.3 Cooking equipment are tested for functionality in accordance with manufacturer’s |

| |instructions. |

|3. Clean the galley |3.1 Cleaning materials are prepared in accordance with port state /ship’s standard. |

| |3.2 Galley is cleaned and sanitized in accordance with port state /ship’s standard. |

| |3.3 Garbage are collected and disposed according to MARPOL regulations. |

| |3.4 Cleaning materials are stored in designated area in accordance with port state/ship’s |

| |standard. |



|Cleaning materials |May include: |

| |1.1 Detergent |

| |1.2 Sanitizing agent |

| |1.3 Degreaser |

| |1.4 Floor squeegee |

| |1.5 Cleaning rags |

| |1.6 Spray bottle |

| |1.7 Buckets |

| |1.8 Sponge and scrubbing pad |

| |1.9 Floor Brush |

|Food processing equipment |May include: |

| |2.1 Slicer |

| |2.2 Mixer |

| |2.3 Grinder |

| |2.4 Blender |

|Cooking equipment |May include: |

| |3.1 Oven/ Microwave |

| |3.2 Hot Plate |

| |3.3 Griller |

| |3.4 Griddle |

| |3.5 Deep fryer |

| |3.6 Rice Cooker |

| |3.7 Pots and Pans |

| |3.8 Utensils |

| |3.9 Knives |

|Galley |May include: |

| |4.1 Floor |

| |4.2 Drainage |

| |4.3 Bulkhead (wall) |

| |4.4 Ceiling and lights |

| |4.5 Port holes |

| |4.6 Exhaust/hood |

| |4.7 Preparation table |

| |4.8 Sinks |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate : |

| |1.1 identified processing and cooking equipment. |

| |1.2 identified cleaning and sanitizing agents. |

| |1.3 cleaned and sanitized processing equipment. |

| |1.4 cleaned and sanitized cooking equipment. |

| |1.5 cleaned and sanitized galley. |

|2. Required Knowledge |2.1 Cleaning methods and procedures |

| |2.2 Familiarity on the galley equipment |

| |Cleaning and sanitizing agent |

|3. Required Skills |3.1 Safety in handling cleaning and sanitizing agents |

| |3.2 Oral and written communication skills |

| |3.3 Interpersonal relationship |

|4 Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided : |

| |4.1 Access to relevant workplace where assessment can take place |

| |4.2 Tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through: |

| |demonstration and questioning of related underpinning knowledge. |

| |written examination. |

|6. Context of Assessment |Competency may be assessed in relevant workplace setting (accredited assessment |

| |centers). |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and desirable attitudes required to prepare and cook meat dishes.

The term “prepare and cook meat dishes” is also referred to as “mise-en-place” and includes basic preparation prior to cooking meat dishes. This may involve cooking components of a dish but does not include the actual presentation.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Prepare tools and equipment for use |Tools and equipment are identified based on the required tasks. |

| |Tools and equipment are checked for defects, damages, and/or condition in accordance with |

| |manufacturer’s manual. |

| |Tools are cleaned and sanitized in accordance with ship’s standards. |

| |Equipment are cleaned based on correct type and size, and is safely assembled and readied|

| |for use in accordance with ship’s procedures. |

| |Equipment is sanitized as appropriate. |

| Prepare/portion meats |Suitable tools and equipment are selected and used prior to meat preparation. |

| |Meat are prepared/ portioned according to menu requirements. |

| |Suitable marinades are prepared and used where appropriate for a variety of meat cuts. |

|Cook meat dishes |Meat is cooked according to appropriate cooking method. |

| |Cook meat are placed in appropriate food pans and/or dishes and in accordance with |

| |appropriate food temperature. |



| Tools |May include: |

| |Knives |

| |Paring knives |

| |Boning knives |

| |Utility knives |

| |Slicer/Carving knives |

| |Cleaver |

| |1.2 Hand Tools |

| |Honing Steel/Sharpening Stone |

| |Meat Pounder/Tender/Mallet |

| |Tongs |

| |Spatula |

| |Cook’s Fork |

| |Skewers |

| |1.3 Cooking Utensils |

| |Frying Pan |

| |Stew Pot |

| |Wok |

| |1.4 Measuring Tools |

| |Weighing Scale |

| |Thermometer |

|Equipment |May include: |

| |Food processors, meat grinder |

| |Slicers, choppers |

| |Grills, griddle and broilers |

| |Fryers |

| |Oven |

| |Pressure cooker, steamers |

| |Tilting pan |

| |Bone saw |

|Meat Preparation |May include: |

| |3.1 Boning, cutting, trimming, mincing |

| |3.2 Weighing, portioning |

| |3.3 Tenderizing, rolling, trussing |

| |3.4 Stuffing and skewering |

| |3.5 Marinating |

|4. Cooking method |May include: |

| |4.1 Dry method |

| |4.1.1 Roasting |

| |4.1.2 Grilling |

| |4.1.3 Broiling |

| |4.1.4 Pan frying |

| |4.1.5 Stir frying |

| |4.1.6 Deep Frying |

| |4.1.7 Braising |

| |4.1.8 Baking |

| |4.2 Moist method |

| |4.2.1 Boiling |

| |4.2.2 Simmering |

| |4.2.3 Steaming |

| |4.2.4 Poaching |

| |4.2.5 Stewing |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidences that the candidate: |

| |prepared tools and equipment. |

| |applied safe and accurate cutting techniques. |

| |observed hygienic handling and storing of meat. |

| |prepared a range of meat dishes to ship’s standards. |

|2. Required Knowledge |Characteristics of meats including type, cut, quality and fat content |

| |Principles and practices of storing, and freezing of meats |

| |Nutrition content of meat |

| |Culinary terms related to handling and storage of meat commonly used in the enterprise and |

| |industry |

| |Uses and characteristics of various knives and equipment |

| |Safe work practices |

| |Logical and time efficient work flow |

|3. Required Skills |Appropriate preparation and cookery methods for various meat |

| |Principles and practices of hygienic handling and storage of meat |

| |Portion control of meat |

| |Waste minimization techniques and environment-friendly disposal |

|4 Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided : |

| |4.1 access to relevant workplace where assessment can take place. |

| |4.2 tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task. |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through: |

| |demonstration of the candidate while preparing and cooking meat. |

| |review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by |

| |the candidate. |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Assessment may be done in a relevant workplace setting (assessment centers). |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to prepare various stocks, sauces and soups in the galley of a commercial/merchant vessel.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Prepare stocks, glazes and |Ingredients and flavoring agents are used according to standard recipes. |

|essences required for recipe |Variety of stocks, glazes and essences are produced according to standard recipe. |

| |Clarifying agents are used appropriately. |

| |Convenience products are used appropriately. |

|2. Prepare soups required for recipe|Correct ingredients are selected and assembled in preparing soups, including stocks and prepared |

| |garnishes. |

| |Variety of soups are prepared according to standard recipe. |

| |Clarifying, thickening agents and convenience products are used where appropriate. |

| |Soups are evaluated for flavor, color, consistency and temperature, related problems are |

| |identified and fixed in accordance with the recipe. |

| |Soups are presented at the right temperature, in clean service ware without drips and spills, |

| |using suitable garnishes and accompaniments. |

|3. Prepare sauces required for |Variety of sauces, dip and dressings are prepared based on the standard recipe. |

|recipe |Variety of thickening agents and convenience products are used appropriately. |

| |Sauces are evaluated for flavor, color and consistency and problems are identified and fixed in |

| |accordance with the recipe. |

|4. Store stocks, sauces and soups |Stocks, sauces and soups are cooled prior to storing in order to prevent spoilage. |

| |Stocks, sauces and soups are labeled and covered in appropriate containers. |



|Stocks |May include: |

| |1.1 Beef stock |

| |1.2 Chicken stock |

| |1.3 Fish stock |

| |1.4 Vegetable stock |

| |1.5 Brown stock |

|Soups |May include: |

| |Thin |

| |Clear or broth |

| |“Consomme” |

| |Naturally thick |

| |Artificially thickened |

| |Specialty soups |

| |bouillabaisse |

| |chowders |

| |miso soup, etc. |

| |Cold soup |

| |Vichyssoise |

| |Gazpacho |

|Sauces, Dip and Dressings |May include: |

| |Sauces |

| |Brown Sauce or Espanole |

| |Velo’ute |

| |Bechamel |

| |Tomato Sauce |

| |Hollandaise Sauce |

| |Dip and Dressings |

|Thickening agents |May include: |

| |4.1 Roux |

| |4.2 Beurre manie |

| |4.3 Slurry |

| |4.4 Liaison |

|Convenience products |May include: |

| |Bases |

| |cubes |

| |aromat a |

| |powder) |

| |Flavor enhancers |

| |garlic powder |

| |onion powder) |

| |Instant Sauces |

| |Demiglace |

| |hollandaise |

| |Flavoring packs |

| |Sinigang |

| |Menudo |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidences that the candidate: |

| |prepared a variety of stocks, soups and sauces from different recipes. |

| |stored prepared stocks, soups and sauces. |

| |identified different classifications of stock, soups and sauces. |

|2. Required Knowledge |Common problems on stocks, sauces and soups and how to identify and rectify them |

| |Common culinary terms on stocks, soups and sauces which are used on board |

| |Appropriate substitute ingredients and food components to meet special dietary and cultural needs |

| |Use of various stocks and bases for a variety of soups and sauces |

| |Hygienic principles and practices |

| |2.6 Logical and time efficient work flow |

|3. Required Skills |Techniques of producing stocks and sauces |

| |Organizational skills and teamwork |

| |Safe work practices |

| |Waste minimization techniques and environment-friendly practices on handling, preparation and disposal|

| |of soups, stocks and sauces |

| |Preparation of sauces and soups within typical workplace conditions including working within time |

| |constraints |

|4 Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided : |

| |4.1 access to relevant workplace or appropriately relevant workplace where assessment can take place.|

| |4.2 tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task. |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through: |

| |demonstration of the candidate in making stocks, sauces and soups. |

| |written or oral questions to test candidate’s knowledge on sauces, soups and stocks. |

| |review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the |

| |candidate, e.g. recipes. |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Assessment may be done in a simulated workplace setting (assessment centers). |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in preparing and presenting appetizers and salads in the galley of a commercial/merchant vessel.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Prepare and present salads and dressings |Suitable ingredients are chosen based on standard recipe for salads and dressings. |

| |Salads are prepared using fresh (seasonal) ingredients according to availability. |

| |Dressings are prepared suitable to either incorporate into, or accompany salads in |

| |accordance with salad to be prepared. |

| |Dressings are prepared in accordance with appropriate consistency, color and texture. |

| |Salads are presented attractively according to appropriate portion and temperature. |

|Prepare and present a range of hot and cold|Appetizers are produced using the correct ingredients ensuring: |

|appetizers |2.1.1 Symmetry and neatness of presentation |

| |2.1.2 Appropriate ingredient –combinations |

| |2.1.3 Precise and uniform cut ingredients |

| |2.1.4 Attractive service ware and garnishes |

| |Correct equipment are selected and used in the production of appetizers. |

| |Appetizers are prepared and presented hygienically and logically within the required |

| |timeframe. |

| |Appetizers are presented according to appropriate portion and temperature. |

|Store appetizers and salads |Appetizers and salads are kept in appropriate conditions based on standard operating |

| |procedures. |

| |Required containers are used and stored in proper temperature to maintain freshness, |

| |quality and taste. |



|Dressings |May include: |

| |1.1 Permanent Emulsion |

| |1.2 Temporary Emulsion |

|Salads |May include: |

| |Leafy |

| |Non-leafy |

| |Combination |

| |Compound |

| |Fruit |

| |Cooked |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidences that the candidate: |

| |identified different types of salad, dip and dressings. |

| |prepared a variety of appetizers and salads from different recipes. |

| |prepared a number of appetizers and salads within industry-realistic timeframes. |

| |presented appetizers and salads according to appropriate portion and temperature. |

|Required Knowledge |Historical development and current trends in salads and appetizers |

| |Suitable commodities and food combinations for use in salads and appetizers |

| |Compatible dressings and sauces for incorporating into or accompanying salads |

| |Nutritional values of appetizers, salads and salad ingredients and the effects of |

| |cooking on nutrients |

| |Common culinary terms on appetizers and salads which are used in the industry |

| |Safe work practices on using knives and equipment |

| |Principles and practices of hygiene including appropriate dress |

| |Logical and time efficient work flow |

|Required Skills |Attractive presentation techniques for salads and appetizers |

| |Waste minimization techniques and environmental considerations in specific relation |

| |to appetizers and salads |

|4 Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided : |

| |4.1 access to relevant workplace where assessment can take place. |

| |4.2 tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task. |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through: |

| |demonstration of the candidate while preparing appetizers and salads. |

| |written or oral questions to test knowledge on commodity and food safety issues. |

| |review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job |

| |performance by the candidate. |

|Context of Assessment |Assessment may be done in a simulated workplace setting (assessment centers). |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to prepare various vegetables and fruit, eggs and starch dishes in a commercial/merchant vessel catering operation.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Prepare vegetable and fruit dishes |Quality of vegetables and fruit accompaniments are selected to complement and enhance |

| |menu items. |

| |Variety of vegetables and fruit dishes are prepared, and where appropriate, cooked |

| |using suitable cooking methods to preserve optimum quality and nutrition. |

| |Suitable sauces and accompaniments are selected and served with vegetables, if |

| |appropriate. |

|2. Prepare side dishes |Variety of side dishes are selected and prepared according to standard recipes. |

| |Optimum quality is ensured using appropriate methods. |

|3. Prepare and cook egg-based dishes |Variety of egg dishes are prepared and cooked according to standard recipes, using a |

| |range of cooking methods. |

| |Egg dishes are correctly prepared and cooked to ensure optimum and desired quality, |

| |consistency, and appearance. |

| |Sauces and accompaniments specific to egg preparations are selected. |



|1. Quality |May include: |

| |Ripeness |

| |Free from toxic substance |

| |Good condition (no visible damages) |

| |Free from “physical hazards” |

|2. Side dishes |May include: |

| |Pasta |

| |Rice and Cereals |

|Variety of egg dishes |May include: |

| |Omelets |

| |Fried eggs |

| |Boiled egg |

|Cooking methods |May include: |

| |Range of methods in egg dish preparation and cooking : |

| |Boiling |

| |Poaching |

| |Frying |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidences that the candidate: |

| |Prepared a variety of dishes using vegetables and fruits, eggs and starch products. |

| |Determined/explained different classifications of vegetables, eggs and starch products. |

|2. Required Knowledge |Varieties and characteristics of side dishes and breakfast meals |

| |Nutrition related to side dishes and breakfast meals, in particular the food values of |

| |commodities and the effects of cooking on the nutritional value of food |

| |Common culinary terms related to side dishes and breakfast meals |

| |Safe work practices on using knives and cooking equipment |

| |Principles and practices of hygiene related to use of raw ingredients |

| |Logical and time efficient work flow |

|3. Required Skills |Applying cutting and presentation techniques of vegetables and fruits |

| |Applying waste minimization techniques and environmental considerations in specific relation|

| |to side dishes and breakfast meals |

|4 Resource Implication |The following resources should be provided : |

| |Access to relevant workplace where assessment can take place. |

| |Tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task. |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through: |

| |Demonstration of the candidate while preparing dishes. |

| |Written or oral questions to test candidate’s knowledge on appropriate cooking methods for |

| |various commodities and safety issues. |

| |Review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance|

| |by the candidate. |

|6. Context of Assessment |Assessment may be done in a simulated workplace setting (assessment centers). |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in selecting, preparing, cooking, presenting and storing poultry in the galley of a commercial/merchant vessel.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Prepare poultry |Poultry is prepared based on the standard recipe. |

| |Preparation techniques for poultry are applied based on standard recipe. |

| |Frozen poultry are thawed. |

| |Poultry is handled sanitarily to minimize risk of food spoilage and cross-contamination. |

|2. Cook and present poultry dishes|Poultry are cooked according to standard recipes using appropriate cooking methods. |

| |Poultry is presented using suitable sauces, garnishes and accompaniments. |

| |Poultry dishes are placed in food pans and/or dishes and in accordance with appropriate |

| |food temperature. |



|Poultry |May include: |

| |Chicken |

| |Turkey |

| |Duck |

|Preparation techniques |May include: |

| |De-boning |

| |Stuffing |

| |Filleting |

| |Rolling and trussing |

| |Larding |

| |Marinating |

|Thawed |May include: |

| |3.1 Inside refrigerator |

| |3.2 Microwaving |

|Cooking methods |May include: |

| |4.1 Dry heat |

| |4.2 Moist heat |

| |4.3 Combination |

|Poultry dishes |May include: |

| |5.1 Roast chicken, turkey or duck |

| |5.2 Fried chicken |

| |5.3 Chicken barbeque |

| |5.4 Stir-fried chicken |

| |5.5 Steamed chicken |

| |5.6 Grilled chicken |




|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidences that the candidate: |

| |understood the different classifications of poultry. |

| |demonstrated particular storage and handling practices related to poultry. |

| |prepared a variety of poultry dishes according to standard recipes. |

|2. Required Knowledge |Classification of varieties of poultry items |

| |Quality criteria for poultry |

| |Appropriate cooking methods for poultry dishes |

| |Nutrition related to poultry, including food values and any specific issues like salmonella, cross- |

| |contaminations, etc. |

| |Common culinary terms and cooking techniques related to poultry which are used in the industry |

| |Safe work practices, particularly in relation to cooking poultry |

| |Logical and time efficient work flow |

|3. Required Skills |Following principles and practices of hygiene specifically cross-contamination |

| |Following techniques on minimizing wastes and environment-friendly practices on handling and preparation|

| |of poultry |

|4 Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided : |

| |4.1 access to relevant workplace where assessment can take place. |

| |4.2 tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task. |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through : |

| |demonstration of the candidate while handling and cooking poultry. |

| |written or oral questions to test candidate’s knowledge on issues involved in cooking poultry, food |

| |safety and appropriate cookery methods for poultry. |

| |review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the |

| |candidate. |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Assessment may be done in the relevant workplace setting (assessment centers). |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in selecting, preparing and cooking seafood in a galley of a commercial/ merchant vessel.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|1. Select seafood |Seafood is selected according to quality, and the requirements for specific standard |

| |recipe. |

| |Seafood are handled and stored hygienically in accordance with ship’s standard handling |

| |and storing techniques. |

| |Frozen seafood are thawed correctly to ensure maximum quality, hygiene and to retain |

| |their nutrients. |

|2. Prepare and cook fish and shellfish |Fish is cleaned, drawn and filleted correctly and efficiently according to enterprise |

| |standards. |

| |Shellfish and other types of seafood are cleaned and prepared correctly and in |

| |accordance with standard recipe. |

| |Seafood is cooked to ship’s standard recipe using a variety of cookery methods. |

| |Seafood are placed in appropriate food pans and/or dishes and in accordance with |

| |appropriate food temperature. |



|Seafood |May include: |

| |Factors to be considered in seafood preparation |

| |Cut, size or portion |

| |Whole fish or fillets |

| |Texture and types of flesh |

| |Bone in or boneless portions |

| |Market form of fish – live, fresh or frozen |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidences that the candidate: |

| |1.1 identified different types of seafood. |

| |1.2 prepared a variety of seafood dishes. |

| |1.3 determined/explained different classifications of seafood. |

|Required Knowledge |Classification and varieties of fish and shellfish |

| |Criteria for judging the quality of fresh fish |

| |Storage requirements for fish |

| |Nutrition related to fish and seafood, particularly the nutritional value of fish and seafood |

| |Specific dietary issues including allergies and intolerances |

| |Common culinary terms related to fish and seafood that are used in the industry |

| |Principles and practices of hygiene specifically on handling and storage of seafood |

| |Safe work practices, particularly on using sharp knives and cooking equipment |

|Required Skills |Appropriate cookery methods for fish and shellfish |

| |Cutting techniques, particularly on fish and crustaceans |

| |Portion control for seafood |

| |Waste minimization techniques and environmental considerations in relation to seafood |

|4 Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided : |

| |4.1 access to relevant workplace where assessment can take place. |

| |4.2 tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task. |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through : |

| |demonstration of the candidate while preparing and cooking fish and seafood. |

| |written or oral questions to test candidate’s knowledge on storage related to fish and seafood. |

| |review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the |

| |candidate. |

|Context of Assessment |6.1 Assessment may be done in the relevant workplace setting (assessment centers). |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with knowledge, skills and attitudes in the preparation of a range of bread products and hot and cold desserts in galley of a commercial/merchant ship


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Prepare and produce desserts and bread |Ingredients are selected, measured and weighed according to recipe requirements. |

|products |Appropriate tools and equipment are selected and used in accordance with manufacturers’ |

| |manual. |

| |Standard recipes are used to produce a variety of breads, hot and cold desserts. |

|Present desserts and pastry products |Desserts and pastry products are portioned according to the number of crew. |

|Prepare sweet sauces |Range of hot and cold sauces are produced to a desired consistency and flavor. |

| |Thickening agents are used suitable for sweet sauces where appropriate. |

| |Sauces are stored to retain desired quality and characteristics. |



|Tools and equipment |May include: |

| |Equipment |

| |1.1.1 Blenders |

| |1.1.2 Mixers |

| |1.1.3 Oven |

| |1.1.4 Chiller and freezers |

| |1.1.5 Weighing scales |

| |1.1.6 Hot plate |

| | |

| |1.2 Tools |

| |1.2.1 Spatula |

| |1.2.2 Beater |

| |1.2.3 Mixing bowls |

|Desserts |May include: |

| |Pudding, pies, tarts, flans, fritters |

| |Custard, creams |

| |Prepared fruit |

| |Meringues, crepes |

| |Ice cream |

| |Cakes |

| |Flambe |

| |Refrigerated cake |

|Pastry products |May include: |

| |Danish pastry |

| |Apple strudel |

|Sauces |May include: |

| |Sugar syrups |

| |Fruit syrups |

| |Fruit purees, sauces |

| |Chocolate-based sauces (ganache) |

| |Custards and crèmes |

|Thickening agents |May include: |

| |Flour |

| |Corn flour, potato starch |

| |Eggs and egg yolks |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidences that the candidate: |

| |1.1 identified bread products and dessert options |

| |1.2 prepared different types of bread products and desserts according to recipe |

| |1.3 presented bread products and desserts |

|2. Required Knowledge |Details and characteristics of different types of bread products and desserts |

| |Varieties of suitable ingredients for bread products and desserts |

| |Common culinary terms related to yeast-based products and desserts that are used in the industry |

| |Past and current trends in bread products and desserts |

| |Nutrition related to bread products and desserts including food values of common desserts, low fat or |

| |low calorie alternatives and substituted ingredients |

| |Principles and practices of hygiene on handling and storage of dairy products |

| |Logical and time efficient work flow |

| |Safe work practices particularly on handling hot and frozen products and equipment |

|3. Required Skills |Storage of bread products and desserts, their ingredients, particularly dairy products |

| |Portion control of desserts and bread products |

| |Waste minimization techniques and environmental considerations related to desserts and bread products |

|4 Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided : |

| |4.1 access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take place.|

| |4.2 tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task. |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |demonstration of the candidate while making and presenting desserts. |

| |written or oral questions to test candidate’s knowledge on culinary terms related to bread products and |

| |desserts. |

| |review of portfolio of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the |

| |candidate. |

|6. Context of Assessment |6.1 Assessment may be done in the workplace or in a simulated workplace setting (assessment centers). |

| |6.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in performing stock control in compliance with MLC of 2006. It includes conducting physical inventory of provisions, preparing calendar menu, preparing forecast requisition orders and receiving and storing provision.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Perform physical inventory |Inventory Program is used in accordance with ship’s requirements and arrangement |

| |negotiated with ship chandlers. |

| |Physical inventory of catering department provisions, bonded items and housekeeping |

| |supplies are performed as per ship’s requirement. |

|Prepare calendar menu |Calendar Menu is prepared taking into consideration the available resources. |

| |Menu prepared is in accordance with budgetary and ship’s crew requirements. |

| |Menus designed/created are adequate, varied and nutritious meal. |

|Prepare forecast requisition orders |Stocks Remaining On Board (R.O.B.) is verified against the stock control workbook in |

| |accordance with ship’s standard procedures. |

| |Requisition order is prepared based on the report of the discrepancy. |

|Receive provision and supplies |Trolley is prepared to transport provision and supplies as per standard operating |

| |procedures. |

| |Weighing scale is prepared and used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. |

| |Inspected provisions and supplies are received in accordance with ship’s standard. |

|5. Store provision and supplies |Storeroom are kept clean and freed from obstruction. |

| |Provisions and supplies are transported and arranged in First In First Out (FIFO) order. |

| |Stocks Control System is identified and applied in accordance with industry practice. |

| |Task is performed using prescribed Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE). |



|Inventory program |May include: |

| |1.1 Microsoft Windows Programs |

| |1.2 AMOS – D |

| |1.3 E-business fulfillment |

| |1.4 Drop-shipping |

| |1.5 Vendor managed inventory |

| |1.6 Traditional inventory model |

| |1.7 Just-in-time inventory |

| |1.8 Smart shopper |

|Calendar menu |May include: |

| |2.1 Types of meal (breakfast, lunch dinner) |

| |2.2 Adequate variety of nutritious meals |

| |2.3 Cultural and religious considerations in food |

| |2.4 Types of table service (buffet, plated) |

|Trolley |May include: |

| |3.1 Manual |

| |Electric |

|Provision |May include: |

| |Meat |

| |Poultry |

| |Seafood |

| |Fruits and Vegetables |

| |Dairy products |

| |Starches |

| |Dry goods |

|Weighing Scale |May include: |

| |Digital |

| |Analog |

|Supplies |May include: |

| |6.1 Bonded items |

| |6.2 Beverages |

| |6.3 Cleaning materials |

| |6.4 Linen |

|Storeroom |May include: |

| |7.1 Dry storeroom |

| |7.2 Refrigerator |

| |7.3 Walk-in Freezer |

| |7.4 Walk-in Chiller |

| |7.5 Bonded store |

|First In First Out(FIFO) |May include: |

| |Production date |

| |Manufacturing date |

| |Expiry date |

| |Best Before (BBE) |

|Stock Control System |May include: |

| |9.1 Manual |

| |9.2 Computerized |

|Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE) |May include: |

| |Mask |

| |Gloves |

| |Goggles |

| |Apron |

| |Safety Shoes |

| |Hard hat |

| |Overall |

| |Mitts |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Conducted inventory using appropriate inventory program. |

| |Prepared calendar menu. |

| |Familiarized different types of provisions. |

| |Familiarized different types of storage facilities. |

| |Received and stored provision according to FIFO. |

|Required Knowledge |Segregation of non-food items with food items |

| |Stock security systems and procedures |

| |Basic knowledge of relevant provision stock, including product shelf life, storage |

| |requirements |

| |Hygiene procedures related to stock handling and storage |

| |Logical and time efficient work flow |

| |Variety of cuisine |

| |Different temperatures of storage facilities |

| |Kinds of provisions |

| |Units of measurements |

|Required Skills |Oral and written communication skills |

| |Basic computer skills |

| |Literacy skills to source inventory |

| |Numerical skills to monitor inventory and compute allocated budget |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided : |

| |Access to relevant workplace where assessment can take place. |

| |Tools, equipment and materials/supplies relevant to the activity or task. |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through: |

| |Demonstration and questioning of related underpinning knowledge. |

| |Portfolio. |

|Context of Assessment |Competency may be assessed in workplace or in relevant appropriate workplace setting |

| |(accredited assessment centers). |

| |Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being undertaken individually. |


This set of standards provides Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for certain Qualifications.

This includes information on curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry requirements; tools and equipment; training facilities; and trainers qualification.



Nominal Training Duration:

18 Hours (Basic Competencies)

12 Hours (Common Competencies)

50 Hours (Core Competencies)

Course Description:

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NC II in accordance with industry standards. It covers specialized competencies on performing maintenance and sanitation of galley equipment and facility, preparing and cooking meat dishes, preparing stocks, sauces and soups, preparing appetizers, salads and sandwiches (Hot and Cold and Open), preparing side dishes and breakfast meal, preparing and cooking poultry products, preparing and cook seafood, preparing bread products and hot and cold desserts and performing stock control.

This course is also designed to enhance the basic and common knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual in the field of cooking.

To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.


|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|Participate in workplace |Obtain and convey |Group discussion |Demonstration |

|communication |Workplace information. |Interaction |Observation |

| |Complete relevant work related documents. | |Interviews/ questioning |

| |Participate in work-place meeting and | | |

| |discussion. | | |

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|Work in a team environment |2.1 Describe and identify team role and |Discussion |Demonstration |

| |responsibility in a team. |Interaction |Observation |

| | | |Interviews/ questioning |

| |2.2 Describe work as a team member. | | |

|Practice career professionalism |3.1 Integrate personal objectives with |Discussion |Demonstration |

| |organizational goals. |Interaction |Observation |

| | | |Interviews/ questioning |

| |3.2 Set and meet work priorities. | | |

| | | | |

| |3.3 Maintain professional growth and | | |

| |development. | | |

|Practice occupational health and |4.1 Evaluate hazard and risks |Discussion |Observation |

|safety | |Plant tour |Interview |

| |4.2 Control hazards and risks |Symposium | |

| | | | |

| |4.3 Maintain occupational health and safety| | |

| |awareness | | |


|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|1. Observe personal hygiene |Practice personal hygiene and grooming. |Discussion |Written |

| |Comply with food handling safety practices |Lecture |Questioning |

| | |Demonstration |Observation |

| | | |Practical performance |

|2. Practice food safety, |2.1 Practice food safety sanitation |Discussion |Observation |

|sanitation and hygiene |2.2 Store food |Lecture |Demonstration |

| |2.3 Practice cleaning procedure | | |

| |2.4 Report pest infestation |Demonstration |Practical |

| | |Simulation |performance |

|3. Observe catering health |3.1 Handle catering equipment |Discussion |Observation |

|and safety practices |3.2 Prevent common accident in the work place.|Lecture |Demonstration |

| | | | |

| | |Demonstration |Practical |

| | |Simulation |performance |

|4. Protect marine |4.1 Segregate waste |Discussion |Observation |

|environment/waste segregation |4.2 Package waste |Lecture |Demonstration |

|management | | | |

| | |Demonstration |Practical |

| | |Simulation |performance |

|5. Work within multi-cultural|5.1 Recognize cultural and religious diversity|Discussion |Observation |

|and religious environment |among crew |Lecture |Demonstration |

| | | | |

| |5.2 Demonstrate sensitivity to specific |Demonstration |Practical |

| |cultures and practices |Simulation |performance |


|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|1. Perform maintenance and |1.1 Clean and test galley food processing |Discussion Demonstration |Observation |

|sanitation of gallery equipment and |equipment |Actual Preparation |Written examination |

|facility |1.2 Clean and test galley cooking |Video viewing |Questioning/ Interview |

| |equipment | | |

| |1.3 Clean the galley | | |

|2. Prepare and cook meat dishes |Prepare tools and equipment for use |Lecture Demonstration |Observation |

| | | |Written examination |

| | | |Questioning/ Interview |

| |Prepare/ portion meats | | |

| |Cook meat dishes | | |

| | | | |

|3. Prepare stocks, |3.1 Prepare stocks, glazes and essences |Lecture Demonstration |Observation |

|sauces and soups |required for recipe | |Written examination |

| |3.2 Prepare soups required for recipe | |Questioning/ Interview |

| |3.3 Prepare sauces required for recipe | | |

| |3.4 Store stocks, sauces and soups | | |

|Prepare appetizers, salads and |4.1 Prepare and present salads and |Lecture Demonstration |Observation |

|sandwiches (Hot and Cold and Open) |dressings | |Written examination |

| |4.2 Prepare and present a range of hot and | |Questioning/ Interview |

| |cold appetizers | | |

| |4.3 Store appetizers and salads | | |

|Prepare side dishes and breakfast |5.1 Prepare vegetable and fruit dishes |Lecture Demonstration |Observation |

|meal |5.2 Prepare side dishes | |Written examination |

| |5.3 Prepare and cook egg-based dishes | |Questioning/ Interview |

|Prepare and cook poultry products |6.1 Prepare poultry |Lecture Demonstration |Observation |

| |6.2 Cook and present poultry dishes | |Written examination |

| | | |Questioning/ Interview |

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|Prepare and cook seafood |7.1 Select seafood |Lecture Demonstration |Observation |

| |7.2 Prepare and cook fish and shellfish | |Written examination |

| | | |Questioning/ Interview |

|Prepare bread products and hot and |8.1 Prepare and produce desserts and bread |Lecture Demonstration |Observation |

|cold desserts |products | |Written examination |

| |8.2 Present desserts and bread products | |Questioning/ Interview |

| |8.3 Prepare sweet sauces | | |

|Perform stock control |9.1 Perform physical inventory |Lecture Demonstration |Observation |

| |9.2 Prepare calendar menu | |Written examination |

| |9.3 Prepare forecast requisition orders | |Questioning/ Interview |

| |9.4 Receive provision and supplies | | |

| |9.5 Store provisions and supplies | | |


The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery should be guided by the 10 basic principles of competency-based TVET.

• The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency standards;

• Learning is modular in its structure;

• Training delivery is individualized and self-paced;

• Training is based on work that must be performed;

• Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum modules;

• Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to the industry required standard;

• Training is based both on and off-the-job components;

• Allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies;

• Training allows for multiple entry and exit; and

• Approved training programs are nationally accredited.

The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes, both on and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities may be adopted when designing training programs:

• The dualized mode of training delivery is preferred and recommended. Thus programs would contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components. Details can be referred to the Practical application System (DTS) Implementing Rules and Regulations.

• Modular/self-paced learning is a competency-based training modality wherein the trainee is allowed to progress at his own pace. The trainer facilitates the training delivery

• Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality wherein fast learners are given the opportunity to assist the slow learners.

• Supervised industry training or on-the-job training is an approach in training designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainee through actual experience in the workplace to acquire specific competencies prescribed in the training regulations.

• Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same place. Distance learning may employ correspondence study, or audio, video or computer technologies.


Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the following requirements:

• Must have at least 3 months relevant sea service

• at least H.S. graduate;

• can communicate in English language both oral and written

• Must be physically and mentally fit as per MLC 2006 Regulation 1.2 – Medical Certificate

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.




Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of a minimum of 25 trainees for SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NC II are as follows:


|QTY |Description |QTY |Description |QTY |Description |

|Basic cutting knives |1 unit |Reach-in freezer |10 pcs. |Sauce pan w/ handle |

|10 pcs. |Paring knife |1 unit |Reach-in refrigerator |10 pcs. |Sauteing pan |

|10 pcs. |Chef’s knife |4 units |6 burner stove top |4 pcs. |Stock pots |

|3 pcs. |Dough cutter |1 unit |Oven |10 pcs. |Frying pan |

|4 pcs. |Wire whisk |1 unit |Microwave oven |4 pc. |Colander |

|1 pc. |Can opener |1 unit |Heavy-duty dough mixer |12 pcs. |Cutting board |

|5 pcs. |Soup Ladle |1 unit |Exhaust hood |10 pcs. |Baking tray - small |

|5 pcs. |Kitchen spoon |1 unit |Blender |10 pcs. |Utility tray - stainless |

|3 pcs. |thermometer |1 unit |Computer | | |

|5 pcs. |Peelers |Kitchen Furniture/ Accessories | | |

|5 pcs. |Skimmers spider |3 units |Working table (stainless) | | |

|3 pcs. |Strainer |1 unit |Condiment cabinet | | |

|5 pcs. |Tongs |1 unit |3-compartment sink | | |

|5 pcs. |Turner |1 unit |Hand washing Sink | | |

|5 pcs. |Spatula |2 units |Stainless steel rack | | |

|10 pcs. |Wooden spoon |3 units. |Weighing scale | | |

|5 pcs. |Piping bag |1 Unit |3- Compartment Sink | | |

|1 set |Pastry tubes | | | | |

|3 sets |Measuring spoon |TRAINING EQUIPMENT | | |

|1 set |Measuring cup (Liquid and |1 unit |Audio-video equipment | | |

| |dry) | | | | |

|3 pcs. |Bucket (wash, rinse and |1 unit |White board |TRAINING MATERIALS/ RESOURCES |

| |sanitize) | | | |

|1 pc. |Floor Squeegee |CLEANING MATERIALS |Manuals |

|1 pc. |Food Thermometer |1 liter |Detergent (liquid) |Video (CD) |

|1 pc. |Oven Thermometer |1 liter |Bleach solution (sanitizer) |Handbook for sanitation |

|12 pcs. |Soup Cup |1 pc. |Broom |Handbook for safety |

|6 sets |Flatware |1 pc. |Dust pan |Cleaning procedures manual |

|12 pcs. |Chinaware |5 pcs. |Garbage bin | |

| | |1 pc. |Liquid soap dispenser |SAFETY |

| | |1 pc. |Paper towel dispenser |1 set |First Aid Kit |

| | |1 liter |All purpose cleaner |1 pc. |Fire Extinguisher |

| | | |1 set |Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)|


Based on a class intake of 25 students/trainees

|Space Requirement |Size in Meters |Area in Sq. Meters |Total Area in Sq. Meters |

|Lecture/Demo Room |8 x 5 m. |40 sq. m. |40 sq. m. |

|Laboratory with Dirty Kitchen and |10 x 6 m. |60 sq. m. |60 sq. m. |

|Kitchen Exhaust System | | | |

|Learning Resource Center |3 x 5 m. |15 sq. m. |15 sq. m. |

|Wash room/Comfort Room (Male and Female |3 x 4 m. |12 sq. m. |12 sq. m. |

|Facilities/Circulation Area | | |38 sq. m. |

|Total workshop area: |165 sq. m. |


• National TVET Trainers Certificate I (NTTC I) holder

• With 2 year relevant experience in Hotel and Restaurant OR 2 years on-board experience as Cook

• *Must be a BS degree holder

*An institutional requirement that may be required by the school or training center delivering the TVET program

3.7 Institutional Assessment

Institutional Assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their achievement of units of competency. A certificate of achievement is issued for each unit of competency.

The result of the institutional assessments may be considered as an evidence for national assessment


Assessment of an individual’s competence leads to the issuance of a National Certificate (NC).

A National Certificate (NC) is issued when a candidate has demonstrated competence in all the units of competency that comprise the relevant endorsed qualification.

1. Candidate wanting to be certified shall be assessed in accordance with the requirements identified in the evidence guide of the relevant unit/s of competency. As a rule, the unit/s of competency shall be the benchmark for all assessment under the Training Regulations for Maritime Sector.

2. Candidate must have completed the prescribed course of instruction in all the units of competency contained in the SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NC II or with equivalent sea service experience before applying for assessment and certification for Ship’s Catering Services NC II. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:

1. Those who have completed a Culinary Arts or equivalent course and with a minimum of at least 6 months relevant sea service; or

2. Seafarers with a minimum of 12 months (relevant sea service experience) as messman/cook.

3. Conduct of assessment and issuance of certificates shall follow the procedures manual and implementing guidelines developed for the purpose.


|Beverage |any liquid for drinking. |

|Braise |to cook (meat and vegetables) by browning in fat, then simmering in a small quantity of liquid |

| |in a covered container. |

|Cabin |a room on board a ship for use of one or more officers or passengers; a space in which the |

| |accommodation for officers and / or passengers is located. |

|Cold cuts |variety of sliced cold meats and cheeses. |

|Cross contamination |the transfer of harmful micro-organism from one item of food to another. |

|Environmental hazard |working conditions unsafe to crew. |

|Galley |a cook room, kitchen or deckhouse used for cooking drippings. |

|Griddle |a flat metal surface used for cooking by dry heat. |

|Hollandaise |a permanent emulsion sauce, used for steaks, vegetables and fish. |

|MARPOL |abbreviation, for Marine Pollution. |

|Meal Service |to serve food or beverages. |

|Menu |a list of food available or choices given to guest before the start of a meal. |

|Mess hall |a dining room or space on board in which all or part of ship’s crew eat their meals. |

|Mirepoix |a mixture of vegetables and herbs to enhance the flavor of stock, sauces and soups. |

|Mise-en place |is the prepared necessary raw materials, utensils , ingredients needed for cooking. |

|Mixer |a machine / equipment for mixing or beating foods. |

|Oven |an enclosed chamber for heating, roasting / baking. |

|Pantry |a small room or closet, usually of a kitchen where food, chine silver linens and similar items |

| |are stored. |

|Personal Hygiene |conditions and practices that serve to promote or preserve health. |

|Provisions |a store of needed materials for a voyage; especially a stock of food for use of crew and |

| |passengers (usually 3 months provision / 200 % allowance. |

|Recipe |procedure and direction in preparing dish or drink. |

|Sanitation |formulation and application of measures designed to protect public health. |

|Stock |broth in which meat, fish or poultry bones are simmered for a period of time. |

|Store |to fill or furnish with supply. |

|Thaw |to change from a frozen solid to a liquid by gradual warming. |

|Victualing / Victual |food fit for consumption; lay in food supplies or provisions; providing, storing or supplying |

| |provisions. |


The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise to the development and validation of this Training Regulation.



|Convenor | |

|President | |

|Philippine Association of Maritime | |

|Training Centers, Inc (PAMTCI) | |


|Section Head |Chef Instructor |

|NYK-Fil Maritime E-Training, Inc. |Magsaysay Institute of Hospitality and Culinary Arts (MIHCA) |

|Intramuros, Manila |Ermita, Manila |


|Chief Cook/ Instructor |Chief Cook/ Instructor |

|NYK-Fil Maritime E-Training, Inc. |NYK-Fil Maritime E-Training, Inc. |

|Intramuros, Manila |Intramuros, Manila |

|The PARTICIPANTS in the Validation of this Training Regulation |


|Global Skills Formation Institue, Inc. (GSFI) |PNTC (formerly Philippine Nautical Training Institute) |


|Southern Institute of Maritime Studies (SIMS) |Magsaysay Institute of Hospitality & Culinary Arts (MIHCA) |


|Magsaysay Center for Hospitality and Culinary Arts (MCHCA) |MARITAS |


|Philippine Seafarers Training Center (PSTC) |Norwegian Training Center (NTC) |


|Global Skills Formation Institue, Inc. (GSFI) |Associated Marine Officers’ and Seamen’s Union of the Philippines |

| |(AMOSUP) |


|Far East Maritime Foundation, Inc. (FEMFI) | |

| Members of the TESDA Board |

|The MANAGEMENT and STAFF of the TESDA Secretariat |


|QSO | |



East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila





For Maritime Sector

Perform maintenance and sanitation of galley equipment and facility

Perform mess hall service

Prepare side dishes and breakfast meal

Perform engine room housekeeping

Perform supervisory functions

Assist in performing deck maintenance

Prepare and cook poultry products

Perform housekeeping services

Provide assistance in bunkering operations

Use and care for hand and power tools

Perform mooring/ unmooring operations

Perform marlinspike and canvas work

Assist in performing navigational watchkeeping duties

Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Provide assistance in receiving and storing provisions

Assist in performing simple splicing and canvas work

Perform engine watchkeeping duties

Supervise preparation of meals

Maintain/ clean engine room, machinery and spaces

Perform victualing services

Prepare appetizers, salads and sandwiches (hot and cold and open)

Provide support in cargo operations

Perform deck maintenance

Perform navigational watchkeeping duties

Fabricate shipboard components

Install/ reinstall/ replace piping system

Conduct inventory of tools, equipment and facilities

Prepare bread products and hot and cold desserts

Perform stock control

Assist engineer in the maintenance of main engine

Establish and maintain catering standards

Protect marine environment

Comply with emergency procedures

Perform first-aid treatment on board

Launch survival craft and rescue boats

Prevent and fight fire

Perform survival techniques during ship abandonment

Protect marine environment/ waste segregation mgmt.

Work within multi-cultural and religious environment

Observe catering health and safety practices

Conduct shipboard security check

Observe personal hygiene

Practice food safety, sanitation and hygiene


Work in team environment

Work with others

Participate in workplace communication

Lead small teams

Receive and respond to workplace communication

Develop and practice negotiation skills

Solve problems related to work activities

Lead in workplace communication

Practice career professionalism

Practice basic housekeeping procedures

Demonstrate work values

Ship’s Catering Services NC II

Use relevant technologies

Prepare and cook meat dishes



Prepare and cook seafood

Perform housekeeping duties

Supervise the maintenance and sanitation of galley equipment and utensils and related areas



Practice occupational health and safety procedures

Use mathematical concepts and techniques


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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