Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994

Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994

(Republic Act No. 7796)

Section 22, “Establishment and Administration of the National Trade Skills Standards” of the RA 7796 known as the TESDA Act mandates TESDA to establish national occupational skill standards. The Authority shall develop and implement a certification and accreditation program in which private industry group and trade associations are accredited to conduct approved trade tests, and the local government units to promote such trade testing activities in their respective areas in accordance with the guidelines to be set by the Authority.

The Training Regulations (TR) serve as basis for the:

1. Competency assessment and certification;

2. Registration and delivery of training programs; and

3. Development of curriculum and assessment instruments.

Each TR has four sections:

Section 1 Definition of Qualification - refers to the group of competencies that describes the different functions of the qualification.

Section 2 The Competency Standards - gives the specifications of competencies required for effective work performance.

Section 3 Training Arrangements - contains information and requirements in designing training program for certain Qualification. It includes curriculum design, training delivery; trainee entry requirements; tools and requirements; tools and equipment; training facilities and trainer’s qualification.

Section 4 Assessment and Certification Arrangements - describes the policies governing assessment and certification procedure




Page No.



Basic Competencies 2-18

Common Competencies 19-27

Core Competencies 28-55


3.1 Curriculum Design 56-96

3.2 Training Delivery 97-98

3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements 98

3.4 List of Tools, Equipment and Materials 99-104

3.5 Training Facilities 105

3.6 Trainers' Qualifications 106

3.7 Institutional Assessment 106








The GRAINS PRODUCTION NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a Rice/Corn farmer and Rice/Corn grower must achieve to conduct variety and seed selection, perform land preparation, carry-out crop establishment, manage crop and conduct harvest and post-harvest operations. It also includes performing manual land preparation.

The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following:


|500311105 |Participate in workplace communication |

|500311106 |Work in team environment |

|500311107 |Practice career professionalism |

|500311108 |Practice occupational health and safety procedures |


|AGR321201 |Apply safety measures in farm operations |

|AGR321202 |Use farm tools and equipment |

|AGR321203 |Perform estimation and basic calculation |

| | |


|AFF 611305 |Conduct variety and seed selection |

|AFF 611306 |Perform land preparation |

|AFF 611307 |Carry-out crop establishment |

|AFF 611308 |Manage crop |

|AFF 611309 |Conduct of harvest and post-harvest operations |

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

❑ Rice/Corn Farmer

❑ Rice/Corn Grower


This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units of competency required in GRAINS PRODUCTION NC II.



UNIT CODE : 500311105

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of |KNOWLEDGE |SKILLS |

| |Variables | | |

|Obtain and convey workplace |Specific and relevant information is |Effective communication |Follow simple spoken language |

|information |accessed from appropriate sources |Different modes of communication |Perform routine workplace duties |

| |Effective questioning, active listening and |Written communication |following simple written notices |

| |speaking skills are used together and |Organizational policies |Participate in workplace meetings |

| |convey information |Communication procedures and |and discussions |

| |Appropriate medium is used to transfer |systems |Complete work related documents |

| |information and ideas |Technology relevant to the |Estimate, calculate and record |

| |Appropriate non- verbal communication is used |enterprise and the individual’s |routine workplace measures |

| |Appropriate lines of communication with |work responsibilities |Ability to relate to people of |

| |supervisors and colleagues are identified and | |social range in the workplace |

| |followed | |Gather and provide information in |

| |Defined workplace procedures for the location and| |response to workplace requirements |

| |storage of information are used | | |

| |Personal interaction is carried out clearly and | | |

| |concisely | | |

|Participate in workplace |Team meetings are at ended on time |Effective communication |Follow simple spoken language |

|meetings and discussions |Own opinions are clear expressed and those of |Different modes of communication |Perform routine workplace duties |

| |others are listened to without interruption |Written communication |following simple written notices |

| |Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting |Organizational policies |Participate in workplace meetings |

| |purpose and established protocols |Communication procedures and |and discussions |

| |Workplace interactions are conducted in a |systems |Complete work related documents |

| |courteous manner |Technology relevant to the |Estimate, calculate and record |

| |Questions about simple routine workplace |enterprise and the individual’s |routine workplace measures |

| |procedures and matters concerning working |work responsibilities |Ability to relate to people of |

| |conditions of employment are asked and responded | |social range in the workplace |

| |to. | |Gather and provide information in |

| |Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented| |response to workplace requirements |

|Complete relevant work related|Range of forms relating to conditions of |Effective communication |Complete work related documents |

|documents |employment are completed accurately and legibly |Different modes of communication |Basic mathematical processes of |

| |Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace |Written communication |addition, subtraction, division and|

| |forms and documents |Organizational policies |multiplication |

| |Basic mathematical processes are used for routine|Communication procedures and |Gather and provide information in |

| |calculations |systems |response to workplace requirements |

| |Errors in recording information on forms/ |Technology relevant to the | |

| |documents are identified and properly acted upon |enterprise and the individual’s | |

| |Reporting requirements to supervisor are |work responsibilities | |

| |completed according to organizational guidelines | | |



|Appropriate sources |Team members |

| |Suppliers |

| |Trade personnel |

| |Local government |

| |Industry bodies |

|Medium |Memorandum |

| |Circular |

| |Notice |

| |Information discussion |

| |Follow-up or verbal instructions |

| |Face to face communication |

|Storage |Manual filing system |

| |Computer-based filing system |

|Forms |Personnel forms |

| |Telephone message forms |

| |Safety reports |

|Workplace interactions |Face to face |

| |Telephone |

| |Electronic and two-way radio |

| |Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms, non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs |

| |and diagrams |

|Protocols |Observing meeting |

| |Compliance with meeting decisions |

| |Obeying meeting instructions |


|Critical aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Prepared written communication following standard format of the organization |

| |Accessed information using communication equipment |

| |Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information effectively |

| |Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal or informal communication |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Fax machine |

| |Telephone |

| |Writing materials |

| |Internet |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit MUST be assessed through: |

| |Direct Observation |

| |Oral interview and written test |

|Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in group |


UNIT CODE : 500311106

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role

and responsibility as a member of a team.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range |KNOWLEDGE |SKILLS |

| |of Variables | | |

|Describe team role and scope |The role and objective of the team is |Communication process |Communicate appropriately, consistent|

| |identified from available sources of |Team structure |with the culture of the workplace |

| |information |Team roles | |

| |Team parameters, reporting relationships and |Group planning and decision making | |

| |responsibilities are identified from team | | |

| |discussions and appropriate external sources.| | |

|Identify own role and |2.1 Individual role and responsibilities |Communication process |Communicate appropriately, consistent|

|responsibility within team |within the team environment are identified. |Team structure |with the culture of the workplace |

| |2.2 Roles and responsibility of other team |Team roles | |

| |members are identified and recognized. |Group planning and decision making | |

| |2.3 Reporting relationships within team and | | |

| |external to team are identified. | | |

|Work as a team member |Effective and appropriate forms of |Communication process |Communicate appropriately, consistent|

| |communications used and interactions |Team structure |with the culture of the workplace |

| |undertaken with team members who contribute |Team roles |Interacting effectively with others |

| |to known team activities and objectives. |Group planning and decision making | |

| |Effective and appropriate contributions made | | |

| |to complement team activities and objectives,| | |

| |based on individual skills and competencies | | |

| |and workplace context. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Observed protocols in reporting using | | |

| |standard operating procedures. | | |

| |Contribute to the development of team work | | |

| |plans based on an understanding of team’s | | |

| |role and objectives and individual | | |

| |competencies of the members. | | |



|Role and objective of team |Work activities in a team environment with enterprise or specific sector |

| |Limited discretion, initiative and judgment maybe demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a team |

| |environment |

|Sources of information |Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures |

| |Job procedures |

| |Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions |

| |Organizational or external personnel |

| |Client/supplier instructions |

| |Quality standards |

| |OSH and environmental standards |

|Workplace context |Work procedures and practices |

| |Conditions of work environments |

| |Legislation and industrial agreements |

| |Standard work practice including the storage, safe handling and disposal of chemicals |

| |Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality guidelines |


|Critical aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Operated in a team to complete workplace activity |

| |Worked effectively with others |

| |Conveyed information in written or oral form |

| |Selected and used appropriate workplace language |

| |Followed designated work plan for the job |

| |Reported outcomes |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take place |

| |Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Observation of the individual member in relation to the work activities of the group |

| |Observation of simulation and or role play involving the participation of individual member to the |

| |attainment of organizational goal |

| |Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in teamwork |

|Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in group |


UNIT CODE : 500311107

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting

career growth and advancement.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range |KNOWLEDGE |SKILLS |

| |of Variables | | |

|Integrate personal objectives |Personal growth and work plans are pursued |Work values and ethics (Code of |Appropriate practice of personal |

|with organizational goals |towards improving the qualifications set for |Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) |hygiene |

| |the profession |Company policies |Intra and Interpersonal skills |

| |Intra- and interpersonal relationships are |Company operations, procedures and |Communication skills |

| |maintained in the course of managing oneself |standards | |

| |based on performance evaluation |Fundamental rights at work including | |

| |1.3 Commitment to the organization and its |gender sensitivity | |

| |goal is demonstrated in the performance of |Personal hygiene practices | |

| |duties | | |

|Set and meet work priorities |2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to |Work values and ethics (Code of |Appropriate practice of personal |

| |achieve personal, team and organizational |Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) |hygiene |

| |goals and objectives. |Company policies |Intra and Interpersonal skills |

| |2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and |Company operations, procedures and |Communication skills |

| |effectively to manage work priorities and |standards |Managing goals and time |

| |commitments |Fundamental rights at work including | |

| |2.3 Practices along economic use and |gender sensitivity | |

| |maintenance of equipment and facilities are |Personal hygiene practices | |

| |followed as per established procedures |Time management | |

|Maintain professional growth |3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are |Work values and ethics (Code of |Appropriate practice of personal |

|and development |identified and availed of based on job |Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) |hygiene |

| |requirements |Company policies |Intra and Interpersonal skills |

| |3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and |Company operations, procedures and |Communication skills |

| |demonstrated as proof of career advancement |standards | |

| |3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to|Fundamental rights at work including | |

| |job and career are obtained and renewed |gender sensitivity | |

| | |Personal hygiene practices | |



|1. Evaluation |Performance Appraisal |

| |Psychological Profile |

| |Aptitude Test |

|2. Resources |Human |

| |Financial |

| |Technology |

| |Hardware |

| |Software |

|3. Trainings and career opportunities |Participation in training programs |

| |Technical |

| |Supervisory |

| |Managerial |

| |Continuing Education |

| |Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops |

|4. Recognitions |Recommendations |

| |Citations |

| |Certificate of Appreciations |

| |Commendations |

| |Awards |

| |Tangible and Intangible Rewards |

|5. Licenses and/or certifications |National Certificates |

| |Certificate of Competency |

| |Support Level Licenses |

| |Professional Licenses |


|1. Critical aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Attained job targets within key result areas (KRAs) |

| |Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based on performance |

| |evaluation |

| |Completed trainings and career opportunities which are based on the requirements of the industries |

| |Acquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications according to the requirement of the qualification |

|2. Resource Implications |The following resources Must be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |Case studies/scenarios |

|3. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Portfolio Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |Simulation/Role-plays |

| |Observation |

| |Third Party Reports |

| |Exams and Tests |

|4. Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in group |


UNIT CODE : 500311108

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range |KNOWLEDGE |SKILLS |

| |of Variables | | |

|Identify hazards and risks |Safety regulations and workplace safety and |OSH procedures and practices and |Practice of personal hygiene |

| |hazard control practices and procedures are |regulations |Hazards/risks identification and |

| |clarified and explained based on organization|Personal hygiene practices |control skills |

| |procedures |Hazards/risks identification and |Interpersonal skills |

| |Hazards/risks in the workplace and their |control |Communication skills |

| |corresponding indicators are identified to |Organization safety and health | |

| |minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, |protocol | |

| |workplace and environment in accordance with |Safety consciousness | |

| |organization procedures |Health consciousness | |

| |Contingency measures during workplace | | |

| |accidents, fire and other emergencies are | | |

| |recognized and established in accordance with| | |

| |organization procedures. | | |

|Evaluate hazards and risks |Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when |OSH procedures and practices and |Practice of personal hygiene |

| |exceeded will result in harm or damage are |regulations |Hazards/risks identification and |

| |identified based on threshold limit values |Personal hygiene practices |control skills |

| |(TLV) |Hazards/risks identification and |Interpersonal skills |

| |Effects of the hazards are determined |control |Communication skills |

| | |Threshold Limit Value –TLV | |

| |OSH issues and/or concerns and identified |OSH indicators | |

| |safety hazards are reported to designated |Organization safety and health | |

| |personnel in accordance with workplace |protocol | |

| |requirements and relevant workplace OSH |Safety consciousness | |

| |legislation |Health consciousness | |

|Control hazards and risks |Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) |OSH procedures and practices and |Practice of personal hygiene |

| |procedures for controlling hazards/risks in |regulations |Hazards/risks identification and |

| |workplace are consistently followed |PPE types and uses |control skills |

| |Procedures for dealing with workplace |Personal hygiene practices |Interpersonal skills |

| |accidents, fire and emergencies are followed |Hazards/risks identification and |Communication skills |

| |in accordance with organization OSH policies |control | |

| |Personal protective equipment (PPE) is |OSH indicators | |

| |correctly used in accordance with |Organization safety and health | |

| |organization OSH procedures and practices |protocol | |

| |Appropriate assistance is provided in the |Safety consciousness | |

| |event of a workplace emergency in accordance |Health consciousness | |

| |with established organization protocol | | |

|Maintain OSH awareness |Emergency-related drills and trainings are |OSH procedures and practices and |Practice of personal hygiene |

| |participated in as per established |regulations |Interpersonal skills |

| |organization guidelines and procedures |PPE types and uses |Communication skills |

| |OSH personal records are completed and |Personal hygiene practices | |

| |updated in accordance with workplace |OSH indicators | |

| |requirements |Organization safety and health | |

| | |protocol | |

| | |Safety consciousness | |

| | |Health consciousness | |



|Safety regulations |May include but are not limited to: |

| |Clean Air Act |

| |Building code |

| |National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes |

| |Waste management statutes and rules |

| |Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards |

| |DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements |

| |ECC regulations |

|Hazards/Risks |May include but are not limited to: |

| |Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise, vibration, temperature, radiation |

| |Biological hazards - bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites, mites, molds, fungi, insects |

| |Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke, gasses, vapors |

| |Ergonomics |

| |Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct pressure, |

| |varying metabolic cycles |

| |Physiological factors – monotony, personal relationship, work out cycle |

|Contingency measures |May include but are not limited to: |

| |Evacuation |

| |Isolation |

| |Decontamination |

| |(Calling designed) emergency personnel |

|PPE |May include but are not limited to: |

| |4.1 Mask |

| |4.2 Gloves |

| |4.3 Goggles |

| |4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet |

| |4.5 Face mask/shield |

| |4.6 Ear muffs |

| |4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit |

| |4.8 Anti-static suits |


|Emergency-related drills and training |5.1 Fire drill |

| |5.2 Earthquake drill |

| |5.3 Basic life support/CPR |

| |5.4 First aid |

| |5.5 Spillage control |

| |5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic |

| |5.7 Disaster preparedness/management |

|OSH personal records |Medical/Health records |

| |Incident reports |

| |Accident reports |

| |OSH-related training completed |


|1. Critical aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Explained clearly established workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures |

| |Identified hazards/risks in the workplace and its corresponding indicators in accordance with company |

| |procedures |

| |Recognized contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies |

| |Identified terms of maximum tolerable limits based on threshold limit value- TLV. |

| |Followed Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace |

| |Used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with company OSH procedures and practices |

| |Completed and updated OSH personal records in accordance with workplace requirements |

|2. Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |OSH personal records |

| |PPE |

| |Health records |

|3. Methods of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |Case Study/Situation |

|4. Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in group |




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing safety measures.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the | | |

| |Range of Variables | | |

|Determine areas of concern for |Work tasks are identified in line with farm|Different work tasks in farm |Identifying |

|safety measures |operations |operations |work tasks in farm operations |

| |Place for safety measures are determined in|Place and time for implementation of |Determining place and time for |

| |line with farm operations |safety measures |implementation of safety measures |

| |Time for safety measures are determined in |Different hazards in the workplace |Reading labels, manuals and other |

| |line with farm operations |Types of tools, materials and outfits|basic safety information |

| |Appropriate tools, materials and outfits | |Identifying effective/functional |

| |are prepared in line with job requirements |Preparation of tools, materials and |tools, materials and outfit |

| | |outfits |Preparing tools, materials and |

| | | |outfits |

| | | |Discarding defective tools, and |

| | | |materials |

|Apply appropriate safety measures|Tools and materials are used according to |Uses and functions of tools |Using tools and materials in the |

| |specifications and procedures |Outfits and how to wear it |workplace |

| |Outfits are worn according to farm |Expiration/shelf life of materials |Wearing of outfits |

| |requirements |Proper disposal of expired materials |Observing expiration/shelf life of |

| |Effectivity/shelf life/expiration of |Environmental rules and regulations |materials |

| |materials are strictly observed |Emergency procedures |Disposing of expired materials |

| |Emergency procedures are known and followed|Hazards identification and reporting |Following emergency procedures |

| |to ensure a safe work requirement |Communication skills |Identifying and reporting of hazards |

| |Hazards in the workplace are identified and|OSHS |in workplace area. |

| |reported in line with farm guidelines | | |

|Safe keep /dispose tools, |Used tools and outfit are cleaned after use|Procedures of cleaning used tools and|Cleaning used tools and outfit |

|materials and outfit |and stored in designated areas |outfits |Labeling and storing unused materials|

| |Unused materials are properly labeled and |Label and storage unused materials | |

| |stored according to manufacturers |Disposal of wastes materials |Disposing waste materials |

| |recommendation and farm requirements |Manufacturers recommendation on | |

| |Waste materials are disposed according to |keeping materials | |

| |manufacturers, government and farm |Environmental rules and regulations | |

| |requirements | | |



|Work tasks |Work task may be selected from any of the subsectors: |

| |Crop production |

| |Post-harvest |

| |Agri-marketing |

| |Farm equipment |

|Place |Stock room/storage areas/warehouse |

| |Field/farm/orchard |

|Time |Fertilizer and pesticides application |

| |Feed mixing and feeding |

| |Harvesting and hauling |

|Tools, materials and outfits |Tools |

| |Wrenches |

| |Screw driver |

| |Pliers |

| |Outfit |

| |Masks |

| |Gloves |

| |Boots |

| |Overall coats |

| |Hat |

| |Eye goggles |

|Emergency procedures |Location of first aid kit |

| |Evacuation |

| |Agencies contract |

| |Farm emergency procedures |

|Hazards |Chemical |

| |Electrical |

| |Falls |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Determined areas of concern for safety measures |

| |Applied appropriate safety measures according to industry requirements |

| |Prepared tools, materials and outfit needed |

| |Performed proper disposal of used materials |

| |Cleaned and stored tools, materials and outfit in designated facilities |

| Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Farm location |

| |Tools, equipment and outfits appropriate in applying safety measures |

| Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit must be assessed through: |

| |Practical demonstration |

| |Third Party Report |

| Context of Assessment |Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited |

| |supervision |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to

use farm tools and equipment. It includes selection, operation and

preventive maintenance of farm tools and equipment.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the | | |

| |Range of Variables | | |

|Select and use farm tools |Appropriate farm tools are identified |Types and uses of farm tools |Identifying farm tools for the work |

| |according to requirement / use |Characteristics of functional tools |Checking the conditions of tools |

| |Farm tools are checked for faults and |Checking tools for defects/faults |Reporting defective tools |

| |defective tools reported in accordance with|Segregation and reporting defective |Using tools |

| |farm procedures |tools | |

| |Appropriate tools are safely used according|Uses of tools and equipment | |

| |to job requirements and manufacturers | | |

| |conditions | | |

|Select and operate farm equipment|Identify appropriate farm equipment |Types and operations of farm equipment |Identifying appropriate farm |

| |Instructional manual of the farm tools and |Standards operating procedures of farm |equipment for the work |

| |equipment are carefully read prior to |equipment |Reading instructional manual. |

| |operation |Instructional manual of equipment |Conducting pre-operation check-up |

| |Pre-operation check-up is conducted in line|Pre-operation check-up |Identifying faults/defects of farm |

| |with manufacturers manual |Equipment Specification |equipment |

| |Faults in farm equipment are identified and|Procedures in calibrating and use of |Reporting on defective farm equipment|

| |reported in line with farm procedures |equipment |Operating farm equipment |

| |Farm equipment used according to its |Equipment faults identification and |Following safety procedures. |

| |function |reporting | |

| |Safety procedures are followed. |Operation of equipment | |

| | |Codes and Regulations on environmental | |

| | |protection | |

| | |Safety and keeping of equipment every | |

| | |after use | |

| | |Safety measures | |

|Perform preventive maintenance |Tools and equipment are cleaned immediately|Cleaning procedures of tools and |Cleaning tools and equipment |

| |after use in line with farm procedures |equipment |Performing routinary check-up of |

| |Routine check-up and maintenance are |Maintenance procedures of farm |tools and equipment |

| |performed |equipment |Maintaining farm equipment |

| |Tools and equipment are stored in |Storage of tools and equipment |Storing tools and equipment |

| |designated areas in line with farm |Designated storage areas | |

| |procedures | | |



|Farm equipment |Farm equipment include: |

| |Engine |

| |Pumps |

| |Generators |

| |Sprayers |

|Farm tools |Farm tools includes: |

| |Sickle |

| |Cutters |

| |Weighing scales |

| |Hand tools |

| |Measuring tools |

| |Garden tools |

|Pre-operation check-up |Pre-operation check –up includes: |

| |Tires |

| |Brake fluid |

| |Fuel |

| |Water |

| |Oil |

| |Lubricants |

| |Battery |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Correctly identified appropriate farm tools and equipment |

| |Operated farm equipment according to manual specification |

| |Performed preventive maintenance |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Service/operational manual of farm tools and equipment |

| |Tools and equipment |

| |Farm implements |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Direct observation |

| |Practical demonstration |

| |Third Party Report |

|Context of Assessment |Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited supervision |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform basic workplace calculations.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the | | |

| |Range of Variables | | |

|Perform estimation |Job requirements are identified from |Job requirements/ labor needs |Identifying job requirements/labor |

| |written or oral communications |Calculation of quantities of materials |Estimating quantities of materials |

| |Quantities of materials and resources |and resources required |and resources required |

| |required to complete a work task are |Calculation of time for job completion |Estimating time for job completion |

| |estimated |Preparation of estimate report |Performing basic calculation |

| |The time needed to complete a work activity|Basic mathematical operations |Compute percentage |

| |is estimated |Percentage and ratios |Convert English to metric systems of |

| |Accurate estimate for work completion are |Unit Conversion |measurement |

| |made | |Preparing estimate report |

| |Estimate of materials and resources are | | |

| |reported to appropriate person | | |

|Perform basic workplace |System and units of measurement to be |Four basic mathematical operation |Compute bill of materials |

|calculation |followed are ascertained |System and units of measurement |Compute project cost |

| |Calculation needed to complete work tasks |Fraction, percentage and ratio | |

| |are performed using the four basic |Material take off | |

| |mathematical operation |Materials costing | |

| |Calculate whole fraction, percentage and | | |

| |mixed when are used to complete the | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Number computed is checked following work | | |

| |requirements | | |



|Four basic mathematical operation |Addition |

| |Subtraction |

| |Multiplication |

| |Division |

|System of measurement |English |

| |Metric |

|Units of measurement |Area |

| |Volume |

| |Weight |

| |Length |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Performed estimation |

| |Performed basic workplace calculation |

| |Applied corrective measures as maybe necessary |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Relevant tools and equipment for basic calculation |

| |Recommended data |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit MUST be assessed through: |

| |Practical demonstration |

| |Written examination |

|Context of Assessment |Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited |

| |supervision. |


|UNIT OF COMPETENCY |: |Conduct variety and seed selection |

|UNIT CODE |: |AFF611305 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR |: |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to conduct site characterization, select |

| | |suitable seed variety and select quality seed. |


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the | | |

| |Range of Variables | | |

|Conduct site characterization |Soil characterization is performed |Soil characterization procedures |Classifying soil types |

| |according to soil type classification |Soil Sampling |Identifying ecosystems |

| |Ecosystem is identified according to |Feel Method |Identifying climatic patterns and |

| |established classification |Visual examination |types |

| |Climatic pattern is identified based on |Soil type classification |Determining topography and elevation |

| |Climatic Type from PAG-ASA |Types of ecosystem |of the site |

| |Topography and elevation of the site are |Types of climatic pattern |Determining previous and current |

| |determined based on ocular observation |Climatic types |occurrence of prevalent pests and |

| |Information on the occurrence of prevalent |Types of land topography |diseases |

| |pests and diseases are determined. |Elevation |Communication skills and record |

| |Record keeping is done based on workplace |Pests and diseases profile |keeping skills |

| |procedures |Farm record keeping and documentation |Sourcing out of different reference |

| |Available reference materials are sourced |Different reference materials and their|materials |

| |out based on work requirements. |sources | |

| | |Ways of sourcing reference materials | |

|Select suitable seed variety |Varietal characterization is performed for |Morphology and growth stages of rice |Identifying rice and corn varieties |

| |suitability of variety in the site. |and corn plant |Determining varietal characteristics |

| |List of recommended varieties is sourced |Varietal characteristics |Sourcing of the recommended lists |

| |out for reference in selection process. |Agronomic characteristics | |

| |Suited variety is chosen based on site |Disease and insect pest reactions |Selecting variety for the specific |

| |characterization |Adaptability Test |site |

| | |Sources of the recommended lists of | |

| | |rice and corn varieties | |

| | |Varietal selection procedures | |

| | |National Seed Industry Council (NSIC) | |

| | |approved seed varieties | |

|Select quality seed |Classes of seeds are enumerated based on |Classes of seeds |Classifying seeds |

| |NSIC |NSIC |Determining quality seeds |

| |Characteristics of quality seeds are |Characteristics of Quality seeds |Conducting seed germination test |

| |determined based on NSIC |Germination Tests |Computing seed germination |

| |Germination test is performed according to |Date harvested |Selecting quality seeds |

| |established procedures |Computation of seed germination |Negotiating for the return and |

| |Quality seeds are chosen based on NSIC |Sampling |exchange of non- germinating seeds to|

| |Return and exchange of non-germinating |Selection procedures for quality seeds |the source |

| |seeds to the source is done following |Return and exchange of non-germinating | |

| |industry procedures |seeds | |

| | |Communication skills | |

| | | | |



|Soil type classification |Soil type classification include: |

| |Sandy loam |

| |Clay loam |

| |Silt |

| |Clay |

| |Sandy |

| |Silty clay |

|Ecosystem |Ecosystem includes: |

| |Upland |

| |Irrigated lowland |

| |Rain fed lowland |

| |Saline |

| |Cool elevated |

| |Riverine |

|Climatic pattern |Climatic pattern includes: |

| |Wet |

| |Dry |

|Climatic type |Climatic Type includes: |

| |Type 1 |

| |Type 2 |

| |Type 3 |

| |Type 4 |

|Topography |Topography includes: |

| |Hilly |

| |Flat |

| |Sloping |

| |Mountainous |

| |Plateau |

|Available reference |Available reference includes: |

| |Electronic |

| |Website |

| |Social media |

| |Text messaging |

| |Prints |

| |Books |

| |Manuals |

| |Production guide |

| |Comics |

| |Pamphlets |

| |Monographs |


|7. Varietal characteristics |Varietal characteristics refer to: |

| |Agronomic characteristics |

| |Disease and insect pest reactions |

| |Seed characteristics |

|8. Classes of seeds |Classes of seeds include: |

| |Breeder |

| |Foundation |

| |Registered |

| |Certified seeds |

| |Good seeds |

|9. Quality seeds |Quality seeds include: |

| |Relatively pure |

| |Clean |

| |High germination |

| |Fewer weed seeds |

| |Free from seed borne pests and diseases |

| |Full and uniform in size |

| |Viable |

| |Vigor |

|10. Germination test |Germination test includes: |

| |Rice |

| |Rag doll method |

| |Petri dish |

| |Corn |

| |Seed box method |


|1. Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Characterized site. |

| |Selected suitable seed variety. |

| |Selected quality seed. |

| |Matched rice and corn variety specific to site characteristics |

|2. Resource implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Farm site/ simulated workplace |

| |Different classes of seeds |

| |NSIC approved rice and corn seed varieties |

| |PPE |

| |Tools and equipment relevant to the proposed activity or tasks |

| |Reference –PNS; Quality Standards and PNS; PhilGap (rice and corn) |

|3. Methods of assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Demonstration |

| |Written examination |

| |Oral questioning |

|4. Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center |

| |in a simulated workplace setting. |

|UNIT OF COMPETENCY |: |Perform Land preparation |

|UNIT CODE |: |AFF611306 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR |: |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform pre- tillage operations, |

| | |conduct tillage operation and perform post-tillage operation. |


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of | | |

| |Variables | | |

|Perform pre- tillage operations |Land clearing activities are done according to |Land clearing activities |Clearing the area. |

| |topography |Importance of land cleaning in rice|Preparing tools, materials and |

| |Tools, materials and equipment are made ready for |and corn production. |equipment |

| |land preparation |Different topography |Practicing OSHS |

| |Safety procedures is followed according to OSHS |Tools, materials, and equipment |Wearing PPE |

| |Machinery services are sourced out following work |required in land preparations |Sourcing of machinery services |

| |requirement |Procedures in preparation of tools,|Communication skills |

| |Dikes are constructed and repaired according to |material and equipment |Practicing PhilGAP |

| |industry standard procedures |OSHS |Constructing and repairing dikes |

| | |PPE | |

| | |Different machinery services for | |

| | |land preparations | |

| | |Philippine Good Agricultural | |

| | |Practices (PhilGAP) | |

| | |Activities of repairing dikes | |

|Conduct tillage operations |Tillage operation is carried-out according to |Tillage operation and practices |Performing tillage operation |

| |standard tillage practices. |Monitoring tillage operation |Monitoring tillage operation |

| |Tillage operation is monitored following |Characteristics of a well prepared |Cleaning the area |

| |established industry procedures |wetland and dryland fields |Preparing tools, materials and |

| |Safety measures are practiced according to OSH |OSHS |equipment |

| |standards |Safety procedures for land |Practicing OSHS |

| | |preparation |Wearing PPE |

| |. | |Communication skills |

| | | |Practicing GAP |

| | | |Repairing dikes |

|Perform post-tillage operations |Damaged dikes are repaired following standard |Activities of repairing dikes |Repairing damaged dikes |

| |industry procedures. |Reinforce dikes using bamboo poles |Disposing wastes |

| |Proper wastes disposal is practice following |procedure |Completing transactions with |

| |environmental rules and regulations. |Proper wastes disposal |machinery service provider |

| |Transaction with the machinery service provider is|Procedures in closing transaction |Performing record keeping |

| |completed with reference to work contract. |with machinery services provider | |

| |Record keeping is done following workplace |Communication skills | |

| |procedures. |Simple record keeping | |



|Land clearing activities |Land clearing activities include: |

| |Cleaning of dikes/levees |

| |Cleaning of irrigation and drainage canals |

| |Spreading of remaining crop stubbles |

|Topography |Topography includes: |

| |Hilly |

| |Flat |

| |Sloping |

| |Moutainous |

| |Plateau |

|Tools, Materials, Equipment |Tools, materials and equipment include: |

| |Equipment |

| |Grass cutter |

| |Knapsack sprayer |

| |PPE |

| |Carabao |

| |Farm Attachments |

| |Tooth comb-harrow |

| |Carabao-drawn plow |

| |Puddler |

| |Wooden planks |

| |Tools |

| |Bolo |

| |Scythe |

| |Spade or shovel |

| |Spading fork |

| |Garden hoe |

| |Rake |

| |A-frame (1 unit) |

| |Materials |

| |Fuel |

| |Engine oil |

| |Sharpening stone |

|Constructing and repairing dikes |Constructing and repairing dikes include: |

| |Sealing rat burrows, cracks and damaged dikes |

| |Installing screen mesh to water inlets and outlets |

| |Elevating water dikes |

|Tillage Operation |Tilling operation includes: |

| |Wet tillage practices |

| |Dry land tillage practices |

| |Wet and dry tillage practices. |

|Repairing damaged dikes |Repairing damage dikes include: |

| |Sealing and patching rat burrows, cracks, damaged dikes |

| |Reinforcing dikes |

| |Using bamboo poles |

| |Elevating dikes |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Performed pre- tillage operations |

| |Conducted tillage operation |

| |Performed post- tillage operation |

| |Practiced safety measures following OSH standards |

| |Performed record keeping |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Farm site/ simulated workshop |

| |Tools, materials, farm implements and equipment for land preparation activities |

| |PPE |

| |Operator’s manual |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Demonstration |

| |Written examination |

| |Oral questioning |

|Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center in a |

| |simulated workplace setting. |

|UNIT OF COMPETENCY: |: |Carry out Crop Establishment |

|UNIT CODE: |: |AFF611307 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR |: |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to germinate seeds, conduct direct |

| | |seeding operation and establish crop for transplanting. |


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of | | |

| |Variables | | |

|Germinate seeds |Seed soaking is done according to industry |Procedures of seed soaking |Soaking of seeds |

| |standards |Procedures of seed incubation |Incubating seeds |

| |Seed is incubated following industry standards |Indicators of seed germination |Identifying germinated seed |

| |Incubated seeds are examined for whitish dot as a |Practice OSHS |Handling and transporting of |

| |sign of germination. |Wearing of PPE |germinated seeds |

| |Germinated seeds are handled and transported to |Documentation and record keeping |Wearing PPE |

| |site following industry standards |Proper handling and transporting of|Practicing proper wastes disposal|

| |Wearing of PPE is practiced following the OSHS |germinated seeds | |

| |standards |Avoidance from contamination of | |

| | |chemicals | |

| | |Proper wastes disposal (Reduce, | |

| | |Reuse, Recycle-3Rs) | |

|Conduct direct seeding operation |Tools, materials and equipment are prepared based |Preparation of tools, materials and|Preparing tools, materials and |

| |on work requirements |equipment |equipment |

| |Field is checked for readiness for direct seeding |Ways of checking the field |Checking field by ocular |

| |operation |Corrective measures |inspection |

| |Corrective measures are done based on the result |Prevention of pests |Analytical skills |

| |of inspection |Direct seeding procedures |Preventing pests |

| |Prevention of pests is employed according to |manual broadcasting |Using drum seeders |

| |result of inspection |using of drum seeder |Broadcasting (manual) seeds |

| |Direct seeding is performed following industry |OSHS |Wearing PPE |

| |recommendations |PPEs for direct seeding operation |Using drum seeder |

| |Wearing of PPE is practiced according to OSHS |Parts and functions of drum seeder |Performing post-operation |

| |standards. |Post operation activities |activities |

| |Drum seeder is used following manufacturer’s | | |

| |manual | | |

| |Post operation activities are performed based on | | |

| |workplace procedure. | | |

|Establish crop for transplanting |Tools, materials and equipment are prepared based |Preparation of tools, materials and|Preparing tools, materials and |

| |on work requirements |equipment |equipment |

| |Seedbed site is selected based on recommended |Recommended criteria for site |Selecting seedbed site by ocular |

| |criteria |selection |inspection |

| |Seedbed is prepared following industry standards |Industry standards in seedbed |Preparing seedbed |

| |Seeds are sown following industry standards |preparations |Mathematical skills in measuring |

| |Seedling management is applied following industry |Industry standards in seed sowing |seedbed area |

| |standards |Industry standards in seedling |Sowing seed |

| |Wearing of safety gears are practiced according to|management |Applying seedling management |

| |OSHS standards |Computation of fertilizer rate |Computing for fertilizer rate |

| |Post operation activities are performed based on |Safety gears used in transplanting |Wearing safety gears |

| |workplace procedure |OSHS in transplanting |Performing pre- transplanting of |

| |Pre- transplanting activities are done following |Pre- transplanting procedures |seedlings |

| |industry standards |Post-operations activities |Performing post-operation |

| |Crop insurance is applied for based on |Types of insurances |activities |

| |recommendation of the industry |Procedures in accomplishing |Applying for crop insurance |

| | |insurance forms | |



|Seed soaking |Seed soaking include: |

| |1.1 Washing of seeds |

| |1.2 Cleaning of the seeds |

| |1.3 Changing of water |

| Incubation | Incubation include: |

| |2.1 Transferring of seeds to sack (half- filled) |

| |2.2 Draining of seeds |

| |2.3 Loosening ties of sacks |

| |2.4 Placing of sacks on top of pallet under shaded area |

| |2.5 Covering of sacks |

|Transporting and handling of germinated seeds |Transporting and handling of germinated seeds include: |

| |3.1 Prevent germinated seeds from getting wet |

| |3.2 Avoid too much exposure to sunlight |

| |3.3 Cover the germinated seeds from direct sunlight |

| |3.4 Avoid contamination from chemicals |

|Tools, materials and equipment |Tools, materials and equipment include: |

| | |

| |Direct Seeding: |

| |Transplanting: |

| | |

| |Tools |

| |shovel |

| |bolo |

| |Materials |

| |sacks |

| |chemicals |

| |record book |

| |ballpen |

| |germinated seeds |

| |pail/ container |

| |Equipment |

| |drum seeder |

| |knapsack sprayer |

| |PPE/safety gears |

| | |

| |.Tools |

| |shovel |

| |bolo |

| |knife |

| |Materials |

| |sacks |

| |chemicals |

| |recordbook |

| |ballpen |

| |seedlings |

| |pail/container |

| |rope |

| |planting guide |

| |laminated sacks |

| |tying materials for seedlings |

| |leaves of talahib |

| |leaves of cogon |

| |leaves of lapat |

| |Equipment |

| |Knapsacksprayer |

| |PPE/safety gears |

| |Carabao |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Checking of Field |Checking of field includes: |

| |Field levelling |

| |Excess water for drainage |

| |presence of pests |

|Direct Seeding |Direct seeding includes: |

| |Manual |

| |Mechanical |

|Pests |Pests include: |

| |Golden snail |

| |Rats |

| |Chicken |

| |Other stray animals |

|Post operations activities for direct selling |Post operation activities include: |

| |Replanting of open spaces missing hills |

| |Applying water and nutrient management |

| |Replanting of open spaces missing hills |

| |Employing 7s of Good Housekeeping |

| |Cleaning tools and equipment |

| |Storage of tools, material and equipment |

| |Record keeping |

| |Waste disposal |

|Recommended criteria |Recommended criteria include: |

| |Away from infected area |

| |Away from artificial lights |

| |Near water source |

| |Good soil condition |

| |Areas with good drainage |

|Seedbed preparation |Seedbed preparation includes: |

| |Dapog |

| |Modified dapog |

| |Mat tray |

| |Wet bed |

| |Dry bed |

|Safety gears |Safety gears includes: |

| |Masks |

| |Goggles |

| |Surgical gloves |

| |Rubber boots |

| |Long sleeves shirt |

| |Hat |

| |Towel |

|Seedling management |Seedling management includes: |

| |Nutrient management |

| |Water management |

| |Pests management |

|Pre-transplanting activities |Pre-transplanting activities include |

| |Flooding of seed bed |

| |Pulling and tying of seedlings |

| |Washing of roots |

| |Hauling and distribution of seedlings |

|Post operation activities for crop establishment |Post operation activities include: |

| |Replanting of missing hills |

| |Employing 7s of Good Housekeeping |

| |Cleaning tools and equipment |

| |Storage of tools, material and equipment |

| |Record keeping |

| |Waste disposal |

|Insurance |Insurance includes: |

| |Crop |

| |Farmer |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Germinated seeds |

| |Conducted direct seeding operation |

| |Established crop for transplanting |

| |Pulled and transplanted plant |

| |Applied for crop insurance |

| |Practiced OSHS |

|2. Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Farm site/ simulated workplace |

| |Tools, materials and equipment for crop establishment operations |

| |Seeds and germinated seeds |

| |Operator’s manual |

| |PPE |

|3. Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Demonstration |

| |Written examination |

| |Oral questioning |

|4. Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center in a |

| |simulated workplace setting. |


|UNIT CODE: |: |AFF611308 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR |: |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to conduct nutrient management, perform |

| | |water management, carry-out pest management, conduct management of abiotic stresses and conduct seed |

| | |purification activity. |


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of |KNOWLEDGE |SKILLS |

| |Variables | | |

|Conduct nutrient management |Soil fertility is determined using recommended |Importance of soil analysis |Assessing soil fertility |

| |assessment methods |Soil sampling technique/s |Selecting fertilizers |

| |Kinds of fertilizer are selected based on |Kinds of fertilizer |Computing for ratio and proportion of|

| |soil |Ratio and proportion computation for |amount of fertilizer |

| |analysis and crop |fertilizers |Preparing calendar of fertilizer |

| |requirement |Calendar of fertilizer application |application |

| |Amount of fertilizer is |Maturity of variety |Applying fertilizer |

| |computed based on |Type of soil | |

| |industry |Application of fertilizer | |

| |recommendations |Industry recommendations for | |

| |Fertilizer is applied |fertilizer application | |

| |according to |Kind | |

| |recommendations |Right amount | |

| | |Right timing | |

| | |Right place | |

|Perform water management |Water need is assessed based on ecosystem |Importance of water management on the|Reading or interpreting the measuring|

| |Water management strategy is applied based on |different growth stages of rice and |instrument for water level |

| |different cultural crop management |corn |Assessing water level |

| |Water conservation is employed based on |Water requirements in different |Applying appropriate management |

| |established farm practices |ecosystems |strategies |

| |Ocular monitoring is conducted to observe the |Water level and content assessment |Employing appropriate water |

| |depth of water |methods |conservation method/s |

| | |Importance of different water |Conducting monitoring activities |

| | |management strategies. | |

| | |Calendar of planting | |

| | |Scheduling of farm irrigation | |

| | |activities | |

| | |Water conservation methods and their | |

| | |applications | |

| | |Different techniques of water | |

| | |impounding | |

| | |Small farm reservoir | |

| | |Small water impounding | |

| | |project | |

| | |Shallow tube well | |

| | |Procedures of monitoring activities | |

| | |Monitoring checklist | |

| | |Kinds of fertilizer | |

| | |Ratio and proportion computation for | |

| | |fertilizers | |

| | |Calendar of fertilizer application | |

| | |Maturity of variety | |

| | |Type of soil | |

|Carry-out pest management |Occurrence of pests and diseases is assessed |Knowledge on the origin/ occurrence |Assessing occurrence of pests and |

| |following industry standard procedures |of a particular disease |diseases |

| |Pests and diseases management is adopted based on|Management options for a particular |Adopting pests and diseases |

| |industry standard procedures |pest/ disease (IPM) |management |

| |Regular field monitoring is conducted based on |Identify/ Classify pests and diseases|Conducting regular field monitoring |

| |industry procedures |Agro ecosystem Analysis (AESA) and |Applying preventive action |

| |Action is taken to prevent further crop damages |its importance as decision making | |

| |and losses. |tool for pest and diseases management| |

| | |Different techniques of damage | |

| | |assessment | |

| | |Cultural | |

| | |Biological | |

| | |Mechanical | |

| | |Chemical | |

| | |Preventive actions against pest and | |

| | |diseases | |

|Conduct management of abiotic |Assessment of abiotic stresses is done following |Different abiotic stresses |Performing assessment of abiotic |

|stresses |industry standard procedures |Assessment of abiotic stresses |stress |

| |Abiotic stress management is adopted based on |Abiotic stress management |Adopting abiotic stress management |

| |industry standards |Field monitoring procedures |Conducting regular field monitoring |

| |Regular field monitoring is conducted based on |Preventive action against abiotic |Applying regular action against |

| |industry procedures |stresses |abiotic stress |

| |Action is taken based on the result of monitoring|OHSH practices | |

| |activities | | |

|Conduct seed purification |Area is selected for seed purification activity |Selection criteria |Understanding the importance of |

|activity |based on recommended criteria. |Characteristics of off-types |rouging |

| |Off-types are removed following established farm |Stages of rice and corn where rouging|Identify the proper time of rouging |

| |procedures |is best done |Selecting area for seed purification |

| |Disposal of off-types is done following |Sources of off-types |activity |

| |established farm procedures |Plant height |Identifying different off-types |

| |Seeds are harvested based on maturity indices. |Color of leaves |Rouging of off-types |

| |Post- harvest operations are done separately for |Presence/absence of awn |Proper disposing of off- types |

| |seed production |Panicle | |

| | |Flag leaf |Performing separate harvesting and |

| | |Maturity etc. |post-harvesting operations for seed |

| | |Harvest and post-harvest operations |production |

| | |Rouging procedures |Practicing OSHS |

| | |Importance of rouging |Documenting and record keeping |

| | |PhilGAP for rouging | |

| | |OSHS | |

| | |Disposal procedures of off-types and | |

| | |weeds | |

| | |Environmental rules and regulations | |

| | |on solid wastes management | |

| | |PhilGAP on agri-wastes disposal | |

| | |Harvesting and post-harvesting | |

| | |procedures for seed production | |

| | |activity | |

| | |Record keeping | |



|Assessment methods |Assessment methods include: |

| |Soil analysis |

| |Minus- One Element Technique |

| |Leaf Color Chart |

| |Nutrient Omission Plot Technique |

| |Rice crop manager (electronic based) |

| |Leaf tissue analysis |

|Kinds of fertilizer |Kinds of fertilizers include: |

| |Organic |

| |Inorganic/Synthetic |

|Fertilizer computation |Fertilizer computation includes: |

| |Ratio and proportion |

| |Simple substitution |

|Methods of fertilizer application |Methods of fertilizer application include: |

| |Basal (First Application) |

| |Top dressing |

| |Side dressing |

| |Foliar Application |


|Recommendations |Recommendations include: |

| |Right kind |

| |Right amount |

| |Right Timing |

| |Right Place |

|Water assessment methods |Water assessment methods include: |

| |Conventional (Level of water in the Paddy) |

| |Traditional (Stick method, feel method) |

|Water management strategy |Water management strategy includes: |

| |Schedule of irrigation |

| |Water source |

| |Water flooding |

| |Water draining |

|Water conservation |Water conservation includes: |

| |Alternate wetting and drying |

| |Water impounding |

| |Mulching |

|Pests and diseases |Pests and diseases include: |

| |Insect pests |

| |Weeds |

| |Vertebrate pests (rats and birds) |

| |Snail |

|Diseases |Diseases include: |

| |Fungal |

| |Bacterial |

| |Viral |

| |Nematodes |

|Pest and diseases management |Pests and disease management includes: |

| |Cultural control |

| |Biological control |

| |Chemical control |

| |Mechanical control |

|Crop damage |Crop damages include: |

| |Diseases infections |

| |Insect Infestations |

| |Other crop damages |

|Abiotic stresses |Abiotic stresses include: |

| |Drought |

| |Extreme temperature |

| |Light- intensity stress |

| |Nutrient deficiencies |

| |Nutrient toxicity |

| |Excessive water |

| |Typhoons/ Strong winds |

| |Pollutants |

| |Salinity |

| |Acidity |

| |Alkalinity |

|Abiotic stress management |Abiotic stress management includes: |

| |Cultural |

| |Biological |

| |Mechanical |

| |Chemical |

|Action | Action includes: |

| |Exhaust all measures to prevent/ control abiotic stresses |

| |Report and coordinate with proper authorities for quick response and assistance |

| |Report and claim crop insurance |

|Selection criteria |Selection criteria include: |

| |Free from pests and diseases |

| |Accessible to water |

| |Fertile soil |

| |Less occurrence of off-types/rogues |

| |Away from artificial lights |

|Disposal of off-types |Disposal of off-types includes: |

| |Remove and carry |

| |Composting |

| |Feeds for livestock |

| |Remove and burry |

|Post - harvest |Post- harvest includes: |

| |Piling |

| |Threshing |

| |Drying |

| |Cleaning |

| |Sacking |

| |hauling |

| |Storage |

| |Dehusking |

| |Shelling |

| |Record keeping |


| |

| |

|1. Critical aspects of competency |

|Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

|Conducted nutrient management |

|Performed water management |

|Carried-out pest management |

|Conducted management of abiotic stresses |

|Conducted seed purification activity |

| |

|2. Resource Implications |

|The following resources MUST be provided: |

|Farm site/simulated workplace |

|Storage area |

|Tools, materials and equipment for crop management operations (see section 3.4 for list of equipment, tools and materials) |

|Operator’s manual |

|Sack (packaging material) |

|PPE |

| |

|3. Method of Assessment |

|Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

|Written Exam |

|Oral questioning |

|Demonstration |

| |

|4. Context for Assessment |

|Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center in a simulated workplace setting. |

| |

| |

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Conduct Harvest and Post-Harvest Operations


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to carry out pre-harvest, carryout harvesting activity and carry out post-harvest operations.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of |KNOWLEDGE |SKILLS |

| |Variables | | |

|Carry out pre-harvest operation|Matured crop is determined based on physiological |Physiological indicators of rice and |Determining matured crop |

| |growth and physical indicators |corn crop maturity |Identifying physiological |

| |Records of crop agronomic history is verified and |Physical indicators of rice and corn |indicators of rice and corn crop |

| |referenced for maturity |crop maturity |maturity |

| |Records are verified for harvesting activities |Agronomic characteristics of different|Identifying physical indicators of|

| |following established farm procedures |rice and corn varieties |rice and corn crop maturity |

| |Weather condition is monitored based on weather |Records verification |Verifying information on agronomic|

| |forecast |Weather condition and forecasting |history |

| |Rice field is drained of water according to |Proper water management before harvest|Verifying records for harvesting |

| |recommended industry practices |Types of obstructions from the rice |activities |

| |Obstructions from the field are removed for |field and corn field |Monitoring weather conditions and |

| |efficient harvesting |Appropriate harvesting tools and |forecasts |

| |Harvesting tools and materials are prepared |materials for rice and corn |Preparing contingency plan for |

| |following work requirement. |Documentation and farm record keeping |weather disturbances |

| |Machinery services are obtained for harvest and |The Art of Negotiating |Draining of water from the rice |

| |post-harvest operations. |Machinery service providers for rice |field |

| | |and corn |Removing obstructions from the |

| | | |field |

| | | |Preparing harvesting tools and |

| | | |materials |

| | | |Identifying different machineries |

| | | |for harvest and post-harvest |

| | | |operations |

| | | |Negotiating with machinery service|

| | | |providers for rice |

| | | |Obtaining machinery services |

|Carry out harvesting activity |Appropriate harvesting methods are implemented |Harvesting methods |Identifying factors affecting |

| |based on best cultural practices |Manual |quality of grain at harvest |

| |Pilling is done based on recommended practices |Mechanical |Estimating yield |

| |PPE is worn according to OSHS |Piling practices |Harvesting rice and corn crop |

| |Harvesting tools are used according to work |Procedures for Safety in the use of |Implementing appropriate |

| |requirement |tools and equipment |harvesting methods |

| |Mechanical harvesting is monitored following work |Use of honesty tools |Pilling of harvested grains |

| |requirement |Monitoring procedures |Wearing appropriate PPE |

| | | |Using harvesting tools |

| | | |Monitoring mechanized harvesting |

|Carry out post-harvest |Postharvest operations are done based on |Postharvest equipment and facilities |Performing postharvest operations |

|operations |recommended technologies |for grains and their uses |such as handling/ hauling, |

| |Use of post- harvest equipment and facilities are |Care & maintenance of post-harvest |threshing, cleaning, drying, |

| |monitored to avoid grain damage and losses |equipment & facilities |milling and storing |

| |Handling and packaging are done according to |Postharvest grain damages and losses |Identifying different postharvest |

| |variety and destination |Proper handling and packaging of |equipment & facilities |

| |Bags of palay are stored in an appropriate storage|grains |Distinguishing specific uses of |

| |area |Proper storing and stacking of grains |the different postharvest |

| |Monitoring of storage pests and diseases is done | |equipment & facilities |

| |based on recommended practices |Procedures in monitoring storage pest |Identifying grain damages and |

| | |& diseases |estimating spillage/losses |

| | |Storage pests & diseases |Packaging, sorting and stacking of|

| | |Effective Communication & Coordination|milled grain following recommended|

| | | |industry standards |

| | | |Storing and stacking of grain |

| | | |following industry standards |

| | | |Cleaning of used and infested |

| | | |sacks of grain |

| | | |Separating old stocks from new |

| | | |ones |

| | | |Communicating infestation to |

| | | |proper authorities |



|Physiological growth |Physiological growth includes: |

| |Days after seeding |

| |Days after transplanting |

| |Days after panicle initiation |

|Physical indicators |Physical indicators include: |

| |Change in color from green to golden yellow panicles |

| |From green to brown husks |

| |Hardening of grains |

| |Drying of silk |

| |Translucent grain |

| Crop agronomic history |Crop agronomic history includes: |

| |Variety |

| |Planting calendar (days after seeding and days after heading) |

| |For rice, days after seeding and panicle initiation |

| |For corn, days after sowing |

|Obstructions |Obstructions may include but not limited to: |

| |Weeds |

| |Stakes |

| |Wedges |

|Harvesting tools and materials |Harvesting tools and materials may include: |

| |Scythe |

| |Sacks |

| |Twines |

| |Labels/Markers |

| |Lumber |

| |bamboos |

| |Nails |

| |Roofing material |

|Records |Records include: |

| |Crop history |

| |Farm activity calendar |

| |Farm records |

|Machinery services |Machinery services include: |

| |Harvester |

| |Thresher |

| |Mechanical dryer |

| |Rice and corn mill |

| |Truck hauler |

|Appropriate harvesting |Appropriate harvesting methods include: |

| |Manual |

| |Mechanical |

|Postharvest operations |Postharvest operations include: |

| |Handling/Hauling |

| |Threshing |

| |Dehusking |

| |Shelling |

| |Cleaning |

| |Drying |

| |Milling |

| |Packaging and sacking |

| |Storing |

|Postharvest equipment and facilities |Postharvest equipment and facilities include: |

| |Thresher |

| |Mechanical dryer |

| |Dehusker |

| |Sheller |

| |Solar dryer |

| |Rice and corn mill |

| |Warehouse |

|Damages and losses |Damages and losses include: |

| |Broken grains |

| |Discolored grains |

| |Grain impurities |

| |Spoiled grains |

| |Pest-infected grains |

| |Moldy corn |

| |Spillage due to improper |

| |Handling |

|Packaging |Packaging includes: |

| |Sacks |

| |Plastic bags |

|Appropriate storage area |Appropriate storage area: |

| |Cool |

| |Dry |

| |Secured |

| |Free from pests and diseases |

| |Clean |

|Recommended practices |Recommended practices include: |

| |Using new sacks or cleaning used sacks by removing insect pests |

| |Separating old stocks from new ones to prevent infestation |

| |Reporting to immediate authority when infestation is alarming |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Carried out pre-harvest operation |

| |Carried out harvesting activity |

| |Carried out post-harvest operations |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Farm site/simulated workplace |

| |Storage facilities/simulated workplace |

| |Tools, materials, equipment and machineries for harvesting and post-harvesting operation |

| |PPE |

|Method of Assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Written examination |

| |Oral questioning |

| |Demonstration |

|Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center|

| |in a simulated workplace setting. |


These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for GRAINS PRODUCTION NC II.

They include information on curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry requirements; tools and equipment; training facilities; and trainer’s qualification.


TESDA shall provide training on the development of competency-based curricula to enable training providers develop their own curricula with the components mentioned below.

Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology, communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this end, TVET providers may develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to include also green technology, issues on health and drugs and persons with disabilities (PWD’s).


Nominal Training Duration:

| | 20 hrs |Basic Competencies |

| | 72 hrs |Common Competencies |

| |331 hrs |Core Competencies |

| Total |423 hrs | |

Course Description:

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of a rice or corn farmer or rice or corn grower to conduct variety and seed selection, perform land preparation, carry-out crop establishment, manage crop and conduct harvest and post-harvest operations. It covers skills rice and corn farming and growing focusing on manual operations; while for mechanized operations, the farmer has to have competencies in sourcing out services from farm machinery service providers.

To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.


20 HRS

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Learning Activities |Methodology |Assessment Approach |Nominal Duration |

|1. Participate in workplace |1.1 Obtain and convey workplace|Describe Organizational policies |Group discussion |Oral evaluation |4 Hours |

|communication |information | | | | |

| | |Read: |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Written communication | | | |

| | |Communication procedures and systems | | | |

| | |Identify: | | | |

| | |Different modes of communication | | | |

| | |Medium of communication | | | |

| | |Flow of communication | | | |

| | |Available technology relevant to the | | | |

| | |enterprise and the individual’s work | | | |

| | |responsibilities | | | |

| | |Prepare different Types of question |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |Gather different sources of information | | | |

| | |Apply storage system in establishing workplace| | | |

| | |information | | | |

| | |Demonstrate Telephone courtesy | | | |

| |1.2 Complete relevant work |Describe Communication procedures and systems |Group discussion |Oral evaluation | |

| |related documents | | | | |

| | |Read: |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Meeting protocols | | | |

| | |Nature of workplace meetings |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Workplace interactions | | | |

| | |Barriers of communication | | | |

| | |Complete work related documents |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |Read instructions on work related |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |forms/documents | | | |

| | |Practice: | | | |

| | |Estimate, calculate and record routine |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |workplace measures | | | |

| | |Basic mathematical processes of addition, | | | |

| | |subtraction, division and multiplication | | | |

| | |Demonstrate office activities in: |Role play |Oral evaluation | |

| | |workplace meetings and discussions scenario | |Observation | |

| | |Perform workplace duties scenario following |Role play |Oral evaluation | |

| | |simple written notices | |Observation | |

| | |Follow simple spoken language |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |Identify the different Non-verbal |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |communication | | | |

| | |Demonstrate ability to relate to people of |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |social range in the workplace | | | |

| | |Gather and provide information in response to | | | |

| | |workplace requirements | | | |

| |1.3 Participate in workplace |Identify: |Lecture |Written examination | |

| |meeting and discussion |types of workplace documents and forms | | | |

| | |kinds of workplace report | | | |

| | |Available technology relevant to the | | | |

| | |enterprise and the individual’s work | | | |

| | |responsibilities | | | |

| | |Read and follow instructions in applying basic| | | |

| | |mathematical concepts | | | |

| | |Follow simple spoken language |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |Gather and provide information in response to | | | |

| | |workplace requirements | | | |

|2. Work in a team environment |Describe and identify team role|Describe the team role and scope |Group discussion |Oral evaluation |4 Hours |

| |and responsibility in a team. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Read |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Definition of Team | | | |

| | |Difference between team and group | | | |

| | |Objectives and goals of team | | | |

| | |Identify different sources of information | | | |

| |Describe work as a team |Describe team goals and objectives |Group discussion |Oral evaluation | |

| | |Perform in setting team goals and expectations|Role play |Oral evaluation | |

| | |scenario | |Observation | |

| | |Identify |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |individual role and responsibility | | | |

| | |Practice Interacting effectively with others |Group discussion |Oral evaluation | |

| | |Read: |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Fundamental rights at work including gender | | | |

| | |sensitivity | | | |

| | |Understanding individual competencies relative| | | |

| | |to teamwork | | | |

| | |Types of individuals | | | |

| | |Role of leaders | | | |

|3. Practice career |3.1 Integrate personal |Describe performance evaluation |Group discussion |Oral evaluation |6 Hours |

|professionalism |objectives with organizational | | | | |

| |goals | | | | |

| | |Read: |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code | | | |

| | |of Ethics, etc.) | | | |

| | |Understanding personal objectives | | | |

| | |Understanding organizational goals | | | |

| | |Demonstrate Intra and Interpersonal skills at |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |work | | | |

| | |Demonstrate personal commitment in work | | | |

| |3.2 Set and meet work |Describe company policies, operations, |Group discussion |Oral evaluation | |

| |priorities |procedures and standards | | | |

| | |Read: |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Time Management | | | |

| | |Basic strategic planning concepts | | | |

| | |Resource utilization and management | | | |

| | |Apply managing goals and time |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |Practice: |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |economic use of resources and facilities | | | |

| | |time management | | | |

| |3.3 Maintain professional |Describe company recognition and incentives |Group discussion |Oral evaluation | |

| |growth and development | | | | |

| | |Read: |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Career development opportunities | | | |

| | |Information on relevant licenses and or | | | |

| | |certifications | | | |

| | |personal career development needs | | | |

| | |Determine personal career development needs |Group discussion |Oral evaluation | |

|4. Practice occupational health |4.1 Identify hazard and risks |Describe OSH procedures, practices and |Group discussion |Oral evaluation |6 Hours |

|and safety | |regulations | | | |

| | |Read |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |OSH indicators | | | |

| | |Organizational contingency practices | | | |

| | |Practice hazards/risks identification and | | | |

| | |control | | | |

| |4.2 Evaluate hazard and risks |Describe effects of safety hazards |Group discussion |Oral evaluation | |

| | |Read |Lecture |Written examination | |

| | |Threshold Limit Value –TLV | | | |

| | |Practice reporting safety hazards |Role play |Observation | |

| | |Demonstrate evaluating hazards and risks using|Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |communication equipment | | | |

| |4.3 Control hazards and risks |Describe: |Group discussion |Oral evaluation | |

| | |Organization safety and health protocol | | | |

| | |Company emergency procedure practices | | | |

| | |Practice personal hygiene |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |Practice drills on responding to emergency |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | | |Simulation | | |

| |4.4 Maintain occupational |Identify emergency-related drills information |Lecture |Written examination | |

| |health and safety awareness | | | | |

| | |Practice occupational safety and health |Role play |Observation | |

| | |standards on personal records in the workplace| | | |

| | |Practice emergency related drills in the |Demonstration |Observation | |

| | |workplace |Simulation | | |


72 HRS

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcome |Learning Activities | | |Nominal Duration |

| | | |Methodology |Assessment Method | |

|1.Apply safety measures in |Determine areas of concern for |Identify work tasks in farm operations |Lecture |Written examination |(Total-7 hrs) |

|farm operations |safety measures | |Discussion |Interview |1 hr |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | |Discuss safety measures in a workplace during |Lecture |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |farm operations |Discussion |Interview | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | |Explain farm operations situations and period |Lecture |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |when to observe safety |Discussion |Interview | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | |Identify appropriate tools, materials and outfits|Lecture |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | |to be used |Discussion |Interview | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | |Prepare tools, materials and outfits for the farm|Lecture |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | |operation |Discussion |Interview | |

| | | |Power point presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| |1.2Apply appropriate safety |Enumerate uses and functions of tools and |Discussion |Written examination |(Total -11 hrs.) |

| |measures |materials |Power point presentation |Interview |1 hr |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Demonstration |Demonstration | |

| | |Explain procedures of wearing personal protective|Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |equipment |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Discuss topics on |Discussion |Written |1 hr |

| | |effectivity, shelf life and expirations of |Power point presentation |examination | |

| | |materials to be used. |Video presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Oral questioning | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Identify the emergency procedures |Discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Identify hazards in a farm workplace |Discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Use tools and materials |Discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Wear personal protective equipment |Discussion |Written examination |0.5 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | |Prepare report on hazards in the workplace |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point |Interview | |

| | | |presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Report on hazards in the workplace |Discussion |Written examination |0.5 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| |1.3Safekeep/dispose of tools,|Explain cleaning and storing procedures of the |Discussion |Written examination |(Total – 6 hrs ) |

| |materials and outfit |used tools and outfit |Power point presentation |Interview |1 hr |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |State labelling and storing procedures for unused|Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |materials |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Explain proper wastes disposal |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Clean and store used tools and outfit |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete |Demonstration | |

| | | |worksheet | | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Label and store unused materials |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Dispose waste materials |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

|2.Use farm tools |2.1Select and use farm tools |Identify farm tools |Discussion |Written examination |(Total -6 hrs) |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview |1 hr |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | |Describe faults and defective tools |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | |Discuss using of tools and equipment relating to |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |manufacturer’s manual |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Check farm tools for faults and defects |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Use tools and equipment relating to |Discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | |manufacturer’s manual |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| |2.2Select and operate farm |Identify farm equipment |Discussion |Written examination |(Total -19 hrs) |

| |equipment | |Power point presentation |Interview |1 hr |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Explain importance of reading manufacturer’s |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |manual |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Discuss pre-operation check and its importance |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Identify different types of faults in farm |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |equipment |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Enumerate reporting procedures |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | |Enumerate procedures in using farm |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |equipment |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Discuss safety procedures for farm |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |operation |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Read manufacturer’s manual |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | |Conduct pre-operation check-up |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Report identified faults |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Operate farm equipment |Discussion |Written examination |8 hrs |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | | |Field visit | | |

| | |Follow safety procedures |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| |2.3Perform preventive |Enumerate cleaning procedures for tools and|Discussion |Written examination |(Total -7 hrs) |

| |maintenance |equipment |Power point presentation |Interview |1 hr |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | |Discuss significance of routine check-up |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |and maintenance |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | |Explain procedures in storing tools and |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | |equipment |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Clean tools and equipment |Discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Perform routine check –up and maintenance |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Store tools and equipment |Discussion |Written examination |1 hr |

| | | |Power point presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet |Demonstration | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

|3.Perform estimation and |3.1Perform estimation |Identify job requirements and work |Lecture |Written exam |(Total -8 hrs) |

|basic calculation | |task/activity |Discussion |Oral questioning |1 hr |

| | |Identify materials and resources of job |Lecture |Written exam |1 hr |

| | |requirements |Discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | |Estimate time to complete work |Lecture |Written exam | 2 hrs |

| | |task/activity |Discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | |Estimate quantities of materials and |Lecture |Written exam |2 hrs |

| | |resources |Discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | |Prepare and submit bill of materials |Lecture |Written exam |2 hrs |

| | | |Discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Demonstration |Demonstration | |

| |3.2Perform basic workplace |Describe different types of calculation |Lecture |Written exam |(Total -8 hrs) |

| |calculation | |Discussion |Oral questioning |1 hr |

| | |Discuss different methods of calculation |Lecture |Written exam |1 hr |

| | | |Discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | |Describe system and unit of measurement |Lecture |Written exam |2 hrs |

| | | |Discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | |Compute quantity of feeds, amount of |Lecture |Written exam |4 hrs |

| | |fertilizer and amount of medicines using |Discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | |methods of calculation, system of |Demonstration | | |

| | |measurement and units of measurement | | | |


331 HRS

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Learning Activities | | |Nominal Duration |

| | | |Methodology |Assessment Method | |

|Conduct variety and seed |Conduct site characterization |Classify soil types |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |9 hrs |

|selection | |Conduct soil type characterization |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |procedures |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Identify types of grain growing ecosystem |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1 hr |

| | | |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Explain the different climatic types |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1 hr |

| | |Weather disturbances |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Identify climatic patterns |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Describe the different types of land |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |8.5 hrs |

| | |topography |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Elevation |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | |Determine site topography and elevation |Video presentation | | |

| | |through ocular observation |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Enumerate prevalent pests and diseases |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |5.5 hrs |

| | |Determine the prevalent pests and diseases |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Gather pests and diseases |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | |–specimens/samples |Video presentation Power point presentation| | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Prepare sample farm record |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1 hr |

| | | |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| |Select suitable seed variety |Familiarize on grain varieties |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |3 hrs |

| | |agronomic characteristic |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |disease and insect pest reaction |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation Power point presentation| | |

| | |Discuss characteristics of newly released |Research activity |Demonstration |3.5 hrs |

| | |varieties |Incomplete worksheet |Written examination | |

| | |Perform varietal characterization |Role playing |Oral questioning | |

| | |List recommended varieties |Hands-on | | |

| | |Access the sources of table of recommended |Lecture / discussion | | |

| | |varieties |Demonstration | | |

| | |Discuss adaptability test |Field Visits | | |

| | |Use the table of recommended varieties |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | |Select varieties |Hands-on |Demonstration |0.5 hr |

| | | |Lecture / discussion |Written examination | |

| | | |Demonstration |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Field Visits | | |

| | | |Video presentation Power point presentation| | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Select quality seeds |Enumerate the classes of seeds and their |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1.5 hrs |

| | |color tags |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Explain PLSSC standards |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point | | |

| | | |presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Determine characteristics of quality seeds |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |0.5 hr |

| | | |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation Power point presentation| | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Explain sampling and germination test |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |2 hrs |

| | |Conduct sampling for the germination test |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Conduct germination test |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Select quality seeds |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |0.5 hr |

| | | |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Discuss procedures and guidelines in |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |2 hrs |

| | |returning and exchanging non – germinating |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |seeds |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | |Determine non-germinating seeds result of |Power point presentation |Demonstration |2 hrs |

| | |germination test |Research activity |Written examination | |

| | |Return and exchange non- germinating seeds |Incomplete worksheet |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

|Perform land preparation |Perform pre- tillage operations |Discuss proper land cleaning activities |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1 hr |

| | | |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Incomplete Worksheet | | |

| | |Identify tools, material and equipment |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1hr |

| | |Prepare tools, material and equipment |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video | | |

| | | |presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Incomplete Worksheet | | |

| | |Discuss OSHS |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1hr |

| | |PPE |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Practice OSHS |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Incomplete Worksheet | | |

| | |Enumerate different machinery services |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1.5hrs |

| | |Source out machinery services |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | |Identify characteristics of a well prepared|Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |9hrs |

| | |wetland rice and corn field |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Describe the activities of |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | |preparing/repairing dikes |Video presentation | | |

| | |Prepare/ Repair dikes |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| |Conduct tillage operations |Discuss three tillage operations |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |10 hrs |

| | |Apply appropriate tillage practices |Demonstration |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Field Visits |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Role playing | | |

| | | |Incomplete Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Discuss OSHS |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1hr |

| | |PPE |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Practice OSHS |Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Research activity | | |

| | | |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| |Perform post-tillage operations |Enumerate activities of preparing dikes |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |11 hrs |

| | |Repair dikes |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Discuss relevance of proper wastes disposal|Field Visits |Oral questioning | |

| | |as post-operation activities |Video presentation | | |

| | |Dispose wastes |Power point presentation | | |

| | |Explain procedures in completing |Research activity | | |

| | |transaction with machinery services |Incomplete worksheet | | |

| | |Complete transaction | | | |

| | |Enumerate record keeping procedures | | | |

| | |Perform record keeping | | | |

|Carry out crop establishment |3.1 Germinate seeds |Discuss processes of seed soaking |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |9 hrs |

| | |Demonstrate seed soaking |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Describe the procedures of seed incubation |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration | |

| | |Conduct seed incubation |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Describe the features of germinated seeds |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1 hr |

| | |Examine seeds for signs of germination |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Enumerate procedures of transporting and |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |hrs |

| | |handling of germinated seeds |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Handle and transport germinated seeds |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Identify areas to be checked on the field |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |4.5 hrs |

| | |Check field for readiness for direct |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |seeding |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Identify the corrective measure to be used |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |2hrs |

| | |based on the result of inspection |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Conduct corrective measures where |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |necessary |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Differentiate manual direct seeding or |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |11hrs |

| | |broadcasting from mechanical seeding |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Explain PPE and its uses and functions |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1hr |

| | |Use appropriate PPE |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | | |presentation | | |

| | |Identify different kinds of pests and their|Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1.5hrs |

| | |natural enemies |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Apply appropriate pests control measures |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Identify the parts and functions of drum |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |8hrs |

| | |seeder |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Perform manual direct seeding or |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |broadcasting- |Power point presentation | | |

| | |Apply mechanical direct seeding |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Enumerate post operation activities |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |5hrs |

| | |Conduct post-operation activities |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| |3.3 Establish seedling for |Identify tools and equipment to be used for|Lecture / discussion |Demonstration | |

| |transplanting |sowing |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Prepare tools, materials and equipment to |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |be used |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Discuss industry standards in seedbed |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |5hrs |

| | |preparations |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | |Prepare seedbed |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Explain industry standards in sowing |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |3hrs |

| | |Sow seeds |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Explain industry standards in seedbed and |Lecture / discussion |demonstration |5hrs |

| | |seedling management |Demonstration |written examination | |

| | |Apply seedbed and seedling management |Video presentation |oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Elaborate OSHS and GAP for sowing |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |1.5hrs |

| | |Wear safety gears |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Enumerate post operation activities |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |5hrs |

| | |Conduct post- operation activities |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Enumerate pre-transplanting procedures |Lecture / discussion |Demonstration |5hrs |

| | |Demonstrate pre-transplanting procedures |Demonstration |Written examination | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Incomplete | | |

| | | |Worksheet | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

|Manage crop growth |Conduct nutrient management |Identify / Define different assessment |Lecture-discussion |Demonstration |6 hrs |

| | |methods for soil fertility |Hands-on |Written exam | |

| | |Assess soil fertility using recommended |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |assessment method/s |Demonstration |Interview | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Visual Aids | | |

| | | |Field activity on proper soil sampling | | |

| | |Differentiate organic fertilizers from |Lecture-discussion |Demonstration |2 hrs |

| | |Inorganic Fertilizers |Video presentation |Written exam | |

| | |Identify different fertilizer formulations |Power point presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |available in the locality | |Interview | |

| | |Select appropriate kind of fertilizer | | | |

| | |Determine way for computing fertilizer |Lecture-discussion |Demonstration |2 hrs |

| | |recommendations |Video presentation |Written exam | |

| | |Compute for fertilizer rate |Power point presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Enumerate the types and methods of |Video presentation |Written exam |4 hrs |

| | |fertilizer application |Lecture discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | |Use knapsack sprayer |Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | |Apply fertilizer according to |Demonstration |Interview | |

| | |recommendations |Hands-on | | |

| |Perform water management |Identify water assessment methods |Lecture |Written exam |4 hrs |

| | |Discuss the water requirements of the |Discussion |Interview | |

| | |different growth stages |Actual field visit and observation |Demonstration | |

| | |Enumerate indicators of water stress |Power point presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Explain water requirements in different |Demonstration | | |

| | |ecosystems |Hands-on | | |

| | |Assess water need based on the result of | | | |

| | |assessment | | | |

| | |Enumerate the types and methods of |Video presentation |Written exam |4 hrs |

| | |fertilizer application |Lecture-discussion |Oral questioning | |

| | |Use knapsack sprayer |Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | |Apply fertilizer according to |Demonstration |Interview | |

| | |recommendations |Hands-on | | |

| | |Identify and discuss different water |Lecture discussion |Written exam |5hrs |

| | |management strategies |Field visit |Interview | |

| | |Apply appropriate water management |Demonstration |Demonstration | |

| | |strategy/ies |Hands-on |Oral questioning | |

| | | |PPT presentation | | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | |Enumerate/Explain different water |Lecture-discussion |Written exam |6 hrs |

| | |conservation methods and their applications|Video presentation; |Interview | |

| | |Enumerate and describe different water |Field visit |Demonstration | |

| | |impounding techniques |Hands-on |Oral questioning | |

| | |Apply water conservation methods |Demonstration | | |

| |Carry out pest management |Identify different types of rice and corn |Lecture-discussion |Written exam |7 hrs |

| | |pests and diseases |Field visit/ observation |Interview | |

| | |Enumerate and discuss methods of assessing |PPT presentation |Demonstration | |

| | |occurrence of pests and diseases |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Assess occurrence of pests and disease in |Demonstration | | |

| | |the rice field and cornfield |Hands-on | | |

| | |Identify different management options for a|Lecture-discussion |Written exam |8.5 hs |

| | |particular pest/disease |Audio-visual aids video/power point |Interview | |

| | |Explain GAP on rice and corn pests and |presentations |Demonstration | |

| | |diseases management |Field visit and observation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Discuss IPM |Demonstration | | |

| | |Classification/identification of harmful |Hands-on | | |

| | |and beneficial insects | | | |

| | |Enumerate and explain FPA regulations on | | | |

| | |the use of chemicals | | | |

| | |Wear PPE and practice OSHS | | | |

| | |Apply pest and diseases management | | | |

| | |Discuss the importance of regular field |Lecture-discussion |Written exam |6 hrs |

| | |monitoring using AESA and other damage |Audio-visual aids video/power point |Interview | |

| | |assessment techniques |presentations |Demonstration | |

| | |Conduct regular field monitoring |Field visit and observation |Oral questioning | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Identify extent of crop damages and yield |Lecture-discussion |Written exam |5 hrs |

| | |losses |Audio-visual aids video/power point |Interview | |

| | |Identify and apply the different preventive|presentations |Demonstration | |

| | |and control measures for occurrence of |Field visit and observation |Oral questioning | |

| | |pests and diseases |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| |Conduct management of Abiotic |Discuss the classification of abiotic |Lecture-discussion |Written exam |9 hrs |

| |stress |stress |Demonstration |Interview | |

| | |strong winds |Video presentation |Demonstration | |

| | |extreme temperature |Hands-on |Oral questioning | |

| | |drought |Field visit | | |

| | |flood/submergence | | | |

| | |nutrient deficiency/ toxicity | | | |

| | |salinity/acidity/ alkalinity | | | |

| | |Identify assessment techniques | | | |

| | |Assess presence of abiotic stresses | | | |

| | |Discuss different abiotic stress management|Lecture-discussion |Written Exam |9 hrs |

| | |Discuss use of knapsack sprayer |Demonstration |Oral questioning | |

| | |Explain GAP on abiotic stress management |Video presentation |demonstration | |

| | |Explain FPA regulations |Hands-on | | |

| | |for abiotic stress management |Field visit | | |

| | |Wear PPE and practice OSHS | | | |

| | |Carry –out abiotic stress management | | | |

| | |Discuss different remedial actions |Lecture-discussion |Written Exam |4.5 hrs |

| | |Explain importance of proper documentation |Demonstration |Interview | |

| | | |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Explain communication and coordination |Hands-on |demonstration | |

| | |procedures |Field visit, | | |

| | |Prepare sample damage/calamity report |Role play | | |

| | |Carry-out remedial actions | | | |

| | |Apply for crop insurance claim | | | |

| |Conduct purification activity |Explain selection criteria |Lecture-discussion |Written Exam |1.5 hrs |

| | |Select area for seed purification activity |Video presentation |Interview | |

| | | |Field visit |Oral questioning | |

| | | | |Demonstration | |

| | |Describe the characteristics of off-types |Lecture-discussion |Written Exam |9.5 hrs |

| | |Identify off-types in the field |Demonstration |Interview | |

| | |Explain/discuss the importance and proper |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |timing of roguing |Hands-on |demonstration | |

| | |Discuss roguing procedures |Field visit, | | |

| | |Explain GAP for roguing | | | |

| | |Wear PPE and practice OSHS 5.9 Remove | | | |

| | |off-types | | | |

| | |Enumerate disposal procedures |Lecture discussion |Written Exam |5 hrs |

| | |remove and carry |Field visit and observation |Interview | |

| | |composting |Hands-on |Oral questioning | |

| | |feeds for livestock |PPT presentation |Demonstration | |

| | |remove and bury |Demonstration | | |

| | |Discuss environmental rules and regulations| | | |

| | |Explain GAP on Agri-wastes disposal | | | |

| | |Conduct proper disposal off-types | | | |

| | |Discuss harvest and post-harvest operations|Lecture-discussion |Written Exam |6.5 hrs |

| | |for seed production |Video presentation |Interview | |

| | |Practice OSHS |Hands-on |Oral questioning | |

| | |Prepare sample documentation and record |Field visit |demonstration | |

| | |keeping |Demonstration | | |

| | |Conduct harvesting and post-harvesting | | | |

| | |operations for seed production activities | | | |

|Conduct harvest and post- |Carry out pre-harvest operations |Enumerate physiological indicators of rice |Lecture-discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

|harvest operations | |and corn crops maturity |Power point presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Describe physical indicators of rice and |Visual aids | | |

| | |corn crop maturity |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Practicum | | |

| | | |( Actual identification of physiological | | |

| | | |indicators in pictures) | | |

| | | |Lecture-discussion | | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Visual aids | | |

| | |Discuss and describe agronomic characters | |Written examination |1hr |

| | |of different rive varieties | |Oral questioning | |

| | |Explain the importance of record keeping |Lecture-discussion |Written examination |2.5hrs |

| | |Identify the uses of different farm records|Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |verify records for harvesting |Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Hands -on | | |

| | |Describe weather condition and its effect |Lecture-discussion |Observation and oral |3hrs |

| | |on harvestable crop |Power point presentation |questioning | |

| | |Explain Contingency Management Strategies |Illustrations |Written examination | |

| | |for adverse weather condition |Field demonstration/ visit | | |

| | |Monitor weather condition |Photographs | | |

| | |Explain recommended draining procedures |Lecture-discussion |Written examination |5hrs |

| | |before harvest including its importance |Power point presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Drain the rice and corn field |Field visit |Demonstration | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Hands- on | | |

| | |Identify the type of obstructions in the |Power point presentation |Written examination |6.5hrs |

| | |field |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Remove obstructions from the rice and corn |Practicum/ hands on |Demonstration | |

| | |fields | | | |

| | |Identify the use of harvesting tools and |Power point presentation |Written examination |5hrs |

| | |materials |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Prepare the harvesting tools and materials |Practicum/hands-on | | |

| |Carry out harvesting activity |Describe harvesting process |Lecture discussion |Demonstration |2.5hrs |

| | |Enumerate methods of determining the right |Power point presentation |Written examination | |

| | |time to harvest |Audio visual presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Identify factors affecting grain quality at|Field visit with observation | | |

| | |harvest |Demonstration | | |

| | |Estimate yield |Hands -on | | |

| | |Harvest rice and corn crops | | | |

| | |Explain harvesting methods |Lecture-discussion |Written examination |7.5hrs |

| | |Discuss GAP for harvesting |Video presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Implement appropriate harvesting methods |Field visit/practicum |Demonstration | |

| | | |Power point presentation | | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | |Describe the types and procedures of |Lecture discussion |Written examination |10 hrs |

| | |pilling |Demonstration |Oral questioning | |

| | |Pile harvested rice and corn |Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Video presentation | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Describe the recommended PPE for harvesting|Lecture discussion |Written examination |5 hrs |

| | |rice and corn |Demonstration |Oral questioning | |

| | | |Video/Power point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | | |Field visit | | |

| | | |Hands- on | | |

| |Carry out postharvest activity |Illustrate and explain postharvest |Lecture-discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | |operations |Video/power point presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Perform post-harvest operations for rice |Hands on |Demonstration | |

| | |and corn |Role playing | | |

| | | |Demonstration | | |

| | | |Field visit | | |

| | | |Visual aids | | |

| | |Identify the different postharvest |Lecture discussion |Written examination |10hrs |

| | |equipment and facilities for rice and corn |Video/ power point presentation |Oral questioning | |

| | |Describe the uses of the different |Practicum /hands on |Demonstration | |

| | |postharvest equipment & facilities for rice|Field visit with observation | | |

| | |and corn |Demonstration | | |

| | |Enumerate causes of grain damage and yield | | | |

| | |losses | | | |

| | |Explain proper monitoring procedures on the| | | |

| | |use of postharvest equipment and operations| | | |

| | |Monitor the use and operation of the | | | |

| | |postharvest equipment and facilities | | | |

| | |Describe appropriate storage area |Lecture-discussion |Written examination |3.5 hrs |

| | |Discuss the procedures of storing and |Video/power |Oral questioning | |

| | |stacking |point presentation |Demonstration | |

| | |Demonstrate proper storing and stacking |Role playing | | |

| | |bags of palay and milled rice and corn |Field visit | | |

| | | |Hands-on | | |

| | |Discuss handling and packaging of palay and|Lecture discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | |milled rice |Video/power point presentation |Interview | |

| | |FIFO |Hands – on Demonstration |Demonstration | |

| | |Apply proper handling and packaging of | |Oral questioning | |

| | |palay and milled rice | | | |

| | |Describe the recommended practices in |Lecture discussion |Written examination |2 hrs |

| | |monitoring storage pests & diseases |Video/power point presentation |Interview | |

| | |Monitor storage pests and diseases |Practicum |Demonstration | |

| | |Prepare sample monitoring report |Demonstration |Oral questioning | |

| | |Report infestation to proper authorities |Field visit | | |

| | |Explain the principles of marketing |Lecture discussion |Written examination |4.5 hrs |

| | |Discuss various marketing strategies for |Video/power point presentation |Interview | |

| | |palay, milled rice and corn |Role Playing |Demonstration | |

| | |3Identify several market outlets for palay,|Demonstration |Oral questioning | |

| | |milled rice and corn in the locality | | | |

| | |Negotiate with a palay and milled rice and | | | |

| | |corn trader | | | |

| | |Market palay and milled rice and corn | | | |


The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.

a. Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry or recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by competencies written to industry standards)

b. Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and self-paced learning strategies;

c. Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a workplace and/or through adoption of modern technology (Video Conferencing, Webinar, etc).

d. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to the industry required standards;

e. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as the primary source of evidence.

f. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies;

g. Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all specified competencies.

The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes, both on-and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities and their variations/components may be adopted singly or in combination with other modalities when designing and delivering training programs:

1. Institution- Based:

• Classroom-based or School-based training coordinated study other the school or center, with classroom and/or laboratory components.

• Dual Training System (DTS) / Dualized Training Program (DTP) which contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components.

• Supervised Industry Training (SIT) or on-the-job training (OJT) is an approach in training designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainee through actual experience in the workplace to acquire specific competencies as prescribed in the training regulations. It is imperative that the deployment of trainees in the workplace is adhered to training programs agreed by the institution and enterprise and status and progress of trainees are closely monitored by the training institutions to prevent opportunity for work exploitation.

• Project-based instruction is an authentic instructional model or strategy in which students plan, implement and evaluate projects that have real world applications.

2. Enterprise-Based:

Enterprise-based training may also be taken to mean a school or training center with one or more partner enterprise or an enterprise or group of enterprises setting up a common training facility or partnering with a school or training center.

• Formal Apprenticeship – Training within employment involving a contract between an apprentice and an enterprise on an approved apprenticeable occupation.

• Informal Apprenticeship - is based on a training (and working) agreement between an apprentice and a master craftsperson wherein the agreement may be written or oral and the master craftsperson commits to training the apprentice in all the skills relevant to his or her trade over a significant period of time, usually between one and four years, while the apprentice commits to contributing productively to the work of the business. Training is integrated into the production process and apprentices learn by working alongside the experienced craftsperson.

• Enterprise-based Training - where training is implemented within the company in accordance with the requirements of the specific company.

3. Community-Based –refers to a short program conducted or coordinated by NGOs, LGUs, training centers and other TVET providers which are intended to address the specific needs of a community. Such programs are usually conducted in informal settings such as barangay hall, basketball courts and other available venues in a community. These programs can also be mobile training programs (MTP).


Trainees or students who want to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements:

• Able to read and write

• Able to communicate, both orally and in writing

• Basic mathematical skills

• Physically able



Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25 trainees for Grains Production NC II are as follows:

Full Qualification

A. School equipment, tools and materials

1 unit Digital light projection

1 unit System unit (computer)

1 White board

1 set White board marker and eraser

1 unit Audio system

1 lot Internet connection


o Books

o Charts

o Slides

o Manuals

o Codes and regulations

B. Farm tools, equipment and materials


|QTY |Description |QTY |Description |QTY |Description |

|5 pcs |Calculator |2 units |Electric fan |25pcs |Petri dish |

|15 pcs |Scythe |1 unit |Stand projector |100g |Rice and Corn Seeds |

|15 pcs |Shovel |1 unit |Lapel |1Roll |Paper Towel |

|25 pcs |A-Frame |1 unit |Digital camera |1 set |White board marker and eraser |

|15 pcs |Bolo |2 units |Hand tractor |2 bottles |Alcohol |

|5 units |Farmalite |3 units |Plow |100g in roll |Cotton |

|5 units |Magnifying lens |3 units |Harrow |10 pcs |Cartolina |

|5 pcs |Sack needle |1 unit |Draft animals * |10 pcs |Manila paper |

|5 sets |Rodent trap |1unit |Rotavator |10 pcs |Permanent marker |

|1 unit |Moisture meter |1unit |Paddling |25 pcs |Record book |

|5 pcs |Sharpening stones |1unit |Spiral/auger |25pcs |Ballpen |

|5 pcs |Triangular files |1unit |Multi tiller * |1 pack |Plastic cellophane |

|10 pcs |Sickle |1 pc |Drum seeder |5 packs |Index card |

| | |4pc |Knapsack sprayer |5pcs |Pallet |

| | |5 sets |PPE/safety gears |12kg |Certified Seeds |

| | |1 unit |Weeder |5 pcs |Pails |

| | |1 unit |Weighing scale |15pcs |Sacks (5 kg) |

| | |1 unit |Electric fan |5m |Nets |

| | |1 unit |Shed House |12 pcs |Banana leaves |

| | | |bamboo |1 sack |Carbonized rice hull |

| | | |coconut leaves/nipa |1bot |Chemicals |

| | | |cogon |1bot |Fungicide |

| | | |coco lumber |1bot |Herbicide |

| | | |nails |5bot |Insecticide |

| | | |rattan |1bot |Molluscicide |

| | | | |1bot |Rodenticide |

| | | | |2 sacks |Rice straw |

| | | | |2 sacks |Rice hull |

| | | | |1 bundle |Tying materials -lapat/cogon |

| | | | |5pcs |Pail |

| | | | |5 pcs |Plastic bags (for fertilizer |

| | | | | |application) |

| | | | | |Inorganic Fertilizer |

| | | | |10kg |-urea |

| | | | |64kg |-complete |

| | | | |10kg |-ammophos |

| | | | |2 sets |First aid kit |

| | | | |5set |MOET Kit |

| | | | |1 set |STK Kit |

| | | | |5 set |LCC |

| | | | |35 pcs |Polyethylene seedling bags (4x8) |

| | | | |5 pcs |Meter stick |

| | | | |5 pcs |Insect nets |

| | | | |15 pcs |Sacks (packaging material) |

| | | | |5 pcs |Drying nets |

| | | | |1 roll |Plastic twine |

| | | | |5 pcs |Winnower |

| | | | |5 sets |Cleaning materials |

| | | | | |Brooms |

| | | | | |Dust pan |

| | | | | |Feather Duster |

| | | | |50 L |Fuel |

| | | | |1L |Oil |

| | | | |3 pcs |Wooden plank |

| | | | |Training Materials |

| | | | |25 sets |Training kits |

| | | | |25 copies |Table of Released Popular |

| | | | | |Varieties |

| | | | |1 set |Flip chart and posters |

| | | | |1 set |Beneficial and harmful insects |

| | | | | |chart |

| | | | |1 set |Major Diseases of Rice and Corn |

| | | | | |Chart |

| | | | |1 set |Common Weeds of Lowland Rice Chart|

| | | | |1 set |Nutrient Deficiency Diagnostic |

| | | | | |Table |

| | | | |1 set |References and Manuals |

| | | | |1 set |Palay Check Modules |



|QTY |Description |QTY |Description |QTY |Description |

|5 pcs |Calculator |2 units |Electric fan |25pcs |Petri dish |

|15 pcs |Shovel |1 unit |Stand projector |100g |Rice and corn seeds |

|5 pcs |Sharpening stones |1 unit |Lapel |1Roll |Paper towel |

|15 pcs |Bolo |1 unit |Digital camera |1 set |White board marker and eraser |

|5 units |Farmalite |1 pc |Drum seeder |2 bottles |Alcohol |

|5 units |Magnifying lens |4 pcs |knapsack sprayer |100g in roll |Cotton |

| | |5 sets |PPE/safety gears |10 pcs |Cartolina |

| | |1 unit |Weeder |10 pcs |Manila paper |

| | |1 unit |Weighing scale |10 pcs |Permanent marker |

| | | | |25 pcs |Record book |

| | | | |25pcs |Ballpen |

| | | | |1 pack |Plastic cellophane |

| | | | |5pcs |pallet |

| | | | |12kg |Certified Seeds |

| | | | |5 pcs |Pails |

| | | | |15pcs |Sacks (5 kg) |

| | | | |5m |Nets |

| | | | |12 pcs |Banana leaves |

| | | | |1 sack |Carbonized rice hull |

| | | | |1bot |Chemicals |

| | | | |1bot |Fungicide |

| | | | |1bot |Herbicide |

| | | | |1bot |Insecticide |

| | | | |1bot |Molluscicide |

| | | | |1bot |rodenticide |

| | | | |2 sacks |Rice straw |

| | | | |2 sacks |Rice hull |

| | | | |1 bundle |Tying materials -lapat/cogon |

| | | | |5pcs |pail |

| | | | |5 pcs |Plastic bags (for fertilizer |

| | | | | |application) |

| | | | | |Inorganic Fertilizer |

| | | | |10kg |-urea |

| | | | |64kg |-complete |

| | | | |10kg |-ammophos |

| | | | |2 sets |First aid kit |

| | | | |5set |MOET Kit |

| | | | |1 set |STK Kit |

| | | | |5 set |LCC |

| | | | |35 pcs |Polyethylene seedling bags |

| | | | | |(4x8) |

| | | | |5 pcs |Meter stick |

| | | | |5 pcs |Insect nets |

| | | | |15 pcs |sacks (packaging material) |

| | | | |5 sets |Cleaning materials |

| | | | | |Brooms |

| | | | | |Dust pan |

| | | | | |Feather Duster |

| | | | |Training Materials |

| | | | |25 sets |Training kits |

| | | | |25 copies |Table of Released Popular |

| | | | | |Varieties |

| | | | |1 set |Flip chart and posters |

| | | | |1 set |Beneficial and harmful insects |

| | | | | |chart |

| | | | |1 set |Major Diseases of Rice and Corn|

| | | | | |Chart |

| | | | |1 set |Common Weeds of Lowland Rice |

| | | | | |Chart |

| | | | |1 set |Nutrient Deficiency Diagnostic |

| | | | | |Table |

| | | | |1 set |References and Manuals |

| | | | |1 set |Palay Check Modules |



|QTY |Description |QTY |Description |QTY |Description |

|15 pcs |Scythe |2 units |Hand tractor |50 L |Fuel |

|15 pcs |Shovel |3 units |Plow |1L |Oil |

|25 pcs |A-Frame |3 units |Harrow |3 pcs |Wooden plank |

|15 pcs |Bolo |1 unit |Draft animals * | | |

| | |1 unit |Rotavator | | |

| | |1 unit |Paddling | | |

| | |1 unit |Spiral/auger | | |

| | |1unit |Multi tiller * | | |

COC 3: Conduct of Harvest and Post-Harvest Operations


|QTY |Description |QTY |Description |QTY |Description |

|10 pcs |Scythe |1 unit |Solar dryer |15 pcs |sacks |

|10 pcs |Bolo |1 unit |Electric fan |5 pcs |Drying nets |

|5 pcs |Sack needle |1 unit |Weighing scale |1 roll |Plastic twine |

|5 sets |Rodent trap |5 sets |PPE |5 pcs |Winnower |

|1 unit |Moisture meter |1 unit |Extension cord |5 sets |Cleaning materials |

| | | | | |Brooms |

| | | | | |Dust pan |

| | | | | |Feather Duster |

|5 pcs |Sharpening stones |2 units |Fire Extinguisher |5 bots |Insect spray |

|5 pcs |Triangular files |1 unit |Shed House |2 sets | First aid kit |

| | | |bamboo | | |

| | | |coconut leaves/nipa | | |

| | | |cogon | | |

| | | |coco lumber | | |

| | | |nails | | |

| | | |rattan | | |

|10 pcs |Sickle | | |25 pcs |Record book |

| | | | |25 pcs |Ballpen |

| | | | |5 pcs |Permanent marker |

| | | | |5 packs |Index card |

* NOTE: Access to and use of equipment /facilities can be provided through cooperative arrangements or MOA with other partner-farms/companies.


Based on a class size of 25 students/trainees.



|A. Building (permanent) | | | |161 |

|Lecture Room |2.00 x 1.00 per |2.00 per student |50.00 | |

| |student/trainee | | | |

|Learning Resource Center |6.00 x 5.00 | |30.00 | |

|Store Room |3.00x4.00 |12.00 |12.00 | |

|Wash Room |3.00x5.00 (Male) |15.00 |30.00 | |

| |3.00x5.00 | | | |

| |(Female) |15.00 |30.00 | |

|Laboratory |3.00x3.00 |9.00 |9.00 | |

|B. Demo Farm | | | |2,500 |

| | | | | |

|Field plot and Working shed (100sq.m.) |10 x 10 per trainee |100 per trainee |2500.00 | |

|Total | | | |2,661 |

NOTE: Access to and use of equipment /facilities can be provided through cooperative arrangements or MOA with other partner-farms/companies.


Trainers who will deliver the training on GRAINS PRODUCTION NCII should possess the following Qualifications:

• Must be a holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate I Level I (TM I) in Grains Production NCII)

• Must have at least two (2) years relevant industry experience for the last five (5) years

3.7 INSTITUTIONAL Assessment

Institutional Assessment is undertaken by trainees in a structured learning program to determine their achievement of units of competencies. It is administered by the trainer/assessor at end of each learning module.

The result of the institutional assessment may be considered as evidence for the assessment for national certification.

As a matter of policy, graduates of programs registered with TESDA under these training regulations are required to undergo mandatory national competency assessment upon completion of the program.


Competency Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of assessment is to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected at the workplace as expressed in relevant competency standards.

The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to prove achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to a full qualification or employable unit(s) of competency in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the national qualification.


1. The Full National Qualification of GRAINS PRODUCTION NC II shall be acquired through the accumulation of Certificates of Competency in the following clusters/units of competencies:

COC 1 Manage Grains Production

• Conduct variety and seed selection

• Carry-out crop establishment

• Manage crop

COC 2 Perform Land Preparation

coc 3 Conduct Harvest and Post-Harvest Operation

2. Upon accumulation and submission of all the above COCs acquired, an individual shall be issued the corresponding National Certificate signed by the TESDA Director General. Certificates of Competency (COCs) shall be issued to candidates who have been assessed as competent in any of the above COCs (COC 1, COC 2, COC 3).

3. Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with the core units.

4. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Candidates who have gained competencies through education, informal training, work or life experiences may apply for recognition in a particular qualification through competency assessment.

5. The following are qualified to apply for assessment :

1. Graduating students/trainees of WTR-registered programs, graduates of NTR programs or graduates of formal/non-formal/informal including enterprise-based trainings related to grains production

2. Industry workers in grains production

6. Re-assessment shall focus only on the specific area/s where the candidate has not satisfactorily achieved the required level of competence AND must be undertaken within two (2) years during the period of validity of the Training Regulations.

7. A candidate who fails the assessment for two (2) consecutive times shall be advised to go through a refresher course before taking another assessment.

2. Competency Assessment Requisite

1. Self-Assessment Guide. The self-assessment guide (SAG) is accomplished by the candidate prior to actual competency assessment. SAG is a pre-assessment tool to help the candidate and the assessor determine what evidence is available, where gaps exist, including readiness for assessment.

This document can:

a) Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge

b) Highlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledge

c) Provide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the evidence that need to be presented

d) Assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is needed or additional information or skills that should be gained prior to assessment.

2. Accredited Assessment Center. Only Assessment Center accredited by TESDA is authorized to conduct competency assessment. Assessment centers undergo a quality assured procedure for accreditation before they are authorized by TESDA to manage the assessment for National Certification.

3. Accredited Competency Assessor. Only accredited competency assessor is authorized to conduct assessment of competence. Competency assessors undergo a quality assured system of accreditation procedure before they are authorized by TESDA to assess the competencies of candidates for National Certification.

1. Qualification of Competency Assessors

For Trainer-Assessor

• Holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate Level I (NTTC) in Grains Production NC II

• Have at least 2 years relevant industry experience for the last five (5) years

• Have assisted in the actual conduct of assessment to at least two (2) candidates.

For Industry-Assessor

• Holder of National Certificate in Grains Production NCII

• Holder of Certificate of Competency (COC) in Conduct Competency Assessment under the Trainers Methodology Level I (TM I)

• Have at least two (2) years relevant industry experience for the last five (5) years

• Have assisted in the actual conduct of assessment to at least two (2) candidates.


|Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication |Participate in Workplace Communication |

|Mr. John H. Dormitor |MS. Marylyn Opolentisima |

|Technical Expert |Technical Expert |


|Surallah, South Cotobato |Employee Multipurpose Cooperative |

|Mindanao |South Cotobato, Mindanao |

|MR. Efrelito Jay M. Guittap |DR. PEDRITO S. NITURAL |

|Technical Expert |Technical Expert |

|Central Luzon State University |Central Luzon State University |

|Munoz, Nueva Ecija |Munoz, Nueva Ecija |

|DR. Leonora P. Manero |MS. Anita V. Antonio |

|Technical Expert |Technical Expert |

|University of Southern Mindanao |Philippine Rice Research Institute |

|Fishery Council |Munoz, Nueva Ecija |

|Kabacan, Cotobato City | |

|MR. Angel D. Padron |MR. Joel D. Janiya |

|Technical Expert |Technical Expert |

|Agricultural Technician |International Rice Research Institute |

|Provincial Agricultural Office |Los Baños, Laguna |

| | |

|Mr. JULIAN MACADAMIA |Mr. Randy donato |

|Technical Expert |technical Expert |

|Philippine Rice Research Institute |Rizal |

|Mr. ramon gaudiel | |

|Technical Expert | |

|Camarines Sur | |



|Technical Expert |Technical Expert |

|Tayabas Multipurpose Cooperative and Ilasan Multipurpose |Agricultural Training Institute |

|Cooperative |Department of Agriculture |

|Tayabas City, Quezon |Quezon City |


|Technical Expert |Technical Expert |

|Department of Agriculture |Quezon Agriculture Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative |

|Quezon City |Pagbilao, Quezon |


|Technical Expert |Technical Expert |

|Agricultural Training Institute |Post-harvest Technology Research Center |

|Department of Agriculture |U.P. Los Baňos |

|Quezon City | |

The Participants in the National Validation of this Training Regulation:

|Miguel A. Mercado Jr. |Maria Liza Z. Mayandia |

|Department of Agriculture –Regional Field Office –III |Department of Agriculture –Regional Field Office - VI |

|Myrna S. Reyes |Richard M. Cezar |

|Department of Agriculture –Regional Field Office -VI |Department of Agriculture –Regional Field Office- IV-B |

|Avelino C. Davalos |Meregin E. Secuya |

|Calapan Farm Multipurpose Cooperative |Agricultural Training Institute- Regional Training Center - X |

| | |

|Sacar M. Pendato |Naura C. Ilagan |

|Agricultural Training Institute- Region X |Agricultural Training Institute |

|Apolonio T. Torres |Joel E. Abajero |

|Farmer, Ulango |LFT – Region X |

|Calamba, Laguna | |

|Jonathan A. Alegro |Melecio P. Reguindin, Jr. |

|Governor Jaro Farmers Irrigators’ Association |GPI25- Golden Pance |

| |Multi – Purpose Cooperative |

The Members of the TESDA Board and Secretariat

The MANAGEMENT and STAFF of the TESDA Secretariat

• Qualifications and Standards Office (QSO)

TESDA – QSO Technical Facilitators

|Competency Standards Development Division |




|Competency Programs and Standards Development Division |



|Training Regulation are available in both printed and electronic copies |

|For more information please contact: |


|Telephone Nos.:817-4076 to 82 loc. 163 / 164 Tele Fax No.:818-7728 |

|or visit our website: .ph |



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