KAREN KEMPER HIRSCHI - University of Virginia

Karen Kemper Hirschi, PhD

Undergraduate Education:

Honors B.S. with Highest Distinction, Nutritional Biochemistry

Schreyer Honors College, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

1980-1984, University Scholar

Graduate Education:

Ph.D., Nutritional Biochemistry

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

1985-1990, Cowden Predoctoral Fellow

Postgraduate Training:

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

1991-1992, AHA Grant-in-Aid for Junior Investigators

Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

1993-1996, NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship

Academic Appointments:

1996-1997, Instructor, Dept. Surgery, Harvard Medical School

1997-2002, Assistant Professor, Dept. Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), Houston, TX 1998-2002, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of Molecular & Cellular Biology, BCM

2000-2002, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. Bioengineering, Rice University

2003-2007, Associate Professor w/ tenure, Dept. Pediatrics; Adjunct in Depts. Molecular & Cellular Biol. and Molecular Phys. & Biophysics, BCM, and Dept. of Bioengineering, Rice

2005-2011, Co-Founder and Deputy Director, Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center, BCM

2006-2011, Co-Director, Medical Scientist Training (MD/PhD) Program, BCM

2007-2011, Professor w/ tenure, Dept. Pediatrics; Adjunct in Depts. Molecular & Cellular Biol. and Molecular Phys. & Biophysics, BCM, and Dept. of Bioengineering, Rice University

2011-present, Adjunct Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology and Department of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, BCM

2011-present, Professor w/ tenure, Departments of Medicine, Genetics and Biomedical Engineering, Yale University School of Medicine

2016-present, Co-Director, Yale Cardiovascular Research Center, Yale University

1997-present, Faculty, Children’s Nutrition Research Center, BCM

2000-present, Faculty, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, BCM

2000-2013, Faculty, Graduate Program in Molecular & Cellular Biology, BCM

2000-2011, Faculty, Center for Cardiovascular Development, BCM

2000-2011, Faculty, Graduate Program in Cardiovascular Sciences, BCM

2002-2011, Faculty, Graduate Program in Developmental Biology, BCM

2002-2011, Faculty, Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology, BCM

2002-2011, Faculty, Center for Nanoscale Science & Technology, Rice University

2005-2011, Faculty, Graduate Program in Translational Biology, BCM

2006-2011, Faculty, Dan Duncan Cancer Center, BCM

2007-2011, Faculty, University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

2011-present, Faculty, Yale Cardiovascular Research Center

2011-present, Faculty, Yale Vascular Biology and Therapeutics Program

2011-present, Faculty, Yale Stem Cell Center

2015-present, Faculty, Yale Combined Graduate Program in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences

Honors and Awards:

1982-1984 University Scholar (top 2%), Pennsylvania State University

1990. Cowden Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Arizona

1992. Grant-in-Aid for Junior Investigators, American Heart Association

1993-1996 NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Institutes of Health

1998-1999 Davenport/Fleming Award, Texas Medical Center

1999-2003 Scientist Development Award, AHA National Foundation

2000-2002 Gillson Longenbaugh Foundation Award, Baylor College of Medicine

2004-2007 Member of Scientific Council, North American Vascular Biology Organization

2004-2009 Established Investigator Award, AHA National Foundation

2006 Center for Cell & Gene Therapy Basic Science Teaching Award

2009 Chair, North American Vascular Biology Organization Annual Meeting

2011-2013 Kingsley Award in Medical Research, Yale University School of Medicine

2012 Chair, Gordon Conference on Signal Transduction in Engineered Extracellular Matrices

2014-2015 President, North American Vascular Biology Organization

2014-2018 Advisory Council, UK Regenerative Medicine Program: A Hub for Engineering and Exploiting the Stem Cell Niche

2014-2018 Appointed Member, National Advisory Council, NIH National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)

2014-2015 Member, NIBIB National Advisory Council Task Force on Strategic Funding

2015-present Scientific Advisory Panel, Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research. Toronto

2015-present Scientific Advisory Committee, Rutgers/Princeton Biomaterials Training Program


Hirschi, K.K., J.E. Sabb and P.M. Brannon. (1991) Effects of diet and ketones on pancreatic lipase in cultured acinar cells. J. Nutrition 121:1129-1134.

Hirschi, K.K., S. Kenny, J.D. Justice and P.M. Brannon. (1991) Effects of secretin and cholecystokinin on enzymes of cultured pancreatic acinar cells. In Vitro Cell & Developmental Biology 27A:660-664.

Hirschi, K.K., B.N. Minnich, L.K. Moore and J.M. Burt. (1993) Differential effects of oleic acid on gap junction mediated coupling in vascular smooth muscle and neonatal heart cells. Am. J. Physiology 265:C1517-1526.

Hirschi, K.K., P. Vasiloudes and P.M. Brannon. (1994) Effects of secretin and caerulein on pancreatic digestive enzymes in cultured rat acinar cells. Pancreas 9(1):91-100.

Hirschi, K.K., C. Xu, T. Tsukamoto and R. Sager. (1996) Gap junction genes Cx43 and Cx26 individually suppress the cancer phenotype of human mammary carcinoma cells and restore differentiation potential. Cell Growth and Differentiation 7:861-870.

Hirschi, K.K. and P.A. D'Amore. (1996) Pericytes in the microvasculature. Cardiovascular Research 32:687-698.

Rohovsky, S.A., K.K. Hirschi and P.A. D’Amore (1996) Growth factor effects on vessel formation. Surgical Forum XLVII.

Hirschi, K.K., S.A. Rohovsky and P.A. D’Amore (1997) Cell-cell interactions in vessel assembly: a model for the fundamentals of neovascularization. Transplant Immunology 5:177-178.

Hirschi, K.K., S.A. Rohovsky and P.A. D'Amore. (1998) PDGF, TGF-β and heterotypic cell-cell interactions mediate the recruitment and differentiation of 10T1/2 cells to a smooth muscle fate. J. Cell Biology 141:805-814.

Hirschi, K.K., S.A. Rohovsky, L.H. Beck, S. Smith and P.A. D’Amore. (1999) Endothelial cells modulate the proliferation of mural cell precursors via PDGF-BB and heterotypic contact. Circulation Research 84:298-305.

Niklason, L., C. Gao, P. Abbott, K.K. Hirschi, M. Houser, D. Marini and R. Langer. (1999) Functional arterial grafts grown in vitro. Science 284:422-425.

Arbiser, J., G. Raab, R. Rohan, S. Paul, K.K. Hirschi, E. Flynn, E.R. Price, D. Fisher, C. Cohen and M. Klagsbrun. (1999) Isolation of mouse stromal cells associated with a human tumor using differential diphtheria toxin sensitivity. Am. J. Pathology 155:723-729.

Hirschi, K.K. and C.L. Keen. (2000) Nutrition in embryonic and fetal development. Nutrition 16:495-499.

Niklason, L.E., W. Abbott, J. Gao, B. Klagges, K.K. Hirschi, K. Ulubayram, N. Conroy, R. Jones, A. Vasanawala, S. Sanzgiri and R. Langer. (2001) Morphologic and mechanical characteristics of bovine engineered arteries. J. Vascular Surgery 33:628-638.

Hirschi, K.D., J.A. Kreps and K.K. Hirschi (2001) Molecular approaches to studying nutrient metabolism and function: an array of possibilities. J. Nutrition 131:1605S-1609S.

Jackson, K.A., S.M. Majka*, H. Wang, J. Pocius, C. Hartley, M.W. Majesky, L. Michael, M. Entman, K.K. Hirschi* and M.A. Goodell*. (2001) Regeneration of ischemic cardiac muscle and vascular endothelium by adult stem cells. J. Clinical Investigation 107:1395-1402. *Co-senior authors.

Goodell, M.A., K.A. Jackson, S.M. Majka, T. Mi, H. Wang, J. Pocius, C.J. Hartley, M.W. Majesky, M.L. Entman, L.H. Michael and K.K. Hirschi (2001) Stem cell plasticity in muscle and bone marrow.

Ann. NY Acad. Science 938:208-218.

Hirschi, K.K. and M.A. Goodell (2001) Common origins of blood and blood vessels in adults? Differentiation 68:186-192.

Hirschi, K.K., L. Lai, N.S. Belaguli, D. Dean, R.J. Schwartz and W.E. Zimmer. (2001) TGF-β induction of a smooth muscle cell phenotype requires transcriptional and post-transcriptional control of serum response factor. J. Biological Chemistry 277:6287-95.

Noveroske, J.K., L. Lai, V. Gaussin, J. Northrop, K.K. Hirschi and M.J. Justice. (2002) Quaking is essential for embryonic blood vessel formation. Genesis 32:218-230

Hirschi, K.K. and M.A. Goodell (2002) Hematopoietic, vascular and cardiac fates of bone marrow-derived stem cells. Gene Therapy 9:648-652.

Hirschi, K.K., T.C. Skalak, S.M. Peirce and C.D. Little. (2002) Vascular assembly in natural and engineered tissues. Ann. NY Acad. Science 961:223-242.

Skalak, T.C., C.D. Little, L.V. McIntire, K.K. Hirschi, R.T. Tranquillo, M. Post, J. Ranieri (2002) Vascular assembly in natural and engineered tissues: breakout session summary. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 961:255-257.

Majka, S.M., K.A. Jackson, K.A. Kienstra, M.W. Majesky, M.A. Goodell and K.K. Hirschi. (2003) Distinct populations of vascular progenitors in skeletal muscle are bone marrow-derived and exhibit different cell fates during vascular regeneration. J. Clinical Investigation 111:71-79. (Featured Article – with editortial)

Bohnsack, B.L. and K.K. Hirschi (2003) The FAKs about blood vessel assembly. Circulation Research 92:255-257.

Bohnsack, B.L. and K.K. Hirschi (2003) Molecular regulation of vascular development. ASNR 100:1-6.

Hirschi, K.K., J.M. Burt, K.D. Hirschi and C. Dai. (2003) Gap junction communication mediates TGF-β activation and endothelial-induced mural cell differentiation. Circulation Research 93:429-437.

Nadin, B.M., M.A. Goodell and K.K. Hirschi. (2003) Phenotype and hematopoietic potential of side population cells throughout embryonic development. Blood 102:2436-2443.

Lai, L., B.L. Bohnsack, K. Niederreither and K.K. Hirschi. (2003) Retinoic acid signaling regulates endothelial cell proliferation during vasculogenesis. Development 130:6465-6474.

McKinney-Freeman, S., S.M. Majka, K.A. Jackson, K.K. Hirschi and M.A. Goodell. (2003) Altered phenotype and reduced function of muscle-derived hematopoietic stem cells. Experimental Hematology 31:806-814.

Olmstead-Davis, E., Z. Gugala, F. Camargo, F.H. Gannon, K.A. Jackson, K.A. Kienstra, H.D. Shine, R.W. Lindsey, K.K. Hirschi, M.A. Goodell, M.K. Brenner and A.R. Davis. (2003) Primitive adult hematopoietic stem cells can function as osteoblast precursors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100:15877-82.

Abramowitz, J., C. Dai, K.K. Hirschi, R.I. Dmitrieva, P.A. Doris, L. Liu and J.C. Allen. (2003) Oubain- and marinoburagenin-induced proliferation of human umbilical vein smooth muscle cells and a rat vascular smooth muscle cell line, A7r5. Circulation 108:3048-53.

Hirschi, K.K. and M.W. Majesky (2004) Smooth muscle stem and progenitor cells. Anat. Rec. 276A:22-33.

Huss, W.J., L. Lai, R.J. Barrios, K.K. Hirschi and N.M. Greenberg. (2004) Retinoic acid slows tumor progression and promotes apoptosis of spontaneous prostate cancer. Prostate 9999:1-11.

Bohnsack, B.L., L. Lai, P. Dolle and K.K. Hirschi. (2004) Signaling hierarchy downstream of retinoic acid that independently regulates endothelial cell proliferation and vascular remodeling. Genes & Development 18:1345-1358. (Highlighted by Faculty of 1000)

Bohnsack, B.L. and K.K. Hirschi. (2004) Nutrient regulation of cell cycle progression. Annual Reviews of Nutrition 24:433-453.

Bohnsack, B.L. and K.K. Hirschi. (2004) Red light, green light: signals that control endothelial cell proliferation during embryonic vascular development. Cell Cycle 3:1506-1511.

Enciso JM. and K.K. Hirschi. (2005) Understanding abnormalities in vascular specification and

remodeling. Pediatrics 116:228-30.

Bohnsack, B.L., L. Lai, J. Northrop, M.J. Justice and K.K. Hirschi. (2006) Visceral endoderm function is regulated by quaking and required for vascular development. Genesis 44:93-104.

Saunders, W.B., B.L. Bohnsack, J.B. Faske, N.J. Anthis, K.J. Bayless, K.K. Hirschi and G.E. Davis. (2006) Coregulation of vascular tube stabilization by endothelial cell TIMP-2 and pericyte TIMP-3.

J. Cell Biology 175:179-191.

Falender, A.E. and K.K. Hirschi (2006) What is the role of the vasculature in the neural stem cell niche? Regenerative Medicine 1:481-484.

Adams, K.E., S. Ke, S. Kwon, F. Liang, Z. Fan, Y. Lu, M.A. Barry, K.K. Hirschi, M.E. Mawad and E.M. Sevick-Muraca. (2006) Comparison of visible and near-infrared wavelength excitable fluorescent dyes for molecular

imaging of cancer. J. Biomedical Optics 12:24017.

Enciso, J.M. and K.K. Hirschi (2007) Nutrient regulation of tumor and vascular endothelial cell proliferation. Current Cancer Drug Targets 7:432-437.

Kienstra, K.A., D. Freysdottir, N.M. Gonzales and K.K. Hirschi (2007) Murine neonatal intravascular injections: modeling newborn disease. J. Am. Assoc. Lab. An. Sci. 46:50-54.

Kienstra, K.A., K.A. Jackson and K.K. Hirschi. (2008) Injury mechanism dictates contribution of bone marrow-derived cells to neovascularization. Pediatric Research 63:131-136.

Hirschi, K.K. D.A. Ingram and M.C. Yoder. (2008) Assessing identity, phenotype, and fate of endothelial progenitor cells. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 28:1584-95.

Goldie L.C., M.K. Nix and K.K. Hirschi. (2008) Embryonic vasculogenesis and hematopoietic specification. Organogenesis. 4:257-63.

Goldie, L.C., J. Lucitti, M.E. Dickinson and K.K. Hirschi. (2008) Cell signaling directing the formation and function of hemogenic endothelium during murine embryogenesis. Blood 112:3194-3204.

Kelly, M.A. and K.K. Hirschi. (2009) Signaling hierarchy regulating human endothelial cell development. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 29:718-24.

Boles, M.K., B.M. Wilkinson, A. Maxwell, L. Lai, A.A. Mills, I. Nishijima, A.P. Salinger, I. Moskowitz, K.K. Hirschi, B. Liu, A. Bradley and M.J. Justice. (2009) A mouse chromosome 4 balancer ENU

mutagenesis screen isolates eleven lethal lines. BMC Genetics 10:12.

Goldberg, J.S. and K.K. Hirschi (2009) Diverse roles of the vasculature within the neural stem cell niche. Regenerative Medicine 4:879-97.

Dilling, C.F., A.M. Wada, M. Merched-Savage, Z.W. Lazard, F.H. Gannon, T.J. Vadakkan, L. Gao , K.K. Hirschi, M.E. Dickinson, A.R. Davis, E.A., Olmsted-Davis (2009) Vessel formation is induced prior to the appearance of cartilage in BMP2-mediated heterotopic ossification. J. Bone & Min. Res. 25:1147-56.

Boles, M.K., B.M Wilkinson, L. Wilming, J. Harrow, D. Grafham, J.R. Lupski, K.E. Hentges, L.P. Woodward, Maxwell, B. Liu, K. Mitchell, M.D. Risley, R. Johnson, K.K. Hirschi, S. Humphray, C. Scott, C. Nicholson, S. Searle, T. Cox, C. Loyd, L. Matthews, A. Dunham, A.J. Coffey, A. Parker, J. Smith, T.J., Hubbard, J. Rogers, A. Bradley, M.J. Justice and D.J. Adams. (2009) Discovery of candidate

disease genes in ENU–induced mouse mutants by large-scale sequencing, including a splice-site mutation

in nucleoredoxin. PLoS Genetics 5(12):e1000759.

Agrawala, V., S.A. Johnsona, J. Reinga, L. Zhang, S. Tottey, G. Wange, K.K. Hirschi, S. Braunhut, L.J. Gudas and S.F. Badylak. (2010) An epimorphic regeneration approach to tissue replacement in adult mammals. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 107:3351-5.

Chao, H. and K.K. Hirschi (2010) Hemato-vascular origins of endothelial progenitor cells? Microvascular

Research 79:169–173.

Kazanis, I., J.D. Lathia, T.J. Vadakkan, E.Raborn, R. Wan, M.R. Mughal, D.M. Eckley, T. Sasaki, B. Patton,

M.P. Mattson, K.K. Hirschi, M.E. Dickinson and C. ffrench-Constant. (2010) Quiescence and activation of stem and precursor cell populations in the subependymal zone neurogenic niche of the mammalian brain are associated with distinct cellular and extracellular matrix signals. J. Neuroscience 30:9771-9781.

Armstrong, J.J., I.V. Larina, M.E. Dickinson, W.E. Zimmer and K.K. Hirschi. (2010) Characterization of

transgenic mice expressing mCherry fluorescent protein substituted for the murine smooth muscle alpha-actin gene. Genesis 48:457-463.

Hirschi, K.K. (2010) Vascular precursors: origin, regulation and potential. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and

Vascular Biology 30:1104-1109.

Iacobas, I., A. Vats and K.K. Hirschi. (2010) Vascular potential of human pluripotent stem cells. Arteriosclerosis,

Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 30:1110-1117.

Enciso, J.M., C.M. Konecny and K.K. Hirschi. (2010) Molecular regulation of cell migration during vascular remodeling. Developmental Dynamics 239:2570-2583.

Abbas, H.A., S. Coskun, T. Sills, M.J. You, K.K. Hirschi and G. Lozano. (2010) Mdm2 is required for

survival of hematopoietic stem cells/progenitors via dampening of ROS-induced p53 activity.

Cell Stem Cell 7:606-617.

Coskun, S. and K.K. Hirschi. (2010) Establishment and maintenance of the HSC niche: distinct roles of

osteoblastic and vascular compartments. Birth Defects Research: Reviews 90:229-242. (Cover Image)

Goldie, L.C., M.A. Kelly and K.K. Hirschi. (2010) A natural history of the endothelial cell: from

specification to specialization. Trends in Developmental Biology 5:17-27.

Sivina, M., T. Yamada, M. C.S. Park, Puppi, S. Coskun, K.K. Hirschi and H.D. Lacorazza. (2011) Transcription

Factor ELF4 controls quiescence of endothelial cells and their resistance to myeloablative treatments in bone

marrow. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 31:1185-1191.

Salsman, V.S., K. Chow, D. Shaffer, H. Kadikoy, X. Li, L. Perlaky, M. Bhattachariee, K.K. Hirschi, H.E.

Heslop, S. Gottschalk and N. Ahmed. (2011) Cross-talk between tumor cells and endothelium triggers a strong chemotactic signal recruiting T lymphocytes to distant brain tumor deposits. PloS ONE 6(5): e20267. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020267.

Badylak, S.F, K.K. Hirschi and L.E. Niklason. (2011) Cardiovascular regenerative biology. Cell Tissues Organs 195:4.

Chaudhury, H., E. Raborn, L.C. Goldie and K.K. Hirschi. (2012) Stem cell-derived vascular endothelial cells

and their potential application in regenerative medicine. Cell Tissues Organs 195:41-47.

Chaudhury, H., L.C. Goldie and K.K. Hirschi. (2012) Vascular precursor cells. Genes and Cancer 2:1081-4.

Suire, C., N. Brouard, K.K. Hirschi and P.J. Simmons. (2012) Isolation of the stromal-vascular fraction of

mouse bone marrow markedly enhances the yield of clonogenic stromal progenitors. Blood 119:86-95.

Hirschi, K.K. Hemogenic endothelium during development and beyond. (2012) Blood 119:4823-7.

Agrawal, V., B.F. Siu, H. Chao, K.K. Hirschi, E. Raborn, S.A. Johnson, S. Tottey, K.B. Hurley, C.J. Medberry and S.F. Badylak. (2012) Partial characterization of Sox2+ cell population in an adult murine model of digit amputation. Tissue Engineering 18:1454-63.

Goldberg, J.S., T.J. Vadakkan, K.K. Hirschi* and M.E. Dickinson*. (2013) A computational approach to detect gap junction plaques and associate them with cells in fluorescent images. J. Histology & Cytology 61:283-293. *Co-senior authors

Fang, J., C. Dai, D. Kurjiaka, J.M. Burt and K.K. Hirschi. (2013) Cx45 expression in mesenchymal cells supports endothelial-induced mural cell differentiation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology 33:362-368.

Marcelo, K.L., L.C. Goldie and K.K. Hirschi. (2013) Endothelial cell differentiation and specification. Circulation Research 112:1272-1287.

Vunjak-Novakovic, G., S. Bhatia, C. Chen and K.K. Hirschi. (2013) HeLiVa platform: integrated heart- liver-vascular systems for drug testing in human health and disease. Stem Cell Res & Therapy 4(1):S8.

Marcelo, K.L., T. Sills, S. Coskun, H. Vasavada, S. Sanglikar, L.C. Goldie and K.K. Hirschi. (2013) Hemogenic endothelial cell specification requires c-Kit, Notch signaling and p27-mediated cell cycle control. Developmental Cell 27:504-515. (Featured Article)

Hirschi, K.K., S. Li and K. Roy (2014) Induced pluripotent stem cells for regenerative medicine.

Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 16:277-294.

Coskun, S., H. Chao, H. Vasavada, N. Gonzales, X. Zhou, B. de Crombrugghe and K.K. Hirschi. (2014) HSC phenotype and function are regulated within the developing fetal bone marrow niche and osteolineage cells therein are essential for establishing HSC quiescence and homing ability.

Cell Reports 9:1-10.

Martin, K.A and K.K. Hirschi. (2014) The magic touch: endothelial cells muscle-up adipose. Circulation Research 115:752-754.

Coskun, S. and K.K. Hirschi. (2015) Vascular niche in HSC development, maintenance and regulation.

Stem Cell Reviews and Reports (in press)

Gritz, E. and K.K. Hirschi. (2015) Specification and function of hemogenic endothelium during embryogenesis. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (in press)

Fang, J.S. and K.K. Hirschi. (2015) Connexins in vascular development and post-natal vessel repair and function. Current Angiogenesis (in press)

Cuchiara, M.L., S. Coskun, K.L. Horter, O.A. Banda, K.K. Hirschi and J.L. West. (2015) Bioactive poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels to recapitulate the HSC niche and facilitate HSC expansion in culture. Biotechnology and Bioengineering (in press)

Muralidharan, S. S.P. Sasi, M. A. Zuriaga, K.K. Hirschi, C.D. Porada, M.A. Coleman, K. Walsh, X. Yan and D.A. Goukassian. (2015) Ionizing Particle Radiation as a Modulator of Endogenous Bone Marrow Cell Reprogramming: Implications for Hematological Cancers. Frontiers in Oncology (in press)

Fang, J.S., E. Gritz, K. Marcelo and K.K.Hirschi. (2015) Isolation of murine embryonic hemogenic endothelial cells. JoVE (in press)

Yu, P., J.K. Tung, T.C. Alves, J.S. Fang, F. De Smet, J. Zhang, S-W. Jin, R.G. Kibbey, K.K. Hirschi, N. Hay, P. Carmeliet, A. Eichmann and M. Simons. FGF-dependent metabolic control of lymphatic development. (submitted)

Fang, J., B. Coon, J. Burt, M. Schwartz and K.K. Hirschi. Flow-induced Notch-Cx37-p27 pathway regulates endothelial cell growth suppression during blood vessel maturation. (submitted)

Angelov, S.N., K.K. Hirschi and J.M. Burt. Connexin 43 channel function and carboxyl terminal domain are both necessary, but neither alone is sufficient, for endothelial cell-induced mesenchymal cell differentiation toward a mural cell phenotype. (submitted)

Angelov, S.N., J.S. Fang, C. Dai, K.K. Hirschi and J.M. Burt. MAPK target sites in Cx43 are necessary for endothelial cell-induced mesenchymal cell differentiation toward a mural cell phenotype. (submitted)

Kurjiaka, D, S.N. Angelov, S.M. Boitano, K.K. Hirschi and J.M. Burt. Increased [Ca2+]i and Cx43

Comprised gap junctions support endothelial cell-induced mural cell differentiation by distinct

mechanisms. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (in revision)

Kelly, M.A., C. Dai, L.C. Goldie and K.K. Hirschi. Human pluripotent iPS cells differentiate robustly into

endothelial cells via a signaling pathway distinct from human ES cells. PNAS (in revision)

Garcia, M.D., T.M. Sills, R.S. Udan, T.J. Vadakkan, R.A. DePinho, K.K. Hirschi and M.E. Dickinson. The requirement of FoxO1 in endothelial cells during vascular remodeling. Developmental Biol. (in revision)

Wada, A., T.M. Sills, L.C. Goldie, M.D. Garcia, T.J. Vadakkan R.A. Poche, K.K. Hirschi and M.E. Dickinson.

Dynamic differences in the emergence of blood from the extra-embryonic and embryonic hemogenic

endothelium revealed by live imaging of a novel transgenic mouse reporter. (in preparation)

Chao, H., R.A. Poche, M.E. Dickinson and K.K. Hirschi. Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to CD34+Flk1+

endothelial progenitor cells via an CD34+Flk1- intermediate. (in preparation)

Raborn, E., C. ffrench-Constant and K.K.Hirschi. β1-integrin expression delineates an active and quiescent

fraction within the adult neural stem cell pool. (in preparation)

Armstrong, J., F. Probst, H. Vasavada, M.J. Justice and K.K. Hirschi. Mutation of Ubr4 E3-ubiquitin ligase causes dysregulation of endothelial cell cycle progression and impairs vascular development. (in preparation)

Goldberg, J., K. Baker, J. Fang, J.L. Thomas and K.K. Hirschi. Connexins 43 and 40 are required for neuro- regeneration in the adult brain. (in preparation)

Goligorsky, M.S. and K.K. Hirschi. Stress-induced premature senescence of endothelial progenitor cells. Vascular Pharmacology (invited review – in preparation)

Dejana, E., K.K. Hirschi, M. Simons. The molecular basis of endothelial cell plasticity. Nature Communications (invited review – in preparation)

Book Chapters:

Burt, J.M., B.N. Minnich, K.D. Massey, M. Ovadia, L.K. Moore and K.K. Hirschi. (1993) Influence of lipophilic compounds on gap junction channels. IN: Gap Junctions, J Hall & G Zampighi, eds., Elsevier Science Publishers, New York.

Hirschi, K.K. and P.A. D'Amore. (1997) Control of angiogenesis by the pericyte: molecular mechanisms and significance. IN: Control of Angiogenesis. I. D. Goldberg & E. M. Rosen, eds., Birkhauser Verlag Publications, pp. 419-428.

Hirschi, K.K. and P.A. D’Amore (1998) In vitro coculture models of vessel formation and function. IN: Vascular Morphogenesis: In Vivo, In Vitro, In Mente. C.Little, V.Mironov & H.Sage, eds., Birkhauser Publ, p.132-140.

Majka, S.M., K.A. Jackson, M.A. Goodell and K.K. Hirschi (2003) Cardiovascular regeneration and stem cell differentiation in myocardial ischemia. IN: Acute Coronary Syndromes. P. Theroux, ed., Saunders Publications, pp. 649-660.

Goldie, L.C., M.K. Nix and K.K. Hirschi (2005) VEGF signaling in embryonic vasculogenesis and hematopoietic specification. IN: VEGF and Development. C. Ruhrberg, ed., Landes Biosciences Publications.

Hirschi, K.K. and P.A. D’Amore (2006) Cellular signaling in vascular biology. IN: Molecular Regulation of Angiogenesis. J. de Boer, ed., Elsevier Publications.

Nix, M.K. and K.K. Hirschi (2006) Assaying endothelial-mural cell interactions. IN: Angiogenesis assays: a critical appraisal of current techniques. C.A. Staton, ed., Wiley Publications.

Hirschi, K.K. and M.J. Justice. (2009) Role of quaking in cardiovascular development. IN: Post- Transcriptional Regulation by STAR Proteins. K. Artzt, ed. Landes Bioscience Publications.

Hirschi K.K. (2010) Foreward, IN: Advances in Tissue Engineering: Angiogenesis. P. Johnson and A. Mikos,

eds., Mary Ann Liebert Publications.

Sills, T.M. and K.K. Hirschi. (2010) The emergence of blood and blood vessels in the embryo and its

relevance to postnatal biology and disease. IN: Biophysical Regulation of Vascular Differentiation and Assembly. S. Gerecht, ed., pp. 1-16.

Kienstra, K.A. and K.K. Hirschi. (2011) Vascular progenitor cell mobilization. IN: “Stem Cell Mobilization:

Methods and Protocols,” M. Kolonin and P.J. Simmons, eds., Methods in Molecular Biology,

Humana Press.

Kienstra, K.A. and K.K. Hirschi. (2011) Studying vascular progenitor cells in a neonatal mouse model. IN:

“Stem Cell Mobilization: Methods and Protocols,” M. Kolonin and P.J. Simmons, eds., Methods in

Molecular Biology, Humana Press.

Armstrong, J.J. and K.K. Hirschi (2011) Recombineering of BAC DNA for the Generation of Transgenic

Mice. IN: “Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes”, P. Chatterjee, ed., InTech Publications, pp. 23-34.

Goldberg, J. and K.K. Hirschi (2013) A vascular perspective on neurogenesis. InTech Publications.

Current Research Support:

NIH NIBIB – UH EB017103 Vunjak-Novakovic (PI)/Hirschi (co-I) 10/1/2012 – 6/30/2014(UH2)

7/1/2014 – 6/30/2017(UH3)

Integrated Heart-Liver-Vascular Systems for Drug Testing in Human Health and Disease: The goal of this project is create human micro-organ systems on a chip for large-scale drug and toxicity screening.

NIH NIBIB – R01 EB016629 Hirschi (PI) 1/15/2014 - 1/14/2019

Neurovascular Regeneration: The goals of this project are to understand the neurovascular regulation in the adult NSC niche, recapitulate this microenvironment using bioengineering strategies, and develop injectable engineered niches to promote neurovascular regeneration in vivo.

NIH NHLBI – R01 HL128064 Hirschi (PI) 4/1/2015 - 3/30/2019

Specification of Hemogenic Endothelial Cells

CT Stem Cell Initiative Hirschi (PI) 1/15/2016 – 1/14/2019

Established Investigator Award - Generation of Human Hemogenic Endothelial Cells

CT Stem Cell Initiative Niklason (PI)/Hirschi (co-PI) 1/15/2016 – 1/14/2019

Established Investigator Award – Engineered Arteries and iPS-derived Endothelium

Previous Grants:

AHA Texas, Beginning Grant-in-Aid - “Role of Gap Junctions in Blood Vessel Formation”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

7/98-6/00; $50,000 annual direct costs; $100,000 total direct costs

Davenport/Fleming Award, TX Med Center - “No Blood Vessel Formation = No Tumor Growth”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

10/98-9/00; $15,000 total direct cost

NIH R01 NIDDK - “Copper Nutrition and Development”

PI: Carl L. Keen, University of California-Davis, co-I: Karen K. Hirschi

10/00-9/05; $50,000 annual direct costs; $250,000 total direct costs

AHA National Scientist Development Award - “Role of Gap Junctions in Blood Vessel Formation”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

1/99-12/02; $59,250 annual direct costs; $237,000 total direct costs

USDA CRIS - “Role of Nutrients in Blood Vessel Formation”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

10/99-9/04; $150,000 annual direct costs; $750,000 total direct costs

NIH R01, NHLBI/HD - “Retinoid Regulation of Blood Vessel Formation”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

5/00-4/05; $200,000 direct (yr 1), $175,000 direct (yrs 2-5); $900,000 total direct costs

Gillson Longenbaugh Foundation - “Adult Stem Cells Can Become Vascular Cells”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

7/00-6/03; $25,000 total direct costs

NIH R01, NHLBI - “Arteries Engineered from Porcine Vascular Cells” PI: Laura E. Niklason, Duke University, co-PI: Karen K. Hirschi

7/02-6/05; $50,000 annual direct costs to KKH; $150,000 total direct costs to KKH

NIH R21 NHLBI - “SMC Differentiation in Vascular Graft Assembly”

PI: Jennifer West, Rice University, co-PI: Karen K. Hirschi

9/02-8/05; $50,000 annual direct costs to KKH; $150,000 total direct to KKH

NIH R01 HL69957 - “Engineering Capillary Networks”

PI: David Mooney; co-PI: Karen K. Hirschi

9/15/2003 - 8/31/2007, $50,000 annual direct to KKH; $200,000 total direct costs

NIH R01 HL77675 - “Role of Gap Junctions in Blood Vessel Assembly”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

7/1/2004 - 6/30/2008; $250,000 annual direct; $1,000,000 total direct costs

NIH R01 HL76260 - “Developmental Defects in Blood & Blood Vessel Formation”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

4/1/2004 - 3/31/2008; $300,000 annual direct; $1,200,000 total direct costs

AHA 0440054N - “Regulation of Hemogenic Endothelium During Embryonic Development”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi (Established Investigator Award)

1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008; $90,900 annual direct; ~$450,000 total direct costs

NIH P20 EB007076 – “Neuro-vascular Regeneration”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

09/15/2006 – 9/14/2011; $1,068,540 direct/yr

NIH R01 EB005173 – “Tissue Engineering of Hematopoietic Bone”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

09/01/2005 - 08/31/2011; $1,111,697 direct/yr

NIH NIGMS - 1P01-GM081627 – “Regulatory Networks in Human Embryonic Stem Cells”

PI: Margaret Goodell; co-I: Karen K. Hirschi (PI, Pilot project & co-Leader-Core B)

9/1/2007 – 8/31/2012, $75K/yr direct to KKH

NIH/NHLBI (GRC Conference Grant) - Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

07/1/2012 – 9/1/2012 ($35,000 direct/yr)

NIH HL097520 - Fabrication perfusion and imaging of pre-vascularized tissue scaffolds.

PI: Dickinson (PI)/Hirschi (co-I)

7/10 – 6/14 ($32K/yr direct to KKH)

USDA ARS - 6250-51000 – “Nutrient Regulation of Blood and Blood Vessel Formation”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

10/01/2008 - 09/30/2013 ($260,000 direct/yr)

NIH HL77675 – “Role of Gap Junctions in Blood Vessel Assembly”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

07/15/2009 – 5/31/2013 ($320,000 direct/yr)

NIH HL096360 – “Human Endothelial Cell Differentiation”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

4/01/2009 – 12/31/2014 ($250,000 direct/yr)

Previous Trainee Grants:

NIH R01 Supplement - Retinoid Regulation of Blood Vessel Formation”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

7/01-4/05; $41,000 annual direct (to Angela Tobias); $164,000 total direct

NIH K08, NHLBI - “Role of Quaking in Blood Vessel Development”

PI: Monica Justice; co-PI: Karen K. Hirschi

7/02-6/07; $120,000 annual direct (to Jennifer Northrop); $600,000 total direct

NIH NRSA, NHLBI - “Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells Become Vascular Cells In Vivo”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

7/01-6/04; $50,000 annual direct (to Susan M. Majka); $150,000 total direct

NIH K08, NHLBI - “Molecular Regulation of Vascular Remodeling”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

7/04-6/09; $150,000 annual direct (to Josephine Enciso); $750,000 total direct

NIH NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship, NHLBI - “Regulation of Embryonic Hemogenic Endothelium”

PI: Karen K. Hirschi

2/07-3/10; $50,000 annual direct (to Tiffany Sills); $150,000 total direct

BCM Department of Pediatrics Pilot Project

PI: Lauren Goldie (Mentor: Karen K. Hirschi); 7/10-6/11; $50,000 direct

Journal Review:

Editorial Boards: 2003-2008 Circulation

2005-2010 Tissue Engineering

2005-2010 Regenerative Medicine

2005-present Journal of Molecular & Cellular Cardiology

2007-present Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology

2009 – Guest Editor: Vascular Stem and Progenitor Cells Mini-series

2010-2011 Cells, Tissues, Organs (Associate Editor, Developmental Biology)

2011 – Guest Editor: Cardiovascular Development and Engineering

2014-present Current Stem Cell Reports

2014 and 2015 - Guest Editor: Stem Cell Switches and Regulators

2015-present Regenerative Medicine (Nature partner journal)

Ad Hoc Review: American Journal of Pathology, BioMed Central Journals; Blood; Cardiovascular Research; Cell; Cell Stem Cell; Circulation; Circulation Research; Development; Developmental Biology; Developmental Cell; Developmental Dynamics; FASEB Journal; Journal of Cell Biology; Journal of Clinical Investigation; Mechanisms of Development; Molecular Therapy; Nature Biotechnology; Nature Cell Biology; Nature Communications, Nature Medicine; PLoS Journals; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; Science; Stem Cell Reports; Stem Cells; Stem Cells and Development; Tissue Engineering; Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine; Trends in Developmental Biology; among others.

Review Panels:

1999-2002 Member, AHA-National Vascular Wall Biology Study Section

2001 Member, NIH Bioengineering Consortium Special Study Section

2001-2003 Ad hoc, NIH Experimental Cardiovascular Sciences Study Section

2001-2004 Member, NIH Reparative Medicine Special Study Section

2002 Member, Texas A&M University, Programs of Excellence Review Panel

2002-2005 Reviewer, AHA Cell and Developmental Biology Scientific Abstracts

2003-2004 Member, AHA-National Cardiovascular Development Study Section

2003-2005 Member, NASA Cell Science & Tissue Engineering Review Panel

2003-2005 Ad hoc, NIH Bioengineering Research Partnership Special Study Section

2004-2005 Ad hoc, NIH Bioengineering Study Section

2005-2009 Member (chartered), NIH Cardiovascular Differentiation & Development Study Section

2005-present Ad hoc, NIH Vascular Cell and Molecular Biology Study Section

2006 Member, NIH Special Emphasis Panel on Vascular Morphogenesis

2007-present Grant Reviewer, Fondazione Cariplo, Italy

2008-present Grant Reviewer, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

2008-present Grant Reviewer, New York Stem Cell Project

2009-present Ad hoc, NIH Cardiovascular Differentiation & Development Study Section

2009-present Grant Reviewer, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine

2009 Chair, NIH Special Emphasis Panel for ARRA R15 proposals

2010 Ad hoc, NIH Director’s Opportunity Awards

2011-present Ad hoc, US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC)

2011-present Ad hoc, AHA-National Cardiovascular Development Study Section

2011-present Ad hoc, AHA-National Established Investigator Awards

2012 Co-Chair, NIH Special Emphasis Panel on Cardiovascular Development

2012 Ad hoc, NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Program Project Review Panel

2012-present Ad hoc, MRC Translational Research Grant Review Panel, UK

2013-present Ad hoc, American Journal Experts, LLC

2014 Member, NIH Special Emphasis Panel for Improvement of Animal Models for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine

2014 Review Panel, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, Stockholm, Sweden

2015 Reviewer, NIH Pilot Ranking Project

Scientific Advisory Boards:

2004-2006 Kinetic Concepts Inc.

2005-present Cytori Inc.

2009-present Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM)

2010-present Aastrom Inc.

2014 UK-RMP Hub Project: A Hub for Engineering and Exploiting the Stem Cell Niche

2015-present Rutgers/Princeton Biomaterials Training Program

2015-present Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research, Toronto

Professional Societies:

AHA Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology

2003-2006 Abstract Review Panel for AHA National Conference

American Society for Cell Biology

American Society for Nutritional Sciences

1999-2003 Steering Committee, Res. Interest Section on Nutrient-Gene Interactions

International Society for Stem Cell Research

North American Vascular Biology Organization

2001-2006 Meritorious Awards Committee

2002-2007 Member, Scientific Council

2006 & 2007 Program Committee for Annual Meeting

2006 Chair, Vascular Stem Cell Symposium

2007 Chair, Stem Cells in the Vasculature Symposium

2009 Chair, Program Committee for Annual Meeting

2014 President

2015-2016 Chair, Education Committee

Sigma Xi

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society

Invited Research Seminars: National, International

1/96 Keystone Symposium: Wound Healing in Context, Taos, NM

9/96 Sixth World Congress for Microcirculation, Munich, Germany

2/97 Keystone Symposium: Ocular Molecular & Cellular Biology, Tamarron, CO

3/97 International Symposium on the Etiology and Pathobiology of Transplant Vascular Sclerosis, Bermuda (Plenary lecture)

6/97 Gordon Conference: Elastin and Elastic Fibers, Kimball Union, NH

4/98 Experimental Biology: Vitamin A in Development, San Francisco, CA

5/99 North American Vascular Biology Organization: Vascular Development, Washington, DC

4/00 Experimental Biology: Nutrient Regulation of Cell Growth and Differentiation,

San Diego, CA (Symposium Chair)

4/01 North American Vascular Biology Organization and AHA Second Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology, Arlington, VA

6/01 NIH Symposium on Reparative Medicine: Growing Tissues and Organs, Bethesda, MD

8/01 AHA Symposium on Molecular, Integrative Approaches to Myocardial Ischemia, Seattle, WA

11/01 AHA Symposium on Stem Cells for Cardiovascular Repair, Anaheim, CA

3/02 International Conference on Engineering Tissue Growth, Pittsburgh, PA

4/02 American Transplant Congress, Washington, DC (Plenary lecture)

4/02 Experimental Biology: Nutrient Regulation of Cell Growth and Differentiation,

New Orleans, LA (Symposium Chair)

4/02 Experimental Biology: Vascular Cell Signaling, New Orleans, LA

5/02 Symposium on Tissue Engineering Sciences: Critical Elements in Research & Development, Mykonos, Greece

6/02 Gordon Conference: Signal Transduction by Engineered ECM, New London, CT

9/02 Heart Failure Society of America Symposium, Cardiovascular Cell and Gene Therapy, Boca Raton, FL (Symposium Chair)

9/02 2nd Annual Meeting on Mesenchymal and Nonhematopoietic Stem Cells: Focus on Adult Stem Cells, New Orleans, LA

11/02 MD Anderson Conference on Cell and Gene Therapy, Houston, TX

1/03 Angiogenesis/Myogenesis 2003: Protein, Gene and Cell-Based Therapeutic

Strategies Symposium, Washington, DC (Panelist)

2/03 New Biology Tool Box: Advances in Stem Cell Technology, Hilton Head, SC

4/03 Genetics of Vascular Development, Cardiovascular Revascularization Therapy, Washington, DC (Plenary lecture)

5/03 AHA 4th Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Washington, DC (Plenary lecture; Symposium Chair)

5/03 Cell Therapies & Tissue Engineering, Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH

8/03 Gordon Conference: Angiogenesis and Microcirculation, Engineering Blood

Vessels Symposium, New Port, RI (Symposium Chair)

9/03 XIIIth International Conference on Atherosclerosis, Kyoto, Japan

10/03 Cardiovascular Regeneration, Capri, Italy

11/03 AHA Annual International Conference, Orlando, FL (Plenary lecture; Symposium Chair)

3/04 Symposium on Cardiovascular Regeneration, Oxford University, UK (Plenary lecture)

3/04 TX-UK Tissue Engineering Consortium, London, UK

5/04 Tissue Regeneration, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

5/04 Cell-based Therapies & Tissue Engineering, Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH

6/04 International Vascular Biology Meeting, Toronto, Canada

10/04 Neuroradiology Symposium, Houston, TX

1/05 Keystone Symposium: The Cellular Biology of Atherosclerosis, Keystone, CO

2/05 Gordon Conference: Vascular Biology, Ventura, CA

3/05 TX-UK Tissue Engineering Consortium, Houston, TX

4/05 Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA

4/05 ATVB Annual Conference, Washington, DC (Plenary lecture)

5/05 Second Symposium on Tissue Engineering Sciences: Critical Elements in Research & Development, Crete, Greece

5/05 Regenerate 2005: Stem Cell Workshop, Atlanta, GA

6/05 Vascular Biology and Medicine, Chicago, IL (Plenary lecture)

2/06 Asilomar Conference: Vascular Development Workshop, Asilomar, CA

2/06 Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine & Biology, University of Houston, TX

4/06 NAVBO & EB: Stem Cells & the Vasculature Symposium, San Francisco, CA (Chair)

5/06 Molecular Surgeon’s Symposium on Vascular Repair, Houston, TX

7/06 FASEB Summer Symposium: Smooth Muscle Development, Snowmass, CO

9/06 European Cardiovascular Society, Barcelona, Spain

2/07 National Science Foundation Regenerative Medicine Workshop, Washington, DC

2/07 Gordon Conference: Vascular Biology, Ventura, CA (Symposium Chair)

4/07 NAVBO & EB: Stem Cells and the Vasculature Symposium, Washington, DC (Chair)

1/08 Keystone Symposium: Molecular Regulation of Angiogenesis, Vancouver, BC (Workshop Chair)

2/08 Asilomar Conference: Vascular Development Workshop, Asilomar, CA

4/08 ATVB Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (Plenary lecture)

7/08 Gordon Conference: Engineered Extracellular Matrix, Bates College, ME

9/08 International Society for Applied Cardiovascular Biology, Bordeaux, France

9/08 European Angiogenesis Society, Germany

9/08 International Tissue Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece (Symposium Chair)

10/08 Neuroradiology Symposium, Houston, TX

2/09 NanoBio 2nd Annual Conference, Kerala, India

3/09 Gordon Conference: Vascular Biology, Ventura, CA (Symposium Chair)

4/09 NAVBO Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (Program Chair)

11/09 American Heart Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (Plenary lecture)

6/10 International Vascular Biology Meeting, Los Angeles, CA

6/10 Gordon Conference: Engineered Extracellular Matrix, University of NE, ME (Co-Chair)

3/11 Symposium on Vascular Development & Toxicity: Identification, Prioritization and Application, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC

3/11 Hilton Head Workshop on Regenerative Medicine, Hilton Head, SC (Keynote speaker)

5/11 Aegean Conference on Tissue Engineering Sciences: Critical Elements in Research & Development, Crete, Greece

5/12 NIH STEPS Meeting “Stem Cells: Hype vs. Reality”, Bethesda, MD

7/12 Gordon Conference: Engineered Extracellular Matrix, University of NE, ME (Chair)

11/13 Advances in Tissue Regeneration 2013 Congress, The Netherlands

6/14 Aegean Conference on Tissue Engineering Sciences, Kos, Greece

10/14 Vascular Development and Genetics, NAVBO Conference, Asilomar, CA

1/15 Gordon Conference: Vascular Biology, Ventura, CA (Symposium Chair)

5/15 Cell Based Therapies & Tissue Engineering, Cleveland, OH

6/15 Brain 2015, Vancouver, Canada

8/15 International Society of Ocular Cell Biology, Guangzhou, China

9/15 NIH Workshop on Perinatal Stroke, Bethesda, MA

10/15 Vascular Development and Genetics, NAVBO Conference, Hyannis, MA

Upcoming commitments:

6/16 Aegean Conference: Immunology and Bone, Crete, Greece

7/16 Gordon Conference: Endothelial Phenotypes, Girona, Spain

10/16 International Vascular Biology Meeting, Boston, MA

Invited Research Seminars: University, Industry

3/99 University of Texas, Nutritional Sciences Department, Austin, TX

6/00 University of Texas Health Science Center, Division of Cardiology, Houston, TX

11/00 Rice University, Bioengineering Department, Houston, TX

4/01 Johnson & Johnson, Inc., Ethicon Biomaterials Center, Newark, NJ

10/01 Duke University Medical Center, Department of Bioengineering, Durham, NC

11/01 University of Arizona, College of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Tucson, AZ

2/03 MD Anderson Cancer Center, Hematology Department, Houston, TX

4/03 Kansas University Medical Center, Vascular Biology Center, Kansas City, KS

5/03 University of Michigan, Department of Bioengineering, Ann Arbor, MI

6/03 Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA

9/03 McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA

10/03 Imperial College, London, UK

10/03 University of North Carolina, Cardiovascular Biology Center, Chapel Hill, NC

12/03 Johns Hopkins University, Institute for Cell Engineering, Baltimore, MD

8/04 King’s College, Wolfson Centre for Age Related Diseases, London, UK

2/05 Yale University, Vascular Biology Program, New Haven, CT

4/05 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD

5/05 Harvard University, Bioengineering Program, Boston, MA

11/05 Case Western Reserve University, Stem Cell & Regenerative Med. Center, Cleveland, OH

4/06 UTMB Stem Cells and Neural Repair Workshop, Galveston, TX

5/06 Boston University Medical School, Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston, MA

6/06 Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden

9/06 Harvard Medical School, Developmental Biology Dept., Boston, MA

4/07 Maine Medical Center Research Center, Portland, ME

3/08 University of Pennsylvania, Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

5/08 University of Rochester, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Rochester, NY

2/09 Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, KA

3/09 Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

4/09 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

10/09 Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

11/09 University of Pittsburgh, Department of Developmental Biology, Pittsburgh, PA

2/10 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

2/10 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

5/10 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

12/10 Institute for Molecular Medicine, University of Texas, Houston, TX

2/11 University College in London, London, UK

2/11 NIH Stem Cell Seminar Series, Bethesda, MD

6/11 Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, MO

2/12 Yale School of Medicine Biomedical Seminar Series, New Haven, CT

4/12 Vascular Biology and Therapeutics Training Program, Yale University, New Haven, CT

5/12 Yale-UCL Symposium on Neurovascular Biology, New Haven, CT (Organizer)

11/12 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

1/14 New York Vascular Biology and Lipid Group, Rockefeller University, New York, NY

1/14 Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

3/14 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

3/14 University of Washington, Seattle, WA

4/14 Biogen, Cambridge, MA

9/14 Columbia University, Bioengineering Dept., New York, NY

9/14 Boston University, Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston, MA

1/15 Columbia University, Pathology and Cell Biology Dept., New York, NY

5/15 University College in London, London, UK

Invited Seminars: Within BCM and TX Medical Center

5/98 Cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in blood vessel assembly, Graduate Program in Cardiovascular Sciences

6/98 Towards understanding blood vessel development and it’s regulation by nutrients, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

4/99 Cell-cell interaction in blood vessel assembly, Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology Training Program

7/99 Retinoid regulation of blood vessel formation, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

10/99 Cell-cell interactions in blood vessel formation, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy

4/00 Cell-cell interactions in blood vessel assembly, Graduate Program in Cardiovascular Sciences

5/00 Cell-cell interactions in blood vessel assembly, Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology Training Program

8/00 Molecular approaches to studying nutrient metabolism and function: an array of possibilities, Symposium on Minimally Invasive Measures of Nutrition Status, WIC Program & Children’s Nutrition Research Center

8/00 Adult stem cells can become vascular cells, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

11/00 Regulation of blood vessel formation, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy

3/01 Regulation of blood vessel formation, Pediatric Research Society

7/01 Heterocellular gap junction communication is necessary for blood vessel assembly, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

12/01 Role of gap junctions in blood vessel formation, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy

2/02 Stem cell contribution to cardiovascular repair, Cardiology Res. Conference

2/02 Stem cell contribution to cardiovascular regeneration, Center for Cardiovascular Development

3/02 Academic careers, BCM Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Career Day

5/02 Adult stem cells contribute to injury-induced cardiovascular repair, Cardiovascular Sciences Program

6/02 Study of blood vessel formation and its application to tissue engineering. BCM Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Postdoctoral Association

7/02 Retinoid regulation of blood vessel development, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

8/02 Study of blood vessel assembly and its application to tissue engineering.

BCM Medical Scientist Training Program, Annual Symposium

10/02 Contribution of adult stem cells to injury-induced neovascularization.

Texas Children’s Cancer Center

2/03 Endoderm-mesoderm interactions regulating vascular development.

Developmental Biology Retreat

4/03 Vascular progenitors in adult tissues. Huffington Center on Aging

8/03 Vascular progenitors in adult and embryonic tissues, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

9/03 Vascular progenitors in adult and embryonic tissues. Cardiology Research Seminar Series

9/04 Retinoid regulation of vascular development, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

10/04 Molecular regulation of blood vessel formation, Feigin Center, Texas Children’s Hospital

4/06 Regulation and specification of hemogenic endothelium, Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology Training Program

5/06 Regulation and specification of hemogenic endothelium, Molecular & Cellular Biology Dept.

7/06 Negotiating your first faculty position, Rice University Symposium for the Advancement of Women Scientists

11/06 Quantum Grant: Neurovascular Regeneration, Rice University Collaborative Research Symposium (Keynote Address)

4/07 Collaborative research between BCM and Rice University, Rice Bioengineering Dept. 10th Anniversary Symposium

4/07 Managing lab personnel, Postdoctoral Association, Dept. Mol. Physiology and Biophysics, BCM

5/07 Stem cells in development and disease, UT MD Anderson Conference

9/08 Retinoic acid regulation of endothelial cell specialization, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

2/09 Parallel development of blood and blood vessels, Cardiovascular Biology Program

10/09 Vascular potential of human pluripotent stem cells, Children’s Nutrition Research Center

12/09 Parallel development of blood and blood vessels, Univ. of Texas Institute for Molecular Medicine

2/10 Vascular potential of human pluripotent stem cells, Rice University

10/10 Parallel development of blood and blood vessels, Texas Heart Institute

12/10 Parallel development of blood and blood vessels, Univ. of Texas Institute for Molecular Medicine

Invited Seminars: Within Yale University

2/12 Biomedical Research Seminar Series, Yale University School of Medicine

3/12 Vascular Biology and Therapeutics Program Seminar Series, Yale University School of Medicine

5/12 Yale-UCL Symposium on Neurovascular Biology, New Haven, CT (Organizer)

10/12 Yale Stem Cell Center Retreat, New Haven, CT

11/12 Vascular Biology and Therapeutics Retreat, Yale University, New Haven, CT

11/12 Tri-Institute Stem Cell Meeting, Yale University, New Haven, CT

10/13 Yale Stem Cell Center Retreat, New Haven, CT (Co-Organizer)

10/14 Genetics Department, Yale University School of Medicine

4/15 Biomedical Engineering Department, Yale University

9/15 Yale Genetics Department Retreat, Jiminy Peak, MA

10/15 Vascular Biology and Therapeutics Retreat, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Visiting Professorships:

2/02 University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Department of Physiology & Biophysics and Department of Biomedical Engineering

6/06 Wallenberg Laboratory of Cardiovascular Research, Sahlgrenska University Hospital Göteborg, Sweden

9/07 Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine, University of Twente, The Netherlands

4/08 McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA

6/11 Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, MO

Courses and Lectures Taught:

1998-2001 Director, Clinical Nutrition/Metabolism Component of Clinical Applications of Biomedical Sciences, Medical Sciences Curriculum, BCM

2001-2004 Stem Cell Contribution to Blood Vessel Formation, Cardiovasc. Sci. Prog., BCM

2001-present Advanced Tissue Engineering: Regulation of Blood Vessel Assembly, and Contribution of Adult Stem Cells to Neovascularization, Rice University

2001-2011 Angiogenesis, Molecular Carcinogenesis, MCB Graduate Program, BCM

2002-2011 Vascular Development, Cardiovascular Sciences Graduate Program, BCM

2004-2011 Vascular Cell and Gene Therapy, BCM-Genetics/Rice-Bioengineering

2005-2011 Vascular Development, Developmental Biology Program, BCM

2006-2011 Pathophysiology & Mechanisms of Human Disease, TBMM Graduate Prog., BCM

2009-2011 Founder & Director, Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Course, MCB Graduate Program, BCM and Rice University Graduate Schools

2013-present Vascular Cell Biology, Cell Biology Department, Yale University

2014-present Stem Cell Biology, Genetics Department, Yale University

2015-present Mechanisms of Development, Genetics Department, Yale University

2015-present Graduate Student Seminar, Genetics Department, Yale University

Graduate Student Training:

1998-2001 Wendy Huss, PhD, BCM, Molecular & Cellular Biology Department

1999-2000 Angela Tobias, MD, BCM, MCB Department, Chair

2000-2004 Pascal LaFontant, PhD, BCM, Program in Cardiovascular Sciences

2000-2004 Rachael Smeldin, PhD, Rice University, Bioengineering Department

2001-2004 Solitaire DeLong, PhD, Rice University, Bioengineering Department

2002-2004 Brenda Bohnsack, MD/PhD, BCM, MCB Department, Chair

2002-2006 Mercy Chen, PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department

2003-2004 Courtney Balantyne, MD, BCM, MCB Department

2003-2004 Anne van de Ven, PhD, Rice Univ, Bioeng Dept, Chair

2003-2005 Hansen Xu, PhD, BCM, Cardiovascular Sciences Program

2003-2006 San-pin Wu, PhD, BCM, Cardiovascular Sciences Program

2003-2008 Jason Dapper, PhD, BCM, Human & Mol Genetics Department

2004-2007 Monique Stanfel, PhD, BCM, MCB Department

2005-2006 Marjorie Parker, PhD, BCM, CMB Program

2005-2008 James Moon, PhD, Rice University, Bioengineering Department

2005-2008 Li Chen, PhD, BCM, Cardiovascular Sciences Program

2005-2008 Damon Gupta, PhD, BCM, Cardiovascular Sciences

2005-2009 Melissa Boles, PhD, BCM, Human & Mol Genetics Department

2004-2009 Melissa Kelly, PhD, BCM, MCB Department, Chair

2005-2010 Tiffany Sills, MD/PhD, BCM, CMB Program, Chair

2007-2010 JaeKyung Shin, PhD, UT MD Anderson, Dept. of Cancer Biology

2006-2010 David Barron, MD/PhD, BCM, MCB Department

2005-2010 John Armstrong, PhD, BCM, CMB Program, Chair

2006-2011 Suleyman Coskun, PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department, Chair

2007-2011 Joshua Goldberg, PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department, Chair

2008-2011 Eric Raborn, PhD Candidate, Rice University, Bioengineering Dept, Chair

2007-2011 Elizabeth Salisbury, PhD Candidate, BCM, TBMM Program

2006-2011 Judy Tsai, PhD Candidate, BCM, Cardiovascular Sciences Program

2007-2011 James Culver, PhD Candidate, BCM, Mol Phys & Biophysics Department

2007-2011 Monica Garcia, PhD Candidate, BCM, Mol Phys & Biophysics Department

2007-2011 Pier-Anne LaChance, PhD Candidate, BCM, Mol Phys & Biophysics Department

2007-2011 Aaron Mobley, PhD Candidate, UT MD Anderson, Dept. of Cancer Biology

2008-2011 Fernada Ruiz, PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department

2009-2011 Melanie Heney, PhD Candidate, BCM, Human & Mol Genetics Department

2009-2011 Zhengxin Jiang, PhD Candidate, BCM, Human & Mol Genetics Department

2009-2011 Jeffrey Howard, MD/PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department

2009-2011 Jing Zhao, PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department

2010-2011 Claudia Arambula, PhD Candidate, BCM, TBMM Program

2010-2011 Teresa Monkkonen, PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department

2006-2011 Torey Batts, PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department

2008-2012 Colby Suire, PhD Candidate, UT School of Medicine

2008-2012 Ashley Ramirez, PhD Candidate, BCM, MCB Department

2008-2012 Brittany Renshaw, PhD Candidate, BCM, TBMM Program

2008-2013 Kathrina Marcelo, PhD Candidate, BCM, Dev Biology Program, Chair

2013-present Amogh Sivarapatna, PhD Candidate, Yale University, Dept. Biomedical Engineering

2013-present Gyong Ju Min, PhD Candidate, Yale University, Dept. Cell Biology

2013-present Holly Lauridsen, PhD Candidate, Yale University, Dept. Biomedical Engineering

2014-present Xinyue Chen, PhD Candidate, Yale University, Dept. Cell Biology

2014-present Ashley Bauer, PhD Candidate, Yale University, Dept. Pathology

2015-present Jingyao Qiu, PhD Candidate, Yale University, Dept. Genetics, Chair

2016-present Benjamin Patterson, PhD Candidate, Yale University, Dept. Genetics, Chair

2016-present Yinyu Wu, PhD Candidate, Yale University, Dept. Genetics, Chair

Administrative Appointments:

2000-2001 Oversight Committee for Medical School Curriculum, BCM

2001-2002 Faculty Senate, Representative for Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, BCM

2001-2011 Faculty Operating Committee, Medical Scientist Training Program, BCM

2002-2005 Standing Examination Committee, Molecular & Cellular Biology Dept., BCM

2002-2008 Admissions Committee, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, BCM

2005-2011 Co-Founder & Deputy Director, Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Center, BCM

2006-2007 Chair, Task Force on Internally Funded Research, Operational Excellence, BCM

2006-2009 Internal Advisory Panel, Frensley Imaging Center, BCM

2006-2011 Strategic Planning Committee, College of Engineering, Rice University

2006-2011 Co-Director, Medical Scientist (MD/PhD) Training Program, BCM

2007-2011 Co-Founder & Co-Director, Stem Cell Culture Core, BCM

2008-2011 Review Panel: Seed Grants for Junior Investigators, BCM

2009-2010 Elected, Academic Council, Representative for Basic Sciences, BCM

2014-present Advisory Council, Cardiovascular Research, Yale University

2015-present Search Committee, Chair of Dept. Ophthalmology and Visual Sci., Yale University

2015-present Term Appointments and Promotions Committee, Yale School of Medicine

2016-present Co-Director, Yale Cardiovascular Research Center, Yale University


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