How to hack adopt me accounts


How to hack adopt me accounts

Let's get into the nitty-gritty. The only way you can reset your password on Facebook (if you've forgotten one) is through entering a 6 digit passcode. Well that's 10 = 1,000,000 possible combinations. Some algorithm which Facebook uses (that is yet to be cracked) generates seemingly a random 6 digit code whenever a person requests a password reset. That code does not change if you request it from mbasic. until that code gets "used." That could possibly mean that if 1 million people request a password within a short amount of time such that no one uses their code to reset the password, then 1,000,0001 person to request a code will get a passcode that someone from the batch has already been assigned.There are 2 options here: 1) Facebook either stores duplicate codes for multiple users if more than 1 million people request a password reset code, or 2) Every user gets a unique code and Facebook uses some divine way to handle the case where 1 million+ users request a code. Since I don't know much about the divine, I put my money on option 1.Hence, I decided to send double the number of emails (2 million of them), hoping that some people from my 2 million will get duplicate passcodes. This is a simple application of the Pigeonhole Principle. Then all I have to do is pick a random passcode following this rule: Integers less than 100,000 have a lower probability of occurring than integers between ranges of 300,000 and 699,999 or 800,000 and 999,999, which have higher probability of occurring. Again, this isn't the golden rule of thumb but from my testing it will help us later. So now that we have picked a random passcode, we will brute force it against our 2 million batch to check whose ID is associated with our random passcode!The bug isn't difficult to understand but it's execution is tough due to its large scale.How do you send 2 million password reset emails quickly without getting blocked?To send emails, you first need to get access to 2 million Facebook usernames. Web scraping time!Point 1: Facebook IDs are generally 15 digits long, so I started with 100,000,000,000,000 and started making queries to Facebook Graph API to check which IDs were valid. I was also able to get profile picture and full name on the user's account with ease since it seems there is no rate-limiting on public data (I just did it for fun). But wait! Facebook Graph API only lets authorized apps to fetch a user's username, doesn't it? Yes it does. Yes it does.All you have to do after making sure the ID is valid is visit the following link: [ID HERE] and the url automatically redirects and changes the ID to the user's username. So I compiled all this data into a nice JSON, which I guess doesn't hurt to publish since it's all public anyway.Note: Some of the profile picture urls in the JSON are invalid.Link to the 2 million usernames: 2: In order to avoid getting your IP blocked from repeatedly sending requests to send password reset emails, you need rotating IPs. This means that every email request will be sent from a batch of thousands of IP addresses to simulate a normal global network flow. There are several services online that offer this feature. In my case, all network traffic went through a proxy server that listened for HTTP requests and arbitrarily assigned an IP address to each request.Point 3: You need to simulate user behavior when requesting a passcode. So we will use PhantomJS (Headless browser) and write a multithreaded script in Java that requests a passcode to every user from our JSON file. I also scraped all User Agent strings for a Chrome browser from to assign to my PhantomJS instance.Point 4: Got a free trial of Google Compute Engine and hosted my scripts on a virtual machine. I set up 8 VMs (12 cores/20 GB RAM each) over 4 different regions and instantiated 180 PhantomJS instances per VM for full CPU utilization. Then I let all my scripts do their thang!I could've created a distributed system for my VMs but time is money.I was making 923 HTTP requests per secondEasier Part: Brute Force Guessed Passcode Against 2 million IDs.I then guessed a 6 digit passcode 338625 using the aforementioned rule and brute forced all users at the following url by adding the ID to the key `u' and my passcode to the key `n': beta.recover/password?u=...&n...And guess what? I was able to find a matching ID.The "Invalid Link" show all the IDs for which the passcode did not workNext step?I again went to beta.recover/password?u=[ID HERE]&n=338625 and I was brought to this page belowNow you get complete access to that random user's account.Bounty Paid: $500At it stands, this critical bug which lets you gain complete access to someone's account is Facebook's low priority (don't know why).I may or may not post all the source code to my Github @endeavors--still deciding.I will post about my experience with other companies in the next chapter :)Follow me on Twitter @gurkiratspecaFor educational purposes only.Join Hacker Noon Create your free account to unlock your custom reading experience. Screenshot: David MurphyAccording to numerous reports, a number of hacked Disney+ accounts have been popping up over the web lately. And those breaking into your account aren't taking advantage of some crazy vulnerability in the streaming service. They're either phishing your account data or, worse, logging in as you by using credentials that have already been exposed in another password breach elsewhere.In other words, if you're using the same password for Disney+ that you use for other services, and one of those is hacked, you've just put your entire Disney account in jeopardy--Disney parks, streaming services, and all.It's a bit strange that Disney has allowed its fans to link all of their services together like this, although it makes sense from a technical standpoint. It's not like you have a separate password for Google Play, Google Drive, and your Gmail, after all. What doesn't make any sense at all is why Disney has no means for letting a person add extra security to their accounts via two-factor authentication.At least, if I'm planning a trip, making purchases, and watching movies online, I'd like to be able to prevent unauthorized access to my single and only account by forcing would-be attackers to enter a special code that requires physical access to my phone to obtain. That's hardly Mickey Mouse-level magic; it's just good account security.In the meantime, if you've already signed up for Disney+, I recommend changing your password to something you don't use anywhere else and using one of the many amazing password managers available today to keep track of that (and all the other unique passwords you use). That way, it should be pretty difficult for another person to learn of your password unless they sucker you into typing into a website or service that is not actually Disney+.You should also be able to sign up for Disney+ using a variant of your real email address, like yourrealaddress+disney@), which will keep it from being tied to your other Disney services, but this measure seems a bit extreme. You never know what Disney might unveil at some future point that could give you some kind of benefit for tying all of your Disney services under a single account. (I'm just speculating.) Give yourself a unique password, hope Disney gets its act together regarding two-factor authentication, and that should be all you need to do to to stay safe with Disney+ (for now). Photo: Tero Vesalainen (Shutterstock)Thousands of Spotify users just learned the hard way why you shouldn't reuse passwords. Cybersecurity company VPNMentor has discovered an improperly-secured database containing email addresses, passwords, account names, and other personal information for thousands of Spotify accounts. Hackers compiled this data with help from other leaks, or via credential stuffing, rather than directly attacking Spotify itself; this mining operation nevertheless allowed them to successfully break into over 300,000 accounts.In response to the leak, Spotify issued forced password resets to the 300,000 affected accounts back in July, but not everyone followed through. If you haven't signed into Spotify in a while, it's probably worth updating your password right now. So is turning on two-factor authentication and installing an encrypted password manager.Don't assume you're safe if Spotify hasn't made you reset your password yet, however: According to VPNMentor, the database is still actively used by hackers, so further attacks are possible. There are likely a lot more Spotify users who use the same email, username, and password on multiple apps or websites, and even more who use easily-accessible information as their passwords--stuff like their street address, name, birthdate, etc. Those details can also be compromised by data leaks, or with a little social engineering. If a hacker got in, they could take over your Spotify account for themselves and siphon off your personal information for use elsewhere. This is even more problematic for Spotify users who log in using their Facebook, Google, or Apple accounts, since they store so much personal information and link up with dozens of other apps.One of the best things about having a solid password is that you don't have to change it. If it's...Read moreTake this as a canary-in-the-coal-mine situation and update your Spotify password to something stronger. It's also important to routinely perform password checkups, and to check your accounts using HaveIBeenPwned. Many password managers include built-in password health checks as well.Lastly, turn on two-factor authentication (2FA). I know, adding an extra login step is annoying, but it's worth it. Even unique, hard-to-guess passwords securely stored in password managers can be compromised by data leaks, and 2FA can prevent and/or alert you of attempted account break-ins.[TechRadar] Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, and losing access to your account can be a nightmare scenario for many users. Being cut off from your friends and community is one thing, but losing years of pictures and videos can be devastating. Fortunately, it's not too difficult to get back your Instagram account in most cases. Read also: Instagram tips and tricks: Do it for the `gram To help you through the process, we've created this handy how-to guide for getting back your disabled, hacked, or deleted Instagram account. Depending on your situation, account recovery could take a few days or a few weeks. Let's get started! Why was my Instagram account disabled?There are a number of reasons why an Instagram account gets disabled, and often moderators will strike without any kind of warning. You will know that your account has been disabled because a pop-up message will inform you the next time you try to log in. Note that this is not the same as not having the correct password/username for your account ("Incorrect Password or Username"). If this is the case, entering your email address or phone number and resetting your password should fix the issue in a few minutes, unless you've been hacked which we'll get to in a moment. Posting illegal activities, hate speech, nudity, or graphic violence will get your account disabled. Instagram doesn't provide precise guidance for why accounts are disabled, but it does say that it results from violating community guidelines or terms of use. In general, things like illegal activities, hate speech, nudity, and graphic violence are grounds for action. Repeat offenders may also find their account permanently removed with no possible recourse. The good news is that it isn't too complicated to get back your Instagram account if it's been disabled. It might take a few days, but that's nothing compared to the months or years of photos in your account! How to get back a disabled Instagram accountWhen you do get the dreaded disabled account message, the first thing the app prompts you to do is Learn More. This will more or less guide you through the process to get back your disabled Instagram account, although there are a few other tricks that we'll get to in a moment. Run through the prompts in the app, but keep in mind that to recover your Instagram account you have to pass the appeal process. The only way that happens is if it was disabled by mistake. Saying you're sorry for breaking the rules and promising not to do it again simply won't cut it. Be persistent. You can submit appeals several times a day until you recover your account. Another place you can submit appeals is this official contact page. Simply fill in the required fields and click Send to have your case reviewed. Again, avoid apologizing as this implies you were at fault. You may be asked to send in a selfie as verification at some point in the process. You can repeat the appeal process as often as you like until you get a more lenient moderator. Assuming you haven't intentionally broken any major rules, it shouldn't take more than a few days to get a response. Don't be afraid to be persistent and eventually you will recover your Instagram account. A few years ago Instagram added the option to temporarily deactivate your account when you need to take a break from the social media platform. It can only be done via a mobile browser or computer (not the app), but it will remove all of your content and make it appear that the account has been deleted altogether. Read also: How to share an Instagram story made by someone else Thankfully, it's very easy to get your deactivated Instagram account back. Just log back in on any device and your account will automatically be reactivated. Depending on how long you have been away, you may need to agree to any new terms and conditions put in place since you left. How to get back a hacked Instagram accountInstagram accounts are a frequent target for hackers. They could be seeking access to private accounts, attempting to sell your username, or aiming to steal your personal details for other nefarious actions. If you suspect your Instagram account has been hacked, you should take action as soon as possible. The longer hackers have access to your account, the more damage they can do to your privacy and online reputation! Read also: How to secure your Android phone and protect your data The first thing to do is check for an email from Instagram stating that the email tied to your account has been changed. This is the easiest way for hackers to take control of your account. However, if you can find the email you can reverse the action immediately. If you can't find the email, there is one more option to fix it before it's too late. You can request a login link to be sent to your phone number instead of the hacker's email address. At the login screen, tap Get help signing in (on Android) or Forgot password? (on iOS). You can then enter your phone number to have a temporary login link sent. Follow the instructions from there to regain access. If this restores access to your account, you should immediately change your password and revoke access given to any third-party apps. You may also find that you are now following some new accounts. Don't worry about that until after your account has been secured. It won't make a difference to unfollow them now. Read also: How to tweak your Instagram privacy settings When all else fails, you can still report the hacked account to regain access. Do this by following the steps below, and don't be afraid to be persistent. How to report a hacked Instagram account On the login screen, tap Get help signing in (on Android) or Forgot Password? (on iOS). (Android only) Enter your username, email address, or phone number and tap Next. Tap Need more help? and follow the on-screen instructions. As part of this process, you will need to send a photo of yourself holding a security code to verify your identity. To minimize the chance of getting hacked again, be sure to turn on two-factor authentication as soon as possible. Can I get back a deleted Instagram account?If you or someone with your login information has deleted your Instagram account, you will not be able to recover it. Because of this, you should be very careful with sharing your login information with friends and family. And if you get an email about suspicious activity, take it very seriously and change your password. Although you cannot get back a deleted Instagram account, you can create a new account using the same email address or phone number. You won't be able to use the same username, nor will you be able to recover any followers or images posted. Up next: How to permanently delete your Facebook account

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